HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - O-77-115 - 08/15/1977 - WATER SEWER CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FEES AMENDEDORDINANCE NO. 0-115 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION 1. SECTION 2 and SECTION 3 of City of McHenry Ordinance No. 0-88, elating to Water and Sewer Capital Development Fee" charges be, and the same re, hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 2. The "Water and Sewer Capital Development Fee" shall be assessed against new or additional users where the new or additional use is the result of future building construction which required a building permit and which also in- volves or contemplates connection to the sewage collection and treatment system or the water system of the City of McHenry, provided however, that said fee shall be assessed to all connecting users whose property is annexed to the City after the effective date of this Amendatory Ordinance unless such fees are expressly waived or otherwise modified by pre -annexation agreement. The charges shall be payable at the time a building or connection permit is issued. SECTION 3. The "Water and Sewer Capital Development Fee" charged hereunder shall be as follows: A. For Single family residence: (1) For connection to the City water system only $300.00 (2) For connection to the City sewerage system only $300.00 (3) For connection to the City water and City Sewerage systems $600.00 B. For each multi -family residential, commercial, and industrial use, the :harge for connection to either the water or sewerage system, or to both, shall oe based on the diameter of the water tap (whether to City water or otherwise), as follows: DIAMETER CITY WATER CITY SEWER CONNECTION OF WATER CONNECTION CONNECTION TO BOTH CITY TAP ONLY ONLY WATER & SEWER 3/4 inch $350.00 $350.00 $ 700.00 1 inch 450.00 450.00 900.00 1 1/4 inch 550.00 550.00 1,100.00 1 1/2 inch 650.00 650.00 1,300.00 1 3/4 inch 750.00 750.00 1,500.00 2 inch 850.00 850.00 1,700.00 2 1/4 inch 950.00 950.00 1,900.00 2 1/2 inch 1050.00 1050.00 2.100.00 for each additional quarter inch in- crease in diameter above 2 1/2 inches 200.00 200.00 400.00 C. A separate charge shall also be assessed to each multi -family resid- ential, commercial and industrial user for connection to either the water or sewerage system, or to both, whenever such user increases the diameter of its water tap: (whether to City water or otherwise); such separate charge shall be calculated by deducting the amount of the charge specified in Paragraph B of this section for the then existing water tap diameter from the amount of the charge specified in Paragraph B of the section for the diameter to which the water tap is to increased. SECTION 2. That a copy of this Amendatory Ordinance, properly certified by the City Clerk, shall be filed in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of McHenry County, and shall be deemed notice to all owners or real estate of their iability for service supplied to any user of the service of the combined wa- ,erworks and sewerage system of said City on their properties, and it shall be the duty of the City Clerk and such other officers of this City to take all action necessary or required by the laws of the State of Illinois the reunto enabling to file all claims and liens for money due to the City and to pro- secute and enforce such claims in the manner, form and time as permitted by the laws of the State of Illinois. SECTION 3. Any person, firm, corporation, association, agent, or legal re- resentative violating the provisions of the Ordinance shall be subject to a penalty of not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) and not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), and each day that the violation continues shall subject such person to an additional penalty of not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) and not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). A determination by a court that a violation of this Ordinance has taken place and the assessment of a penalty thereof shall not preclude the City from seeking a recovery of any unpaid charges, fees, or other sums due the City under this or other ordinances because of the furnishing by the City of its utility services. SECTION 4. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Ordinance ,hall be helT invalid, the invalidity of such section, paragraph, clause or pro- ,ision shall not affect any of the other provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its pas- sage and publication as provided by law. PASSED this 15th day of August, 1977. AYES: Bolger, Harker, Datz, Schooley, Schaedel. NAYS: Smith, Adams. ABSENT: Nolan. APPROVED this 15th day of August, 1977. ATTEST: City Clerk -2-