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Ordinances - ORD-06-1313 - 05/22/2006 - APPROPRIATE ORDINANCE FY 2006-2007
ORDINANCE NO. Ord-06- 1313 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION 1. That it be deemed necessary in order to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of said City for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2006 and ending April 30, 2007; that there be and there is hereby appropriated to provide for the general tax levy and other revenue for the said fiscal year, the aggregate sum of Forty Five Million Nine Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Five dollars ($45,925,755.00) the object and purpose for which said appropriation is made and the amounts appropriated for the same are as follows, to wit: 2006-07 Appropriation Ordinance 2006-07 2006-07 Budget Appropriation GENERALFUND Administration (100.01) 4010 Salaries- Regular $ 341,492 $ 392,800 4050 Overtime - Regular 1,450 1,700 4190 Salary Adjustments 11,150 12,900 4220 Board & Commission Expense 59,250 68,200 4310 Health/Life Insurance 57,657 66,400 4320 Dental Insurance 3,338 3,900 4410 FICA/Medicare 27,088 31,200 4420 IMRF Retirement 36,249 41,700 4510 Uniform Allowance 700 900 5110 Contractual Services 324,000 372,600 5230 Legal Fees 199,000 228,900 5310 Postage and Meter 250 300 5320 Telephone 6,000 6,900 5330 Printing and Publishing 10,000 11,500 5410 Dues 13,210 15,200 5420 Travel Expenses 1,600 1,900 5430 Training 2,280 2,700 5440 Tuition Reimbursements 500 600 5450 Publications 1,700 2,000 6210 Office Supplies 4,000 4,600 6940 Administrative Expenses 31,700 36,500 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 45,447 45,447 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 13,595 13,595 9942 Transfer - Capital Improvements Fund 75,000 75,000 Total Administration Office 1,266,656 1,437,442 Elected Officials (110.02) 4010 Salaries - Regular 63,798 73,400 4050 Overtime - Regular 750 900 4190 Salary Adjustments 2,090 2,500 4210 Salaries - Elected Officials 54,050 62,200 4310 Health/Life Insurance 10,912 12,600 4320 Dental Insurance 630 800 4410 FICA/Medicare 9,233 10,700 4420 IMRF Retirement 7,990 9,200 4510 Uniform Allowance 350 500 5110 Contractual Services 250 300 5310 Postage and Meter 9,500 11,000 5320 Telephone 4,000 4,600 5330 Printing and Publishing 15,000 17,300 5410 Dues 1,590 1,900 5420 Travel Expenses 500 600 5430 Training 6,700 7,800 5450 Publications 100 200 6110 Materials and Supplies 1,750 2,100 6210 Office Supplies 1,750 2,100 6910 Employee Recognition 9,600 11,100 6940 Administrative Expenses 26,300 30,300 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 8,371 8,371 Total Elected Officials 235,214 270,471 2006-07 Appropriation Ordinance 2006-07 2006-07 Budget Appropriation Community Development Department (100.03) 4010 Salaries - Regular 503,566 579,200 4050 Overtime - Regular 1,500 1,800 4190 Salary Adjustments 16,667 19,200 4310 Health/Life Insurance 114,131 131,300 4320 Dental Insurance 5,893 6,800 4410 FICA/Medicare 39,913 , 45,900 4420 IMRF Retirement 54,052 62,200 4510 Uniform Allowance 3,175 3,700 5110 Contractual Services 26,900 31,000 5310 Postage and Meter 1,750 2,100 5320 Telephone 8,500 9,800 5330 Printing and Publishing 6,500 7,500 5370 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 2,500 2,900 5410 Dues 1,500 1,800 5420 Travel Expenses 3,000 3,500 5430 Training 3,500 4,100 5440 Tuition Reimbursements 750 900 5450 Publications 4,000 4,600 1000 Materials and Supplies 1,000 1,200 6210 Office Supplies 5,000 5,800 6250 Fuel and Lubricants 5,000 5,800 6270 Small Tools and Equipment 500 600 8200 Capital - Building Improvements 3,000 3,500 8400 Capital - Vehicles 13,000 15,000 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 27,783 27,783 