HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - MC-04-841 - 01/19/2004 - adopt and enact Subdivision Control and Developmen4 ORDINANCE NO. Mr-04-841 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND ENACTING A NEW SUBDIVISION CONTROL ORDINANCE, CONSISTING OF SUBDIVISION DESIGN AND PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS, A TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS MANUAL, AND STANDARD DETAILS, FOR THE CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS; ESTABLISHING THE SAME; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES NOT INCLUDED HEREIN, EXCEPT AS HEREIN EXPRESSLY PROVIDED; PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER OF AMENDING SUCH SUBDIVISION CONTROL ORDINANCE WHEREAS, it is deemed in the best interests of the public in the area surrounding the City of McHenry, hereinafter referred to as (the "CITY") and in the CITY itself, to effect an orderly plan for growth, development and improvement of residential property; and WHEREAS, the CITY has the authority to establish and promote regulations to control subdivision development within the CITY limits and within an area one and one-half miles from the corporate limits of the CITY; and WHEREAS, such plan has been prepared and approved by the City Council of the CITY. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: That the attached document, hereinafter referred to as (the "SUBDIVISION CONTROL AND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE"), consisting of subdivision design and procedural requirements, appended with a Technical Specifications Manual and Standard Details, is hereby enacted and shall be treated and considered as a new and original comprehensive ordinance which shall supercede all other general and permanent ordinances passed by the City Council, except such as by reference thereto are expressly saved from repeal or continued in force and effect for any purpose. Section 2: That all provisions of the SUBDIVISION CONTROL AND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE shall be in full force and effect from and after February 1, 2004 and all ordinances of a general and permanent nature of the CITY, adopted on or before January 19, 2004 and not in said SUBDIVISION CONTROL AND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE or recognized and continued in force by reference therein are hereby repealed from and after the effective date of said SUBDIVISION CONTROL AND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE, except as hereinafter provided. Section 3: That Section 17-2 of the Municipal Code shall be and hereby is amended so that the date of "April 17, 1961" in the second line of said section is deleted, and replaced with the date, "January 19, 2004." Section 4: That the repeal provided for in Section 2 hereof shall not affect any of the following: (1) The administrative ordinances or resolutions of the City Council not in conflict or inconsistent with the provisions of said SUBDIVISION CONTROL AND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE. (2) Any ordinance dedicating or accepting any plat of subdivision in the CITY. Such repeal shall not be construed to revive any ordinance or part thereof that has been repealed by a subsequent ordinance which is repealed by this ordinance. Section 5: That any and all additions or amendments to the Subdivision Design Guidelines of the SUBDIVISION CONTROL AND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE when passed in such form as to indicate the intention of the City Council to make the same a part thereof, shall be deemed to be incorporated in said SUBDIVISION CONTROL AND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE so that reference to the "Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance" shall be understood as intended to include such additions and amendments. Section 6: That any and all additions or amendments to the Technical Specifications Manual or Standard Details of the SUBDIVISION CONTROL AND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE shall be authorized and administered by the City Administrator or their designee and shall not require consideration or approval by the City Council shall be deemed to be incorporated in said SUBDIVISION CONTROL AND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE so that reference to the "Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance" shall be understood as intended to include such additions and amendments. Section 7: That a copy of said SUBDIVISION CONTROL AND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE shall be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk, preserved in loose leaf form. It shall be the express duty of the City Clerk, or someone authorized by the Clerk, to insert in their designated places all amendments or ordinances which indicate the intention of the City Council to make the same a part of such SUBDIVISION CONTROL AND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE when the same have been printed or reprinted in page form, and to extract from such SUBDIVISION CONTROL AND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE all provisions which may from time to time be repealed by the City Council. This copy of such SUBDIVISION CONTROL AND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE shall be available for all persons desiring to examine the same and shall be considered the official SUBDIVISION CONTROL AND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE of McHenry, Illinois. Section 8: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. 2004. Section 9: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after February 1, 2 Section 10: That this ordinance and the SUBDIVISION CONTROL AND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE adopted hereby shall be printed and published in book or pamphlet form by the authority of the Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois. PASSED THIS I l4 NAYS: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: NONE NOT VOTING: NON E DAY OF (l�nu , 2004 APPROVED THIS DAY OF ATTEST: CITY CL K 0 2004 e� MAYOR city Of McHenry SUBDIVISION CONTROL AND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE Adopted , 2004 Ord. MC 04- TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 General Provisions.............................................................................................................................1 1.1 Title...........................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Policy........................................................................................................................................1 1.3 Purposes....................................................................................................................................1 1.4 Jurisdiction and Approval.........................................................................................................2 1.5 Compliance with Technical Specifications Manual..................................................................2 1.6 Interpretation, Conflict, and Separability..................................................................................3 1.7 Amendments.............................................................................................................................3 1.8 Variations..................................................................................................................................3 1.9 Violation and Penalties.............................................................................................................4 2 Definitions..........................................................................................................................................5 2.1 Usage.........................................................................................................................................5 2.2 Words and Terms Defined........................................................................................................5 3 Application Requirements, Form, and Fees................................................................................ 3.1 Development Applications........................................................................................................9 3.2 Preliminary Plat........................................................................................................................9 3.3 Final Plat.................................................................................................................................12 3.4 Fees and Deposits...................................................................................................................14 