HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - ORD-09-1455 - 01/19/2009 - APPROVE GARY LANG BUSINESS DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT AGORDINANCE NO.ORD-09-1455 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE GARY LANG BUSINESS DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT IN THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the McHenry City Council has created the Gary Lang Business District and approved the Gary Lang Business District Plan for the property located at 1103 South Route 31, described on Exhibit A hereby attached; and WHEREAS, the City of McHenry desires to entire into a development agreement with Gary Lang Auto Group for the redevelopment of the Gary Lang Business District as outlined on the Gary Lang Business District Plan; and WHEREAS, the City believes that the approval of a development agreement for the subject property is consistent with the objectives of the City of McHenry to protect the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of its residents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1: That McHenry City Council has determined that the following findings have been met as required by State Statutes: I. The subject property to which the rebate will relate has remained underutilized for a period of at leash one year; ii. The project is expected to create and retain job opportunities within the City; iii. The project will serve to further the development of adjacent areas; iv. Without the agreement, the expansion project would not be possible; v. Gary Lang meets a high standard of creditworthiness and financial strength; vi. The project will strengthen the commercial sector of the City; vii. The project will enhance the tax base of the City: viii.The project is in the best interest of the City. SECTION 2: That Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk's execution of the Business District Development Agreement with Gary Lang as attached on Exhibit B labeled "Business District Development Agreement". SECTION 3: All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED and APPROVED THIS 19"' DAY OF January, 2009. AYES: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon NAYS: None ABSTAINED: None ABSENT: None NOT VOTING: None ATTEST: ems. C1 C RK i YOR Exhibit A Legal Description of the SUBJE('T PROPERTY Lot 1 and that part of Lot 2 of McHenry Corporate Center Unit 4 according to the plat thereof recorded January 30, 1996 as Document No 96R005000 lying easterly of the easterly line of Lot 2 of McHenry Corporate Center Unit 7 according to the plat thereof recorded May 26, 1999 as Document No 1999R0039000, ALSO Lots 3 and 4 of said McHenry Corporate Center Unit 7 of Section 10�, Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian in McHenry County, Illinois BUSINESS DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS BUSINESS DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of this I 9A day of aA.AJ _, 2009, by and between the CITY OF MCHENRY, McHenry Count , Illinois, an Illinois municipal corporation, duly organized and existing under the laws of the: State of Illinois ("City"), and Gary Lang ("Lang"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Lang owns the Business District Property defined below and corporations controlled by Lang have operated a motor vehicle dealership on a portion of the Business District Property for more than twenty (20) years in the City; and WHEREAS, Lang recently purchased additional contiguous vacant real estate that is to be included in the Business District Property to provide a site upon which he desires to make significant improvements and construct additional facilities from which additional brands of motor vehicles and associated products will be: sold and serviced; and WHEREAS, Lang's corporations are subject to State of Illinois retailers' occupation taxes and use taxes that are received by the City from the State, currently at the rate of I%, on retail sales and service of new and used motor vehicles, and sales of parts, accessories and other equipment; and, WHEREAS, the City has enjoyed the receipt of retailers' occupation tax and use tax receipts generated by Lang's corporations; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that it is essential to the economic and social welfare of the City that business districts be maintained and revitalized by assuring opportunities for retention of businesses generating taxes that contribute to development and redevelopment and attracting sound and stable commercial growth within the corporate limits of the City; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that it is in the City's best interest to retain Lang and the operations of his corporations in the City for the foreseeable future; and WHERI3AS, the City has made the findings required by law as set forth in 65 ILCS 5/8-11-20; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of 65 ILCS 5/11-74.3-1 et.seq. the City has designated, after public hearings, the area legally described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, which is owned by Lang and is located within the corporate limits of the City as a business district (herein the "Business District Property"); and WHEREAS, the City desires to have Lang expand and continue to operate motor vehicle dealerships, together with sales and service facilities, on the Business District Property