HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 09/28/2020 - Public Works CommitteeThe City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Public Works Committee Meeting Agenda September 28, 2020 – 6:00 PM In light of the current COVID-19 public health emergency, this meeting will be held remotely only. The public can observe by connecting online at: https://cityofmchenry.zoom.us/j/92974273288 The public can also call in to the following number: (312)626-6799, Meeting ID: 929 7427 3288 1.Call to Order 2.Public Comment: Any person wishing to address the Committee will be asked to identify themselves for the record and will be asked but are not required to provide their address. Public Comment may be restricted to three minutes for each individual speaker. Order and decorum shall be maintained at all public meetings. 3.Motion to approve the August 24, 2020 Public Works Committee Meeting minutes. 4.Review of request submitted for Honorary Street Sign designation of Manchester Mall in honor of Don & Judith Porter and if recommended, direction to forward the application to the full City Council for consideration. 5.Presentation by City staff regarding 2021 Motor Fuel Tax Funded Road Resurfacing Program. 6.Boat Access Area Development (BAAD) Grant 7.Motion to Adjourn The complete Public Works Committee packet is available for review online via the City website at www.cityofmchenry.org. For further information, please contact the Office of the Assistant City Clerk at 815-363- 2108. NOTICE: In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), this and all other Public Works Committee meetings are located in facilities that are physically accessible to those who have disabilities. If additional accommodations are needed, please call the Office of the City Administrator at 815-363-2108 at least 72 hours prior to any meeting so that accommodations can be made. Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes August 24, 2020 Page 1 Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes August 24, 2020 Call to Order Alderman Santi called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held remotely via Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting was in compliance with the Open Meetings Act per guidelines by the Illinois Attorney General’s Office. Roll Call Deputy Clerk Johnson called the roll. Roll call: Members present: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Mihevc. Others present: Public Works Director Troy Strange, Staff Engineer Greg Gruen, Field Operations Manager Steve Wirch. Public Comment None Approve January 13, 2020 Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes A motion was made by Alderman Mihevc and seconded by Alderman Glab to approve the minutes of the January 13, 2020, Public Works Committee meeting. Roll call: Vote: 3-ayes: Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Glab, Alderman Santi. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Review of request submitted for Honorary Street Sign designation of Bush Terrace in honor of Mark Amore and if recommended, direction to forward the application to the full City Council for consideration. Directory Strange explained that all applications for Honorary Street Signs are reviewed together as a group. No other applications have been received this year. Applications for Mark Amore were received by Mike Bloom and Aimee Oeffling. Mike Bloom suggested a sign for Mark Amore on Route 120, and Amy Oeffling suggested a sign for Mark/Wayne Amore at Bush Terrace and Reagan Blvd. A motion was made by Alderman Mihevc and seconded by Alderman Santi to forward the application for an Honorable Street Sign for Mark/Wayne Amore at the of Bush