HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - ORD-00-965 - 07/19/2000 - ANNUAL TAX LEVY 2000-2001ORDINANCE NO. ORD-00-965 Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: That it be deemed necessary in order to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of said City for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2000 and ending April 30, 2001; that there be and there is hereby appropriated to provide for the general tax levy and other revenue for the said fiscal year, the aggregate sum of Twenty Nine Million Nine Hundred Five Thousand One Hundred Six Dollars ($29,905,106.00) the object and purpose for which said appropriation is made and the amounts appropriated for the same are as follows, to wit: 2000-01 APPROPRIATION ADMINISTRATION OFFICE: Elected Official's Salaries $65,000 Regular Salaries 442,000 Overtime 10,000 Temporary Employees 10,000 Sick Pay 5,000 Car Allowance 3,000 Administrator Vacation Buyback 3,500 Administrator Merit 4,000 IMRF Retirement 40,000 FICA/Medicare 45,000 Employee Insurance 70,000 Uniform Allowance 4,000 Employee Physicals & Drug Testing 10,000 Printing & Publishing 30,000 Postage & Meter 20,000 Telephone 20,000 Professional Development 25.000 Contractual Services 235,000 Legal Fees Corporate 70,000 Legal Fees Traffic 90,000 Property Damage 50,000 Utilities 5,000 Office Supplies 20,000 Materials and Supplies 25,000 Small Equipment 4,000 Employee Recognition 9,000 Board and Commission Expense 70,000 Administrative Expenses 75,000 Debt Service Transfer 700,000 Capital Projects and Equipment 100,000 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 2,259,500 POLICE DEPARTMENT: Civilian Salaries 499,000 Sworn Salaries 2,109,000 Civilian Overtime 10,000 Sworn Overtime 100,000 Holiday Pay 64,000 Sickday Pay 9,000 Dual Career 19,000 OIC (Special Pay) 4,000 Investigator Stipend 4,000 FTO (Special Pay) 6,000 Severance (SickNacation) 100,000 Department Head Merit 7,300 IMRF Retirement 41,000 FICA Medicare 219,000 Employee Insurance 394,000 Uniform Allowance 39,000 Postage and Meter 3,000 Telephone 30,000 Professional Development 40,000 Contractual Services 43,000 2000-01 APPROPRIATION Gasoline and Oil 60,000 Vehicle Repair and Maintenance 50,000 Office Supplies 21,000 Materials and Supplies 20,000 Fire Arms Supply 3,000 DARE 10,000 Capital Projects and Equipment 332,000 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT 4,236,300 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION: Salaries 238,000 Overtime 11,000 Sick Pay 2,000 Department Head Merit 7,375 IMRF Retirement 21,000 FICA Medicare 20,000 Employee Insurance 38,000 Uniform Allowance 1,000 Postage & Meter 2,000 Telephone 7,500 Professional Development 3,500 Contractual Services 4,000 Office Supplies 3,000 Administrative Expense 50,000 Capital Projects and Equipment 11-000 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 419.375 PUBLIC WORKS - STREET DIVISION Salaries 804,000 Salaries - Part-time Seasonal 20,000 Overtime 56,000 Sick Pay 4,000 IMRF Retirement 71,000 FICA Medicare 67,000 Employee Insurance 150,000 Uniform Allowance 13,000 Telephone 5,000 Professional Development 2,000 Contractual Services 46,000 Gasoline & Oil 45,000 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 85,000 Office Supplies 2,000 Materials and Supplies 80,000 Small Tools and Equipment 6,000 Public Improvements 220,000 Capital Projects and Equipment 957,000 TOTAL PW - STREETS 2,633,000 BUILDING AND GROUNDS: Salaries 107,000 Salaries - Part-time Seasonal 11,000 Overtime 14,000 Sick Pay 1,000 2000-01 APPROPRIATION IMRF Retirement 10,000 FICA Medicare 10,000 Employee Insurance 25,000 Uniform Allowance 2,000 Telephone 3,000 Professional Development 2,000 Contractual Services 30,000 Office Supplies 1,000 Materials and Supplies 40,000 Building Improvements 85,000 Capital Projects and Equipment 7,000 TOTAL PW - BUILDING AND GROUNDS 348,000 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. Salaries 318,000 Salaries - Part-time Seasonal 2,000 Overtime 4,000 Sick Pay 2,000 Department Head Merit 