HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - O-94-653 - 03/22/1994 - AUTHORIZE FIRST AMENDMENT ANNEX AGMT MCH CORP CENTI.'.94R 032459 STATE(! k&IS 432459 Cityof McHenryMcHENR RCOUND 1 T O.00 RECORDER ORDINANCE NO. 0-94-653 An Ordinance Authorizing Execution of First Amendment to Annexation Agreement Dated July 19, 1989 Regarding Property Commonly Known as Corporate Center Brake Parcel and Follett Parcels WHEREAS, on July 19, 1989, the City Council entered into an Annexation Agreement between the City of McHenry, Cosmopolitan National Bank of Chicago, as Trustee of Trust 28571, Midwest Properties Limited Partnership, Midwest Construction Co., Inc., McHenry Corporate Center Inc. and Prime Development Corp.; and WHEREAS, said Annexation Agreement dated July 19, 1989 was filed with the office of the McHenry County Recorder of Deeds on August 14, 1989, as Document Number 89R026256; and WHEREAS, various parties to the July 19, 1989 Annexation Agreement, among others, have petitioned the Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry, for approval of an amendment to said Annexation Agreement only with respect to Parcels A, B and C, referenced in the Annexation Agreement dated July 19, 1989; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the petition before the Corporate Authorities pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/11-15.1-3 and it is the desire of the Corporate Authorities to enter into an amendment to said Annexation Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: That the Mayor be, and is hereby authorized and directed to execute, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to attest, dupli-cate�and file with the office of the McHenry County Recorder of Deeds brig}ria:l-s of the First Amendment to Annexation Agreement dated July 19, 1989, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit A. SECTION 2: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof, which remainder shall remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Corporate Center First Amendment to Annexation Agreement, Page 1 94-34-225q SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form (which publication is hereby authorized) as provided by law. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird, Cuda Voting Nay: None Absent: None Abstain: None APPROVED: L Z..'0Z y ayor, Steven J. Cuda (SEAL) ATTEST• City Clerk, Barbara G pin Passed: March 21, 1994 Approved: March 21, 1994 Published: March 22, 1994 Corporate Center First Amendment to Annexation Agreement, Page 2 94-34-2260 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF MCHENRY ) CITY OF MCHENRY ) FIRST AMENDMENT TO ANNEXATION AGREEMENT DATED JULY 19, 1989 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 21st day of March, 1994, by and between the CITY OF MCHENRY, a municipal corporation, in the State of Illinois ("City"), COSMOPOLITAN BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, successor trustee to COSMOPOLITAN NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO, as Trustee of Trust 28571, 801 N. Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois ("Cosmopolitan"), MCHENRY STATE BANK as Trustee of Trust 12894, under Trust Agreement dated November 15, 1993, 3510 W. Elm Street, McHenry, Illinois ("McHenry Trust"), BRAKE REALTY INC., a Delaware Corporation, with its office at 4400 Prime Parkway, McHenry, Illinois ("Brake"), MIDWEST PROPERTIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, 2540 W. Touhy Ave., Chicago, Illinois ("Midwest Partnership"), MIDWEST CONSTRUCTION CO., INC., 2640 W. Touhy Ave., Chicago, Illinois, an Illinois corporation, as General Partner ("Midwest Construction"), FOLLETT VENTURE, an Illinois joint venture, 4500 Prime Parkway, McHenry, Illinois ("Follett Venture"), and MCHENRY CORPORATE CENTER INC., an Illinois corporation, 4500 Prime Parkway, McHenry, Illinois ("McHenry Corporate"). INTRODUCTION Various parties to this Agreement were parties to an Annexation Agreement dated July 19, 1989 and it is pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/11-15.1 and paragraph 27 of the July 19, 1989 Agreement that this First Amendment is being made. The July 19, 1989 Annexation Agreement shall be referred to herein as the "Original Agreement." All provisions of this First Amendment shall only affect Parcels A, B and C of the Original Agreement. STATUS OF -THE PARTIES A. At the time the Original Agreement was entered into, Cosmopolitan held