HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - ORD-07-1384 - 07/30/2007 - AMEND CUP FOR ST PAULS EPISCOPAL CHURCHORDINANCE NO. ORD-07-1384 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR ST.PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH TO ALLOW EXPANDED PRESCHOOL ACTIVITIES AT 3706 ST. PAUL'S AVENUE IN THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of McHenry previously approved an ordinance granting a conditional use permit to allow a religious institution at 3706 St. Paul's Avenue in the City of McHenry, legally described on "Exhibit A", attached hereto and incorporated herein, (the "SUBJECT PROPERTY"); and WHEREAS, Reverend James E. Swarthout (the "APPLICANT") has submitted a letter to the City requesting approval to operate the Little Cherubs Preschool on the SUBJECT PROPERTY; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of McHenry states that the City Council has the ability to approve an expansion, alteration or amendment to a conditional use, or may send the item back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a public hearing; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the evidence presented and finds that the approval of the request is consistent with the objectives of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance to protect the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of its residents, and should be approved without sending the matter back to the Planning and Zoning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That ORD. 0-96-784, granting a Conditional Use Permit to allow a religious institution on the SUBJECT PROPERTY, is hereby amended to allow the Little Cherubs Preschool in accordance with the documents attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit `B". SECTION 2: In granting said amendment to the Conditional Use Permit, the City Council finds that the requirements of Table 31 of the Zoning Ordinance have been met in that: 1. Any adverse impact of types or volumes of traffic flow not otherwise typical in the zoning district has been minimized. 2. Any adverse effects of noise, glare, odor, dust, waste disposal, blockage of light or air, or other adverse environmental effects of a type or degree not characteristic of permitted uses in the zoning district, have been appropriately controlled; 3. The proposed use will fit harmoniously with the existing natural or man-made character of its surroundings, and with permitted uses in the zoning district. The use will not have undue deleterious effect on the environmental quality, property values, or neighborhood character already existing in the area or normally associated with permitted uses in the district. 4. The proposed use will not require existing community facilities or services to a degree disproportionate to that normally expected of permitted uses in the district, nor generate disproportionate demand for new services or facilities, in such a way as to place undue burdens upon existing development in the area; 5. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the safety or health of the employees, patrons, or visitors associated with the use nor of the general public in the vicinity; and 6. The proposed use is in harmony with all other elements of compatibility pertinent to the Conditional Use and its particular location. SECTION 3: All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED THIS AYES: NAYS: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: NOT VOTING: 30T DJ U LY AY OF 2007 SANTI, GLAB, SCHAEFER, MURGATROYD, WI LAMER, PETERSON NONE NONE CONDON NONE APPROVED THIS 30 T H ATTEST: DAY OF J U LY 2007 0 Exhibit "A" Legal Description of the SUBJECT PROPERTY Lot 1 (Except any part thereof falling in St. Paul's Subdivision as recorded in document no. 680084) in Edgebrook Heights Annex. A subdivision of part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian. According to the plat thereof recorded February 14, 1957 as Document No. 319418, in Book 13 of Plats, Page 9 in McHenry County, Illinois. <S't, Pau�s 7/m/C (,'�ie�u6 s•• pllr-emlwol patceofe 11alrdxool 2007-2008 cA Paal *kpewlpal C4wv,4 3705 A/, cft. PaaMm /�c{{eK��, /�iirois 60050 7eI 815-385-0390 154 ; 815-385--3936 Fe. dlu Siva,,*tloat - l w*e Plwiafx Caiwo - jewel tom f-rll N, I)INP,, wG6 PArdoor .® ��ai� 8taaaB�rakcrrr� C�86a��o6a��►�t 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction page 3 2. MISSION STATEMENT page 3 3. GOVERNANCE r1 page 3 4. STANDARDS page 3 5. DESCRIPTION OF THE PRESCHOOL PROGRAM page 4 6. THE CHRISTIAN DIMENSION page 4 7. PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS AND SCHEDULES Watch and Learn Program page 5 Kindergarten Enrichment Program page 6 Music/Chapel Time page 6 S. LIBRARY page 7 9. ADMISSIONS page 7 10. