HomeMy WebLinkAbout99-00 Treasurers Report Annual Treasurer's Rcport City of McHenry Fiscal Year 1999-00 (Ending 4/30/00) 12EVCNUE SUMMARY: Property Tax - $2,452,843; State Sales Tax - $4,804,076; State I�icome Tax - $1,428,812; State Motor I�Liel "CaY - $516,622; State IZeplacetncnt "Tax - $44,053; Intergovernmental IZevei�ue - $268,739; Vehicle Licenses - $144,077; Licenses and Permits - $238,216; Fines - $315,738; Services - $2,896,279; Interest Income - $951,144; F�ond Proceeds - $455,000; Park Prograins - $356,707; Dcveloper Contributions - $1,155,398; Francl�ise Fees - $328,713; Salaiy Rei�nburseineuts - $109,288; llnnexation Incoine - $125,696; Miscellai7eous Income - $1,127,749; Interi�al Transiers - $5,093,11 l. Total Revenue $22,812,261. EXPENllITUR� SUMMARY: Acme Brick and Silpply - $3,666.02; �dains Auto Body - $18,289.91; Adams Enteiprises Inc - $7,005.90; Adains Steel Service - $4,4��5.69; AI'LAC - $22,598.66; Air Care Heating and �ir Conditioning - $2,783.00; Aldridge Electric - $2,756.60; Alexander Chenlic�l Coi��pany - $3,933.00; �lexander Lunzber Conlpany - $3,932.57; American Funds - $43,750.00; American National Bank - $1,889,412.50; Ameritech - $69,273.41; Andersen Tl•ee Service - $4,275.00; Aquaprep - $36,168.75; Elrrow tlniform Rental Inc - $7,737.05; Autonlatic Control Services - $10,713.48; �adger Uniforn��s - $10,615.63; Baxter and Woodinan - $361,439.76; Bjorkman's flce Hardware - $18,533.14; Boncosky Oil Coinpany - $92,451.96; F3onnel Industries - $3,64297; ,Botts Welding and Truck Service - $2,770.99; .�3rady and Associates - $18,570.00; Brady Mitchell Andersen - $2,800.00; Buss Ford - $72,462.72; C & II Distributors - $3,300.38; Carey Electric - $67,190.00; Carmichael Construction - $96,637.38; CDW Computer Centers - $14,628.1 l; Celltilar One - $5,723.O1; Centegra Occupational IIealtll - $7,025.35; Chapman and Cutler - $4,750.00; Charles A. Mionske Inc. - $2,854.30; Chemical Pump Sales and Service Inc - $8,482.59; Chicago Turf aild lrrigation - $32,946.83; Clarke Enviromi�ental and Mosquito Management - $17,253.00; College of DuPage - $7,420.00; ComEd - $461,g53.73; Computer Management Services - $12,127.30; Computerland - $35,745.90; Contractiiig and Material Company - $3,172.35; Corlaiids - $44,505.54; Creekside Printing of Elgin - $20,807.00; Crescent Electric Supply - $6,431.04; Ci�ystal Manor Stable - $6,595.00; Cummins/Oman - $19,960.00; Curran Contracting - $412,703.22; Custo�n Landscaping - $10,931.00; Custom Vehicle Systems Inc - $3,033.67; D & j Automotive - $7,804.42; Direct Design - $�,274.20; Division 10 Supplies - $7,939.00; CAY America - � � $4,446.00; �der, Casella and Company - $35,241.00; Cd's Rental and Sales - $2,509.74; l�irst Midwest I�ank McHenry - $2,260,000.00; Pirst Midwest Bank Milwaukee - $5,816.07; I�irst National Bank o[� McHeniy - $921,187.24; �ischer Bros - $7,697.53; Flowerwood - $8,667.60; Fox Valley l�ence - $5,183.00; FoYcro�it Meadows, Inc - $2,984.35; Freund Inc - $4,223.97; Freund International - $ 8,647.63; G Con�munications - $13,249.80; Gall's Inc - $3,076.32; Gateway Companies - $3,813.00; Gerstad Builders - $27,123.70; Glosson Sand and Gravel - $2,078.13; Gluth I3rothers Construction - $326,890.32; Goal Sportiiig Uoods - $5,135.00; Grand Slam USA - $5,600.00; Great Lakes Apparel - $4,148.43; H.W. Rowe Painting - �5,300.00; Halogen Supply Company - $6,280.82; Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick - $7,910.46; �-�arris Bauk McHei2ry - $28,866.16; Harrison and Associates - $5,420.00; �-Iealth Plan Management - $165,934.09; IIendersen and Son - $165,150.94; Heritage Environmental — $15,344.54; IIey and Associates - $12,350.00; Home State Bank - $2,410,000.00; ICI Delux Paint Centers - $6,947.20; Illitiois Department of Revenue - $5,880.25; Illinois Lawn EqLiiptlleut - $15,681.18; Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund - $411,700.62; Illinois State Police - $7,474.00; IMC Salt Inc. - $51,194.93; Innovative Packagiug Inc. - $7,510.83; Intoximeters of St. Louis - $4,860.39; Jepsen Tire - $8,454.25; Jewel Food Store - $3,581.63; Jones Travel and To�irs - $5,195.00; Kale Uniforms - $5,105.04; KAR Products - $5,075.53; Krohn Lawn and Lanscape - $118,(i12.00; Lang Pontiac-Cadillac-Subaru - $3,048.79; Lang Chevrolet — $68,751.56; L�Salle I3auk - $259,105.77; LaSalle National 1'rust - $58,966.88; Lcach L;ntelprises - $2,556.97; Leonardi's Tood Specialties - $10,100.75; LETN Priinedia Workplace Learning - $4,268.00; Manpowcr — Mundeleiil - $4,784.73; Marblehead Liliie Company - $11,857.48; Maxim Coinmunications — $11,489.77; Mayfair Caipets and I�urniture - $11,458.08; McAudrews and Ctu�abaugll - $81,600.00; Mc�Ienry Analytical Water Laboratoiy - $10,503.00; McHenry Area Youtli Commission - $6,000.00; McIIeniy Auto Parts - $13,068.65; McIIeniy Commuuity IIigh School - $249,110.21; McHenry Conimunity School District #15 - $452,355.30; MclIenry County �Collector - $11,195.06; McI�enry County College — 2,708.00; McIlen►y County Municipal Risk Managernent Agency - $24,547.13; McHeniy Coulity Recorder of Deeds - $3,117.50; McHenry County Supply Inc. - $5,008.83: McHenry Pirestoue - $2,541.07; Mcl��cmy Police Officers Association - $15,549.40; Mcf Ienry Public Library - $60,027.13; McHenry Savings Bank - $2,170,000.00; McHenry Township Fire Protection District - $53,330.00; McHenry Township Road District - $2,970.19; Melrose Pyrotecl�nics - $25,000.00; Meyer Material - $8,031.92; Mid Americali Water of Wauconda - $10,188.10; Midwest Aquatics Limited - $3,375.00; Midwest Meter Inc. - $28,837.85; Miller Moiniment Company - $4,432.50; Minolta Leasing Services - $6,453.43; Minuteinail Press of McHenry - $23,231.65; Monroe Truck �quipnlent - $10,026.04; Moore E3usiness Products - $2,695.88; Music Performance - $2,665.00; National Busine5s F'urniture - $3,738.10; NCL of Wisconsin Inc - $2,903.54; NCPERS Group Life Insurauce - $2,823.00; NCR Corporation - $4,901.62; NF1'A - $5,301.00; NICOR Gas - $34,881.06; North �ast Multi-Regional Training - $2,910.00; Northern Illinois Special Recrcation Association - $58,387.00; Northwest Electrical Supply - $4,031.91; Northwest Herald — Carol Stream - $3,024.62; Northwest Herald — Crystal L,ake - $9,955.88; Northwestern Traffic Institute - $7,075.00; Office