HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - ORD-03-1156 - 07/07/2003 - ESTABLISH SSA #4 LAKEWOOD ROADORDINANCE NO. ORD-03-1156 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A SPECIAL SERVICE AREA IN THE CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS, AND THE LEVY TAXES FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING THE COST OF PROVIDING SANITARY SEWER SERVICE TO THE RESIDENTS OF LAKEWOOD SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, special service areas are established pursuant to Part (6) of Section 7 of Article VII of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, which provides: Counties and municipalities which are not home rule units shall have only powers granted to them by law and the powers ... (6) to levy or impose additional taxes upon areas within their boundaries in the manner provided by law for the provision of special services to those areas and for the payment of debt incurred in order to provide those special services; and WHEREAS special service areas are established pursuant to the provisions of the "Special Service Area Tax Law", 35 ILCS 200/27-35, as amended, and pursuant to the Revenue Act of 1939 of the State of Illinois, as amended; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest that the establishment of the area hereinafter described as a special service area for the purpose set forth herein be considered (the "AREA"), which is legally described on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and WHERAS, a public hearing was held at 7:30 P.M., on the 51h day of May, 2003, at the City Hall, McHenry, Illinois, (the "HEARING"), to consider the establishment of the Area in the territory and for the purpose of providing the Services and to consider the tax levy described in the Notice of Public Hearing, (the "NOTICE"), which is attached as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the Area is compact and contiguous and is totally within the corporate limits of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois (the "City"); and WHEREAS, the residents of Lakewood Road Homeowners Association are responsible for 75% of the costs of extending the sanitary sewer service, in addition to adding the required capital development fees; and WHEREAS, the City of McHenry is responsible for 25% of the total cost of the sewer extension; and WHEREAS, the City is responsible for preparing a Plat of Easement for the future maintenance of said sanitary sewer; and WHEREAS, the AREA will benefit specifically from the municipal services to be provided (the "Services" and the Services are unique and in addition to municipal services provided to the City as a whole and it is, therefore, in the best interests of the City that the establishment of the Area be considered; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest that taxes be levied by the City at a rate or amount of tax sufficient to provide revenues required for the purpose of paying the cost of providing the Services (the "TAXES"); and WHEREAS, an annual tax shall be levied upon all taxable property within the AREA from time to time, as determined by the Mayor and City Council, in an amount to be determined, of the value as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of all taxable property in the AREA, in addition to all other taxes permitted by law. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1. That the preambles of this Ordinance are hereby incorporated into this text as if set out herein in full. Section 2. That all ordinances, orders and resolutions and pacts thereof in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed, and that this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed, and that this ordinance be in full force and effect forthwith upon its adoption and approval. PASSED BY THE MAYOR and CITIY COUNCIL of the City of McHenry, Illinois, at a regular meeting thereof held on the Vh day of July, 2003, and approved by me as Mayor on the same day. AYES BOLGER, GLAB, LOW, MURGAGROYD, WIMMER, PETERSON, CONDON NAYS NONE ABSENT NONE ABSENT NONE Susan E. Low, Mayor, City of McHenry Attest: EXHIBIT "A" SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER 4 IS LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT/SEC-SUBL/TWP/BLK/RG 22-0045-008/DOC 96R008348/CCP PT LOT 6 SE 1 /4 09-22-452-034 LOT/SEC-SUBL/TWP-BLK/RG 