HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/19/1979 - City CouncilREGULAR MEETING M®NDAY, NQVEMBER 19, 1979 S P.M. The regular meeting of the City Council was held on Monday, November 19, 1979. The meeting was calied to order by Mayor Stanek> At roll call the following aldermen were present: Wieser, Adams, Schooley, Meurer, Pepping, Nolan, Datz, Harker. Absent: No?e. Motion by Datz, seconded by Nolan, to accept the minutes of the November 5, 1979 Regular Meeting as read. Voting Aye: Wieser, Adams, Schooley, 1leurer, Pepping, Nolan, Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by hanker, seconded by Pepping, to defer action on the Deter Tutera Condominium rezoning recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals for one month. at the request of the law firm of Bishop & Kelly who have dust been retained to handle the matter by Tutera. Voting Ave: Wieser, Adams, Schooley, Meurer, Pepping, Nolan, Datz, Harker. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by Wieser, seconded by Schooley, to pass an Ordinance granting the variation requested by White hen Pantry & Bob's Colors for a common sign subect to conditions outlined in the Zoning Board of Appeals recommendation. Voting Aye: Wieser, Adams, Schooley, Meurer, Pepping, Nolan, ➢atz, Harker. Voting DIay: None. Absent: None. T�oti on carried. Monday, November �, l°7 Motion �y Satz, secondedy Adams, to approve the C3ctober Treasurers report as realm Voting Aye: Wieser, Adams, Schooley, Meairer, Pepping, Noun, I)atZ, iarker, Voting Nay: Nonem Ads sent: None Motion carried, Motion �y Pepping, seconded �y No un, to approve the Ccto�er Clerk's report as presenteda Voting Aye: Wieser, Adams, Schooley, Mea�re�, Pepping, Noun, ➢atz, darker. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion �y darker, seconded h;T Schooley, to pass a �:esol�tion aa:thorizir�.g the expenditure of $12,000.00 from Motor Fuel pax funds for preliminary engineering on installation of traffic lights at the intersection of Route 120 and Crystal lake oad. Voting Aye: Wieser, Adams, Schooley, l�Ie�.rer, Pepping, Nolan, Datz, Harker, Voting Nay: NoneA Absent: None, iv�otior� carried. Mayor Stanek authorized the Street and Sidewalk Committee to shady the matter of sidewalks, off street parking, easements and alley usage on the south sale of iJiain Street m Mayor Stanek recessed the meeting at 9:C3 P,M, `the meeting was reconvened at 9:15 PsM, with all aldermen stall in attendancem Monday, November IV, 1979 Page 5 Discussion was held on bills from Associated Planners, 4nco who have contracted with the city for updating of the Comprehensive Plan. It was the concensus of opinion of the Council to defer action on the bills and ask Robert Grossman of Associated Planners and Gerald Bunting of the Mc:Ienry Plan Commission to attend the December 3rd Council ��eeting to report on progress of the updating. Motion by Adams, seconded by Schooley, to authorize the Purchasing Committee to determine which camera would be suitable for Police Department usage and. allow them to authorize purchase of the chosen camera. Voting Aye: Wieser, Adams, Schooley, 1`ieurer, Pepping, Nolan, Datz, Marker. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by Nolan, seconded by Marker, to commend Police Officers Gary Wigman, Thomas Jenkins, William Zujewski and Sgt. Robert Zu;ewski for good basic police work which resulted in the apprehension of three burglars and recovery of thousands of dollars of stolen merchandise and to authorize the Clerk to include the Police Chiefs letter of commendation in the respective personnel files of each officer. Voting Aye: Wieser, Adams, Schooley, Meurer, Pepping, Nolan, Datz, Harker. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by Pepping, seconded by Harker, to amend MC-?9-159 by adding paragraphs A.l and A.2 to Section Z-76.I as recommended by the Finance Committee. Voting Aye: Wieser, Adams, Schooley, Meurer, Pepping, Nolan, Datz, Marker. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. tionday, November 19, 1979 Page S Motion by Pepping, seconded by Harker, to adopt a Longevity Pay Program for 0ity employees effective Jan., 1980, voti�.g Aye: Wieser, Pepping, Nolan, darker. voting Nay: Adams, Schooley, �ie�rer, Matz® Absent: None. There being a tie vote, Mayor Stanek cast a Nay vote and declared that the motion did not carry® Purchasing 0ommittee 0hairman Meurer reported that six prices were obtained for a �-wheel drive pickup truck for the Public Works Depaatment . Mitchell Buick - {3ldsmobile - GI��O 1980 GMT 314 ton 4x4 with plow $95840.00 1980 07110 3/4 ton 4x4 $82340.00 1980 GMv 3/4 4x4 ton $8,500.00 Payton Chev. 1980 0hev. 3/4 4x4 $8,000.00 Buss Ford 1 ton. 4x4 Ford $9,400.00 Plow $1,070.00 3/4 4x4 Ford $8,040.00 Plow $1;070400 Motion by 1�legarer, seco-ded by Schooley, to authorize purchase o-- apick{tap truc?c with? !-wheel drive at a price of $9,400 and a snow plow for the truck at a price of $1,070 from Buss Ford Sales. voting Aye: Adams, Schooley, Meurer, Nolan, Datz, marker, voting Nay: Pepping Pass: Wieser sent: INone , Motics? carried. Motion by y�Ieurer, seconded by ��arker, to advertise the sale of two caty deeps with plows at public auction. voti'ig Aye: Adams, Schooley, Ple�arer, Nolan, Satz, marker,. Pepping, Wiser. Jot-b�g €Tay. 1?one< �ib�e`it: !one. Motloi? carry e . Monday, November 19, 1979 Page 7 iZotion by Meurer, seconded by Adams, to authorize the purcizase of a Toro 20-inch snow blower at a price of $259.95 from George P. Freund Implement Store for use at the sewer punt. Voting Aye: Wieser, Pepping, Nolan, Harker, Adams, Schooley, I�leurer, ,�atz. Voting Nay: Aione. Absent: None. l�Io�ion carried. Motion by Schooley, seconded by Harker to deny the request of Thomas and Susan Koleno of 1512 N. Richmond Road, i�ZcHenry, for a $9nO.fZC payment on an easement agreement concerning property at the southeast corner of Richmond road and Washington Street. Voting Aye: Wieser, Pepping, I�'olan, HarZ:er, Adams, Schooley, Meurer, Datz. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by Harker, seconded by Noun to authorize Attorney NarBusis to obtain deed from Mrs. Arthur (Leone) Tongan for beach property on Freund Avenue which was offered for donation to the city upon payment of back taxes and to take necessary action to redeem the property. Voting Ave: Wieser, Pepping, Nolan, Harker, Adams, Schooley M eurer, Satz. Voting Nay: None, Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by Wieser, seconded by Adams, to cancel immediately the order for a Chipper placed with Shuster Company in August and to reorder it next fiscal year if the need remains. Monday, November 19, 1979 Voting Aye: Wieser, Adams. Voting Nay: Meurer, Pepping, an, Harker, Datz, Pass: Schooley, Absent: None. notion did not carry. It was the concensus of opinion that the Mayor should send a letter to the Shuster Company requesting that they defer delivery of the chipper as long as the original price would hold. Motion by Adams, seconded by Wieser, to adjourn. Voting Aye: Wieser, Adams, Meurer, Pepping, Nolan, Harker, Datz, Schooley. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:40 P.M.