Depot - $7,805.46; Otis Elevator Co. - $2,704.1�; PACE - $39,909.03; Paradise Computer - $7,055.67; Payne and Dolan - $1,335,662.02; Petersen Sand & Gravel - $10,147.76; Photo Productions Inc - $3,070.00; Plamling Resources Inc - $11,629.95; Police Consultants Inc - $2,606.50; Postmaster - $21,581.47; Power Pro's Inc - $4,820.00; R & S Distributors Inc - $3,273.20; Rabine Paving - $�4,426.11; Rainbow Refi�eshments Inc - $3,898.25; Ray O'�Ierron Inc - $3,686.20; Recreonics - $3,685.00; Rehrig Pacific Company - $3,195.00; Reliable Sand & Gravel - $2,977.38; Rid�eview Electric Ine - $10,068.54; Robert U. � � Petersen - $72,796.80; Rowell Cliemical Company - $31;67297; Kydin Decal - $3,235.48; S & S Arts and Crafts - $4,046.83; Sam's Club - $4,805.85; Scan Am - $7,655.50; Schlecde, Hampton and Associates - $3,112.00; Schwan Masomy Inc. - $4,000.00; Sente & Rubel Ltci - $4,997.46; Sheehan and Lo��-er P.C. - $27,333.34; Sherman Mcchanical - $18,180.53; Sign Works - $2,572.00; Smith Engineering - $66,044.45; Sta�ldard Equipment Company - $3,602.93; Stan's Office Machines - $8,327.15; State Treasurer IDOT - $11,160.20; Statue in the Square Woodstock - $3,000.00; Strictly Brick Paving - $6,480.00; Stm�mers Portable Toilets - $2,654.50; "I'eamsteis Local 301 - $12,110.60; Thelen Sand and Gravel - $176,823.65; Thoinas M. McCarthy - $9,905.00; �T11oi11pson Elevator Inspectioil Service - $4,721.00; Toti�ark Sports Inc — $4,215.00; Treasurer State of Illinois - $20,777.02; Trempala Contracting - $2,804.20; Truck Centers - $55,284.00; Undergrotind Pipe and Valve - $7,836.63; United Laboratories - $2,710.80; United States Life Instuance - $10,794.00; United States Postal Service - $15,000.00; University oF Illinois - $3,754.00; US Oftice Products - $2,917.01; USF - $1$,512.09; Vermont Systems - $2,700.00; Visu-Sewer Clean and Seal - $3,900.00; Walmart Stores - $4,555.36; VVarren Associates Inc - �13,150.00; Waste Managenient North - $5,875.50; Water Solutions Unlimited - $22,880.00; Wear�uacd - $7,074.93; West Traffic Control - $7,534.64; Windy City 1?quipment - $7,296.00; Woodland RDF' - $104,948.77; and, lilkowski, Rogcrs, Flood and McArdle - $79,708.66 COMPI;NSATION SUMMARY: John ndanls - $29,190.96; Williani �lgncs - $2,559.96; Pamela Althoff- $55,157.84; Jaines Anderson - $561.07; Alice Aruet - $9,743.28; Willianl Baird - $2,400.00; Kristal Baldocc}ii - $1,891.37; James I�arcal - $18,132.48; David Bartik - $45,242.80; Michael Bartolai - $16,278.50; Predric }3att - $74,756.50; Christopher Beranek - $112.00; .Danial Beranek - $5,948.78; 'Cliomas I3eyer - $56,613.45; Jol�u I�irl< - $17,972.13; Ricky Bjorkland - $1,847.55; Jennifer I31oom - $81.00; Julie I3oelter - $36,686.56; William F3olger - $2,700.00; Alyce Brinkinanil - $468.00; Sean I3rogan - $2,352.38; William Brogan - $63,654.46; Keviil Bruce - $28.00; Donald �3uckivaster - $7,048.03; Kareli Buenzli - $574.00; William 13ul�rinan - $190.00; Robert Bur��s - $6,535.57; Salv�ltore I3urrafato - $42,095.85; Ueorge Cadotte - $260.00; Marianile Cairo - $2,851.75; Blair Carstons - $1,091.76; Abby Cliristensen - $783.57; David Cllristopher - $42,335.41; Kane Click - $3,136.13; Robert Combs - $41,962.90; Clay Cooper - $29,374.48; Keviii Co� - $49,4�2.50; Michael Coy - $56.25; Laut•a Crisanti - $3,134.12; Suzanne Crisanti - $3,216.77; Steven Cuda - $12.000.04; William Cunningham - $159.03; Mark Danielczyk - $145.77; Jennifer Dea�i - $33,430.62; Robert Dickman - $45,916.