22-0045-008/DOC 943350/09-22-451-028/CCP PG LT 6 09-22-451-028 LOT/SEC-SUBLfrWP-BLK/RG 22-0045-008/DOC 88ROl 8114/CCP PT LT 6 SE1/4 09-22-451-029 LOT/SEC-SUBL/TWP-BLK/RG 22-0045-008/DOC 92R031065/CCP.PT LOT 6 SE 1 /4 09-22-451-030 PARK LYING E OF ADJ LT 1/DOCS 709763,943350 & 88R003092 & 96R008347 LAKEWOOD SUB 09-22-451-039 LOT/SEC-SUBL/TWP-BLK/RG 22-0045-080/DOC 943350 TR1 PC E OF PARK WHICH IS E OF LOT 1 LAKEWOOD SUB/CCP PT LOT 6 SE 1/4 - 09-22-451-044 LOT/SEC-SUBLJTWP-BLK-RG 22-0045-008/DOC 818302/CCP PT LOT 6 SE 1 /4 - 09-22-452-017 AND THE FOLLOWING: Part of the Southeast quarter of Section number twenty two (22), Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, as shown on the annexed plat, which is a correct representation of said survey and subdivision. The lots included in this subdivision are numbered from 1 to 23 inclusive. All lot lines extend to.McCullom's Lake excepting lots numbered from 20 to 23 inclusive. The dotted line running in an Easterly and Westerly direction and nearly parallel to the said Lake, being only for the purpose of giving the distances and the widths of the lots. All distances shown in feet and tenths of a foot. The letter "A", shown on the annexed plat represents the most Southerly corner of lot number 6, and at said point there is an iron stake from which a Bur Oak tree 14" in diameter bears 77.13"l0' W 74.6 feet, and all courses and distances are taken from said iron stake and future surveys are to start from said point. A driveway 20 feet in width, in the rear of the lots, is staked out and is considered as part of the afforesaid subdivision. Iron stakes at all points marked thus: 0. EXHIBIT "B" NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF MCHENRY MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER 4 NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that on April 21, 2003, at 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall, 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, Illinois, 60050, a hearing will be held by the Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois to consider the establishment of Special Service Area Number 4 of said City consisting of the territory legally described on attached Exhibit "A". An accurate map of said territory is on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City and is available for public inspection. The purpose of the establishment of said Special Service Area Number 4 is to provide sanitary sewer service to said Special Service Area Number 4, including all costs of extending sanitary sewer service, in addition to required capital development and sewer tap fees. Bonds shall be issued in an amount not -to -exceed $500,000 for the purpose of paying a portion of the cost of providing the services. The Bonds shall be retired over a period not -to -exceed twenty (20) years form the issuance thereof. The Bonds shall be retired by the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient on all property subject to taxation for the said Special Service Area Number 4 to pay the interest on the Bonds as the same comes due and to discharge the principal thereof at maturity. Said direct annual tax shall be levied upon all taxable property within said Special Service Area Number 4 for the entire period that the Bonds shall be outstanding and shall be unlimited as to rate or amount and in addition to other taxes permitted by law. All interested persons affected by the establishment of said Special Service Area Number 4 may file with the City Clerk of said City written objections to and may be heard orally in respect to any issues embodied in this notice. The Mayor and City Council of said City shall hear and determine all protests and objections at said hearing, and said hearing may be adjourned to another date without further notice other than a motion to be entered upon the minutes fixing the time and place of its adjournment. If a petition signed by at least 51 % of the electors residing within said Special Service Area Number 4 and by at least 51 % of the owners of record of the land included within the boundaries of said Special Service Area Number 4 is filed with the City Clerk of said City within 60 days following the final adjournment of said public hearing objecting to the creation of said Special Service Area Number 4, the levy or imposition of a tax for the provision of special services to said Special Service Area Number 4, or to a proposed increase in the tax rate, no such Special Service Area Number 4 may be created, or tax may be levied or imposed nor rate increased. By order of the Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County Illinois. Dated this 6t' day of April 2003. City Clerk City of McHenry McHenry County Illinois EXHIBIT "A" .— � SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER 4 IS LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT/SEC-SUBL/TWP/BLK/RG 22-0045-008/DOC 96R008348/CCP PT LOT 6 SE 1 /4 09-22-452-034 LOT/SEC-SUBL/TWP-BLK/RG 22-0045-008/DOC 943350/09-22-451-028/CCP PG LT 6 09-22-451-028 LOT/SEC-SUBL/TWP-BLK/RG 22-0045-008/DOC 88ROl8114/CCP PT LT 6 S E 1 /4 09-22-451-029 LOT/SEC-SUBL/TWP-BLK/RG 22-0045-008/DOC 92R031065/CCP PT LOT 6 SE 1 /4 09-22-451-030 PARK LYING E OF ADJ LT 1/DOCS 709763,943350 & 88R003092 & 96R008347 LAKEWOOD SUB 09-22-451-039 LOT/SEC-SUBL/TWP-BLK/RG 22-0045-080/DOC 943350 TRI PC E OF PARK WHICH IS E OF LOT 1 LAKEWOOD SUB/CCP PT LOT 6 SE 1/4 - 09-22-451-044 LOT/SEC-SUBL/TWP-BLK-RG 22-0045-008/DOC 818302/CCP PT LOT 6 SE 1 /4 - 09-22-452-017 AND THE FOLLOWING: Part of the Southeast quarter of Section number twenty two (22), Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, as shown on the annexed plat, which is a correct representation of said survey and subdivision. The lots included in this subdivision are numbered from 1 to 23 inclusive. All lot lines extend to McCullom's Lake excepting lots numbered from 20 to 23 inclusive. The dotted line running in an Easterly and Westerly direction and nearly parallel to the said Lake, being only for the purpose of giving the distances and the widths of the lots. All distances shown in feet and tenths of a foot. The letter "A", shown on the annexed plat represents the most Southerly corner of lot number 6, and at said point there is an iron stake from which a Bur Oak tree 14" in diameter bears 77.13010' W 74.6 feet, and all courses and distances are taken from said iron stake and future surveys are to start from said point. A driveway 20 feet in width, in the rear of the lots, is staked out and is considered as part of the afforesaid subdivision. Iron stakes at all points marked thus: 0. 09-22 I ' � McHENRY CORP. LINE 1 119.15 � 102.47 59.34 �70.27, ` ,p _ _ I23 .2aa ,0 ' -033 -032 / 0"7D •035 I • b17, sus � / � 1 � " •~�..J4 V� rye°,�i � O � '� o ci f r: •�Orj•+ r• laM .. •12�.1••• ... S 1 it .44 rtir ^.• '" 'I avv 10.017 8 iR•� s� �!� o • 1223 1 •5� f•Y ,..r'�R�•• �..•.m.....i?o �-037 9���g 07 i * � • �{ 9 � 8 7.020 CC •. C. t ?�� •t�+ 1C C � I- � 9�tiG •. �/ s .a W b 1 I 9r0• 12 n ov i1 m O ' + t1t► rstt � r F\,( �A i )J (' -f- 15- i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF MCHENRY MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER 4 NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that on May 5, 2003, at 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall, 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, Illinois, 60050, a hearing will be held by the Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois to consider the establishment of Special Service Area Number 4 of said City consisting of the territory legally described on attached Exhibit "A". An accurate map of said territory is on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City and is available for public inspection. The purpose of the establishment of said Special Service Area Number 4 is to provide sanitary sewer service to said Special Service Area Number 4, including all costs of extending sanitary sewer service, in addition to required capital development and sewer tap fees. Bonds shall be issued in an amount not -to -exceed $500,000 for the purpose of paying a portion of the cost of providing the services. The Bonds shall be retired over a period not -to -exceed twenty (20) years form the issuance thereof. The Bonds shall be retired by the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient on all property subject to taxation for the said Special Service Area Number 4 to pay the interest on the Bonds as the same comes due and to discharge the principal thereof at maturity. Said direct annual tax shall be levied upon all taxable property within said Special Service Area Number 4 for the entire period that the Bonds shall be outstanding and shall be unlimited