4 Development and Subdivision Review Process...............................................................................17 4.1 Development Review..............................................................................................................17 4.2 Preliminary Plat Review.........................................................................................................17 4.3 Submission of Preliminary and Final Plats for Simultaneous Review...................................19 4.4 Final Plat Review....................................................................................................................19 4.5 Vacation of Plats.....................................................................................................................20 5 Subdivision Layout and Design.......................................................................................................21 5.1 General....................................................................................................................................21 5.2 Preservation of Natural Features.............................................................................................21 5.3 Streets......................................................................................................................................21 5.4 Block and Lot Layout.............................................................................................................22 5.5 Monuments.............................................................................................................................21 6 Public Improvements.......................................................................................................................25 6.1 Improvements Required..........................................................................................................25 6.2 Permit Required.......................................................................................................................25 6.3 Engineering Plans Required.....................................................................................................25 6.4 Engineering Plan Review........................................................................................................25 6.5 Streets......................................................................................................................................27 6.6 Sidewalks................................................................................................................................30 6.7 Bikeways.................................................................................................................................30 6.8 Street Lighting........................................................................................................................30 6.9 Water Service..........................................................................................................................31 6.10 Sanitary Sewer Service...........................................................................................................32 6.11 Stormwater Drainage..............................................................................................................33 6.12 Landscaping............................................................................................................................34 6.13 Public Utilities, Underground.................................................................................................34 6.14 Easements...............................................................................................................................35 �llhdIA llllln ('onti-oI ',I Id I )iAk2k'I1111C[I1 ( )I I11.lIIt (ItV' of \'Id ]CIII 6.15 Oversize Design......................................................................................................................35 6.16 Model Homes..........................................................................................................................35 Construction and Maintenance Guarantees......................................................................................36 7.1 Statement of Estimated Costs of Improvements.....................................................................36 7.2 Construction Guarantees and Reductions...............................................................................36 7.3 Acceptance..............................................................................................................................37 7.4 Guarantee of Performance......................................................................................................37 7.5 Interest and Costs....................................................................................................................38 7.6 City Lien Rights......................................................................................................................38 7.7 Insurance.................................................................................................................................3 8 DeveloperDonations ........................................................................................................................40 8.1 Purpose.....................................................................................................................................40 8.2 Applicability...........................................................................................................................40 8.3 Imposition of Donations.........................................................................................................40 8.4 Donations Based on Projected Population..............................................................................41 8.5 Criteria for Park Land Donation.............................................................................................41 8.6 Criteria for School Land Donation.........................................................................................42 8.7 Cash in Lieu of Land; Combination of Land and Cash..........................................................43 8.8 Reservation of Additional Land..............................................................................................45 8.9 Fire Protection District Donation............................................................................................45 8.10 Public Library District Donation............................................................................................45 8.11 Updating of Fair Market Value and Required Donations.......................................................45 Tables Table 6-1, Roadway Design Standards........................................................................... 28 Table 6-2, Minimum Standards for Street Design............................................................... 2 Table 8-1, 1996 Table of Estimated Ultimate School Population Per Dwelling Unit ...................... 41 Appendicies Technical Specifications Manual Standard Details SuhlIIVI)I )I1 C'nniinl 011 rnI)III L2nl OI III ZiIIC Uit%l of' Mrllcnry I,,ihiL cl t�3iilritt� ii General Provisions. 1.1 Title. These regulations shall officially be known as, and may be cited and referenced to as the Subdivision and Development Ordinance of the City of McHenry (hereinafter "these regulations"). 1.2 Policy. A. It shall be the policy of the City to consider the subdivision of land and the subsequent development of the subdivided parcel as subject to the control of the City pursuant to the Comprehensive Plan and Official Map for the orderly, planned, efficient, and economical development of the City. B. Land to be subdivided shall be of such character that it can be used safely for building purposes without danger to health or peril from fire, flood, or other menace, and land shall not be subdivided until adequate public facilities and improvements exist and proper provision has been made for drainage, water, sewerage, and capital improvements such as schools, parks and transportation facilities. C. The existing and proposed public improvements shall conform to and be properly related to the proposals shown in the Comprehensive Plan and the capital budget and program of the City, and it is intended that these regulations shall supplement and facilitate the enforcement of the provisions and standards contained in the Building Codes, Zoning Ordinance, Comprehensive Plan, and the capital budget and program of the City. D. Land that has been subdivided prior to the effective date of these regulations should, whenever possible, be brought into conformance with these regulations to further the purposes identified in Section 1.3. 