HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - MC-79-158 - 07/02/1979 - Ch 26 scavenger feesMC-79-157 AN ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE -CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 21-20 of the "Municipal Code, City of HicHenry, Illinois_" be and it is hereby amended so as to read as fol- lows: Section 21-20. House Numbering. (a) All lhouses, buildings and structures in the City shall be numbered in accordance with the United States Postal Department recori-nended numbering system. (b) No occupancy permit shall be issued in connection with any building permit until and unless the numbering re- �quirements of this ordinance are satisfied. (c) It shall be the duty of the owner and occupant of every house, building and structure in the City to have placed and maintained thereon, in a place clearly visable at all times from the street, figures no less than three inches in height showing the number of house, building or structure. (d) The authorized numbering chart and plan shall be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk. �_� M J_Z� (e) ber any Any person, firm house, building or or corporation failing to so num- structure -owned or occupied by ✓'-.r him after receiving notice to do so from the City Clerk shall be fined not less than One Dollar (S1.00) nor more than Ten Dollars (SIO.00) for each day on which the failure to so num- ber continues. SECTION 2. All ordinances in conflict herewith are repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. PASSED this 2nd day of July, 1979: AYES:p �;A6 Ala LAN. PARVER, bTZ } AA -ESE f1�5 SCNaoI-El ) t'1v�E� I4AYS : Nn AJ E . ABSENT: AInA1E . APPROVED this 2nd day of July, 1979. AT-1 EST: Ci t�Ce rk "Fayor