as to rate or amount and in addition to other taxes permitted by law. All interested persons affected by the establishment of said Special Service Area Number 4 may file with the City Clerk of said City written objections to and may be heard orally in respect to any issues embodied in this notice. The Mayor and City Council of said City shall hear and determine all protests and objections at said hearing, and said hearing may be adjourned to another date without further notice other than a motion to be entered upon the minutes fixing the time and place of its adjournment. If a petition signed by at least 51 % of the electors residing within said Special Service Area Number 4 and by at least 51 % of the owners of record of the land included within the boundaries of said Special Service Area Number 4 is filed with the City Clerk of said City within 60 days following the final adjournment of said public hearing objecting to the creation of said Special Service Area Number 4, the levy or imposition of a tax for the provision of special services to said Special Service Area Number 4, or to a proposed increase in the tax rate, no such Special Service Area Number 4 may be created, or tax may be levied or imposed nor rate increased. By order of the Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County Illinois. Dated this 20th day of April 2003. City Clerk City of McHenry McHenry County Illinois A D 9 0 1 0 w CJ1 O O � If, (CD C 7 CL (D 3 l< w 7 CL M n N r 0 (D 7 O N O m N CD CL cn N C N (O co Ul N � 7 N v m (L—D (D N CL (D N N N o. cr (D 7 Nfu O f3/f d y. C CL � O O O y CL O C N � o n m (D O N v m m o: (a i s cn m m cn (D f w N C Q (A m n 5 N CL 7 CD a, CL 3 m CL (O 3 M IV m 0 CL (CD m D m 'D M. O N W _0 M. O N C0.1 =' 3 (D N la m ;U m D N to O (D � � N CL CD .00 0 Mv- O O � CD a a)(D �. N OCD O N N 03 o_ N -„ = = 3 N a) .0 a O -� .-« ___3' N = CL (D (O C CD O o CD m N °: m O v Q � m N rr y n Q O Q C Ci O 7 N 7 CL (D 0 O =r (D lD N =3 m CL S S N cr (D Cl) o 'a O 0 N r (D 3. N o O 7 2 0 0 O= O K 0 (D o N m CL CD m S N — 0) 3 (D _0 C a CA' (D O (D Z 0 P. ((D N 2 (D a� a L 0 M C U3 CL O S cr I __mom N�,Zym omom m��(AH-m rnllf (ENO _ ao Mow 3omOZw. cv 1^°'.3 �_Dm m �o0 ga g- �i v n �c 7o mm f�3a2. md>vn^- 7ci-a�wo2cnNm��<z y �n C op1--��mo<mmnmmam X3m3�0-I0�o+gdz��m�mNdQE�mv(7mowmon� N7�.��02 Zrn �n-a C GPI o3tf�3s a7ma7 Zvm-�m m as mao.narcg3a�5.No �'� _�oznz�2�_?- mm mm m�mZ(_ KZ_?iSD�o�>'"7m�nn+�c�=1D m mmoma�HNCL A ma 3c3w7'"mxoo mDyrr-7ZOTA�Ci =��' n5mo ?mDfv�w'wmLg 23m�o�'"Nm^o5.w6-u,mdom °-'f .yN^ovnm �maa a=o2-n�idm2wo Cr2� am 'mE� °= m� oc a°$ �v m°�c7w>;c 7=�o1°n�tnm0: mCDi C7 nm �m--.< .,CJ 0NcNonommo �i)fZ Km mg vm°'��°-'3m'3op�°�dww2cM��mom'm�5�mwo� mo'"2=3 .a am�mov7?��� mMfN�=DOO yQ�ma-w 5 m3.2wwc�= dd a= ..o. m mo w myDm n 2m< CMM-M-4 m,-1.- o m- e 0 v w E Pw.mm c$3w=" �. .°'.gto m7mm oFi�.m�vmNvmw'"3m�.v ��d.m O 0. m�mon7E 3m70- ZZZ 3 a n d c ad 5- n_-G�d w c� 70 ws Z m cn �n�v�vw-= Sr 7wyDo xcm<g7ao no^Da d s� c< -7 <mi'm<O C7 <6% m a :70WE;>•. 7- wmo wmmK0 '00mlpm Dm< y 7 , m m mC13 ? �m xd 9m .l?-,Ro 'mw o?>mma" owmm .no°'� Zr o ooi o-'Q-mom m Q m O mi ��d n A�d-N �n 07m0 O 6mOa $0.2-wOawam m�.mn 7 m�-�?mm5mv'-< ' m` � 7N � 77p�SD'p1,'O m OV C n: Vi m xv. - F-UULIU NOTICE PUSLICG ITiy,- - M f MC SPECIALSERVICE .. REBy GIVEN VW do LAayec5, 2003.•al 7:30 P.M:iat4the City Hat. 333-S. Green - 'Street. Mnffertry. 'Illinois Will be �by die � and City Coulidl of glue City. of County Illinois taonsrdeoVte c establishirm t Of Special Servl-')a..re1„9 4 of said Cyy tw y territory described bn - S" attached Ed" W. _ An arcuate map of said territory is on fie inl•the office of the City Clerk'of said City and Is avail able for pu i)k inspection. - - - The purpose of the establishment.. of . said Special Service Area .Number 4 is 40 provide sanitary server service 10 Area I said Special Service - __- ....... - • -:. _.. _ _- - •- _ 1.: I Nmber 4. ocluditV all , .