HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - O-77-125 - 11/21/1977 - ADD DEVELOPER DONATION FEES715944 o-izs �1;7 /as ,•� :* . so AN ORDINANCE • i • M WHEREAS, during the past ten years the City of McHenry has experienced a rapid population increase due in part to the subdivision and planned unit development of vacant land within the jurisdiction of the City; and, WHEREAS, planning studies have indicated that such population growth will accelerate during the next thirteen years resulting in the rapid disappearance of available land and the marked increase in land values; -and, WHEREAS, the City has found that healthful, productive zommunity life depends in part on the availability of recreational and park space and adequate school and library facilities; and, WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined that the public interest, convenience, health, welfare and safety requires that a minimum -of one acre of land for each 100 persons residing within the City be devoted to park and recreational purposes; and, WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined that the public interest, convenience, health, welfare and safety requires the establishment of school sites within the City in accordance with the following criteria: 400 capacity elementary schools (K-5) on ten acres of land; 750 capacity junior high schools (6-8 ) on _30 - acres of land; - 1,000 capacity high-school schools (9-12) on 40 acres of land; and, WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the fable of Estimated Ultimate Population, which is attached hereto and 715944 subdivisions or planned unit developments; and, ;�a WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the present .. �A' "fair market value" of such improved land in and surrounding the City is $20,000.00 per acre; and WHEREAS, it has been found and determined that the locations of park and recreation and school sites and provision for library purposes to serve the immediate and future needs of residents and children of each new subdivision or planned unit development is just as essential to proper land develop- ment as are streets, water, sewers and sidewalks, and that the City has determined that -cash contributions in lieu of actual land dedication is more practical and more appropriate than land dedication and that such cash contribution shall be required of each subdivider or developer of a planned unit development; and, WHEREAS, notwithstanding the foregoing finding relatir.z; to the "fair market value" of improved land, it is hereby determined by the City to require cash contributions substantially less than the amount which would otherwise be produced by a consideration of all of the aforesaid factors; and WHEREAS, it has been determined, and is hereby declared, that it is urgent that this Ordinance take effect immediately upon its passage and approval. BE IT 0 RDA INED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY,- MCHENRY COUNTY,- ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: - Section-1. -Amendment of Section V of Subdivision Control Ordinance. Section V of the Subdivision Control Ordinance of a camp in hereby amended by 715944 subdivision, or a final plat of a planned unit development, the � . _ subSivider or developer shall be required to pay a bution per each residential dwelling unit, in lieu of land dedication, for school, park and library purposes, in accordance with the following schedule: TYPE OF RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT: Single Family Dwelling: 3 bedroom or less 4 bedroom 5 bedroom Apartments: 1 bedroom 2 bedroom 3 bedroom _Townhouse, Row House, Quadriplex: CONTRIBUTION PER UNIT FOR: TOTAL CONT—RIDUT IOr SCHOOLS PARK LIBRARY PER UNIT $400 $400 $100 $ goo 500 500 125 1,125 600 600 175 1,375 $ 25 $180 $ 50 $ aei5 150 300 75 525 225 390 100 715 1 bedroom $ 0 $180 $ 50 $ 230 2 bedroom 75 300 75 450 3 bedroom 260 390 100 750 The cash contributions required by this paragraph shall be payable to the City either upon the sale of each lot or parcel, or at the time application is made to the City for the issuance of a residential building permit in connection with any premises in said subdivision or planned unit development, whichever event occurs first; provided however,. that, if not sooner paid, one-half of said cash contributions shall be due --A cirrh+coPn mnnf he after the final Dlat aDDroval and r11jy4 4 . In those situations where the aforesaid cash contribution AV, w is due upon an application being made for a residential building permit, such contributions shall be calculated pursuant to the above schedule on