1.3 Purposes. These regulations are adopted for the following purposes: A. To protect and provide for the public health, safety, and general welfare of the community. B. To guide the future growth and development of the City in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. C. To provide for adequate light, air, and privacy, to secure safety from fire, flood, and other danger, and to prevent the overcrowding of the land and undue congestion of population. D. To protect the character and the social and economic stability of all parts of the City and to encourage the orderly and beneficial development of the community. E. To protect and conserve the value of land throughout the City and the value of buildings and improvements upon the land, and to minimize the conflicts among the uses of land and buildings. Suhdly-ision Contnol and l)c�clomllcnt 01-d1nUn.t City' Of MCIlenry \h��liratt��n kcclun-e111cnt,. Dorm .tnd I'cc" F. To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efficient transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreation, and other public requirements and facilities. G. To establish reasonable standards of design and procedures for subdivisions and resubdivisions in order to further the orderly layout and use of land, and to ensure proper legal descriptions and monumenting of subdivided land. H. To ensure public facilities and services are available concurrent with development, and that they will have a sufficient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision or development and that the community will be required to bear no more than its fair share of the cost of providing the facilities and services through requiring the subdivider or developer to pay fees, furnish land or cash in lieu of land, or establish mitigation measures to ensure the development provides its fair share of capital facilities needs generated by the development. I. To prevent the pollution of air, streams, and ponds; to assure the adequacy of drainage facilities; to safeguard the water table; and to encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the City in order to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the City and the value of land. 1.4 Jurisdiction and Approval. A. These regulations apply to all subdivision and development of land, as defined in Section 2.2, located within the corporate limits of the City of McHenry, and outside the corporate limits as provided by state law. B. No subdivision shall be filed for record, nor any public or private improvement made related to any subdivision or development, until after approval thereof pursuant to these regulations. C. No lot, tract, or parcel of land within any proposed subdivision shall be conveyed until such subdivision has been approved and recorded pursuant to these regulations. D. No building permit or certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any parcel or plat of land, created before or after the effective date of these regulations, which is not in conformity with these regulations, and no excavation of land or construction of any public or private improvements shall take place or be commenced except in conformity with these regulations, even if such improvement does not entail the subdivision of land. 1.5 Compliance with Technical Specifications Manual. The subdivider or developer shall comply with the general principles of design and minimum requirements set forth in all codes, ordinances, regulations, and written administrative policies and orders of the City, as amended from time to time, establishing standards and specifications for construction, including without limitation construction of public improvements as part of a subdivision or development. �llhllll l>IUII ('un(r01 quid I)k:\L•1(II)nu•nt OIdI11tlnCi City oCMCI Icnry ( icnwi;(I IIIo\i,ion, 1.6 Interpretation, Conflict, and Separability. A. Interpretation. In their interpretation and application, these regulations shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety, and general welfare. B. Conflict. 1. These regulations are not intended to repeal or impair any existing easement, covenant, private agreement, or permits previously adopted or issued pursuant to the ordinances or resolutions of the City or other Requirements of Law, provided that where the conditions imposed by these regulations upon the development and use of land are more restrictive or impose higher standards or requirements than such easements, covenants, or private agreements, the requirements of these regulations shall govern. 2. Where the conditions imposed by these regulations upon the development and use of land are either more restrictive or less restrictive than the comparable conditions imposed by any other ordinances or resolutions of the City, or any other law, ordinance, rule or regulation of any kind, the regulations which are more restrictive or which impose higher standards or requirements shall govern. C. Separability. If any court of competent jurisdiction shall adjudge any provision of these regulations to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect any other provisions of these regulations. If any court of competent jurisdiction shall adjudge invalid any application of any provision of these regulations to a particular parcel of land, such judgment shall not affect the application of said provision to any other parcel of land. 1.7 Amendments. For the purpose of protecting the public health, safety, and general welfare, the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council may from time to time propose amendments to these regulations, which shall then be approved or disapproved by the City Council. 1.8 Variations. Variations from the provisions of these regulations may be authorized by the City Council, after recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, in accordance with the provisions of this Section, if it finds an extraordinary hardship or practical difficulty that results from strict compliance with these regulations and/or the purposes of these regulations may be served to a greater extent by an alternative proposal. A. Statement of Justification. In applying for a variance from these regulations, the subdivider or developer shall demonstrate in writing that: The granting of the variance is in keeping with the overall purpose and intent of these regulations, and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or general welfare; and The conditions on which the request is based are unique to the property for which the relief is sought and are not applicable generally to other property; and :lu[)nx•nt OILIIIIJ11k:, C ity (d'Nlcllcnry ( lcilewl Pro\ i,non" 3. The granting of the variance will alleviate a practical difficulty or particular hardship due to the physical surroundings, shape or topographic conditions of the specific property involved; and 4. The granting of the variance will not negatively affect adjacent properties. B. Conditions of Approval. In approving a variance, the City Council may require such conditions as will, in its judgment, secure substantially the purposes described in Section 1.3, and may require the posting of a construction guarantee to ensure compliance with the conditions imposed. C. Limitations on Variations. No variation granted pursuant to this Section shall relieve a subdivider or developer from complying with all other Requirements of Law. Nothing provided in this Section shall be construed or applied as authority of the City Council to vary any Requirements of Law other than the provisions of these regulations. D. Review Procedure. An application for a variance shall be submitted in writing, and shall state fully the grounds for the application and all of the facts relied upon by the applicant. The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council may review applications for variances concurrently with the related subdivision or development application, except as otherwise provided by the City Council on a case -by -case basis. 