HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - MC-77-110 - 03/21/1977 - personnel policyAN ORDINANCE 1p e - %/Z //O Be it ordained by the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1. Sections 2-73 through 2-86, inclusive, -of the un c pa Code, City of McHenry,, Illinois, be and it is hereby amended, to read as follows: SECTION 2 - 73. WORK TOURS, & OVERTIME PROVISIONS A. A normal. work week for full-time employees shall consist of five (5) eight (8) hour work days in each calendar week unless specifier otherwise. B. All full-time salaries as stated shall be for -a forty (40) hour work week, unless specified otherwise- C. With the exception of police officers, the payment of overtime wages shall be made in all cases after 8 hours worked in any single day and all hours worked in excess of 40 in any calendar week. Compensatory time off in lieu of overtime pay shall be offered to police officers below the rank of lieutenant and scheduled during the current 28 day pay period. If it is impossible to schedule compensatory time off during the current pay period, overtime shall be paid. Compen- satory time off may .be deferred beyond the current pay period only with the approval of the individual, and only a maximum of eight (8) hours may be deferred. D. Due to the nature of some city jobs which do not require a fixed number of hours per day, week or month, hourly wage rates and schedules may be indicated. E. With the! exception of police officers, all city employees shall be paid time and one-half for overtime. The overtime rate for police officers including the lieutenant shall be their hourly rate plus $1.50 per hour. Only under special circumstances will the lieutenant of police be considered for overtime pay. It is generally recognized that this supervisory position may require more than 40 hours of on -duty time every week. This is or part: time employees served by the IMRF and/or Police Pension Fund or any other such pension plan in which the City of McHenry participates. SECTION 2 - 75 SICKNESS & ACCIDENT BENEFITS A. The cit:y shall pay the full cost of the employees Health and Accident Insurance Plan. The insurance coverage shall only be offered to full-time employees whose normal work schedule is at least 40 hours Per week. Part-time employees and summer employees -are not eligible. INSURANCE WAIVERS. Some employees may be covered by other insurance plans. Therefore, employees shall be given the option of "waiving" the hospital, medical and surgical coverage provided by the city in return for a monthly salary "additive". This can be accomplished by signing a waiver form provided by the city. 'Phis waiver may be cancelled by written request by the employee at a later date. In consideration for signing the waiver, the employee shall receive a monthly salary additive of $25 for waiving "family" Coverage or a monthly salary additive of $12.50 for waiving "individual" coverage. Signing a waiver does not exclude an employee from receiving pay for time off as provided for in Section 7-75, B. B. The ciity shall further agree to pay to sick or injured employees additional amounts so that benefits, based on years of service, shall equal said employee's full salary for the indicated periods of time. The city's share shall be determined after allowance for workmen's Compensation, insurance payment or coverage, where premiw;ns for said coverage are paid by the City: (1) ACCIDENT BENEFITS - provided in the event of accident, injury 7 F. G. H. I. J. taken into consideration when the Lieutenant's annual salary is established. Overtime pay may be considered to cover emergency situations such as "call -outs". Overtime pay will not be granted to the lieutenant for shift coverage and court 'appearances. Overtime for the lieutenant may be paid upon approval of the Chief of Police. Overtime work within a department shall be offered first to the employee with the necessary skills who has; the lowest amount of overtime. Every effort must be made to spread overtime equally among employees. Paid overtime will not be available to the Chief of Police and