HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - O-69-39.D - 06/02/1969 - GRANT VARIANCE LOT 17 MATT BAURS SUBORDINANCE NO. %-,qcj Q-�pg
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City
of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, as follows:
SECTION I: That a variation in the conditions and provisions
of the McHenry Zoning Ordinance be and it is hereby allowed for
the premises and real estate described as:
PARCEL 1: Part of Lot 17 of Matt Baur's Addition to the City
of McHenry, according to the Plat thereof recorded February 2,
1932, as Document No. 100509, in Book 7 of Plats, page 42,
described as follows, to -wit: Commencing at the Southwest
Corner of said Lot 17; thence Northeasterly on the Southerly
line of said Lot, a distance of 25.56 feet; thence Northwesterly
on a line forming ah angle of 82 degrees and 53 minutes to the
left, vith a prolongation of the last described line, a distance
-)f 98.78 feet to an intersection with the Westerly line of said
of 17; thence Southerly on the line between Lots 16 and 17,
distance of 105.08 feet to the place of beginning; said Matt
Baur's Addition being a Subdivision of part of the Southwest
Quarter of Fractional Section 26, Township 45 North, Range 8
East of the Third Principal Meridian, in McHenry County, Illinois;
PARCEL 2: A parcel of land lying North of and adjoining Lot 14
of Matt Baur's Addition, described as follows, to -wit: Com-
mencing at the Northeast Corner of said Lot 14; thence South-
westerly parallel with the Southerly line of said Lot, a dis-
tance of 50 feet to a point 250 feet Northwesterly, measured on
the Westerly line of said Lot from the most Southerly corner
thereof; thence Southeasterly, 24.81 feet to the most Westerly
corner of said Lot 14; thence Northeasterly, 55.82 feet to the
place of beginning; the above described land being located in
and being a part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26, Town-
ship 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian,
in McHenry County, Illinois; also
-1ARCEL 3:
Lot 14 of Matt Baur's Addition to the City of McHenry,
jocument No.
division of
26, Township
Meridian, in
the Plat thereof recorded February 2, 1932, as
100509, in Book 7 of Plats, page 42, being a Sub-
part of the Southwest Quarter of Fractional Section
45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal
McHenry County, Illinois; also
PARCEL 4: Lots 15 and 16, (excepting and reserving therefrom
that part described as follows, to -wit: Commencing at the most
Westerly Corner of Lot 15 aforesaid; thence Northeasterly on the
Northwesterly line of the Addition, 61.36 feet to the angle in
said line; thence Easterly on the Northerly line of Lot 16
aforesaid, 109.4 feet to the Corner between Lots 16 and 17 in
the Addition; thence Southerly on the line between said Lots 16
and 17, a distance of 142.07 feet; thence Northerly parellel with
the Westerly line of Lot 16, aforesaid, a distance of 143.79 feet;
thence Southwesterly at right angles to the last described line,
125 feet to the place of beginning), in Matt Baur's Addition,
recorded in Book 7 of Plats, page 42, being a Subdivision of part
of the Southwest Quarter of Fractional Section 26, Township 45
North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in McHenry
':ounty, Illinois,
to allow said premises and real estate to be used as a wholesale
and partial retail establishment to be operated by EBY-BROWN
1,1PANY, a corporation, including the permission to make such
repairs, alterations, improvements and re -modeling as is necessary
to promote, further and continue said operation and shall further
include the permission to construct all further facilities neces-
sary for the operation of said business, providing, however, that
any such repairs, alterations and re -modeling, shall be made in
full compliance with the Building Code of the City of McHenry.
SECTION II: That said variation is hereby allowed following
proper application having been made therefor before the Zoning
_ 3rd of Appeals of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois,
-ie and proper notice of which was given to all interested parties
in accordance with the provisions of said Ordinance, and a public
hearing held by and before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City
of McHenry and upon the affirmative recommendation of all of the
members of said Zoning Board of Appeals present and voting upon
said application.
SECTION III: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect
from and after its approval according to law.
Its Mayor
City Clerk
PASSED: June 2. 1969
- APPROVED: June 2s 1969