HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 12/03/1979 - City CouncilREGF7LAR MEETING
The regular meeting of the City Council was held on Monday, December
3, 1979. At roll call the following aldermen were present: Pepping, Nolan,
Marker, Datz, Wieser, Adams, Schooley. Absent: Meurer.
Motion by Nolan, seconded by Schooley, to accept the minutes of
t'cse November 19, 1�7� Regular Meeting as read.
Voting Aye: Pepping, Nolan, marker, Datz, Wieser, Adams, Schooley.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: Meurer.
Edward Cepulis, president of the NicHenrj= Rotary Club, presented a
check for $3,544.40 to the City Council as the second and final portion of
the amount the Club pledged toward the large slide complex in Petersen Park
which was erected last year. Mayor Stanek accepted the check and expressed
thanks to the Club in behalf of all the citizens of the McHenry area.
Patrick rioffitt of the 1984 Olympic S?ci-athon program addressed the
Council and reported on the eleven Siti-athon team rczembers who are roller -
skiing from Los Angeles Califor�sia to Lake Placid, New York for the 1984
Winter Olympics. The team is scheduled to came through the City of McHenry
on Friday, December 14 on a fund raising prorr�otion for the Olympic Ski-
Motion by Nolan, seconded by Pepping, to a=.ztherize the donation
of $154 to the Olympic S',.ci-athon program and $144 to the Chamber of Commerce
for the Santa Claus in th.e Park promotion at the Pearl Street Park.
Voting Aye: Pepping, Nolan, Harker, Datz, Wieser, Adams, Schooley.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: Meurer.
tlotion carried.
Jo'nn Rowell of Prudential Insurance Company of America and Dr.
Robert Harris of rust National Retirement Services, Inc, presented information
on Deferred Compensation Plans available to city employees. Following dis-
cession, it was the consensus of opinion that the concept of deferred
Monday, December 3, 1979
gage 2
compensation plans be approved on an L= ormial basis and goat otter companies
who wish to ma%a a presentation on tte subject stould contact tte city cle
anal tte presentations will be rade to interested city employees.
i��ayor Staa:ek declared a recess at 8: 59 ? .Ni, 1'te meeting was
reconvened at 9:09 P.M.' -with all aldermen still in attendance.
Robert Grossman o� associated �'lanners, lnc., reported to the
Council on his progress with the Gompretensive plan �Jpdate. He also explained
'row additional charges 9nad been. incurred relating to revision. of city :raps.
Motion by Hamer, seconded by i�olan, to pay $2,58�-.flJ to associated
�la.nners, lrec. for addit=:_oral mapping expense.
votingpepping, Dolan, Har%�er, I3atz, Schooley.
Voting day: L74eser, Aciarrs,
absent: Meurer.
Lotion carried.
Roger �s�terspaugh o� Residential development Group appeared before
the Council to request rival acceptance of Boone valley Unit 11.
Lotion. by Satz, seconded by Harker, to approve final acceptance
os 3oone Valley Unit 11 as reco=.ended by '3axter Woodman, city engineers.
Voting Aye: Pepping, Bolan, I=arker, 33atz, Schooley, Wieser, Adams.
Voting �5ay: N®ne.
ent: Meurer.
fiction carried.
�iscs�ssio:� was I£eld on annexation o-� six parcels o� land wb3cb
are completely surrounded by city boundries, to g=�estion arose as to
w'c�etter to =<ewly an�-�exed parcels would have to boos{ up to city sewer
ot 10n by �iar'_�er, sewn: ed by Ada:rs, that o-wners o� tr:e �ollow�ng
propert-�es be a-ser�itt�cd tc; rer;ain on heir individual septic systems until
i'Ionday9 December 3, 197R
Page 3
such time as their individual septic system is declared inoperative or until
there is a change in ownership off' the following properties: Edward � Gladys
Gersche�ski o� 4°ld-l� W. Shore Drive; Harold & Audis Bowfin of 4-aC2 W. Shore
Drive; Mrs. Frances Coop -Tynan of �ldl W. Shore Drive; Kenneth � Judy Torkelson
o� 25d9 N. Martin Road; gout Farm property at 5215 W. Elm Street and Rudolph
C. Bryant o,� 5dd6 W. Shore Drive.
Voting Aye: Pepping Nolan, Harkerq Datz, Wieser, Adams.
Voting Nay: Schooley.
Absent: ieurer.
Moti on carried.
notion by Datz, seconded by Schooley to pass ordinances annexing
the following parcels o� land: Gersche�s'�ci property at 491d-12 W. Shore
Drive; Bocalin property at 48d2 W. Shore Drive; Coon. -Tynan property at 5ldl
W. S:nore Drive; Torkelson property at 25d9 N. Martin F.oad; Trout Farm property
at 5212 W. Elm Street and the llryant property at Sdd6 W. Shoe Drive.
