HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - O-83-308 - 03/21/1983 - AMER NATL BANK VARIANCE FOR PARKING8304.14wtb O R D I N A N C E ORDINANCE NO.0-83-308 WHEREAS, a Petition was filed before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of McHenry by THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF CHICAGO, as Trustee under Trust No. 54605; and, WHEREAS, said Petition did request a variation, amend- ment or interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of McHenry allowing a reduction of the required number of parking spaces from 2.0 to 1.5 spaces per dwelling unit; and, WHEREAS, said Petition referred to the followinq described premises: That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the West right of way line of State Route 31 and the Southwesterly right of way line of McCullom Lake Road; thence North- westerly along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 229.0 feet to the intersection with a line 165.00 feet West of and parallel with the Westerly right of way line of State Route 31 as shown on Highway Dedica- tion recorded August 11, 1927 as Document No. 79413 for the point of beginning; thence South along the last described parallel line a distance of 130.35 feet to the intersection with a line 105.00 feet North of and paral- lel with the South line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 26; thence West along the last described parallel line 577.10 feet to a point of intersection with a line 742.00 feet West of and parallel with the aforesaid Westerly right of way line of State Route 31 recorded August 11, 1927; thence*North along the last described parallel line, 415.76 feet to an angle point; thence Northeasterly along a line forming_ an angle of 1391 00' 00" as measured to the left of the last described course, a distance of 196.73 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of McCullom Lake Road; thence Southeasterly along said Southwesterly right of way line, being a curved line concave to the Southwest having a radius of 5748.00 feet, an arc distance of 245.71 feet to a point of tangent in said Southwesterly right of way line; thence continuing Southeasterly along said right of way line, 370.53 feet to the point of beginning, all in McHenry County, Illinois. AND, WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the City of McHenry Zoning Board of Appeals in regard to the contents of the Petition, and evidence and exhibits were introduced thereat by the Petitioner at such hearing in support of its position; AND, WHEREAS, although the Zoning Board of Appeals did not recommend the granting of the variation as follows: That the required number of parking spaces per dwelling unit on the subject property be reduced from 2.0:1 to 1.5:1. AND, WHEREAS, Petitioner has agreed that if the McHenry City Council ever determines that additional parking spaces are needed at the subject property and notifies Petitioner of its determination, Petitioner will within a reasonable time after receipt of notice install up to forty (40) additional parking spaces; AND, WHEREAS, Petitioner has agreed that if Petitioner ever sells or otherwise conveys the subject property, the conveyancing instrument shall contain a covenant which will run with the land and thereby bind the purchaser and his heirs and assigns as well as subsequent purchasers to install such additional parking spaces if.required; NOW, THEREFORE, notwithstanding the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, that the provisions and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of McHenry relating to the required number of parking spaces per dwelling unit on the subject property be and the same are hereby varied by reducing the number of such parking spaces per dwelling units from two parking spaces per dwelling unit to one and one half parking spaces per dwelling, said variation being contingent upon the absolute right of the City Council, from time to time, to require the owner of said premises to install such additional parking spaces, not to exceed two per dwelling unit, as the City Council may, in its sole discretion, require. -2- This variation shall be in full force and effect from and after the 21st day of March , 1983. PASSED this 21st day of March 1983. AYES: Pepping, Nolan, Busse, Datz, Gelwicks, Serritella, Meurer NAYES : Smith ABSENT: None APPROVED this 12st day of March , 1983. Ile - Mayor ATTEST : ..i �C�it5�1rk -3-