the basis of the type of residential unit to be constructed and the number of bedrooms specified in said application. In each of those situations where the aforesaid cash contribution is due and payable prior to the application for a residential building permit, such cash contribution shall be calculated pursuant to the above schedule and on the basis that the residential units to be subsequently constructed will contain a minimum of three bedrooms for each such residential unit, provided, however, that if later an application for building permit is made for more than three bedrooms, the applicant shall then be required to pay a supplementary cash contribution to make up the difference between the amount previously paid by the developer or subdivider and the amount required for the actual number of bedrooms to be constructed in such single family dwelling unit. A full and complete notice, approved by the City, regarding the aforesaid cash contribution requirements shall be affixed to and recorded with any final plat of subdivision and shall be set forth in any planned unit development ordinance enacted by the City. The City shall remit the cash contributions to the affected School District on a periodic basis no less frequently than annually. Such cash contributions, in lieu of school sites, shall be held in a special fund by the School District -A a; ')-%.r +hA gnhnnl W strict for use in the acquisition 7159 -1 serves such needs, but not for the construction of any school building or additions thereto. Section 2. Dedications and cash contributions also applicable to annexations. The cash contributions in lieu of land dedications required by this Ordinance shall also be reauired as a condition to the annexation of any land to the City and provisions therefor shall be incorporated in any pre -annexation agreement governing such land. Section -i. Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such partial invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Ordinance, which can be given effect without the invalid provision of application thereof, and to this extent the provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 4. Repeal. All Ordinances in conflict with this Amending Ordinance shall, to the extent of such conflict, be and they are hereby repealed. Section 5. -Effective date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and approval. PASSED this 21st day of November, 1977. AYES: Bolger, Nolan. Harker, Datz. Smith, Adamg. Scha .d .1 , Scbonley- NAYS : None. ABSENT: None. 715944 H M z . z a W 3 A a W -a z N H C a � a a O a >J W O F H - m _ A � H H t11 -_i - W L _ O U W -a a JJ• �D ra Ln n:7 r r's r•] In "I/ I o rn •J C :..• w O to _ N %D I N Ln i O -n Ln Co u] Cl Ln L-W N to O n V 1 p rf A R v .-i NII•'1 V .-i vi N f'f r7 N C L �] Zi lC O tD r O N rl � 0� O N Q cmVl 0 0 O tD rl O Q •'� . . . _ O v to O -4 ' O N v O fV N fV •-d r1 N N —0 N N O O 1 10 L m Q1 U �. N Un ON n beO n01N m to x ri ( ro n mmmo t0 Co1 000 O 'O [-'1 a) 0 ini t0 N I O Nan Ot I C o r, H c1 .-i o --t N U to I to m .a 1 r,1 n v v o l a O l t 0 m m N r, Q t ( .� %D. m to v n o- O Cl r7 ern t0 O .-� r1 I 0 0 t 'A r ) co . _.� •C .-� _ f .1 N f 0 0 0 7 t•i .-a .D C7 •-i 4J to m %+ 1 34 X rJ •ti _ CJ E U o Co y aD Or .n rr in Nan vO / tnN mn � ]n o W O .--i - ]!'] �O m __ .--1 `v 0% I O N r7 %D 1 N %D an n. .--1 14 1 - W O u•] p] o - • - 3 0 a O to 34 U la C 34 0 d U .0 q C to )y tD (V In � t+ r1 N V1 CD n to 0 + 1 0 .-I .n - O n o o '� r to r o v v r, r7 n • fy't v Ln n O O t-) v Ln V .n .-t r-b O N a P••-1 t-/ t o _ ; = 1 . . . . f ?. , STATE OF ILLINOIS SS. COUNTY OF McHENRY CERTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION I. the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of McHenry, in the State and County aforesaid ("the City"), and that I am the keeper of the minutes, journal of pro- ceedings and other records of the Mayor and City Council of the City. I do further certify that on the 21 st -day of November , 19__ZL_3 there was published in pamphlet form, by authority of the City Council of the City, a true, correct and complete copy of Ordinance No. 0-125 of the City providing for Amending Section V of the Subdivision Control Ordinance by adding a paragraph calling for Developer Donations revising 0-124. and that said ordinance as so published was on said date readily available for public inspection and distribution, in sufficient number, at my office as City Clerk located in the City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have affixed hereto my official signature and the seal of the City this 9th day of December , �9 77 (SEAL)