HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - O-84-337 - 04/30/1984 - MOSQUITO ABATEMENT MCH TOWNSHIPORDINANCE NO. 0-84-337 AN ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The attached Agreement between the Township of McHenry and the City of McHenry relating to mosquito abatement for the 1984 season be and the same is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to sign and attest, respectively, said Agreement on behalf of the City and to deliver a copy so signed and attested to the Township of McHenry. SECTION 2. All ordinances, or parts thereof, in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof, be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form, as provided by law. PASSED this30th day of April , 1984. AYES: Bolger, Busse, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan, Smith, Snell, Serritella NAYS : None ABSTAINED: None ABSENT: None NOT VOTING: None APPROVED this 30thday of April , 1984. FA .1/ Im �=n-M-4- MW--I wi �§ ATTEST: CI�TycLERK RECEIVED APR 9 1984 A G R E E M E N T MY DE MENU THIS AGREEMENT made the 9th day of April , 19 84 , by and between the McHENRY TOWNSHIP, located in McHenry County, Illinois, a unit of local government as established under the laws of the State of Illinois and hereinafter referred to as the "Township"; and City of McHenry located in McHenry County, Illinois, a municipality as established under the laws of the State of Illinois and hereinafter referred to as the "Village;" and WHEREAS, the Township and Village as adjoining units of local government wish to cooperate in providing mosquito control benefits to the electors or voters of their respective units of local government pursuant to the State of Illinois Constitution of 1970, Article VII, Section 10 of the State of Illinois and Ill. Rev. Stat. 1983, Chapter 127, Section 741 et al; and WHEREAS, in order for both parties to benefit in the economies of large scale mosquito abatement programs; and WHEREAS, the Village is located within the Township so that effective mosquito abatement for the Township is possible only if the adjoining areas within the municipality are effectively treated; and NOW, THEREFORE, for the consideration as hereinafter contained, the Township and Village hereby agree as follows: 1. The Township shall solicit bids for a contract or contracts for providing mosquito abatement service by larviciding for the 1984 season for the Township including areas within the boundaries of the Village. Said contract shall be substantially the same as the attached Exhibit "A". 2. The Village agrees to be liable for fifty (50%) per cent of the cost of said contract for mosquito abatement by larviciding for the services provided within the boundaries of the Village only up to a ceiling amount of $ 3,450.00 for the 1984 season. 3. The Village shall within thirty (30) days of invoicing by the successful bidder, pay said share of the cost of said service subject to the cost limitations as set forth above. 4. The rights and obligations of each party under this Agreement shall not be transferrable or assignable without the prior written consent of the opposite party. 5. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties and any amendment or modification, in order to be effective, must be in writing signed by the party against whom any waiver, charge, extension or discharge is sought. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement mentioned and attached hereto a copy of the Resolution or Ordinance passed by the local government unit authorizing the execution of this Agreement by the proper officer of the local government unit. VgEEXGgXGKX City of McHenry BY: , MAYOR ATTEST: . CLERK McHENRY TOWNSHIP BY: Z-y5e,t - SUPERVISOR ATTEST--,'� "CLERK ' McHENRY TOWNSHIP MOSQUITO CONTROL PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS SCOPE The program shall consist of furnishing all labor, material, equipment and incidentals necessary to provide a larviciding program to McHenry Township in terms of mosquito control and abatement for the entire community within the Township including the villages of Lakemoor, McCullom Lake and Sunnyside and the City of McHenry for a contract period of one (1) year. No Sub -contracting of said services will be accepted. The work includes prehatch treatment of potential breeding areas by the use of the chemical B.T.I. and a light trap and mosquito migration prediction service. Bidder must establish ability to treat all breeding areas. The program also includes the treatment of all street catch basins. REJECTION OF BIDS McHenry Townhip reserves the right to reject any and all bid proposals and to waive technicalities. FiITHDRAWAL OF BIDS Bids may be withdrawn on written or telegraphic requests from bidders prior to the time fixed for opening. Negligence on the hart of the bidder in preparing his bid confers no right to withdraw the bid after it has been opened. INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE The contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Township from and against all claims for losses or injuries to property or persons and be named as additional insured on all policies. Insurance responsibility shall be secured by the contractor in amounts of not less than $2,000,000.00 for personal injury, Including accidental death to any person and subject to the same limit for each person in an amount of not less than $2,000,000.00, including insurance agent property damage claims. Aircraft liability shall be in amounts of not less than $5,000,000.00 each occurrence. Prior to commencing any work hereunder, certificates evidencing the maintenance