1.9 Violation and Penalties. A. Any person who violates any provision of these regulations shall be subject to a fine not less than $25 nor more than $750 for each offense. Each day that such violation continues shall constitute a separate and additional offense. B. Appropriate actions and proceedings may be taken in law or in equity to prevent any violation of these regulations, to prevent unlawful construction, to recover damages, to restrain, correct, or abate a violation and to prevent illegal occupancy of a building, structure or premises. These remedies shall be in addition to the penalties described above, and may include stopping all work, or any portion of any work, being conducted on any property subject to these regulations, to revoke any permit or authorization issued by the City for development on any such property, to discontinue processing and consideration of any pending application for any such permit or authorization, and to refuse to accept for processing and consideration any future application for any such permit or authorization. SUhlllA ia0n C OMI-0I and 1)k2\ �2101)111cnt ( )iJlnanCc Oty of Mc lcnry (,cn�iul I'iovitiiun� 4 2 Definitions 2.1 Usage. A. For the purpose of these regulations, certain numbers, abbreviations, terms, and words shall be used, interpreted, and defined as herein set forth, except when the context clearly indicates otherwise. B. Words used in the present tense shall include the future tense, and words used in the singular shall include the plural, and the plural the singular. C. The word "shall" is mandatory, and not discretionary. D. The word "may" is permissive. 2.2 Words and Terms Defined. A. Alley. A public right-of-way primarily designed to serve as a secondary access to the side or rear of those properties whose principal frontage is on some other street. B. Applicant. The owner of the land proposed to be subdivided or developed, or his representatives who shall have express written authority to act on behalf of the owner. C. - Bedroom. Any private room in a dwelling unit suitable for regular use for sleeping purposes and having a closet. Bedrooms include rooms designated on development floor plans as dens, studios, offices or libraries, but excluding living rooms, family rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and mudrooms. Any room designated as other than a bedroom having a closet, but in the judgment of the Plat Officer would normally be usable for sleeping purposes, shall be considered a bedroom. D. Block. A tract of land bounded by streets, or by a combination of streets and public parks, cemeteries, railroad rights -of -way, shorelines of waterways, or boundary lines of municipalities. E. Building. Any structure built for the support, shelter, or enclosure of persons, animals, chattel, or moveable property of any kind. F. Certify. Whenever these regulations require that any agency or official certify the existence of some fact or circumstance, the City by administrative rule may require that such certification be made in any manner, oral or written, which provides reasonable assurance of the accuracy of the certification. G. City. The City of McHenry, Illinois. H. City Council. The corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois SuhLliv ISWII UMItrul and Dc%cIu)pmcnI Urchiiancc City, of MCI ICnl"Y l�clIII itIons 5 I. Cluster Development. A development design technique that concentrates buildings in specific areas on a site to allow the remaining land to be used for recreation, common open space and preservation of environmentally sensitive features. Common Ownership. Ownership by the same person, corporation, firm, entity, partnership, or unincorporated association; or ownership by different corporations, firms, entities, partnerships, or unincorporated associations, in which a stockbroker, partner, or associate, or a member of his family owns an interest in each corporation, firm, entity, partnership, or unincorporated association. K. Comprehensive Plan. The composite of the functional and geographic elements of the official plan of the City and environs or any segment thereof, in the form of plans, maps, charts, text of reports, implementing ordinances, and including the Official Map. L. Condominium. A unit available for sale in fee simple contained in a multi -occupancy project subject to covenants and restrictions placing control over the common facilities in an elected board. M. Cul-de-sac. A local street with only one outlet that terminates in a vehicular turnaround and having an appropriate terminal for the safe and convenient reversal of traffic movement. N. Design Standards, Minimum. All codes, ordinances, regulations, and written administrative policies and orders of the City, as amended from time to time, establishing standards and specifications for construction, including without limitation construction of public or private improvements as part of a subdivision or development. O. Developer. The owner of land proposed to be subdivided or improved, or its representative, who is responsible for any undertaking that requires review and/or approval under these regulations. See Subdivider. P. Development. The construction of a new building or structure having a total floor area in excess of 500 square feet, other than one single family dwelling unit; expansion by more than 25% of an existing structure to which these regulations would apply if the structure were being constructed new; or activity that results in either more than 3,000 square feet of additional impervious area or more than one acre of hydrologically disturbed area; any of which may not be included within the definition of "Subdivision", as defined in these regulations. Q. Easement. A strip of privately owned land occupied or intended to be occupied by a street, crosswalk, railroad, road, electric transmission line, oil or gas pipeline, water main, sanitary or storm sewer main, shade trees, or for any other similar use. R. Engineering Plans. The complete maps, drawings, and analysis governing the specific location, design, and construction of public or private improvements to be installed in accordance with the requirements of these regulations and of the City as a condition of the approval of a subdivision or development. �uhcli�»i�ui C'�mtr��l .uul 1)c� Iuhm�nt l )rclin�u�c� City of NIC] Irnry I)k:linitmil, S. Hydrologically Disturbed. An area where the land surface has been cleared, compacted or otherwise modified that changes stormwater runoff, volumes, rates, or direction. T. Improvement, Public. Any facility necessary, in the determination of the City, to provide a parcel with access to a public right-of-way or with utility service of any kind, including, but not limited to water, sanitary sewage treatment or disposal, stormwater control or drainage, or other necessary public service such as a street, alley, drainage ditch, sidewalk, landscaping, off-street parking area, or lot improvement. U. Lot. A tract, plot, or portion of a subdivision or other parcel of land intended as a unit for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership, or possession, or for building development. V. Official Map. The map established by the City showing streets, highways, parks, drainage systems laid out, adopted, and established by law and any amendments or additions thereto resulting from the City's actions or approval of subdivision plats. W. Owner. The record owners of the fee or a vendee in possession, including any person, group of persons, firm or firms, corporation or corporations, or any other legal entity having legal title to or sufficient proprietary interest in the land sought to be subdivided under the definition of Common Ownership. X. Person. Any individual or group of individuals, or any corporation, general or limited partnership, joint venture, unincorporated association, or governmental or quasi - governmental organization. Y. Personnel, Retained. Any engineer, attorney, planner, economist, or other technical, professional or other expert paid and retained by the City to assist or advise the City, directly or indirectly, in planning, reviewing, evaluating, advising, approving, inspecting or accepting any development, subdivision and/or subdivision improvement. Z. Planned Unit Development (PUD). A development constructed on a tract under common ownership planned and developed as an integral unit and consisting of a combination of residential and/or nonresidential uses on the land. AA. Planning and Zoning Commission. The City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission. BB. Plat Officer. The City Administrator, or his or her duly authorized delegate or delegates. CC. Resubdivision. Resubdivision includes any change in any street layout or other public improvement; any change in any lot line; any change in the amount of public land reserved for public use or the common use of lot owners; and any change in any easement shown on the approved plat. SUh111A isio l (-onllo1 and Dt:A 1opnicnt Oithilanrk• City of MCI lk�nry 1)Cfuiitit) n, DD. Requirements of Law. All applicable federal, State of Illinois, and City laws, statutes, codes, ordinances, resolutions, rules, and regulations, and written administrative