HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - MC-15-1106 - 06/01/2015 - AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE XI FENCESORDINANCE NO. MC-15-1106 An Ordinance Amending the City of McHenry Municipal Code Chapter 7, Article XI, Fences WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, as follows: SECTION 1: That Chapter 7, Article XI Fences of the City of McHenry Municipal Code, shall be amended by deleting it in its entirety and replace it with the following: ARTICLE XI. FENCES* Sec. 7-141. Permit to erect; compliance with Article. (a) No fence shall be erected in the City unless a permit is obtained in advance and unless such fence is erected in compliance with the provisions of this Article within 90 days after such permit is issued. An accurate sketch showing the proposed location of the fence on the premises shall be furnished to the Department of Community & Economic Development at the time application is made for the permit to erect a fence. No fence permit shall be required for the installation of no more than two sections of fencing used for decorative or landscape purposes only with a maximum height not to exceed 42-inches. (b) Fees for residential and non-residential fences as established in Section 7-3 herein. (MC- 02-809) (c) Relief from Ordinance restrictions. Petitions for relief from the fence regulations herein shall be heard and decided by the City Council. Notice must be given to the owners of record of each parcel of real estate abutting or across a street or alley from any boundary of the property affected by the application. The owners of record for this purpose shall be considered those who paid property taxes for the most current year according to the Township records or County Treasurer. A completed property owner/current resident notification form provided by the city shall be attached to the application. (d) Application filing fee for relief from fence ordinance restrictions. There shall be a $175 application filing fee. * Cross reference — Fences for swimming pools, Sec. 22-20. Sec. 7-142. Required fencing. Hereafter, no occupancy permit shall be issued for or in connection with a residential dwelling consisting of 2 or more dwelling units whose premises abut upon a railroad right-of-way, unless the owner thereof constructs a chain link fence at least 6 feet in height along the entire length of the common boundary line between the premises and said railroad right-of-way. (MC-88- 442) Sec. 7-143. General standards. In addition to the standards prescribed in the following Sections of this Article, the following standards shall be followed in connection with all fences: (a) All fence posts and supporting fence members shall be erected so that after the fence is constructed they will face to the interior of the premises for which the fence permit is issued. (b) Electrified fences, snow fences, chicken wire, hog and farm -style fences are prohibited. (c) No stone, masonry or concrete fence shall be constructed unless it is supported by a foundation and footing which shall extend at least 42 inches below the finished grade of the ground on both sides of the fence. (d) Nothing contained in this Article shall be construed to restrict or limit the height of chain link fencing for the enclosure of non-residential sport venues such as tennis courts, baseball diamond backstops, etc. Sec. 7-144. Standards for fences on residentially zoned lots. (MC-07-942) The following standards shall apply to any site used for residential purposes: (a) Front and Corner Side Yards: No fence shall be installed closer than the required front or corner side yard setback established by the zoning district, except as follows: 1. Split rail, picket and wrought iron style fences may be installed in a required front yard so long as the fence maintains a minimum of 50% opacity and the height of said fence does not exceed 42 inches; 2. Any style fence may be installed in a corner side yard provided that the maximum height of said fence shall not exceed 72 inches, is located no closer than five feet from a corner side lot line, and providing that a clear line of sight for pedestrians and vehicles is maintained; 3. On a double frontage lot, split rail, chain link, or wrought iron style fencing may be located in a required front yard abutting a street, provided: i) Said yard shall not provide a means of vehicular access to the site; and, ii) Maximum height of fencing shall not exceed 72 inches. (b) Side and Rear Yards: Fences in side and rear yards shall not exceed 72 inches in height, except that where a residential lot abuts any non-residential lot, a fence shall not exceed 96 inches in height. (c) Obstructions: No fence shall obstruct the clear view of vehicular traffic using any abutting streets or public ways. (d) Use of barbed wire prohibited. The use of barbed wire in residentially zoned districts is prohibited. (e) Chain link fencing must be installed knuckle -side up. The use of spikes, broken glass, or other sharp or pointed instruments or materials intended or likely to cause injury to any person coming into contact therewith is prohibited. Sec. 7-145. Standards for fences on non -residentially zoned lots. The following standards shall be followed in connection with fences constructed upon premises used for non-residential purposes: (a) No fence shall be installed closer than the required front or corner side yard setback established by the zoning district, except as follows: 1. Split rail fences may be installed in a front or corner side yard provided that the maximum height of said fence shall not exceed 42 inches; 2. A fence in a corner side yard may be located no closer than fifteen feet from a corner side lot line, except where a corner side yard abuts another corner side yard, the fence may be located no closer than five feet from the corner side lot line. (b) No fence shall exceed 96 inches in height from the ground level. (c) Use of barbed wire. The use of barbed wire is permitted only at heights in excess of 72 inches above the ground level and all barbed wire supporting arms may either slope inward, toward the premises for which the fence permit is issued, or outward, providing the barbed wire fence is over 72 inches in height, and that no part of the arm or barbed wire extends beyond the property line. (d) Chain link fencing. Chain link fencing may be installed with or without the knuckle -side up. Other than the installation of barbed wire per the regulation above, the use of spikes, broken glass, or other sharp or pointed instruments or materials intended or likely to cause injury to any person coming into contact therewith is prohibited. Sec. 7-146. Dangerous or encroaching fences. (MC-09-986) It shall be unlawful for the owner, occupant or person in custody of any premises in the City having a fence thereon, to permit such fence in a state or condition of any such disrepair which is liable to cause injury to any person or to property, or which is liable to collapse, or which encroaches upon or leans upon the premises of another. If one or more sections of a fence and/or posts are removed because of damage, disrepair or otherwise the section(s) and/or post(s) must be replaced with a fence similar in style, appearance and height consistent with the fencing immediately adjacent to, on either side of, the piece being replaced so as to have a consistent line of fence. Sec. 7-147. Penalty for violation of Article. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Article shall be subject to a fine of not less than $25.00 or more than $750.00 per day. (MC-96-654), (MC-12-1049) Sec. 7-148 - 7-160. Reserved. SECTION 2: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this ordinance shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof, which remainder shall remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 3: All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. Voting Aye: Condon, Peterson, Wimmer, Curry, Schaefer, Santi Voting Nay: Glab Not Voting: None Abstaining: None Absent: None Passed and approved this 15t day of June 2015. SIGNED: a,-'-zz .13 2 ayor ATTEST:' Ci Clerk