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE PROCEDURES page 7 11. ABSENCES page 8 12. THE BEGINNING OF THE SCHOOL YEAR Transition Objects page 8 Change of Clothing page 8 13. DRESS CODE page 8 14. BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT page 9 15. HEALTH MANAGEMENT Policies in case of Illness page 10 Policies in case of Accident page 10 Medications page 10 16. THE PARENT AND PRESCHOOL PARTNERSHIP Visits to the Classroom page 11 Conferences page 11 Mutual Communication page I Parent -Preschool Partnership Evenings page 11 Room Parents and Preschool Hospitality page 12 17. COMMUNICATIONS Bulletin Boards page 12 Newsletters page 12 18. PRESCHOOL PASTORAL SUPPORT page 12 19. THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH page 13 19. IN CASE OF WEATHER OR NATIONAL EMERGENCY page 13 20. CALENDAR page 14 2 3 Dear St. Paul Episcopal Preschool Parents: As we anxiously wait for the start of our new ministry within the community, the entire staff of teachers and members of our parish joins me in extending our gratitude for the gift you have given us in the sharing of your children. We will never take for granted the trust you have placed in us to nurture your children in our newly- founded preschool environment. We pledge to honor that trust by providing the most positive experience possible for your child. As you read through our Parent Handbook, we hope you will find it informative and useful. Our entire staff is ready to answer any questions or help in any other way to make your experience at St. Paul Episcopal Preschool enjoyable and fulfilling. MISSION STATEMENT St. Paul's Episcopal Preschool is a child -centered ministry to provide a.nurturing play -based curriculum for preschoolers in a Christian environment. We believe that celebrating and acknowledging our Faith in the child's home, church, and school, helps to build each child's trust in God, in people, and in the world. We also want to help build our children's faith in themselves, by recognizing and responding to their different levels of development and ability, intellectually, socially, and spiritually. GOVERNANCE Our Preschool is a ministry of St. Paul's Episcopal Church through the governing body of its Rector, Wardens, and Vestry. The Preschool's day-to-day operations are managed by the Director who is hired by the Rector and approved by the Vestry in accordance with the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church, of the Diocese of Chicago, and of the Parish. Our most important commitment is the safety of the children committed to our care. All of our clergy, employees, and volunteers agree to participate in background checks, and are trained in sexual abuse and misconduct prevention. STANDARDS We exceed the Standards of conduct set by Illinois Department of Children and Family Services - We also meet all fire, health, and environmental requirements. Our rector, the Rev. James E. Swarthout, is a licensed school social worker who has extensive education credentials and experience with early childhood educators. All of our teachers have a minimum of six hours of child development coursework and will receive additional training throughout each year. Teacher ratios meet or exceed state regulation standards. 3 DESCRIPTION OF THE PRESCHOOL PROGRAM Our program provides for the developmentally appropriate cognitive, emotional, social, spiritual, and physical needs of young children, and for the support of their families. By teaching The Creative Curriculum® program, which is used by many school districts, we can offer your children a seamless transition into Kindergarten. This curriculum fosters a safe, nurturing, and structured environment for building your children's self-esteem through successful experiences of one-to-one and group social interactions and independent exploration. Recognizing the importance of play to young children, each age group spends an appropriate amount of time in supervised free play. Gross and fine motor skills are integrated with play both indoors and out. THE CHRISTIAN DIMENSION Your children will also enjoy the life -affirming and creative dimension of our faith through music, story, and the use of Christian symbols. Your children will have the opportunity to: • Say prayers of thanksgiving and support for their families and friends, and for their community. • Offer grace as a group before snacks. • Enjoy the experience, of being part of a preschool community of children, teachers, families, and church people who seek together to love God and to love their neighbors as themselves. • Discover the art and symbols of the faith through visits to the church. Learn about God through nature, friends, stories, and songs. • Celebrate the Christian Year, including the Seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter. 2 5 Watch and Learn Programs When you observe children you are watching to learn. Observing provides the family members information that helps build relationships with children and enables them to be successful learners. Together we learn from each other by carefully watching and listening. Watching, listening, and playing with children helps understand what they are feeling, learning, and thinking. Ty yical Watch and Learn Program, 12:30-2:00y.m. 12:30 - 12:45 - Socialization and small group activities 12:45 - 1:00 - Circle Time and Story Reading 1:00 - 1:15 -Music and Movement 1:15 - 1:30 -Outdoor or Indoor Large Group Play/Snack time 1: 30 - 1:45 -Art and Creative Expression 1:45 - 2:00 - Circle Time, Story Reading, and Free Play This program is a beginning preschool class. Children registering for class should demonstrate their readiness to participate with a small group in a structured setting in the following ways: ■ the child speaks and is understood; ■ the child separates from the mother/caregiver or is beginning to attempt; ■ the child has enjoyed other limited group activities; ■ the child listens to adults and can be redirected if necessary; ■ the child is beginning to learn the give-and-take, (sharing) of group play. The activities planned for this program are age appropriate with opportunities to develop in all four areas of child development: social, emotional, cognitive, and physical. Special emphasis is given to social growth. The curriculum provides experiences in music and literature as well as imaginative play with blocks, housekeeping, water, sand, and play dough. The classroom will allow for exploration and discovery. The children will generate ideas as to what is studied and explored within the classroom. Opportunities for creative expression in art, music, and dramatic play will enhance the school program. Preparing four- and five-year olds for success in kindergarten is a goal of this class. All aspects of the day connect to provide a balance of quiet and busy activity, individual time, and group interactions. E ,9- Kindergarten Enrichment Program The goal of our program is to promote the enjoyment of literature and math through the reinforcement of critical thinking and analytical skills through playful interaction. The program provides the Creative Curriculum program of developmental measurements used by many school districts, to provide a seamless transition into and within Kindergarten. Typical Kindergarten Enrichment Program. 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. 12:30 - 12:45 - Socialization and small group activities; Fine Motor Skills 12:45 - 1:00 - Circle Time and Story Reading 1:00 - 1:30 - Outdoor or Indoor Large Group Play; Social Skills 1:30 - 1:45 - Snack time/Art/Creative Expression; Imagination and Creativity 1:45 - 2:15 - Language and Pleading; The Creative Curriculum° 2:15 - 2:30- Circle Time, Small Group activities 2:30 Parent Pick -Up Themes give relevance to the activities in which the 3 and 4 year olds are involved. Activities are planned to be hands-on and age -appropriate with opportunities to develop in all four areas of child development: social, emotional, cognitive, and physical. The curriculum provides a multitude of experiences in music, literature, math, and science, as well as imaginative play with blocks and housekeeping equipment,' water, sand, and play dough. Positive socialization is emphasized. Outdoor and Indoor play is planned and encouraged, weather and safety permitting. Music and Chapel Time: St. Paul has the unique privilege to have as our Organist: Mrs. Charlene Conklin who is a retired music teacher from Elementary School District 15. Together with our classroom teachers Mrs. Conklin and Fr. Jim our rector, will be given to opportunity to go into the chapel - sing and share in faith based stories. Program Develops: o verbal skills - musical skills o academic skills - socialization skills o artistic appreciation - emotional well-being o physical coordination, awareness and balance o relationship skills such as sharing and taking turns o listening skills As well as feeling comfortable within a church setting. C LIBRARY The St. Paul parish library has children's books and videos, and resources for families, as well as a good collection of religious books, reference materials, and periodicals. As our Preschool grows, so will our Preschool resources. You are welcome to use our library,'and the Director or Preschool or Parish Staff will be happy to help you make use of it or borrow from it. ADMISSIONS St. Paul's Episcopal. Preschool program gives first priority to parishioners, second priority to other children who are currently enrolled, and then to children from the community at large. A waiting list will be established when a program's enrollment is full. The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services requires the following forms and information for each child before he or she may attend classes: 1. An annual Medical form, including health history and inoculation records, signed by a pediatrician. 2. A Medical Emergency Information form, including the names of all persons authorized to pick up your child in case of emergencies. Please notify the Director if your emergency contact information changes. 3. A Registration and Enrollment Form 4. Personal Information Profile ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE PROCEDURES Parents who drive their preschoolers will enter by the front entrance of the parking lot. Please do not drop off your child earlier than 12:25 pm in the afternoon, and do not pick up your child later than 3:05 pm in the afternoon. Classrooms will not open until the beginning of the class hour to give the Staff time for preparation and prayer. 