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Ordinances - ORD-13-1637 - 08/19/2013 - Appropriation supplement
ORDINANCE NO. Ord-13-1637 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION 1. That it be deemed necessary in order to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of said City for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2012 and ending April 30, 2013; that there be and there is hereby appropriated to provide for the general tax levy and other revenue for the said fiscal year, the aggregate sum of Thirty -Nine Million, Eight Hundred Twenty -One Thousand, Eighty -One ($39,821,081) the object and purpose for which said appropriation is made and the amounts appropriated for the same are as follows, to wit: ItiL.L unexpended balances of any Item oz i ems o jeneral appropriation made by this ordinance may be expended in making I 1 0 a I .ip any Insuf f iciency in any items in the same general appropriation I and for the same general purposes or in a like appropriation made by this ordinance. 0 passage, approval and publication.according to law. and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of 1 0 4cHenry, Illinois. 20112113 2012113 2012113 Original Final Budget Appropriation Change Appropriation 4060 Overtime - Regular 30,000 30,000 12,600 42,500 4055 Overtime - Sworn 235,000 235,000 4,400 239,400 4080 Career Ladder 14,000 14,000 (600) 13,400 4190 Salary Adjustments 87,800 87,800 (87,800) - 4310 Health/Life Insurance 831,948 831,948 (11,300) 820,648 4320 Dental Insurance 33�933 33,933 70 34,003 4330 Life Insurance 4J14 4,114 (1,150) 2,964 4340 Insurance Premiums -Vision 2,691 2,691 105 2,796- 4410 FICAIMedloore �59,023 359,023 (1,600) 357,423 4420 IMRF Retirement 102,697 102,697 i'm 104,487 4430 Employer Contribution - Police Pension 1,209,000 1,209,000 gwo) 1,199,700 4610 Employee Uniforms 32,600 32,600 (6,800) 26,800 5110 Contractual Services 78,240 78,240 (3,500) 74J40 5310 Postage and Motor 2�300 2,300 465 2,765 5320 Telephone 35,050 36,050 27,200 62,250 5370 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 62,000 52,000 (2,600) 49,400 6410 Dues 1,600 11500 1,265 2,765 5420 Travel Expense 7,050 7,950 (5,000) 2,950 6430 Training Expense 18,730 18,730 3,250 21.980 5440 Tuition Reimbursement 6,600 51500 (6,600) - 6460 Publications 3,050 3,050 (2,176) 875 6510 Utilities 3,600 3,500 (3,600) - 6110 Materials and Supplies 19,150 19,150 4,345 23,495 6210 Office Supplies 12,860 12,850 '180 13,030 6260 Fuel and Lubricants 160,000 160,00D 175,000 6270 Small Equipment 6,490 6,490 (2,100) 4,390 6310 Canine Unit 5,000 5,000 260 5,260 8300 Capital - Equipment 61000 6,000 (2,685) 3,415 8400 Capital - Vehicles - - - 8700 Capital - Furniture - - - 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 336,343 336,343 336,343 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 197,716" 197,710 197,710 Total Police Department 8,220,474 8,220,474 166,160 8,376,634 Public Works -Administration (100.30) 4010 Salaries - Regular 140,683 140,6133 4,250 144,933 4050 Overtime - Regular - - - - 4190 Salary Adjustment 2,806 2,806 (2,806) 4310 Health/Life Insurance 34,423 34,423 (820) 33,603 4320 Dental Insurance 11393 1,393 (20) 1,373 4330 Life Insurance 138 138 138 4340 Vision Insurance 67 67 20 87 4410 FICA/Medicare 10,977 