Voting Aye: Pepping, volanp Harker Datz, Wiesery Adamsp Schooley,
Voting Nay: None.
Absent : I�1eu er.
Zlotion carried.
A letter was read fro�ri David Grimes, president o� McHenry Shores
regarding the Zd8 Fac�_lities Planning Area. It was the consensus of opinion
that T�Iayor State?{ should contact Mr. Grimes and tell him the city �Tas ?-?ot
interested in his proposition to have the city of L�,IcHenry handle sewage
disposal ?`rom his village.
Mayor Stanek declared a recess at ld:d4 '-'.�I. The meeting vas recon�=e�:ed
at ld:d5 with all aldermen still in attendance.
Motion by A�-ams, seco��::�ed by Schooleyg to authorize anal approve
payment o� the following bills:
:ED?ER�4l� F�TND
��6d5�. Secretary of State
6d53 State of Ill. Dept. o� Conservation
�QS�, Ralph Wagner
ud55 McHenry State Bar:.k
�Q56 Ill. Dept. o� Revenue
6d57 City of 1�lcuenry Payroll Acct.
6d58 Ill® Mun. Finance v�ficers Assoc.
�d5�' Pete Merkel
bd5d Ill. Municipal Retirement Fund
6d�1 Ill. Municipal Reti remer:t r'und
GdC2 Barbara E. Gilp?�, Petty Cash Fund
�d�3 Postmaster McHenry, IZ
6d6!. Josep?�z B. Stane?�
�flG� Altho�� Industries
�7d65 Badger Jn�forms
Cd67 Bolger�s Drug Store
� � V
Tlonday, Decemnoer 3, 1979
bjoB Botts Welding & Truck Service 57.99
6069 Commonwealth Edison 3,863,25
6070 Curran Contracting 188.65
6C71 Eby -Brown 13.59
6072 Fox Lake Office Supply 171.00
6073 VOID
6074 Fox River Valley Boat Co. 3.62
6075 '.Eornsby Store 101.66
6076 Illinois Bell Telephone 12341.14
6077 E. F. johnson Co. 12695.00
6078 Tony May Enterprises 17.50
6079 Meade Electric Co. 36.45
6080 Motorola, Inc. 541.40
6051 McHenry Co. Communications 193.36
6082 McHenry Co. Glass & Mirror 93.92
6083 McHenry Firestone 289.86
6084 McHenry F.S., .Inc. 62.50
6085 lc.Henry Lumber Co. 184.53
6086 McHenry Oil Co. 13599019
6087 McHenry Printing 110.78
6088 McHenry Savings & vcan 1,000000
b089 McHenry Studic & Camera 30.38
6090 McHenry Woodstock Disposal 811.95
6091 No. Illinois Utilities 15<00
6092 Pitney -Bowes 45.00
6093 Primrose Oil Co, 437.64
6094 Prudential Ins. Co. 62383029
6095 Radicom Inc. 61.00
6096 Simplex Time Recorders Co. 278.36
6097 Western Union 255.00
b098 Xerox Corporation: 143.88
6099 Baxter & Woodman Inc. 22500000
b100 Lyle Signs, Inc. 525.C7
6101 Lakeland Di3tributors Inc. 42.8E
6102 Illinois Park & Recreation Assoc. 50.00
6103 Elgin Community College 20.00
6104 McHenry Area Chamber of Comimerce 100.00
6105 1980 Ski-athon 150.00
6106 Associated Planners 2,584,0C
b107 Narusis & Narusis 83863.25
1.08 Curran Contracting Co. 149293.05
6109 Municipal Clerks of Illinois 15.0C
6110 Marry C. Wennstrom (Lib. Sal.) 180.00
bill Quality Assurance Testing 258OOoOO
6112 McHenry Co. Municipal Assoc. 204.0C
6113 Randy J. Meyer 90.85
b114 McHenry State Bank 42877,80
6115 Ill. Dept. of Revenue 758.79
6116 Wm. Brda. Trees. - Pol. Pens. Fund 12109096
6117 City of McHenry Payroll Acct. 232898.11
6118 Elgin Co�nunity College 20.0C
6119 Lynne Donarski 27*71
6120 Kay Halverson 20.00
6121 .loan Schwegel 20.00
b122 :eith Davis 25,00
6123 Barbara E. Gilpin, Petty Cash Fund 96.60
2367 <-arry Burmann 44,26
236E Postmaster, McHenry, I� iC0.00
2369 City of McHenry General Fund. 996.38
2370 City of McHenry General Fund 100.16
2371 Ill. Municipal Retirement Fund 823e85
2372 Barbara E. Gilpin, Petty Case Fund 1.50
2373 Postmaster, McHenry, IL 200®00
2374 City of MicHenry Bond Reserve 13140.00
2375 City of McHenry Depreciation Reserve 50®00
2376 Badger ieter, Inc. 891.04
2377 VOID
2378 Bolger's Drug Store 9.48
2379 Commonwealth Edison 5,129.79
2380 ,lee, Diedrich 20.00
Monday, December 3, 1979
2381 Fisher Scientific 196.85
2382 Illinois Bell Telephone 147.61
2383 McHenry Oil Co. 12108.00
2384 McHenry Woodstock Disposal 10.00
2385 No. Ill, Utilities 15.00
2386 Prudential Ins. Co. 564.52
2387 Gustave C. Wilde 40.00
2388 City of McHenry General Fund 42727.06
2389 City of McHenry General Fund 502.38
2390 Water 67 Sewerage Works 12.00
2391 James H. Wiser 61000
2392 McHenry Co. Recorder of Deeds 5.00
Voting Aye:
Voting Nay:
Page 5
Pepping, Nolan, Harker, Datz, Wieser, Adams, Schooley.