the Superintendent of Public Works. be taken at their discretion. Compensatory time off may Merit increases for outstanding performance may be approved upon the recommendation of the appropriate Department Head and review by the ]Finance Committee. No merit raise shall exceed the next step on the -wage schedule. No employee shall receive more than one merit raise in a fiscal year (May 1 - April 30). New employees may be given salary credit for prior comparable service. This salary credit -shall not exceed the one-year step on the appropriate wage guide. The application of this pro- vision in the salary treatment plan will require a recommendation by the Department head and City Council approval. Department heads can withhold a scheduled salary increase in cases :involving sub -standard performance upon the recommendation of the department head and approval of the City -Council prior to the scheduled effective date of said increase. SECTION 2 - 74 AGE LIMITATIONS A. Unless -otherwise specified by ordinance or statute, the maximum age for employment shall be 65 years of age (effective January'..l, 1975). This provision is applicable -only to those full time 4 or sickness arising out of employment with the City: (a) under 3 years of service ---- Six (6) weeks full pay (b) over 3 years of service ---- Thirteen (13) weeks full pay (2) SICIKNESS BENEFITS - provided in the event of non -job related sickness or injury: (a) Under one year of service ---- No Pay * (b) Over one year of service but less than three ---- lst and 2nd day - no pay ---- 3rd, 4th and 5th day - full pay ---- Thereafter - no pay (insurance benefits will apply). (c) Over three years service ---- full pay for four weeks (adjustments will be made for reimbursements from insurance coverage that takes effect on the 8th calendar day of absence). (IMRF pays benefits after 30 days). * this provision shall apply separately to each case of absence. C. Payment for absences other than sickness or accident may be made at the discretion of each department head.. SECTION 2 - 76 VACATION A. The vacation period shall be .1 January through 31 December and all vacation shall be taken in the year in which it was earned_ B_ Effective 1 May 1974, vacation shall be granted to regular full time employees as follows: (1) After 6 months of service ---- :1 week. (2) -After 1 year of service ---- 2 weeks. * When terms of employment of six months and one year are completed in the same calandar year, only 2 weeks of vacation will be granted. The appropriate vacation credit .shall accrue on 1 January of each calandar year thereafter. (3) After 10 years ---- 3 weeks (4) After 15 years - 3 weeks plus 1 additional day for each year over 15 through the 20th year (maximum 4 weeks) (5) Employees receiving 3 or more weeks of vacation must take 1 week between January 1 and April 30 or Oct. 1 thru December 31. C. No more than 15% of the employees in any department shall be granted vacation at the same time, and vacation periods shall be chosen by seniority as follows:* (1) All employees select a maximum of 2 weeks by seniority. (7) Additional vacation days are then chosen by seniority. * deviations may be allowed only with the written permission of the appropriate department head. D. Regular part-time employees working schedules of 20-39 hours a week will be entitled to one-half of the vacation allowance stated for years of service in Section 2-76,B. Temporary and summer employees are not entitled to vacation allowances. ST -'?'ION 2 - 80 HOLIDAYS A. The following days will be recognized as Holidays for all City employees and for which one day's wages at the regular (straight time) rate will be paid. New Year's Day Good Friday 12 Noon-5 P.M. (11 day = 4 hours pay) Memorial Day Independance Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Birthday _ 4 Personal Day - A day chosen by each individual and scheduled at the time that vacation schedules are drawn up. B. All Holidays falling on Sunday will be celebrated on Monday. C. All -Holidays falling on Saturday, or any other non -work day, or during a vacation, will be