title to Parcels A, B and C referred to therein and legally described as follows: EXHIBIT A TO ORDINANCE NO. 0-94-653 94-34-2261 Parcel A That part of the Northeast Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter; then South 89057/20/1 East, along the North line of said Northeast Quarter, 1656.55 feet to the place of beginning; thence South 8905V 20" East, along said North line of said Northeast Quarter, 917.37 feet to the Westerly right-of-way line of Illinois State Route 31; thence Southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the right, said curve having a radius of 11,419.00 feet, an arc of 875.09 feet and a chord bearing South 25008/59/1 West, 874.88 feet; thence South 2702Of2511 West, along said right-of-way line, 310.00 feet; thence North 62039/35/1 West, 848.66 feet; thence North 27020/25/1 East, 763.55 feet to the place of beginning and containing 18.9122 acres, more or less, in McHenry County, Illinois; Parcel B That part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 89057/20/1 East, along the North line of the Northeast quarter, 1656.55 feet; thence South 27020/25/1 West 763.55 feet to the place of beginning; thence continuing South 27020/25/1 West, 1024.85 feet; thence south 89048/02/1 East, 953.67 feet to the Westerly right-of-way line of Illinois State Route 31: thence North 27020/25/1 East, along said right-of-way line, 589.81 feet; thence North 6203913511 West, 848.66 feet to the place of beginning and containing 15.7288 acres, more or less, in McHenry County, Illinois; Parcel C That part of the Northeast Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence North 89049/23/1 West along the North line of said Northwest Quarter, 468.92 feet; thence South 6036/55/1 East, 1598.10 feet; thence south 89048/02/1 East, 1120.00 feet; thence North 27020/25/1 East, 1788.40 feet to the North line of said Northeast Quarter; thence North 8905V 20" West, along the North line of said Northeast Quarter, 1656.55 feet to the place of beginning and containing 59.1623 acres, more or less, in McHenry County, Illinois. 2 94-34-2262 Collectively, Parcels A, B and C described in this recital A shall be referred to as "Parcels A, B and C." B. Midwest Partnership is currently the sole owner of 100% of the beneficial interest in Cosmopolitan. C. The General Partner of Midwest Partnership is Midwest Construction and it has the authority under a Limited Partnership agreement to authorize and direct the execution of this Agreement on behalf of itself, Cosmopolitan and the Midwest Partnership. D. Cosmopolitan has previously conveyed to McHenry Trust, a portion of Parcel C, referred to in recital A, above. That portion conveyed is legally described as follows: Part of the North Half of Section 10, Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest Corner of Lot 3 in McHenry Corporate Center Unit No. 1 according to the Plat thereof recorded October 6, 1989 as Document Number 89R33780; thence North 89 degrees, 48 minutes, 02 seconds West, 770.22 feet along the North line of said McHenry �f-,�}�ci F' Corporate Center Unit 1; thence North 12 degrees, 19 '- minutes, 46 seconds West, 417.60 feet; thence South 89 degrees, 48 minutes, 02 seconds East, 717.98 feet; thence South 23 degrees, 48 minutes, 45 seconds East, 294.20 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave Westerly and having a radius of 280.00 feet; thence Southerly 142.36 feet along said curve to the point of beginning, in McHenry County, Illinois ("Follett Parcel"). E. Follett Venture, an Illinois joint venture is the owner of 100% of the beneficial interest in the McHenry Trust. F. The Managing Joint Venture Partner of the Follett Venture is McHenry Corporate and it has the authority under a joint venture agreement to authorize and direct the execution of this Agreement on behalf of itself, the McHenry Trust and the Follett Venture. G. Cosmopolitan has also previously conveyed, to Brake, a portion of Parcels B and C, referred to in recital A, above. That portion conveyed is legally described as follows: Parcel 1: Part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 1 in McHenry Corporate Center -fir Unit One, according to the Plat thereof recorded October 3 94-34-2263 6, 1989 as document No. 89R033780, in McHenry County, Illinois; thence North 89048/02/1 West, 857.69 feet along the North line of Lots 1, 2 and 3 of said McHenry Corporate Center Unit One, to the Northwest corner of said Lot 