HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 08/17/1970 - City Councilthe transfer of �12,000.0 from she general Fund to she Polzce Pens on liund. doting yeare ��lger, ?�roiile�, �a�kSon, ��tzen, ��ogerS, f�'T12�t�Y, Stanek. �Ioting 9r�ay�$: Done0 The �,lty �.O=C l mev in regular semi-monthly meeLing w.Lh mayor Doherty pres.L Lil.g0 t<roll Dell, the followlsag�lermer were present: ger, Trorzec, Jacso , iTo��on by Rogers, secon�e� by �ae�son, �o ap�arove the m�n�.�es of the <�ug�.s�. �r�1 mee��ng as reap. �Io%�r�g 'r�.yerr: Bolger, �Tromec, .�aokson, ��zen, �o�.2.ng rr�ayTr � �i?ne> I�To�:�o� Larrge�. I'Ioe,�on by Sml�h, secon�e� bg� �i�zen, �o pass �.he �nn�al Tax �.evy aananoe In the arRo�.n� of 525, 5t4 I�N. �n d�reo� the 4�,� �y lerk �o flle with the �oI�a�.y I,lerk of I`r�cl�enry �,o�.n�y, 111:Y..nos a Duly cert�f7lecl Dopy of the or- ��raanoe . Vo�ing � ��ye'° : Bolger, �romee, Jacl�son, I���zen, Rogers, Smith., Stanek. r�bsenc: Huck. . T�'Tot�on oarrled. T�Io�ion by Rogers, secon�e� by �Tromeo, �o a�.�hor� ze a ��7 deg ulcer Meeting - August 17, 197 Page Iwo Ck. I'Iotion Carded.. Motion by Jackson, seconded %y Pitzen, to Pay a1,004.00 from Public Benefit to the Golf View Spedal ssessment Principal Account. �olg�er, I�romeC, Jackson, Pitzen, Rogers, Smith, Stanek. Mane. T''latian Carried. T�otion �y �3olger, seconded �y Stanek, to a�tharize payment of 4,891.00 to Payton Chevrolet, as Per approved hid, for 197j� tr�Cl� capon satisfactory delivery. "A P 9 e �h s en t : Huck. T�Iotion Carried. edger, �Tramec, Jackson, PL�zen, TZogers, SLrii Ch, Stanek. mane . �Zotion �y Jackson, seconded by roa�eC, to p�€r- Chase snoti� plow for new 1970 Chevrolet truck. Voting "Aye": V �J LAng n714ayi4O Sent: ��.Ck. nation Carried. Bolger, �TrameC, JaCl�son, Pitzen, gers, Sm.ith, Stanek. mane. TvTotion by Sdth, seconded by T'togers, to authorize the ;ity clerk to reappoint a Z�eputy ��lerk. regular Meeting - _august 17, 1970 Page Three [Toting "ZlVe" . Bolger, Hromec, Jackson, Pitzen, Pogers, SI L. 3 Stanek. Voting 'pTIa1 Tlo e. r SeTT : k. 1V10 ��on i.ari�� e�. T�io�i on �y Pi�zen, secon�e �y .�acksorl, �o repri��. �i�:y o� 1�Tc�Tenry �onirlg ordinance hooks, including all amen�- menus since the 3�t� gay o� �.�ril, 1966. Vo�irlg '"fiye°°: Bolger, T�romec, Jackson, Pi�zen, 1�ogers, Smi��., S�anel�. �bsen�: duck. 1'![O"�iOn carried.". T'�io�iorl by Stanek, seaa�.ded by Rogers, �o approve request :From tTn.e Tu]cTjenry viwanis clulr%� to llo1d their snnual °'Peanut Day" in McHenry, September 25, 19700 Voting t9Aye4°: Bolger, Hromec, JackSon, �itzen, R ogerS, Smith, Stanek. Voting °°Tiay"' : �ibSent: Muck.. !�otion by :�ogers, secon€�ed by .�ackson, to approve pay�ne�.t o� the following Dills: GEl`Tzzi,PsL P'd.TLNji : 2366 �,ity of i1cl�enry Payroll 4ccourlt $12, �66. 67 �,ity of Tb1cT�enry Payroll �ccourlt 567.3� 6 3tll l T ancock TW`utual Life Ins. o. ° 5 .' 69 Ace Hardware 1 C 4.17 70 Adams Bros. Radiator Service 89.30 71 Alexander Lumber Co. 459o24 regular Meet.Lng August 17, 1979 Page your 2372 73 74 75 76 77 73 79 s 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 33 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 93 99 2450 C1 02 03 54 05 6 07 3 09 13 11 1! 