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Ordinances - O-96-808 - 12/04/1996 - ANNUAL TAX LEVY 1996-1997
ORDINANCE NO. 0-96-808 THE ANNUAL TAX LEVY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1, 1996 AND ENDING APRIL 30, 1997 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois did on the 10th day of July, 1996 pass the Annual Appropriation Ordinance for the City for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1996 and ending April 30, 1997, the amount of which is ascertained to be the aggregate sum of Twenty Two Million Thirty Five Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($22,035,250.00) which said Appropriation Ordinance was duly published in pamphlet form on July 11, 1996 and a certified copy thereof filed with the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois on July 18, 1996. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION 1. That there be and is hereby levied upon all of the taxable property within the corporate limits of the City of McHenry, Illinois, subject to taxation for the year 1996, the sum of Two Million Fifty Two Thousand Forty Five Dollars ($2,052,045 .00) for the following specific purposes designated in said Appropriation Ordinance and in the respective sums as follows: GENERAL OFFICE: 1996-97 APPROPRIATION AMOUNT LEVIED Mayor's Salary 91000 0- Aldermen Salaries 25,000 _-0- Treasurer's Salary 1,500 _-0- City Clerk Salary 26,000 - 0- Employee Recognition 61000 •-0- Board of Health Salaries 500 -0- Zoning Board Salaries 7,000 _-0- Plan Commission Salaries 7,000 •-0- Police Commission Salaries 11500 Police Comm - Contractural 10,000 _-0- -0- Police Comm - Supplies 51000 - 0- Landmark Commission 20,000 - 0- Beautification Committee 15,000 - 0- Youth Commission 8,000 - 0- Economic Development Comm 15,000 -•0- __ Legal Fees - Corporate 200,000 -•0- Legal Fees - Traffic 70,000 •0- Retained Personnel - Legal 100,000 .0- Retained Personnel - Eng 100,000 •0- City Administrator 75,000 •0- Finance/Planner 50,000 0- Clerical Salaries -Full Time 215,000 0- Clerical Part -Time & Tempory 25,000 _ 0- Clerical - Overtime 51000 0- Employee Insurance & Physicals 40,000 0- Uniforms 2,500 0- Printing & Publishing 20,000 0- Postage and Meter 15,000 0- Telephone 10,000 _0- Office Supplies & Small Equip 25,000 -0- Contractural: Copier 15,000 -0- Computer Maint & Supplies 7,000 0- Mosquito Abatement 25,000 -0- Dial-A-Ride 40,000 0- Planning Consultant 12,500 0- NISRA 55,000 0- Special Census 48,000 0- Equipment Maintenance 3,000 0- Court Reporter Services 5,000 0- Employee Assistance Program 5,000 _0- Travel, Training, Dues & Subscr 20,000 -0- Capital Outlay: Computer Hardware & Software 25,000 -0- Land Acquisition 300,000 _0- Telephone Upgrade 7,500 -0- Scanner 51000 =0- Administration Expense: Real Estate Taxes 91000 -0- Title Charges 15,000 -0- Notary Bonds 300 -0- Miscellaneous Expenses 600 -0- Hosting/Representations 11000 =0- City Vehicle Registrations 700 =0- Flowers/Memorials 11000 -0- GENERAL OFFICE: (continued) 1996-97 APPROPRIATION AMOUNT LEVIED Fund Transfers: Recreation 225,000 p_ Sewer Division 150,000 p_ Debt Service 325,000 p_ Employee Insurance 10,000 Retirement Fund 75,000 Meetings Exp (Boards & Comm) 750 Special Events 2,500 p_ Contingencies _ 100,000 p_ POLICE DEPARTMENT: Civilian Salaries 450,000 -.p- Civilian Overtime 25,000 Sworn Salaries 11500,000 _•p- 425,000 Chief's Salary 70,700 .0- Holiday Pay - Police Officers 50,000 •0- Career Ladder 20,000 •p- Police Officers' Overtime 85,000 0- Crossing Grds + Ax Pol Salaries 10,000 p- Employee Insurance 225,000 •0- Uniforms 45,000 0- Postage and Meter 3,500 0- Telephone 16,000 •0- Office & Photography Supplies 17,000 •0- Contractural: Computer Hdw & Sft Maint 7,000 -•0- Equipment Maint 3,000 •0- Telephone Maint 6,500 .p- Crime/Communications 20,000 •0- Travel, Training, Dues & Subscr 40,000 •0- Firearm Supplies 5,000 •0- Gasoline and Oil 60,000 •0- Special Investigations 55,000 •0- Capital Outlay: Purchase of Vehicles 95,000 -•0- Purchase Mobile Radio Equip 55,000 •0- Computer Equipment 7,000 •0- Vehicle Equip & Striping 5,000 •0- Safety & Personal Prot Equip. 