3; thence Northwesterly, an arc distance of 142.36 feet along a non -tangent curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 280.00 feet and a chord bearing of North 090 141150" West; thence North 23048/45/1 West 452.00 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave easterly, having a radius of 683.00 feet; thence Northerly, 560.01 feet along said curve to the beginning of a compound curve, concave southeasterly and having a radius of 25.00 feet; thence Northeasterly, 34.39 feet along said curve to the beginning of a compound curve, concave southwesterly and having a radius of 1600.00 feet; thence southeasterly 428.62 feet along said curve; thence south 62040/17/1 East, 613.15 feet; thence South 27,00314111 West, 457.10 feet; thence South 00011/58/1 West, 100.00 feet; thence South 58036/42/1 East, 350.00 feet to the point of beginning, in McHenry County, Illinois; also Parcel 2: That part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 3 in McHenry Corporate Center Unit One, according to the Plat thereof recorded October 6, 1989 as Document No. 89R033780; thence North 89048/02/1 West along said North line of said McHenry Corporate Center Unit 1, a distance of 60.22 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 4 of Said McHenry Corporate Center; thence Northerly 5.40 feet along a curve to the right, having a radius of 679.00 feet; chord bearing of North 05005/01/1 East and measuring 5.40 feet; thence northwesterly 111.83 feet along a reverse curve, having a radius of 220.00 feet, chord bearing of North 09015/02/1 West and measuring 110.63 feet; thence North 23048/45/1 East, 320.93-feet to the point of beginning; thence North 23048/45/1 West, 131.07 feet; thence Northerly 615.73 feet along a curve to the right, having a radius of 743.0 feet; thence southeasterly 82.13 feet along a curve to the right, having a radius of 1600.00 feet, chord bearing of South 79029/27/1 East and measuring 82.12 feet; thence southwesterly 34.39 feet along a curve to the left, having a radius of 25.00 feet, chord bearing of South 620 34121" West and measuring 31.74 feet; thence southeasterly 560.01 feet along a compound curve, having a radius of 683.00 feet, chord bearing of South 00019/2511 East and measuring 544.45 feet; thence South 23048/45/1 East tangent to the last described curve, 157.80 feet; thence south 89048/02/1 East, 65.68 feet to the point of beginning, in McHenry County, Illinois; and also 4 94-34-2264 Parcel 3: Easement for the benefit of Parcels 1 and 2 as created by grant from McHenry State Bank, Trust 12894 dated November 15, 1993, to Brake Realty, Inc., a Delaware Corporation, dated December 28, 1993 and recorded December 29, 1993 as Document No. 93R081888, for the purposes of ingress and egress over the property described as follows: That part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 101 Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest Corner of Lot 3 in McHenry Corporate Center Unit One, according to the plat thereof recorded October 6, 1989 as Document No. 89R033780; thence North 89048102" West along said North line of said McHenry Corporate Center Unit One, a distance of 60.22 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 4 of said McHenry Corporate Center; thence Northerly 5.40 feet along a curve to the right having a radius of 679.0 feet; chord bearing of North 05005101" seconds East and measuring 5.40 feet; thence Northwesterly 111.83 feet along a reverse curve, having a radius of 220.0 feet, chord bearing of North 09015102" West, and measuring 110.63 feet; thence North 23048145" East, 320.93 feet; thence North 89048102" East, 65.68 feet; thence South 23048145" East, 294.20 feet; thence Southerly 142.36 feet along a curve to the right, having a radius of 280.00 feet to the point of beginning, in McHenry County, Illinois. Parcels 1, 2 and 3 referred to in this recital G shall be collectively referred to a the "Brake Parcel." NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: 1. The Mayor and City Council, contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement, will enact an ordinance authorizing the Mayor and Clerk's execution of this Agreement. 