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 23,108 23,108 Total Community Development Department 876,188 1,001,091 Finance Department (100.04) 4010 Salaries - Regular 330,523 380,200 4090 Salary Adjustments 10,884 12,600 4310 Health/Life Insurance 49,315 56,800 4320 Dental Insurance 3,032 3,500 4410 FICA/Medicare 26,118 30,100 4420 IMRF Retirement 35,370 40,700 4510 Uniform Allowance 2,450 2,900 5110 Contractual Services 5,000 5,800 5310 Postage and Meter 18,000 20,700 5320 Telephone 5,000 5,800 5330 Printing and Publishing 9,650 11,100 5410 Dues 800 1,000 5420 Travel Expenses 1,500 1,800 5430 Training 1,500 1,800 5440 Tuition Reimbursements 1,750 2,100 5450 Publications 200 300 6110 Materials and Supplies 20,875 24,100 6210 Office Supplies 6,500 7,500 9904 Debt Service Transfer 451,991 451,991 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 24,483 24,483 Total Finance Department 1,004,941 1,085,274 Police Commission (100.21) 4220 Salaries - Boards and Commissions 1,350 1,600 5110 Contractual Services 7,000 8,100 5330 Printing and Publishing 3,000 3,500 5420 Travel Expenses 500 600 5430 Training 1,000 1,200 5450 Publications 500 600 Total Police Commission 13,350 15,600 2 2006-07 Appropriation Ordinance 2006-07 2006-07 Budget Appropriation Police Department (100.22) 4010 Salaries - Regular 757,806 871,500 4020 Salaries - Sworn 3,203,373 3,683,900 4030 Salaries - Part Time 60,000 69,000 4050 Overtime - Regular 15,000 17,300 4055 Overtime - Sworn 145,000 166,800 4080 Career Ladder 35,000 40,300 4090 Salary Adjustments 30,103 34,700 4310 Health/Life Insurance 615,402 707,800 4320 Dental Insurance 37,420 43,100 4410 FICA/Medicare 324,848 373,600 4420 IMRF Retirement 79,656 91,700 4430 Employer Contribution - Police Pension 518,062 595,800 4510 Employee Uniforms 42,300 48,700 5110 Contractual Services 75,208 86,500 5310 Postage and Meter 3,000 3,500 5320 Telephone 29,900 34,400 5370 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 50,150 57,700 5410 Dues 5,000 5,800 5420 Travel Expense 15,000 17,300 5430 Training Expense 50,000 57,500 5440 Tuition Reimbursement 7,500 8,700 5450 Publications 2,500 2,900 6110 Materials and Supplies 50,650 58,300 6210 Office Supplies 23,450 27,000 6250 Fuel and Lubricants 105,000 120,800 6270 Small Equipment 4,050 4,700 6310 Canine Unit 7,500 8,700 8300 Capital - Equipment 41,700 48,000 8400 Capital - Vehicles 106,000 121,900 8700 Capital - Furniture 4,500 5,200 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 173,461 173,461 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 124,320 124,320 Total Police Department 6,742,859 7,710,881 Public Works - Administration (100.30) 4010 Salaries - Regular 293,365 337,400 4050 Overtime - Regular 1,700 2,000 4190 Salary Adjustment 9,620 11,100 4310 Health/Life Insurance 58,878 67,800 5320 Dental Insurance 3,384 3,900 4410 FICA/Medicare 23,308 26,900 4420 IMRF Retirement 31,565 36,300 4510 Uniform Allowance 1,050 1,300 5110 Contractual Services 19,200 22,100 5310 Postage and Meter 1,900 2,200 5320 Telephone 4,500 5,200 2006-07 Appropriation Ordinance 2006-07 2006-07 Budget Appropriation 5410 Dues 500 600 5420 Travel Expense 500 600 5430 Training 1,450 1,700 6210 Office Supplies 2,500 2,900 6270 Small Tools & Equipment 200 300 8300 Capital - Equipment 10,000 11,500 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 13,059 13,059 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 7,023 7,023 Total Public Works - Administration 483,702 553,882 Public Works - Streets Division (100.33) 4010 Salaries -Regular 1,047,109 1,204,200 4050 Overtime - Regular 65,000 74,800 4110 Salaries -Seasonal 23,000 26,500 4190 Salary Adjustment 63,626 73,200 4310 Health/Life Insurance 279,364 321,300 4320 Dental Insurance 14,520 16,700 4410 FICA/Medicare 91,703 105,500 4420 IMRF Retirement 