�1; Stepheli Doherty - $200.00; Sandra Doll - $2,416.50; Raynionci Donahue - $67,614.23; Donald llorsch - $2,964.31; llaniel Duffy - $46,634.C7; Jolin Dunne - $29,059.25; Williain Eckert - $3,539.97; Gregory Eiscrinan - $4,567.50; Jerald Eisermaii - $5,254.97; Margaret �k1il�ld - $952.00; Paula Ekstrom - $300.00; George Erkenswick - $39,56696; Mary Lee Eschbach - $42,943.16; Cl�ristopher Ftte�i - $953_44; Ray 1�'eltson - $2,150.24; Amanda Tick - $1,173.03; Courtney I'iedler - $3,512.64; .Alicia Finfrock - $430.03; Katherine Fishel- - $1,494.70; Williain Fitzgerald Jr. - $64,561.51; Jeffi�ey Poerstcr - $57,118.12; Brian Foley - $40,289.29; Jill Foley - $17,934.22; Kelly Folliard - $1,601.50; Darick F'ranzcn - $120.00; Patrick Proelich - $211.15; Paul Funk - $39,081.56; Stephanie Gaspers - $3,956.39; Marcia Geraghty - $42,953.70; Kelly Gilliam - $346.50; Uaiy Gilpin - $48,690.56; Andrew Glab - $2,700.00; Barbara Goduto - $29,878.39; John Gornian Jr. - $938.50; Pati•ick Gorniak - $49,348.95; Gary Gough - $30,488.05; Leticia Gurrie - $25,519.40; Dawn IIaisma - $828.00; Edward Halinski - $319.30; Megan I-Ialinski - $;50.00; Robert Haudrock - $17,836.83; Christopher Hardi�ig - $6,830.25; John I-Iari-iso�1 Ji•. - $42,614.07; Bryan I�artgraves - $9,407.36; Beiijaniin Hartinan - $4,114.25; Nicholas Hartnian - $180.00; David Harwood - $9,773.28; Greg Hatter - $39,761.74; Robert Heatherly - $6,046.50; Wesley Heiar - $310.00; Daniel FIester - $58,165.81; Bethany Hetterman - $3,2�9.81; Kathleen Hettcrman - $20,807.36; Jeff Hiller - $1,537.43; �ster I�oliol - $29,488.03; Carol E-Iolian - $41,291.09; Robert Holinstroni - $46,115.38; Vicki Houge - $3,861.00; Heral I-Iowe - $6,314.20; John Howell - $250.00; David IIuff- $45,140.43; Dawn [-�uffman - $39,556.54; Erin Humann - $2,999.89; Michael Hummel - $21,083.45; Todd Intravartolo - $52,796.60; Dennis Jackson - $3,382.14; Sarah Jacobs - $2,867.80; Thomas Jenkins - $62,981..14; Joan Jensema - $612.00; Cynthia Jerden - $30,615.02; Julie Johnsoii - $2,576.01; Lalira Jonasen - $6,157.27; John Joiles - $54,556.84; Yah�ick Joyce - $159.03; Mai•ianne K1e - $31,737.37; Doyle Kearlis - $51,659.20; James Keevil - $47,122.05; Albert Kiega�i - $802.50; Dana Kielar - $1,223.34; L-'dward Kilcullen - $33,481.38; Todd King - $387.50; Russel Kipkowski - $6,032.50; Ai�Iborse Kittl - $19,724.57; Joiiathan Kittl - $5,027.67; Kenneth Klean - $41,115.83; Micl�ael Kostecki - $60,926.87; �1nne Kranz - $13,736.0(i; Daniel Kressig - $56,93893; Bonnie Kuechel - $1,032.76; ;�ohn Kuhl - $31,020.31; Kathlceil Ktu7zer - $51,624.39; fllfred Kurz Jr. - $44,690.88; Thomas Kus - $3,679.50; Michael Lauge - $20,183.51; Rhonda La�i�-Rushillg - $36,818.06; Juditl� Lanphier - $22,779.17; Christina Lawson - $1,407.34; Patricia Laycock - $�2,817.92; Ma�jorie Leary - $437.51; Audrew