treatbd as a personal day to be scheduled at some future date within the calendar year. In the event that this "personal day" is not taken, the employee will be entitled to one day's pay at the straight time rate that was in effect on the holiday. Payment for all personal days not taken will be made no later than December 20th of each year. D. •bue to the fact that Police Officers and Dispatchers work ro- tating 24 hour a day schedules and perform services that cannot be suspended, they shall be given the option of taking com- pensatory time -off or receiving pay at the straight time rate for all holidays. The employee who elects the option of pay in lieu of time -off shall receive a check for the number of holidays including the Christmas Holiday not taken no later than December 20th of each year. E. A yearly calendar or memorandum shall be published indicating Holidays. F. Regular Part -Time employees working schedules of 20-39 hours a week will be entitled to holiday pay according to their normal scheduled daily rate for the holidays specified in Section 2-80, A. Temporary and summer employees are not entitled to holiday benefit_ SECTION 2 - 131 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE A. The city will provide uniforms or allownaces.for uniforms on the following basis. a . (1) Uniformed Females ---- Initial uniform plus ,$80_ 00 per annum S allowance. No personal items or hardware. (2) Police Department ---- All new employees will be required to purchase their initial uniform. This cost will be re- imbursed after the employee satisfactorly completes 1 year of service. There -after, tLaQQO per annum allowance. No personal items or hardware. (For example: underwear, gun) The city may in addition to the above, purchase clothing items when the department initiates changes in the standard uniform, but not more often than every 2 years. (3) Public Works and Water Department ---- All regular, full- time employees will be entitled to 2 uniforms of pants and shirt plus one coverall each year- (4) Sewer Plant ---- all regular, full-time employees shall be provided with the necessary uniforms; by either purchase or rental. (5) Clothing provided by the city shall remain the property of the City. (6_) Uniform allowance shall not apply to the civilian clothes worn by plain clothes officers. SFr'TION Z-- 8:1. STRIKES, SLOWDOWNS AND ABSENTEEISM. A_ That strikes, deliberate work slowdown and absenteeism from work without cause by any employee of the City of McHenry are hereby prohibited. B. Any employee of the City of McHenry who engages in a strike against the City of McHenry, or who deliberately absents himself from his job without cause, shall be subject to the possibility of permanent discharge from his employment with the City of McHenry. _ SECTION 2 - 83 ABSENTEEISM A. Employees with excessive records of absenteeism may be reclassified to part: -time status and forfeit the Sickness and Accident Insurance T and the Holiday and Vacation Benefits normally applicable to regular full-time employees. This action may be taken upon the recommendation of.the Department Head and the approval of the Labor Relations Committee. If approved, the employee's -part- time status shall be determined by computing the average number of weekly hours worked during the prece:eding 6 month period. The employee may be returned to full-time status upon the re- commendation of the Department Head and the approval of the Labor. -Relations -Committee. SECTION 2 - 84 PROMOTIONS A. A promotion shall be defined as moving to a job with a higher salary maximum. Employees promoted to non -supervisory jobs shall retain their longevity and not forfeit their time in title on the new wage schedule. Employees promoted to supervisory jobs will be paid according to the starting rate stated in the wage schedule for that job.