HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - MC-90-548 - 12/05/1990 - Ch 26 W/S user ratesORDINANCE NO. MC-90-548 AN ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, McHENRY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Sections 26-24, 26-25, 26-26, 26-141, the first . sentence of Section 26-144, Sections 26-145, 26-148, 26-154 and 26- 166 (C) of the Municipal Code, City of McHenry, Illinois are hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 26-24. User rates. The bi-monthly rates for the use of water of the City waterworks through a meter shall be as follows: (1) For the first four thousand (4,000) gallons or fraction thereof, Three Dollars ($3.00). (2) For each succeeding one thousand (1,000) gallons thereof, Seventy- Five Cents ($0.75). Metered usage shall be read by the City to the lowest even increment of 1,000 gallons. Provided however, that in the case of apartment, commercial and industrial buildings having more than one rental unit, or condominium unit, each or some of which contain water service facilities, the bi-monthly rate for the use of City water shall be three dollars ($3.00) per each rental and condominium unit in such building, or the metered rate for the entire building, whichever is greater; in the case of motels and hotels which do not provide apartment rentals, nursing homes, hospitals and congregate care facilities, the bi-monthly rate shall be the metered rate for the entire building. All water charges shall be collected by the City Clerk. The owner of the premises, the occupant thereof and the user of the service shall be jointly and severally liable to pay for the service on such premises, and the service is furnished to the premises by the City upon the condition that the owner of the premises, occupant and user of the service are jointly and severally liable therefor to the City of McHenry. Sec. 26-25. Water Rates in Lakeland Park and Lakeland Shores Subdivision. Until May 1, 1992 the bi-monthly water use rates which shall be paid in the Lakeland Park and Lakeland Shores subdivision in the City by each user of the water furnished by the City through a meter shall be as follows: (1) For the first four thousand (4,000) gallons or fraction thereof, Seven Dollars ($7.00). (2) For each succeeding one thousand (1,000) gallons, One Dollar and Seventy live Cents ($1.75). Metered usage shall be read by the City to the lowest even increment of 1,000 gallons. Provided however, that in the case of apartment, commercial and industrial buildings having more than one rent& unit, or condominium unit, each or some of which contain watt service facilities, the bi-monthly rate which shall be paid for city water shall be seven dollars ($7.00) per each rental and condominium unit in such building, or the metered rate for the entire building, whichever is greater; in the case of motels and hotels which do not provide apartment rentals, nursing homes, hospitals and congregate care facilities, the bi-monthly rate shall be the metered rate for the entire building. from and after May It 1992 the water user rates paid in Lakeland Park and Lakeland shores Subdivision shall be the same rates charged in Section 26-24. See. 26-26. billing and collection. (a) Charges for voter services shall be rendered bi- monthly by the City Clerk. sN All water rates shall be collected by the City Clerk except ahereinafter provided, and all persons shall pay their bills for water consumed on or before the 20th day after bills are sailed in the months of January, `March, May, July, September and November; payment of bills for such bi-monthly periods after the 20th day that bills are sailed in said months shall subject the user to a penalty of ten (10) per cent of the amount of the unpaid bill; payment of bills for such bi-monthly periods after the 42nd day that bills are wiled shall subject the user to another penalty of ten (10) per cent of the amount of the unpaid bill or five dollars ($5.00) whichever is greater. Sec. 26-141. Sewer user service charges for unmetered users. All non -metered users of wastewater facilities within the corporate limits of the City shall pay a flat bi-monthly rate of $24.00, being the total of the fixed debt service charge, ($6.00 bi-monthly); the basic user charge of $1.00 per thousand gallons and the variable debt service charge of $0.35 per thousand gallons. Non -metered users outside the corporate limits of the City shall pay one and one-half (1 1/2) times the debt service charge portion 2 as indicated in the table below. Charges for non-astered users may be billed in monthl increments if service was received for a portion of a bi-oonUly period on a pro -rat& basis in increments of one -halt (1/2) of the bill for the bi-monthly period. Flat rate charges per bi-monthly billinq period are determined as follows: inside Coro. Limits ' Fixed Deb charge $6.00 Variable ioa Charge up to 200000 Gallons 4.66 Basic user Charge to 20,000 Gallons 1,,2 TOTAL FLAT RAT! 24.00 See. 26-144. Keter reading; sail -in card. outside Cam. Limits $9.00 7.00 J334 ' 29,34 Metered usage shall be read by the City or its agents to the lowest even increment of 11000 gallons. Bee. 26-145. Billing, due dates; delinquent penalty. (a) Charges for severage services shall be rendered bi- monthly by the City Clark. (b) All bi-monthly bills for such sewerage services shall be paid on or before the 20th day after bills are sailed in the months of January, March, May, July, September and November; payment of bills for such bi-monthly periods after the 20th day that bills are mailed in said months shall subject the user to a penalty of ten (10) per cent of the amount of the unpaid bill; payment of bills -for such bi-monthly periods after the 42nd day that bills are mailed shall subject the user to another penalty of ten (10) per cent of the mount of the unpaid bill or five dollars ($5.00) whichever is greater. (c) All sewerage charges shall be collected by the City Clerk. The owner of the premises, the occupant thereof