HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - O-92-592 - 02/19/1992 - ANNEX BOLGER PROPERTY FOR FOXVIEW HIGHLANDS SUB.192R 071055FoxviF-w N'G'-4LAKb' 93R 011485 r ORDINANCE NO. 0-92-592 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN PROPERTY TO C* N THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS _-r ® WHEREAS, a Petition was filed with the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois by WALTER J. BOLGER, the record owner and JOSEPH DIESCHBOURG, as CV) C7% Contract Purchaser, hereinafter referred to collectively as "Owner"; and WHEREAS, there are no electors residing on said real property; and WHEREAS, the subject real estate is not located in any other municipality and is contiguous to the existing corporate limits of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois; and WHEREAS, the Owner desires to annex said real estate to the City and has Petitioned the City for the annexation of the real estate including all adja- cent roads and highways; and WHEREAS, no notices was given to any Library District or Fire Protection District because the City does not provide Library or Fire Protection services and no notice therefore is required to be given; and WHEREAS, public hearings on the proposed annexation were held before the City Council of the City of McHenry; and WHEREAS, as a result of said hearings, and the consideration of the evi- dence, testimony and exhibits presented thereat, the Mayor and City Council have determined that the requested annexation taken in concert with the Annexation Agreement, as amended, and the exhibits which are a part thereof, is in harmony and keeping with the proper and orderly development and improve- ment of the City of McHenry. c� T NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF MCHENRY, I MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The following legally described territory is hereby annexed to Cn the City of McHenry, Illinois: 93-12-0813 92-82-2427 93R 01I485 93R 042561 That part of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, com- mencing at the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 11, thence South 89 degrees 33 minutes 50 seconds West along the North line of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 11 a distance of 610.59 feet to the place of beginning; thence South 0 degrees 28 minutes 58 seconds East, a distance of 181.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 33 minutes 50 seconds East, a distance of 120.00 feet; thence South 0 degrees 28 minutes 58 seconds East a distance of 240.76 feet; thence South 64 degrees 40 minutes 05 seconds East a distance of 155.52 feet; thence South 0 degrees 28 minutes 58 seconds East a distance of 130.05 feet; thence South 89 degrees 31 minutes 02 seconds West a distance of 40.00 feet; thence South 0 degrees 28 minutes 58 seconds East a distance of 114.55 feet; thence South 89 degrees 33 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 920.00 feet; thence Worth 0 degrees 28 minu- tes 58 seconds West a distance of 734.00 feet to a point on the North line of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 11, thence North 89 degrees 33 minutes 50 seconds East along aforesaid line a distance of 700.00 feet to the place of beginning all in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. That the new boundary line of the City is extended to the far side of any highway adjacent to said property. SECTION 2. That a map of the property being annexed to the City, with the legal description thereon is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof by reference. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to record in the McHenry County Recorder's office and file with the McHenry County Clerk certified copies of this Ordinance after the adoption of said Ordinance. SECTION 4. All maps, plats, journals and other records, including the official map of the corporate boundaries, the Land use Map and the Zoning District Map of the City of McHenry are hereby amended so as to reflect the annexation of the above -described real estate. N SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as by law provided. i -2- 93-12-0814 92R 071055 938 042561 00 PASSED BY A MAJORITY OF THE CORPORATE AUTHORITIES OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, Q McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THIS 19th DAY OF February 1992. AYES: Lieder, Bolger, Donahue, Serritella, Adams, Smith C" Q1 NAYES: Locke, Patterson ABSENT: None ABSTAINED: None APPROVED this 19th day of February 1992. ATTEST: WILLIAM BUS MAYOR BARBARA �E.GI44,�CLER CV i i C'7 CT -3- 93-- 1 2-081 5 92-82-2429