10,977 (2115) 10,702 4420 IMRF Retirement 17,663 17,663 725 18,388 4610 Uniform Allowance - - - 5110 Contractual Services 6mo 5,000 (3,200) 1,8()0 6310 Postage and Meter 600 600 (200) 400 5320 Telephone 3,800 3,800 1,750 5,550 5410 Dues 380 380 20 400 5420 Travel Expense 600 600 60 560 5430 Training 1,000 11000 (560) 440 6210 Office Supplies 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 6270 Small Tools & Equipment 1'600 1,600 (1,600) - 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 11,824 11,824 11,824 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 12,633 12,633 12,633 Tolal Public Works - Administration 246,487 246,487 (2,656) 243,831 Public Works -Streets Division (100.33) 4010 Salaries - Regular 1,116,090 11,11600 (8,500) 1,107,590 4050 Overtime - Regular 19,000 19,000 (7,875) 11,126- 4060 Overtime - $now Removal 80,000 80,000 (20,750) 59,250 4110 Salaries -Seasonal - - - 4190 Salary Adjustment 24,237 24,237 (24,237) - 4310 Health/1-Ife Insurance 333,637 333,637 (26,400) 308,237 4320 Dental Insurance 2,226 2,226 (100) 2,126 4330 Life Insurance 1,242 1,242 (340)' 902 4340 Vision Insurance - 106 1105 4410 FICAfModirare 94,809 94,609 (5,600) 89,209 4420 1MRF Retirement 162,561 152,661 (3,426) 149,136 4610 Uniforms 1,900 1,900 6,090 7,000 5110 Contractual Services 87,090 87,090 3,600 90,590 6116 Contractual Services - PW Bldg - - 22,100 22,100 5320 Telephone 11,360 11,350 2,000 13,350 2012113 2012/13 2012113 Original Final Budget Appropriation Change Appropriation 5370 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 90,000 90,000 19,800 109,800 5430 Training 1,000 1,000 40 1,040 5,515 U11111fies - PW Bldg 1,500 1,500 5520 Street Lighting 290,000 290,000 (38,000) 252,000 6110 Materials and Supplies 220,000 220,000 (900) 219,100 6115 Materials and Supplies - PW Bldg - - 1,200 1,200 6210 Office Supplies 1,500 1,500 - 1,500 6250 Fuel and Lubricants - Vehicles 118,500 1*18,500 525 119,025 6270 Small Tools and Equipment 1,000 1,000 1'500 2,600 6290 Safety Equipment and Supplies 1,500 1,500 (1,400) 100 8300 Capital - Equipment - - 8400 Capital -Vehicles 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 129,737 129,737 129,737 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 8,559 81559 8,659 Total Public Works - Streets Division 2,785,938 2,785,938 (78,167) 2,707,771 Parks and Recreation Department (100.41) 4010 Salaries - Regular 600,219 600,210 48,500 648,719 4030 Salaries - Part Time 33,686 33,686 1,650 35,336 4050 Overtime - Regular 14,000 14,000 (1,620) 12,380 4110 Salaries -Seasonal 261,700 261,700 (45,775) 215,925 4190 Salary Adjustment 2,778 2,778 (2,778) - 4310 Health/Life Insurance 142,147 142,147 (4,800) 137,347 4320 Dental Insurance 5,051 5,051 (1,000) 4,051 4330 Life Insurance 828 828 (50) �78 4340 Vision Insurance 364 364 50 414 4410 FICA/Medicare 60,797 69,797 (1,700) 68,097 4420 IMRF Retirement 80,099 80,099 7,500 87,699 _4_�10 Uniform Atlovia nee 1,350 1,350 300 1'650 5110 Contractual Services 194,150 194,150 9,600 203,750 5310 Postage and Meter 7,050 7,050 (2,376) 4,675 5320 Telephone 15,-450 15,450 (4,650) 10,800 6330 Printing and Publishing 6,000 61000 (800) 5,200 5370 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 12,000 12,000 (3,275) 8,725 500 Dues 144,382 144,382 75 144,457 5420 Travel