HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - O-39-2 - 03/06/1939 - ESTABLISH POLLING PLACES FOR 1939 ELECTIOND 39-C2
BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of
I•:cKenry, that:
Section 1. The Dolling places for the City election
of the -City of McHenry, to be ehld April 18th, 1939,
are as follows:
First Ward City Hall
Second Ward - Stoffel building
Third Ward A- Buch Building
Section 2. That the Judges of election, for the City
election to be held April 18th, 1939, in the first ward
are: Darwin I. 3ranger, Joseph r. Miller, Clara Adams.
"ection 3. The Judges of election, for the City election
to be held April 18th, 1939, in the second ward are:
Ray SpurlinJ, Alfred Patzke, Lisle Bassett.
Section 4. That the judges of election, foi- the Cite
election to be held April 18th, 193^ in the third ward
are: Geerge Steilen, 'ecrge Johr, ,Tohn Engeln.
Section 5. 1hat the Clerks of election, for the Cite
election to be held April 18th, 1939, in the first ward
are: Vera Purvey, Yary G. Doherty, Mary ', powers.
Section 6. That the Clerks of election,for the City
election to be held April 18th, 1939, in the second 'i7ard
are: Ella ?•,ewman, h_ayme garrison, Vera Kane.
Section 7. That the Clerks of election, for the City
election to be held Ppr:l 18th, 1Q39, in the third ward
are: Maud 7othermel, Susie Bishop, CTertrude Peber.
Section 8. All Crdinances and parts of Crdinances in
conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
�Zection 9. This Ordinance shall be in full force and
effect from and after its passage, approval and pub-
lication, according to law.
Passed: Larch 6th, 1939
Approved: Parch 6th, 1939
T'ubl i shed: Ilarch 9th, 1939
1. ORIGINAL.—P. F. Pettibone & Co.. Printers, Chicago —No. 10K 0-3q—lk
yereao, the' City Co>u-tafl —of thent�-------
of-- ICCEenr7 in the County of ............ ...........YCHODrY.. ------ - --- --- - ----and State of
Illinois, did on the QEh _ _ -- -- - day of ... ft 'Um ................... A. D. 1935 _., spass the annual
w" appropratton bill for said=' - - _CitY -- -- ------ for the fiscal year beoinainff on the --- - lli<t ---- ------ ------------ day
Of - - -------------M" ---A. D. 19--�---, the amount of which is ascertained to be the as_'regate
sum of Thii-tY_-four_-tho:uu nd __night--huwb7 ed---thtrtyr—_e
- ollars, which said appropriation bill was
duly4.- -.-Published-_- on the. _- _14th--- -- day of - -.Tlt3:y .,4. D.19 Sa Now therefore,
i6e it orbatneb by the'----------- -- city- _Camcn--------- - -- ------ --- - -- ------ of the'-- -- - -----Gity-
o of McHenry _ _ - - _ -- ---_ _ - that there be and is hereby levied upon all of the taxable
property within the corporate limits of said)--_ Citg _ ___ ___ _-- for the year .4. D. 1938 --, the total
sum of Fourteen- thousand one humdred sweaty —six _. -Dollars, for the following
specific purposes mentioned in said appropriation bill; and in the respective sums as follows, to -wit:
For interest on bonded indebtedness $----- 1140.00 S U40.00
For payment of maturinIf bonds . $-- 10W.00 - - w' 1000. 00
For sinkinIf fund to pay bonded indebtedness . $ --_ - - -._ - ------ . -- $
For hospital fund -- -- - - $. -
For maintenance of public library . $.- $
For-- - Public Pro;ier-ty----------------------------- --- - --------------------- - --- --- $---- 1000.00 1000*00 .-- ---
For- Water Works - $--- 9000.0cT _ 1000.00_ -
For - SmIaries_ $-- 2460..00 $ -- 25DO.00
For Streets and A1leylt -- $. 7000.00 $ -- 5000.00
For._ Fire Pro-teotton $------a0.Q0- $--
For - - Legal _Feet -da- CoLurt Casts $ - 800.OQ $
For paintenapce--_at- Sevaerage Disposal Plant $. 6?W.100 $----- 500.00
For - Band - ----- - 836.1Ott $36..QQ I
For PZ'iuting - 1200.00 $--- 1200, OOL
For Loss and _Cost_ cLf Collecting Taxes $- 12t10.00 -- $- --
- - - - ---- ---
For - - Contingent s --15W16.00
For - - BleortiaoQ - -
For -
For $ $
Estimated amounts receivable from sources other than taxation-206fi0.00_
Totals . $ 34$36.--- $ 54936.00
and the Clerk of sa' G'ity - - ---is hereby directed to le with the County Clerk said
Counuy certif4 copy of this ordinance.
.�'1� � _ ✓lpproved r - -----�
Clerk. s r---9 --the. CSty1--oT1fi enr�--------------
Passed- Sri bar 6th A. D. 19_W .4pproved-. - SWUN=b� Qth* A, D. -------------------19_'�..
1 City Council or President and Board of Trustees t City or Village 5 Art. iii, Sec. 13 4 Published or Posted. Art.v, Sec. 3.
