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Ordinances - ORD-14-1690 - 09/22/2014 - SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE
ORDINANCE NO. Ord-14-1690 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2013-14 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION 1. That it be deemed necessary in order to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of said City for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2013 and ending April 30, 2014; that there be and there is hereby appropriated to provide for the general tax levy and other revenue for the said fiscal year, the aggregate sum of Thirty-Seven Million, Four Hundred Sixteen Thousand, Nine Hundred Eighty-Nine ($37,416,989) the object and purpose for which said appropriation is made and the amounts appropriated for the same are as follows, to wit: SECTION 2. All unexpended balances of any item or items of general appropriation made by this Ordinance may be expended in making up any insufficiency in any items in the same general appropriation and for the same general purposes or in a like appropriation made by this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. PASSED and APPROVED this 22nd day of September, 2014. AYES: Glab, Schaefer, Blake, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon NAYS :None NOT VOTING: None ABSENT:Santi NOT VOTING: None ABSTAINED : None Mayor ATTEST : City Clerk 2013/14 Budget 2013/14 Appropriation Change 2013/14 Final Appropriation GENERAL FUND Administration (100.01) 4010 Salaries - Regular $ 653,579 4050 Overtime - Regular 4,000 4110 Salaries - Seasonal 4190 Salary Adjustments 2,166 4220 Board & Commission Expense 3,240 4310 Health/Life Insurance 128,409 4320 Dental Insurance 5,078 4330 Life Insurance 552 4340 Vision Insurance 69 4410 FICA/Medicare 50,718 4420 IMRF Retirement 89,066 4510 Uniform Allowance 1,150 5110 Contractual Services 162,000 5230 Legal Fees 150,000 5310 Postage and Meter 2,000 5320 Telephone 13,000 5330 Printing and Publishing 3,000 5370 Repair and Maintenance 3,500 5410 Dues 15,800 5420 Travel Expenses 1,800 5430 Training 1,900 5440 Tuition Reimbursements 5450 Publications 400 5510 Utilities 3,500 6110 Materials and Supplies 54,000 6210 Office Supplies 1,500 6250 Gasoline & Fuel 4,000 6270 Small Equipment 5,000 6940 Administrative Expenses 21,300 8200 Building Improvments 8300 Capital Equipment 8700 Capital-Furniture 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 76,392 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 24,526 9942 Transfer-Capital Improvement Fund - Total Administration Office 1,481,645 Elected Officials (100.02) 4010 Salaries - Regular 35,723 4050 Overtime - Regular 500 4190 Salary Adjustments 4210 Salaries - Elected Officials 52,250 4310 Health/Life Insurance 7,293 4320 Dental Insurance 396 4330 Life Insurance 69 4340 Vision Insurance 69 4410 FICA/Medicare 6,768 4420 IMRF Retirement 4,890 4510 Uniform Allowance 5110 Contractual Services 250 5310 Postage and Meter 6,300 5320 Telephone 2,500 5330 Printing and Publishing 5,000 5410 Dues 800 5420 Travel Expenses 250 5430 Training 2,575 5450 Publications 100 6110 Materials and Supplies 500 6210 Office Supplies 1,000 6910 Employee Recognition 6940 Administrative Expenses 19,300 