13 l4 15 16 17 l3 l9 23 21 22 23 2 4 G5 26 27 23 29 31 32 ithoffts Inc. 2bnderson Tree Service Bo-tts Oxygen Service Buss Ford Sales Carey Appliance, Inc. Duncan Industries Elgin Typewriter Company a eldman Bros. George P. Freund, Inc. ladstones, Inc. 7-J Equipment & Supply Co. Lakeland Construction Co., Inc. Lakeland Paint Spot, Inc. L ee & i�ay Electric Eby -Brown Company ilotorola Nlrs. I.ayra Murray George Williams ams licrc Data Systems, Inc. Hiller Feed's and. Seed I`t cHenry Animal Hospital IuicHenry Fence & Supply Co., Inc. McHenry Medical Group McHenry Lumber Company The McHenry P laindea ler McHenry Ready-Mlx Co., Inc. r s . Lynne Wi lmo th Pars. Leslie Clutterham Mr. Iry Rein rs . Marlene Drabek ?`Ir. Earl Conway Llrs, Shirley Smith I'Ir. David Parrish Ivlrs . Joan icing %tr. Stanley iyci al 1r . Pober t Freund IIcPenry State Banff. TicHenry Sand and Gravel, Inc. IvlcHenry Tire lvIart Charles A. Mlonske I�Tye Drug, Inc. Overton Cadillac -Pontiac Co. Palmer Publications Co. Ptiokford Industrial Supply Co. Cal Skinner, jr., County Treasurer Bay Stilling Suburban Office Supply Suburban Office Supply Schwaab Label Co., Inc. Jnion Linen. Supply Co. Vycital's Pro Hardware Looze any Kinne Looze and Kinne mce Hardware .:: . Nye, T,I.D. City of ' ik�Flenry Police Pension. ��i..nd City of 1lci�enry Spec. ��sses.6C�-�;-1F�1Prin. Ci�.y o� �Ic�ier�ry Spec. «sses.63-C-22 Int. i:elen StrandquIs�t City of YD.Henry Payroll Account City of IrlcHenry Payroll Account 66.3U 359.33 4.25 130938 54.35 15 . C3 32.53 61.5d 401080 45.94 425. 0 1,245.7 37.79 233.73 59olO 1,138090 43.25 43.2C 5.2C 32.50 35.CJ 35�;. 0C 15.3J 62.62 64.24 641.70 5.CC 5. 0 5.0,3 5.30 5. 0 5.0 5.35 5.36 120. S 233.3C 52.65 654.25 162.25 42 . {33 24.75 62.53 13.75 3. CC 5. 16 192 . CO 26.72 144.3 11.4z0 17.5li 149.19 , 500.00 2,245.5O 2.74 000200 500a 00 25.C5 613.47 13,374.53 eg.lar eeting g s" 17, 1970 P ge � Five L+aV i l�,cHenry Payroll :."account ( t 8�: �. =ty o� i`r�cYaenry Payroll �.:oun�,. 35 Joe Diedrich 36 Ace Hardware 37 dams Bros. '?Rao1 ator Service 83 _'`zlexanosG r CheiTt:?..;:a S 39 Badger lvleter 90 Community auto Supply: 91 LakelandConstructon C,o., Inc. 92 Lakeland Paint Spot, Inc. 93 McHenry aea y_Zv2 x C(� . , Inc. 9'4* Postmaster, lHcHenry 95 City of M��Henry Payroll Account 96 City of McHenry Payroll Account � 0 12 03.0 51.63 13.1,E M/ 5'3 012*00 13.10 5.SE 5� .67 fa3.75 133.30 70.61 1, 471 a 00 ��%ot�ng Pe.��ye��o �olger, �rolZ£�c, �a��Son, P:�tzen, �1otlon �y Smith, secon�e� by Bolger, to purchase �ac�ar �lectrlcal ?'1mi1ing nevz.ce at a total cost oF 81,330 the Nat�_onal I��_ghway Safety :bureau having amroved payment o '',900. 0 done hall o ll total} through F eceralfunds. Voting ; stye �1ot�ng °a�ay`° b set, Huck. Motion carrle�. Bolger, rorr�ec, Jackson, Pitze�?, Rogers, Smith, Stanek. none . t4otzon �y �acl�son, secon�e�. Icy Stanek, to -instruct r�eyer, Sint. of Pu�11c .forks, to con.�uct a survey oJE Parking meter useage on green Street. Jon roll call the :�ollowing vote was recor�e: Bolger P���oe ��romec ��yes�q Regular Meeting -August 17, 197fl Jackson "Yes" Pitzen '''Yes'° Rogers "Yes" Smith ' °Yes" Stanek "'Yes`P The Mayor declared the motion carried. Page Six Motion by Jackson, seconded by Smith, to adjourn. Voting '1Aye'': Bolger, Hromec, Jackson, Pitzen, Rogers, Smith, Stanek. Voting "Nay°': None. Absent: Huck. Motion carried. n� ,� , /- Earl R. Walsh, City Clerk Donald P. Doherty, Mayor