HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 05/01/1944 - City Council COUNCIL ROOM
MAY 1ST, 1944 •
The City Council met in regular semi-monthly meeting
with Mayor Overton presiding. Aldermen present : Buss, Ferwerda,
Freund , Nye, Regner, Tonyan. Absent : None.
Motion by Freund, seconded by Buss , to designate t of
annual salary of the City Attorney and members of the oftieeBoardr the
Health and monthly salaries of of pp Y of i • rs fo of
ensuing fiscal year as follows : City Attorney,
00; Chief
f ofr-
Police , $140.00; Ass' t . Chief of Police, s t .° Water-
works works & Sewer , $75.00; Supt. of Streets and Alleys,
Supt. of Disposal Plant , $120.00; Members of the Board of Health,
$15.00. Motion carried .
Mayor Overton made the following appointments for the
ensuing fiscal year :
Attorney - Vernon J. Knox
Chief of Police - Howard W. Cairns
Ass't . Chief ofe Police
cs Peter Wirfs
Collector - Ma yin
Supt. Waterworks & Sewer - Jack Smith
Caretaker Streets & Alleys -K . C. B. J. Brefeld
Board of Health - Dr. C . Kamholz
and A. J
Caretaker of Disposal Plant - Fred C. Feltz
Committees :
Finance - Buss , Freund , Tonyan
License - Ferwerda, Tonyan, Nye
Streets & Alleys - Freund, Regner , Nye
Water & Sewer - Buss , Regner, Freund
Public Property - Nye , Regner , Fenw erda
Ordinance - Tonyan ,
Nye, Freund
Purchasing - Ferwerda, Regner, Nye an, Ferwerda
Building Codes & Permits - Regner, Tony
Band - Ferwerda, Freund , Nye Regner
Board of Local Improvements - Overton, FreunFd,
Beach and Skating Pond - Regner,
Motion by Nye ,
seconded by Regner , to approve the
appointments as made by the mayor. Motion carried.
Motion by Regner,
seconded by Ferwerda , to authorize
Mayor Overton to sign papers to be submitted o thewnllinoisPos
41/1 War Planning Commission in connection withplas an ✓
Works Post War Program. Motion carried .
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Motion by Buss, seconded by Freund, to adjourn. Motion
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MAY 1ST, 1944
The City Council met for the annual meeting with Mayor
Overton presiding. Aldermen present : Buss , Ferwerda , Freund,
Nye, Regner , Tonyan. Absent : None.
Motion by Buss , seconded by Regner, that the minutes
of the last regular meeting be approved as read . Motion carried. t,
Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Tonyan, that the treasurer ' s
report for the month of April be approved as read . Motion carried .
Motion by Regner, seconded by Ferwerda, that the collector' s
report for the month of April be approved as read. Motion carried .
Motion by Buss, seconded by Tonyan, that the clerk' s report
for the month of April be approved as read . Motion carried .
Motion by Freund, seconded by Buss , that the treasurer' s
annual report be approved as read. Motion carried .
Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Nye , that the collector' s
annual report be approved as read. Motion carried .
Motion by Regner, seconded by Tonyan , that the clerk' s
annual report be approved as read . Motion carried .
Motion by Regner, seconded by Ferwerda , that the following
bills be paid as_.approved by the finance committee :
Motion carried.
Salary ti
Howard Cairns Sa it10124.6 y 0
Peter 'Wirf s 113.30v�
J . C. Feltz 65.40�
M. M. Niesen 't
Office Expenseh
Earl R. Walsh56.00 \
R. I . Overton Salary 56.00
Edward J. Buss a 35.00+,
Fred Ferwerda it 35.00
George P. Freund it 35.00.,
A. E. Nye „ 35.00'N
Joseph M. Regner n 35.00',
Alfred Tonyan „ 50.00 sk
Vernon J. Knox „ 30.00"N
Gerald J. Carey „ 104.30
Earl R. 'Walsh 75.00'�
_ Special Sewer Fund Sewer seritce �
Mayme Buss Salary 36 36 .23b�
Dr. A. I . Froehlich Board of Health service 15 .00
it it It
tt A. J. Kamholz It it It It 15.00A+-
B. J . Brefeld
Edward Schmitt Roof on City Hall $80.00'h
William Buchert Gas & oil for police car 20.64 '%
The McHenry Plaindealer Printing & Publications 34 .80 h
Buss Motor Sales Repairs , oil , for police car ---- 32 .94 "
Jack Smith Labor, waterworks 14.O0t
John King Labor at park 21.60
Ted Winkel Labor at park 21 .601.
Martin Stoffel Labor at park 19.20 N
McHenry Lumber Company Coal 8.07 r
Alexander Lumber Co. Coal 12.09h
Dhuck' s Trucking Co . Crushed gravel l4.60h
Freund Oil Company Distillate 12.311,
Ruddy Bros . Cleaning sewer 90.00.,
H. E. Buch & Son Fixing fire hydrant .75h
Downs Motor Express Delivering water meters 1 .08u,
Earl R. Walsh Freight and postage 3.84t+
Thomas P. Bolger Supplies 2.254,
Western United G. & E. Co. Electric service 1.22.4‘
Illinois Bell Telephone Co . Telephone service 2.71.,-
Public Service Company Power & light 230.50+k
Fred C. Feltz Salary 113.30a
Freund Oil Company Distillate 5.644"
Public Service Company Power & Light 65.01k
Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Freund, to approve the
application of J. M. Mosley for class "B" Bottle Beer license at
Karts Cafe location. Motion carried .
Motion by Nye, seconded by Ferwerda, to adjourn. Motion