HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - MC-05-866 - 06/06/2005 - Zoning Ordinance creating IDDORDINANCE NO. MC-05-866 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER XI OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have determined that creative design, preservation of natural features, and provision of open space and amenities, all of which will enhance the quality of life for the City's residents, are essential components of new development; and WHEREAS, Chapter ja of the McHenry Zoning Ordinance, "Planned Unit Developments" is a tool that gives developers the opportunity to incorporate the aforesaid components into new development; and WHEREAS, the existing Planned Unit Development language is confusing and requires a cumbersome and lengthy approval process; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have determined that it is in the best interest of the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of McHenry to amend the Planned Unit Development Chapter of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION L That Chapter XI, entitled "Planned Unit Developments" of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance, shall be and hereby is, deleted in its entirety and shall be replaced with the language in the attached Exhibit A. SECTION 2: All ordinances of parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 3: This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the Corporate Authorities of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be in fiill force and effect after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED THIS 6TH DAY OF JUNE 2005 AYES: SANTI, GLAB, SCHAEFER, MURGATROYD, WIMMER, PETERSON, CONDON NAYS: NONE ABSTAINED: NONE ABSENT: NONE APPROVED THIS 6TH DAY OF JUNE , 2005 ATTEST: ic�41 DEPUTY ( CLERK 2 EXHIBIT A XL INTEGRATED DESIGN DISTRICT A. PURPOSE The purpose of the Integrated Design District (IDD) is to encourage innovative design in the development of land by providing relief from rigid zoning and subdivision standards, which are designed for conventional developments and may inhibit creative land planning. In order to receive such relief, a development must incorporate innovative design techniques that protect and enhance the City's natural and man-made resources such as streams and watercourses, wetlands, native vegetation, groundwater recharge areas, mature tree stands, view sheds, historical character, and the like. The IDD requires that a site's unique environmental features, which may be removed or otherwise altered in the course of traditional land development, be integrated into the overall design of a project, and protected through the use of covenants and long term maintenance agreements. The IDD also encourages multiple land uses where appropriate, as part of a unified development strategy to reduce impervious surfaces and reduce the dependency on the automobile. Ideally, no two IDD developments will be identical. Through the use of non -conventional design techniques such as build -to -lines, clustering, land conservation strategies, varied building placements, boulevards, one-way streets, and alleys, a specific development receives its own use, lot size, bulk, parking, landscaping and design standards. B. GENERAL STANDARDS 1. The IDD is intended for properties designated as IDD on the City of McHenry Comprehensive Future Land Use Map. This does not, however, preclude other properties within or annexed to the City as being developed under the provisions of this district. 2. Any property developed under the provisions of this Article XI must adhere to the purpose and intent of the district, and comply with the criteria for development and review procedures. 3. Properties to be developed under the provisions of this district shall be under unified ownership or control. 4. Properties to be developed under the provisions of this district are required to obtain a Conditional Use Permit and shall follow the Conditional Use Permit process. 5. There is no minimum acreage to develop property under the provisions of this Article XI. 6. There is no underlying zoning designation associated with properties developed in accordance with the provisions of this district. IDD will serve as the zoning designation for the property being developed. Zoning, subdivision and other development standards for the property shall be set forth in an Ordinance passed by the City Council, and may vary from the requirements of City ordinances. 7. Each variance or deviation from City ordinances shall be evaluated independently and based on the benefit(s) associated with the development, related to, but not limited to, the following: physical condition(s) of the property, proposed variance results in a cohesive, high quality development, that any reduction(s) from minimum requirements are onset by sufficiently exceeding other requirements of this ordinance which result in a greater benefit to the community or future residents of the property being developed. Subsequent to approval of an IDD ordinance and associated plan, additional variance requests are discouraged and the burden will be placed on the applicant to substantiate a hardship created, in accordance with the variance standards stated herein. 