11000 •0- Repair/Maint Vehicles 30,000 •0- DARE Program 12,000 •0- Contingencies 100,000 •0- PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION: Clerical Salaries 50,000 -•0- Overtime 7,000 •0- Director's Salary 65,900 .0- Engineering Inspector 40,000 •0- Employee Insurance 18,000 •0- Uniforms 11000 .0- Telephone 4,000 .0- Travel, Training, Dues & Subscr 4,000 •0- Office Supplies 4,000 0- Postage & Meter 2,000 Cap Outlay: City Map Sys (1/) 10,000 _•0- =•0- Contractual: Copier Lease 4,000 -•0- Office Machines Maint 11000 .0- Contingencies 8,000 - 0- STREETS/ALLEYS/PARKS: Salaries 555,000 -0- Summer Help 50,000 0- Overtime 100,000 .0- Employee Insurance 76,000 0- Uniforms 8,000 .0- Telephone 1,500 .0- Office Supplies 2,000 •0- Travel, Training, Dues & Subscr 4,500 .0- Utilities 16,500 =.0- Capital Outlay: Sewer Line Repairs 60,000 -•0- Purchase Sewer Jet 85,000 0- Vehicle Equip Purchases 10,000 .0- Underground Locator 5,000 0- Materials' Spreader 10,000 _ 0- -2- STREETS/ALLEYS/PARKS: (continued) 1996-97 APPROPRIATION AMOUNT LEVIED Gasoline & Oil 46,000 -0- Vehicle & Equipment Repair 71,000 _ 0- Contractural: Snow Removal 4,000 -0- Mowing Services 74,000 _ 0- Removal Underground Tanks 40,000 _ 0- Small Equipment 10,000 -•0- Uninsured Losses 20,000 i•0- Forestry Supplies 5,000 -•0- Public Property Improvements 50,000 •0- Materials & Supplies 27,000 ^•0- Downtown Revital. Transfer 150,000 0- Engineering -West McHenry Bypass 100,000 _ .0- Contingencies 75,000 = 0- BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Salaries 70,000 -0- Overtime 12,000 0- Employee Insurance 10,000 _ 0- Materials and Supplies 35,000 - 0- Contractual: HVAC Services 5,000 -0- Cleaning Services 1,500 0- Electrical/Plumbing 5,000 0- Inspections 1,500 _ 0- Exterminator/Locksmith 3,000 -0- Repair & Maint - Buildings 20,000 _0- Uniforms 11000 -0- Capital Outlay: Council_ Video/Monitor Equip 12,000 -0- Telephone 2,000 0- Travel, Training, Dues & Subscr 3,000 0- Office Supplies 2,000 0- Building Improvements 20,000 _0- Contingencies 15,000 -0- BUILDING & ZONING: Building & Zoning Dir. Salary 55,650 -0- Salaries 175,000 0- Overtime 7,000 0- Employee Insurance 30,000 0- Uniforms 2,000 0- Printing, Forms & Publications 51000 0- Postage and Meter 5,000 _ 0- Telephone 5,000 -0- Contractural: Inspections 10,000 -0- Plan Reviews 2,000 0- Copier/Office Mach Maint 51000 0- Mowing of Weeds 15,000 0- Office Supplies 3,000 0- Travel, Training, Dues & Subscr 5,000 0- Gasoline & Oil 2,500 _0- Repair & Maintenance - Vehicles 51000 -0- Capital Outlay: City Mapping (1/) 10,000 -0- Sound Meter 1,500 -0- Office Furniture 4,000 0- Materials & Supplies 11000 0- Contingencies 15,000 -0- PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT: Salaries 135,000 -0- Summer Help 30,000 -0- Overtime 8,000 -0- Employee Insurance 15,000 0- Uniforms 11100 -0- Telephone 500 -0- Travel, Training, Dues & Subscr 11000 -0- Office Supplies 500 0- --0- Contractual: Mowing Services 41,000 Forestry Supplies 16,000 0- Materials & Supplies 5,000 -0- Utilities 13,500 -0- Gasoline & Oil 4,000 0- Repair & Maint - Vehicles 10,000 -0- Contingencies 10,000 -0- -3- RECREATION PROGRAM FUND: Recreational Programs Parks Director's Salary 56,650 Salaries 175,000 Overtime 10,000 Employee Insurance 20,000 Uniforms 3,000 Printing & Publishing 25,000 Postage and Meter 14,000 Materials and Supplies 20,000 Telephone 51500 Travel, Training, Dues/Subsc 6,000 Leasehold Expenses 30,000 Gasoline & Oil 11500 Repairs & Maint. - Vehicles 2,000 Special Events 30,000 Contractual: Summer Programs 25,000 Fall Programs 10,000 Winter/Spring Programs 15,000 Field Trips 35,000 