Terrace/Liberty Trails to the full City Council for consideration. Roll call: Vote: 3-ayes: Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Presentation by City staff about general City drainage concerns Director Strange shared his screen to show a presentation on City wide drainage. Topics of the presentation included: maintenance of drainage infrastructure and assets, elements of municipal drainage systems, the current project planning process, project planning workflow, schedule for Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes August 24, 2020 Page 2 capital project planning, existing City programs & policies, Lakeland Park drainage issues, Anne Street drainage area issues, detention basins, channel maintenance, and ditching & drainage maintenance. The public was offered a chance to comment on the presentation, and Patrick Devine was present as a citizen to ask about the Prairie/Meadow area. A discussion was had if those residents would be helped by the previously proposed detention basin near Curran Road. It was explained that they would, and a discussion ensued regarding the City’s purchase of the property near Curran Road and why the project never moved forward. The current belief is that the proposed basin would be very costly and would still not help those residents with major issues. Dale McVeen was present and stated he was a resident of Radcliffe Court in the Martin Woods area. He gave an explanation of the drainage issues in his neighborhood. A retention pond that is the responsibility of the HOA is the main cause of the issues, as well as a storm sewer from Bennington and additional drainage added by other neighbors. Alderman Glab expressed that HOAs are private entities, and the City has tried to stay away from what their responsibilities are. The City can’t technically tell an HOA how they should run their association. A discussion took place regarding neighbors who have impacted other residents with their water runoff. Community Development Director Ross Polerecky explained the rules and ordinances with what is allowed for gutters and sump pumps. These complaints are taken regularly. Alderman Glab began a discussion of the Lakeland Park drainage ditch which is technically the northern part of Boone Creek. He cautions the City and wants to make sure Boone Creek is on the radar for maintenance as a huge amount of sediment has grown. Other detention areas fill into Boone Creek and we need to look into the future as well as handling the problems in the present. Other topics of discussion included the possible purchases of properties in Lakeland Park, the issues with the proposed detention basin near Curran Road, the possibility of enacting an SSA to handle the HOA owned detention ponds that are left without maintenance, and a possible drainage study for Boone Creek. A disagreement was had between Alderman Glab and Director Polerecky on the ability to establish an SSA. Director Strange sated that the Public Works Department will report back on the Amherst/Radcliffe issue at the October Public Works Committee meeting. Adjournment A motion was made by Alderman Glab and seconded by Alderman Mihevc to adjourn the meeting at 7:59 p.m. Roll call: Vote: 3-ayes: Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Glab, Alderman Santi. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes August 24, 2020 Page 3 __________________________ ______________________________ Alderman Santi Deputy Clerk Monte Johnson Department of Public Works Troy Strange, P.E., Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: September 28, 2020 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works RE: Don & Judith Porter Honorary Street Sign Application ATT: 1) Honorary Street Sign Policy 2) Honorary Street Sign Application _____________________________________________________________________________ At the November 7, 2016 City Council Meeting, City Council approved the attached revised Honorary Street Sign Policy. As part of the review process the Public Works Committee reviews the applications and makes a recommendation to the City Council for consideration. The following Honorary Street Sign Application (attached) was submitted in Summer of this year for consideration: • Manchester Mall in Honor of Don & Judith Porter submitted by Nancy Fike The Honorary Street Sign program provides citizens of the City of McHenry with an opportunity to honor people and/or family members who have made significant contributions to the City. To be considered, the proposed honoree is required to meet the following criteria: historical and or cultural influence on the City; proof of significant association to the City; clear geographical relationship of street to the area of interest of the candidate; known to be of good moral character and clearly defined community or public contribution made by the honoree. Staff seeks a recommendation from the Public Works Committee for an Honorary Street Sign designation from the attached applications to be presented to the full City Council for consideration. Department of Public Works Troy Strange, Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: 9-14-20 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Troy Strange P.E., Director of Public Works Greg Gruen P.E., Staff Engineer RE: 2020 Road Program ATT: Presentation (13 slides) AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff requests a positive recommendation from the Public Works Committee for the scope and funding of the 2021 Road Program and to present the approved scope and proposed funding to City Council for their approval. BACKGROUND: Staff is proposing a FY21/22 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) item that includes $2,000,000 for the 2021 Road Program. The project will consist of paving 5.3 miles of local neighborhood streets. Work will consist of asphalt grinding and resurfacing, concrete ADA ramp sidewalk improvements and limited curb and gutter repairs. The extent of the asphalt removal will be based on the results of the pavement cores. Public works maintenance staff is currently repairing manholes and sewers within the project limits in anticipation of the project. Staff is preliminary estimating the cost of the resurfacing to be approximately $377,000/mile. The locations for the work are based on 5-yr plan that was previously presented to the Public Works Committee. The project will be funded using MFT funds, the new 3-cent gas tax, and the recently received Rebuild Illinois Bond Grant. The City receives approximately $1,200,000 annually in our MFT account form the State. We are also estimating $300,000 per year from the new 3-cent gas tax. Finally, the City has received $592,958 in Rebuild Illinois Bond Grants that must be used for road The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. improvements. Staff is confident that the City can complete a $2M road program utilizing only these funds. Approximately $25,000 in additional general funds may be spent from the current contractural line item for pavement cores and some preliminary curb repairs. For the past FY20/21 year, staff was able to perform all of the design engineering and construction management in-house and bid the project early in the year. The net result is that the project was completed at a cost of $311,500/mile which is well below the $400,000/mile cost which is typical of other McHenry County