HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - O-98-861 - 02/18/1998 - AUTHORIZE ANNEX AGMT REGARDING MIDWEST BANK OF MCHPrepared by and Mail t city of mcil�fy Office of the City Clerk, a 333 South Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050-5642 (815) 363-2100 FAX: (815) 363-2119 C E R T I F I C A T I O N McHENRY COUNTY RECORDER PHYLLIS K. WALTERS 94BR000367763 1998-06-11 12:47:36 RECORDING FEE: 31.00 PAGES: 11 I, Pamela J. Althoff, City Clerk in and for the City of McHenry, Illinois, and keeper of the official records, files, and seal thereof, do hereby certify that the attached document is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 0-98-861, authorizing the approval and execution of the Annexation Agreement between the City of McHenry and Midwest Bank of McHenry County for the property located on the south side of Bull Valley Road, just west of its intersection with Crystal Lake Road, McHenry, Illinois, McHenry County, Illinois, passed and approved by the City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois, at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 18th day of February, 1998, and the same was signed and approved by the Mayor of said City on the 18th day of February, 1998. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of the City of McHenry, Illinois this loth day of June, 1998. t f M( 4 � � E..(SAr')� y s, Pamela J. Althoff, ty Cler of the City of McHenry, Illi 98-58-1644 ORDINANCE NO. 0gg„ 2G1 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF AN ANNEXATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AND MIDWEST TRUST SERVICES, INC., TRUST #93-6442, AN ILLINOIS BANKING CORPORATION WHEREAS, MIDWEST TRUST SERVICES, INC. Under Trust Agreement dated February 4, 1993, Trust #93-6442, an Illinois Banking Corporation, is the record owner of the property located on the South side of Bull Valley Road, 500 feet West of the intersection of Bull Valley Road and Crystal Lake Road; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing was published in the NORTHWEST HERALD, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of McHenry, within the time provided by law, notifying the public on said proposed Annexation Agreement before the Corporate Authorities of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the City of McHenry have held the public hearing as required by law and have found the entry into said Agreement will not be detrimental to the public health, welfare, or safety of the inhabitants of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS; SECTION 1: The Annexation Agreement, being the date of &,b rLt a. 167 Cl by and between the City of McHenry, a Municipal Corporation in the State of Illinois, and MIDWEST TRUST SERVICES, INC. under Trust Agreement dated February 4, 1993, Trust #93-6442, is hereby approved. A complete and accurate copy of 96-58-1645 said Annexation Agreement is attached to this Ordinance and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit "A". SECTION 2: The Mayor and City Clerk of the City of McHenry are authorized to affix their signatures as Mayor and City Clerk of the City of McHenry to said Agreement for the uses and purposes therein set forth. SECTION 3: All ordinances, or parts thereof, in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof, be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois this 18th day of February ,1998. AYES: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird, Cuda. NAYS: None. l None. ABSENT: None. APPROVED THIS 18th DAY OF February , 1998. 4tyor' CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS ATTEST: City Clerk, CIT OF MC Y, ILLINOIS 98-58-1646 Exhi%if- A ANNEXATION AGREEMENT THIS ANNEXATION AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 18th day of February , 192$_ between the CITY OF MCHENRY, an Illinois municipal corporation, hereinafter refbrred to as the "CITY", and MIDWEST TRUST SERVICES, INC. under Trust Agreement Dated February 4, 1993, Trust #93-6442, an Illinois banking corporation, record title onwer, hereinafter referred to as "OWNER", pursuant to the provisions of 65 ILCS 5/11-15.1 WITNESSETH WHEREAS, OWNER is the OWNER of record of the real property legally described in Exhibit "A", incorporated herein, which property is not within the corporate limits of any municipality but all of which is in the unincorporated area of McHenry County and is presently contiguous to the territory of the CITY, all of which property is hereinafter referred to as the "SUBJECT PREMISES"; and WHEREAS, said OWNER has filed with the City Clerk of said CITY a Petition for Annexation of the SUBJECT PREMISES to the CITY; and WHEREAS, all notices, publications, public hearings and all other matters attendant to such Petition for Annexation have been made, had and performed as required by statute and CITY Ordinance, regulations and procedures; and WHEREAS, the CITY does not provide library or fire protection service to the SUBJECT PREMISES, so that no notices are required to be given to any library district nor to any fire protection district; and WHEREAS, the OWNER has requested that the SUBJECT PREMISES upon annexation, be classified as "C-2" — Neighborhood Commercial District under the Zoning Ordinance of the CITY as in accordance with all CITY ordinances and the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and further that the SUBJECT PREMISES also be issued a conditional use permit to allow the property to be used with a drive -up banking facility; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals of said CITY being the Board duly designated by the Corporate Authorities of the CITY has held a public hearing on the proposed classification to "C-2" — Neighborhood Commercial District, and reviewed the issuance of a conditional use permit, and having held all required public hearings on the application of the OWNER for said zoning classification