HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - O-89-495 - 06/14/1989 - PREVAILING WAGE ORDINANCEORDINANCE NO. 0-89-495 ASCERTAINING PREVAILING WAGES IN THE CITY OF McHENRY WHEREAS, the State of Illinois has enacted "An Act regulating wages of laborers, mechanics and other workmen employed in any public works by the state, county, city, or any other public body or any political subdivision or by any one under contract for public works", approved June 26, 1941, as amended, being Section 39s-1 through 39s-12, Chapter 48, Illinois Revised Statutes, 1973; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid act requires that the Mayor of the City of McHenry investigate and ascertain the prevailing rate of wages as defined in said Act for laborers, mechanics and other workmen in the locality of said city. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION 1. To the extent and as required by an Act regulating wages of laborers, mec anics, and other workmen employed in any public works by the State, county, city or any public body or any political subdivision or by any one under contract for public works, approved June 26, 1941, as amended, the general prevailing rate of wages in this locality for public works coming under the jurisdiction of the City is hereby ascertained to be the sane as the prevailing rate of wages for construction work and repair of existing facilities in the McHenry County area as determined by the Department of Labor of the State of Illinois as of June 1, 1989, a copy of that determination being attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The definition of any terms appearing in this Ordinance which are also used in the aforesaid Act shall be the same as in said Act. SECTION 2. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to apply said prevai ing rate of wages as herein ascertained to any work or employment except public works construction and the repair of existing facilities of this City to the extent required by the aforesaid Act. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall publicly post or keep available for inspection by any interested party in the main office of this City this determination of such prevailing rate of wage. SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall mail a copy of this determination to any employer, and to any association of employers and to any person or association of employees who have filed, or file their names and addresses requesting copies of any determination stating the particular rates and the particular class of workmen whose wages will be affected by such rates. SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall promptly file a certified copy of this Ordinance with both the Secretary of State and the Department of Labor of the State of Illinois. SECTION 6. The City Clerk shall cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the area a copy of this Ordinance, and such publication shall constitute notice that the determination is effective and that this is the determination of this public body. PASSED this 14th day of June, 1989. AYES:Bolger, Donahue, Lieder, McClatchey, Patterson, Serritella, Smith, Teta NAYS: None ABSENT: None ABSTAINED: None NOT VOTING: None APPROVED thisl4th day of June, 1989. ATTEST: i tyT e r -2- i ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF LABOR PREVAILING WAGES FOR MCHENRY COUNTY EFFECTIVE 06/01/89 n-. Pi"I l In-# Wage slid II be Inc IV Jed ui the otrd,tf ua their advertised ►peoflcdtlns to which any public body as defined In Section 2 of the I •I rvail�+Wage Act bII. Q•v. 5to. 19d/, Ch. /b, per 37k 1) is a Party, f.,r the construction reconstruction, oaintendnce and/or repair of public bu11J�njs or Public works within the �ldlr ut Illlnut. which ipulr•{ or Involves the r•p loyoent of laborers. workers, and swchnics, and owner/operators. Ninialu■ w s. overtiw rate and (frli • ban rf ns ce rt if lilt h0, vin s1�11 be paid nos acdlr of prvvall In w s to be pdid shall be poslod by the contractor u� d prollilliient and easily d,cesslblo piece it the llte of work. Th1L det•ralnetlwm Is the pr9p 11 o�tM�tlllnols 0•0 er Rent of labor and sha 11 not be altvi.