Lechner - $52,496.55; Kathleen Leonard - $58,600.54; Sarah Lerman - $285.50; Allison Lindgreu - $2,372.17; Jolv1 Lobaito - $80,387.41; Vanessa Lohse - $637.00; Nancy Loi-ch - $22,75492; Crica Losch - $1,442.45; Tara Losch - $200.25; Cl�arles Lovett - $40.00; Courtney Lozar - $92.70; Patricia l,ubben - $40,466.44; Robei•t Lumbar - $47,480.81; Gregoiy Lundberg - $140.00; Patricia Lunl<enheimer - $19,964.36; Loan Lunsn�an - $30,157.04; Janice MacDoualci - $5,368.50; Rebecca MacDonald - $6,128.39; llaniel MacI<enzie - $256.25; Pl�i(lip Maggio - $45,669.95: l;dward Maiese - $5,608.27; Jacob Malda - $699.75; Janc Maliszcwski - $8,147.46; K�thlee�l Maniou - $2,633.59; Micliael Maniou - $1,399.50; Laurcu Mantisos - $1,183.13; Daniel Marcinko - $53,575.68; Lynn Martenson - $9,844.03; Joseph Mason - $121.50; Roxana Mathes - $81.00; Douglas Maxeiner - $56,288.54; Billie Mazurek - $840.00; Frank McClatchey - $2,550.00; Dorene McIntosh - $11,996.57; Brian McKeen - $39,027.38; Richard Meier - $52,764.95; Peter Merkel - $63,805.03; Peter J. Merkel - $3,81990; Gary Mertz - $42,310.90; Donald Meyer - $180.00; Jon Meyer - $280.00; Maiy Miller - $481.53; Megan Miller - $548.48; Yatricia Miller - $2,160.00; Kiinberly Minor - $7,879,57; Dale Moll - $43,804.79; James Molnar - $53,845.47; flnthony Mucciante - $38,560.46; Slielley Murgatroyd - $838.19; Steven Murgatz�oyd - $2,550.00; Charlene Myers - $108.00; Gary Myers - $1616.07; Katie Myers - $1,990.55; Paul Nadeau - $220.00; Joseph Napolitatlo - $55,433.70; Tracy Nardi - $2,382.43; Amanda Neuman - $1,236.20; Christine Newman - $30,209.23; Edward O'Donnell - $52,537.44; Matthew Oeffling - $4,056.38; William Oeffling - $30,775.47; Juanita Oliver - $28,266.73; Thomas O'Meara - $54,731.53; Earl Osmon - $180.00; Michael Owsley - . $47,040.65; Michael I'almer - $�9,910.49; Kristine Paprocki - $33,010.78; Fmily Paulin - $2,628.27; Roger D. Pechous - $3,248.00; Roger Pechous Jr. - $56,69592; Kethleen Perik - $1,200.00; Michael Yerkins - 437,663.89; Lii10 Pico - $2,916.32; Robbin Pierce - $155.00; David Porter - $57,453.31; Kenneth Prazak - $79,048.47; John Proessel - $41,389.43; Collin Quick - $956.50; Kathleen Quick - $43,105.54; Bernardino Ramirez - $5,748.16; Jane Rasmussen - $441.75; Williain Regner - $46,015.92; David Reid - $3,866.86; Mary Reid - $335.38; Michael Reid - $49,352.48; Cherie Rickert - $160.00; Jason Robelia - $3,944.00; Susan Robertson - $12,811.75; ,Tohn Rodgers - $3,733.89; Adrian Rodriguez - $209.25; Matthew Rogers - $46,227.41; Paul Ro��ers $51,900.59; Clifford Runyard - $6,623.46; Russell Ruzicka - $21,770.56; Ronald Ryba - $790.13; Carrie Sabatka - $1,089.90; Nicole Santi - $1,042.20; Kimberly Sasak - $344.26; Todd Sasak - $25,696.82; Grant Schara - $2,805.75; Donald Schatz - $147.00; Thomas Scllmidt - $50,795.84; Joii Schmitt - $52,302.95; Ryan Schwalenberg - $48,393.00; Bradley Schwarz - $514.76; Ryan Sciame - $27,025.85; Hariy Semrow - $480.00; Eric Sexton - $35,987.67; Michael S11ani1ahan - $4,000.00; Judith Shearer - $30,512.10; Robert Sherry - $360.00; Josh Shirey - $9,429.01; Sandra Sieber - $412.00; Peggy Silberblatt - $1,329.00; Bryan