and issuance of a conditional use permit, and due notice of said public hearings have been held in all respects in a manner conforming to law; and 98-58-1647 WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals of said CITY has made their report and recommendations to the City Council of the CITY in accordance with the ordinances of said CITY; and WHEREAS, all other matters in addition to those specifically referred to above, which are included within this Annexation Agreement, have been considered by the parties hereto, and it is agreed that the development of the SUBJECT PREMISES for the uses as permitted under "C-2" Neighborhood Commercial District of the Zoning Ordinances of the CITY in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the issuance of a conditional use permit to allow a drive-in banking facility to operate on said parcel, will inure to the benefit and improvement of the CITY and its residents and will promote the sound planning and development of the CITY and will otherwise enhance and promote the general welfare of the people of the CITY. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual premises and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: I. Annexation and Rezoning: Within thirty (30) days after the execution of this Agreement or at the next regular meeting of the CITY Council thereafter, the CITY agrees to enact and adopt ordinances annexing the SUBJECT PREMISES in Exhibit "A" to the CITY. Furthermore, within those thirty (30) days after the execution of this Agreement or at the next regular meeting of the CITY Council thereafter, the CITY agrees to enact and adopt an ordinance approving the reclassification of the SUBJECT PREMISES to "C-2" Neighborhood Commercial District with the issuance of a conditional use permit to allow a drive-in banking facility according to the site plan attached hereto as Exhibit `B", subject to the conditions recommended by the City of McHenry Zoning Board of Appeals. A. Only one access point shall be permitted, and it shall be located at the east property line. B. Permitted ground sign for the site shall be located near the east property line. C. The circulation pattern for the drive -through shall direct traffic at the site away from the residential property tot he north. D. The required landscaping and berming along the north property line shall be installed in accordance with City ordinances. E. The building shall be set back a minimum of 120 feet from the front property line. 2. Water and Sanitary Sewer: OWNER shall pay all costs and expenses for the construction of the extension of municipal sanitary sewer and water mains to the SUBJECT PREMISES which shall be constructed in accordance with the ordinances of the CITY. The location and inspections for said sanitary sewer and water mains shall be determined solely by the CITY Engineer. The CITY agrees to cooperate with the 2 OWNER in the procurement and execution of all necessary applications for permits to the Illinois Environment Protection Agency for the construction and use of the sanitary sewer and water mains described herein. The CITY shall exercise its powers of eminent domain, if necessary, to assist the OWNER in obtaining all necessary easements, not already in existence, to enable the installation of the aforesaid sanitary sewer and water mains. The OWNER shall pay for all of the eminent domain costs and expenses incurred by the CITY, including but not limited to attorneys' fees, title charges, appraisals, survey costs, deposition costs, witness fees, litigation expenses and judgments in the acquisition of any sanitary sewer and water main easements. 3. Ownership of Utility Lines and Easements: All sanitary sewer and water mains (excluding service lines) that may be constructed and located on the SUBJECT PREMISES in the future shall be dedicated to the CITY following CITY's approval and acceptance of the same. 4. Severability: If any portion of this Agreement is held invalid, such provision shall be deemed to be excised here from and the invalidity thereof shall not affect any of the other provisions contained herein. 5. Binding Effect and Term: This Annexation Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, successor owners of record of the SUBJECT PREMISES, and their heirs, successors and assigns for a period of ten (10) years from the date of execution hereof, with the understanding that the zoning classification granted hereby shall survive the expiration of the Agreement, unless changed in accordance with law. 6. Annexation Fees: The OWNER shall pay One Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) for the annexation fee, subject to reimbursement upon determination by the City Council after further review. 7. Dedication of Additional Right -of -Way: The OWNER herein agrees to dedicate additional right-of-way on Bull Valley Road. The right-of-way should equal a total of fifty (50) feet from the center line of the existing pavement on Bull Valley Road. The right-of-way dedication shall be completed within ninety (90) days of the execution of this Agreement 8. InQress and Egress Easement: OWNER agrees to allow a cross access easement between their property and the vacant parcel to their immediate East. Said easement will permit the neighboring property access to the ingress and egress on to Bull Valley Road and the adjacent property. The terms and provisions of this easement are subject to City Staff approval. 9. The parties have agreed that this use does not justify a need for turn lanes or a deceleration lane at this time. However, all agree that when the neighboring 98-58-1649 properties develop, road improvements to Bull Valley Road will be necessary. Accordingly, OWNER agrees to deposit Twelve Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($12,500.00) with the City of McHenry to be used by the CITY for Bull Valley Road improvements along the OWNER's frontage. The CITY will hold the money until either it is used for road improvements or this Agreement expires, whichever is earlier. In the event this Agreement expires first, thb CITY will return the Twelve Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($12,500.00) plus interest at the same rate received by the CITY to OWNER. 