and finds that Lang's proposed development and new facilities will enhance the tax. base of the City and generate increased retailers' occupation, use and real estate taxes to the benefit of the City and other governmental entities; and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that Lang's proposed development of his motor vehicle dealership businesses and associated uses will generate increased employment opportunities; and WHEREAS, expansion of Lang's motor vehicle dealership and associated uses, including off -site improvements, if any, would not be feasible for Lang without the City's economic assistance; and WHEREAS, the City has agreed to pay for a portion of the acquisition and on - site and off -site development costs for the additional brands of motor vehicles and associated uses and the costs of construction of new facilities for such motor vehicle dealerships and expansion of existing facilities through the use of a rebate of a portion of the Sales Tax Revenue generated by Lang's dealership corporations within the Business District Property in order to make it economically feasible for Lang to incur the capital costs to expand his existing motor vehicle dealership and associated uses thereon, and construct new facilities on such recently acquired real estate for additional lines of motor vehicles sales and service. The term "Sales Tax Revenue" as used herein, shall mean that portion or component of the taxes imposed and collected by the State of Illinois pursuant to the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, the Service Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, and the Use Tax Act (including without limitation any vehicle lease tax that is substituted for a portion or all the foregoing); generated by Lang's corporation(s), on all or any portion of each of such corporation's sales and service operations and associated uses conducted on the Business District Property, that the City actually receives from the State of Illinois; and WHEREAS, the rebate of a portion of the City's share of Sales Tax Revenue is being provided by the City for Lang in order to provide Lang with an incentive to 1) retain the existing portion of his corporations' dealership operations within the City, 2) expand such dealership operations in the City, 3) construct facilities to operate additional motor vehicle dealership product lines, and 4) to enhance the sites, buildings, products, services and inventory being offered at his dealership(s) in the City; and 2 WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have determined that entering into this Agreement is in the best interest of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the covenants hereinafter set forth, it is mutually agreed as follows: 1. Recitals: The recitals set forth hereinabove are hereby incorporated by reference, as if fully set forth herein. 2. Legislative Authority: The City has made the findings of fact required by 65 IILCS 5/8•-11-20 and represents that it is duly authorized and empowered within the scope of its authority to enter into and carry out the terms of this Agreement. In accordance with 65 ILCS 5/11-74.3-1 et.seq. that the City has designated, after public hearings, the Business District Property as a business district. In carrying out its business district development plan for the Business District Property, the: City has the power under the foregoing statute to expend such public funds as may be necessary. 3. Parties to the Agreement: This Agreement is made by and between Lang and the City as the parties to the Agreement. In the event that Lang or his corporations, or their respective successors or assigns, cease to cause any motor vehicle dealerships to be operated on the Business District Property at any time during the terra of this Agreement, the City shall have no further obligations under this Agreement, unless there shall be a permitted assignment (under paragraph 4 hereof). 4. Substitute Business: In the event that Lang desires to transfer his interests under this Agreement to a third party in connection with a sale of the real estate comprising the Business District Property and/or the assets of any or all of his corporations then conducting vehicle dealership sales and service operations on the Business District Property, and the City accepts the third party as a "'substitute business" to continue to conduct vehicle dealership operations on the Business District Property, the third party and/or the substitute business, as the case may be, shall thereupon become a signatory and party to this Agreement, and Lang and the City shall each contemporaneously therewith be released from any and all rights, duties and obligations each may then have with regard to the other under this Agreement. All of the rights, duties and obligations of Lang under this Agreement shall remain in effect unless and until the City accepts a substitute business on the Business District Property. The City agrees that it will not unreasonably delay or withhold approval of a proposed substitute business so long as the reasonably projected annual sales and revenues of the substitute business are anticipated to be equivalent to the most recent annual sales and revenues of Lang's business entities as of the time of the proposed transfer, as determined by agreement of Lang and the City in writing. In the event that, as a result