policies of the City, including without limitation the City Technical Specifications Manual. EE. Right -of -Way. A strip of publicly owned land occupied or intended to be occupied by a street, crosswalk, railroad, road, electric transmission line, oil or gas pipeline, water main, sanitary or storm sewer main, shade trees, or for any other special use. FF. Sale or Lease. Any immediate or future transfer of ownership, or any possessory interest in land, including contract of sale, lease, devise, interstate succession, or other transfer of an interest in a subdivision or part thereof, whether by metes and bounds or lot and block description. GG. Special Flood Hazard Area. An area having special flood, mudslide, or mudflow, or flood related erosion hazards, which is shown on a Flood Insurance Rate Map or Flood Boundary and Floodway Map issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. HH. Street. A public or private right-of-way that affords a primary means of vehicular access to abutting properties, however designated. II. Subdivide. The act or process of creating a subdivision. JJ. Subdivider. Any person who (1) having an interest in land, causes it, directly or indirectly, to be divided into a subdivision or who (2) directly or indirectly, sells, leases, or develops, or offers to sell, lease, or develop, or advertises to sell, lease, or develop, an interest, lot, parcel site,�it, or plat in a subdivision, or, who (3) engages directly or through an agent in the business of selling, leasing, developing, or offering for sale, lease, or development a subdivision or any interest, lot, parcel site, unit or plat in a subdivision, or who (4) is directly or indirectly controlled by, or under direct or indirect common control with any of the forgoing. KK. Subdivision. Any land, vacant or improved, which is divided or proposed to be divided into two or more lots, parcels, sites, units, plots, condominiums, tracts, or interests for the purpose of offer, sale, lease, or development whether immediate or future, either on the installment plan or upon any and all other plans, terms, and conditions. Subdivision includes the division or development of residential or nonresidential zoned land, whether by deed, metes and bounds description, devise, intestacy, lease, map, plat, or other recorded instrument. Subdivision includes resubdivision and condominium creation or conversion. Subdivision includes any division of land that attempts to avoid the requirements of these regulations. LL. Townhome. A dwelling unit that is attached to one or more other dwelling units on the same lot and that has an individual private ground -level entrance to the outside and no portion of which is located above any other unit or portion thereof. MM. Wetland. Areas that are inundated or saturated by surface water or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. SIIIXdiA IS1011 C (nt101 and I)C%t:1"hm�:nt ( )rklnruICt.• City oI N-lcl lenry Ihli IItiun, 8 3 Application Requirements, Form, and Fees. 3.1 Development Applications. An application for approval of a development shall be filed in writing with the City, on a form provided by the City, and shall include without limitation the following: A. Payment of a retained personnel fee deposit, as provided in Section 3.4 of these regulations. B. All information, plans, and specifications required for issuance of a site development permit and/or building permit for the proposed development. C. A soils map and analysis report for the proposed development, prepared by the McHenry County Soil and Water Conservation District, which shall be of sufficient scope to locate, identify and describe soil conditions and all potential ground absorption, runoff, and flooding deficiencies. D. Documentation providing evidence that the property to be developed has been inspected by a qualified professional to determine whether or not a wetland or special flood hazard area is present. E. Copies of all other applications to other agencies having jurisdiction over the development. F. Six (6) copies of final engineering plans for the construction of all public and private impt9j*Wnts in conformity with the requirements of these regulations. 2 G. Suqb��Wier information as the Plat Officer, Planning and Zoning Commission, or City Council may require at any time, which, in the exercise of their discretion, is appropriate in light of all of the circumstances affecting the application and will not be contrary to the purposes and intent of these regulations. 3.2 Preliminary Plat. A. PreliminM Plat Applications. An application for approval of a preliminary plat shall be filed in writing with the City, shall have the form and content provided in Section 3.2.2 of these regulations, and shall include without limitation the following: 1. Payment of an application fee and retained personnel fee deposit, as provided in Section 3.4 of these regulations. 2. A title commitment for an owner's title insurance policy issued by a title company licensed to do business in Illinois in the amount of $5,000 covering title of the real estate being subdivided and covering a date not more than 14 days prior to the date the preliminary plat has been filed with the City showing title in the intended subdivider or developer and all encumbrances and other matters of record. SUhdIl P11011 ('011t101 ,uxl I)r\ CIoJ) Mrnt ( )nlin"ui0.• 0ty ,,tf iMcl fcnry 11,I)lic.itI0II RCLluucmrnt,. 1-01-111 c111d I'cc, 9 3. A soils map and analysis report for the proposed subdivision, prepared by the McHenry County Soil and Water Conservation District, which shall be of sufficient scope to locate, identify and describe soil conditions and all potential ground absorption, runoff, and flooding deficiencies. 4. Documentation providing evidence that the property to be subdivided has been inspected by a qualified professional to determine whether or not a wetland or special flood hazard area is present. 5. Copies of all other applications to other agencies having jurisdiction over the subdivision. 6. A draft of protective covenants, whereby the subdivider proposes to regulate land use or, continued maintenance within the subdivision, or otherwise regulates the proposed development. 7. Six (6) copies of preliminary engineering plans and studies for the construction of all public_,_, improvements in conformity with the requirements of these regulations. 8. Twenty-five (25) paper prints, not exceeding 24 inches by 36 inches in size. B. Form and Content of Preliminary Plat. A preliminary plat shall include or be accompanied by the following: 1. The proposed name of the subdivision. 2. Preparation date,>including succeeding revision dates. 3. The north point. 4. Graphic scale. The plat shall be drawn to a scale of not less than one inch equals 100 feet and not more than 1 inch equals 20 feet. 5. The name and address of the owner, subdivider or developer, and the engineer or surveyor who prepared the plat. 6. The location of the subdivision by government lot, quarter section, section, township, and range, or by other legal description. 7. A small scale drawing of the section(s) in which the subdivision lies, oriented in the same manner as the plat, and showing the location of the subdivision, major roads, impacted schools, existing or proposed parks, and the nearest bodies of water. 8. The exact length and bearing of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision. SuhCilvT1iun ('un11-Ot anal 1)Vv u�,mrnt (>i�luru��� City of \9cl leery ,ApIIIica[loll I urns anCl 1 Cc,, 10 9. Location and names of all adjacent subdivisions. 10. Name and address of all owners of unsubdivided property adjacent to the subdivision. 11. The existing and proposed zoning of the subdivision, and the existing zoning of all adjacent property. 12. Location, widths, and names of all existing and platted streets, alleys, or other public ways and easements, railroad and utility rights -of -way, parks, cemeteries, water courses, drainage ditches, permanent buildings, bridges, and other pertinent data as determined by the City, within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision, or property owned or controlled by the subdivider or developer. 13. Location and species of existing trees measuring 10 inches or more in diameter, as measured six inches above grade. 14. The water elevations of adjoining lakes or streams at the date of the survey, and the approximate high and low water elevations. All elevations shall be references to USGS datum. 15. If the subdivision borders on a lake or stream, the distances and bearings of a meander line established not less than 20 feet outside the 100-year flood plain line of the lake or stream. 