communities. Staff recommends following this same approach for the FY21/22 road program. However, the Rebuild Illinois Bond Grants may require a consultant to be hired to assist with the plan preparation. This funding source is new and the specific requirements for the plan preparation and required documentation have not been clearly finalized by the local IDOT office. ANALYSIS: In anticipation of adoption of the FY20/21 budget, staff is recommending the following 26 streets (5.3 miles) to be included in the 2021 MFT funded Road Program in accordance with the previously presented 5-yr Resurfacing Program: Ronda Dr. Abbey Dr. Crystal Tr. Loch Glen Ln. Brookwood Tr. Front Royal Ct. Valley Rd. Somerset Mall Oregon Tr. Katie Ln. Canterbury Dr. Veretta Ct. Larkin Ln. Cross Tr Overland Tr. Young St. Fairfax Dr. Hartland Tr. Third St. Windhaven Tr. Fourth St. Courtland Tr. Glenbrook Tr Village Tr. This will be the largest Road Program in the City since 2010. Additionally, the City should be able to perform an annual Road Program of approximately $1.5M/yr based on the current revenue sources, provided that both the MFT revenue and 3-cent local gas tax are used solely for the Road Program. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Public Works Committee concurs with Staff’s recommendation, it is recommended to present to full City Council the 2021 Road Program as presented for authorization to proceed with engineering and bidding. It is further recommended to allow staff to select a consultant to assist with plan preparation, if needed. 2021 PROPOSED ROAD PROGRAM CITY OF MCHENRY SEPT. 2020 PURPOSE OF MEETING RECAP 2020 ROAD PROGRAM DEFINE SCOPE AND COSTS OF 2021 ROAD PROGRAM DISCUSS ROAD PROGRAM FUNDING OBTAIN APPROVAL FROM COMMITTEE FOR 2021 ROAD PROGRAM $239,000 $2,495,502 $0 $690,473 $0 $378,032 $352,575 $1,953,057 $1,032,860 $0 $687,250 $351,000 $0 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $3,000,000 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020CONSTRUCTION COSTS ($)YEAR LOCAL ROAD PROGRAM EXPENDITURES (2009-2020) CONST. COST MFT FUNDING RECOMMENDED FUNDING $0 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 $300,000 $350,000 $400,000 $450,000 $500,000 COST PER MILE ($)YEAR TYPICAL ROAD PROGRAM COST (2009-2020) NOTE: (1) VILLAGE 1 & 2 ARE OTHER McHENRY COUNTY MUNICIPALITIES. THEIR COST PER MILE WAS CALCUALTED BASED ON AVAILABLE ONLINE RECORDS FOR THEIR 2020 ROAD PROGRAM. $- $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $3,000,000 MFT PROJECTED CASH FLOW FY 20/21 NOTES: 1.REDUCED MFT ALLOCATION OF $75k/mo THRU DEC 2020. 2.NORMAL MFT ALOCAITON OF $95k/mo RETURNING JAN 2021. 3. REBUILD ILLINOIS GRANT FUNDS OF $296k TWICE PER YEAR. 4. LOCAL 3-CENT TAX OF $25k/mo STARTING JAN 2021. City of McHenry 5 Year Resurfacing Program  Year #1  Street From To Area (SQ YD) Width (FT) Length (FT) Curb Sidewalk Condition Rating Cost Pebble Crk. Green St. Amberwood Pl. 2,500 25.0 900 Y Y 3 75,000$ Brighton Pl. Donnelly Pl. Amberwood Pl. 2,583 25.0 930 Y Y 3 77,500$ Westminster Pl. Donnelly Pl. Amberwood Pl. 2,389 25.0 860 Y Y 3 71,667$ Amberwood Pl. Dorchester Pl. Biscayne Rd. 5,044 25.0 1,816 Y Y 3 151,333$ Dorchester Pl. Amberwood Pl. Donnelly Pl. 2,875 25.0 1,035 Y Y 3 86,250$ Geneva Pl. Amberwood Pl. Donnelly Pl. 2,500 25.0 900 Y Y 3 75,000$ Ronda Dr. Turnberry Dr. Loch Glen Ln. 2,224 24.0 834 Y Y 3 66,720$ Loch Glen Ln. Turnberry Dr. Ronda Rd. 5,569 25.0 2,005 Y Y 3 167,083$ Valley Rd. Turnberry Dr. South End 3,142 25.0 1,131 Y Y 3 94,250$ Katie Ln. Ronda Rd. Turnberry Dr. 2,083 25.0 750 Y Y 3 62,500$ Larkin Ln. Green St. Cul-De-Sac 2,235 27.0 745 Y Y 3 67,050$ Young St. Dale Ave. Green St. 3,833 30.0 1,150 Y Y 3 115,000$ Third