121,806 140,100 4510 Uniforms 12,900 14,900 5110 Contractual Services 75,000 86,300 5320 Telephone 7,000 8,100 5370 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 77,500 89,200 5430 Training 1,000 1,200 5520 Street Lighting 210,000 241,500 6110 Materials and Supplies 185,000 212,800 6210 Office Supplies 1,300 1,500 6250 Fuel and Lubricants - Vehicles 75,000 86,300 6270 Small Tools and Equipment 3,500 4,100 6290 Safety Equipment and Supplies 1,500 1,800 8300 Capital - Equipment 21,470 24,700 8400 Capital - Vehicles 185,000 212,800 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 99,975 99,975 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 1,849 1,849 Total Public Works - Streets Division 2,664,122 3,049,324 Public Works - Building and Grounds (100.34) 4010 Salaries - Regular 117,021 134,600 4050 Overtime - Regular 7,500 8,700 4110 Salaries - Seasonal 12,000 13,800 4190 Salary Adjustment 8,168 9,400 4310 Health/Life Insurance 30,336 34,900 4320 Dental Insurance 1,300 1,500 4410 FICA/Medicare 11,069 12,800 4420 IMRF Retirement 13,747 15,900 4510 Uniforms 1,650 1,900 5110 Contractual Services 50,000 57,500 5320 Telephone 1,060 1,300 5430 Training 250 300 6110 Materials and Supplies 45,000 51,800 6210 Office Supplies 100 200 8200 Capital - Buildings 65,000 74,800 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 7,782 7,782 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 1,849 1,849 Total Public Works - Building and Grounds 373,832 429,031 2006-07 Appropriation Ordinance 2006-07 2006-07 Budget Appropriation Parks and Recreation Department (100.41) 4010 Salaries - Regular 604,303 695,000 4030 Salaries - Part Time 31,659 36,500 4050 Overtime - Regular 13,000 15,000 4110 Salaries -Seasonal 290,000 333,500 4190 Salary Adjustment 30,269 34,900 4310 Health/Life Insurance 121,622 139,900 4320 Dental Insurance 7,240 8,400 4410 FICA/Medicare 74,146 85,300 4420 IMRF Retirement 70,368 81,000 4510 Uniform Allowance 10,000 11,500 5110 Contractual Services 190,000 218,500 5310 Postage and Meter 8,500 9,800 5320 Telephone 12,000 13,800 5330 Printing and Publishing 17,000 19,600 5370 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 9,000 10,400 5410 Dues 109,679 126,200 5420 Travel Expense 1,250 1,500 5430 Training 3,500 4,100 5440 Tuition Reimbursement 1,750 2,100 5450 Publications 250 300 5510 Utilities 39,800 45,800 6110 Materials and Supplies 135,000 155,300 6210 Office Supplies 3,500 4,100 6250 Fuel and Lubricants - Vehicles 15,000 17,300 6270 Small Tools & Equipments 500 600 6920 Special Events 36,000 41,400 6950 Forestry Expenses 30,000 34,500 8300 Capital - Equipment 28,400 32,700 8800 Capital - Park Improvements 116,000 133,400 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 57,036 57,036 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 28,827 28,827 Total Parks and Recreation Department 2,095,599 2,398,263 Total General Fund 15,756,463 17,951,259 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Tourism Fund (200) 5110 Contractual 12,000 13,800 6940 Administrative Expenses 36,100 41,600 Total Tourism Fund 48,100 55,400 Pageant Fund (205) 5110 Contractual 3,505 4,100 6110 Materials and Supplies 2,710 3,200 6940 Administrative Expenses 1,675 2,000 Total Pageant Fund 7,890 9,300 Band Fund (210) 5110 Contractual 22,000 25,300 6110 Materials and Supplies 2,000 2,300 Total Band Fund 24,000 27,600 2006-07 Appropriation Ordinance 2006-07 2006-07 Budget Appropriation Civil Defense Fund (220) 5375 Repairs and Maintenance - Equipment 1,000 1,200 Total Civil Defense Fund 1,000 1,200 Audit Fund (230) 5110 Contractual Services 25,375 29,200 Total Audit Fund 25,375 29,200 Annexation Fund (260) 6970 Distribution Operating Fees 300,000 345,000 8100 Capital - Land Acquisition 950,000 1,092,500 9906 Transfer - Capital Improvement 