10. Enforceability: It is agreed that the parties to this Agreement, or their assignees or successors in title, may enforce and compel the performance of this Agreement, whether or by law or in equity, by suit, mandamus, injunction, declaratory judgment, or other court procedure, only in courts of the State of Illinois; no such action may be brought in any Federal Court. In the event that either party to this Agreement files suit to compel performance by the other, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recovery, as part of costs otherwise allowed, its reasonable attorney's fees incurred therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first written above. OWNER: CITY OF MCHENRY MIDWEST TRUST SERVICES, INC. Under Trust Agreement dated February 4, 1993, Trust #93-6442, an Illinois Banking Corporation NOT pE D TRUST ADMINISTRATOR ST OFFICER ISEE EXCULPATORY BIDED ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART HEREOF. e� 4 98-58-1650 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF MCHENRY ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that Steven J . Cuda, Mayor , of the City of McHenry, and Pamela J . Althoff , as City Clerk of said City of McHenry, personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument as such Steven J . Cuda and Pamela J . Althoff respectively, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that they signed and delivered the said instrument as their own free and voluntary act, and as the free and voluntary act of said CITY for the uses and purposes therein set forth, and the said Mayor and City Clerk did also then and there acknowledge that as custodian of the corporate seal of said CITY to said instrument as their own free and voluntary act, and as the free and voluntary act of said CITY for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and Notarial Seal this 8th day of Apri 1 , 19 98 . FNotary FFICIAL SEAL"�Ia� �0) - thleen M. Kunzer Notary Public Public, State of Illinois mmission Expires 4/20/00 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) owLY )SS COUNTY OF ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Pub is in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that 'i4GLlk e-VICA01-0- for MIDWEST TRUST SERVICES, INC. under Trust Agreement dated February 4, 1993, Trust #93-6442, an Illinois Banking Corporation, personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that he/she signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument of his/her free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and Notarial Seal this 13jday ofMm&—, 191�( "Of-TICIAL SEAL" CATHY GLUECKLICH Notary Publj 00 Notary Public, State of N,nc;s 7 �' MY UMM-ii;sion Expire; 01111400 5 98-58-1651 THIS RIDER IS ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF CERTAIN ANNEXATION AMMENT DATED FEBRUARY 18, 1998, AND EXECUTED BY MIDWEST TRUST SERVICES, INC., UNDER TRUST AGREEMENT #93-6 : It is expressly understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that each and all of the warranties, indemnities, representations, covenants, and undertakings and agreements herein made on the part of the trustee are made and intended, not as personal warranties, indemnities, representations, covenants, undertakings and agreements of Midwest Trust Services, Inc. but are made and intended for the sole purpose of binding the trust property, and this document is executed and delivered by said Midwest Trust Services, Inc., not in its' own right, but as trustee solely in the exercise of the power that conferred upon it as such trustee and no personal liability or personal responsibility is assumed by, nor shall at any time be asserted or be enforceable against Midwest Trust Services, Inc., on account of any warranties, indemnities, representations, covenants, undertaking or agreement therein contained, whether expressed or implied, all such personal liability, if any, being expressly waived and released by the parties hereto and by all persons claiming by, through and under them. 98-58-1652 EXHIBIT "A" (LEGAL DESCRIPTION) That part of the Northwest Quarter ofthe Southeast Quarter of Section 4, Township 44 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence North 88 degrees 56 minutes 54 seconds assumed bearing, along the north line thereof, a distance of 234.20 feet; thence South 10 degrees 17 minutes 25 seconds West, a distance of 59.32 feet to a point for the place of beginning, said point also being on the south right-of-way line of Bull Valley Road; thence South 10 degrees 17 minutes 25 seconds West, a distance of 199.58 feet to a point; thence South 0 degrees 50 minutes 23 seconds East, a distance of 378.86 feet to a point; thence North 88 degrees 56 minutes 54 seconds East and parallel to said North line, a distance of 148.53 feet to a point; thence North 16 degrees 21 minutes 35 seconds East, a distance of 584.91 feet to a point on the south right-of-way line of Bull Valley Road, said point being on a curve concave Southerly having a radius of 1382.40 feet; thence Westerly on said curve, a distance of 156.42 feet chord measurement and bearing North 87 degrees 28 minutes 38 seconds West to a point; thence North 88 degrees 02 minutes 04 seconds West on said south right-of-way line, a distance of 126.97 feet to the place of beginning, in McHenry County, Illinois. rel 98-58-1653 EXHIBIT PHYLLIS K. WALTERS McHENRY COUNTY RECORDER WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS EXHIBIT TO DOC. NO: 9 f 9 ao 03 I I lo3 NO. OF PAGES NOTES: Exhibit B Sire �la.n Pb exhibit 5/14/1998 98-58-1654