of Lang's transfer or for any other Q reason (except as provided in Section 21), no motor vehicle dealerships exist within the Business District Property during the term of this Agreement ("Terminating Event"), this Agreement shall immediately terminate and Lang shall be obligated to reimburse the City in an amount equal to one year of Sales Tax Rebates, as defined below. Alternatively, if the Terminating Event occurs after the City has accepted a substitute business, such substitute business shall be obligated to reimburse: the City in an amount equal to one year of Sales Tax Rebates, as defined below. Such reimbursement following the Terminating Event shall be computed by taking the largest single year of Sales Tax Rebates paid by the City to Lang (if Lang is the obligated party) or to the substitute business (if it is the obligated party), as the case may be, during the term of this Agreement. 5. Additional Vehicle Dealerships) In the event that Lang acquires any vehicle dealership(s) that is or are located in the City immediately prior to such acquisition and is or are subject to Retailers' Occupation Tax and Lang relocates such dealership's sales and service business operations to the Business District Property during; the term of this Agreement, Lang agrees that an amount equal to the City's share of such taxes generated by such dealership(s) prior to the relocation shall not be included in the computation of Sales Tax Revenue under this Agreement after such relocation but that he shall have the right to a rebate based only upon the amount of additional taxes generated by the operation of such dealership(s) subsequent to the relocation. For purposes of this Section, the City's existing share of Sales Tax Revenue generated by such dealership(s) prior to the relocation will be determined by taking an average of the annual Sales Tax Revenue received by the City that has been generated by the acquired dealership(s) in the three year period prior to the relocation. 6. Responsibilities of Lang — Expansion: Construction activities to expand Lang's dealership facilities on the Business District Property may occur in phases. Lang shall obtain a building permit and commence the initial phase of construction not later than August 1, 2011, and obtain an occupancy permit not later than one year following commencement of construction (the "Initial Phase"). For the costs of construction to be eligible as a Qualified Development Cost, as hereinafter defined, each phase thereafter shall be completed, with an occupancy permit being issued, not later than one year from commencement of construction of such phase. In the event construction of the Initial Phase is not commenced, as reasonably determined by the City, on or before August 1, 2011, all monies paid by the City under this Agreement shall be returned by Lang to the City upon written demand by the City and the Agreement shall be deemed terminated. 7. Limitation of City Responsibilities: Other than the rebate of the City's share of Sales Tax Revenue to be made pursuant to this Agreement, the City shall have no obligation to incur any expense associated with the new construction, expansion of existing facilities or operation of Lang's corporations' motor vehicle dealerships or their associated uses. .19 8. Sales Tax Rebate: Lang shall be entitled to receive, annually, which shall be computed on a fiscal year basis commencing on the first day of the calendar month following; commencement of construction of the Initial Phase, as reasonably determined by the City, a rebate of the City's share of the Sales Tax Revenue ("the Sales Tax Rebate") generated within the Business District Property as follows: A. The City shall retain the City's share of Sales Tax Revenue generated within the Business District Property and received by the City up to and including the first $450,000 annually; B. The City shall rebate to Lang 100% of the City's share of Sales Tax Revenue generated within the Business District Property and received by the City between $450,000 and $750,000 annually; C. The City shall rebate to Lang 60% of the City's share of Sales Tax Revenue generated within the Business District Property and received by the City in excess of $750,000 annually; D. The total annual amount rebated by the City to Lang shall not exceed 55% of the total annual Sales Tax Revenue generated within the Business District Property and received by the City. E. On or before October 1 of each year of the terra of this Agreement the City will advance $100,000 to Lang toward the Sales Tax Rebate for such year which will be reconciled as a credit at the end of each calendar year based on the Sales Tax Revenue generated within the Business District Property and received by the City. F. Under no circumstances shall the total Sales Tax Rebate exceed the acquisition costs of the franchises, the land costs, new construction costs relative to the proposed development and new or expanded facilities contemplated in this Agreement, and related out of pocket expenses ("Qualified Development Costs"), except as otherwise described below. In addition to the proposed development and new facilities and acquisition costs of additional brands of motor vehicles contemplated in this Agreement, Qualified Development Costs shall include costs for other future expansion improvements (the costs of which shall become Qualified Development