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 14,139 Total Elected Officials 160,672 653,579 4,000 2,166 3,240 128,409 5,078 552 69 50,718 89,066 1,150 162,000 150,000 2,000 13,000 3,000 3,500 15,800 1,800 1,900 400 3,500 54,000 1,500 4,000 5,000 21,300 7,394 (1,175) 4,249 (2,166) 2,127 (914) (778) (111) 196 (3,142) (1,537) (737) (61,714) 121,064 (1,181) 5,189 (589) 838 497 1,107 1,054 42 (706) 19,449 541 436 (2,071) 22,549 660,973 2,825 4,249 5,367 127,495 4,300 441 265 47,576 87,529 413 100,286 271,064 819 18,189 2,411 4,338 16,297 2,907 2,954 442 2,794 73,449 2,041 4,436 2,929 43,849 76,392 24,526 1,481,645 35,723 500 52,250 7,293 396 69 69 6,768 4,890 250 6,300 2,500 5,000 800 250 2,575 100 500 1,000 19,300 14,139 - - 109,911 103 (500) (10,999) 72 (32) (32) (2) (912) (147) (250) (2,892) (1,135) 2,790 194 (250) (1,382) 312 (500) (826) (1,622) - 76,392 24,526 1,591,556 35,826 - 41,251 7,365 364 37 67 5,856 4,743 - 3,408 1,365 7,790 994 - 1,193 412 - 174 17,678 14,139 160,672 (18,010)142,662 2013/14 Budget 2013/14 Appropriation Change 2013/14 Final Appropriation Community Development Department (100.03) 4010 Salaries - Regular 320,451 4050 Overtime - Regular 1,500 4190 Salary Adjustments 4310 Health/Life Insurance 81(122 4320 Dental Insurance 4,035 4330 Life Insurance 380 4340 Vision Insurance 161 4410 FICA/Medicare 24,629 4420 IMRF Retirement 43,463 4510 Uniform Allowance 5110 Contractual Services 25,600 5310 Postage and Meter 2,000 5320 Telephone 4,000 5330 Printing and Publishing 500 5370 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 2,000 5410 Dues 750 5420 Travel Expenses 250 5430 Training 2,000 5440 Tuition Reimbursements 5450 Publications 1,500 6110 Materials and Supplies 6210 Office Supplies 2,000 6250 Fuel and Lubricants 6,500 6270 Small Tools and Equipment 1,500 7110 Cap. Lease Principal Payments 1,945 8200 Capital - Building Improvements 8400 Capital - Vehicles 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 26,909 9922 Purchase Service-Information Technology 34,913 Total Community Development Department 588,108 Finance Department (100.04) 4010 Salaries - Regular 251,037 4190 Salary Adjustments 4310 Health/Life Insurance 44,333 4320 Dental Insurance 1,773 4330 Life Insurance 317 4340 Vision Insurance 205 4410 FICA/Medicare 19,204 4420 IMRF Retirement 33,890 4510 Uniform Allowance 5110 Contractual Services 3,395 5310 Postage and Meter 25,200 5320 Telephone 2,500 5330 Printing and Publishing 15,785 5410 Dues 300 5420 Travel Expenses 5430 Training 500 5450 Publications 6110 Materials and Supplies 17,500 6210 Office Supplies 6,600 6270 Small Equipment 2,000 6940 Administrative Expenses 6945 Development Expense 400,000 9904 Debt Service Transfer 719,451 9907 SSA Transfer 9909 Transfer to Motor Fuel Tax Fund 125,000 9942 Capital Improvements Fund Transfer 160,000 9944 Transfer to Band Fund 15,000 9945 Civil Defense Fund Transfer 5,000 9946 Capital Equipment Fund Transfer 346,500 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 21,050 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 41,430 Total Finance Department 2,257,970 320,451 1,500 81,122 4,035 380 161 24,629 43,463 25,600 2,000 4,000 500 2,000 750 250 2,000 1,500 2,000 6,500 1,500 1,945 26,909 34,913 588,108 251,037 44,333 1,773 317 205 19,204 33,890 3,395 