650,000 650,000 Total Annexation Fund 1,900,000 2,087,500 Motor Fuel Tax Fund (270) 6110 Materials and Supplies 80,000 92,000 8600 Capital - Street Improvements 75,000 86,300 9904 Transfer - Debt Service 449,426 449,426 Total Motor Fuel Tax Fund 604,426 627,726 Developer Donation Fund (280) 6970 Distributions - Schools 750,000 862,500 6980 Distributions - Library District 65,000 74,800 6990 Distributions - Fire Protection District 65,000 74,800 Total Developer Donation Fund 880,000 1,012,100 Developer Donation Fund - Parks (280.14) 8800 Capital - Park Improvements 368,000 423,200 9902 Transfer - Rec Center Construction Fund 500,000 500,000 9942 Transfer - Capital Improvements 70,000 70,000 Total Developer Donation Fund - Parks 938,000 993,200 Tax Increment Fund (290) 5110 Contractual Services 150,000 172,500 8900 Capital - Other Improvements 2,600,000 2,990,000 Total Tax Increment Fund 2,750,000 3,162,500 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Debt Service Fund (300) 7100 Bond Principal Payments 700,000 805,000 7200 Bond Interest Payments 334,467 384,700 7300 Paying Agent Fees 1,800 2,100 Total Debt Service Fund 1,036,267 1,191,800 Bond and Interest Fund (520) 7100 Bond Principal Payments 750,000 862,500 7200 Bond Interest Payments 37,875 43,600 7300 Paying Agent Fees 1,200 1,400 Total Bond and Interest Fund 789,075 907,500 2006-07 Appropriation Ordinance 2006-07 2006-07 Budget Appropriation CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Special Service Area #1A (420) 9904 Transfer - Debt Service 29,850 29,850 Total Special Service Area #1A 29,850 29,850 Special Service Area #4 (424) 9901 Transfer - General Fund 16,339 16,339 Total Special Service Area #4 16,339 16,339 Capital Improvements Fund (440) 8600 Capital - Street Improvements 1,300,000 1,495,000 8900 Capital - Other Improvements 75,000 86,300 Total Capital Improvements Fund 1,375,000 1,581,300 ENTERPRISE FUNDS WATER/SEWER FUND Public Works - Water Division (510.31) 4010 Salaries - Regular 539,613 620,600 4050 Overtime - Regular 32,000 36,800 4110 Salaries -Seasonal 10,500 12,100 4190 Salary Adjustments 30,407 35,000 4310 Health/Life Insurance 120,642 138,800 4320 Dental Insurance 6,991 8,100 4410 FICA/Medicare 46,858 53,900 4420 IMRF Retirement 62,369 71,800 4510 Uniform Allowance 5,225 6,100 5110 Contractual Services 140,000 161,000 5310 Postage and Meter 2,000 2,300 5320 Telephone 9,500 11,000 5370 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 8,000 9,200 5410 Dues 500 600 5430 Training Expenses 3,000 3,500 5440 Tuition Reimbursement 1,750 2,100 5510 Utilities 166,500 191,500 6110 Materials and Supplies 447,000 514,100 6210 Office Supplies 1,250 1,500 6250 Fuel and Lubricants - Vehicles 19,000 21,900 6270 Small Tools and Equipment 2,500 2,900 8200 Capital - Buildings 25,000 28,800 8300 Capital - Equipment 10,000 11,500 8400 Capital - Vehicles 10,000 11,500 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 53,208 53,208 9921 Purchase Service - General Fund 71,732 71,732 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 4,223 4,223 9923 Purchase Service - Audit Fund 3,500 3,500 9936 Transfer - Utility Improvements Fund 204,740 204,740 Total Public Works - Water Division 2,038,008 2,294,003 2006-07 Appropriation Ordinance 2006-07 2006-07 Budget Appropriation Public Works - Wastewater Division (510.32) 4010 Salaries - Regular 520,380 598,500 4050 Overtime - Regular 35,000 40,300 4090 Salary Adjustments 26,240 30,200 4110 Salaries -Seasonal 5,000 5,800 4310 Health/Life Insurance 80,090 92,200 4320 Dental Insurance 4,764 5,500 4410 FICA/Medicare 44,876 51,700 4420 IMRF Retirement 60,256 69,300 4510 Uniform Allowance 5,325 6,200 5110 Contractual Services 315,000 362,300 5310 Postage and Meter 2,500 2,900 5320 Telephone 9,700 11,200 5370 