HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - O-74-66.B - 10/21/1974 - ANNEX PETERSSEN PARK�_ �9 AN 0- ta � 6 lo-al W ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE VILLAGE OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS T WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, Illinois, is the owner of record of all the land to be annexed hereby, and . WHEREAS, no electors reside within the boundaries of the land to be annexed, and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities- find that all steps and proceedings necessary for the purpose of authorizing that the said territory may be annexed have been complied with, and WHEREAS, the annexation of said terri.tory would promote the public welfare and common good. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY -COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY,-ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION 1: That the territory described as follows, to -wit: -' 'na z of _o-= 7 as S__^_04.Tn On t ?a County Cie= s P1at- of Dart O- Sec o: s 22 and "23, Township -!IS North.,. Range o^ -ast o- Principal er=Clan as na_ zh_e ?lam th2_'20- recorded Mav 6, 1902 as Doc•,_:.e_^_t Na. 14032, hounded by a line. descr i hed :as -follows:. Co=menc'ng at th2 in a r sec `' o_7 Oa , i :e FaS _ 1ine o= Said Lot 7 w1 i .1 the ce_n-cer line of McCullor make Road; thence NOrthwesLcrly -along t 2 center lire -of said road, said center line _orming -an .angle of 43 degrees; 56 ni nutes,- 00 seconds with the East line of said Lot 7, zs measured iron North to Northwest,,.a distance oz.100.0 feel; thence Southwesterly �t =ig'.lt angles to the cer_ter line of said road, a _ di stance of 84.42 feet; `hence Southwesterly -in a .st_a4 g ht line, a - di szznce o- 966.39 =aet to a point on th 2 E asterly line of Zhe C---cagJ. o and Rao ' ro d CC=.oa=`v - _Q o= way, being also =c :•.'e8zer ly --_^_e oz Sa=_ -S 770_'�8 _ce� No:e=1`7, -S --eaSurea .=1 onC :e _a5 ze -v --'=c o- . Sa'_C o pia _v, . o- :e ::25- CC=ne= 0= sa'C _ vt 7;- - :ence So -z :2=lyJa1O_ng,- she �.asterly line _ of Sa_C rai 1—road -=g of waV, a distance o- 60 .30 feet; - thence _ - Norz_^_easterly 'n a st-alght line,. a distance or 1092. 08 feet• :to_ _ t e -place of beginning,., in McHenry County-, Illinois. \DT SO P. * RC-2L rr'rr _ Th ct par 0= Lot 7 as shot% . On . t'he' County Clerk's s Plat o= Oa?'� of_ Sec�_ons 22 ^d 23, -Towns hip 45 vorz Range 8 East o= he r'_^_' =G '- =--'-0---•al Me—J d-a_n, as. per- z^e Pl a4 - _ � -arao= recorded % av :., 1702 aS Dcc-.=-e_nt- Xo_ 140M, hounded 2DV a i*`2 casCri-bad as =o'lows: Cc er.cing at :e ___ =e= sec tian 0= t: e . '_EaS t =ima of said Lo = .7 with - =e C2_^_mac= 1-nc of ::^C::1_O_a Road;" then Cc' SOL't :T2St2=1V i:l a sz_-ic t fine, a d_sza^ca o= 1092.03 feet -o a oo___t on t e-aszar'-v -=_^_e o= t_^_c C_ icacO an^ .No z_^_westc'-'_^_ -Railroad C0: 5_ a_*1_V ==g= z o- wav, being also z__2 Wes -z2_- 7 lime. _OZ _ Sa1d • O` 7,: W__-Ch- 1S 715 _ 78 -let I 'Nort-herly, s- �ea5:, ed along t_.2 'Easterly line- of said right o- way, 0- the Sou ---west corner or said LOt 7; thence So �herlV along the Easze=ly line of said.=zil_ozd right of way,. a distance of 715.