2. The Revised Conceptual Plan, dated March 21, 1994, affecting only Parcels A, B and C, attached hereto as "Exhibit A," is approved by the City. 3. The guidelines attached to the Original Agreement as Exhibit B are hereby amended only with regard to development of Parcels A, B and C. The revised guidelines, as applied to Parcels A, B and C, are attached hereto as "Exhibit B." 5 94-34-2265 4. Pursuant to the Subdividers Agreement attached hereto as "Exhibit C," the City shall issue building permits to allow construction of buildings on the Brake Parcel and lots 65 through 69 designated on Exhibit A as the "Follett Expansion Parcel." Throughout this Agreement, the lots 65 through 69 designated on Exhibit A will be referred to as the "Follett Expansion Parcel." 5. The parties hereto agree, with respect to Parcels A, B and C, to be bound by the Reimbursement Agreement attached hereto as "Exhibit D." 6. This Agreement shall not be construed to extend the term of the Original Agreement. 7. In the event that this First Amendment or the Original Agreement are challenged in any court, for any reason, and the City is made a party to any such lawsuit, McHenry Corporate shall indemnify and reimburse the City, upon demand, for any and all loses or damages incurred therein, including all attorneys fees, expert witness fees and costs incurred in the defense of such a lawsuit. 8. The provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed to separable, and if any section, paragraph, clause, provisions or item of this Agreement shall be held invalid, such provisions shall be deemed to be excised therefrom and the invalidity of such section, paragraph, clause, provision or item shall not affect any other provision of this Agreement. 9. Except as herein modified, all the terms, conditions and provisions of the Original Agreement shall stand and be in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals, and have caused this instrument to be executed by T 94-34-2266 their duly authorized officials and the corporate seal attached thereto, all on the day and year first above written. Attest: ae, City Clerk 7 94-34-2267 STATE OF ILLINOIS) COUNTY OF McHENRY) BRAKE REALTY INC., through its duly authorized agent, being first duly sworn upon oath deposes and says that he has read the foregoing First Amendment to Annexation Agreement by him subscribed; that he has personal knowledge of the contents thereof and that the contents thereof are true in substance and in fact and has the power to execute this First Amendment to Annexation Agreement on behalf of BRAKE REALTY INC. BRAKE REALTY INC. By: Its Attest: ell Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 1994. Notary Public cc�rn . e�te.: i t /30/9$ 93 94-34-2268 X COSMOPOLITAN NATIONAL BANK, AS TRUSTEE UNDER TRUST NO. 28571 & not personally For exculpatc STATE OF ILLINOIS ) BY.:-&'t,( ` t,�Cc•<'_ c:`�.. _, ���f� provisions se COUNTY OF Cook ) Trust Officer elow -41 Signed by the Cosmopolitan National Bank, as Trustee under Trust No. 28571 and not personally, but solely as Trustee under a certain Trust Agreement. Said Trust Agreement is hereby made a part thereof and any claims against said Trustee which may result from the signing of this Amended Annexation Agreement shall be payable only out of any trust property which may be held thereunder, and said Trustee shall not be personally liable for the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Annexation Agreement or for the validity or condition of the title of said property or for any agreement with respect thereto. Any and all personal liability of the""Cosmopolitan National Bank, is hereby expressly waived by the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. Cosmopolitan National Bank, as Trustee under Trust No. 28571 and not personally. la `,jJl l i L t. IC'I�LC.C.( l/ Trust Officer Attest: �� -,�n - D, Land Trust Administrator STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF MXWXtA`Y ) COOK I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the County. and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ann Hucek Burress and Teri M. Doran , respectively the Trust Officer and AnigAnt beOffo= of thCosmopolitan National Bank, as Trustee aforesaid, personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument as said Trust Officer andtx'ik respectively, appeared before me this day in person and severally acknowledged that they signed and delivered said instrument as their own free and voluntary act of said Trustee for the uses and purposes therein set forth, and that said Trust Officer then and there acknowledged that he, as custodian of the Corporate Seal of said Trustee, caused the Corporate Seal to be affixed to said instrument as said