16. Special flood hazard boundary lines and areas. 17. Layout, width, name; and "approximate grade of all proposed streets and rights - of -way. 18. Direction and distance to nearest water and sewer mains, and the size and capacity of those mains. 19. Dimensions and areas of lots. 20. Building setback lines with the lot widths. 21. Point of curvature, point of tangency, radii, length and central angle for all horizontal curves. 22. Location and area of property proposed to be dedicated for public use or to be reserved by covenant for use of all property owners in the subdivision with the conditions, if any, of such dedication or reservation. 23. Existing topography of the property and within twenty-five feet of the property, with contour intervals shown for at least every two feet, with reference to USGS datum, or at more frequent intervals for land of unusual topography. Suhch\ i,ion Con nurul and Ih•\ ,:luhnu•It( )IdIn,,I ('ItY of \'ICI ICnI-\' �hhliu�li�m R�clun�mcnl�. I,orm and I -cc,, 11 24. A table with the following information: Total acreage of subdivision; total number of lots; acreage of public lands to be dedicated other than streets; and the buildable area of each lot. 25. Indication of proposed phases within the subdivision and the order of site development. 26. The following certificates, in a form provided by the City: a. Mayor and City Clerk b. Surface Water Drainage c. Roadway Access, State and/or County, if necessary d. McHenry County Health Department, if necessary 27. Such other information as the Plat Officer, Planning and Zoning Commission, or City Council may require at any time, which, in the exercise of their discretion, is appropriate in light of all of the circumstances affecting the application and will not be contrary to the purposes and intent of these regulations. 3.3 Final Plat. A. Final Plat Applications. An application for approval of a final plat shall be filed in writing with the City, shall have the form and content provided in Section 3.3.2 of these regulations, and shall include without limitation the following: 1. A copy of the approved preliminary plat. 2. Payment of an apj# cation fee and retained personnel fee deposit, as provided in Section 3.4 of t'hesi regulations. Copies of all other applications to other agencies having jurisdiction over the subdivision. 4. Copy of covenants, conditions and restrictions, ready for recording, whereby the subdivider proposes to regulate land use or continued maintenance within the subdivision, or otherwise regulate the proposed development. One (1) copy of the final plat in an electronic format compatible with the City's computer system, one (1) copy of the final plat on mylar and 25 paper prints, not exceeding 24 inches by 36 inches in size. 6. Proper written consent from the surveyor who prepared the final plat authorizing the City to record the plat with the McHenry County Recorder's Office. Six (6) copies of final engineering plans, prepared by and bearing the seal of a Professional Engineer registered in Illinois, for the construction of all public improvements in conformity with the requirements of these regulations. SUh(JIvision ('01111-01 .unl I ) %Clohmcnt ( )UIuuuIc'- Oty ol"NIrl fcnry \hl�li�ation R�,:LlLlII-C :nl,. I orm Lind I'CC', 12 B. Form and Content of Final Plat. A final plat shall include or be accompanied by the following: The name of the subdivision. A letter from the McHenry County Recorder of Deeds that certifies that the proposed subdivision name does not duplicate the name of any subdivision of record within the County shall be provided. 2. Preparation date, including succeeding revision dates. 3. The north point. 4. Graphic scale. The plat shall be drawn to a scale of not less than one inch equals 100 feet and not more than one inch equals 20 feet. 5. The location of the subdivision by government lot, quarter section, section, township, and range, or by other legal description. 6. The exact locatioWfte subdivision indicated by true angles and distances to the nearest established street lines and a corner or corners established in the U.S. public land survey. 7. The exact length and bearing of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision. 8. The exact location, widths, and names of all existing or proposed streets, alleys, easements, or other public ways. All lot numbers and lines, with accurate dimensions. 10. Building setback lines with the lot widths. 11. Point of curvature, point of tangency, radii, length and central angle for all horizontal curves. 12. An accurate survey and legal description of property proposed to be dedicated for public use or to be reserved by covenant for use of all property owners in the subdivision with the purpose or purposes indicated therein, and with the conditions, if any, of such dedication or reservation. 13. Special flood hazard boundary lines and areas. 14. Language granting necessary easements to the City and to appropriate utility companies for rights -of -way and for public services and utilities, in a form provided by the City. Evidence shall be furnished to the City that the individual utility companies or the organization responsible for furnishing the service involved has reviewed such easements and any easement provisions to be incorporated on the plat or in deeds. tiuh�ir� r,rc,n ('untr cal anal I )c � Io�inxnl t �i i- rn�� Oty' of' Nlcl lcnry -\hlfliratloil 1•mrm'wid I ct.•, 13 15. The following certificates, in a form provided by the City: (Except as otherwise required by law, certification on final plats of subdivisions located in unincorporated areas subject to these regulations shall be those required by the McHenry County Subdivision Regulations, except when these regulations are more restrictive, the applicable certifications contained herein shall also be required.) a. Certification by an Illinois Registered Land Surveyor to the effect that the plat represents a survey made by him or her, that the monuments or markers shown thereon exist as located, and that all dimensional details are correct, in a form provided by the City. b. Notarized certification, by all property owners and by any mortgage holder of record, of the adoption of the plat and the dedication of street, easement, and other public areas, in a form provided by the City. C. Surface Water Drainage d. Roadway Access, State and/or County, if necessary e. McHenry County Health Department, if necessary f. School District g. City Engineer h. City Collector i. City Clerk j. Planning and Zoning Commission Chairperson k. County Clerk 1. Agreement and Notice of Developer Contributions and Land Donation 16. Such other information as the Plat Officer, Planning and Zoning Commission, or City Council may require at any time, which, in the exercise of their discretion, is appropriate in light of all of the circumstances affecting the application and will not be contrary to the purposes and intent of these regulations. 3.4 Fees and Deposits. A. Application Fees. The following fee shall be paid upon filing a plat of subdivision with the City: Preliminary Plat $250 Final Plat $250 for the first 2 acres; plus $10 for each additional acre; plus a maintenance fee of $3,000 per cul-de-sac B. Retained Personnel Fees and Expenses. A subdivider or developer shall deposit, pay and reimburse the City for any and all administrative expenses and costs, and for any and all fees, salaries or compensation incurred and charged to the City by retained personnel in connection with planning, reviewing, evaluating, advising, approving, recording, inspecting or accepting any development, preliminary or final plat, engineering plans, or subdivision improvements. SLIbdI\ I"1011 ( '011U.01 .uut I)C\rl01)111 [ Cliy ul',N1cl leery \I'I)IICatI0II R)"ILI111 Wum anll I ��ti 14 The following amount shall be deposited into a specified account with the City upon filing an application for a development permit, preliminary plat, or final plat, which shall be used toward administrative and retained personnel expenses and costs: - Less than 1 acre - 1 to 5 acres - 5 to 10 acres - Over 10 acres $500.00 $400.00 per acre than $1,000.00 $300.00 per acre than $2,000.00 $200.00 per acre than $3,000.00 or fraction thereof, but not less or fraction thereof, but not less or fraction thereof, but not less 2. During the course of construction and at such times as the Plat Officer deems necessary, within customary and good practices of engineering and construction, inspection of the public improvement shall be made to insure compliance with the engineering plans as approved. The subdivider or developer shall pay the actual costs of inspections. This fee sha!1_be,'the_ actual cost to the City of inspectors, engineers, and other parties necessary to insure satisfactory completion of the work. 3. City shall place all required monies into a specified account, bearing interest and held in the name of the City. The City shall retain any interest that may be earned in connection with said deposit. 