•J w4thnul their con wit In riltlim, NAMI UI 1 RADI RG ASBFSIOS ABT-MIC ASHI STOS ABT-CAN lit/FRST INSUL. IIOII ERMAKERS BRICKLAYERS Cl NRS,CKRS,PNTS CARPENTERS CAkPENTERS rEMI NT MASONS I I I cl-RICIANS IMN, DIG&CR OPR I QM T OPR CRNUSMN TRK DRV GRIN )NDME N t,i A/ I ENS IRON WORKERS I iwN WORKERS IINCI ERECTORS MACHINERY MVRS Ill i I RE C I ORS ,I,N IRON WRKRS I ADORE RS UPI R. ENGINEERS 01,t R. I NG1NEERS tli•E R. ENGINEERS twiR. ENGINEERS Wl R. tNGINEERS 044 k. ENGINEERS 0111R. ENGINEERS OI'ER. ENGINEERS 014 V. ENGINEERS WLII DRILLERS WILL DRILLERS ,'AINTERS PI L1MHE RS 1'I ASI l RI NS bd'RINKI ER F I I TENS ItU(1l I RS Ni ll I I Mt I Al WRKRS S I ONI WORKERS I I I I I AYE RS lilt I I N I SHERS IkUCK DRIVFRS IRIICK DRIVERS IRUCK DRIVERS I RUCK UR I VE RS r r HOURI Y RATES I I Yi' S BASIC I ORhN1 HI 1) at U Bi D 81D Bl D BLD BE D HWY Al l Bl D At l At I At I Al I Bi D Bi U At I At 1 Bt D ALI At I Al t BI D at D HI D HL U ►IWY HWY HWY HWY HWY ALL Al I Bl U BI 1) Bt D Ht U BID HI U lilt) Bl U Fit D At I Al i AL L At L 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 2 1 2 3 4 16.700 16.700 20.000 21.320 19.760 19.760 19.400 18.650 19.750 21.970 19.420 16.450 13.310 13.310 19.000 20.420 18.920 14.940 15.650 19.270 20.700 16.700 21.80U 20.500 18.850 17.100 20.800 20.250 19.100 17.700 16.500 17.450 16.250 18.250 18.5(w 19.250 19.250 19.500 20.250 17.260 16.630 16.400 17.600 17.750 17.950 18.150 17.350 17.350 21.000 22.320 20.760 20.760 20.400 19.900 20.000 24.170 20.500 19.750 21.770 19.850 15.940 17.150 20.270 21.700 17.350 22.550 21.250 19.600 17,850 21.300 10.750 19.500 20.250 20.500 20.500 20.900 18.260 18.130 OVERTIME RATE M-1 SA SUdHi At I E k Al L Al L 8 MS IIRS HRS ItRLY WLFR FRINGE RATES PENSN VACTN 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.100 1.970 1.200 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.470 1.300 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.100 1.970 1.200 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.150 2.000 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.750 1.350 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.150 1.350 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.840 1.750 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.840 1.750 .000 2.0 1.5 2.0 1.700 1.760 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.870 3.960 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.250 1.940 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.250 1.940 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.250 1.940 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.250 1.940 .000 1.5 2.0 2.0 1.470 1.950 .000 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.000 3.460 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.150 3.375 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.200 1.820 .000 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.070 3.400 .000 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.600 5.360 .000 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.200 3.420 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.470 1.100 .000 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.250 2.250 1.250 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.250 2.250 1.250 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.250 2.250 1.250 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.250 2.2.50 1.250 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.200 2.200 1.250 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.200 2.200 1.250 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.200 