HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - MC-72-64 - 12/18/1972 - ward redistrictingLOOZE & KINNE ATTO YS 3431 W. E,­ STREET MCHENRY. ILLINOIS MC-64 /Vf C � 7c2- -6 z/ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EXISTING WARD DISTRICTING IN THE CITY OF McHENRY WHEREAS, certain territories, lots, tracts, and plots, have been annexed to the City of McHenry, Illinois, subsequent to the redistricting of the City of McHenry and the establishment of ward lines by Ordinance MC-49, which was passed and approved on the 28th day of December, 1970, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to cause these various parcels to be placed in appropriate wards throughout the City of McHenry. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois, that Section 17, Article II, of Chapter 2 of the Municipal Code of the City of McHenry as established under Ordinance MC-49, "An Ordinance Redistricting the City of McHenry", be and hereby is amended as follows: Included within the boundaries of the SECOND WARD are the following described premises: Lots 1 and 2 in Block 1 in Hay Heights Subdivision, a Subdivision of Lots 3 to 8 in Kelter Estates Sub- division, Unit No. 2, a Subdivision of part of the East Half of Section 34, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded May 10, 1955 as Document No. 292394 in Book 12 of Plats, page 25, in McHenry County, Illinois. Included within the boundaries of the THIRD WARD are the following described premises: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Included within the boundaries of the FOURTH WARD are the following described premises: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, lying Southwesterly of the Chicago and North Western Railroad right--of-way, in McHenry County, Illinois. - 1 - CERT. OF PUBLICATION ATTACHED TO ORIGIro L THIS ORDINANCE shall be in full force and effect from and after its approval, passage and publication as is by statute provided. PASSED and approved this 18th day of December, 1972. EEC �G L _ J Mayor Atte st; ---- City �Aerk Voting Aye: " Voting Nay: 11, . - Absent: LOOZE P, KINNE A77C YS 3431 W. ELM STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS - 2 - G-94010 Office of Mcllenry County, Illinois, in Look 273 of Deeds, pane 413; thence <�'cst along the North line of land so deeded 165 feet to the Northwest corner of land so cleeded; thence at r i(-iht anglelj North 201 feet to a sta.'ce on the :,outhwost :Line of the ilcC:ulloris Lake Road; thence Southeast along the Southv.rest line of ::ai(; ,toad 229 feat to the blest line of State Iligh%.iay Road 31; thence "ouch along the hest line of said State Ilighway, 120 feet to the place Of bec7inninc7) , also except (that part of the East Half of the wost. Quarter of 10'ectlon 26, 'Township 45 Nor'"h, Range 3 Last Oi t:ie Third principal Meridian, lying Northerly of the center of the public highway described as follows: Beginning on the Forth line of said Section at a point 1105.45 feet Kest from the Nor"-1-1 Quarter corner thereof; thence South on a line forming an ancjlc of 39 c:egrees, 21 minutes to tho left with a prolongation of said Section line for a distance of 23S.4 feet to an intersection with the center line of the public highway; thence Nortliviesterly along the center of said hir,hwa 7 being on a like forming an angle of 127 Oedrees , 34 minutes to the right wlch a prolongation of the last described line for a distance of 220.95 feet to a point; thence North in a direct line 101.75 fact to a point in the North line of said Section that is 174 feet [,,eat fro the aforccaid glace of beginning; thence East 174 feet to the place of beginning), also except (part of •che Nortiz%•jest guar -or of Section 26, Toc:,nship 45 North, Range 3 East of the Third Principal meridian, descr il3ad as follows: deginninq at a point on tl-ie South line of said Northwest Quarter, , 7 .6 . 1 '` ' s corner � r T' �' i:Ce �. �',CS � Of the �OU'ChCc..�L t_ C'_"GO:. ; thonce ::est along the South line or said Nort.Lwest Quarter, 613.53 feet; thence North parallel witil the Last Line O Ste.