St. Elm St. James St. 4,458 25.0 1,605 Y Y 3 133,750$ Fourth St. Main St. James St. 1,516 22.0 620 N Y 3 37,889$ 1,280,992$ Year #2 Street From To Area (SQ YD) Width (FT) Length (FT) Curb Sidewalk Condition Rating Cost Glenbrook Tr. Crystal Lake Rd. Dartmoor Dr. 15,577 28.0 5,007 Y Y 3 467,320$ Abbey Dr. Winding Creek Dr. Brookwood Tr. 5,960 24.0 2,235 Y Y 3 178,800$ Brookwood Tr. Abbey Dr. Bull Valley Rd. 4,042 25.0 1,455 Y Y 3 121,250$ Somerset Mall Front Royal Dr. Cul-De-Sac 1,067 20.0 480 Y N 3 26,667$ Canterbury Dr. Greenbrier Dr. Augusta Dr. 4,160 24.0 1,560 Y Y 3 124,800$ Cross Tr. Kensington Dr. Joyce Ln. 4,564 31.0 1,325 Y Y 3 136,917$ Fairfax Dr. Winding Creek Dr. Abbey Dr. 627 24.0 235 Y Y 3 18,800$ Windhaven Tr. Brookwood Tr. Dead End 867 24.0 325 Y Y 3 26,000$ Colony Ct. Glenbrook Tr. Dead End 514 25.0 185 Y Y 3 15,417$ Winhaven Ct. Wimbleton Tr. North End 573 24.0 215 Y Y 3 17,200$ Courtland Tr. Cross Tr. Driftwood Tr. 2,373 24.0 890 Y Y 3 71,200$ Village Tr. Overland Tr. Glenbrook Tr. 2,867 25.0 1,032 Y Y 3 86,000$ Crystal Tr. Glenbrook Tr. Cross Tr. 2,819 25.0 1,015 Y Y 3 84,583$ Front Royal Ct. Front Royal Dr. Cul-De-Sac 356 20.0 160 Y Y 3 10,667$ Oregon Tr. Cross Tr. Glenbrook Tr. 3,333 25.0 1,200 Y Y 3 100,000$ Veretta Ct. Courtland Tr. North End 1,514 25.0 545 Y Y 3 45,417$ Overland Tr. Glenbrook Tr. Cross Tr. 2,381 25.0 857 Y Y 3 71,417$ Hartland Tr. Glenbrook Tr. Village Tr. 1,197 25.0 431 Y Y 3 35,917$ 1,638,370$ Year #3 Street From To Area (SQ YD) Width (FT) Length (FT) Curb Sidewalk Condition Rating Cost Olde Mill Ln. Leonard Ave. McCullom Lake Rd. 8,097 25.0 2,915 Y Y 3 242,917$ Blake Blvd. McCullom Lake Rd. E. of Evergreen Cir. 2,964 38.0 702 Y Y 3 88,920$ Settlers Cot. Olde Mill Ln. Cul-De-Sac 500 25.0 180 Y Y 3 15,000$ Graue Mill Ct. Spring Creek Ln. Cul-De-Sac 931 25.0 335 Y Y 3 27,917$ Landings Ct. Olde Mill Ln. East End 625 25.0 225 Y Y 3 18,750$ Boone Creek Cir. Olde Mill Ln. Leonard St. 4,342 25.0 1,563 Y Y 3 130,250$ Crooked Tree Ct. Olde Mill Ln. North End 847 25.0 305 Y Y 3 25,417$ Springcreek Ln. Olde Mill Ln. Olde Mill Ln. 3,097 25.0 1,115 Y Y 3 92,917$ McCullom Lake Rd. Riverside Dr. Richmond Rd. 8,044 40.0 1,810 Y Y 3 241,333$ Leonard Ave. Dead End Olde Mill Ln. 3,803 24.0 1,426 Y N 3 95,067$ Bradley Ct. Orleans St. Cul-De-Sac 1,480 24.0 555 Y Y 3 44,400$ Lauren Ct. Orleans St. Cul-De-Sac 1,243 24.0 466 Y Y 3 37,280$ Cornell Cot. Orleans St. East End 1,227 24.0 460 Y Y 3 36,800$ Drake Ct. Orleans St. East End 1,227 24.0 460 Y Y 3 36,800$ Jennifer Ln. Prestwick St. Leonard Ave. 3,093 24.0 1,160 Y Y 3 92,800$ Prestwick St. Donovan St. Orleans St. 5,333 24.0 2,000 Y Y 3 160,000$ Ryan St. Prestwick St. Orleans St 1,141 24.0 428 Y Y 3 34,240$ Brown St. Orleans St. Prestwick St. 1,133 24.0 425 Y Y 3 34,000$ Donovan Ct. Orleans St. East End 437 24.0 164 Y Y 3 13,120$ Donovan St. Orleans St. Prestwick St. 2,573 31.0 747 Y Y 3 77,190$ 180,775 McCullom Lake Rd. Lakewood Rd. 2,410 21.0 1,033 N N 3 180,775$ 1,725,892$ Program Total Program Total Program Total Page 1 of 2 City of McHenry 5 Year Resurfacing Program  Year #4 Street From To Area (SQ YD) Width (FT) Length (FT) Curb Sidewalk Condition Rating Cost Deerwood Tr. Ridge Rd. Dead End 9,456 33.0 2,579 N N 3 189,127$ Ridgeway Tr. Deerwood Tr. North End 5,373 28.0 1,727 N N 3 107,458$ Woodridge Tr. Deerwood Tr. Ridgeway Tr. 8,700 27.0 2,900 N N 3 174,000$ Timber Tr. Dead End West End 7,392 27.0 2,464 N N 3 147,840$ Amherst Ct. Bennington Dr. Cul-De-Sac 2,709 24.0 1,016 Y N 3 67,733$ Radcliff Ct. Bennington Dr. East End 1,849 32.0 520 Y N 3 46,222$ Chickaloon Dr. Curran Rd. Dead End 13,483 24.0 5,056 Y N 3 337,067$ Katmai Tr. Chickaloon Dr. North End 1,137 22.0 465 N N 3 