HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - MC-83-281 - 12/05/1983 - Ch 11 Smoking designated nuisance; designated smokORDINANCE NO. MC-83-281 AN ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 11 of the Municipal Code, City of McHenry, Illinois, be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto the following provisions as and for Article V thereof: ARTICLE V SECTION 11-130. SMOKING DECLARED NUISANCE. "It is hereby found and declared that it shall be a nuisance for any person to smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in any grocery store, meat or fish market, delicatessen store, or convenience food store in the City of McHenry." SECTION 11-131. SMOKING PROHIBITED. "No person shall smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in any grocery store, delicatessen store, meat or fish market, or convenience food store in the City of McHenry except in a designated smoking area, restroom, executive offices and other rooms or areas where merchandise is not displayed for sale." SECTION 11-132. DESIGNATION OF SMOKING AREAS. "Smoking areas may be designated by the proprietor of any grocery store, delicatessen store, meat or fish market, or convenience food store by posting appropriate signs, arranging seating to provide smoke free areas, or any other means which may be appropriate." SECTION 11-133. NO SMOKING SIGNS. "The pro- prietor or other person in charge of any place where smoking is prohibited by this Article shall post "No Smoking" signs at all entrances to such premises and in conspicuous places within said stores prior to the entrance into the shopping areas of said store within 30 days after the effective date of this ordinance. Said signs shall be obtained from the City Clerk upon the payment of the cost thereof to the City Clerk. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove, deface or obscure any sign posted pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this ordinance shall be fined not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each offense committed on each day during, or on which, a violation occurs or continues. SECTION 3. Al ordinances, or parts thereof, in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof, be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form, as provided by law. PASSED this 5th day of December , 1983. AYES: Nolan, Bolger, Datz, Busse, Smith, McClatchey, Serritella, Snell NAYS: None ABSTAINED: None ABSENT: None NOT VOTING: None APPROVED this 5th day of December , 1983. ATTEST: CITY CLERK -2- MAYOR