Trust Officer's own free and voluntary act and as the free and voluntary act of the National Banking Association for the uses and purposes therein set forth. My Commission Expires: -1 - I k -`k� Notary Public 9 OFFICIAL SEAL ANNA S. JANKOWSKI NOTARY FUH:IC. STATE OF ILLINOIS MY CC`. wSSIOY EXPiR=S 7.14-97 94-34-2269 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF McHENRY ) MIDWEST PROPERTIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP MY MIDWEST CONSTRUCTION CO., ANC., G-. P, z �ccr.7��iy ✓ MIDWEST CONSTRUCTION CO., INC., as a general partner of MIDWEST PROPERTIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an Illinois Partnership, being first duly sworn upon their oaths depose and say that they have read the foregoing Amended Annexation Agreement by them subscribed; that they have personal knowledge of the contents thereof and that the contents thereof are true in substance and in fact and has the power to execute this Agreement on Behalf of MIDWEST PROPERTIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. Attest: -�, ✓ Its Subscribed and sworn to before me this io+-k day of Yh,t , 1994 ✓ k&,, Notaroublic B Y- Its • D-riuv� Se G: 10 "OFFICIAL SEAL" . MARY L DCNNER Notary Public, State of Illinois My Commission E,pires 2/18/96 94-34-2270 MCHENRY STATE BANK AS TRUSTEE UNDER TRUST 12894 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF McHENRY Signed by the MCHENRY STATE BANK, as Trustee under Trust No. 12894, and not personally, but solely as Trustee under a certain Trust Agreement. Said Trust Agreement is hereby made a part thereof and any claims against said Trustee which may result from the signing of this Amended Annexation Agreement shall be payable only out of any trust property which may be held thereunder, and said Trustee shall not be personally liable for the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Annexation Agreement or for the validity or condition of the title of said property or for any agreement with respect thereto. Any and all personal liability of the MCHENRY STATE BANK, is hereby expressly waived by the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. MCHENRY STATE BANK, as Trustee under Trust . 12894 BY: Trust Officer Attest: GERAIM HELT Trust Officer WILLIAM J. TAYLOR STATE OF ILLINCT"T OFFICER COUNTY OF MCHENRY) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public ' and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that the foregoing —cic! and , respectively the Trust Officer and Assistant Trust Officer of the MCHENRVISTATIErBANK, as Trustee aforesaid, personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument as said Trust Officer and Assistant Trust Officer, respectively, appeared before me this day in person and severally acknowledged that they signed and delivered said instrument as their own free and voluntary act of said Trustee for the uses and purposes therein set forth, and that said Trust Officer then and there acknowledged that he, as custodian of the Corporate Seal of said Trustee, caused the Corporate Seal to be affixed to said instrument as said Trust Officer's own free and voluntary act and as the free and voluntary act of the National Banking Association for the uses and purposes therein set forth. My Commission Expires: aL�., G. 4=�:/ Plotary Public "OFFICIAL SEAL' Jeanne E. Kern Notary Public, State of Illinois My Commission Expires Nov. 9,1996 11 94-34-227 VENTURE, an Illinois joint venture STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF MCHENRY ) MCHENRY CORPORATE CENTER, INC., as the managing venturer of FOLLETT VENTURE, an Illinois joint venture and the owner of 100% of the beneficial ownership in McHenry State Bank Trust 12894, being first duly sworn on their oaths depose and say that they have read the foregoing Amended Annexation Agreement by them subscribed; that they have personal knowledge of the contents thereof and that the contents thereof are true in substance and in fact and have the power to execute this Agreement on behalf of MCHENRY CORPORATE CENTER INC. xB . is Attest: Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5day of In/i Y , 1994. Notary Public "OFFICIAL SEAL„ Barbara A. Grant ; < Notary Public, State of Illinois ; (My Commission Expires 4/27/96;' ««ccc«ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc� 12 94-34-2272 STATE OF ILLINOIS) COUNTY OF McHENRY) McHENRY CORPORATE CENTER, INC., through its duly authorized agent, being first duly sworn upon oath deposes and says that he has read the foregoing First Amendment to Annexation Agreement by him subscribed; that he has personal knowledge of the contents thereof and that the contents thereof are true in substance and in fact and has the power to execute this First Amendment to Annexation Agreement on behalf of McHENRY CORPORATE CENTER, INC. McHENRY CORPORATE CENTER, INC. By: At Subscribed and sworn to before me this -5-79 day of 1r, 1994. &dL,� r,�- A��,-t Notary Public "OFFICIAL SEAL" Barbara A. Grant < Notary Public, State of Illinois ; My Commission Expires 4/27196 Z; �ca�c<:.:ccccaccaccccccccc<.c<:ccccacc• :c«<!