Expense 260 250 250 5430 Training 2,650 2,650 (1,476) 1,175 5440 Tuition Reimbursement - - - 5450 Publications 500 600 600 5510 Utilities 35,900 36,900 (10,725) 25,175 6110 Materials and Supplies 118,000 118,000 (16,700) 101 Xo 6210 Office Supplies 31000 3,000 (825) 2J75 6250 Fuel and Lubricants -Vehicles 24,000 24�000 (�5,450) 18,550 6270 Small Tools & EqbIpments 2,500 2,500 (675) 1,925 6920 Special Events 26,600 26,600 (2,600) 24,000 6950 Forestry Expenses 34,600 34,600 (10,250) 24,350 8300 Capital - Equipment - - - 8400 ' Capital - Vehicles - - 8800 Capital - Park Improvements 45,000 45,000 (45.000) - 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 102,644 102,644 102,644 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 36,311 36,311 36,311 Total Parks and Recreation Department 2,023,006 2,023,006 7F94_,748) 1,928,258 Total General Fund 17,629,740 17,629,740 542,837 18,172,577 SPECIAL REVENUS FUNDS Tourism Fund (200) 5110 Contractual 20,000 20,000 (3,000) 17,000 6940 Administrative Expenses - - 3,000 3,000 9901 Transfer General Fund 120,000 120,000 - 120,000 Total Tourism Fund 140,000 140,000 140.000 Pageant Fund (205) 6110 Contractual 11905 1,905 6110 Materials and Supplies - 21 21 0940 Administrative Expense 4,000 4,1�00 Is 4,015 Total Pageant Fund 4,000 4,000 1,941 5,941 Band Fund (210) 5flO Contractual 14,600 14,500 - .14,500 4 2012/13 2012113 2012113 Original Final Budget Appropriation Change Appropriation 6110 Materials and Supplies 500 500 500 Total Band Fund 16,000 16,000 15,000 Civil Defonso Fund (220) 6375 Repairs and Maintenance - Equipment 2,000 2,000 2,000 6110 Materials and Supplies - - --�F,-000 - Total Civil Defonso Fund 2,000 2,000 Audit Fund (230) 5110 Contractual Services 33,650 33,650 665 34,315 Total Audit Fund 33,650 33,650 665 34,315 Annexation Fund (260) 6970 Distribution Operating Fees 10,000 10,000 - 10,000 8100 Capital - Land Acquisition - - - 9904 Transfer - Debt Service Fund 35,000 35,000 36,OOD Total Annexation fund 45,000 45,000 46�000 Motor Fuel Tax Fund (270) 6110 Materials and Supplies 165,000 165,000 (85,315) 79,685 8600 Capital - Street Improvements - - 868,260 868,260 9904 Transfer - Debt Service 398,112 398.112 398,1-l2 9942 Transfer - Capital Improvements Fund 671,000 671,000 62,�90) 8,110 Total Motor Fuel Tax Fund 1,134,112 1,134,112 220,065 1,354,167 Developer Donation Fund (280) 6970 Distributions - Schools 33,000 33,000 - 33,000 6980 Distributions - Library District 4,770 4,770 - 4,770 6990 Distributions - Fire Protection District 4.77D 4,770 - 4,770 Total Developer Donation Fund 42,540 42,540 - 42,540 Developer Donation Fund - Parks (280.41) 6940 Administrative Expenses 14,200 14,200 - 14,200 8800 Park Improvements 100�000 100,000 - 100,000 9902 Transfer - Ree Center Construction Fund - - - - 9942 Transfer - Capital Improvements - - - - Total Developer Donation Fund - Parks 114,200 1114,200 - 114,200 Tax Increment Fund (29D) 5110 Contractual Services - 1,765 1,765 6940 Administrative Expense 75,000 75,000 (1,765) 73,235 8900 Public Improvements 20,000 20,000 20,000 9901 Transfer - General Fund 2,500 2,600 2,500 9904 Transfer - Debt Service Fund 237,840 237,840 237,840 Total Tax Increment Fund 335,340 335,340 335,340 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Debt Service Fund (300) 7100 