25,200 2,500 15,785 300 500 17,500 6,600 2,000 400,000 719,451 125,000 160,000 15,000 5,000 346,500 21,050 41,430 9,541 (1,500) (1,506) (735) (167) (65) (739) (292) (3,734) (1,177) (866) 78 (689) (315) (250) (68) (90) 135 88 (1,681) (1,500) (103) (5,635) (27,909) 28,768 576 (45) (150) 9 (666) (541) 915 2,492 (1,445) 3,447 240 (500) 11,096 511 (2,000) 10 (172,114) 329,992 79,616 3,300 213 96 23,890 43,171 21,866 823 3,134 578 1,311 435 1,932 1,410 135 2,088 4,819 1,842 26,909 34,913 2,257,970 582,473 223,128 28,768 44,909 1,728 167 214 18,538 33,349 4,310 27,692 1,055 19,232 540 28,596 7,111 10 227,886 719,451 125,000 160,000 15,000 5,000 346,500 21,050 41,430 (157,306)2,100,664 2013/14 Budget 2013/14 Appropriation Change 2013/14 Final Appropriation Police Commission (100.21) 4220 Salaries - Boards and Commissions 1,350 4410 Employee Contribution - Soc. Sec. 103 5110 Contractual Services 4,625 5330 Printing and Publishing 5410 Dues 375 5420 Travel Expenses 5430 Training 5450 Publications - Total Police Commission 6,453 Police Department (100.22) 4010 Salaries - Regular 728,746 4020 Salaries - Sworn 3,898,497 4030 Salaries - Part Time 89,163 4050 Overtime - Regular 40,000 4055 Overtime - Sworn 239,700 4080 Career Ladder 14,000 4190 Salary Adjustments 72,316 4310 Health/Life Insurance 846,242 4320 Dental Insurance 38,661 4330 Life Insurance 4,131 4340 Insurance Premiums - Vision 2,896 4410 FICA/Medicare 388,805 4420 IMRF Retirement 117,221 4430 Employer Contribution - Police Pension 1,202,071 4510 Employee Uniforms 34,400 5110 Contractual Services 82,440 5310 Postage and Meter 2,300 5320 Telephone 36,400 5370 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 52,000 5410 Dues 1,800 5420 Travel Expense 11,350 5430 Training Expense 21,750 5440 Tuition Reimbursement 5,500 5450 Publications 800 5510 Utilities 3,500 6110 Materials and Supplies 17,600 6210 Office Supplies 14,250 6250 Fuel and Lubricants 160,000 6270 Small Equipment 6,115 6310 Canine Unit 5,000 8300 Capital - Equipment 13,670 8400 Capital - Vehicles 26,000 8700 Capital - Furniture 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 285,743 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 208,926 9946 Transfer Capital Equipment Fund - Total Police Department 8,671,993 Public Works - Administration (100.30) 4010 Salaries - Regular 148,402 4050 Overtime - Regular 4190 Salary Adjustment 4310 Health/Life Insurance 33,754 4320 Dental Insurance 1,574 4330 Life Insurance 138 4340 Vision Insurance 69 4410 FICA/Medicare 11,353 4420 IMRF Retirement 20,034 4510 Uniform Allowance 5110 Contractual Services 4,600 5310 Postage and Meter 400 5320 Telephone 4,400 5410 Dues 380 1,350 103 4,625 375 880 6,453 33,754 1,574 138 69 11,353 20,034 4,600 400 4,400 380 880 (281) (183) (65) 12 (316) (114) 5,404 103 (2,223) 66 1,350 103 5,505 375 7,333 728,746 3,898,497 89,163 40,000 239,700 14,000 72,316 846,242 38,661 4,131 2,896 388,805 117,221 1,202,071 34,400 82,440 2,300 36,400 52,000 1,800 1 1 ,350 21,750 5,500 800 3,500 17,600 14,250 160,000 6,115 5,000 13,670 26,000 285,743 208,926 - 8,671,993 148,402 47,515 10,909 11,995 171 7,970 (6,565) (72,316) 9,229 (4,336) (1,980) (202) (14,691) (3,504) (2,352) (4,692) (5,208) 1,415 11,253 (10,817) (245) 549 (9,015) (4,726) (478) (2,914) (50) (1,061) (12,391) (1,446) (434) (6,636) 