2.200 1.250 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.200 2.200 1.250 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.200 2.200 1.250 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.700 1.500 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.700 1.500 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.650 1.100 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.900 4.250 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.000 1.250 .000 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.200 1.600 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.750 .750 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.430 1.840 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.750 1.100 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.500 1.370 .000 2.0 1.5 2.0 1.550 1.520 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.775 1.625 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.775 1.625 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.775 1.625 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.775 1.625 .000 r+S. It rc. It Ihot part of the count Iasi .,r oil 47 IROM.OW:ERS t That Dart of the county last of Rls. 1/ and 14. IRONWDRKE ITS S Thal part of the County South ut Ill. 1/ and East of Ill. 41. I Rt1MnDR►`RS it That part Of the county West of Pt. 47. Inc tvI l.ss i1g�l tit is considered as ]host days for which hol,ddr rat as of wages for Mork perf „ med apt, ly. ft - rears Day. Mellortal/Decoration Day. fourth of July, labor Day. Veterans Dar Thank s99lving liar( Lhrtslaas Day -an. rally, any of these holidays which fall on a Sunday 1s c Ifbratad an t11i� fo}lowing slondayy. ftis then makes work performed on that Mgiday payable at thN appi�vr,ale overtime rate for holyddr pry Common praCllCt Ina given lac al may altar cartafn days ul tiflebration such as the day after Thanksgiving tat veterans, Day. It in doubt, please Ghee► with IDO . EXPLANATION Of CIASSIS k 1NtIVER BUILDING, HEAVY AND HIUHWAV L11N1 IlUCI ION MCtt NRV LUUKIV n s 1. A -frame truck when used fur tran,,porlation purposes; Air Compressors and Welding Machines, im ludina those pullfd by tars. P11k up trucks and Ir 3L tors. Ambuldm es; Batch Gate 1„ckers( Batch Hopperman; Car and Truck Washers: Lary AT Is tor► lifts and Flo,sters• Helpers' Mechanics Helpers and Teasers; 011 Distributors. 2-man operat,,,n: Pavement Breakers; Po It Irei ler, Ito 40 feat; Power Mower Tractors- Se -Propelled Chip Spreader; Shlppinl and receiving Clerks and Checkers; SkiQQimman; Slurry Trucks. 2-man operation' Slurry trucks, Convefyyor Operated or S man operation, tooKter%, Unskilled Uumvisen. Warehousemen and DOckikM ; truck Ortvor% hauling warfil;g Ilghl6, barricades, and portable tollat% on the tub site. L lass 2. Dispatcher; Oum{, frets and Adgetors under / yards; Dumpsters. Track Trucks, (mc)ICIS. Hug Bolcom Dump lurndpulls or lurnalrallers when pull tngg other than self -loading equipment or similar equipment under 16 cubic yards; Mixer Trucks under / yards; Retdy.01. Flans Hopper Operator; Winch Trucks, 7 Axles :lass J. Coop Crets and Appetors 1 Yards and over Oumpsters, ]rack Trucks. Euclids Hwj Botlum Dump Turnalrailers or TurnapulIs when pulllrg other then Self -loading e?puipmlent or similar equipment over lE cubic yards. Explosive; /nd/or list lon Material lrucks' Mi.er Trucks 7 yards or over; Mobile Cranes while in transit; Otl Distributors, 1 Ndn operation. Pule Tratler, ovet 40 fast; Pole and EApandable Trotters hauling mattrlal over SO feet long; additional $04 Per hour: Slurry Trucks. '•man Operation; Winch Trucks. J a.les or more; Mechonic - Truck l or and Truck Painter 'Ides 4. Asphalt plant Operators in areas where it has been past practice Dual-purpose vehi0 es, such as mounted Grant trucks with hoist and accessories; foreman; Master Mechanic. Self -loading equipment like P.B. and