8. A comprehensive management plan is required to govern the long term management of natural areas, open areas, placement of accessory structures on lots and other issues associated with "typical" subdivision covenants, conditions and restrictions of a property- C. STANDARDS FOR DEVELOPMENT In order to receive an IDD designation, a development must incorporate one or more of the following design techniques: • Varied housing styles, in a cluster style, with varied elevations, such as but not limited to: Prairie, Traditional, Italianate, Victorian, row houses; • Appropriate building materials; • Development of community centers and traditional town centers; • Varied lot layouts, including cluster housing design, with side and rear loaded garages; • Varied house placement on lots; • Detached garages; • Build -to -lines; • Individual lot landscaping plans; • Neighborhood signage; • Commercial design guidelines; • Anti -monotony guidelines; • Boulevard entrance signage and associated landscaping; • Landscaping for environmental corridors, dominant with natural prairie plantings; • Establishment of conservation easements for long-term management over high -quality natural areas; • Decorative street lighting; • Berming and landscaping proposed along major roadways; • Streetscape enhancements; • Vegetative swales; • Pedestrian path system; • Minimization of impervious surface area; • Permeable pavement where appropriate; • Preservation and enhancement of natural features; • Citywide benefits; 2 • Economic benefits; and • Quality of life benefits, including but not limited to: recreational benefits to community, enhanced viewsheds, street and pedestrian connectivity to surrounding properties, preservation of large natural areas etc. D. CRITERIA FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW The following criteria will be used to evaluate all proposals for development under an IDD. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall, after the required public hearing, set forth to the City Council the reason for recommendation and said recommendation shall set forth with particularity what respects the proposal are in the public interest, promoting the public health, safety and welfare and including, but not limited to findings of fact based on the following: 1. In what respects is the proposed plan consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the stated purpose and intent of the IDD regulations? 2. To what extent does the proposed plan depart from the requirements of the City's Zoning and Subdivision Control and Development Ordinances that are otherwise applicable to the property, including but not limited to: density, bulk regulations and uses and the reasons why such departures are deemed to be in the public interest and/or as a result of the physical topography of the property and other circumstances unique to the property and not solely in the interest of the developer? 3. To what extent and what accommodations are made for the unique topographical and/or environmental features of the property, how are they incorporated into the overall development and design of the property and management plan for the property, while preserving and maintaining the integrity and character of those features and using them for the overall benefit of the public? 4. To what extent does the proposed plan provide adequate control for vehicular traffic and pedestrian circulation, accommodation for and protection of designated open space and further the amenities of light, air, recreation and visual enjoyment? 5. Does the plan provide appropriate street connectivity and functional connection among buildings within the development, such as pedestrian connections, that promote the public interest and enhance the quality of life of persons within the development? 6. Is there a continuity of scale amongst the buildings to promote visual enjoyment, while maintaining maximum sunlight exposure? 7. The relationship and compatibility of the proposed plan to the adjacent properties. 8. The desirability of the proposed plan with regard to physical development, tax base and economic well-being of the City. 9. The desirability of the proposed plan with regard to the burden placed on City services and facilities in relation to the public benefits that will be realized after the development of the property, including but not Iimited to: sewer, water, fire, police, schools, roads and making adequate provision for those public services. 10. Is the plan in conformance with existing federal, state and other local regulations? E. REVIEW PROCEDURE 1. Pre Application Meeting with City Staff. 3 (a) Applicant shall meet with City Staff and provide nine (9) copies of a conceptual sketch of the proposed development, along with an analysis of how the plan meets the purpose and the standards of the IDD Ordinance. Criteria used for evaluation of the conceptual sketch are set forth in the Criteria for Development Review section herein. (b) City Staff shall review the concept plan and analysis in accordance with the provisions of this section and City ordinances. Within twenty-one (21) days of the Pre Application Meeting, City Staff will provide preliminary comments to the applicant regarding the appropriateness of the development and how the proposed development scheme meets the purpose of this ordinance, as well as the development criteria and standards set forth in this ordinance. (c) The applicant shall revise the plans accordingly to address the comments of City Staff prior to the scheduling of a Committee of the Whole meeting before the City Council. 2. Committee of the Whole Meeting. (a) A meeting with the Committee of the Whole will be scheduled after twenty-five (25) copies of the following information are submitted to the City: 1. A concept plan of the proposed development depicting the following: acreage of property, property boundaries and distances, adjacent land uses, site features, including topography, drainage patterns, proposed street layout, table listing average lot size, proposed land uses and associated acreages, density, setback and bulk standards, floor area ratio for nonresidential land uses, statement of ownership and management of property. 2. A narrative description of the overall concept of the proposed development, and a demonstration of the uniqueness of the proposal and why conventional zoning is not appropriate. 3. A description of all variances to City Ordinances being requested, as well as justification for each variance requested. 4. A draft development management plan for the property detailing: long term maintenance and funding of open space and natural areas, establishment of conservation easements over natural areas, location of accessory structures, establishment of a community -wide board, etc. 5. Proof of ownership of all property proposed for development. 