HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 05/04/1936 - City Council Council Room .
May 41 1936.
The City Council met in regular- monthly mooting with Mayor Doherty pre—
ssiding.ATdermen pre rent;Buss..Ferwerda are und.Justen.Kreutzer.Overton.
Ab sent,none-.
Motion by Overton,-"-conded by Buss,that the minutes of the Annual meet—
ing be approved as- read.Motion carried..
Motion by Ferwerdarseconded by Overton,that the Treasurers- report be app
roved as� read,rhowing as balance of $ 21-59I..87. Motion- candied:.
Motion by Freuntl,seconded by Kreutzer-,_that the Clerks" report ber aceeptffd
as- read.Yotian.carried.
Motion by Buss-,secondeid by Ferwerda,authority be given to the purchasing
eDmmittee to act in the matter of purchasing road oil.Motion carried.
Motion by Ferwerda,.seconde!d by Kreutzer,that Edw- J Buss- be authorized to
collerct water, bills during the ensuing Month lotion carried..
Motion by Buss,.reconded by Justen,that the following bills be- paid as
read and approved by the finance committee.Motion carried.
McHenry Art.Stone Co Material & labor 59.74`°
J Stillings Tire Shop Gasoline 2.46,\
National Meter Co Meters & supplies 99.68%,
Frank Thornber- Co License & bond blanks I►III
McHenry Plaindealer Bills,envelopes,etc. 26.I8».
Public Service Cc Power- pumping water 47,56
Public Service Cc S-treert lights I47.4I,\
Public Service Co Street lights I06.08'\
Public Service Co Power- at sewer lift 26.78
Public Service Co Parking lights I.2.6
Public Service Cc City Hall lights 1.96,1.
Adams Repair Shop Repair grease gun - I.00 �\
Western United G & E Co Burner rental I.00V.
Director of Finance Water sales- tax I,.08,\
Ill..Be11 Tel.Co Service 2..25
P A Neiffr Commissions & supplies 5Z6
Motion by Overton,seconderd by Kreutzer,that the application and bonds-
of the following petitioners for license be approved as rej�d..John E Freund
as° principal and. IT E Barbian and. Jos Engeln as sureties.Math B Laure's
as principal and Gerald J Carey and Arthur Smith as sureties.J C Biekler
as principal and N E Barbian and L J Page as sureties.Rose Worts and Roy
A Cox.Manager as Principals and Katherine Worts and G C Boley as sureties.
Gar Unti az principal and Henry J Miller and Chas Unti asfsursties.Floyd
A Coleman as principal and. N E Barbian and John J Karla as sureties.
McHenry Brewing Ca as principal and H J Schnaitman and W M Helmer and
Anton F Blake as sureties.Thomas P B'olger- as- principal and Ray Conway
and: Clarence Douglas as sursties.John J Karla as principal and Albert
Barbian and J W Schaffer as sureties.Upon roll call the Aldermen all
vote4 aye ,nays; ncne,and the motion was declared carried.
1Cotion by- Buss,seconded . by F`erwerda,that the application and bond of the
fallowing petitioners- for license be accepted after proper bonds and aury.
ties^ have-- begirt furnished..Wm Merter.Freund & Justen.Harry- Morris«Clarence
Nieserr.Motion carried..
Motion by Yerwerda,seconded by Overton,the Mayor be authorized to sign
a permit for Dale W" Thomas• to lay 84 fe-et of I-5 inch pipe on the South
aide of Route # 20. Motion carried:.
Motion by FYerwerda,secronded by Kreutzer-,;that $ I00.00 be set aside by
the City to sponsor the Cityas centennial celebration,when the appropria—
tiona are> made f'or the current year.Upon roll call the Aldermen all voted
aye,naya; none,and the motion was declared carried.-
Mayor Doherty then announced that he would read the appointments as-
they were- during the past year and- would leave it to the Council to de=
aide• on all trppointments.He then read the old appointments and recomm—
ended: Robert L Weber for Tr.e-asurer,and Dr D G Wells for Chairman of the
Board of Health,and Edw Mischke for caretaker of the sewer.
Motion by Overton,seconded by Justen,that Henry L Cowlin be hired as
City Attorney for the ensuing year at a salary of $ 200.00 per- year-.
Motion carried.
Motion by Buss-,seconded by Kreutzer,that Robert L Weber be appointed
City Treasurer for the ensuing year at a salary of $ 12040 per year.
Motion carried.
Motion by Ferwerda,seconded by Freund,that John B Wirtz- be hired as
Chief of Police at a salary of $ IIO XG per month.Motion carried.
Motion by Freund-,seconded by Ferwerda,that Mayme Bass be hired as
City Collector at the rate of 2 % on collections and $ 25 XO per- month
for Clerical service-Motion carried..
. Motion by Freund,.se-c.onded by Kreutzer,.that M M Niesen be hired as
superinte-ndant of sewer and. water at a salary of $ 50.00 per month.
Motion carried..
Motion by Buss,seconded by Overton,that Wm. R Bickler be hired as
Fire- Chief at a salary of $ I00.00 per year.1vioti on carried... -
Motion by Ferwerda,.seconded by Justen,that Jas Perkins be hired as
Assistant Fire Chief" at a salary of $ 50-.Q0 per year.Motion carried.
Motion by Overton seconded by Buss,.that W C Feltz be hired as care-
taker of Streets & Alleys at a salary of $ I00..00 per~ month..Motion
Motion by Justen,seconded by Freund,that Dr D G Wells and Bets Bref—
eld and. Robert Thompson be hired. as members of the Board of Health.
Motion carried.
Motion by Overton,seconded. by Kreutzer,Peter Wirfs be .hired as night
police.Motion carried.
Motion by Justen,to hire Idw Mischke as caretaker of the sewer.There war no Second to this motion.
Motion by Kreutzer,seconded by Ferwerda,that the salary of- the night
police be increased from $ 80.00 to $ 95XO.per month-Motion carried..
Motion by Justen,seconded by Overton,to hire Edw Mischke as caretak—
er of the seweraat $ 75 XO per month for half time subject to duty
during- 24 hoursxpon roll call the Aldermen voted as- followsr;Buss-,nay..Ferwerda,.nay.Freund,nay.Justen,aye-.Kreutzer,nay«Overton,aye.The motiorr
war declare(: #Qttcarried.
Motion by Buss,seconded: by Kreutzer',to adjourn..Motion carried.
Peter J Dohertg
Peter A Neiss
City' Clerk