2,425 _ - 23,613 (39,015) 1,367 776,261 3,909,406 101,158 40,171 247,670 7,435 - 855,471 34,325 2,151 2,694 374,114 113,717 1,199,719 29,708 77,232 3,715 47,653 41,183 1,555 1 1 ,899 12,735 774 322 586 17,550 13,189 147,609 4,669 4,566 7,034 28,425 285,743 208,926 23,613 8,632,978 149,769 33,473 1,391 73 81 11,037 19,920 10,004 503 2,177 446 5420 Travel Expense 5430 Training 6210 Office Supplies 6270 Small Tools & Equipment 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology Total Public Works - Administration Public Works - Streets Division (100.33) 4010 Salaries - Regular 4050 Overtime - Regular 4060 Overtime - Snow Removal 4110 Salaries -Seasonal 4190 Salary Adjustment 4310 Health/Life Insurance 4320 Dental Insurance 4330 Life Insurance 4340 Vision Insurance 4410 FICA/Medicare 4420 IMRF Retirement 4510 Uniforms 5110 Contractual Services 5320 Telephone 5370 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 5430 Training 5520 Street Lighting 6110 Materials and Supplies 6210 Office Supplies 6250 Fuel and Lubricants - Vehicles 6270 Small Tools and Equipment 6290 Safety Equipment and Supplies 8300 Capital - Equipment 8400 Capital - Vehicles 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology Total Public Works - Streets Division Parks and Recreation Department (100.41) 4010 Salaries - Regular 4030 Salaries - Part Time 4050 Overtime - Regular 4110 Salaries -Seasonal 4190 Salary Adjustment 4310 Health/Life Insurance 4320 Dental Insurance 4330 Life Insurance 4340 Vision Insurance 4410 FICA/Medicare 4420 IMRF Retirement 4510 Uniform Allowance 5110 Contractual Services 5310 Postage and Meter 5320 Telephone 5330 Printing and Publishing 5370 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 5410 Dues 5420 Travel Expense 5430 Training 5440 Tuition Reimbursement 5450 Publications 5510 Utilities 6110 Materials and Supplies 6210 Office Supplies 6250 Fuel and Lubricants - Vehicles 6270 Small Tools & Equipments 2013/14 Budget 500 1,000 1,000 1,600 9,624 13,349 252,177 1,122,352 19,000 80,000 22,270 336,445 2,555 1,242 118 95,137 167,889 6,550 86,690 11,750 90,000 1,000 290,000 220,000 1,500 118,500 1,000 1,500 109,937 9,044^ 2,794,479 527,526 34,937 14,000 266,700 5,890 135,001 4,523 690 391 64,953 78,618 1,350 204,900 7,650 15,450 6,000 12,000 126,933 500 3,150 500 35,900 110,000 3,000 26,000 2,500 2013/14 Appropriation 500 1,000 1,000 1,600 9,624 13,349 252,177 1,122,352 19,000 80,000 22,270 336,445 2,555 1,242 118 95,137 167,889 6,550 86,690 1 1 ,750 90,000 1,000 290,000 220,000 1,500 118,500 1,000 1,500 109,937 9,044 2,794,479 527,526 34,937 14,000 266,700 5,890 135,001 4,523 690 391 64,953 78,618 1,350 204,900 7,650 15,450 6,000 12,000 126,933 500 3,150 500 35,900 110,000 3,000 26,000 2,500 2013/14 Final Change Appropriation (468) (965) (24) (1,317) - - 996 57,907 (7,487) 99,665 (22,270) (11,642) (510) (591) (15) 3,334 4,843 2,130 8,308 (6,734) 43,627 (290) (28,499) (10,204) 80 36,669 (162) (349) - - 167,810 23,243 396 (5,258) (7,158) 4,502 (5,890) (5,645) (547) (337) (21) (5,993) 357 110 14,416 (2,110) 657 3,761 (437) (500) (64) (500) (2,487) (21,221) 0,119) (3,416) (1,521) 32 35 976 283 9,624 13,349 253,173 1,180,259 11,513 179,665 _ 324,803 2,045 651 103 98,471 172,732 8,680 94,998 5,016 133,627 710 261,501 209,796 1,580 155,169 838 1,151 109,937 9,044 2,962,289 550,769 35,333 8,742 259,542 10,392 129,111 (1,122) 143 54 64,932 72,625 1,707 205,010 22,066 13,340 6,657 15,761 126,496 - 3,086 . 