Computer/Copier Maint 2,500 Office Supplies 5,000 Contingencies 25,000 Swimming Pool Program Salaries 50,000 Overtime 51000 Uniforms 2,500 Telephone 11000 Office Supplies 11000 Materials, Suppl/Chemicals 10,000 Utilities 15,000 Repair & Maint. - Equipment 35,000 Fee Supported Programs 51000 Capital Outlay: PA System 51000 Facility Maint & Improvments 20,000 Contingencies 10,000 Beach Programs Salaries 15,000 Overtime 11000 Uniforms 11000 Telephone/Alarm 1,500 Electricity 2,000 Repair & Maintenance 3,000 Capital Outlay: Equip/Prog 15,000 Contingencies 2,000 Concession Programs Salaries 15,000 Overtime 11000 Equipment Repairs 1,500 Supplies 15,000 Facility Improvements 11000 Contingencies 1,500 VEHICLE LICENSE FUND: Materials & Supplies 35,000 Stickers and Supplies 15,000 Police Salaries 25,000 Street Repair Materials & Signs 50,000 Repairs/Street Lights & Sig's 25,000 Postage 5,000 Computer Equipment 7,500 Street Construction/Resurfacing 100,000 Contingencies 10,000 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND: Traffic Study 75,000 Street Repair and Materials 90,000 Sidewalks 80,000 Street Lighting 125,000 Contingencies 10,000 mom •0- •0- •0- •0- 0- _ 0- 0- _ 0- 0- _0- __0- 0- 0- -0- 0- _0- _0- _0- _0- _0- 912 -0- 0- _0- _0- _0- _0- _0- _0- _0 - _0 - _0- - u - 0 - _0 - _0 - _0 - _0 - _0 - _0- -v- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - 0 - -0- -0- -A- -A- -0- -0- -4- PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND: 1996-97 APPROPRIATION AMOUNT' LEVIED Project Assmt. McHenry Shs 48,000 48,000 BAND FUND: Contractural Supplies and Materials POLICE PROTECTION FUND: Police Protection Salaries EMERGENCY SERVICES & DISASTER FUND: 7,500 5,000 200,000 Travel, Training, Dues & Subscr 11000 Office Supplies 11000 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 10,000 Capital Outlay: Siren Install 20,000 AUDIT FUND: Audit Expense INSURANCE FUND: Insurance Premiums MCMRMA Assessment Insurance Premiums Contingencies EMPLOYEE INSURANCE: 18,000 - MCMRMA 280,000 75,000 - other 35,000 19,500 Health/Vision Insurance Premium 120,000 Dental Insurance Premium 25,000 Administration Fees 20,000 Claims 400,000 Contingencies 28,000 ANNEXATION FUND: Industrial Drive Realignment 200,000 School Fees 75,000 Water/Sewer Transfer 57,000 Route 31 Left Turn Lane 50,000 Contingencies 19,000 DEVELOPMENT ESCROW: Target Detention Pond 50,000 Traffic Signals 50,000 Hemphill Expenses 25,000 Returned to Developers 75,000 Contingencies 10,000 DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION FUND: Downtown Improvements 175,000 Contingencies 8,700 Social Security 325,000 Medicare 70,000 IL. Municipal Retirement Fund 300,000 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND: Street Materials & Supplies 100,000 Reconstruction 150,000 Resurfacing 100,000 Green St Improv Ph. II 250,000 CLR/Dartmoor Signal 70,000 R-O-W Acquisition 100,000 Eng. Studies Prelim. & Final 50,000 Main/Borden Streets Improv 300,000 Route 31/Shamrock Ln Signal 15,000 _7,500 _2.500 200,000 1,000 2,545 10,000 280,000 65,000 5,000 0- -0- 0- _0- _0- -0- 0- _0- _0- _0- -0- 0- _0- _0- _0- -0- �0- 260,000 _50,000 160,000 -v- �0- •0- 0- •0- .n- •0- •0- -5- POLICE PENSION FUND Pension Payments 30,000 453,500 Disability Payments 100,000 55,000 State Filing Fee 11000 1,000 Refunds to Employees 25,000 10,000 Investment Management Fees 20,000 10,000 Acturial Analysis 51000 _5,000 Contingencies 91000 -0- DEVELOPER DONATION FUND: School Donations 400,000 -0- Library Donations 50,000 0- Fire District Donations 50,000 0- PARR DONATIONS FUND: Jaycee Pk/Ft McHenry Improv 25,000 -0- Brookside Park Development 85,000 D- ADA Compliance Renovations 25,000 0- Recreation Ctr Rental/Purch. 