Bond Principal Payments 7200 Bond Interest Payments 7300 Paying Agent Fees 7500 Bond Refunding 7510 Refunding Discount 7616 Refunding Fees Total Debt Service Fund CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Special Service Area #1A (420) 9904 Transfer - Debt Service Total Special Service Area #1A Special Service Area #4A (424) 9936 Transfer - Utility Improvements Fund Total Special Servico Area #1A Capital Improvements Fund (440) 6110 Contractual Services 1,040,000 1,040,000 (10,000) 1,030,000 621,048 521,048 (85,800). 435,248 3,000 3,000 500 3,600 - 1,925,000 1,925,000 7,860 7,860 - - 27,9`10 27,910 1,564,048 1,664,048 1,865,470 3,429,518 16,847 16,847 16,847 16,847 6 16,647 16,847 13J00 2012113 2012113 2012113 Original Final Budget Appropriation Change Appropriation 7400 Bond Issuance Costs 15,700 15,700 7460 Bond Discount Expense 1,660 1,660 8100 Capital - Land Acquisition - - 520,000 520,000 8200 Capital - Building Improvements 830,000 830,000 (369,450) 440,550 8600 Capital - Street Improvements 735,000 735,000 (677,750) 157,250 8800 Capital - Park Improvements - - - 890D Capital - Other Improvements - - 9909 Transfer - Motor Fuel Tax Fund - 254,425 254,425 Total Capital Improvements Fund 1,565,000 1,565,000 (1 E,31 -5) 1,402,685 Local Street Improvements Fund (444) 9909 Transfer - Motor Fuel Tax Fund $98,125 398,125 Total Capital Improvements Fund 398,125 398,125 Capital Equipments Fund (460) 8300 Equipment 96,775 913,775 8400 Capital - Vehicles 571X5 571,075 (294,400) 276,675 Total Capital Improvements Fund 571,076 571,075 (497,625) 373,450 ENTERPRISE FUNDS WATER/SEWER FUND Public Works - Water Division (610.31) 4010 Salaries - Regular 620,548 620,548 38,425 658,973 4050 Overtime - Regular 34,000 34,000 (6,675) 28,325 4110 Salaries -Seasonal 11,600 (1,150) 10,350 4190 Salary Adjustments 10,901 10,961 (10,961) - 4310 Health1l.ife Insurance 184,843 184,843 (14,775) 170,068 4320 Dental Insurance 2,103 2,193 (125) 2,06B 4330 Life Insurance 656 656 (175) 481 4340 Vision Insurance 50 60 - 60 4410 FICAIMedlcare 51,791 61,791 450 62�241 4420 [MRF Retirement 81,924 81,924 4,176 86,099 4610 Uniform Allowance 200 200 3,225 3,425 6110 Contractual Services 99,500 99,500 (40,976) 58,526 6310 Postage and Meter 3,600 3,600 25 3,625 6320 Telephone 11,220 11,220 (2,050) 9,170 5370 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 91000 9,000 (1,026) 7,976 5410 Dues 500 600 - 600 5430 'Training Expenses 3,000 3,000 925 3,926 544b Tuition Reimbursement 1,750 1,750 (1,300) 460 5610 Utilities 165,000 165,000 (23,225) 141,775 6110 Materials and Supplies 220,000 220,000 (77,960) 142,060 6210 office Supplies 1,250 1,250 (.375) 875 6250 Fuel and Lubricants - Vehicles 25,000 26,000 (2,975) 22,025 6270 Small Tools and Equipment 2,600 2,500 (975) 1,625 6940 Administrative Expenses - - 2,520 2�620 7091 Debt Service - Accrued Interest - 32,750 32,750 7300 Fees - Paying Agent - 600 600 8200 Capital - Buildings - - - - 8300 Capital - Equipment 118�860 118,850 (118,860) 8400 Capital - Vehicles - - - - 9000 Amortization - Bond Issue Costs 875 875 9100 Amortization - Bond Discount - - (1q 6 0) (350) 9510 Depreciation Expense 420,000 420,000 41,000 461 �000 9904 Transfer - Debt Service Fund 146,673 146,673 (65,700) 80,973 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 