HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - O-87-425 - 07/15/1987 - ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 1987-1988ORDINANCE NO. 0-87- 425 AN ORDINANCE MAKING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1987 - 88 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION 1. That it be deemed necessary in order to defray the necessary expenses and 11 1 ities of said City for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1987 and ending April 30, 1988; that there be and there is hereby appropriated to provide for the gen- eral tax levy and other revenue for the said fiscal year, the aggregate sum of Twenty Two Mill ion, Four Hundred Ten Thousand, Three Hundred Doll ars (322,410,300.00) ; that the object and purpose for which said appropriation is made and the amounts appropriated for the same are as follows, to wit: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION: AMOUNT APPROPRIATED Aldermen Salaries 40,000 Treasurer's Salary 1 500 , City Attorney Retainer 1,000 Board of Health Salaries Mayor's Salary 15,000 Mayor's Contingency 1,200 Legal Fees (Corporate) 609000 Insurance - General 50,0U0 Zoning Board Expense 5,000 Plan Commission Expense , 000 Contingencies 40,000 Economic Development Commission 6,000 Newsletter and Postage Landmark Commission 4,000 Consultant Fees 20,000 EDC Director Finance/Personnel Administrator 35,600 POLICE COMMISSION: Sal aries 1 ,500 Contractural Suppl ies 22000 CITY CLERK City Clerk's Sall ary 19,000 Cl eri cal - Ful 1 Ti me Sal ari es , Clerical - Part Time Salaries .57,000 Medical Insurance City Self Insurance Printing & Publishing 000 Contractual - Copier 8,000 Postage & Meter Telephone 69000 Uniforms 29000. Office Supplies 209000 Contingencies Computer Training Computer Ma i nt . & Support lu,000 Computer Suppl ies Clerk's Conference Office Equipment 10 Computer Equipment 10, POLICE DEPARTMENT: Officers' Salaries 850,000• Chief' s Sal ary 489000 Lieutenant's Salary 40,000 Communication Desk Salaries - Cross. Grds, & Aux. Pol . Salaries 20,000 Cl eri cal Salaries Holiday Pay - Officers Parking Enforcement Salaries Officer's Overtime Career Ladder -1- POLICE DEPARTMENT (continued): AMOUNT APPROPRIATED Medical Insurance 80,000 City Self Insurance 2,000 Photography Supplies 5,000 Gasoline & Oil 50,000. Contractual Uniforms ?-5,000 Telephones 25,000 Postage & Meter 69000 Supplies Training Heating Contingencies Firearm Supplies Chief's Conference 1,000 Special Investigation New Equipment 309000 Legal Fees - Traffic 70,000 Computer Suppl ies 109000 Computer Training Computer Maintenance & Support 10,000 Vehicle Repair & Maintenance 20,000 Squad Cars PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: Administration Superintendent's Salary 30,000 Clerical Salaries su,uuu, Medical Insurance 3,000 City Self Insurance 500 Uniforms 1,000 Telephone Office Supplies 59000 Computer Supplies Computer Training 1,000 Computer Maintenance & Supplies 59000 Professional Conferences 1,000 Public Property Improvements Repairs - Hired Labor 1UP000 Janitorial Service 20,000 Contingencies 10,000 New Office Equipment Building & Zoning Building & Zoning Admin. Salary 35,000, Building Inspector Salary su,uuu, Medical Insurance GOT - City Self Insurance 500 Telephone 5,000 Office Supplies 5,000 Contingencies Streets & Alleys Streets & Alleys Salaries 400,000 Summer Help Salaries i :),uuu Overtime Snow Removal Salaries Overtime Streets & Alleys Salaries 15,U00 Medical Insurance 409000 City Self Insurance 1,000 Uniforms 10,000 Telephone 2.