5 Mayor or President of the Board of Trustee.
The fiscal year unless othermise provided by ordinance, begins the third Tuesday in April. Art. vii, Sec. 1 (Art. iv, Sec. 1).
The general appropriation bill must be passed within the firxt quarter of the fiscal year and be published or posted within one month
sfter passage, and is not in force until ten days after being published or posted. Art.vii, Sec. 2;113111. 257;116Ill. 410; 207 Ill. 566.
The Tax Levy Ordinance must not be passed until after the appropriation bill is in full force and the appropriations legally
made, viz., ten days after it is published or posted.
The Levy Ordinance must be passed before the third Tuesday in September. Art. viii., See. 1. -
It is not required that the Levy Ordinance shall be published or posted. 116111. 305.
Limitations on tax rate. Laws of 19M.
A certified copy must be sent to the County Clerk. An original ordinance is not valid for the extension of tax.
.• DtCr9, Ct11C8�0- O.
�. I C
W*reao, the----------------------------------------- ty..0 l----------------------------------- ---of.the2------ - - 01..- --- ---------------------------
YC'Se ---- _ .- ._ - - in the Count o 1[oHe>as"y----------------------- ------and State o
Illinois, did on the- - -- --6ih - --- -- -- -- - - -day of------ -- WP-------------------.,4. D. 19. ---'..,'pass the annual
appropriator bill for said-'- Ci-ty- ---- for the fiscal year -beginning on the----- -); t _ ------------------------ day
Of -- --------------- y D. 19--38- -, the amount of which is ascertained to be the aggregate
sumot 11rty- oti]c`-th �md---eight--ht�idred thiY'ty'"o�lars, which said appropriation bill was
duly' Publiehed -- on the-- - Uth day of--- • TY-7 .,4. D.19---- . Now therefore,
jZe It Orbalneb by the -------------------- - - IVt--W-Mnoil-- - -- --------- --- - of the'- -- - -- sty
of- - - -- WdEla11ry -- ---------- - -- ---- -- - - - --- --that there be and is hereby levied upon all of the taxable
property within the corporate limits of said --- - -C%t�t - - -for the year ..4. D. 19- 38- , the total
sum of rour-taim thauumd thrall_-Imndred seventy*siz- r -.-- — ---.-- -Dollars, for the follow-ing
specific purposes meittioned in said appropriation bill; and in the respectiue sums as follows, to wit:
For interest on bonded indebtedness $-------- -1M.-OG - 1140.E
For payment of maturin 6 bonds $ 10d I.OG - '- - I00000
For sink -ins fund to pay bonded indebtedness $ .. -------- $-
For hospital fund .. -- - -- -- - - $--
For maintenance of public library y -- --- $---- -- -------------- -- --
For---pllbli-a Plc p31-ty - ----------------- ---------- --- -- - - -- -- ----- -------------------- -- $... IOOQ'OQ �b` 1��«� i
For-- Wetter Wcrka: $ -- 900a.00 $ 1000.00-
For- Salaries $ $480.00 $, 25OC600
For. Streets alleys dt Electric Lights w�--- - 't0004.00 - - $ WW*100
For. Fire - Protectian s - T``�� -- $
For- rgetl--lea 2ft - Court aa&U -- ----------
For- K&*Ateaaan0* of SeWe'tage Disposal PlXaat ^--- - asm.Ocr 50a.00
For-- Ba=d -- ----------- $ 836.W $ 836.00
For Printing - - $ lEQ0,04 $ . - 1400100
For boss and Ghat of -Collecting Taxes $ ---1ZD0.00 $ -- - -- ------ ---
For Omtingent $ 1500*00
For- Elac titni - -- �.00
,For � For - e
Estimated anwunts receivable front, sources other tharz taxation - - 20460,,W -
Totals - - - - $ - _34836.00 -
,4nd the Clerk of said"---- Ckty- is hereby directed to file with the ounty Clerk; 'said
Count �y_certifi d copy of this ordinance.
Jpproved-- -�Isa
Clerk. of __thy---City-_pf - McHenry. ---- -----
Passed--- - UM:Nkr 8th .at.. D— -19- M .,4pproved ----- - --- -- _80P --D-------
t City Co— ' ident and Board of Trustees - 2 City or Village - 3 Art. iii, gee. 13 4 Pu r Posted. Art.v, Sec. 3.
5 Mayor or President of the Board of Trustee.
The fiaral year unles-q otherwise pro by ordinance, begins the thir=.cai
y in April. Art. vii, gee. 1 (Art. iv, Sec. 1).
The general appropriation bill must be in the first of thyear and be published or posted within one month
after passage, and is not do jorre until ten days after ed or posted. Art.vii, Sec. 2; 113Ill. 267;116Ill. 410; 207111. 666.
The Tax Levy Ordinance must not be passed after propristion bill is in full force and the appropriations legally
made, viz., ten days after it is published or
- -The- evy-Drdinance'muet be passed ore therthird-Tuesday in Septem -Art. wiii.; Sec. 1.,-
It is not required that the Le rdinance shall be published or posted. 116 Ill.
Limitations on tax rate. Laws of ]fa P.
A certified copy must be sent to the County Clerk. An original ordinance is not valid for the ex of tax.
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