Sinith - $�},384.44; Colleen Smith - $198.28; Judith Snlith - $31,627.69; Vicki Smith - $559.65; Thonias Spaeth - $45,702.55; Keriy Sterbenz - $910.88; Jill Stone - $224.38; Richard Stull - $58,048.29; Stacie Sulentic - $2,152.46; Jessica Swartz - $1,709.21; Kelly Szamlewski - $1,604.88; Maria Szamle�vski - $4,539.20; Roger "I�liacker - $180.00; Rodd "1'rocki - $2,135.63; Miclielle 1'rost - $1,910.40; Brett Uiu�uh - �953.16; Earl Vaii De Wege - $218.50; W. Jeff Varda - $528.00; Latira Virgils - $44584.23; Thomas Walsh - $42,645.01; �I'homas Warren - $1,469.90; Rebecca Watkins - $128.50; David Welter - $1,500.00; Gary Wigman - $68,367.90; .Donna Wilkiuson - $486.00; Janice Williams - $31,490.00; Bart Winn Jr. - $2,440.00; Steven Wirch - $36,807.56; 1'imotliy Wirfs - $360.00; Staci Woll�f - $1,507.50; Marianna Wolfineyer - $360.00; "1'iniothy Wolth�eyer - $3,121.13; Keith Woocl - $1,330.38; Roland Wood - $61,797.90; Timothy Wray - $3,694.50; Timothy Youn� - $37,879.04; Margaret look - $40,903.99; aild, Gcorge Z,wier-r,ynski - $3,527.13. SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS: Summary Statement of Operations As of 4/30/2000 Other Ending Beginning Financing Fund Fund Tvp� Balance Revenue Ex enses Sources B�lance General Fund $4,796,256 $9,323,647 $8,340,205 ($304,680) $5,475,U18 Special Revenue 2,937,635 2,788,376 3,162,210 (836,848) 1,726,953 Debt Service 159,089 316,250 619,756 317,000 172,583 Capital Projects 0 202,311 382,682 1,406,697 1,226,326 Enterprise 4,569,052 2,693,533 2,493,332 487,869 5,257,122 Intemal Service 18,627 757,825 685,165 91,287 Fiduciary 9,342,700 781,782 355,459 9,769,023 Totals $21,823,359 $16,863,724 $16,038,809 $1,070,038 $23,718,312 David M. Welter, Treasurer � � 9 �_oo � � City of McHenr , ,�-, y e� �d`', „ �, ,w 333 South Green Street - McHenry,Illinois 60050-5495 � � y —_. �:II � s_ I .._._..-'.-� -t_ - „- _., .. -�� Clerk's Office and Administration C E R T I F I C A T I O N (815) 363-2100 Fax(815)363-2119 Public Works, Building and Zoning I, Pamela J. Althoff, City Clerk in and for the City of (815) 363-2170 Fax(815)363-2173 McHenry, Illinois, and keeper of the official records, files, and Pazks and Recreation seal thereof, do hereby certify that the attached document is a (815) 363-2160 Fax(815)363-2173 t�e and correct copy of the City of McHenry Annual Treasurer's Police (Non-Emergency) Report for the Fiscal Year ending April 30, 2000, filed aith me by (815) 363-2200 Fax(815)363-2149 the City Treasurer. Said document mas published in the North�vest Mayor Herald on Wednesday, October 25, 2000, as required by Illinois Steven J.Cuda CityClerk Compiled Statutes, Chapter 65, Section 5/3-10-5.1 and Certificate Pamela J.Althoff 1t�easurer of Publication is hereby attached for verification. David M.Welter Aldermen WARD1 IN �TN�SS wHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed William J.Bolger the corporate seal of the City of McHenry, Illinois this 2nd day WARD 2 Andrew A.Glab of November, 2000. WARD 3 Frank S.McClatchey WARD 4 Steven C.Murgatroyd (SEAL) WARD 5 wiuiam v.saird Pamela J. A1 f , Cit rk of the City of McHenry, Illinois