Costs upon completion, as determined by the City) which actually increase the usable square footage of the existing structures either vertically or horizontally following the City's approval of any such expansion(s) during the term of this Agreement. Renovation expenses, which are not incurred for the purpose of expanding the usable square footage of the existing structures, are specifically excluded from consideration as Qualified Development Costs. All Qualified Development Costs must be evidenced by bills, contracts, invoices and lien waivers, or other evidence deemed sufficient by the City. 5 G. The total amount of Qualified Development Costs shall be increased to include the carrying costs of such expenses incurred by Lang. The allowable increase shall be calculated by adjusting the Qualified Development Costs by any increase in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index, Chicago Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area, All Items, for each year over October 1 of Year 2 of this Agreement. through October 1 of Year 19, unless this Agreement is earlier terminated. 9. Term of Agreement: The term of this agreement shall be (i) twenty years commencing on the first day of the calendar month following commencement of construction of the Initial Phase, as reasonably determined by the City or (ii) until the Qualified Development Costs as adjusted by Section 8.G. have been fully reimbursed by the City through the Sales Tax Rebates, whichever shall first occur, during which period the City will rebate the Sales Tax Rebate to Lang in accordance with Section 8. 10. Successive Agreements: Nothing in this Agreement shall limit the ability of Lang or the City to negotiate extensions or additional, successive agreements approving supplemental rebates to offset additional capital investments in additional brands of motor vehicle franchises, real estate and dealership facilities and equipment made or caused to be made by Lang. 11. Power of Attorney: Lang shall promptly provide the City upon its written request with a durable power of attorney enabling the City to obtain certified reports from the Illinois Department of Revenue, verifying the taxable sales by Lang's dealership corporations for each calendar year. Lang covenants and agrees that during the period he is a party to this Agreement, his dealership corporations will continue to offer automotive service and sales of new and used automobiles and light duty trucks on the Business District Property. 12. Lang Sales Tax Reports: Within thirty days after the end of each Sales Tax Year, Lang shall provide the City with a statement, accompanied by a summary of the Gross Receipts for such year, in a form reasonably acceptable to the City, signed by one of its officers, which shall also set forth the dollar amount of Sales Tax Revenue paid to the State of Illinois for the benefit of the City during such 'Sales Tax Year. The term "Gross Receipts," as used herein, shall have the same meaning as that which is ascribed to it in the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. The term "Sales Tax Year," as used herein, shall mean the period of time commencing October 1, 2011 and continuing each succeeding fiscal year thereafter through the termination of this Agreement.. Additionally, Lang shall maintain and have available for inspection by the City copies of any and all Retailers' Occupation Tax returns, sales tax reports, amendments, proofs of payment or any other Sales Tax Revenue information filed with the State of Illinois or other appropriate governmental entity, which documents 3 will be made available to the City for purposes of identifying Sales Tax Revenue collected pursuant to this Agreement. 13. Department of Revenue Sales Tax Reports: The City shall use its best efforts to obtain such Sales Tax Revenue information directly from the Illinois Department of Revenue or the State of Illinois. 14. Determination of Rebate Amount: The City agrees to initially base each Sales Tax Rebate on the data provided by Lang as to the amount of Sales Tax Revenue paid to the Illinois Department of Revenue. However, any discrepancies between the data provided by Lang and the data provided by the Illinois Department of Revenue shall result in the Sales Tax Rebate being based upon the Illinois Department of :[Revenue report. An underpayment of the Sales Tax Rebate; to Lang by the City shall result in a corrective payment to Lang within 30 days of receipt of the report for the period from the Illinois Department of Revenue. An overpayment of the Sales Tax Rebate by the City to Lang shall result in a corrective payment by Lang to the City within 30 days of notification of the discrepancy. In the event of such an overpa-anent to Lang that has not been repaid to the City, the City shall have the right to deduct from future Sales Tax Rebates an amount equal to such overpayment. 