78,089 78,069 78,069 9921 Purchase Service - General Fund 221,600 221,500 221,500 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 6,382 6,382 6�382 9923 Purchase Service - Audit Fund 3,799 3,799 3�799 9936 Transfer - Utility Improvements Fund - - 9042 Transfer - Capital Improvements Fund - - Total Public Works - Water Division 2,536J69 2,536,159 (243,741) 2,292,418 Public Works - Wastewater Division (610.32) 4010 Salaries - Regular 629,716 629.716 (19,300) 610,416 4050 Overtime - Regular 40,000 40,000 (2,100) 37,900 4190 Salary Adjustments 12,566 12,566 (12,666) - 4110 Salaries -Seasonal - 5,000 5,000 (1,050) 3,950 4310 Health/Ufe Insurance 158,878 158,878 (18,550) 140,328 4320 Dental Insurance 738 738 738 6 2012113 2012113 2012113 Original Final Budget Appropriation Change Appropriation 4330 Life Insurance 690 690 (225) 465 4340 Vision Insurance 134 134 - 134 4410 FICA/Medicare 62,577 52,577 (3,775) 48,802 4420 IMRF Retirement 83,989 83,089 3,175 87,164 4510 Uniform Allowance 3,600 3,600 1,500 MOO 5110 Contractual Services 75,600 76,500 16,075 90,575 6310 Postage and Meter 2,500 2,500 (2,200) 300 5320 Telephone 16,000 '16,000 (1,625) 14,375 5370 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 10,000 10,000 9,850 19,860 5375 Repair and Maintenance - Equipment 82,600 82,500 (20,675) 61,825 5380 Repair and Maintenance - Utility System .50,000 50,000 (25,000) 25,000 5410 Dues 200 200 (125) 76 5430 Training Expenses 1,250 1,250 450 1,700 5440 Tuition Reimbursement 875 875 600 1,475 6450 Publications 100 100 (100) - 5510 Utilities 415,000 415,000 (36,226) 378,775 5580 Disposal 180,000 180,000 28,660 208,650 6110 Materials and Supplies 186.779 180,779 67,000 243,779 6210 Office Supplies 500 500 1,000 1,600 6250 Fuel and Lubricants - Vehicles 25,000 25,000 14,150 39,150 6940 Administrative Expenses - - 3,825 :3,825 7091 Debt Service - Accrued Interest - (1,035) (1,035) 7100 ' Bond Principal 230,000 230,000 (230,000) - 7200 Bond Interest 212,193 212,193 - 212,193 7300 Fees - Paying Agent - 700 700 8400 Capital -Vehicles - - 9000 Amortization - Bond Issue Costs 1,675 1,676 9100 Amortization - Bond Discount - - 3,950 3,950 9510 Depreciation Expense 680,000 680,000 174,400 854,400 9904 Transfer - Debt Service Fund 10,319 10.319 - 10,319 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 93,856 93,856 - 93,856 9921 Purchase Service - General Fund 226,396 226,396 - 226,396 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 3,267 3,267 - 3,267 9923 Purchase Service - Audit Fund 3,799 3,799 3,799 9936 Transfer - Utility Improvements Fund 60,000 50,000 60,000 9942 Transfer - Capital Improvements Fund - - - Total Public Works - Wastewater Division 3,643,922 3,543,922 (68,551) 3,485,371 Total WaterlSewer Fund 6,080,081 6,080,081 (302,292) 5,777,769 Capital Development Fund (660) 9936 Transfer - Utility Improvements Fund 238,600 238,500 10,000 248,500 Total Capltil Development Fund 238,500 238,500 10,000 248,500 Utility Improvements Fund (580.31 & 32) 8500 Capital - Water Utility Improvements 2,250,000 2,250,000 - 2,250,000 8500 Capital - Sewer Utility Improvements 248,500 248,500 248,500 Total Utility Improvements Fund 2,498,500 2,498,600 2,498,600 Marina Operations Fund (690) 5110 Contractual ServIces 30,000 30,000 (1,600) 28,400 6940 