HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - MC-84-294 - 03/05/1984 - Ch 7 Solar Energy DevicesAN ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. MC-84-294 sy BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 7 of the Municipal Code, City of McHenry, Illinois be and the same is hereby amended by adding the following provision thereto as and for Article XI thereof: ARTICLE XI. SOLAR ENERGY DEVICES Section 7-180. DEFINITIONS. As used in this ordin- ance, the following terms shall have the following mean- ings, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Collector: (Same as solar collector.) Enforcement officer: The Building Enforcing Officer of the City, or any employee authorized by him to act under this ordinance. Low slope roof: A roof with a slope of less than four inches vertically for every twelve inches horizontally, or less than 33 centimeters vertically for every meter hori- zontally. Reflector: Any device designed or intended to reflect the sun's rays to a solar collector or designed to concen- trate the sun's rays on a solar collector. Snow load: The greatest weight of' snow to be antici- pated from any snowfall in the city, to be calculated from United States Weather Bureau statistics. Solar cell: Any device designed or intended to produce electricity directly from the energy of sunlight, without moving parts. Solar collector: Any device designed or intended to collect energy from the sun and use that energy to heat air, other gas or liquid to be transmitted through pipes or ducts for heating or energy purposes. A window letting sunlight directly into a room to be heated is not a solar collector. Solar component: Any solar collector, solar engine, reflector, pipe, duct or other component of a system using solar collectors or solar engines. Solar energy engine: Any device designed or intended to produce motion from heat generated by sunlight: such motion may be by turning a wheel, pulley or gear, or by moving a shaft back and forth. The motion may be produced by a sterling engine, a steam engine, or any mechanical device using heat and light from the sun. Solar panel: A solar collector in the shape of a panel, regardless of the thickness of the panel. Wind load: Pressure of wind against any object or structure, such as a solar collector. Section 7.181. SCOPE. This ordinance shall apply to all solar collectors and all component parts of a solar system using solar collectors, installed in the city. Solar energy engines are also regulated by this ordinance, whenever such an engine or any part of such engine is mounted on a roof. This ordinance shall cover not only solar collectors on new buildings being constructed but also solar collectors on existing buildings. No such solar collector shall be installed without complying with the terms of this ordinance. Section 7.182. PERMIT REQUIRED. No solar collector or solar engine shall be installed or constructed without a permit having been issued for the solar collector. Applic- ations shall be accompanied by drawings or blueprints showing the locations and clearances from the roof of all existing and proposed solar collectors, ducts, pipes, controls and other components, -2- including those parts of the system to be installed on the roof or above the roof and those parts of the system to be installed elsewhere in the building. Methods for install- ing pipes through the roof shall be indicated. The slope of the roof shall be indicated. The application shall be accompanied by specifications for any manufactured compon- ents to be installed and shall contain a complete descrip- tion of any components to be fabricated on or off the site for the installation. Section 7.183. LOCATION; HEIGHT AND SET -BACK. All solar collectors shall be installed either on the roof of the main building or shall be otherwise incorporated into and made an integral part of the main building itself. The maximum height and set -back regulations of the city zoning ordinance shall be observed. Section 7.184. SLOPE No solar collector, solar engine or accessories, pipes or ducts for any solar collector or solar engine shall be installed on any roof having a slope of less than two percent (one-fourth of an inch per foot or 2 centimeters per meter). Section 7.185. INSTALLATIONS ON LOW SLOPED ROOFS. Installations on low sloped roofs shall comply with the following requirements: (a) Clearances: All collectors, reflectors, engines, pipes, ducts and other components shall have sufficient clearance between the roof and the installation to permit roof repairs to be made and to permit circulation of air to avoid constant dampness, considering the configuration and loca- tion of the solar components and the roof. A space of two feet or 61 centimeters shall be adequate clearance in all instances, provided that a smaller space shall be permitted if it can be demonstrated that all normal repairs and resurfacings of the roof may be made under the proposed clearances. The clearances required herein shall not apply to vertical pipes installed through the roof surface or installed outside of the outside walls to provide access to solar components. -3- ( b ) Load capacity: No solar component shall be installed on any roof unless the roof has