HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - ORD-02-1084 - 07/29/2002 - APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 2002-2003ORDINANCE NO. Ord-02- 1084 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR APPROPRIATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2002-2003 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION 1. That it be deemed necessary in order to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of said City for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2002 and ending April 30, 2003; that there be and there is hereby appropriated to provide for the general tax levy and other revenue for the said fiscal year, the aggregate sum of Forty Four Million, Three Hundred Thousand, Four Hundred Nineteen Dollars ($44,300,419.00) the object and purpose for which said appropriation is made and the amounts appropriated for the same are as follows, to wit: -1- 2002-03 100.01 Administration Office APPROPRIATION Salaries - Regular 635,511 Salaries - Temporary 4,950 Overtime - Regular 4,400 Salary Adjustments 18,748 Board & Commission Expense 68,519 Health/Life Insurance 116,648 Dental Insurance 6,553 FICA/Medicare 50,766 IMRF Retirement 45,814 Uniform Allowance 4,235 Contractual Services 266,393 Legal Fees 199,760 Postage and Meter 24,915 Telephone 13,200 Printing and Publishing 16,500 Dues 3,080 Travel Expenses 3,520 Training 3,410 Tuition Reimbursements 9,130 Publications 2,948 Utilities 3,300 Materials and Supplies 22,000 Office Supplies 11,660 Small Equipment 2,640 Administrative Expenses 47,520 Capital -Land 40,150 Capital - Equipment 33,825 Capital - Furniture 11,000 Transfer - Debt Service 825,440 Transfer - Capital Improvements Fund 1,051,600 Transfer - Street Improvements Fund 110,000 Transfer - TIF Fund 550,000 Purchase Service - Risk Management 57,457 Total Administration Office 4,265,592 100.02 Elected Officials Salaries - Regular 60,970 Salaries - Temporary 550 Overtime - Regular 2,200 Salary Adjustments 1,884 Salaries - Elected Officials 63,250 Health Insurance 14,146 Dental Insurance 815 FICA/Medicare 9,857 IMRF Retirement 6,559 Uniform Allowance 385 Contractual Services 14,300 Postage and Meter 14,520 Telephone 6,600 Page 1 2002-03 Printing and Publishing APPROPRIATION 25,850 Dues 2,299 Travel Expenses 1,870 Training 10,505 Publications 1,375 Materials and Supplies 5,940 Office Supplies 2,640 Small Tools and Equipment 660 Employee Recognition 10,153 Administrative Expenses 10,450 Capital - Equipment 13,200 Total Elected Officials 280,978 100.03 Community Development Salaries - Regular 399,990 Overtime - Regular 2,750 Salaries -Seasonal 1,100 Salary Adjustments 12,040 Health/Vision 80,683 Dental Insurance 4,543 FICA/Medicare 31,819 IMRF Retirement 29,162 Uniform Allowance 2,750 Contractual Services 51,590 Postage and Meter 3,025 Telephone 13,200 Printing and Publishing 9,240 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 4,400 Dues 1,650 Travel Expenses 3,685 Training 4,400 Tuition Reimbursements 550 Publications 990 Materials and Supplies 825 Office Supplies 4,950 Fuel and Lubricants 2,750 Small Tools and Equipment 2,640 Capital - Equipment 7„150 Capital - Vehicles 19,800 Purchase Service - Risk Management 27,336 Total Community Development Department 723,018 100.21 Police Commission Salaries - Boards and Commissions 1,320 Contractual Services 11,396 Printing and Publishing 3,850 Travel Expenses 550 Training 1,100 Publications 550 Total Police Commission 18,766 Page 2 2002-03 APPROPRIATION 100.22 Police Department Salaries - Regular 517,752 Salaries - Part Time 10,945 Overtime - Regular 8,800 Overtime - Sworn 93,500 Career Ladder 18,700 Salary Adjustments 87,518 Salaries - Sworn 2,526,341 Health/Vision 535,918 Dental Insurance 31,006 FICA/Medicare 249,670 IMRF