4. Any satement or bill submitted to the City by retained personnel shall identify the specific charges and fees incurred, a copy of which shall be retained by the City and made available for inspectioq by the subdivider or developer. 5. At any time the balance of the specified account falls below one-fourth of the original amount deposited, the City shall require a sum of money that, in addition to the balance in said specified account, shall equal the amount originally required, or such lesser amount thereof that the City Council might, in such cases, determine. 6. All proceedings in connection with such subdivision or development shall be stayed until said subsequent requests for payment are deposited in said specified account. 7. Any requirement for payment not deposited within six months of the date of said request shall, at the discretion of the City Council and upon written notice to the subdivider or developer, terminate and render null and void any prior approvals granted by the City for said development or plat. 8. The City Council may, for good cause shown in writing by the subdivider or developer, grant continuances for said deposits. �UbdI� 1,R)I) ('kIntlul anal f) \cl0l)nlcnt OIiIlnZHIL" ( Itv oI'Mcllcnry �1)1)I1Cilllk)II RCIILlWCIT1CI1I'UI'lll L1MI I CC, 15 9. The City Council may, at its discretion and by resolution, waive the requirements of this Section. 10. Upon receipt of the final statement or bill of the retained personnel, or within 60 days of the final development approval, or approval and recording of the final plat and acceptance of public improvements, any balance remaining in the specified account, excluding any interest, shall be returned and repaid to the subdivider or developer. SUhdI% i-dMI COM1 01 anti Dk:vclol-nicnt 01tl111a11C_ ( •itv ail, Mcl leery ;\I,h1ICJtIW1 I•urm uul 1 ccti 16 4 Development and Subdivision Review Process. 4.1 Development Review. A. Plat Officer Review. The Plat Officer shall review an application for approval of a development for compliance with all Requirements of Law, and to determine whether subdivision approvals, public improvements, or land dedications are required for such development. B. Effect of Development Approval. Approval by the Plat Officer of a development shall not entitle the developer to any other approval or issuance of any permit until after all of the standards and procedures for such other approval or issuance of such permit have been satisfied. C. Building_ Permits. No building permit shall be issued for any work within a development until after the Plat Officer has approved final engineering plans for all public and private improvements. D. Occupancy Certificates. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any building or structure until after all public and private improvements are completed, approved, and when appropriate, dedicated to and accepted by the City. 4.2 Preliminary Plat Review. A. Filing, Deadline; Plat Officer Review. 1. An application for approval of a preliminary plat shall be filed with the Plat Officer, in complete and proper form, at least 30 days prior to the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission at which it is to be considered. 2. The Plat Officer shall review the preliminary plat for completeness, for compliance with the Requirements of Law, including without limitation the application requirements established in Section 3 herein, and for technical accuracy. The Plat Officer shall notify the subdivider either that the application has been accepted for processing or that it may not be processed because of deficiencies or inaccuracies. If the Plat Officer determines that the plat should be accepted for processing, then the plat shall be referred to all appropriate staff members and committees for review. B. Action by Planning and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall conduct a public meeting to review the preliminary plat. Within 45 days after the conclusion of the public meeting, but not more than 90 days after the date of an accepted application, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall recommend approval, approval with conditions or modifications, or disapproval, and shall submit such recommendation to the City Council. SUhdIViSIINI Control acid 1)eAc1oj)mcnt Oidinancc City of McHenry I )C cl0llnlCnt Mild SUhdl\ IAIUiI I\C\ IC\\ 1'r�lcc�5 17 A recommendation for disapproval shall specify the reasons for disapproval and the aspects of the preliminary plat that fail to comply with these regulations or the Requirements of Law. The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend approval of a plat subject to certain conditions or modifications as are deemed necessary in the interests and needs of the community. The failure of the Planning and Zoning Commission to act within the time period specified, or such further time to which the subdivider may agree, shall be deemed to be a recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to disapprove the preliminary plat. C. Action by City Council. The City Council shall approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the preliminary plat within 30 days after its first regular meeting following the action by the Planning and Zoning Cottssion. If the City Council disapproves the preliminary plat, the Plat Officer shaj;�-,jiotify the subdivider in writing of the reasons for disapproval. The failure of the City Council to act within the time period specified, or such further time to which the subdivider may agree, shall be deemed to be a decision of the City Council to disapprove the preliminary plat. ;. D. Effect of Approval. Approval of a preliminary plat by the City Council is tentative only involving merely the general acceptability of the proposed subdivision layout. Such tentative approval shall be considered permission to the subdivider to submit the final plat and final engineering plans for the proposed subdivision. E. Limitation on Preliminary Plat Approval. The approval of a preliminary plat by the City Council shall be effective for a period of 12 months from the date of approval, at the end of which time the subdivider shall have submitted a final plat for approval or a written request for an extension to this period. If the City Council has not granted an extension and a final plat is not submitted within this period, the preliminary plat shall be null and void, and the subdivider shall resubmit a preliminary plat for review by the Planning and Zon' Commission and City Council, in accordance with these regulations. `r F. Subdivision Phasing. The approval of a preliminary plat by, the City Council may provide for the division of the subdivision into two or more sections for final plat approval, and may impose such conditions upon the filing of the sections, as it may deem necessary to assure the orderly development of the subdivision. If phasing is approved, specific approval of a variance to Section 4.2.5 that provides a modified period of approval shall be required. G. Minor Amendments to Preliminary Plat. At any time after preliminary plat approval and before submission of a final plat, the subdivider may request that the Plat Officer approve a minor amendment to the approved plat or conditional approval. If, in the judgment of the Plat Officer, the proposed amendment will not substantially alter the overall layout or design of the subdivision, said amendment shall be approved. The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council shall consider all other amendments in accordance with the same procedure for preliminary plat approval. Suhdi\ i,iun Control and I)r\Clupment ( )rdinunc (`ity of MC fenr\ Uevelopmcnt and SuhC1I%I"loil k'C%ICv\ l'rure�5 18 4.3 Submission of Preliminary and Final Plats for Simultaneous Review. The subdivider may submit a final plat simultaneously with the submission of a preliminary plat if the proposed subdivision meets all of the following requirements: A. The proposed subdivision contains three or fewer lots; and B. The proposed subdivision does not require or create any new public rights -of -way or easements for access; and C. The proposed subdivision requires no extensions of public utilities and no new public facilities; and D. The proposed subdivision does not include any territory that'is located is a Special Flood Hazard Area, or contain any proposed lots that may be unbuildable because of the nature of the soils located thereon. The subdivider shall comply with all of the provisions of these regulations applicable to the submission of a preliminary plat and final plat. The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council shall consider such plats simultaneously and shall approve or disapprove the final plat. 4.4 Final Plat Review. A. Filing: Deadline: Plat Officer Review. 