Absent: Meurer.
clotion carried.
Motion by Schooley seconded by Adams, to approve payment of $2,800
to Quality Assurance Testing for testing of road materials for the intermittent
road resurfacing program and the 1979 sinner street maintenance program with
$I,600 to be paid from the Motor Fuel Tam Fund and $1,200 from the General Funda
Voting Aye: Pepping, Nolan, Harker, Datz, Wieser, Adams, Schooley.
Voting ivTay: None.
A'osent: Meurer.
notion carried.
Motion by Schooley, seconded by Harker, to pay Curran Construction
Co., the sum of $118,568.71 for completion of work on the 1979 summer street
maintenance program.
`voting Aye: Pepping, Nolan, Harker, Datz, Wieser, Adams, Sci�.00ley
Voting Nay : None ,
Absent: LZeurer.
Motion carried.
Motion by Pepping, seconded by Harker, to pay Curran Construction
Co® $14,293.05 for resurfacing of Draper goad®
Voting Aye: Pepping, Nolan, Harker, Datz, Wieser, Adams, Schooley.
'voting Nay: P?one.
Absent: Tleurer.
l�lotion carried.
ion.dey, December 3, 1919
gage G
Motion by Mar.er, secondey Bolan, to C?ireCt developers of
oodcree'_c S�z division to reim parse t' e city for $14.,.SflJ.ffl wiicIa is L"eir
sure of resurfacing 7raper load as per t�ae enncxation agreement.
Voting Aye: pepping, Molars, _ar'cer, a�atz, Nieser, Adams, Schooley,
Voting �3ay: None.
Ausent: le�zrer,
Motion carried,
Motio'� �y Adams, seconded �y Sc�aooley to approve a reduction in
t�ae � after of credit for Iviartin �7oods Un-_t l for su'fldivision impro y>er_ie��s
Voting Aye: a�epping, Nolan, �ar%er, Satz, 4vieser, Adams, Schooleym
Voting Nay: None.
A�serat: Meurer,
iviotion carried.
May or Stanek declared a five-minute recess at ll : flfl P.I�, meeting
teas reconvened at 11:05 P.M. with all aldermen still in attendance.
Motion by Sc�:coley, seconded by pepping, to install a fence along
the city � s south and east property Braes or the Petersen Parlc 'ceac:a property
end remove the existing fence which is erected on city property.
voting Ave: pepping, Nolan, Harker, Datz, Wieser, Adams, Schooley<
Vot ng Nay: None.
sent: Meurer,
rioti on carri ed m
motion &:y Nolan, seconded �y Adams, to pay �amptor8, �;enzini and
i.enTn:i.c`.-:, lrc> t�ae sum of $8,�69,39 for engineering design services for
traffic signals st the intersection of Elm Street (Ro��.te 12fl� and irystal
i,alce road to �e paid from Motor Fuel ii'ax f.snds.
Voting Aye: pepping, Nolan, Marker, i)atz, �lieser, Adams, Sc?�oole3Ta
`,Toting Nay : None .
Absent: N�eurer.
21ot_on carrieda
i�ionday, December 3, 197�
Page 7
Motion by Pepping, seconded by Nolan, to pay Curran Construction
Co. $3,L;C®.QQ for culvert work on Millstream Drive whic'n is to be reimbursed
by residents of the area.
Voting Aye: Pepping, Nolan, Harker, Datz, Wieser, Adams, Schoole;�.
Voting Nay: none.
Absent: Meurer.
Motion carried.