trucks with scoops on the front. OPERATING ENGINEERS - BIUILDING-MQTEMRY COUNTY -lass 1 Assistant Craft Foreman; Craft foreman, Mechanic' Asphalt Plant• Asphalt Spreader; Autograde, Batch Plant: Btnoto (requires Iwo Engineers): Boiler and Throttle valve; Caisson Rigs: Central Redi Mi, Plant; Combination Bdc Hoe front End -loader Machine; Coepressor and Throttle Valve; Concrete Breaker 'Truck Mounted); Concrete Conveyor; Concrete Paver: Concrete Placer; Concrete Pump Truck Mounted'; Concrete lower, Cranes All, Cranes, Hammerhead. Critter cane: Crusher. Stone, etc.; Derricks, ATI: Derricks, Traveling: formless Curb and Gutter Machine; Grader, Elevating; Grouling Machines: Higqhlift Shovels or Front tndloader 2-1/4 yd. and over; Hoists, Elevators, outside type rock and pinion anQ iailar machines: Hoists, one, two and three Drum; Roists, two tugger One floor; Hydraulic Backhoes- Hydraulic Boom Trucks: locomotive$ A11' Motor Patrol, Pi it Drivers and Skid Rig; Dint Hole Dlyger; Pre Stress Machine' Pump 'Metes: SgtMlie Crete] screw type Pulps: Gypsum Bulker and Peep; Aalsfgs and Lind foie Drill; Rock Drill; Rota NIi1 Grinder; coops - Tractor Drawn: flip porn Pacer; Straddle Buggies; lournopull: Pals: with Book and Side Boa; rreancdh/ng Machines. Llass 2. Bobcat (over 3/4 cu. Yd.); Boilers Brick Forklift: Broom, All Power Propelled; Bulldoiers; Loncrete Mille, (Two Bag and Over): Conveyor, Portable; furtlifl Trucks; Greaser Engineer, Htyyhlift hovels or Front Endloaders under 2-l/1 yd.: Hoists, Automatic: NOsits, Inside Freight Elevators' Foists Sewer fir ogy Mmchins; Hoists, Tugqor i,ingl9 Drum; Aullars, All. Steam Generators; Treclurs, All; Tractor Drawn vibratory Roller (Receives on additional ;.50 pfi hour);�fnch trucks with 'A•-Frefaa. lass J. Air Compressor - Combination Small Equipment Operator; ((,��gnnorators; Healers Mechanical; foists, Inside I levaturs ;Rheostat Manual LOnlrolled), Hoists. Inside Elevators Push Button with AutoeatiL Doors: HrdrpVt c Poser Unlls Pite DrlvIn and Extracting); Puieps, over J (l to 3 not to .■Geed a total of 300 ft.). Peeps, Well Points. Welding Machines (2 through S); Wlrichas, 1 sma11 E�t:Irlc orlll Mfnches; Bobcat (up to and lncludinq 3/34 cum yd.). --lass 4. foists, Inside Elevators, Push Button with Automatic D,rors; Oilers; BrILk forklift. U'EPAT ING EMGIKiNS HEAVY AND HltiNaA1 LONSiRUL11001 MCHENRY COUNTY ass 1 Craft foreman; Asphalt plant, Asphalt Heater and Planer Combination; won; Asphalt Spreader; dueugrader, Belt luader; Ld,sson Rigs Lar Dumper, Central Rcdi Mi. Plant; Combination Backhue front firdloader Machine, ((1 cum ya4. Backhve Bucket or gvvr or with attachments) Concrete Breaker T ruck Mounted ,,ncreie Conveyor, Concrete Dever over 27[ cum ft Concrfta Plac r; COncrfte Tube Float; Cranes, all attachments' fianes• Hemmert,@ad. linden, Pico 111601nes e pike nature' Crete Crane: Crusher, Si,me, etc., Derricks, All; Derrick Boats: Derricks, Traveling Ortdges: Meld Mechanic -Welder, i0reiess Curb and a M x hire: 1'r adall and Machines of a like nature; Grader, Elevating; Grader, Motor Grader, Motor Patrol Auto Patrol. Form Grader, Pull Grader yrarj Rail Post Driver Mounted Hoists, One, two and three Oita•; H drools$ Bath hues; locomiotivr, ill; Mucks Machine; Pile D n oars and Lela Rig '-!ss Machine; Dump Crates Dual Ram (Requires frequent lubrication pnd wtfr): !kick Drill Crawler or Skid Rig; Rock Drill Truck Mounted; Rot. Mtll 'rrr. dtr; Slip-F.n Paver $oil Test Drill Rig (truck Mount fd)); Straddlet qq ies' ydraul tc TeleycoDi ng form (Tunnel); Tractor Drawn Belt loader: Tractor with Beam: Tractor -sire with �ttachAients; Trenching Machine lrtick Mounted Concrete P,wp with Boom; Raised or III,nd Hole; Drills (Tunnel Shaft): Underground Boring and/or Mining Machines; Wheel Excavator; Widener (APSCb). Class 2, Batch Plant; Bituminous Mixer: Bobcats (over 3//a