• 13 94-34-2273 EXHIBIT B TO FIRST AMENDMENT TO ANNEXATION AGREEMENT DATED JULY 19, 1989 The following changes, as applied to Parcels A, B and C, shall be made to Exhibit B attached to the Original Agreement: 1. Paragraph B.1 shall be deleted in its entirety and in lieu thereof the following shall be added: 1. Development Standards: (a) Front Yard Setback - Fifty (50) feet for building, twenty-five (25) feet for parking (25 feet green space between front parking curb and right-of-way. (b) Side Yard Setback - Fifteen (15) feet building, five (5) feet parking, (5 feet green space from parking lot to property line). (c) Rear Yard Setback - Twenty (20) feet building, five (5) feet parking (5 feet green space from parking lot to property line. In the event that parking is placed in the front yard, then the building shall be set back a minimum from the back curb of the parking area to allow for a ten (10) foot buffer between the parking area and the building. The front parking area shall be partially screened from view from the street by berming or landscaping. 2. Paragraph B.7 shall be deleted in its entirety an in lieu thereof the following shall be added: 7. Storage Areas: Storage, service, maintenance and loading areas must be constructed, maintained,' and used in accordance with the following conditions: No materials, supplies, or equipment shall be stored upon a site except inside a closed building or behind a durable material wall not less than six (6) feet in height, screening such material, supplies or equipment from adjacent sites so as not to be visible from neighboring properties and street. No stored items may protrude above the screen. The outdoor storage of uncontained building material is prohibited. Any outdoor storage areas shall be located in the side or rear 94-34-2275 yard adjacent to the main structure and not exceed 1,000 square feet in area. Of course, any attempted variation to these standards would require a city Special Use Permit. All trash receptacles and storage areas, service yards, electrical cage enclosures, incinerators and similar equipment for the disposal of materials and storage tanks, shall be screened from view from access streets and front yards of adjacent properties by means of a fence, berm, wall or dense opaque landscaping materials. Deposited refuse shall not be visible from outside the refuse enclosure. Storage areas shall be kept in a neat and orderly mariner. The contents of all storage and trash areas must be directly related to the primary use of the business. Refuse collection enclosures shall be designed of durable materials with finishes and colors which are unified and harmonious with the overall architectural them. Silos and other tall containers shall not be placed on front yards or other conspicuous locations and shall not exceed the building height requirements listed below. 3. Paragraph B.8 shall be deleted in its entirety and in lieu thereof the following shall be added: 8. Loading: Sufficient space for loading and unloading shall be provided on each lot to accommodate trucks not less than seventy (70) feet in length. Improvements shall be designed and located on each building site so that vehicles may not be loaded or unloaded on or from any street. All docks which face Route 31, Prime Parkway and Dayton Streets or opening onto a yard which is adjacent to a residential district must be interior and enclosed. Such exterior docks shall be designed as to not hamper pedestrian movement in and out of the building. Streetside exterior docks shall be strongly discouraged. 