HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - O-71-49.5 - 09/13/1971 - R2 TO BA SHADY CREST SUBIN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF JAMES F , McKINLEY AND BARBARA ) A. McKINLEY, HIS WIFE, EDWARD ) PIERONI AND JANICE PIERONI , HIS ) WIFE, AND CAROLYN JUSTEN , FOR AN ) AMENDMENT TO AND A VARIATION UNDER ) THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ) OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS, AND SUCH ) ORDINANCE AS AMENDED. ) O R D I N A N C E Q—r (,J� WEEREAS, Petitioners filed a Petition with the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of McHenry, requesting an Amend- ment to and a variation under the provisions of the City of Mchenry Zoning Ordinance, and such Ordinance as amernded , in regard to the following described property: Lot 2 and Lot 3 in Shady Crest Subdivision, a Smb- division of that part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 43 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded June 13,, 1957, as Document No. 324222, in Booh 13 of Plaits, page 28, in McHenry County, Illinois. ALSO, a certain easement along the East side of Lot 2 and the North side of Lot 3 which is approximately thirty foot in width and one hundred and forty feet in depth in Shady Crest Subdivision, a Subdivision of that part of the Northwest Quarter of the South- east Quarter of Section 27, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded June 13, 1957, as Document No. 324222, in Book 13 of Plats, page 28, in Mciknry County, Illinois- AIND, 1%-HEREAS, the Petition requested the reclassification of the subject premises from "R-2" One -Family District to "B-l" Commercial Retail District with a variation so) as to permit the continued use of the one-story ranch type Douse on Lot 3 as a residence. AND, ItiTIEREAS, a Hearing was held before the Zonaag board of Appeals of the City of 'McHenry in regard to the cmatents of the Petition, and evidence was introduced by the Petitioners at such Hearing in support of their position; AND, W- EREAS, as a result of said Hearing, and after con- sideration of the contents of the Petition and evideace' presented JOSLYN & GREEN u►r ✓OODSTC ' 71S in support of the Pe-__ _ =n , the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of McHenry did _ that a variation to permit the con- tinued use of the afc--=ztioned one-story ranch type house as a residence, if grant-_ would comply with all the standards and requirements in r: --d to the granting of variations as established by the Zc:-_ Ordinance of the City of McHenry; AND, WHEREAS, thi _: ping Board of Appeals of the City of McHenry has recommenc- =o the City Council of the City of McHenry that the recl--_fication of the subject premises from "R-2" One -Family Dist-:-- to "B-1" Commercial Retail District be granted and therea= -- a variation to permit the continued use of the one-story -__a type house located on Lot 3 as a residence be granted, __h the limitation that said variation be effective for a pe- : of five (S) years from January 1, 1972. AND, WHEREAS, the :ty Council of the City of McHenry has fully considered the -- _:--mendation as submitted by the Zoning Board of Appeals of t: - =ity of McHenry; NOW, THEREFORE: i It ordained that the Zoning Ordinance of the City of McHenr• _-id such Ordinance as amended, be and is hereby amended to -- __assify the premises above -described from "R-2" One -Family __=trict to "B-11' Commercial Retail Dis- trict; and further, be _= ordained that the provisions and re- quirements of the Zon_= Drdinance of the City of McHenry and such Ordinance as amei— _, concerning the use requirements in regard to the above-d,_-ibed premises, be and are hereby varied to permit the Petition--_ to continue to use the one-story ranch type house located on __= 3 as a residence; provided, however, that said variation si`_ be effective for a period of five (5) years from January 1, --=, and, further, that said variation shall expire on Janua-- 1977. OSLYN & GREEN - 2 - tA% ,- )ODST( = OIS This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and I after its passage as provided by Law. DATED this 13 �4 day of September, 1971. I ATTEST: II -. I City Mel,McHENRY, is Illinois Number voting Aye : 'y Number voting Nay: p l; Number abstaining: O ,', Number absent: O OSLYN & GREEN I _3 _ Law :)ODSTC )!s