7 8 ABSENCES Parents must notify the school when a child will be absent from class. Please call the Preschool Office at 815-385-0390. If possible, please call before 12:00 p.m. for the afternoon program. Please specify if the child is absent due to illness. This is critical because some diagnoses require us to inform the parents of the other children of possible contagion. THE BEGINNING OF THE SCHOOL YEAR Our school year begins after other schools because preschoolers with older brothers and sisters benefit from seeing their siblings go bravely off to their schools, and because the preschoolers' parents can then give them their undivided attention. This sequence helps preschool children make their first transitions from home to school. Transition Objects Sometimes preschool children may need to bring transition objects such as blankets, dolls, keys, etc. We will make every effort to prevent these objects from being lost, but children should be told that their transition items would be less likely to be lost if they were kept in the car or at home. Children may not bring weapon toys, bottles, food, or pacifiers because these items may be unsafe or hazardous to the health of other children in the classroom. Change of Clothing Please bring a change of clothes for your preschooler, including underwear and socks, and label each article of clothing with your child's name. DRESS CODE Please dress your children in comfortable clothing that may get dirty during play. Closed —toe tennis shoes are the most appropriate footwear; flip-flops, clogs, and sandals may be unsafe while navigating stairs or running on the playground. In winter, children who wear boots to school should bring another pair of shoes with them or leave other footwear at the Preschool. P 6 BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT Positive reinforcement usually provides sufficient incentives for appropriate behavior. We follow a regular routine and set sensitive, firm, fair, and consistent limits to provide safety and security. Through considered discipline children develop self- control, assume responsibility for their actions, and learn to respect the rights of others. Children receive support and direction as they develop their autonomy in a safe, secure setting with clear boundaries. Our classroom and play spaces have been carefully designed with the developmental needs of our children in mind. The program encourages positive behavior through an environment that provides safety, structure, and privacy. Early childhood educators agree on the benefits of following three basic rules: Be kind; be safe; be neat. When needed we will implement strategies such as Love and Logic and 1,2,3 Magic for behavior problems. These re -direction strategies will be introduced to parents and families to enable consistency between the classroom and the home. We will encourage and help children to resolve their conflicts through words and. negotiation. Our professional early childhood educators are instructed to guide and support children through non-violent processes in order to transform disagreements into teaching opportunities. Vj 10 Policies in case of Illness Children may not attend if: 1. They have a fever. After an illness, the temperature must remain normal for 24 hours before children return to the preschool. 2. They experience vomiting or severe diarrhea during the previous day. 3. They complain of a sore throat or an upset stomach. 4. They demonstrate uncharacteristic listlessness or irritability. S. They cough excessively, have congested chests, or significant nasal discharge. 6. They have been exposed within the past 3 to 7 days to measles, mumps, strep throat, or chicken pox. Parents are expected to inform the preschool staff about their children's illnesses. We are required to inform the other parents when there is exposure to contagious diseases. When children return to school after suffering a contagious disease we need a note from their doctors or the health departments. If children become ill during class, we will call their parent or guardian and keep them under observation in a quiet corner away from the other children. Policies in case of an Accident All accidents are recorded on a form which includes a description of the accident and any action taken by staff. If the accident is not serious, parents will be informed when they pick up their children, and they will then sign the accident report to close the record. If the accident is serious, parents will be contacted immediately. In a medical emergency, we will call 911. Lead teachers have First Aid and Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training. Classroom first aid boxes contain Band—Aids, gauze, and a thermometer. Only soap and water will be administered to cuts. Medications Please also inform the Preschool Director of any special circumstances so we may provide for your children's optimal care. We discourage the administration of medications during class, except in emergencies for treating bee stings, other allergies, or asthmatic conditions. In these cases we require a signed and dated form giving specific instructions for the teachers. Please apply insect repellents and sunscreens