6. Any other information required by City Staff, including but not limited to the following: preliminary traffic study, school impact analysis and/or fiscal impact analysis, including impact on City services and financial benefits to the City. A Committee of the Whole meeting will not be scheduled until all required information is submitted. Required submittals shall be provided to the City at one time, not in a piecemeal fashion. 4 (b) At their meeting, the Committee of the Whole may provide comments, feedback, suggestions, and other input on the proposed development regarding the appropriateness of the development and how the proposed development scheme meets the purpose of this ordinance, as well as the development criteria and standards set forth in this ordinance. (c) Within forty-five (45) days after the Committee of the Whole meeting, the applicant shall either: 1. Formally apply for a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission on the proposed IDD, or 2. Revise the plans to address the concerns of the City and request a new Committee of the Whole meeting, following the same process as described above, or 3. Withdraw the request. If no action is taken by the applicant within said forty-five (45) day period, a concept plan shall be considered withdrawn. 3. Application for Public Hearing Before the Planning and Zoning Commission. After receiving comments by the Committee of the Whole about the IDD concept plan, the applicant shall apply for a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission, using the same procedures and notification requirements as for a Conditional Use Permit, except as modified herein. (a) Preliminary Plat and Preliminary Engineering. Because the design of an IDD typically incorporates conservation features and non-traditional engineering measures to accommodate stormwater management, a preliminary plat and preliminary engineering plans must be approved by the City before a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission. 1. Five (5) copies of a preliminary plat and preliminary engineering plans, in accordance with the City's Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance and Technical Review Standards, shall be submitted for technical engineering review. 2. A retained personnel fee of fifteen hundred dollars ($1500) shall be submitted to cover the review costs of plans and studies, and any other information necessary to perform a complete analysis of the project, which may completed by outside consultants. 3. Plans will be reviewed for compliance with the requirements for preliminary plats and preliminary engineering as set forth in the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance and Technical specifications manual. 4. An analysis of all variances from City ordinances that are being sought shall be performed, including but not limited to design and layout, lot size, 5 layout, block length, configuration, cul-de-sacs, lot widths, etc. (i.e., all of the conventional subdivision design standards and restrictions). 5. Once all preliminary platting and engineering issues are addressed to the satisfaction of the City, a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission will be scheduled. (b) Public Hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Upon approval of a preliminary plat and preliminary engineering, a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be scheduled. Twenty-five (25) copies of the following documentation shall be submitted within thirty (30) days of approval of a preliminary plat and preliminary engineering: 1. A narrative description of the overall development, demonstrating the appropriate purpose and intent of development and how provisions of the ordinance have been met, including criteria listed in the Criteria for Development Review section. 2. A preliminary plan including the following information: acreage of property, adjacent land uses, site features, including topography, drainage patterns proposed street layout, table listing average lot size, proposed land uses and associated acreages, density, setbacks, bulk standards, floor area ratio for nonresidential land uses, and a statement of ownership and management of property. 3. The preliminary plat of subdivision approved by the City Staff. 4. A description of all variances to City Ordinances being requested, as well as justification for each variance requested. 5. A draft development management plan for the property detailing: long term maintenance and funding of open space and natural areas, establishment of conservation easements over natural areas, location of accessory structures, establishment of a development -wide board or association, etc. 6. Any other information required by City Staff, including but not limited to the following: revised traffic study, school impact analysis and/or fiscal impact analysis, including impact on City services and financial benefits to the City, typical building elevations, site landscaping plans, etc. (c) Findings of Fact. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall hold the public hearing on the proposed IDD development. The Commission may call any additional witness and/or receive independent testimony, as it deems necessary, and may continue said hearing from time to time in order to explore all outstanding questions and to achieve thorough findings of fact. After the hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall transmit to the City Council written findings of fact, based on the Criteria for Development Review set forth in this ordinance, and recommend to the City Council approval, approval with modifications or denial of the application. 