15. Confidentiality of Financial Information: To the extent permitted by law, the City shall endeavor to maintain the confidentiality of the information contained in any financial reports submitted to the City by Lang, and other information received by the City relating to Sales Tax Revenue, but shall be permitted to disclose such information and documents to employees and consultants as the City (except for any consultant that has a financial interest in any motor vehicle dealership within the Chicago metropolitan area, which consultant shall not be retained) in its sole discretion deems appropriate in order to monitor compliance and audit this .Agreement. Lang understands and agrees that the provisions of this Agreement shall be a matter of public record, as shall any and all payments to Lang pursuant to this Agreement. Lang also agrees, upon the request of the City, to furnish such consent, powers of attorney, or waivers as may be required by the Illinois Department of Revenue to allow the Illinois Department of Revenue to furnish to the City Sales Tax Revenue information concerning Lang's dealership corporation(s). 16. Mutual Assistance: The City and Lang agree to do all things necessary or appropriate to carry out the terms and provisions of this Agreement and to aid and assist each other in carrying out the terms hereof. 17. Provisions Concerning_ Receipt by City: The receipt of Sales Tax Revenue, either directly or indirectly, by the City from taxes paid by Lang's dealership corporations or by a substitute business accepted by the City to the State 7 of Illinois, as provided earlier in this Agreement, shall be a condition precedent to any obligation of the City to pay any monies to Lang. 18. Governing Law and Notices: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the County of McHenry, the State of Illinois, and the sole and exclusive venue for any disputes arising out of this Agreement shall be the Twenty Second Judicial Circuit, McHenry County, Illinois. Any notices required in this Agreement shall be effective when in writing and three days after mailing by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by delivering the same in person to any officers of such party or by prepaid telegram or private overnight courier, when appropriate, addressed to the; party to be notified. All notices to the City shall be sent to: City Administrator City of McHenry 333 South Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 With copies to: City Attorney David McArdle Zukowski, Rogers, Flood & McArdle 50 Virginia Road Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 All notices to Lang shall be sent to: Gary Lang 1103 S. Route 31 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Or to such other address as a party may designate for himself or itself by notice given from time to time to the other parties in the manner provided herein. 19. Time is of the Essence: Time is of the essence of this Agreement. The parties shall make every reasonable effort to expedite the subject matters hereof, and they hereby acknowledge that the successful performance of this Agreement requires their continued cooperation. 20. Remedies: In the event of a material breach of any of the germs and conditions of this Agreement after reasonable prior notice which is or are not thereafter prorrLptly cured, the non -breaching party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement. In addition the non -breaching party shall have the right, by any E action or proceeding at law or in equity, to secure the specific performance of the covenants and agreements herein contained, may be awarded damages for failure of performance or both and the prevailing party shall receive its costs and expenses, including but not limited to its reasonable attorney's fees. The foregoing rights and remedies shall be cumulative and not exclusive. 21. Casualty; Extension of Term: If operation of any or all of the motor vehicle dealership operations on the Business District Property shall be interrupted or if dealership operations shall cease due to casualty or force majeure prior to termination of this Agreement then, in each such case, provided the conditions hereinafter set forth in this paragraph 21 have been satisfied, the term of this Agreement shall be automatically extended for a period equal to the period commencing on the date of said casualty, or the date said force majeure commences (as applicable), through the date of final completion of the reconstruction of the damaged or destroyed facilities, or the date of cessation of said force majeure (if applicable), and the payment obligations of the City hereunder shall, with respect to the Sales Tax Revenue generated by the dealership corporation during said extended term, continue for the duration of said period. Provided Lang or his motor vehicle dealerships, as the case may be, is not in default hereunder, the City shall continue to make any and all Sales Tax Rebates during any period of reconstruction or force majeure referred to hereinabove to which Lang would otherwise be entitled hereunder for said period. Performance by any party hereunder shall not be deemed to be in default where delay or defaults are due to war, insurrection, strikes, lockouts, riots, floods, earthquakes, fires, casualties, acts of God, acts of the public enemy, respective governmental ]laws and regulations, epidemics, quarantine, restrictions, freight embargos or lack of transportation. An extension of time for any such cause shall be for the period of the delay, which period shall commence to run from the tinge of the commencement of the cause, provided that written notice by the party claiming such extension is sent to the other party not more than thirty (30) days after the commencement, of the cause or more than thirty (30) days after the party claiming such extension could have first reasonably recognized the commencement of the cause whichever is later. 