- Supervisory jobs are defined as Super- intendent of Public Works, Chief of Police, Lieutenant of Police, Sergeant of Police, Chief Operator (Sewer Dept.), Supervisor -in - Charge (Water Dept.) and Deputy Inspector (Public Works Dept.). SECTION 2 - 85 REIMBURSEMENT FOR EXPENSES A. Any City employee who incurs out-of-pocket expenses in connection with city sponsored events or training shall be entitled to reimbursement as follows: (1) Mileage: 13 cents per mile (or actual-trainfare). Overnight Lodging: if required, at actual cost. (2) Breadfast & Dinner: if overnight lodgings are required, at actual cost (dinner not to exceed $8.00). (3) Dinner: if the employee is required to be away from home during the normal dinner hours (5-7 P.M.) and this is not part of a normal on -duty work shift (dinner not to exceed $8.0 7 (4) Other Expense: only with prior approval of department heads. B. Any unusual situations may be referred to the Finance Committee. Employees who are enrolled in city sponsored schooling at locations more than 75 miles from the City of McHenry, will be reimbursed for traveling expenses to and from home only once every two weeks. C. With the! exception of mileage, the employee will be required to submit paid receipts to qualify for reimbursements. These receipts must accompany an itemized statement of expenses.and must be approved by the department head. The out--of-pocket expenses of department heads will require approval of the Finance Committee. D. Prior to schooling, employees may obtain a cash advance from the City C1E!rk. Actual expenses incurred will be deducted from this `advance and the balance (if any) will be .repaid to the City. Should the expenses exceed the advance, the amount over and above the advanced amount shall be reimbursed to the employee. SECTION s - 86 JURY DiTI'Y PAY A. When an employee is called to serve on Jury Duty, he will be paid his usual salary and will, in turn, turn over his Jury Duty Pay from the County to the City Treasury. I] 10 AUTHORIZATION TO CANCEL EMPLOYEE'S MEDICAL, HOSPITAL ;AND SURGICAL INSURANCE COVERAGE WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, Illinois, furnishes its employees and their dependents with hospital, medical and - surgical insurance coverage, and WHEREAS, I have determined that it :is more advantageous for me to discontinue receiving such insurance coverage in return for my receiving from the City the sum of $ per month in addition to my salary, and WHEREAS,' the City is agreeable to this arrangement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the payment by the City to me of the sum of $ each month in addition to my salary, --I hereby request the City to remove me and my dependents from coverage from -the aforesaid insurance program and I hereby remise, release and forever discharge the City of and from all manner of demands or claims or causes of action of any 'kind whatsoever for such insurance coverage or benefits for myself and for my dependents. of IN! WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has this day 19 signed and sealed this Authorization. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) SS. COUNTY OF MC.HENRY ) I,. the undersigned, a Notary Public:, in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that personally known to me to be the same person whose name subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that h signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument as free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN under my hand and official seal, this _ day of 19 . NOTARY PUBLIC 11 Section 2. All ordinances, or parts thereof, in conflic w t t e provisions of the aforesaid sections be and the same are hereby repealed, to the extent of such conflict. Section 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED this 21st day of March, 1977.7� AYES : _d 4-C.f R / E�°Pi N ,t/AiP�E� J q7z . SM 1' 7 f/ NAYS: //aIU F ABSENT : ) EG E N r-& APPROVED: this 21st day of March,_ 1977. i ATTEST: -L/- 7" r WAGE RATES -- 1977-1978 / - 7 7 SALARIED EMPLOYEES: weekly yearly Supt. of Public Works 382.70 19,900.00 No overtime Chief of Police 375.00 19,500.00 Minimum of 40 hrs. per week Lieut. of Police 362.50 18,850.00 PART-TIME/TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES: .per hr. Auxiliary Police 4.50 Crossing Guards 3.75 Lifeguards 3.15 (guarantee a 20 hr. week Lifeguard in charge 3.40 (g week) -(overtime -- 1) Janitors -- maximum supplement to social security benefits = 3,000.00 yearly. P- %ing Meter Maintenance -- $2080 Annual. ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICIALS: Mayor: Aldermen: City Attorney: City Clerk:** City Collector: Treasurer: Police Commission Member: Board of Health Chairman K —ber $3200.00 annual 50.00 per meeting 1000.00 annual retainer 10000.00 annual :3500.00 annual 11500.00 annual 180.00 annual 50.00 annual 25.00 annual **The City Clerk is considered a full time employee of the City and,in addition to other official functions,will be res- ponsible for supervision of clerical help in the City Clerk's office. 1.2. 1.., I 1.■...■....■ l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 2 . a a 2 1 + GENERAL SALARY ADJUSTMENTS WILL BE: + +.- For Fiscal Year 1977-78.... 7 Percent. + + For Fiscal Year 1978-79.... Cost of Living + + Increase. + + Cost of Living will be the increase in the + + Chicago Metropolitian index as determined + + by the Federal Government Department of + + Labor. + 1 a 11 2 1. 1 l a i i i i 2 1 l i a a 2 i i I. WAGE RATES -- 1977-1978 Sergeant Patrolman yearly weekly pr. hr. yearly weekly pr. hr. Start 15,288.00 294.00 7.35 11,752.00 226.00 5.65 6 Mos. 12,272.00 236.00 5.90 12 Mos. 15,808.00 304.00 7.60 13,000.00 250.00 6.25 24 Mos. 16,224.00 312.00 7.80 13,572.00 261.00 6.525 36 Mos. 16,744.00 322.00 8.05 14,144.00 272.00 6.80 48 Mos. 17,160.00 330.00 8.25 14,872.00 286.00 7.15 60 Mos. 17,680.00 340.00 8.50 Hours per week 40 40 Overtime rate hr. rate & 1.50 hr. rate & $1.50 ---------------------•---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meter Service Collect & Repair Collect Only yearly weekly pr hr. yearly weekly pr hr. Start 8,736.00 168.00 4.20 7,800.00 150.00 3.75 6 Mos. 9,048.00 174.00 4.35 8,008.00 154.00 3.85 12 Mos. 9,360.00 180.00 4.50 8,216.00 158.00 3.95 24 Mos. 9,776.00 188.00 4.70 8,736.00 168.00 4.20 36 Mos. 10,192.00 196.00 4.90 9,360.00 180.00 4.50 COLLECT --collect monies, issue tickets and account for monies. COLLECT & REPAIR --collect monies, issue tickets, account for monies, repair parking meters and other assigned duties. METER PERSON TO REPORT TO CHIEF OF POLICE. n WAAF RATFC __ 1Q77_1Q7R .._Art 6 Mos. 12 Mos. 18 Mos. 24 Mos. 30 Mos. 4th Class 3rd Class 2nd Class Ass t. Chief "hief Oper. Supv. In Chg. Deputy Insp. Sewer Dept. yearly weekly 9,360.00 180.00 10,140.00 195.00 11,128.00 214.00 12,012.00 231.00 12,688.00 244.00 13,520.00 260.00 13,520.00 260.00 13,780.00 265.00 14,040.00 270.00 14,300.00 275.00 16,120.00 310.00 Hours per week 40 ----------------------------------------- Overtime rate 115 time Gen'l Public Works yearly weekly Start 9,360.00 180.00 6 Mos. 10,140.00 195.00 • .CFI 12 Mos. 11,128.00 214.00 18 Mos. 12,012.00 231.00 f i kq Mos. 12,688.00 244.00 :y 30 Mos. 13,520.00 260.00 _.` Deputy Insp. 14,040.00 270.00 Hours per week 40 .,, Overtime rate lk time w. Water Dept. pr hr. ,yearly weekly pr hr. 4.50 9,360.00 180.00 4.50 4.875 10,140.00 195.00 4.875 5.35 11,128.00 214.00 5.35 5.775 12,012.00 231.00 5.775 6.10 12,688.00 244.00 6.10 6.50 13,520.00 260.00 6.50 6.50 6.625 6.75 6.875 7.75 15,288.00 294.00 7.35 40 1 h time Summer Help pr hr. weekly pr hr. 4.50 1st yr. 96.00 2.40 4.875 2nd yr. 106.00 2.65 5.35 3rd yr. 126.00 3.15 5.775 4th yr. 136.00 3.40 6.10 6.50 6.75 40 1 time • WAGE RATES -- 1977-1978 (Deputy City Clerk All Clerical Depts . yearly weekly pr hr. yearly weekly pr hr. Start 7,488.00 144.00 3.60 6,760.00 130.00 3.25 6 Mos. 8,528.00 164.00 4.10 7,280.00 140.00 3.50 12 Mos. 9,048.00 174.00 4.35 7,800.00 150.00 3.75 24 Mos. 9,568.00 184.00 4.60 8,320.00 160.00 -4.00 36 Mos. 10,140.00 195.00 4.875 8,840.00 170.00 4.25 48 Mos. 9,360.00 180.00 4.50 Hours per week 40 20 to 40 Overtime rate 1h time 135 time ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comm. Desk yearly weekly pr hr. !Start 7,800.00 150.00 3.75 12 Mos. 8,216.00 158.00 3.95 4 Mos. 8,736.00 168.00 4.20 6 Mos. 9,360.00 180.00 4.50 48 Mos. 10.192.00 196.00 4.90 ours per week 40 vertime rate PS time . -1