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Minutes - 04/26/1945 - City Council (2)
ANNUAL MEETING APRIL 26TH, 1945 The City Council met for the annual meeting Bogner, ewihMayor yoraOverton n. onent: presiding . Aldermen present: Buss, Ferwerda, g t , TFreund and Nye. Motion by Regner, seconded by Buss, that the minutes of the last regular meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Tonyan, seconded by Buss, that the treasurer' s report for the month of April be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Tonyan, that the collector' s report for the month of April be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Buss, seconded by Regner, that the clerk' s report for the month of April be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded o ycBurs, that the treasurer' s annual report be approved as read. Moti Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Tonyan, that the collector' saannual report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion_ by Buss, seconded by Regner, that the clerk's annual report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Buss, seconded by Regner, that the following bills be paid as approved by the finance committee: Motion carried. Salary $120.20"� Howard Cairns N 1oO. 0%\ peter Wirfs 112.5O W. C. Feltz „ 12. O Arthur J. Smith 35.30`'N Earl R. Walsh Office expense 35.Ot R. I. Overton Salary 5It 6.001 Edward J. Buss 35.00ti Fred Ferwerda a 35.00 George P. Freund N 35.00 A. E. Nye N 35.00ti Joseph M. Regner .00h 35 Alfred Tonyan N N 135. Earl R. Walsh N 54 . 0 4 '" N Vernon J. Knox O.00" Gerald J. Carey 5.00� OP Arthur J. Smith Use of car 15.00h ilk C. W. Klontz Board of Health service 15.00h „ N B. J. Brefeld N N b N 15.00 A; J. KamholaSh Services as judge off elecNtion 8.©O� Frank G. Schreiner N N, „ Margaret Simon N N " " 8•� t Clara Miller PA G E A PR/L i-6 7-er, , , , Matilda Gerasch Services at clerke of election $8.O Vera Purvey " " a " * 8.00 Evelyn Anderson a " judge " �t S.00h Chas. J. Rasmussen " ftN n N B.00h Alice M. Harrison N ft a N ft" 8.00\ Margaretha Spurling " " clerk " " 8' 0 t Elsie M. Smith ' ft a a " B.00y " " N 8.00N. Marion 3ahoenholtz a N a Vera Kane N " Judge " " 8.00 h H. J. Miller k 8.00� it 8.00 i Theo. W. Winkel " ft N N Nick Weingart " N clerk " " 8.00k Ellen Phalan � a a " a 8.00� Gertnude Weber a Ella Gans " " e f a 8.00t 5 Special Sewer Bund Sewer service 0h commissions 735..00h Mayme Buss Clericat salary, commissions The McHenry Plaindealer Printing 3.1N Albert Krause --Justice fees.. 23.00v Tonyan Brothers Gravel & labor on John St.Milwaukee Waterworks supplies .2TA Lead Works 2?h Chuck' sLabor on streets 7. Trucking Co. 11.22h Earl R. Walsh Freight and postage1.11�. Frank Thornber Co. Supplies 3.11% John J. Vycital Hdwe. Supplies 8.5� Welding fire hydrant 28.75" A. S WeldingBk ServiceMo Gas & oil for police car 122.061 BA. S.Motort alesr Sales Repairs , police car 148.30 Ruddyud s Sales Cleaning sewer on Main St. 48.90h Bros. " " N" John St• Ruddy Bros. " N " Washington St. 274.104N Ruddy Bros. If " Riverside Dr. 485.30 h Ruddy Bros. " " " Park St. 81.65k Chas . S . Ensign L Ruddy Bros. Labor 20.00‘,\ Illinois Bell Telephone Co. Telephone service 1 5.14.14" Western United G. & E. Co. Gas & electric service 862,39N Public Service Company Power & light SPECIAL SEWER FUND: 118.004� Fred C. Feltz Salary 48.00 +1 Power. & light 47.60 h Freud ServiceCompany Co. $erosene & distillate Freund Oil appointed Alderman Buss and Ferwerda, assisted by Mayor Overton April 17. Attorney Knox, to canvas the ballots of the city election held Motion by Buss, seconded by Ferwerda, that the following, having received the highest number of votes at thelcitedelecttionr n yporilR17h 110 for their respective offices, be declaredFRobert I. Overton; For City Clerk, Earl R. Walsh; For City Treasurer, obertmL. of Weber ; For Alderman of the first ward, Joseph M. ReB the second ward, William H. Althoff ; For Alderman of the third ward, George P. Freund. Motion carried. PAG /L �6Tff. /pyJ� Motion by Regner, seconded by Tonyan, that the majority of voters at the city elution held April 17th having voted in favor of the purchase of river lots, known as the Weber property, the city proceeded with the purchase as previously outlined. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Buss, to adjourn. Motion carried. EARL R. WA SH, CITY CLERK R. I . OVERTON, MAYOR