• .. _ - - - ... costs of extending sanitary sewer service. in' addifion ` to requiredcapiW develop- ment and serer tap fees - Bonds shag be issued in an amount ed -� w�= -�^ " 5 of payinga pordorr of the ...,�„� cost of providi g cite servic- es. The Bonds shall be refired over a period rat -to- -- exceed twe city C20l Years _ - Y from the Issuance thereof. The Bonds shall be retired by the levy of a direct annu- al tax siAfiaeN on all prop- erty subject to taxation for the said Special Service - Area Number 4 to pay the interest on the Bonds as the same comes due and to disdharge the principal thereof at maturity. Said direct annual tax shall be " levied upon at taxable property wilhn said Special Service Area Number 4 for the entire period that the Bonds sham be outstanding and shag be unirriited as to rate or amount and in addi- tion to other taxes Permit- ted by law. All interested persons 1 affected by the establish- •ment of said Special Service Area Number 4 may file with ghe City Clerk of said City written objec- tions to and may be heard orally in respect to any issues embodied in this notice. The Mayor and City Count of said City shall hear and determine all protests and objections at said hearing, and said hearing may be adjourned to another dale without fur- ther notice other than a motion to be entered upon the minutes hang the time and place of its adjourn- ment. If a petition signed by at least 51% of the electors residing within said Special Service Area Number 4 and b•: ' 1,1,1 5I". nt the EXHIBIT'A" Special Service Area ,Number 4 is legally described as follows: Lot/Sec- SubVrwplBgORG 22-0045- 008IDoc 96R008348/CCP Pf Lot 6; SE 114 09-22.452- 034 Lof/Sec.SubVTwp- Blk/RG 22-MS-006/Doc 943350109-22-451- 028/CCP; PG U 6 09-22- 451.028 Lott-SubUTwp Blk/RG 22-0045-008/Doc BBROI81141CW PT Lt 6; SE 1/4 09-22-451.029 - - Lot/Sec"Subi/iwp- . • ! ,BIk/RG 22-0045.008/D6c 92RO3106510CP PT U-6; SE 1/4 09-22451-030 --J Park -" E of AdI:`'& 1/Docs 709763. 94335Q:6 SBR003092 3 96RODS34.7 Lakewood Sub 09-22-44ir 039 _.` BIk/RG�22-004 7.1. .! 943350 Tri PC E.of; . which Is E • of ' o Lakewood 'Sirb/CCP';P Lot 6; SE 1/4 W, rhea RG 8183021CCP PT Lot 6; SE 114 09-22-452-017-- AND THE FOLLOMNG;' Part of the Southeast quarter of Section number twenty two (22). Township 45 North. Range 8 East of the 3rd Principal ipal Merfdran. as shown on the annexed plat. which is a correct rep- resentation of said survey and subdivision. The .lots included In this subdivision are numbered from 1 to 23 inclusive. All lot .lines extend to McCutom's Lake excepting lots numbered from 20 to-+23 inclusive, The dotted'" nxhnirtg in an Easterly and Westerly direction and neaify. paral Jel to the said Lake, be'uig lonly for the purpose or grv-' ding the distances arrd.the widths of the lots. All•dis- Itances shown in feet And tenths of a foot The letter !'A". shown on the annexed !plat represents the' most 'Southerly comer of lot number 6, and at said point there is an iron slake 'Mnch a &x Oak Tree 1' i diameter bears 77.13 degrees 10 'minutes W 74 6 feet, and all coursed and distances are taken from said iron slake and future surveys are to -start from said point- A driveway 20 feet in width, in the rear of the lots,' is staked out and is considered as pail of the aforesaid subdivi- sion. Iron stakes *at all points marked dhus• 0. - . (Published-! - W.;"=-the All" interested persons ` agected by the establish- ment of said Special Service Area Number 4 may file with the City Clerk of said City written objeo- lions to and may be heard orally in respect to any ;issues embodied in this notice. The Mayor and City Couxhd of said City chat hear and determine Z-gll protests and objections' at said hearing. and said hearing may be adjourned to another date without fur- ther notice other than a nation to be entered upon the minutes fixing the dine and place of its adjourn- ment. If a petition signed by at least 51% of the electors I�Nresiding within said Special Service Area Number 4 and by at least 51 % of the owners of record of *the land included within the boundaries of said Special Service Area Number 4 is filed with the City Clerk of said City within 60 days fol- lowing the final adjourn, ment of said public hearing • objecting to the creation of said Special Service Area Number 4, the levy or imposition of a tax for the Provision of special servic- es to said Special Service Area Number 4, or to a pro- posed increase in the tax rate, no such Special Service Area Number 4 may be created, or tax may be levied or imposed nor rate increased. By order of the Mayor and City Council of the City Of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. Dated this 20th day of =- Apri12003 Janice Jones City Clerk City of McHenry McHenry County, Illinois r� . ------ ------ - - - S i