and the user of the service shall be jointly and severally liable to pay for the service on such premises, and the service is furnished to the premiss by the City upon the condition that the owner of the prealees, occupant and user of the service are jointly and severally liable therefor to the City of McHenry. Boo. 26-148. Termination procedure. (a) in the event that the user service charges, after having been billed in accordance with this ordinance, remain unpaid for twenty-two days thereafter, the following Notice shall be 3 forwarded by first class mail, or personal service to the owner, user or occupants, at the address of the building being served by the City: (MC-89-479) NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY You are hereby notified that the sewer user service charges billed to you under the date of (insert date) under the Sewer User Service Charge Ordinance of the City of McHenry for the building located at (insert address) have not been paid and remain delinquent. If you dispute these delinquent sewer user charges that have been billed to you and desire a review thereof, you must, within ten (10) days hereafter, present your complaint or dispute in writing to the Utilities Committee of the City Council, which is empowered to review bills and to rectify any errors. In the event that you fail to file a written complaint or dispute with regard to your bill as aforesaid and also fail to pay said user service charges Within twenty (20) days hereafter, your service will be disconnected and your building will. be red -tagged as unfit for human occupancy on the 28 th day after date of this notice. Date: CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS By: City Clerk (b) The City Council hereby declares that it is against public policy for a building to be occupied by human inhabitants which has been red -tagged by the City after appropriate Notice has been given that the building is "unfit" for human occupancy." (c) In the event that such user service charges remain unpaid on the twenty-first (21st) day after the mailing or personal service of the aforesaid Notice, the following notice shall be forwarded by first class mail, or personal service to the owner, user or occupants of the building and also tacked, taped or otherwise affixed to the front door of the building or housing unit within a building: (MC-89-479) NOTICE OF TERMINATION You are hereby notified that there has been no response to the Notice of Delinquency in the payment of the sewer user service charges and the twenty (20) day period therein stated has lapsed. You are hereby notified that on (here insert date 28 days after service of Notice of Delinquency) the City will physically disconnect the 4 building sewer of your building to which it is connected and will red -tag the building located at (insert address) as "unfit for human occupancy." Date: CITY OF' MCHENRY, ILLINOIS By: City Clerk (d) The manner of severance and procedure for disconnection shall be determined by the City. Upon completion of said disconnection, the City shall forward to the occupant of the building by registered mail, return receipt requested, certified mail or personal service, a bill for the costs of making the disconnection, including all costs for labor and materials. Sec. 26-154. Effective date of rates. The rates and charges established for sewer user service in Sections 26-140 and 26-141 shall be effective as of January 1, 1991, and on bills to be rendered for each succeeding bi-monthly period thereafter. Sec. 26-166 (C). For each industrial use, the charge for connection to either the water or sewerage system, or to both, shall be as follows: (1) For connection to the City water system Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00) shall be charged for each three hundred (300) gallons of water (or fractional part thereof) used per day. (2) For connection to the City sewerage system Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00) shall be charged for each three hundred (300) gallons of sewerage (or fractional part thereof) discharged into the municipal sewer each day. At the time application is made by the industrial user to connect onto the City sewer or water, or both, the applicant shall file with the City a written estimate of applicant's daily water and sewage use, and applicant shall then pay City connection charges based on such estimates. These estimated connection charges shall be recomputed by the City at the time the applicant is billed by the City for applicant's sixth full bi-monthly period of sewer or water service, and a statement for any additional connection fees shall then be issued to and become due and payable by the applicant to the City. 5 The connection charges shall be calculated as follows: First, the average daily water usage and/or sewerage discharge shall be calculated for each of the applicant's first six (6) full bi-monthly billing periods; then the highest of the six (6) full billing periods; then the highest of the six (6) average daily amounts for water usage and/or sewerage discharge shall be used in lieu of the applicant's previous estimates in recomputing the connection charge. If the amount is found to be due from the applicant to the City for such connection charges, a ten percent (10%) surcharge of such amount shall be also paid by the applicant. SECTION 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this ordinance shall be fined not less than Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each offense committed on each day during, or on which, a violation occurs or continues. SECTION 3. All ordinances, or parts thereof, in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof, be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form, as provided by law. PASSED THIS 5th DAY OF December , 1990. AYES: Bolger, Donahue, Lieder, McClatchey, Patterson, Serritella, Smith, Teta 6 NAYS: None ABSTAINED: None ABSENT: None NOT VOTING: None APPROVED this 5th day of December , 1990. YOR ATTEST: . 7