HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - O-89-500 - 07/19/1989 - APPROVE ANNEX AGMT MCHENRY CORPORATE CENTERORDINANCE NO. 0-89- 500 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR APPROVAL OF AN ANNEXATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF Y MCHENRY, ILLINOIS, COSMOPOLITAN NATIONAL BANKRECEIVED OF CHICAGO UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF TRUST .!JL. 71989 AGREEMENT NO. 28571, MIDWEST PROPERTIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, MIDWEST CONSTRUCTION INC., PRIME DEVELOPMENT CORP. AND MCHENRY CORPORATE CENTER CITY OF MU WHEREAS, Cosmopolitan National Bank of Chicago, 801 N. Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois 60610, is the record owner of the following described real estate, (hereinafter, "Subject Property"): Parcel "A" That part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 89057120" East, along the North line of said Northeast Quarter, 1656.55 feet to the place of beginning; thence South 89057120" East, along said North line of said Northeast Quarter, 917.37 feet to the Westerly right-of-way line of Illinois State Route 31; thence Southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the right, said curve having a radius of 11419.00 feet, an arc of 875.09 feet and a chord bearing South 25008159" West, 874.88 feet; thence South 27020125" West, along said right-of-way line, 310.00 feet; thence North 62*39135" West, 848.66 feet; thence North 27*20125" East, 763.55 feet to the place of beginning and containing 18.9122 acres, more or less, in McHenry County, Illinois. Parcel "B" That part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 44 North Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 89*57120" East, along the North line of said Northeast Quarter, 1656.55 feet; thence South 27*20125" West 763.55 feet to the place of beginning; thence continuing South 27*20125" West, 1024.85 feet; thence South 89048102" East, 953.67 feet to the Westerly right-of-way line of Illinois State Route 31; thence North 27020125" East, along said right-of-way line, 589.81 feet; thence North 62039135" West, 848.66 feet to the place of beginning and containing 15.7288 acres, more or less, in McHenry County, Illinois. Sc E ,A - I A fS fo 0, RC -COOED o� �. w / ,4TTAC H McNTS Parcel "C" That part of the Northeast Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 44 North Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence North 89*49123" West along the North line of said Northwest Quarter, 468.92 feet; thence South 6*36155" East, 1598.10 feet; thence South 89048102" East, 1120.00 feet; thence North 27*20125" East, 1788.40 feet to the North line of said Northeast Quarter; thence North 89057120' West, along the North line of said Northeast Quarter, 1656.55 feet to the place of beginning and containing 59.1623 acres, more or less, in McHenry County, Illinois. Parcel "D" That part of the Northeast Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian and the Northeast Quarter of Section 9, Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 0027138" West, along the West line of said Northeast Quarter, 1587.01 feet to the place of beginning; thence North 89648102" West, 2772.54 feet to the Easterly right-of-way line of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway; thence Southwesterly along said right-of-way being the arc of a curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 5679.59 feet, an arc of 210.26 feet and a chord bearing South 10005144" West 210.25 feet; thence South 9*01128" West, along said right-of-way line, 852.97 feet to the South line of said Northeast Quarter of Section 9; thence South 90000100" East, along said South line, 296.81 feet to the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 10; thence South 89046103" East, along the South line of said Northwest Quarter of Section 10, 2426.06 feet; thence North 0013156" East, 75.00 feet; thence South 89046103" East, 212.19 feet to the West line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 10; thence South 89049120" East, 1306.26 feet to the Westerly right-of-way line of Illinois State Route 31; thence North 27020125" East along said right-of-way line, 1095.63 feet; thence North-89048102" West, 1801.62 feet to the place of beginning and containing 103.2305 acres, more or less, in McHenry County, Illinois. Parcel "E" That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence North 89049123" West, along the North line of said Northwest Quarter, 468.92 feet to the place of beginning; thence continuing North 89049123" West, along said North line 1750.00 feet to the Easterly right-of-way line of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway; thence Southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 5679.59 feet, an arc of 1688.57 feet and a chord bearing South 19040124" West, 1682.36 feet; thence South 89048102 East, 2500.48 feet; thence North 6036155" West, 1598.10 feet to the place of beginning and containing 79.0149 acres, more or less, in McHenry County, Illinois. WHEREAS, MIDWEST PROPERTIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an Illinois Limited Partnership, is the sole owner of the entire beneficial interest in Trust No. 28571, at the COSMOPOLITAN NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO. WHEREAS, the General Partner of MIDWEST PROPERTIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP is MIDWEST CONSTRUCTION CO., INC., and Illinois Corporation. WHEREAS, Midwest Properties Limited Partnership has entered into a Purchase Agreement with PRIME DEVELOPMENT CORP., an Illinois Corporation, for the purchase of Tract "D". WHEREAS, PRIME DEVELOPMENT CORP. has entered into a Development Agreement with MCHENRY CORPORATE CENTER, INC., and Illinois Corporation, to develop Tracts "D" and "E" above. WHEREAS, the Subject Property contains 279 acres, more or less, and is contiguous to the city of McHenry, is presently improved with three homes, a barn and outbuildings and is located at the West side of Route 31 approximately 3400 feet North of Hi Point Road in Nunda Township and extends North from said point approximately 2800 feet and is directly across Route 31 from Tonyan's Industrial Park, McHenry County, Illinois. -3- WHEREAS, Said real estate is contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of McHenry, Illinois; and WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearing was published .in the Northwest Herald, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of McHenry, within the time provided by law, notifying the public of a hearing on said proposed Annexation Agreement which was held before the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, on the 25th day of April, 1989 at 7:30 PM; and WHEREAS, the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry have held the hearing required by law and have found that the entry into said Annexation Agreement will not be detrimental to the public health, welfare or safety of the inhabitants of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The Annexation Agreement bearing the date of thelq th day of J„jy , 1989, by and between the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois and Cosmopolitan National Bank of Chicago as Trustee under the provisions of Trust #28571, Midwest Properties Limited Partnership, Midwest Construction Co., Inc., Prime Development, and McHenry Corporate Center, be and the same is hereby approved, and the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to -4- execute and attest, respectively, said Agreement in behalf of the City. A full, true, complete and accurate copy of said Annexation Agreement is attached to this Ordinance and is incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit No. 1. SECTION II. This Ordinance shall be known as Ordinance No. 0-$1-900and shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as required by law. PASSED this 19th day of July , 1989 AYES: Bolger, Lieder, Donahue, Patterson, McClatchey, Serritella, Smith, Teta NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None Approved this 19th day of July , 1989. CITY OF McHENRY City Clerk 022550/1 By:� May -5-