33,413 88,779 1,881 22,584 979 6920 Special Events 6950 Forestry Expenses 8300 Capital - Equipment 8400 Capital - Vehicles 8800 Capital - Park Improvements 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology Total Parks and Recreation Department Total General Fund SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Tourism Fund (200) 5110 Contractual 6940 Administrative Expenses 9901 Transfer General Fund Total Tourism Fund Pageant Fund (205) 5110 Contractual 5310 Postage & Meter 6110 Materials and Supplies 6940 Administrative Expense Total Pageant Fund Band Fund (210) 5110 Contractual 6110 Materials and Supplies Total Band Fund Civil Defense Fund (220) 5375 Repairs and Maintenance - Equipment 6110 Materials and Supplies Total Civil Defense Fund Alarm Board Fund (225) 5110 Contractual Services Total Alarm Board Fund Audit Fund (230) 5110 Contractual Services Total Audit Fund Annexation Fund (260) 6970 Distribution Operating Fees 8100 Capital - Land Acquisition 9904 Transfer - Debt Service Fund Total Annexation Fund Motor Fuel Tax Fund (270) 6110 Materials and Supplies 8600 Capital - Street Improvements 9904 Transfer - Debt Service 9942 Transfer - Capital Improvements Fund Total Motor Fuel Tax Fund Developer Donation Fund (280) 6970 Distributions - Schools 6980 Distributions - Library District 6990 Distributions - Fire Protection District Total Developer Donation Fund 2013/14 Budget 26,600 35,000 87,244 38.389 1,876,295 18,089,792 20,000 75,000 95,000 1,000 50 4,500 5,550 14,500 500 15,000 7,200 7,200 28,050 28,050 36,025 36,025 10,000 35,000 45,000 190,000 689,100 398,757 1,277,857 33,000 4,770 4,770 42,540 2013/14 Appropriation 26,600 35,000 87,244 38,389 1,876,295 18,089,792 20,000 75,000 95,000 1,000 50 4,500 5,550 14,500 500 15,000 7,200 7,200 28,050 28,050 36,025 36,025 10,000 35,000 45,000 190,000 689,100 398,757 1,277,857 33,000 4,770 4,770 42,540 Change (2,433) (19,625) 1,210 (37,630) 22,001 (20,000) 4,000 (16,000) (509) (50) (1,695) (2,254) (586) (322) (908) 3,115 3,115 17,419 17,419 (1,040) (1,040) 3,455 3,455 (49,360) (408,346) 3,675 (454,031) 27,960 3,308 3,308 34,576 2013/14 Final Appropriation 24,167 15,375 1,210 87,244 38,389 1,838,665 18,111,793 4,000 75,000 79,000 491 2,805 3,296 13,914 178 14,092 10,315 10,315 45,469 45,469 34,985 34,985 13,455 35,000 48,455 140,640 280,754 402,432 823,826 60,960 8,078 8,078 77,116 Developer Donation Fund - Parks (280.41) 6940 Administrative Expenses 8800 Park Improvements 9902 Transfer - Rec Center Construction Fund 9942 Transfer - Capital Improvements Total Developer Donation Fund - Parks Tax Increment Fund (290) 5110 Contractual Services 6940 Administrative Expense 8900 Public Improvements 9901 Transfer - General Fund 9904 Transfer - Debt Service Fund Total Tax Increment Fund 2013/14 Budget 14,200 200,000 214,200 75,000 20,000 2,500 242,100 339,600 2013/14 Appropriation 14,200 200,000 214,200 75,000 20,000 2,500 242,100 Change (3,881) (154,219) (158,100) 13,838 (8,583) (20,000) 2013/14 Final Appropriation 10,319 45,781 56,100 13,838 66,417 2,500 242,100 339,600 (14,745)324,855 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Debt Service Fund (300) 7100 Bond Principal Payments 7200 Bond Interest Payments 7300 Paying Agent Fees Total Debt Service Fund 1,190,000 392,979 3,000 1,585,979 1,190,000 392,979 3,000 1,585,979 (85,000) 17,575 15 (67,410) 1,105,000 410,554 3,015 1,518,569 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Recreation Center Fund (400) 8200 Capital - Buildings 8800 Capital - Park Improvements Total Special Service Area #1A Special Service Area #1A (420) 9904 Transfer - Debt Service Total Special Service Area #1A Special Service Area #4A (424) 9936 Transfer - Utility Improvements Fund Total Special Service Area #1A Capital Improvements Fund (440) 8100 Capital - Land Acquisition 8200 Capital - Building Improvements 8600 Capital - Street Improvements 8800 Capital - Park Improvements 8900 Capital - Other Improvements Total Capital Improvements Fund Local Street Improvements Fund (441) 5110 Contractual Services 9909 Transfer Motor Fuel Tax Fund Total Local Street Improvements Fund Capital Equipments Fund (450) 8300 Capital - Equipment 8400 Capital - Vehicles Total Capital Improvements Fund 16.847 16,847 1,215,000 20,000 70,000 55,000 1,360,000 398,757 398,757 92,900 410.621 503,521 16,847 16.847 1,215,000 20,000 70,000 55,000 1,360,000 398,757 398,757 92.900 410,621 86,138 71,360 157,498 17,000 (351,794) 136,622 (70,000) (53,900) (322,072) 72 2,011 2,083 (92,646) 114.213 86,138 71,360 157,498 16,847 16,847 17,000 863,206 156,622 1,100 1,037,928 72 400,768 503.521 400,840 254 524,834 21,567 525,088 2013/14 Budget 2013/14 Appropriation Change 2013/14 Final Appropriation ENTERPRISE FUNDS WATER/SEWER FUND Public Works - Water Division (510.31) 4010 Salaries - Regular 4050 Overtime - Regular 4110 Salaries -Seasonal 4190 Salary Adjustments 4310 Health/Life Insurance 4320 Dental Insurance 4330 Life Insurance 4340 Vision Insurance 4410 FICA/Medicare 4420 IMRF Retirement 4510 Uniform Allowance 5110 Contractual Services 5310 Postage and Meter 5320 Telephone 5370 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 5410 Dues 5430 Training Expenses 5440 Tuition Reimbursement 5510 Utilities 6110 Materials and Supplies 6210 Office Supplies 6250 Fuel and Lubricants - Vehicles 6270 Small Tools and Equipment 6940 Administrative Expenses 7100 Bond Principal 7200 Bond Interest 8200 Capital - Buildings 8300 Capital - Equipment 8400 Capital - Vehicles 9000 Amortization-Bond Issue Costs 9100 Amortization-Bond Discount 9510 Depreciation Expense 9904 Transfer - Debt Service Fund 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 9921 Purchase Service - General Fund 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 9923 Purchase Service - Audit Fund 9936 Transfer - Utility Improvements Fund 9942 Transfer - Capital Improvements Fund Total Public Works - Water Division Public Works - Wastewater Division (510.32) 4010 Salaries - Regular 4050 Overtime - Regular 4190 Salary Adjustments 4110 Salaries-Seasonal 4310 Health/Life Insurance 4320 Dental Insurance 4330 Life Insurance 4340 Vision Insurance 4410 FICA/Medicare 4420 IMRF Retirement 4510 Uniform Allowance 5110 Contractual Services 5310 Postage and Meter 5320 Telephone 5370 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 5375 