HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - O-44-6.A - 07/03/1944 - ANNUAL APPROPRIATIOLNC)-qq-6A AN CRMrNANCZ Mam THE JMMAL APPROPRI ION FM TSS CUMW FI WAF, YZ R BS IT ORDArNU BY THS QTY ODMML of the City of Udleary. Illinoisr S'SCTIm 11 That it in doomed neowasary in order to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of said City for the current fiscal year. that there be and there' hereby is appropriated to provide for the general tax levy and other- roaenae for the current fiscal year, the aggregate of Seventy -Tyro thousand eight handy*& and one (6nam.,m) Dollars; that the object. and purpose for which acid appropriation is made and the mounts appropriated for the same are- as follows* to-wttr Interest on bonded indebtedness ........................ S80.00 - FaUments on Maturing Hounds- ♦...........................• OD00l00 Publio- propert3r— Itaterial s and supplies .............................. 1000.00L Labor and Repairs ............................•...... 7WO00 Telephone N.N...................................... TS.00- Light anti Gars N•.•►•.►N..•.111.•...........1..NlN 150.00 Water Works-- Salariesl..1.•.....•................................ 20500.00 Hquipment, Purchases ................................. 2*000.00 Labor and Repairs- 2*000,00 mower..•......•.....•......WOO .►.....•►....M!•i.." 000 Meters•O.H006►6600000.0006060.►..•..►1..•.•....►!.! 400.00 C�all ectiom fees ..•................................•. IS0.0MO M1 scgllaneous • ►•N.. •......... • •..•.. N...........N 300.00 Salaries Poli Qt •..•. woo ..........►•.... ........•.•...•.N..♦. 115W/00 city Attorney •................ ...................... E00l00 City- Mork ..M..►..........••.. ►.......... 11 ........ 4W600 Mayor and u daritan................................... 1.000.00 Ti-Sftsaraar.•..►.................1.....►.............. 120.00 C61160!t r.NN1.HINN►.....H..N..►..•!..►...M►1 120100 Qtreats and Alloys-. Salaries.N.•M1.....•.1..1••.IN•N•N........•!M ItwO 00 U.ghtin8►•........................................... &*100000 Raterial and sgpplioV •....•..•..•.......•......•.•.. 2s500.00 CanxtructIm•N.l. NN• •.... ••. •..... •!• N1 • H! ••N. 30 *00c.00t Mi.s001140soaa.010-041-...../•...100......./.• 1.mOQ.Oa Fire Protec:tion.•..H/...................H..•.....•... 400000 Legal Fees and Court oasts N......................l..l. 450600 Maintenance: of Somaoragor Dispoeal Plant. Labor and &UPPUAM N.N11.1N.11. •.N N.1.1►•.... •.. 2*00 600 ConsbracAioa•l..N•.N••.N•..•.1......•.......N.N 1v500,00 Bower FuMd,lN.1.• MN11. •►...... N1. ►.. i1►.•• M000 10 'rawa..1.l..•..H1...N...1•N.N.•►........♦M• 150.00� �s�iarl"/..M..111........1..••1.1.1...►N11 N.N.• 15400 Band 836*00 LibacaoryN.+....../M►....M.MMN•H1.•.►►►.►.•N..... S00*00 Printi 57%00 Loss and Cost of Collecting Tamsa.....!•.•...•.......+. Ccntin�R..f 8,000.00 a►fpit N.....H M1.K.�•1 �00 ,,.�.MM.MM...N...... ev4aa�, BsLaacies �a8eaj.1.1N..•...►..NN!•.•1..N TWO100 smal-e K!1 •. H.•.►..M N.1. •..►.NM..N1 N.1 •..M..• 10000 AfntinK........H....+..........�.........N+....... I00.00 Buenano-..►....►.........►1I............... N.N1.. 4wWo Utw Fuel QawAOG Total I` mamov SECTION 96 All ceded balances of aigr heir or Items- of aW general apprWriation spade by- thf s Ordinance esET be expended In making W caw 13L- suffieiau*y- in any item or itaus In the aaaae general appropriattan and for the same general purposes or in a like appropriation made DT this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall talm effect frost and after Its passage appmml and pisblicatton* according to law. Passed this 3& d T of J-mlyj,� A. D. IgK. Approved this 3rd: day of July, A. D. I94d. yor a the City of 11c8 atr / 01 Clark