cu. yd.); Boiler and Throttle Valve: Bulldozers; Car loader Trolling Conveyors: Combination Backhce Front Endloader Machine (less than I cu. yd Backhoe But: at or over or ith attachments) Compressor and 'Throttle Valve' Compressor, Common Receiver ((3) Concrete Breaker or Hydro Hammer; Concrete Grinding Machine. Concrete Mier or Paver 7S �eries to and including 27 cum It.' Concrete Spreader; Corn. re Luring Machine, Burlap Machine. Belting Machine and Sealing Machine; Conveyor Muck Cars (Haglund or Similar Typoji• finishingy It - Concrete'. Greaser Engineer. Highli/t Shovels or front Endloader; Hoist Sever Oragqgqlnq Machin**; Hydraulic Boom Trucks (All AttachmmnE1 ; Locomotivf Dinky; Pump Cr tes; Squ- Crates Strew type Pigpt, Gypsies Butkar and Puap; ib11K , A{phill; Ro ory Sn.w 81ow1 Ibtotllter, ]Men tC.t {}1�•QroQ�lled' $Coop} - Ir ct0r drawn: Self aropelled Coop actor; $prlader - Ch 1p $tOnl, etc.' Scraper SCraplr - �rlme Mower 1n }endM (gtgard �esS 0+ �l all (read Sl. t>ll to �la{� ll np1r�Y toff for loch hour and for ea--h eac the attached lherlt0, Add $1.DO to Class Ii hourly rate for aaLn flour); iarik Car 1itto Iracton , Fpsh, Pull ng Snoops fume, UfsL. Compactor. etc, Tug Boats. ids, J. Boilers, Brooms, All Purer Piopelled; Cfetnt Supply Itnaer; CForklisw Common Receiver (2) Concrete Mi-er (Two Bog and Over), Conveyor, Portable: Far* type Tractors Used for Mowing Seedin etc., !Fireman on Boillers. for►slit trucks' Grout Mac hint; ►b1{ts, AutoYtfS Hoists. All Elevators' Hoists, lugger Single Drum. imp Diggers P1pe Jackirg Machines; Pat Hole Dtyyger; Power Somw t`oncra1, Por*r Machin Pug Mills; Rollers. other than asphol♦: Seed and Clra. Bl over; Steam tnerators; Stump Machine: Winch Trucks with 'A' Fraae: Work Boatk: Tamp - fora -Hulot lh twen. m ass J Air Compressor - Small and large, Asphalt Spreader, BaLkend Man C.mbtndtIon 5% 11 kqutpmient Operator; benerators Seal) 50kw and Under: (t wit rotor$ - Large over 50kr; Heaters Mac nanite 1, Hydraulic Power Unit (bile Dr lv lnq, [+l race lilyy, or Ilrlll tnq)) light Plant! All 11 throWiyh 51); Pumps over (1 to 3 not to exceed a total of 360 /t ): Pumps. Well Points; IrALt dire; Welding Machines (Z through 5): ilincfifs, a Smelt Elecfric Uri Wlntfias: �obcals (op to and including 3/4 cuJ yd.I Id,. S. 01lers. other Classifications of Work: f r definitions of classifications not utnerrise set out the Utipdrlmenl genvidlly has on file suLh definitions wiitth are available. It there is no such definition on file the Bureau of labor Statistics SIC list will p•f used. If a task to bbee peilormed is not subJn t tv one of the classifiSations of fay set cut, th! Department rill upon going contacted state .filch nelghportny county has sloth a Classification and provide such rate, such rat • ¢elnq deemed t0 exlsl by reference in this docusent. Further, it no such neighboring9 count]r rate appl lei to the task, the Department shall undertake a Specta1 determination, such Special determination being then deemed I•• have existed under this detereination Prevailing rates of wages have been determined for the follovtng classifications which may not be listed: barber. hairdresser and cosmatoloyist; baker; bartender; cook (Cook. Sangamon); elevator oper•tor; food sarvlce worker (Cook, Sangamon. U of 1-C)- furniture sower (Cooks; Janitor (Cook, Ile`one maintenance worker-CCower plant- afllur1pht; eowiinp picture •&Chine operator; Opfret ng eri4lnNr-1ta(fonary, sewage 41srposet and vatfr plantt floating ppldtform, ppaatrol officer (Cooks' piiedrlver, railroad construction and maintenance corker, tmcur�ty guord; stationary lireaien: sound technlcfan. tele.ommunication service technician' theatrical stage efployea- tug boat operator; undfrWater dI er, If a project requires these, or any classification not I sted. please contact IDOL at 217/7it/T710 fir wage rates or cldrificatiuns