HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 06/07/1937 - City Council COUNCIL ROOM JUNE 7TH, 1937 The City Council met with i'avor Overton ore`iding. Aldermen present : Buss , Fa rverda , Freund , Kreutzer , Recner Absent : Bolger 111 Potion by Kr-eutz r , seconded by Yeriterda , that the ninutes of the Previous n.-eet.ins beararoved as read . Motion carried i Thti on b.r Feraerd= , seconded by Buss , that the Treasurer ' „ report ae ap ;roved as read . Potion carried . . ati00 b:; Freund , secC?i';ed by e--%ner , that the Collector ' s report bE. an ;r.- Ved as read . Potion carriPd . Poti -n by due ._ , seconded by Fer :erda , that the Clerl- ' s report be en -roved as read . `otio:I carried . Potion by Ferwerda , seconded by Kreutzer , that the coil oaring bills he paid as c l r ve' b7 the finance comr:nittee : J. . . port I'ortld _ Co . Ai it Re wort ;21? 501,v'` J.'''. hnrth Co . Audit Penort Sever 37 . '' ,n Mayne Buss Co -l_ect,ing Sewer Service 30.O0 'Rents r.F_.i. S _ I..ayme Buss Comnissio :s , etc . 47 .66,x Art Diedrich caul in7 Hrevel 1 .3 .5' `% i. cilenry Lur:iber Co . hater ia-1 for Sever ` . 72 s^ Be:tern United ra.s 6 Electric 5 .2A 4 `=:obert Patake `'ork at Citir Park 3-,.('04\ Martin Stogy= "eJ_ n 11 n 11 33 .604. Linus Berman n n U 1, 53 .604. John KinT I t i n I I 39 ,004. Filler Coal L Ice Co . Hauli , gravel 92 .004, Thomas P. Bolger Fnm ga r i Bun Ales .75 4 John J. fI =vital c, ,1 ies 15 .4" ' 111 . Bell Ted' . Co . 2 .25.. _ Henry C. Kambolz Suva :lies 2 . 92 - Jacob Justen Sons Su.rulie,- .50,, Carey Electric Shoo El ectrice l Sunol d ec ,La.bor 6r.O4-" .Sues-Pace _..oter Sales U, ,:eec on fire tract: 13 .86-^ i• . I . Overton motor Sales Tele hone Bill . 8n `" M. Althoff :U-ar ward Suonlies Q. SE s F.P. JU -tea - ao - Stnd 3 --fl-Ps 1111 Jose nh e„nd Insurance on City fall 53.07 _Sul 1_- i n, and Carteats I .E. Colby `' ;Psi= Pr l ; ce Services 16 .On .^ Arthur Meyers n 11 11 20.00 Fred Liil.ler '-?aulin7 dirt 13 .25 ' Mathias =Beir:;er Paintin „ streets 78.50* Paul F. Oeras'e Sup-lies 8-_ Labor for server 5 .70 +\ B.H. Freund Sh- rneniaa Barer 1 .00 ., 17.1 T'iesen Spot . Service 50.004. LcUenrir Plaindealer Pri_ntina_, sup_ plies 119.60,7. Public Service Co. 72 .994\ n n n 1 .2F �' ID , ale - (J.e. 74, itY37 Public Service Co . 0_58. 18 .N Union Feint & Varnish Co . Paint for Streets 158.114. Sto_f 'el èr Peihansber7er Bonds for City officials 295 .00 John ":irts Llershall Service 11C .rn4. Peter 7irfs Police Service 95 .nn 7.C . Feltz Caretaker St . Service Fred C . Feltz Caretaker Sewer " 75 .nOv American IPtional Bank & Bond Service 5 .CT Trust Co . 110 " Interest on bond snr.co The Annual Auditor ' s Renort Wee presented by Auditor J. 1Jorth. The Strts end Alleys Committee renorted that a ranresentative of the qrey'-o-nd Bus line visited L'cr':enry Ps requestei an a7reed to ireke cbrnder eces, r'T reryrdin par';:in7 rer,;,,1 tiors wit .i- the cit. 1k its . In the interest, of brevantin , Pultowhile accidents , the clerk CC instr ,cted to commuoicate 7- i.th the Chica7o 1:otor Gird to secure stop sins. A commu, ication fran hr. m . i:=3onelett , requestin7 a statement for Vehicle Tax to date reed . The clerk was instructed te, . eresent the statement = requested . i,otion by Ferwerda , seconded by Penner , that the clerk insert a notice in The LcT-TenrY Plaindeelsr station that city vehicle stickers must be diselPyed on cars by Jul- let , 1°7-7 . ::otion cn , ried . An anblication End bond fee Bottled Beer license at the -eT-Tenry Countr- Club , with Leo J. OtillinT as sureites was read . i.:oticrl L:7 Ferwerda , seconded b ' Kieutzer , to accen the anelic- tion Pn ' bond , subject to the annrovel of the License Committee . kation Carried . An official Bond , with Peter Uirfs as brincieal , and B .J. Brefeld and 7m. huchert es sureties , in the sum of one thousand doll- rs , 1--;as read . , otion by 1:.amer , seconded by -Yerwer 'a , to accent the bond . lotion carried . :.otion by Kreutzer , seconded by ''erwerda , that an ordinance Pnnointin7 hpvor C,-erton aTH Aldermen Buss and Bol7er as members of the Board of Local Inorovements be abroved . 111 hot ion by Ferwerda , secondedby Freund , to accept the request of the City Treasurer and his bondsmen to rescind the bond nreviously brer- ented . hction carried . etieb by Buss , seconded by Fie,-rer, to eccebt resolution en ocrinG the Finance Committee to =chase surety bonds for Officers of the Citu of ::cHenry. hotion carried . hot ion by rThrwerda , secordad by neener to anprove a lease beteen the Green Street Business 1,:en ' s Association and the City of i-ci-Tenry in which the city pays the sum of nnp nnlr rP1- fnr .-TY"FaP1-1 c;frpr,t narkinr7 int 2nr1 PrrrAPQ Vac,e, — CLOG 1111, I CI Potion by Kreutzer, secondedby Buss , to eccent bir3 of ner iio for ro- d oil ns presented by ::ro . Frank Lenn-rt7 of Preneva , Illinois . Lotion hy 7er'Nerp , second,ed by Kreutzer, th'-t the PPyor po --)oint e corwittee of three to investi7ate the nurch=, 2e of Pd ' itiorpl pro,-.)ert: for city perk Puroses. Lotion corned . Pa:or C /erton apoointed the following; coldiAttee : 7-rerda , Freund , -i.ener. Lotion ;,y Ferv)erdn , secon 'ed by Kreu ' zer to in cPrrie-1 . Far] 1s R.I . Cverton City Clerk Layor