Motion by Harker, seconded by Schooley, to authorize acceptance of
Engineer°s Payment Estimate No. � dated Segtember 25, 1979, to Scully,
Hunter & Scully in the amount of $31,75�.1�3 upon receipt of a recommendation
from Baxter � Woodman, the authorization to be forwarded. for payment to the
bank holding the constructio.�a loan account for Pheasant Valley Subdivision.
Voting Aye: Pepping, Nolan, Harker, Datz, Wieser, Adams, Schooley.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: NZeurer.
Motion carried.
Datz reported on a Purchasing Committee :meeting held in regard to
purchase of camera equipment for the Police Degartment. Prices were submitted
by three camera firms: Meesenry Studio & Camera Center - $1,313.�Q; Photocom
Corporation - $1,3�s-7.Q5 axed Belvidere Camera Shop - $l,(39�.3Q.
Motion by Datz, seconded by Wieser, to authorize purchase of two
cameras and related accessories from Belvidere Camera Staop, Waukegan, at a
cost of $1,Q9�,3Q for use by the Police Degartment.
Voting Aye: Pepping, Nolan, Harker, Datz, Wieser, Adams, Schooley,
Voting Nay: Z�Tone.
Absent: Tleurer.
Nlotian carried.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Datz, to authorize the purchase of a
mug shot camera for th.e Police Department at an agproximate cost of $SaC.C��
Voting Aye: Pepping, Nolan, Harker, Datz, Wieser, Adams, Schooley.
Voti ng Nay : None .
Absent: Meurer.
Motion carried.
ltonday, , vece-ever 3,�
gage 8
Iviot on Dy Sc'nooley, seconded poy Ac cans, to puTc ase one dozen
"Suns"I e SuPP?.Les UcxeS ° at a cost o.L $ C a each Co a ?eep. on an. at tie
�ci� ce Station in case o� emerge-.c� es sv.c� as severe uVea��eT cT � ac?� cf Power .
�s a Part
�'TogTal?'_ �o�
Vcr3ng Aye:'ePPng, olar_,aT'_ee, az, vVeSeT, AaS9 Sccc'ey.
A'�se�'it; i �uTeT®
tiot� on �Sy Adams � seconded �y Noun, to cancel tie Tega? aT Co:anc��
meeting scB-:ed.u�e �cr �ece�eT ��� i9�9 because �.t�s �?ew Year's eve.
Voting Aye: �'ePPzng� Noun, ;-IaT1.eT, Satz, v��c:seT, Adams, Schoo�ey<
Voting i4ay: None.
A'Qsent: NeuTeT.
Vic;Licn= caTT�ed.
:Yotg�n 'oy Nola�i, seconded by �3aT�CeT, to gave G�T�.stnas c�ec?cs to
cdty employees as follows: $25 to 'Lull time enPloyees and $10 to Part time
Voting Aye: Pepping, Nolan, Harker, Datz, Wieser, Adams, Schooley
Voting Nay: None.
A3�sent: Meurer.
Ni�t_oi2 caTTzeC'_.
Mot<on �y W-leseT� seco�.de� �y Adams, to enter into executive sess�one
�eki< foT tie purpose of discussang Pending L 7. tigat7.on and personnel.
Voting Aye: ZePP�-ng, Nolan, �-�aTlcer, Darz. Wlieser, Adams, Schooley,
vEJt???g Nay: Oln
L 1c�tZo"-.�
at l:lv A,'�o
Vct-_ng Aye: �ePp�ng, Nolan, biar'.er, 1�a'��.z, Weser, Ada-:ns, Schooley.
UUt' n Nay. Nine s
ii sent
onday, �eeember 3, 1°79
Page R
�'totion by Schooley, seconded by Pepping to object to the zoning
reclassification being ::ecpnested by Donald Bykowski for property on �ichmoz:d
Load from reside��ti al to B-.� business classificati or. under the I�'icBenry
County Boni ng �v'rdi Hance .
`v"oting Aye: Pepping, Nola., darker, Matz, Schooley.
v'o��ng Nay: Weser, �<<"sms e
Absent: l�.eurer.
�iotione carried.
Motion by Pepping, seconded by Adams, to authorize the hiring; of
Jamie White, a high school girl, for clerical work in the City Clerk and
Park Z)epartment offices on a part time basis. -a i tl�z partial reimbursement
of her wages tc come from a Grant Program sponsored by the high school<
','oting Aye: Pepping, Nolan, Barker, i�atz, Schooley, Wieser, Adams.
Voting Nay: Nor_e.
Absent: rleurer>
TZotion carried.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Wieser, to adjourn.
toting Aye: Pepping, Nolan, Barker, Katz, Schooley, Wieser, Adams.
Voting Nay: None,
Absent : I�ieurer.
i'iotian carried.
l�ieeting adjourned. at 1:2Q A.M.