-500 Office Supplies Training Towel & Mat Rental 3,500. Material & Su ppl 1 es El ectricity Heating Disposal & C1 eanup 000. Tree Removal Repairs - Hired Labor Gasoline & Oil -2- Streets & Alleys Cont'd. AMOUNT APPROPRIATED Vehicle & Equipment Repair 75,000 Street Lighting 1809000 Street Signs 5 , Contracted Snow Removal 1U,00U Engineering 7-(),Uuu Contingencies iu,uuu Fiesta Days , PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT: Director's Salary 36,000 Park Maint. - Supervisor's Salary 309,000 Park Maint. - Full Time Salary-----70$000 Park Maint. - Part Time Salaries 3u,uuu Overtime - Full Time 15,000 Recreation Prog. - Part Time Sal. 10, UOU Fee -Supported Programs Salaries 25,000 Clerical - Full Time Salaries 2b,UUU Clerical - Part Time Salaries 109000 Medical Insurance ,uou Aquatics Supervisor Salary 5,000 Lifeguard Salaries 211000 City Self Insurance Office Supplies 3,000 Printing & Publishing 10,000 Dues & Subscriptions 500 Reference Materials 500 Uniforms 29000. Professional Conferences 000. , Telephone 69000 Gasoline & Oil 5,UUU Electricity 10,000 Heating , Disposal Fees 110NU Fee Supported Programs 20,000 Park Facility - Rep. & Maint. 5u,uuu Contingencies 9000 Special Events lu9uuu. Improvements & Materials so9000 Vehicle & Equipment Repair u9uuu Computer Suppl ies 3,000 Computer Training 19500 Computer Maint./Support 5,UUU New Equipment , 000, Postage & Meter 49000 Contractual - Xerox 2,000 Staff Education & Training I , 000 Vehicle Purchase Parks - Concessions Concessions' Salaries 101000 Concessions' Expenses Parks - Swimming Pool Aquatics Supervisor Salary 10,000 Lifeguards' Salaries 20,UUU Swimming Instructors' Salaries 109000 Swim Team Coaches Salaries Office Attendants' Salaries!),Uuu Heating 10,000 Chemicals 10,000 El ectri city Telephone 7700 Uniforms - Staff Office Suppl ies 1,000 Swim Programs - Fee Supported 59UUU Equipment Repair & Maint,----70,000 Contingencies 20,000 New Equipment Building Structure Building/Cl eaning Supplies 3,UUU -3- VEHICLE LICENSE FUND: AMOUNT APPROPRIATED Vehicle & Equipment Repair (P.D.) Repairs to Lights & Signals Vehicle Sticker & Supplies Computer Programs/State Lic. Info. Street Repair & Materials ROAD & BRIDGE FUND: Street Repair & Materials Street Drainage Mapping New Asphalt Roller BAND FUND: Sal aries Supplies & Music Contribution to Music DEBT SERVICE: General Oblig. Bond General Oblig. Bond Spec. Serv. Area #1 Spec. Serv. Area #1 Paying Agent Fees I off III I oil 2,000 Union 1 $000 Prin. 1982 Int. 1982 Bond Prin. 1982 Bond I nt . 1982 EMERGENCY SERVICES & DISASTER OPERATIONS: Membership & Subscriptions Radio Repairs Warning Sirens Contingencies AUDIT FUND: Audit Expense INSURANCE FUND: Insurance Premiums RETIREMENT FUND: Social Security Ill . Muni ci pal Reti rement Fund POLICE PENSION FUND: Pension Payments State Filing Fee Refunds to Employees Disability Payments Amort. of Actuarial Deficiencies POLICE PROTECTION FUND: Police Protection (Police Salaries) -4- 25,000 Ose oil 15,000 400,000 2509000. 1509000. 40,000 LIBRARY FUND: AMUUNI ANNKUPRIA MU For Maintenance of public library and reading rooms to be know as the Library Fund For Mortgage Debt Service DEVELOPER DONATIONS FUND: Payabl a to Schools Payable to L1 brary Contingencies PARK DONATIONS FUND: Engineering Tree Planting/Landscaping Improvements Park/Playground Development Contingencies Knox Park Pond Developments Public Marina CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND: Well #8 Improvements South Sewer Plant, - Engineering South Sewer Plant: - Construction System Improvements Contingencies Property Improvements Public Benefit - McHenry Shores Sanitary Sewer Line MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND: Street Resurfacing & Reconstruction Street Repair & Materials Ice Control Materials Sidewalks Street Signs Crack Sealing Street Light Replacement