Administrative Expenses 21,400 21,401) 1,600 23,000 Total Marina Operations Fund 51,400 61,400 - 61,400 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Health Insurance Fund (600) 4310 Insurance Premiums - HealthfVislon 2,056,873 2,056,873 2,066,873 4316 Insurance Premiums - Other - - - - 4320 Insurance Premiums - Dental 93,643 93,643 - 93,643 4340 Insurance Premiums - Vision 11,351 li,351 - 11,351 6246 Health HRA Reimbursement 106,000 106,000 - 106,000 6960 Miscellaneous Expense 51000 6,000 - 6,000 2,272,767 2,272,767 - 2,272,767 Risk Management Fund (610) 5950 MCMRMA Premiums 750,000 750,000 - 750,000 5960 Insurance Premiums - Other 2.500 2,500 9,600 12,000 5980 Property Damage 50,000 60,000 (9,500) 40,500 6940 Administratlive Expense 4,250 4,250 4.250 6960 Miscellaneous Expense 500 500 500 9921 Purchase of Service - General Fund 19,500 19,500 19,500 7 2012/13 2012113 2012113 Original Final Budget Appropriation Change Appropriation Total Risk Management Fund 826,750 826,750 - 826,750 Information Technology Fund (620) 4010 Salaries- Regular 136,588 136,588 1,625 138,113 4190 Salary Adjustment 2,026 2,026 (2,026) 4310 HealthlLffe Insurance 27,928 27,928 - 27,928 4320 Dental Insurance 1,120 1,120 - 1,120 4330 Life Insurance 138 138 - 138 4340 Vision Insurance 124 124 - 124 4410 FICA/Medicare 10,604 10,604 - 10,604 4420 IMRF Retirement 17,063 17,063 650 117,613 4510 Uniforms - - - - 5110 Contractual Services 77,726 77,725 (9,724) 68,001 5320 Telephone 2,500 2,500 750 3,250 5410 Dues 750 750 - 750 5420 Travel 326 326 325 5430 Training - - - 5440 Tuition Reimbursement 5450 Publications - - - 6110 Materials & Supplies 14,500 14,600 -1,475 15,975 6210 Office Supplies 17,200 17,200 - 17,200 6270 Small Tools and Equipment 60,600 60,600 - 60,600 95-10 Depreciation Expense 30,000 30,000 7,450 37,450 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 9,279 9,279 - 9,279 Total Information Technology Fund 408,470 408,470 408,470 FIDUCIARY FUNDS McHenry Area Character Counts (216) 6110 Materials & Supplies 625 625 Total McHenry Aron Character Counts - - 625 626 Employee Flexible Spending Fund (700) 6940 Administrative Expenses �5'000 51000 - 5,000 6965 Reimbursements 79,000 79,000 - 70,000 Total Employee Flexible Spending Fund 84,000 84,000 - 84,000 Police Pension Fund (760) 4910 Pension Payments 11335,000 i�336,000 - 1,335,000 4920 Disability Payments 171,100 171,100 - 171 J 00 4930 Death Benefit Payments, 50,000 50,000 - u'000 4940 Non -Duty Disability Benefit Payments 66,000 56,000 - 56,000 4990 Contribtulon Refunds - - 63,050 63,050 6110 Contractual Services 45,000 45,000 - 45,000 5410 Dues 2,000 2,000 2,000 6940 Administrative Expense 3,200 3,200 3,200 9923 Purchase of Service - Audit Fund 3,300 3,300 - 3,300 Total Police Pension Fund 1,665,600 1,665,600 63,050 1,728,660 McHenry Economic Dev. Fund (730) 6960 Miscellaneous Expense - - Total McHenry Economic Dev. Fund - - Retained Personnel Fund (740) 5220 Engineering Fees - Consultant 20,000 20,000 (1,950) 18,050 6221 Engineering Fees - Staff - - - - '6230 LegalFees 10,000 10,000 (250) 9,750 6960 Miscellaneous Expense 8,000 8,000 (2,275) 5,725 6961 Miscellaneous Refunds - - 8,400 8,400 Total Retained Personnel Fund 38,000 38,000 3,925 41,925 Total All Funds $ 37,376,620 $ 2,A44,461 37,376,620 39,821,081 8