5,539 IMRF Retirement 26,000 FICA Medicare 25,000 Employee Insurance 55,000 Uniform Allowance 2,000 Printing and Publishing 10,000 Postage and Meter 4,000 Telephone 8,000 Professional Development 9,000 Contractual Services 50,000 Gasoline & Oil 3,000 Repairs and Maintenance - Vehicles 7,000 Office Supplies 5,000 Materials and Supplies 1,000 Small Equipment 1,000 Capital Projects and Equipment 18,000 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 555,539 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT: Salaries 430,000 Salaries - Part-time Seasonal 244,000 Overtime 20,000 SickPay 3,000 Department Head Merit 6,292 IMRF Retirement 37,000 FICA Medicare 54,000 Employee Insurance 66,000 Uniform Allowance 9,000 Printing & Publishing 22,000 Postage and Meter 13,000 Telephone 10,000 Professional Development 9,000 Contractual Services 154,000 Forestry 19,000 Gasoline & Oil 8,000 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 20,000 2000-01 APPROPRIATION Utilities 28,000 Office Supplies 4,000 Materials and Supplies 109,000 Special Events 26,000 Hickory Creek Farm Improvements 20,000 Public Improvements 20,000 Caital Projects and Equipment 146,000 TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION 1,477,292 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 11,929,006 BAND FUND: Contractual 10,350 Supplies and Materials 2,5QQ TOTAL BAND FUND 12,850 CIVIL DEFENSE FUND: Repairs & Maintenance - Equipment 1,000 Capital Projects and Equipment 30,000 TOTAL CIVIL DEFENSE FUND 31,000 AUDIT FUND: Audit Expense 14,750 TOTAL AUDIT FUND 14,750 INSURANCEFUND: Insurance Premiums - MCMRMA 300,000 Insurance Premiums - Other 2,000 Miscellaneous Expenses 1,000 TOTAL INSURANCE FUND 303,000 RETIREMENT FUND: Social Security/Medicare 502,000 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 316,000 TOTAL RETIREMENT FUND 818,000 PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND Transfer to Project Assessment Fund 51,000 TOTAL PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND 51,000 RECREATION CENTER CONSTRUCTION FUND Contractual Services 60,000 TOTAL RECREATION CENTER CONSTRUCTION FUND 60.000 ANNEXATION FUND Land Acquisition 400,000 TOTAL ANNEXATION FUND 400.000 DEVELOPMENT ESCROW FUND Miscellaneous Improvements 50,000 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT ESCROW FUND 50,000 EMPLOYEE FLEXIBLE SPENDING FUND 2000-01 APPROPRIATION Employee Reimbursements 75,000 TOTAL EMPLOYEE FLEXIBLE SPENDING FUND 75,000 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE FUND Medical Insurance Premiums 225,000 Dental Insurance Premiums 6,000 Claims 616,000 Reserve Contribution 100,000 TOTAL EMPLOYEE INSURANCE FUND 947,000 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND: Materials and Supplies 100,000 Transfer to Street Improvements Fund 250,000 TOTAL MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND 350,000 STREET IMPROVEMENTS FUND Bond Interest 250,000 Capital Projects 1,800,000 TOTAL STREET IMPROVEMENTS FUND 2,050,000 DEBT SERVICE Paying Agent Fees 2,000 Principal and Interest - 90 GO 310,000 Principal and Interest - 97A Alt GO 365,000 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 677,000 SPECIAL SERVICE AREA #1 A Principal and Interest - SSA #1 A Bonds 75,000 Capital Projects 400,000 SPECIAL SERVICE AREA #1A 475,000 POLICE PENSION FUND: Contractual Services 10,000 Pension Payments 345,000 Administrative Expense 29,000 TOTAL POLICE PENSION FUND 384,000 DEVELOPER DONATION FUND: School Distribution 750,000 Library Distribution 50,000 Fire Protection Distribution 50,000 TOTAL DEVELOPER DONATION FUND 850,000 PARK DONATIONS FUND: Land Acquisition 80,000 Miscellaneous Park Improvements 171,000 Park Development Plans 25,000 Playground Improvements 741,000 TOTAL PARK DONATIONS FUND 1,017,000 MCHENRY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND Miscellaneous Expenses 15,000 TOTAL MCHENRY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND 15,000 2000-01 APPROPRIATION RETAINED PERSONNEL: LegalFees 15,000 Engineering Fees 35,000 Returned to Developers 