11000,000 0- Tree Planting & Landscaping 70,000 0- Other Park Improvements 20,000 0- Park Development Plans 7,500 0- McCullom Lake Restoration 10,000 0- Timing Board 12,000 0- Contingencies 62,700 -0- WATER DEPARTMENT: Salaries 250,000 -0- Collector's Salary (1/2) 15,000 0- Overtime 30,000 0- Employee Insurance 35,000 0- Uniforms 3,000 0- Postage and Meter 10,000 0- Telephone 7,000 0- Office Supplies 3,000 0- Travel, Training, Dues & Subscr 3,000 0- Materials & Supplies 100,000 0- Utilities 120,000 0- Gasoline and Oil 15,000 0- Repair & Maint. Bldgs & Grounds 10,000 _0- Repair & Maint - Equipment 25,000 -0- Contractural: Testing Charges 15,000 -0- NIGAS Meter Reads (1/2) 7,000 0- Well Improvements 22,000 0- Electric & Control Maint 3,500 0- Building Maint 4,000 0- Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance 10,000 0- Repairs & Maint. To System 100,000 0- Water Meters & Parts 40,000 0- Capital Outlay: Millstream Main Replacement 250,000 -0- Truck Replacement 30,000 0- Plate Compactor 5,000 _ 0- Water Plant #1 75,000 _ 0- Office Scanner (1/2) 1,500 _ 0- Fire Hydrants and Valves 10,000 _ 0- Property Damage 5,000 _ 0- Emergency Repairs 200,000 0- Transfer to Retirement 45,000 _ 0- System Improvements 90,000 _ 0- Safety & Personal Prot Equip 5,000 0- Transfer Utility Bond & Int 47,000 _ 0- Contingencies 75,000 •0- SEWER DEPARTMENT: Salaries 300,000 -•0- Collector's Salary (1/2) 15,000 =.0- Overtime 30,000 -•0- Employee Insurance 35,000 -0- Boots, Cloth Rentals & Off Unif 5,000 _•0- Postage and Meter 7,000 =•0- Telephone 61000 -•0- Office Supplies 4,000 - 0- -6- SEWER DEPARTMENT: (continued) 1996-97 APPROPRIATION AMOUNT LEVIED Travel, Training, Dues & Subscr Materials & Supplies Utilities Gasoline & Oil Repair & Maint - Buildings Repair & Maint - Equipment Contractural: Testing NIGAS Meter Read (1/2) Parts Cleaning Service Miscellaneous Repair & Maint - Lift Stations Vehicle & Equipment Repair Sewer Line Repairs Sludge Disposal Capital Outlay: Eng/Return Sludge Piping Office Scanner (1/2) Renov/Donovan St Lift Stat Concrete Work Anne St Lift Station Rep Emergency Repairs Safety & Personal Prot Equip Transfer to IMRF Transfer Utility Bond & Int Transfer Public Benefit (CCE) Contingencies CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND: Land Acquisition SWWTP Expansion Eng/Constr Contingencies 5.000 100,000 300,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 5,000 7,000 2,500 6,000 50,000 10,000 200,000 85,000 65,000 1,500 500,000 60,000 50,000 200,000 5,000 55,000 375,000 15,000 100,000 1988 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT PROJECT FUND: (McHenry Shores) Transfer to UBI Principal Transfer to UBI Interest 1990 CITY HALL G.O. BOND FUND: Principal Interest Paying Agent Fees 1993 WATER/SEWER REVENUE BONDS: Interest Transferred Bond Principal Bond Interest Paying Agent Fees 300,000 300,000 30,000 115,000 70,000 180,000 175,000 2,500 35,000 385,000 250,000 5,000 1994 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT PROJECT FUND: (Country Club Estates) Principal Interest Paying Agent Fees CDAP REVOLVING LOAN FUND: Development Loans Administration Costs 60,000 25,000 1,000 70,000 3,000 TOTAL APPROPRIATION FOR ALL FUNDS 22,035,250. ESTIMATED REVENUES FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN TAX LEVY 19,983,205. TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY FOR ALL FUNDS =V- -0- =0 - =0 - =0 - _n_ =0 - i0 - =0 - =0 - �0- =0 - -0- =0 - =0 - =0 - -o- n_ -V- 0 - _0 - _0- _0- -A- m -0- - V - 0- •0- .n_ V- - 0- Wei 8I 2,052,045 SECTION 2. The City Clerk of the City of McHenry, Illinois, is hereby ordered and directed to file with the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, on or before the time required by law, a properly certified copy of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. -7- SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. PASSED this 4th day of December, 1996. AYES: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. NOT VOTING: None. ABSTAINED: None. APPROVED this 4th day of December, 1996. ATTEST: ty C Mayor -8-