4. Paragraph B.9 shall be deleted in its entirety and in lieu thereof the following shall be added: 9. Architecture: (a) Building exterior wall materials: Fa 94-34-2276 For buildings of less than 20,000 square feet, the front exterior walls shall be defined as the closest wall to the most major streets the property adjoins and shall be of masonry, stone, glass or architectural precast concrete panels. The side exterior walls may be of metal except that the lower third or lower seven (7) feet, which ever is less, of the wall shall be of masonry, stone, glass or architectural precast concrete panels. In no event shall concrete blocks be allowed on any exterior surface of a building. Factory colored "split faced block" (or equal) is acceptable. For buildings of more than 20,000 square feet, the same restrictions as above shall apply, except that the lower four (4) feet of the side exterior wall shall be of masonry, stone, or architectural precast concrete panels. (b) Height Limitations - No building erected shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height. If building exceeds thirty-five (35) feet in height, the front yard setback shall be increased by one (1) foot for every one (1) foot in excess of thirty-five (35). The maximum height to be fifty (50) feet. (c) The floor/land area ratio shall not exceed, .85. 5. Except as herein modified, all the terms, conditions and provisions of Exhibit B to the Original Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. END OF EXHIBIT B TO FIRST AMENDMENT TO ANNEXATION AGREEMENT DATED JULY 19, 1989 3 94-34-2277 EXHIBIT C TO FIRST AMENDMENT TO ANNEXATION AGREEMENT DATED JULY 19, 1989 SUBDIVIDERS AGREEMENT This Subdividers Agreement, which is attached to and made a part -of the First Amendment to Annexation Agreement dated July 19, 1989, is binding on all parties thereto: Recitals A. By virtue of the execution of the Original Agreement, Parcels A, B and C, referred to therein, were annexed into the corporate limits of the City. B. Cosmopolitan holds legal title to the Follett Expansion Parcel and Brake holds title to the Brake Parcel. Cosmopolitan and Brake desire to have building permits issued on the Follett Expansion Parcel and the Brake Parcel, respectively, prior to the City's approval of the required plat of subdivision. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and in further consideration of the mutual covenants; agreements and conditions herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The City shall issue building permits for the Follett Expansion Parcel and Brake Parcel upon submission by Cosmopolitan and Brake to the City a preliminary plat and concept plan, - which includes the Follett Expansion Parcel and Brake Parcel. 2. Upon issuance of the Follett Expansion Parcel and Brake Parcel building permits, all parties hereto agree to, comply with all provisions of the City's Subdivision Control Ordinance, all other City ordinances, the terms of the Original Agreement and the First Amendment to Annexation Agreement dated July 19, 1989, 94-34-2278 relative to development of the Follett Expansion Parcel and Brake Parcel. 3. All parties expressly agree that the City shall have the right and obligation to withhold final plat approval or issuance of occupancy permits, relative to the buildings to be constructed on the Follett Expansion Parcel and Brake Parcel, subject to full compliance with all terms of the Original Agreement, First Amendment to Annexation Agreement dated July 19, 1989, the City's Subdivision Control Ordinance and all other City regulations and ordinances. 4. All parties hereto release the City, its officers and employees from any and all liability for damages caused and waive any right to file suit against the City, its officers and employees, on any legal theory, as a result of the City's refusal to issue occupancy permits in the future on the Follett Expansion Parcel and Brake Parcel. Provided, however, the City shall not unreasonably withhold its approval of the final plat of subdivision or occupancy permits of the Follett Expansion Parcel or Brake Parcel. 