Retirement 37,016 Employee Uniforms 37,730 Contractual Services 48,345 Postage and Meter 2,640 Telephone 36,982 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 34,650 Dues 9,232 Travel Expenses 5,555 Training Expense 36,286 Tuition Reimbursement 5,500 Materials and Supplies 21,230 Office Supplies 23,040 Fuel and Lubricants 73,920 Small Equipment 2,805 Capital - Equipment 137,500 Capital - Vehicles 110,990 Purchase Service - Risk Management 193,477 Total Police Department 4,897,048 100.30 Public Works - Administration Salaries - Regular 248,950 Overtime - Regular 10,120 Salary Adjustment 7,427 Employee Insurance 52,352 Dental Insurance 2,910 FICA/Medicare 20,387 IMRF Retirement 18,735 Uniform Allowance 1,073 Contractual Services 7,370 Postage and Meter 1,513 Telephone 7,150 Dues 770 Travel Expense 990 Training 1,210 Tuition Reimbursement 1,100 Office Supplies 3,850 Small Tools & Equipment 2,860 Capital -Equipment 9,900 Page 3 2002-03 APPROPRIATION Capital - Vehicles 18,700 Capital - Furniture 1,100 Purchase Service - Risk Management 18,172 Total Public Works - Administration 436,639 100.33 Public Works - Streets Division Salaries - Regular 851,186 Overtime - Regular 55,550 Salary Adjustment 25,398 Salaries -Seasonal 18,150 Health/Vision 201,202 Dental Insurance 11,362 FICA/Medicare 72,697 IMRF Retirement 65,529 Uniforms 13,475 Contractual Services 57,200 Telephone 4,950 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 78,100 Training 660 Tuition Reimbursement 440 Street Lighting 165,000 Materials and Supplies 194,700 Office Supplies 1,210 Fuel and Lubricants - Vehicles 41,250 Small Tools and Equipment 5,500 Safety Equipment and Supplies 1,100 Capital - Equipment 26,950 Capital - Vehicles 194,700 Capital - Other Improvements 66,000 Purchase Service - Risk Management 116,768 Total Public Works - Streets Division 2,269,077 100.34 Public Works - Building and Grounds Salaries - Regular 114,946 Overtime - Regular 11,000 Salaries - Seasonal 13,750 Salary Adjustments 3,429 Health/Vision 34,901 Dental Insurance 1,940 FICA/Medicare 10,949 IMRF Retirement 9,095 Uniforms 1,760 Contractual Services 38,500 Telephone 3,322 Vehicle Repair & Maintenance 1,100 Training 1,100 Materials and Supplies 57,448 Office Supplies 330 Fuel and Lubricants 550 Capital - Buildings 119,350 Page 4 2002-03 Capital - Equipment 1,650 Capital - Office Furniture 4,400 Other Improvements 11,000 Purchase Service - Risk Management 7,480 Total Public Works - Building and Grounds 448,000 100.41 Parks and Recreation Department Salaries - Parks Administration 130,749 Salaries - Athletics Administration 49,827 Salaries - Recreation Administration 41,427 Salaries - Park Maintenance 260,137 Salaries - Part Time 32,133 Overtime - Regular 16,500 Salary Adjustment 15,296 Salaries -Seasonal 253,000 Health/Vision 109,725 Dental Insurance 6,160 FICA/Medicare 61,129 IMRF Retirement 37,439 Uniform Allowance 10,148 Contractual Services 178,915 Postage and Meter 12,705 Telephone 13,970 Printing and Publishing 18,150 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 8,800 Dues 1,441 Travel Expense 2,200 Training 5,555 Tuition Reimbursement 1,100 Publications 495 Utilities 33,000 Materials and Supplies 127,490 Office Supplies 3,850 Fuel and Lubricants - Vehicles 12,650 Small Tools & Equipments 2,200 Special Events 33,908 Forestry Expenses 23,650 Capital - Equipment 65,780 Capital -Vehicles 53,350 Capital - Park Improvements 106,700 Purchase Service - Risk Management 69,791 Total Parks and Recreation Department 1,799,370 Toal Police Department (Police Protection Levy) 4,897,048 Total General Fund (General Corporate Levy) 10,241,440 Total General Fund 15,138,488 210.00 Band Fund Contractual 16,500 Page 5 Materials and Supplies Total Band Fund 220.00 Civil Defense Fund Repairs and Maintenance - Equipment Total Civil Defense Fund 230.00 Audit Fund Contractual Services Total Audit Fund 240.00 Retirement Fund FICA/Medicare (Social Security Levy) IMRF Retirement (IMRF Levy) Total Retirement Fund 250.00 Public Benefit Fund Transfer - Project Assessement Total Public Benefit Fund 260.00 Annexation Fund Distribution operating Fees Transfer - Capital Improvement Total Annexation Fund 270.00 Motor Fuel Tax Fund Materials and Supplies Capital - Street Improvements Transfer - Debt Service Transfer - Street Improvements Fund Total Motor Fuel Tax Fund 280.00 Developer Donation Fund Distributions - Schools Distributions - Library District Disributions - Fire Protection District Total Developer Donation Fund 280.41 Developer Donation Fund (Parks) Capital - Land Transfer - Capital Improvements Capital - Park Improvements Total Developer Donation Fund (Parks) 290.00 Tax Increment Fund Capital - Other Improvements Total Tax Increment Fund 300.00 Debt Service Fund Bond Principal Payments 2002-03 APPROPRIATION 6,600 23,100 2,750 2,750 15,125 15,125 581,183 316,010 897,193 110,000 110,000 125,000 251,250 376,250 77,000 66,000 505,560 990,000 1,638, 560 675,000 37,500 37,500 750,000 504,750 168,000 270,000 942,750 550,000 550,000 858,000 Page 6 2002-03 APPROPRIATION Bond Interest Payments 409,805 Paying Agent Fees 3,960 Total Debt Service Fund 1,271,765 520.00 Bond and Interest Fund Bond Principal Payments 660,000 Bond Interest Payments 161,212 Paying Agent Fees 2,750 Total Bond and Interest Fund 823,962 530.00 Bond Reserve Fund Transfer - Project Assessment 25,300 Total Bond Reserve Fund 25,300 540.00 Depreciation Reserve Fund Transfer - Project Assessment 11,550 Total Depreciation Reserve Fund 11,550 400.00 Recreation Center Construction Fund Capital - Buildings 550,000 Total Recreation Center Construction Fund 550,000 410.00 Street Improvements Fund Capital - Street Improvements 2,340,000 Total Street Improvements Fund 2,340,000 420.00 Special Service Area #1A Transfer - Debt Service 21,120 Total Special Service Area #1A 21,120 440.00 Capital Improvements Fund Capital - Utility System Improvements 3,480,000 Capital - Street Improvements 3,462,000 Capital - Other Improvements 900,000 Total Capital Improvements Fund 7,842,000 510.31 Public Works - Water Division Salaries - Regular 431,739 Overtime - Regular 23,100 Salary Adjustments 12,878 Salaries -Seasonal 10,450 Health, Vision 98,091 Dental Insurance 5,513 FICA/Medicare 36,579 IMRF Retirement 32,705 Uniform Allowance 5,005 Contractual Services 56,430 Postage and Meter 5,500 Telephone 9,900 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 7,700 Page 7 2002-03 Contractual Services 37,015 Dues 6,050 Purchase Service - General Fund 2,200 Total Police Pension Fund 545,765 720.00 Development Escrow Capital - Street Improvements 55,000 Total Development Escrow 55,000 730.00 McHenry Economic Development Fund Miscellaneous Expense 550 Total McHenry Economic Development Fund 550 740.00 Retained Personnel Fund Engineering Fees - Consultant 37,500 Engineering Fees - Staff 3,000 Legal Fees 22,500 Miscellaneous Expense 12,750 Total Retained Personnel Fund 75,750 710.00 Do the Right Thing Fund Miscellaneous Expenditures Total Do the Right Thing Fund Total All Funds 165 165 44,300,419 Page 10 SECTION 2. All unexpended balances of any item or items of general appropriation made by this Ordinance may be expended in making up any insufficiency in any items in the same general appropriation and for the same general purposes or in a like appropriation made by this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of 'McHenry, Illinois. PASSED and APPROVED this 29"' day of July, 2002. AYES: BOLGER, GLAB, LOW. MURGATROYD. NAYS: NONE ABSENT: WIMMER NOT VOTING: NONE ABSTAINED: NONE ATTEST: Ci lerk ]Mayor