22,733$ Matanuska Tr. Chickaloon Dr. Dead End 8,194 25.0 2,950 Y N 3 204,861$ 1,297,041$ Year #5 Street From To Area (SQ YD) Width (FT) Length (FT) Curb Sidewalk Condition Rating Cost April Ave. Whiteoak Dr. Dead End 2,204 32.0 620 N N 3 44,089$ White Oak Ct. Whiteoak Dr. South End 858 27.0 286 N N 3 17,160$ Cherryhill Ct. Whiting Dr. South End 1,286 25.0 463 Y N 3 32,153$ White Oak Dr. Tomlinson Dr. West End 6,269 28.0 2,015 Y N 3 156,722$ Prairie Ave. Beach Rd. Oak Dr. 11,227 23.0 4,393 N N 3 224,531$ Shore Dr. Oak Dr. Ringwood Rd. 19,742 25.0 7,107 Y Y 3 592,250$ Denali Tr. Chickaloon Dr. Dead End 2,090 22.0 855 N N 3 41,800$ Tustamena Tr. Chickaloon Dr. East End 2,982 23.0 1,167 N N 3 59,647$ Sycamore Ct. Matanuska Tr. East End 2,133 32.0 600 N N 3 42,667$ Illiamna Tr. Denali Tr. West End 805 24.0 302 N N 3 16,107$ Hayward Ct. Matanuska Tr. West End 2,009 32.0 565 Y N 3 50,222$ Albert Dr. Whiting Dr. North End 3,331 26.0 1,153 Y Y 3 83,272$ 1,360,619$ Program Total Program Total Page 2 of 2 200020232023202320232023 2024202420242024 20222022202220222022202220222021202120212021202 1 2021 2021 202 1 2021 FAU (2023)FAU (2024)FAU (2022)2020202020202020 2021202120212021 2021 2021 2021 2021 20202021202220232024FAUWARD 4WARD 6WARD 3WARD 1WARD 5WARD 7WARD 2NOTES:1.CITY LIMITS AND WARDS AREAPPROXIMATE. SOMEUNINCORPORATED PARCELS AREINCLUDED ON MAP FORSIMPLICITY.2.CONSTRUCTION YEAR BASED ONAVAILABLE RECORDS. ROAD PROGRAM SUMMARY 2020 1.13 MILES PAVED $311,500/MILE $355,000 TOTAL COST BID MARCH STARTED MAY 7 COMPLETED BY MAY 30 2021 5.30 MILES PROPOSED $377,000/MILE $2,000,000 TOTAL COST BID FEBRUARY START MAY 1 COMPLETE BY JUNE 15 ROAD PROGRAM MFT/TAX FUNDING MFT REGULAR $670,000/YR MFT NEW $475,000/YR $3-CENT TAX $300,000/YR SALT ($225,000/YR) GRANT MATCHES ($200,000/YR) TOTAL $1,020,000/YR Recommendation: Starting in FY21/22, make local grant matches part of the capital program and transfer salt purchase to the operations and fund both with non-MFT dollars. Department of Public Works Troy Strange, Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: 9-14-20 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Troy Strange P.E., Director of Public Works Greg Gruen P.E., Staff Engineer RE: Boat Access Area Development (BAAD) Grant ATT: Site Plan & Budget AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff requests a positive recommendation from the Public Works Committee for the scope and funding of the Miller Riverfront Parking Lot Improvements associated with a BAAD Grant Application. BACKGROUND: The City staff received notification of a possible grant opportunity to improve boat access in Illinois. The grant provides up to 100% funding and up to $200,000 for construction for boat launch related improvements. After reviewing the application, staff has determined that paving of the City’s existing boat launch area at Miller Riverfront Park would be grant eligible. ANALYSIS: Staff has prepared the application, exhibits and preliminary estimates for the work. Staff is proposing to fund the project 100% with $150,000 in grant funding. The City would be responsible to perform the engineering and moving of the existing lighting. Staff believes that both of these items can be performed in-house using maintenance staff and our Staff Engineer. Public comment is welcome on the proposed scope and funding of the improvements. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if the Public Works Committee gives a positive recommendation based on Staff’s recommendation and Public input, staff will submit the BAAD Grant Application for the proposed Miller Riverfront Park Parking Lot Improvements to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) for funding.