Repair and Maintenance - Equipment 5380 Repair and Maintenance - Utility System 5410 Dues 5430 Training Expenses 637,553 34,000 11,500 8,716 184,058 2,453 656 65 52,920 91,836 3,350 124,000 3,500 11,220 9,000 500 4,750 165,000 220,000 1,250 25,000 2,500 75,000 65,083 585,000 103,958 78,069 212,366 6,754 3,989 2,724,046 582,140 40,000 8,522 5,000 146,291 792 690 138 48,628 85,139 3,600 110,500 2,500 16,000 10,000 82,500 50,000 600 1,250 637,553 34,000 11,500 8,716 184,058 2,453 656 65 52,920 91,836 3,350 124,000 3,500 11,220 9,000 500 4,750 165,000 220,000 1,250 25,000 2,500 75,000 65,083 585,000 103,958 78,069 212,366 6,754 3,989 2,724,046 582,140 40,000 8,522 5,000 146,291 792 690 138 48,628 85,139 3,600 110,500 2,500 16,000 10,000 82,500 50,000 600 1,250 5,505 1,285 58 (8,716) (3,506) (374) (37) (16) (1,021) (2,171) (135) (25,015) 984 (5,990) 3,542 (67) (591) (21,058) (56,975) (339) (549) (1,246) 2,270 (75,000) 25,076 (512) (133,576) (298,174) 66,103 (2,801) (264) (8,522) 7,840 (63) (327) (4) 3,777 5,979 1,286 13,029 (2,035) (8,318) 21,518 (5,503) (12,613) 20 626 643,058 35,285 11,558 180,552 2,079 619 49 51,899 89,665 3,215 98,985 4,484 5,230 12,542 433 4,159 143,942 163,025 911 24,451 1,254 2,270 65,083 25,076 (512) 451,424 103,958 78,069 212,366 6,754 3,989 2,425,872 648,243 37,199 8,258 (3,522) 154,131 729 363 134 52,405 91,118 4,886 123,529 465 7,682 31,518 76,997 37,387 620 1,876 5440 Tuition Reimbursement 5450 Publications 5510 Utilities 5580 Disposal 6110 Materials and Supplies 6210 Office Supplies 6250 Fuel and Lubricants - Vehicles 6940 Administrative Expenses 7091 Debt Service - Accrued Interest 7100 Bond Principal 7200 Bond Interest 7300 Fees-Paying Agent 8400 Capital - Vehicles 8500 Capital - Utility System 9000 Amortization-Bond Issue Costs 9100 Amortization-Bond Discount 9510 Depreciation Expense 9904 Transfer - Debt Service Fund 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 9921 Purchase Service - General Fund 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 9923 Purchase Service - Audit Fund 9936 Transfer - Utility Improvements Fund 9942 Transfer - Capital Improvements Fund Total Public Works - Wastewater Division Total Water/Sewer Fund Capital Development Fund (550) 9936 Transfer - Utility Improvements Fund Total Capital Development Fund Utility Improvements Fund (580.31 & 32) 8500 Capital - Water Utility Improvements 8500 Capital - Sewer Utility Improvements Total Utility Improvements Fund Marina Operations Fund (590) 5110 Contractual Services 6940 Administrative Expenses 9930 Transfer - Water/Sewer Fund Total Marina Operations Fund 2013/14 Budget 1,000 100 415,000 191,160 239,000 1,500 25,000 235,000 209,433 775,000 13,184 93,856 226,396 3,476 3,989 3,627,384 6,351,430 228,000 228,000 900,000 228,000 1,128,000 30,000 21,400 51,400 2013/14 Appropriation 1,000 100 415,000 191,160 239,000 1,500 25,000 - - 235,000 209,433 - _ - - 775,000 13,184 93,856 226,396 3,476 3,989 3,627,384 6,351,430 228,000 228,000 900,000 228,000 1,128,000 30,000 21 ,400 - 51,400 Change (50) (100) (60,205) 26,783 5,698 (1) 10,152 3,170 (1 ,365) (235,000) - 678 4,265 14,582 3,941 273,698 . - - - - 125,974 (172,200) - . 