=Ct .:Orth�:CSt Quarter, 255.630 feet to a point; -thence East parallel with the South line of Said Nort::west Quarter for a distance of 613.533 feet t0 t::e Northwest corner of �70odlawn Cemetery; thence So l.h-lOnc- the �' Cs t line of said cemetery, 295.68 feet _o the place of beca.nni^g), also th e._ceot (part of the 'Northwest. Qu:.rter ofSection26, To:•7nship 45 :% _ _ Range o East of the Third Teri ncinal ; ieridian , described as _OIloWs : C ou.:,iancing at a point on thy? -_,'asp line of said 508.68 feet 'North of the Souche,:st corner thereof; c"ence :•,est oarallc wi-Ch tho South line Of sa'_G Quarter for c._ distance of 95 feet for a place of begi:_n i ng; '.:_.once North paral_el th the _wst line of said North:•Test nu-._tcr nor a di stance of 132 feet; ch ence [•Zest parallel with t::c South lire of ' lie said I1orc':.:; st Quarter 70 feet; thence South parallel ;•ilth ',:!:e )vast. .1 ine of said Northwest Quarter, 132 feet; thence Last 70 feet t0 the place Of beginni r_g; ALSO, part Of the Lvorth,..'eSt Quar cr of Section 26,-10.MShlp 45 .±Orth, Range 3 East -of the Third Principal i".eridian, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the East line of said i•;orthwest nuartcr, 503.62 feet !north of the Southeast corner thereof; thence ,'est paralle with the South line of said 2?orthwest Quarter for a distance of 95 , feet; thence ~Fast on a continuation of the last described line for a distance of 70 feet for a place of beginning; thence llorth parallel with the East line of said Northwest Quarter for a distance of 4 feet; thence [Zest parallel with the ouch line of said Northwest Quarter, 1194.63 foot to a point; thence South parallel with the Easy line of PA CTM 1: The East rlal.f of the Northwest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter fo the Northwest Quarter of Section 2G, Townshin 45 ::orth, :Zange 8 east of the Third Principal Meridian, (except that part thereof conveyed by Jacob Freund and Rosa Freund, his wife, to W. John Paetz, by Deed dated June 2, 1945 and recorded June 15, 19�5 in Hook 273 of L'eeds,page 413) and also (except G acres in the South- east corner of said Northwest Quarter of said Section 26 used for cemetery purposes) and also (except a strip of land 2 rods in the ,lorthwcst corner of said :.•.'ast Nalf of the said Northwc st Quarter o- said Section 26 extending from the highway North to •t::c Section lire) also e.:cept (that part of the Southeast Quarter of t-c North%•:est Quarter of Section 26, Township 45 i;orth, Range 8 as` of the Third Princ' oal Meridian, :bounded as follows: Coru'.lcncing a-.: t::e �.ortheaSt corner of Woodland Cemetery Lot; thence :.esz: on the North line of said Lot, 13 1/3 rods; thence North 12 rods, thence East parallel with ti-e first named line 13 1/3 rods; thence South 12 rods to -she place of beginning; also beginning at the Northwest corner of _ irst :,.ddltio_n to the St. Mary's Cc:iietery �'ilich =s platted hart cf t_ie Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Townshi n 15 North, Range 8 Last of the Third Pri ncinal Meridian, said �cc:iti on be_ng part of Lot 2 of the County Clerk's Plat and recorded on th_a 20th day of June, A.D . , 1922, in Book 4 of plats, on oac7es 64 a..c. 5; thence West 272 feet to an iron stake; thence South 212 feet to corner c.. i?e Woodland Cemetery; thence along the :'ortlire of said Woodland Cemetery 272 feet to the Southwest corner off zhe First ndditio of the said St. Mary's Cemetery; thence North along the line of said First Addition to St. 1,1ary's Cemetery, 212 feet _o t=:e place of beginning) also except (a part of the Northwest Quar< of Section 26, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal : eridian, described as follows: CoaLmencing at the Northeast corner of St. Mary' s Cemetery; thence West along the Northerly lane of said Cemetery to the Northwesterly corner thereof; thence Northerly parallel with the high- way 15 feet; thence Easterly parallel with the Northerly lire of saki cemetery to the highway; thence Southerly 15 feet to the place of be- ginning; also commencing at a point at the Southwest corner of the EXHIBIT "A" G-94010 Catholic Cemetery in the Northwest Quarter of Section 2G, Toanshin 45 north, hanc7e B Last of the Third Principal lVeridian, which said »oint is 295.68 feet North of the Southern boundary line of- said t;ortln�c::t Quarter and 25.1.10 feet West of the hastcrn boundary line of said Northwest Quarter; thence North along the �•lc,tcrn boundary line of the Catholic Cemetery as now located 3 chains to the corner of said comet -cry; thence V.7cst 3 1/3 chains; thence South in a Line parallel with Ilostern boundary line of said Catholic Cemetery 3 chains; thence i:ast at right angles 3 1/3 chains to the place of bcginning); also c:cccpt (a piece or parcel of land in the Last Ralf of the Northwest Ouarter of Section 26, Township 45 forth, Ranee 2 Last of the Third Principal..1,`'�!