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 5,500 6,400 5375 Repair and Maintenance - Equipment 40,000 46,000 5380 Repair and Maintenance - Utility System 10,000 11,500 5410 Dues 400 500 5430 Training Expenses 1,250 1,500 5440 Tuition Reimbursement 875 1,100 5450 Publications 100 200 5510 Utilities 338,000 388,700 5580 Disposal 150,000 172,500 6110 Materials and Supplies 150,000 172,500 6210 Office Supplies 500 600 6250 Fuel and Lubricants - Vehicles 15,750 18,200 8400 Capital - Vehicles 100,000 115,000 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 55,851 55,851 9921 Purchase Service - General Fund 69,317 69,317 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 2,336 2,336 9923 Purchase Service - Audit Fund 3,499 3,499 9934 Transfer - Utility Bond and Interest Fund 787,875 787,875 9936 Transfer - Utility Improvements Fund 30,000 30,000 Total Public Works - Wastewater Division 2,870,384 3,159,678 Total Water/Sewer Fund 4,908,392 5,453,681 Capital Development Fund (550) 9940 Transfer - Utility Improvements Fund 3,809,000 3,809,000 Total Capital Development Fund 3,809,000 3,809,000 Utility Improvements Fund (580.31 & 32) 8500 Capital - Water Utility Improvements 2,054,740 2,363,000 8500 Capital - Sewer Utility Improvements 1,989,000 2,287,400 Total Utility Improvements Fund 4,043,740 4,650,400 Marina Operations Fund (590) 5110 Contractual Services 30,000 34,500 Total Marina Operations Fund 30,000 34,500 2006-07 Appropriation Ordinance 2006-07 2006-07 Budget Appropriation INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Risk Management Fund (610) 5950 MCMRMA Premiums 650,000 747,500 5960 Insurance Premiums - Other 1,850 2,200 5980 Property Damage 50,000 57,500 6940 Administrative Expense 4,250 4,900 6960 Miscellaneous Expense 500 600 Total Risk Management Fund 706,600 812,700 Information Technology Fund (620) 4010 Salaries - Regular 114,727 132,000 4190 Salary Adjustment 3,754 4,400 4310 Health/Life Insurance 21,824 25,100 4320 Dental Insurance 1,260 1,500 4410 FICA/Medicare 9,064 10,500 4420 IMRF Retirement 12,275 14,200 4420 Contractual Services 62,342 71,700 4510 Uniforms 700 900 5320 Telephone 500 600 5410 Dues 750 900 5420 Travel 400 500 5430 Training 500 600 5450 Publications 300 400 6110 Materials & Supplies 7,457 8,600 6210 Office Supplies 16,700 19,300 6270 Small Tools and Equipment 7,600 8,800 8300 Capital - Equipment 95,475 109,800 Total Information Technology Fund 355,628 409,800 FIDUCIARY FUNDS Employee Flexible Spending Fund (700) 6965 Reimbursements 60,000 69,000 Total Employee Flexible Spending Fund 60,000 69,000 Police Pension Fund (760) 4910 Pension Payments 550,000 632,500 4920 Disability Payments 118,000 135,700 4930 Death Benefit Payments 50,000 57,500 5110 Contractual Services 35,150 40,500 5410 Dues 2,000 2,300 9923 Purchase of Service - Audit Fund 2,000 2,000 Total Police Pension Fund 757,150 870,500 McHenry Economic Dev. Fund (730) 6960 Miscellaneous Expense 500 600 Total McHenry Economic Dev. Fund 500 600 Retained Personnel Fund (740) 5220 Engineering Fees - Consultant 100,000 115,000 5221 Engineering Fees - Staff 1,000 1,200 5230 Legal Fees 12,500 14,400 6960 Miscellaneous Expense 1,000 1,200 Total Retained Personnel Fund 114,500 131,800 Total All Funds $ 40,967,295 $ 45,925,755 SECTION 2. All unexpended balances of any item or items of general appropriation made by this Ordinance may be expended in making up any insufficiency in any items in the same general appropriation and for the same general purposes or in a like appropriation made by this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. PASSED and APPROVED this 2204 day of May, 2006. AYES: SANTI, GLAB, SCHAEFER, MURGATROYD, WIMMER, PETERSON, CONDON. NAYS: NONE NOT VOTING: NONE ASSENT: NONE NOT VOTING: NONE ABSTAINED: NONE ATTEST: yf'�Mayor City Clerk