sufficient capacity to hold the weight of the roof, the weight of the solar components and the anticipated snow load. The weight of fluid to be used in any panels, pipes or other components will be included in the calculations of load. In determining the anticipated snow load, the effect of the solar components on causiing drifting shall be considered. If the rated capacity of the roof structure is at least one and one half times the weight of the roof components, the solar components and the anticipated snow load, the roof structure shall be deemed to have sufficient loan capacity. (c) Protection from drifting or sliding snow: On any installation where solar collectors, solar engines and reflectors may cause snow to drift on a roof, provisions shall be made by snow fences, chutes or other barriers to prevent snowdrifts from accumulating on the roof. Wherever a solar collector, or other solar component may cause snow to slide, the part of the roof where the snow may accumulate as a result of sliding shall have sufficient capacity to hold the weight of the snow anticipated to accumulate because of sliding. Wherever the location and slope of a solar collector or other solar component may cause snow to slide onto any doorway, sidewalk or other place used by pedestrian traffic, protection in the form of chutes, awnings or other devices shall be provided to prevent any snow from sliding onto any such doorway, sidewalk or other place. (d) Roof penetration: Wherever any pipe, duct or other solar component penetrates the surface of a roof, the roof shall be protected from leaks in the manner provided for any stack, pipe or conduit penetrating the roof surface. (e) Roof preparation: Before any solar component is installed, the roof shall be inspected and any repairs and maintenance work needed shall be done to put the roof in leak proof condition. -4- Section 7.186 INSTALLATIONS ON ROOFS OTHER THAN LOW SLOPED ROOFS. All of the requirements for installations on low sloped roofs shall apply to installations on roofs other than low sloped roofs, except that in lieu of clearance from the roof, a solar panel) may be attached flush to the roof. Such solar panel may be an integral part of the roof, providing a waterproof cover, with a waterproof seal between the panel and the, rest of the roof. If such panel is not made an integral part of the roof but is attached flush with the roof, the top and sides of the panel shall be sealed where they meet the roof surface or shingles, to prevent water from getting under the panel. Section 7.187. ACCESS. Any roof above the ground shall be provided with other than an outside ladder against an solar components shall be installed in interfere with walkways on any roof. over three stories a means of access outside wall. No location so as to Section 7.188 LEAK PROOF COMPONENTS. Each solar component which may contain any liquid or gas shall be designed and constructed to prevent the leakage of any liquid or gas under any combination of temperature and pressure possible either during use or when the system is not in use. Section 7.189. WIND PRESSURE. Each solar collector, solar panel and solar engine shall be securely anchored to withstand the maximum wind pressure anticipated, consider- ing the effects, if any, of the solar components in chan- neling wind, and without considering the weight of any liquid in the components. Section 7.190. INSPECTIONS AND REPAIRS. Each solar collector, reflector, solar engine and all solar components shall be inspected at least once each year. Such inspec- tions shall be at the owners expense, and may be made by any qualified person selected by the owner. The inspection shall include looking for any evidence of dampness on the roof due to shading, lack of air circulation or leaks, and shall include examining the structural parts securing all components. A certified report of such inspection shall be filed annually by, or on behalf of the owner/applicant with the Building Enforcing Officer on or before March 1 of each year. -5- Section 7.191. INNOVATIVE DESIGNS. Nothing in this ordinance shall be interpreted as prohibiting any innova- tive design. Any design not specifically permitted by this ordinance may be installed, upon a showing that the pro- posed system of solar components will achieve the safety objectives and structural objectives of the provisions of this ordinance. Section 7.192. ADJOINING PROPERTY. Nothing herein contained nor any permit issued hereunder, shall be con- structed to restrict or limit the use and development of any adjoining or other premises. SECTION 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating ce shall be fined not less any provision of this ordinan than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each offense committed on each day during, or on which, a violation occurs or continues. SECTION 3. All ordinances, or parts thereof, in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof, be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form, as provided by law. -6- PASSED this 5th day of March, 1984. AYES: Busse, Bolger, Nolan, Datz, McCla[tche Smith. Snell and Serritella. NAYS: None ABSTAINED: None ABSENT: None NOT VOTING: None APPROVED this 5th day of March, 1984. ATTEST: -7-