of said insurance shall be filed with the McHenry Township Clerk and shall contain the following statement: "The insurance evidenced by this certificates will not be cancelled or altered except after ten (10) days from receipt by McHenry Township of written notice thereof:" All Workmen's Compensation, Unemployment Compensation and other forms of insurance not specifically contained herein, as required by local, county, state and Federal governments shall be furnished by the contractor. No insurance policies with an Environmental Exclusion Clause will be accepted. BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment for work completed by the contractor shall be on a unit price basis. The amount due shall be determined by the summation of the actual quantities, multiplied by the unit prices shown in the Schedule of Prices contained herein. Separate invoices shall be required for work completed for areas within each separate Village or City within the Township. - 2 - Partial payments will be made on a monthly basis re- flecting the amount of completed work. GENERAL SERVICES From June lst to September 15th, the successful bidder will make necessary inspections of all breeding sites, Including areas within the Village of Lakemoor, McCullom Lake and Sunnyside and the City of McHenry, and separately report on the potential mosquito breeding locations within each Village or City within the Township as well as the rest of the Township. Any mosquito, larvae found would be identified to determine whether it was a biting or non -biting type and included in the report. LARVAE CONTROL All breeding areas, such as swamps,marshes, lagoons and drainage ditches, including areas within the Villages of Lakemoor, McCullom Lake and Sunnyside and the City of McHenry, all located within McHenry Township, shall be treated as many times as necessary during the season with a prehatch chemical known as B. T. I. to pre- vent mosquito breeding in these areas. PUBLIC INFORMATION ASSISTANCE A ready supply of U.S. Public Health Service pamphlets shall be supplied by the successful contract for the purpose of informing concerned Township residents how to prevent local mosquito breeding. Said supply shall be maintained at the Township office after June 15th. -3- BREEDING SITE SURVEY Together with the bid proposal, the bidder shall provide an up to date map showing the location of each potential breed- ing site within and adjacent to the boundaries of the Township of McHenry. PPP C( MMPT. All personnel shall be licensed by the Illinois Department of Agriculture as Spray Operators, for mosquito control. In addition, a biologist or entomologist shall be available to evaluate and monitor the program. REFERENCES The bidder shall supply with its bid a detailed list of equipment proposed to be used and a list of at least five (5) public agency clients which the bidder has served for at least three (3) of the immediate past five (5) years. GENERAL CONDITIONS Any bid accepted by the Township Board of Trustees shall, as a condition of approval, require the bidder to enter into a written contract to provide the services as set forth in this proposal with the Township. In addition, bidder shall warrant in said contract that it shall not: A. Exclude from participation, deny benifits of, or be subject to discrimination under this program funded by the Township on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion or handicap; B. Violate the Illinois Minimum Wage Law, Ill. Rev. Stat. 1981, Chapter 48, Section 39 or to the extent individuals employed by the bidder are paid with funds derived in whole or in part from Federal revenue sharing funds such wages are not lower than the prevailing rates of pay for persons employed in similar occupations by the bidder. C. Bidders will include a check of 10 1% of the entire contract as a bond. - 4 - McHENRY TOWNSHIP BIDDING SCHEDULE MOSQUITO CONTROL PROGRAM QUANTITY - UNIT UNIT PRICE 1984 AMOUNJ $ Each Inspection and analysis of all mosquito breeding areas including the Villages of Lakemoor, McCullom Lake,Sunnyside and the City of McHenry $ Each Prehatch treatments of potential mosquito breeding areas with B.T.I. PROGRAM COST FOR THE 1984 SEASON - 5 - Amemdment to McHenry Township Mosquito Control Program Specifications On Page Four under General Conditions: Paragraph C is amended to read: Bidders will include a bid bond of 10% of the entire contract as a bond. PHASE III - INSPECTION AND LARVICIDING McHENRY TOWNSHIP BIDDING SCHEDULE MOSQUITO CONTROL PROGRAM Ug ANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE 1984 AMOUNT * 12 Inspection and analysis of all $2,162.50 $25,950.00 every 7-10 mosquito breeding areas including days, if the Villages of Lakemoor, McCullom needed. Lake, Sunnyside and the City of McHenry. 12 N/A Larviciding treatments of mosquito INCLUDED IN INSPECTION breeding areas with B.t.i, at 5-10 COSTS lbs./acre of Bactimos granules. Treatments to be made utilizing ground crews or helicopter crews, authorization to be made by Township. 1 N/A Application of up to 650 catchbasins INCLUDED IN INSPECTION' of 1% Dursban emulsion at 10 oz./basin. COSTS Additional basins to be treated at $.65/basin. BREAKDOWN OF COSTS BY COMMUNITY McHENRY TOWNSHIP UNINCORPORATED $20,925.00 CITY OF McHENRY (McHENRY TOWNSHIP PORTION ONLY) 3,450.00 VILLAGE OF SUNNYSIDE 750.00 VILLAGE OF McCULLUM LAKE 375.00 VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR 450.00 GRAND TOTAL OF PROGRAM $25,950.00 * If additional inspections are needed, they are to be provided at no additional cost. April 3, 1984 - Successful Bidder: Clarke Outdoor Spraying Co.