HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 12/07/1970 - City Council.e _;_ ;�Guncl inet.. ,n Legular uvac L.ylg va��r�
s�oherL presiu g. L' rt")1 Ca zz:
rJere present a Bolger, Hromec, Huck., jacl°CSon., izzen, Smith,
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�.eport as read.
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rE'cx tidi2c l purposes.
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cnnucll . a'ud.LL reports submitteC y ;-,,LIi. R. Nort".
Vaing l�gY o o 1 jLro sec, � CK, CLc son,
g it?ei:, Srl� , Stanek.
Votin ,al�ay��: Done.
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26�� a�oris �'n��reas
39 ,sty of McHenry a ayroll A>iccount lit, l%4. Sl
99 City of it/IcHenry Payroll 1.ccount 352.45
9.1 john Hancock i` ldtual 1slfe Insurance Company 351. 91
i cHenry ouunty iv%.nicipal �`.ssociation 1012 .DO
93 1 CO H e n r y C`ounty �Nluniclpal A_Ssoc a tion
96, <21.ce Hardware 133.53
95 Eleanor A ltho I13U 0
90 Thomas �i . Bolger ��.
97 Buss Zord Sales®
98 (01 ty of McHenry Zg Street Farkwng Fund 5013 O
99 Lee J. ooney 80.17
27 � ;ommunr l y Auto Supply 6.3
l l o=onwealth Edison Company
Sit vu.rran ontracting Cozmp any 567.53
°3 Baxter and YJ7oodrj.an, Lnca 619. 4
4 Eby -Brown 1.5ompany 19.17
5 ? .1.'"i. A aa]. Sales Service .
;)O Edward S. Heyward 6.55
37 Hester ail Ooi:pa.ny 533.65
6 h e s t e r Oil 3 om p a n 2 2 9 a 5 2
3 9 The Dent Corporation 5.11
10 Illinols Bell Telephone-ocmpany
11 a c ee's Store Jo 1'den
12 McHenry u1Ln1r11al Hospital 5 .0'J
13 1yIcHenry �cuntyy ormun"cations Tnc 2.4 U�
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14 Moore Business piorms, Inc. v 1 7 J
15 national .process 2 re_nters 45. 1
16 ancelle6 �y ry1-
1 7 0.7.A. 2NTye , ivt . :LD
10 Overton�� ��lac-won{vYac vo. 43*��
19 Dayton Chevrolet, Inc. 49o53
v V. L� . ). Veterans v1ub, Inc.
1 � ty of McHenry FELyroil (,Account 2 ,194
. 0
2 pi ty o E z'cHenry P ayro l l Z cc0Uri t
Z. Na locoL., Inc. v3.5
24 iverslde Booms Stationery 1.3
s Lary LT V� 1`� L d 197
a`e 2 our
L725 %1viera Yacht Bas +n Inc e 175 . kv
G`D 2L. Rcakow and v ssoc'c es 226 060
7 XT, 1. c'kow and .''ssoc ayes 72ev
23 -Rockwell 1'1f g. �;om 115.5
LSearch and Se' ure Bullet .Lj
3�i vtoIF "del and ezhansperaer
1`96 . C)'O
31 Tonnes l rcor ora ee Lv m 5J
32 :JiTi. Tonyan a SJa s 9 Tc. 92. Lis
3 ,anCeiled � y "
LIV :prank hornber v�3. 45 m �7
35 Union"
Linen S�pp1y o. 17.5 s
30 lestern Union 7.5 01
37 goo is oc ''y o r.:LIL: .
.Trona Bros., inc. 0
t Teo Blake L0.
= 1 Gres ory P. Burg 10000
'€Z ratric_a Re 73urke
Arthur JuS'Ca rco JrOj
�l. r_; John 1D. Dav , s
/b Geor
ge eo rye 29 i
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: JosephJ. Diedrich
7 Howard A Lowell 10 m 00
49 "Ronald �� . trey lie 00
5 J Leonard v. Hodc7son I 0 a
52 irley T. Jenkins' `fie
D.t "antes A. KeeOiil lie j
55 h 5..cn i'I. l4.lc�'F.p.�er R ch
t He Kranz 13
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58 sre'aQ j. Ineyer Y_: _ 1it
o v
5 Duane Lange '.
ux zbober� ve '4 ckeIsen Le
61 James igy..I ier �`h. ND
0 L M ra E. lvildrray
63 Glenn E. Peterson 1 i�
6ovIartila fie Valentine l .0
6 5 Ralph 2. Nragner 13 . 103
6 v ..� o L n R. i c'i�1�1 III 2 i v.
0 Terry ''711 de 10. �v
69 Georoe I.i 111ams ire 1 . #
7 Jaes e Aw ur. iser
71 Ma yrni e Bus s 13 , J'v
7L Joseph Mahoney 1 0.30
73 Joseph 7 111arls 10000
r 3
7- W. ?.m North and � Associates
75 aandy..Eeyer lie 'j
1�j eIl ,wty of1:icHenry payroll k�,ccount 1,241.5
2 xs.cear ware
03 Z'Alexander � hemica is 2 9 2. 50,
u SC Tabulatin .orpe �52.l5
l�s G �L.t-a' a �. .� Jw, �.� ��°v;.r .:.d.�'�s a33r i'a 7
{ C?Z CaC> weal 3 Edl Soil .-Ompa.ny 7+' • f
Dziarborn Chemical IVIS7 On
J ,sae J. Dlelrwc vi.$. ,V
Gr = f _n Pipe Prod cts 0. /4 € • 1Q
I 11.E I.= s Belk Teiephone vompany 22 * 20
Mi lwaukee, Leap .',Toms 21• 7!
12 Ncz"thern !I i inc IS 1kteter aepcLl r Service 6L•
13 �;yy cvceryPayroll cc o. 95
City Of1vlc eery Payroll Account 9m26
a To yan & Sons,, + ueInc �8. 00
Vo L.Lil'27a s y� ' . Bo Icer, romec , Huck., Jackson,
`.w sen L: Rogers,
/.Aa. 7�:-�
�ervice s;,ares
C1Stabe IiiSreyOTAL DUE
�V Q ice, d i�� .. .�Y'+a.. �,; . .�� .�.�er, , dr Q�tzec , Huck.,
i tzea, t 3.i, vtaiLe alm
1�Jne •
' bsent `scorers.
Voting '`Aye'': Bolger, Hromec, Huck, Jackson,
Smith, Stanek.
Voting '`Nay°': None.
Voting ''Pass'': Pitzen.
Absent: Rogers.
Motion carried.
Mayor Doherty reported that Roger Moehling had
requested that he be replaced as a member of the McHenry
Planning Commission, and appointed George L. Harker to fill
the unexpired term.
Motion by Stanek, seconded by Jackson, to approve
the Mayor's appointment of George L. Harker as a member of
the McHenry Flanning C,omm.ission.
Voting "'Aye`°: Bolger, Hromec, Huck, Jackson,
Pitzen, Smith, Stanek.
Voting "Nay' ° : None .
Absent: Rogers.
Motion carried.
Motion by Huck, seconded by Smith, to adjourn.
Voting °'Aye": Bolger, Hromec,Huck, Jackson,
Pitzen, Smith, Stanek.
Voting "Nay": None.
Absent: Rogers.
Motion carried.
Earl R. �.�a�sh, �;ity Clerk
Donald P. Doherty, Mayor