20,000 Fees-Misc 10.00 TOTAL RETAINED PERSONNEL 80,000 WATER DEPARTMENT: Salaries 365,000 Overtime 24,000 Sick Pay 2,000 IMRF Retirement 31.000 FICA Medicare 30,000 Employee's Health Insurance 56,000 Uniform Allowance 3,500 Postage & Meter 11,000 Telephone 8,000 Professional Development 2,500 Office Supplies 3,500 Contractual Services 36,000 Materials & Supplies 138,000 Utilities 115,000 Gasoline & Oil 8,000 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 8,000 Small Tools & Equipment 2,500 Transfer - Utility Bond and Interest 54,000 Capital Projects and Equipment 1,396,000 TOTAL WATER DEPARTMENT 2,294,000 SEWER DEPARTMENT: Salaries 466,000 Overtime 25,000 Sick Pay 3,000 IMRF Retirement 40,000 FICA Medicare 37,000 Employee's Health Insurance 72,000 Uniform Allowance 6,000 Postage and Meter 7,000 Telephone 8,000 Professional Development 2,500 Contractual Services 44,000 Utilities 275,000 Gasoline and Oil 10,000 Repair & Maintrienance - Vehicles 9,000 Repair & Maintenance - Equipment 30,000 Repair & Maintenance - Sewer System 8,000 Sludge Disposal 114,000 Office Supplies 2,000 Materials and Supplies 92,000 Transfer - Utility Bond and Interest 520,000 Capital Projects and Equipment 699,000 TOTAL SEWER DEPARTMENT 2,469,500 2000-01 APPROPRIATION TOTAL WATER/SEWER FUND 4,763,500 BOND AND INTEREST FUND Paying Agent Fees 6,000 Principal and Interest - 93 W/S Rev Bonds 620,000 Principal and Interest - 97B Alternate Bonds 125,000 TOTAL BOND AND INTEREST FUND 751,000 BOND RESERVE FUND Transfer to Project Assessment 35,000 TOTAL BOND RESERVE FUND 35,000 DEPRECIATION RESERVE FUND Transfer to Project Assessment Fund 20,000 TOTAL DEPRECIATION RESERVE FUND 20,000 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND Capital Projects 2,000,000 TOTAL CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND 2,000,000 COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND: Transfer to Water/Sewer Fund 10000 TOTAL COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES SA FUND 10,000 PROJECT ASSESSMENT (MCHENRY SHORES) Transfer - Utility Bond and Interest 176,000 TOTAL MCHENRY SHORES 176,000 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND: Transfer to Capital Development Fund 1,500,000 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 1,500,000 REVOLVING LOAN FUND Approved Loans to Participants 60,000 TOTAL REVOLVING LOAN FUND 60,000 TOTAL APPROPRIATION FOR ALL FUNDS: $29,905,106 Appropriation Summary For the Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 2000 General Fund $11,929,006 Band Fund 12,850 Civil Defense Fund 31,000 Audit Fund 14,750 Insurance Fund 303,000 Retirement Fund 818,000 Public Benefit 51,000 2000-01 APPROPRIATION Recreation Center Construction Fund 60,000 Annexation Fund 400,000 Development Escrow Fund 50,000 Employee Flexible Spending Fund 75,000 Employee Insurance Fund 947,000 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 350,000 Street Improvements Fund 2,050,000 Debt Service Fund 677,000 Special Service Area #1A Fund 475,000 Police Pension Fund 384,000 Developer Donation Fund 850,000 Park Donations Fund 1.017,000 McHenry Economic Development Fund 15,000 Retained Personnel Fund 80,000 Water/Sewer Fund 4,763,500 Utility Bond and Interest Fund 751,000 Bond Reserve Fund 35,000 Depreciation Reserve Fund 20,000 Capital Development Fund 2,000,000 Special Assessment Fund 10,000 Project Assessment Fund 176,000 Capital Projects Fund 1,500,000 Revolving Loan Fund 60,000 Total Appropriations $29,905,106 SECTION 2: All unexpended of any item or items of general appropriations made by this Ordinance may be expended in making up any insufficiency in any items in the same general appropriation and for the same general purposes or in a like appropriation made by this ordinance. SECTION 3: This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. Voting Aye: BOLGER, GLAB, MCCLATCHEY, MURGATROYD. BAIRD. Voting Nay: NONE. Absent: NONE. Abstain: NONE. Evoilifflellwol ayor Steven J. Cuda (SEAL) ATTEST: City �Clerk �Pam a J. Al�thoff Passed: JULY 19, 2000 Approved: JULY 19, 2000