-78 feet, ^. to t_e SOuz_^.west : cara= O- Said _Lot 7; z :e:'_ce East along the South � 2. ine o= said T.ct 7, a. stance of 859.34 =ee� to t_:e Sout_;east. corner said Lot 7; t :ence Nc__ rzalong t_n_e East line, of s_ aid Lot •7,• z d_Sz.=nce O� =e2= zO t_^_2 place 0=. tJ2C�1 ^_1^�, in- McHe_nry. County, -X.Zj So _ of ^e So'�-_'_:east Quar;.er o_ Secti o:: 2 •, '"awns- _ \Or , �- e o __ O_ L._- .- d ?=? _^.C_Oa' __Z_ _C_.._. lv_ng .lest O- --.*-.aa St �.n2 0= t e r_g t- of way - Of 't e C-icaCO and Xor-_:,weszarn Railro=d CO: noany, SOLI_ o" the • ore.,iszs co nveve'd by a certain Deed recorded in Book • 97 of '.Deeds, --page llo', and' lying -So'a-th and East of a= lire -described as* follows:. Eegi nning *at' -a poinz:' n the Sout:.erly line of Lot 4. in Lakewood *Subdivision,.• being, a Subdivision of �art.o= the Southeasi Quzrtar.of said Section 22, as : -oar -_ :e -PIG-_ -_hereof recorded Only 12-;: 1.920 as Docu.men t No. 48171, point 'i s a=- G1 �� �. G .�. __O_.t -11e SO,: :easterly. and Soil.. nwe5._er1: corners of Sa i a =oz - ; -_ znce S,/u-___ 20 degrees, 30 _.._n u'tes '�-as =, .••->>.0 -ee-; �.__cnce Cu-___ 71 decrees, _2 --:L`-_e5• ::25-_, �c'l_20 -ca , -:.ra Cr IcSS, �O -_ ne OS-_ aSter_V corner OZ �_^e lands CJ_^_ve_Ved =c: `_'_ CO_OV t0 Clarc_''_C2 -: C = 10renC2 C1S0:1 bV [�Tarranty Deed dazed__�v lam; 19 =5 as �oc-,��e nz No. 202972; thence --South -88. degrees, 23 _:.inutaS West, 4-00.0 fee-_ to the Easterly line of the driveway as s oTe. o_, the Plat o= said Lakewood Subdivision, aforesaid; thence Sout-herl1 along the Easterly ?ine o- said driveway ,ar_d the Easterly line of .•.'said driveway extended, a distance of 32.39 feet .to a point .on -a - line 118 .; 83 _feet. North , � �as measured : along the --West lire thereof , and -Paralle'_ !wi -_n the South lire of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 22; -_`_ an —le Flesh -10n:• said _na-a_lel line- to t1z asz line of said 20 -oc._ ._-_vCway; zhence JO'=_ : and .'lest along :a lines O_ said drive J ZO ^_a •�cS- line 0= Z =e JO�� :e St Quarter o- sG�d JZC�-O 22; E::CeO-_= 294.0 -ea-, as -:eaSL=ec 0:: -_ :e -.J-'-_h and SO'.:- = 1--- erCo_, Of _ of said l.racz described as _o_'_o[JS. 327inn _ns z ne t:e Ori va za park CGS ze=lv o_ and ad j oini_^_g Lot 1 1 _,a awOOd Su: ,'1-'v sion, aforesaid; -thence 'North 79 degrees, 05 rii_^.u-_es Easy., 381.80 _feet, more or less, ..to .a • poirz on the Wesze=ly • - ri ghz of way lin o= the -Chicago and Northwestern Railway, -which is - 80 ^ _ 30 feet- ?7orz�wester1y -from the intersection of. -said Westerly right of way li_^_z wit- the Sout- line of the Southeasz Quarter o= Said Section 22; 1 `:?c_^_Ca Nor-zh_vr4este=lV along said Was-_e=1V ri g h.z Of ::GV 1-e, _-9-. 00 fadz;• ^_c-' ce South 7.9 decrees :':2S-, 392 _ �0 _ feed `. =0 d --_- IS _.0= _G Cc: _eaS, 0� _._=n'_tcS ...'25�, 119 _ 40 --C:: �::c C:.= -�- 0- - ---- ; Ie sout-- aeg—real _a- o_ "oeq z . __' , e ce -__.G-_ par z -_ :er eo- CaSC=_^ea as. co=en_,:.nc aZ -_ne SOu'z .eas` Corner o= .a D=-Vaza O. rk �Gs-_Cf lv of and- ac�O_n=ng mot 1 , n said La<ewooC Subdiv si on a-orCJG=c, .ence NorLn lo' degrees, 05 Minuses Wagt—, 119.40 feet; thence Souzh. 