Route 31 Improvements Bull Val l ey/Rte 31 Improvements Ice Control Storage Facility Mc Cull om Lke. Road/ 31 Temp. Signal s FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND: Mosquito Abatement Squad Cars Police Computer P.W. Dump Trucks P.W. Drainage Study P.W. Radios Park Equipment General Administration P.W. Office Equipment WATER DEPARTMENT: Superintendent - Public Works Superintendent - Water Clerical Salaries Clerical Salaries - Overtime Water Supt. - Overtime Medical Insurance City Self Insurance Uniforms Postage & Meter Off Ce o�u ppl 1 e s Computer Supplies $3 Nil 3500000 500,000 Its -5- WATER DEPT Continued AMOUNT APPROPRIATED Computer Training 1,500 Computer Mai nt/Support 7,UUO Computer Printer & Disk 5,000 Office Equipment 10,000 Revenue Bond Principal 50, Revenue Bond Interest , Paying Agent Fees 100 Salaries - Operatiions 100,000 Part Time Summer Help , Overtime - Operations 10,000 Engineering fees , Travel & Training 2,000 Light, Power, Heat 120,000 Rep. & Maint. - Buildings 50,000 Rep. & Maint. - Equipment1uu'uuu Materials & Supplies 50,000 Vehicle Repairs & Parts 109000 Gasol 1 ne & Oil 10,000 Water Meter Parts iu,uuu Chemicals 30,000 Lab Supplies & Analysis 10,000 Repairs to Line System 100,000 Water Meters 20,000 Fire Hydrants , Facility/System Improvements 300,000 Lab Equipment 10,000 Contingencieszu'uuu Water Meter Testing 10,000 Vehicl es 20,000 Operating Equipment 1 0, 000 SEWER DEPARTMENT: Superintendent - Public Works 12,000. Superintendent - Sewer 4U, UUU Clerical Salaries ,000 Clerical Salaries. - Overtime 5,000 Sewer Supt. - Overtime , Medical Insurance 10,000 City Self Insurance 500 Uniforms Postage & Meter 4,000 Office Supplies Telephone , Dues & Subscriptions 1,000 Computer Supplies , Computer Training 1,000, Computer Mai nt /Support 6,000 Computer Printer & Disk 10,000 Office Equipment 10,000 Revenue Bond Principal 125,000 Revenue Bond Interest 275,000 Paying Agent Fees I [Jul Salaries - Operations 120,000 Overtime Sal aries ,uuu Summer Help Salaries 5,000 Engineering Fees I ou, Travel & Trai ni ng 7,000 Towels & Mats Light, Power & Heating 200,000. Rep. & Maint. - Buildings 50,000 Rep. & Maint. - Equipment 50,000 Rep. & Mai nt. - Col 1 . Systems 200,000 Rep. & Maint. - Lift Stations 50,000 Materials & Supplies - , Vehicle Repair & Parts 40,000. Gas, Oil & Diesel 20,000 Lab Analysis , Chemicals 40,000 Lab Supplies 10,000. Sewer Line Repairs 300,000 C1 othi ng Rental 7, uuU Sludge Disposal , Conti ng a nc i e s 1 , 000 0.Air L1 a Repl acement Seawal Repairs , -6- .CRAP TRUST FUND AMOUNT APPROPRIATED Loan to Classic Products Administration Costs I -SEARCH GRANT Car Lease Suppl i e s Sal aries Telephone Contractual LAND ACQUISITION NEW MUNICIPAL BDLG. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT 58,000 1 0, 000 59000 25,000 15,000 500,000 1,200,000 (Engr, Atty, Publ , Hall Rental , Spreading the Roll, Constr „ etc) 3,000,000 SOUTH WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT Construction Engineering Contingencies TOTAL APPROPRIATION FOR ALL FUNDS Sol W II I is, 22,410,300 SECTION 2. All unexpended balances of any item or items of general appropriation made by this Ordinance may be expended in making up arty insufficiency in and items in the same general appropriation and for the same general purposes or in a like appropria- tion made by this Ordinance. SECTION 3. this Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. SECTION 4. Thi s Ord i nance shal 1 be publ i shed 1 n pamphl et form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. PASSED this 15th _ day of July , 1987. NAYS: ABSENT: NOT VOTING: ABSTAINED: None— APPROVED this 15th day of Jul v 198Z• ayor ATTEST: ity per -7 -