22. Change in the Law. A. The City and Lang acknowledge and agree that the City's obligation to pay the Sales Tax Rebate in this Agreement is predicated on existing Illinois law, including, without limitation, the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, the Service Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act and the Use Tax Act (including without limitation any vehicle lease tax that is substituted for a portion or all of the foregoing). The parties further acknowledge that the General Assembly of the State of Illinois has, from time to time, considered proposals to modify or 7 eliminate the distribution of Sales Tax Revenue to Illinois municipalities. The parties desire in paragraph B of this Section to make express provision for the effect of any such change upon the operation of this Agreement. B. In the event that the State of Illinois amends or repeals the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act and/or any of the other taxes that affect Sales Tax Revenue or makes any other promulgation, enactment or change in law ("Change in Law") that limits, eliminates or renders unlawful the distribution of Sales Tax Revenue to the City, or otherwise alters the distribution formula in a manner that prevents the parties from determining with a reasonable degree of certainty the precise amount of the Sales Tax Revenue that the City actually receives from the State of Illinois, the provisions of this Agreement with regard to Sales Tax Revenue generated from Lang's motor vehicle dealerships' operations on or after the effective date of the Change in Law shall be modified. If the Change in Law results in replacement taxes for the Sales Tax Revenue, directly or indirectly resulting from the gross receipts of Lang's motor vehicle dealerships' operations as contemplated hereunder, then, for purposes of this Agreement, such replacement taxes shall be defined as Sales Tax Revenue, subject in all respects to the City's authority under state law to provide for economic incentives based upon such replacement taxes, as contemplated herein. 23. Entire Agreement: The instrument contains the entire Agreement between the parties with respect to the transaction contemplated in this Agreement. 24. Severability and Indemnification: In the event any person or entity challenges the validity of any recital, provision or covenant of this Agreement, the City agrees to defend this Agreement, not take a position adverse to enforcement of the same or enter into any settlement of any such action without the written consent of Lang, provided Lang is not in breach of this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, after exhaustion of all appeals or periods for appeal, such provision shall be deemed to be excised herefrom. The invalidity of such provision shall not affect any of the other provisions contained herein, to the extent found equitable by a court, and such judgment or decree shall relieve the City from performance of only the provision(s) of this Agreement so determined to be invalid. If the judgment or decree releases the City of its monetary obligations under Section 8 of this Agreement, then this Agreement shall terminate. Further, if such judgment or decree is made on or before June 1, 2011, Lang shall immediately reimburse the City the full amount of Sales Tax Rebates received by Lang which are: determined to have been wrongfully paid under this Agreement in the judgment or decree. In the event any lawsuit is filed against the City relating in any way to this Agreement, Lang shall indemnify and hold the City harmless for any and all costs, attorneys' fees, expert fees, etc. incurred by the City in defending such lawsuit. 10 25. Amendment: This Agreement may not be amended, altered, or revoked at any time, in whole or in part, unless such changes are agreed to in writing and signed by all of the parties to this Agreement. 26. Binding On: This Agreement shall be binding on the parties, and their respective successors, assigns, heirs, and legal representatives. 27. Section and Other Headings: Section or other headings contained in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. 28. Authorization to Execute: Lang warrants that he has full power and authority to execute this Agreement. The Mayor and City clerk hereby warrant that they have been lawfully authorized by the City Council of the City of McHenry to execute this Agreement. Lang and the City shall deliver, upon request, to each other at the respective times each affix their signatures hereto, copies of all resolutions, ordinances or other documents required to legally evidence the authority to so execute this Agreement on behalf of the respective parties. 29. Home Rule Status: The City anticipates that it will become a Home Rule Unit within the meaning of Article 7, Section 6 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois during the term of this Agreement. Lang hereby consents to the re- authorization of this Agreement by the City after the change to home rule status occurs. Lang shall cooperate with the City by executing any documents necessary to effect such re -authorization. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date first above written. ATTEST: City Cler Z:\M\McHenryCityof\L.angGary\Agreement.Lang 022709.doc The City of McHenry Mayor Gary Lang 11