before class at home. C 11 THE PARENT AND PRESCHOOL PARTNERSHIP To maximize the benefits of attending St. Paul's Episcopal Preschool, we believe it is important for the children and their families to experience a partnership with the Preschool staff. Because we seek common goals for our children— a positive and empowering experience that builds trust and autonomy, channels initiative, develops self-esteem, and celebrates the love of God— we also seek your involvement and support. Together, we will make St. Paul's Episcopal Preschool a successful and highly -regarded program. Visits to the classroom Parents are always welcome to visit their children in class, but it will help the teacher if you schedule your visit in advance. Please bear in mind that there will be little or no time to talk with the teacher or Director during your visit. Conferences Parents may schedule a conference with the Director or their children's teacher at any time, but regular Preschool Conferences are held in the Fall and Spring. Sometimes a phone conversation is sufficient to answer your questions, discuss your child's development, or address any of your concerns; you may call the Director or a teacher at any time, and leave a message if he or she is not available at the moment. Mutual Communication Please let us know of any circumstances in your family life that may contribute to changes in your child's behavior. These may include such happy events as travel or a new baby in the family, stressful changes like remodeling or moving, or difficult times of illness and death. We would like to offer you and your child appropriate support. We in turn will report any observations about significant behavioral changes in school in order to work collaboratively with you for your child's benefit. Parent -Preschool Partnership Evenings Our first Partnership Evening takes place before classes begin each year in order to welcome you and explain our program, and our philosophy of guidance and discipline. Throughout the school year we will offer other Partnership Evenings with educational programs about childhood development, family dynamics, and other relevant topics. 11 12 Room Parents and Preschool Hosuitali We would like to have 2 Room Parents in every class to help our teachers with special projects, needs, and birthday and holiday parties. They may also organize social events for parents. Room Parents will also organize our Birthday Book Program, by which parents may celebrate their child's birthday by donating a book to the classroom with their child's name placed inside the front cover. Room Parents will also keep a list of the books the teacher would like purchased, and a list of the books already given. Room Parents may also ask other parents with special talents or skills to contribute to the class, perhaps for art or music projects, or to repair classroom furnishings, or to tell stories. COMMUNICATIONS In addition to messages sent home with your children from time to time, we will also keep you informed in other ways: Bulletin Boards We will post pertinent information on the bulletin boards outside our classrooms. Please take a few moments to check for new information or samples of your preschooler's work. Newsletters We will publish a monthly Newsletter with class activities, pictures, upcoming events, and articles about education, parenting skills, and family integration. PRESCHOOL PASTORAL SUPPORT You now belong to a special community— St. Paul's Episcopal Preschool. And like all communities, we will from time to time find occasions to "rejoice with those who rejoice" and to "weep with those who weep" (Romans 12:15). Please let our Director or any of our staff know about your joys and concerns. When a baby is born, when a job is lost or found, when there is illness or death, or at any other time of need, we would like to send a card, or call, or otherwise respond as your Preschool community. And regardless of your formal religious affiliation, St. Paul's Episcopal Church also stands ready to lend its support. We will add a name to our prayer list, or a cause for celebration, to our list of thanksgivings. Our parish clergy will meet with you at the Church or in your home. 12 13 The Episcopal Church In addition to our Partnership Evenings, parents of first-time preschoolers will attend an evening meeting early in the school year so we may give you an introduction to the Episcopal Church. The purpose of this meeting is not to proselytize or pressure you into becoming Episcopalians, although we would be happy to welcome you into our parish family! Rather, the purpose is to give you a context for the Christian education component of our Preschool program, and for the songs, Bible stories, and prayers your children will be learning. IN CASE OF WEATHER OR NATIONAL EMERGENCY Emergency numbers to the Police and Fire Departments are kept in every classroom and in the Preschool and Parish Offices. Every child's Emergency Contact List is kept in every classroom and in the Preschool and Parish Offices. Emergency Drills Children in all classes participate in regular fire and tornado drills. NOTES 13