79 degrees Wes`, 25.0 `_eat to a point which is South 79 degrees West 417 _ SO feet _fro: a poinz _n the Wes-_erly right o.f wav line of. -the ' Chicago and \ort-western Railway which is 924.10 feet ?northwesterly from the 'intersection off said Weszerl_v right of way line with the. South line of said So z =east Quarter; thence South 28 degrees; '32 _^..1-^-L' yes :.aS t a'_O-^_g f ne E-aS -e=1y - 1 i ^_e o l said '_O.^- {, 124.10 fee-0 z :a _7lace :.fnn_4 g; -and also ex Ce0 c' _ng ere-roM -_ :at na-r-_ C.O::_^an_—__ C az the So:..-_ :aaS Z cc_—na= ✓O- :e _ _Iva ze .:/ar. �aS �er_V -__ �G�C,'c..� �'���_v-=_o , G-o_esa-C/ zne_ ce Sour- .C--v G g a line . ::glas -_0 ' =a NCr-znerlV. 11_^_e o c d'r-vewaV as S Own I ^t rl� l i� T -nr - h on Sa'C Plate, 3e-:^; .=_SO �: a SOt.:.2-- 7 e O- �O-_S _ _ G;_ o C said 'mark _n Sa S 1'-`i_^_ v_SO, a d'szanCa O- 215.0 -ae-_; thence �Y25: 2= . oarallel . w? �._^- zne x-o : ?arl y line- Of said dr-ivewa_V, to an lntersecm:O_n with a l-ine described- --s ]Dearing South 20-de reas, 31 ::1 nL'tas E =st_ a_^_d drawn -rom a- =.0__^_t on the SoutherlV .line Of LOt Y 1:I . Said LakewOOC Subdivision wh-C_ is 2C_u d1SLa_^_t from `he Southeasteriv and Sou-4 7h est. corners of- szyd _Io-_ -_ e_^ice Nort^arly .zlo_ng the last described .line, a C_Stanca O- 2_� _ 0 -zcC L_ Sa_d p0' nL On -__^.2 $O:�L�2rly 1=ne 0= S�:d T oz -; Z -once S-_c=' _'. a1on the Southar1 V 1=^.eS .0= :T,O'_S : _^_rou 4 sai-z _ __. , a s-_a-_ca Of 205.0 feet, to- thla place 'o-. a2g_n n_n g, Page 2. D A. SO ' P`-_RC t Dart of the 20, foot dr=vewav as shown 0. the - _a Z 0f Z :a La Cewaod Subdivision, a SUhd ' Vision of pa- z of t1n2 • S0u =eaS t. Qu==ter G= Scc-=-; o • 22, r'Owns -' D �� �0 :, Range - �zSD 0- c =___'_':. �=__n. _ a_ e=-G_c:', as e= �." a zt he=eo= =ecoraaC ---1 y 21, 29920 cS Doc­�O. : 21171, bounded zv a ___.e Gescr _Oea cS _ co- . ::C-fig _ _ �� l L =0 o s: c _ a.. a- not On :e -- esz ine o= :e SO'._D :a=st Q::arte= 0= said Saczion 22, W hicn is '75. 0 =let North o- c_^_e SO._t waS- Corner C+- said Quar zer Section, said. D0i_^.t being t :e Southwesterly Corner 0= sa_d 20 =0oz dr=Vewav; the^ce \ort : along the Vest line of Said Quarter Sec : t On , be-J M .: he - Wes z 11.^_2 Or said -.driveway, a. C'_SCa n e of 93.93 ieez t0 a point 1_1 8A3 feet NOrDh Or Dhe Sout^Wes = corner of t-_^_e So�_z^east Quarter 0= said Section 22; thence East - Daral! cl Wi ^2 SOL't^ line Of said Quarter Section, a diS zance Of 20 • 0 =aa ,- to a :.oinz On 'a r.ast 1in o= said d vewa,, ; t-fierce SOL' zh .-n :�aSu ,'_l0_^_5 c� =- =2S J= .said drzvewaV.,. o .ae "place Of tiJ' e i nni n5, n be and the same is hereby annexed to and made a part of the City of McHenry, Illinois.. SECTION 2: That the boundary lines of the City of McHenry, be .and they are hereby enlarged and extended to include within the cor- porate boundaries the above described territory. SECTION 3: That a certified copy of this Ordinance, together with an accurate map of the territory hereby annexed,. shall be filed with the Recorder of Deeds of.McHenry County, Illinois. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its.passage and approval according to law. J f /`� PASSED this , day of Cl i'c � ' 1974. 7 AYES: /J NAYS: 0 ABSENT: G sr APPROVED -this Z� day of �G� fo ,��' 1974 . ayor •. ATTEST- y ? . City Clerk Page 3.