1,386,458 1 ,386,458 (9,177) 2,877 6,300 - 2013/14 Final Appropriation 950 - 354,795 217,943 244,698 1,499 35,152 3,170 (1,365) - 209,433 678 4,265 14,582 3,941 1,048,698 13,184 93,856 226,396 3,476 3,989 3,753,358 6,179,230 228,000 228,000 900,000 1,614,458 2,514,458 20,823 24,277 6,300 51,400 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Health Insurance Fund (600) 4310 Insurance Premiums - Health/Vision 4315 Insurance Premiums - Other 4320 Insurance Premiums - Dental 4340 Insurance Premiums - Vision 5245 Health HRA Reimbursement 6960 Miscellaneous Expense Risk Management Fund (610) 5950 MCMRMA Premiums 5960 Insurance Premiums - Other 5980 Property Damage 6940 Administrative Expense 6960 Miscellaneous Expense 9921 Purchase of Service - General Fund Total Risk Management Fund 2,118,052 90,549 11,477 112,000 5,000 2,337,078 650,000 2,500 50,000 4,250 500 19,500 726,750 2,118,052 90,549 11,477 112,000 5,000 2,337,078 650,000 2,500 50,000 4,250 500 19,500 726,750 26,896 380 (1,251) (3,599) (1,078) 21,348 (46,004) 15,075 (9,604) (2,603) (500) 2,144,948 90,929 10,226 108,401 3,922 2,358,426 603,996 17,575 40,396 1,647 19,500 (43,636)683,114 Information Technology Fund (620) 4010 Salaries - Regular 4190 Salary Adjustment 4310 Health/Life Insurance 4320 Dental Insurance 4330 Life Insurance 4340 Vision Insurance 4410 FICA/Medicare 4420 IMRF Retirement 4510 Uniforms 5110 Contractual Services 5320 Telephone 5410 Dues 5420 Travel 5430 Training 5440 Tuition Reimbursement 5450 Publications 6110 Materials & Supplies 6210 Office Supplies 6270 Small Tools and Equipment 8300 Capital - Equipment 9510 Depreciation Expense 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management Total Information Technology Fund 2013/14 Budget 141,207 1,195 26,644 1,120 138 124 10,894 19,224 85,570 2,500 750 325 14,500 17,200 24,650 40,000 8.905 394,946 2013/14 Appropriation 141,207 1,195 26,644 1,120 138 124 10,894 19,224 85,570 2,500 750 325 14,500 17,200 24,650 - 40,000 8,905 394,946 2013/14 Final Change Appropriation 1,344 (1,195) (1,210) (2) (138) - (546) (355) 16,556 (194) (750) (325) (3,045) (1,807) (14,388) 752 (309) - (5,612) 142,551 - 25,434 1,118 - 124 10,348 18,869 102,126 2,306 - - 11,455 15,393 10,262 752 39,691 8,905 389,334 FIDUCIARY FUNDS Employee Flexible Spending Fund (700) 6940 Administrative Expenses 6965 Reimbursements Total Employee Flexible Spending Fund Police Pension Fund (760) 4910 Pension Payments 4920 Disability Payments 4930 Death Benefit Payments 4940 Non-Duty Disability Benefit Payments 4990 Contribution Refunds 5110 Contractual Services 5410 Dues 6940 Administrative Expense 9923 Purchase of Service - Audit Fund Total Police Pension Fund Retained Personnel Fund (740) 5220 Engineering Fees - Consultant 5221 Engineering Fees - Staff 5230 Legal Fees 6960 Miscellaneous Expense 6961 Miscellaneous Refunds Total Retained Personnel Fund 5,000 75,000 80,000 1,375,700 174,000 48,200 56,000 45,000 2,000 3,200 3,465 1,707,565 20,000 10,000 8,000 38,000 5,000 75,000 80,000 1,375,700 174,000 48,200 56,000 45,000 2,000 3,200 3,465 1,707,565 20,000 10,000 8,000 (617) 12,496 11,879 40,686 (60) (627) 6,435 (120) 775 (3,200) 43,889 673 2,188 (1,244) 1,503 4,383 87,496 91,879 1,375,700 214,686 48,140 55,373 6,435 44,880 2,775 3,465 38,000 1,751,454 20,673 12,188 6,756 1,503 3,120 41,120 Total All Funds $ 37,104,087 $ 37,104,087 312,902 37,416,989