�' cribed as folloIdS :-ecrinninc, at point on the Wostcrly line bf the DIcllenry-Ringwood Road vi'acre the Northeast corner of the Catholic Cemetery known as St. Mary' s intersects the Southerly line of said hicjhway; thence Northerly along the T-2csterly line of said highl..h[�: ay, 8 rods; tence csterly parallel with the North line of said ccmctery, 10 rods; thence South at ri r-11z angles to the Northerly line of said cemetery above described; t?:ence Easterly along the 'Northerly line of said cemetery grounc.s, 10 rods to the place of beginning, (except therefrom the [lest 70 feet thereo-f) also except (a niece or parcel of land in t:.he East I'.; 1f of the .';ortll- wcst Quarter of Section 26, Township 45 North, Range Q Ea^t of tee Third •Principal �Icri dian, described as follows: i3cri nnir.g at z point on the ['esterly line of' the :•Ic-,-Icnrv-Rin: -,%.00c Road, :mown as tine State Highway ?route No. 31 and at the I'lorthea.st corner of a parcel of lane deeded by Jacob Freund and Rose Freund, his wi =e, to ? nnie just -en on: June 26, 1923 and recorded in the Recorder's Of_icc of ?,IcHenry County, June 2.6 , 1923 in Book 189 of Deeds, page 215 ; thence Norti, along :c+ T:csterly line of said :zic;in��� y `132 feet; ti;c ce T�este_1y -parallel :ii'� 1 the i,:ort`.crl1 line of said lot a'Dove mentioned 165 i`e'd to a thence South parallel wI th the T%esterly li Y,e of sa' c Sta to I=-chway, 132 feet to the Northwest corner of a paace! of land meat— o":led as aforesaid zo Annie Justen; thence along t11e No-th 'line of sa?.d TDarccl of land 165 feet to place of` becinning); also e_.cept (a tract of lane in the East Ralf of the Northwest Quay er of Section 26, To•:.nshi,D 25 _\or th , Rance o -,as-'- o` the `217? rd .follo%..s : Commencing at a ' point o No. 31, formerly U. S. Route No. corner of St. ''•Iary' s Catholic Cem West at right angles with the sai along the ::ortherly line of the p by JaCOb Freund and Rosa Freund, North at right angles, a distance angles, a distance of 165 feet to way; thence Southerly along the t; place of beginning) also except the Northwest Quarter of Section of the Third Principal DIeri(:kian, the Nrorthcast corner of a piece o Rosa Freund, his wife, to 11. John �Ir inci-oal Meridian, descri- becl as i the ['esl-erly ling- of State Route L2, 26C feet i•:or-Ch of the :�ortheas� �tery for a place of beginning; thenc i highway, a distance of 165 feet Lece of property 1:^_e -ofore conveyed ii s wi fe, to Paul Gcrasc_^.; thence of 132 feet; thence East at ri Q1:t the !•:csterly line of the said tiigh- tsterly line of said highway to the tract of land in the East ua Llr of ?6, iownshin 45 .:orth, Ran t lescribed as follows: Comu;enc,ng at E land deeded by Jacob Freund and Paetz and recorded in the Recorder's said Northwest Quarter a distance of 4 feet; thence East parallel with the South line of the said Northwest Quarter to the place of beginning); also except (part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the East line of said Northwest Quarter, 295. 68 feet North of the Southeast corner thereof; thence West parallel with the South line of said Northwest Quarter for a distance of 746. 1 feet to a point for a place of beginning; thence West on a continuation of the last described line for a distance of 613. 53 feet; thence North parallel with the East line of said Northwest Quarter for a distance of 213. 0 feet; thence East parallel with the South line of said Northwest Quarter, 613. 53 feet to the Northwest corner of the present cemetery; thence South along the West line of said cemetery, 213. 0 feet to the place of beginning); in McHenry County, Illinois. ALSO: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, lying Northeasterly of the Chicago and North Western Railroad right-of- way, in McHenry County, Illinois.