4. Drafting of IDD Ordinance. If a positive recommendation is made by the Planning and Zoning Commission, Staff will work with the applicant in formulating a draft IDD ordinance for the property. Using the existing preliminary plan and plat, as well as the City's Zoning Ordinance as a guide, an IDD ordinance will be drafted to address all zoning issues, as well as each variance that is requested. Each IDD ordinance will reference a specific preliminary plat, management plan for the property, and any other documents deemed necessary by City Staff or required by the City Council. Also, at this time, a final comprehensive management plan shall be submitted and approved by Staff prior to City Council consideration. This plan shall dictate the long term management of all common areas, funding sources that will be used, items typically listed in covenants, conditions and restrictions and other items as required by Staff. Staff may consult, at their discretion and at the applicant's expense, any outside consultant or agency in order to ensure the establishment of a proper and functional working document for the development of an IDD property. If the property is proposed to be annexed to the City, a draft annexation agreement will also be prepared at this time and a public hearing for said annexation agreement before the City Council shall be scheduled. 5. City Council Consideration of Preliminary Plan and Plat: After receiving findings of fact from the Planning and Zoning Commission, the draft IDD Ordinance for the property, and any other information requested by Staff, the City Council shall review the proposed IDD ordinance at a regularly scheduled City Council meeting. The Council will review the proposed IDD ordinance for the property and suggest any modifications to said ordinance. 6. City Council Consideration (Second Meeting): If, at the first meeting the City Council votes to send the proposed IDD development forward for an official vote, the City Council shall approve, approve with modifications or deny the application at a future regularly scheduled meeting. If the City Council elects to approve the application in any form, the City Council shall, by ordinance, approve the preliminary plan and plat and grant the zoning of IDD, in accordance with those standards set forth on the preliminary plan and plat, comprehensive management plan and IDD Ordinance for the property. Said ordinance may authorize, in the discretion of the City Council, the submission of final plans and plats, and the development of the IDD in phases and include such conditions as the City Council may deem appropriate. No building permit or occupancy certificate shall be issued until the recording of the final plan and plat for the proposed IDD or the phase in which the property to which such permit or certificate relates is located. 7. Final Plan and Plat: Within one (1) year after adoption of the ordinance approving the IDD, the owner shall submit five (5) copies of final engineering plans, in accordance with the approved preliminary plan and plat of subdivision, as well as the City's Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance and Technical Specifications Manual. After which, the plans will be reviewed for compliance with the City's technical engineering standards for final development, as set forth in the City of McHenry Subdivision Control and 7 Development Ordinance and Technical Specifications Manual. After receiving internal approval, the final plan and plat shall be transmitted to the City's Planning and Zoning Commission for review. If the Planning and Zoning Commission deems the plan and plat to be substantially compliant with the preliminary plan and plat, they shall be approved and recommended to the City Council for consideration. This recommendation shall be transmitted in writing to the City Council within thirty (30) days. Upon receipt, the City Council shall review said final plan and plat and approve said plan and plat with modifications or deny said plan and plat. As a condition of approval of any IDD plan and plat, the Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend and the City Council may stipulate such conditions and restrictions upon the establishment, location, design, layout, height, density, construction, maintenance, aesthetics, operation and other elements of the IDD as deemed necessary for the protection of the public interest, improvement of the development and protection of the adjacent area. In all cases in which IDD are granted, the City Council shall require such evidence and guarantees as it may deem necessary as proof that the conditions stipulated in connection therewith are being and will be complied with. 8. Changes and Modifications to Approved Plans: If the final plan and plat are not in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plan and plat, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall not approve said final plan and plat and may require the submittal of a new application. The City Council may, however, approve variances from any phasing schedule contained within the ordinance granting the IDD without requiring a new application. After the final plan and plat approval, the development of the property shall be in substantial conformance with the approved final plan and plat and IDD ordinance. No changes shall be made to the approved final plan, except upon written application to the appropriate body in accordance with the following procedures: minor changes, dealing primarily in the location, siting of utilities, location of streets and ways of public access and in the size and location of open space, shall be reviewed and may be authorized by the City Administrator as required by engineering or other circumstances not foreseen at the time that the final plan was approved if they are generally consistent with the purpose and intent of the final plan. All changes in land uses, rearrangement of lots, blocks, building tracts and any major changes in the provision of open space and all other changes in approved final plans must be made by the City Council. If an amendment to the IDD is required then, an additional public hearing shall be held at the Planning and Zoning Commission, after which the amendment and recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be sent to the City Council for review and approval, approval with conditions or denial. 8