5. The parties hereto agree that the expedited issuance of the building permits on the Follett Expansion Parcel and Brake Parcel shall not entitle Cosmopolitan, Brake or any other party to this Agreement to obtain expedited permits on any parcel of property. END OF EXHIBIT C TO FIRST AMENDMENT TO ANNEXATION AGREEMENT DATED JULY 19, 1989 I) 94-34-2279 EXHIBIT D TO FIRST AMENDMENT TO ANNEXATION AGREEMENT DATED JULY 19, 1989 REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT THIS REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT, which is attached to and made part of the First Amendment to Annexation Agreement dated July 19, 1989 and is binding on all parties thereto. Recitals A. Brake intends to pay the entire cost of constructing the public road improvements shown on Exhibit A and identified as "Corporate Drive" from its present terminus at the northern boundary of McHenry Corporate Center Unit One to the northern boundary line of the Brake Parcel; B. The installation of said public road improvements will benefit properties and property owners other than Brake; and C. It is the desire of Brake to be reimbursed by the owners of the properties benefitted by the installation of the public road improvements on an equitable basis for the cost of the public road improvements which is in excess of that required for the Brake Parcel development. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual promises and agreements contained herein, the parties to the First Amendment to Annexation Agreement dated July 19, 1989 agree as follows: 1. Brake will pay all of the costs of construction of the public road improvements referred to in recital A, above. "Costs of Construction" shall include the cost of constructing the public roadway, the cost of engineering, the cost of a letter of credit and such costs, permits and fees required by the City and others that are associated with the preparation of plans, construction of the public road improvements or the City's approval process. 2. The parties to the First Amendment to Annexation Agreement dated July 19, 1989 agree that Brake shall be entitled to receive interest on the construction costs due from each benefitted property owner at the rate of one percent (1%) per annum over the last July 1, five year treasury bill rate. In the event that any state statute shall determine an interest rate other than set forth in this paragraph 2, the state requirement shall prevail. Interest shall begin to run upon final approval by the City of the final construction costs submitted by Brake with regard to the public road improvements. In the event the City is required to take any action to enforce this Reimbursement Agreement for the benefit of Brake, the sum collected shall be paid to Brake, after 94-34-2280 deduction, of two percent (2%) for administrative charges due City. If Brake and the benefitted property owners negotiate an agreement which does not require the City's intervention with respect to reimbursement for the public road improvements referred to herein, the two percent (2%) administrative charge will not be payable to the City. 3. For purposes of this Reimbursement Agreement, the only benefitted property owners shall be McHenry Trust and the applicant for building permits on lots 87 and 88, depicted on Exhibit A, and the Follett Expansion Parcel. These benefitted property owners will share the cost of construction with Brake on a pro rata basis, based upon the frontage each party's parcel has on the proposed public roadway improvements. 4. The parties agree that the City will endeavor to collect that portion of the construction costs of the public roadway improvements due Brake, including interest payments, from the benefitted property owners prior to issuing occupancy permits to the benefitted property owners, for parcels included in the Follett Expansion Parcel or land north thereof, now shown as lots 87 and 88 on Exhibit A to the First Amendment to Annexation Agreement dated July 19, 1989. 5. The parties agree that the City will use its best efforts to collect the costs provided herein from the benefitted property owners but shall not be liable to any party to the First Amendment to Annexation Agreement dated July 19, 1989 if the City is, for any reason, unable to collect said costs. City's responsibility to reimburse Brake shall be limited to payments from funds actually collected from the benefitted property owners. 6. Brake shall reimburse and indemnify City for all costs, engineering and attorney's fees and liability incurred by the City in attempting to collect the reimbursement amount subject to this Agreement. 7. This Agreement shall have a commencement date upon final approval by the City of the final construction costs submitted by Brake with regard to the public road improvements and shall terminate ten years thereafter or upon reimbursement by City of the charges referred to in this Agreement, whichever occurs first. END OF EXHIBIT D TO FIRST AMENDMENT TO ANNEXATION AGREEMENT DATED JULY 19, 1989 W 94-34-228