1. An application for approval of a final plat shall be filed-w-r the Plat Officer, in complete and proper form, at least 15 days prier ti meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission at which it is to be considered`: 2. The Plat Officer shall review the final plat for completeness, for compliance with the Requirements of Law, including without limitation the application requirements established in Section 3 of these regulations, for compliance with the approved preliminary plat and any modifications or conditions imposed on the preliminary plat, and for technical accuracy. The Plat Officer shall notify the subdivider either that the application has been accepted for processing or that it may not be processed because of deficiencies or inaccuracies. If the Plat Officer determines that the plat should be accepted for processing, then the plat shall be referred to all appropriate staff members and committees for review. B. Action by Planning, and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Com- mission shall conduct a public meeting to review the final plat. Within 15 days after the conclusion of the public meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall recommend approval, approval with conditions or modifications, or disapproval, and shall submit such recommendation to the City Council. A recommendation for disapproval shall specify the reasons for disapproval and the aspects of the final plat that fail to comply with these regulations or the Requirements of Law. The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend Subdivision Control and I)CNCIoI)mC[It OIdlnCity ol,MCI lcnry UCN'cl0h1IIC11 and SUhdly i'�1011 RCv ]C» I'ruCc5, 19 approval of a plat subject to certain conditions or modifications as are deemed necessary in the interests and needs of the community. Failure of the Planning and Zoning Commission to act within the time period specified, or such further time to which the subdivider may agree, shall be deemed to be a recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to disapprove the final plat. C. Action by City Council. The City Council shall approve or disapprove the final plat within 60 days following the receipt of an accepted application, or within 60 days following the receipt of the last required document, plat, agreement, or other item, whichever is later, or such further time to which the subdivider may agree.. If the City Council disapproves the final plat, the Plat Officer shall notify the subdivider in writing of the reasons for disapproval. The failure of the City Council to act within the time period specified, or such`furth&!rne to'which the subdivider may agree, shall be deemed to be a decision of the City Council to disapprove the final plat. D. Approval of Final Engineering eering Plans Required. Except-as'spec fic0;y authorized by a variance approved by the City Council, no final plat shall be approved by the City Council until after the final engineering plans for the subdivision have been approved in accordance with these regulations. E. Effect of Approval. The approval of a final plat by the City Council shall not entitle the subdivider to any other approval or issuance of any permit until after all of the standards and procedures have been complied with for such other approval or issuance of a permit._- F. Signing of the Plat. When a subdivision improvement" afce is required, the City shall not endorse the final plat until after the Pla Officer--bas approved the security, and all conditions of the approval have been satisfied- G. Recordation of Plat. The final plat shall be presented to the City with all necessary endorsements within six months after the date of approval by the City Council. It shall be the responsibility of the City to file the final plat with the County Recorder's Office within seven days after the final endorsement is affixed to the plat. 4.5 Vacation of Plats. An application for approval of the vacation of a plat, or part thereof, shall be filed with the Plat Officer, and shall comply with all of the provisions of these regulations applicable to the submission and approval of a final plat. The plat of vacation shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of 765 ILCS 205/6, as amended, and shall have the form and content provided by these regulations for a final plat. SLlhdIA INIMI ('OMR)] and I )c\ cIopiiient ( )rJinancc City ol' INICI-lenry I)c\c10pmcnt anal SUKlivi,iom Rcvio� I)IL)Ce5, 20 5 Subdivision Layout and Design 5.1 General. In addition to the requirements established in these regulations, all subdivisions shall comply with all Requirements of Law, including without limitation the following: A. All applicable statutory provisions. B. The Zoning Ordinance, building codes, and all other applicable laws and ordinances of the City of McHenry. C. The Comprehensive Plan, Official Map, and Master Plan for Public Utilities of the City of McHenry, including streets, public sites, environmental features, and parks shown on the Official Map. D. Applicable laws, rules, and regulations of the State of Illinois and duly constituted agencies thereof. 5.2 Preservation of Natural Features. Every subdivision'sfiall-iOatsigned to preserve to the fullest extent possible all natural features of the land, such as natural ridges, large trees, and watercourses, which add to the attractiveness and environmental value of the land and the proposed subdivision. 5.3 Streets. Streets shall be designed and constructed to conform to this ordinance and the Official Comprehensive, Plan adopted by the City Council. They shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, to topographic conditions, to public convenience and safety, and their appropriate relation to proposed uses of the land to be served. Generally, all streets shall be dedicated to public use, and arterial streets, in all cases, shall be dedicated to public use. All public streets shall be completely improved to the full width of the right of way. All street improvements 'smell be extended to the boundaries of the subdivision or development. A. General Street Layout and Design. No subdivision or development shall be approved unless the area to be subdivided has frontage on and access from an existing street, or a street shown upon a plat approved by the City and recorded with the McHenry County Recorder of Deeds. Such existing or proposed street must be improved as required by these regulations, the City Technical Specifications Manual, and other Requirements of Law, or its improvement secured by a construction guarantee as required under these regulations. The arrangement of streets shall either: a. Provide for the continuation of existing, planned or platted streets in surrounding area; or; b. Conform to a plan for the adjacent area adapted to meet a particular situation where topographical or other conditions make continuance or conformance to existing streets impracticable. Suhdi\ i,ion Control and Dc\clolmicnt Ordinance ('its' ot'McHenry SUhdlAI11011 1 aWut and Uc'�iun 21 2. Local streets shall be so designed to discourage through traffic movements and excessive vehicular traffic, be designed to discourage excessive speeds and minimize vehicle -pedestrian conflict points, and should not rely on extensive traffic regulations in order to function efficiently and safely. 3. Where a parcel abuts or contains an existing arterial or collector street, as shown on the Comprehensive Plan or Official Map, the Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend and the City Council may require frontage roads, double frontage lots with screen planting contained in.a.-non-access reservation not less than 10 feet wide along the rear property- lnit; or-- such other treatment as may be necessary for adequate protection of residential properties and to separate through and local traffic. 4. When any parcel or part of a parcel is adjacent to only one side of an existing right of way, which is less than the required width required by the Development Standards or the Official Map, the applicant st#_edicate additional right of way to meet the specifications of these , �t Standards. Jd+, 5. Half streets, and private streets, alleys or thoroughfares are not permitted. 6. Where adjoining areas are not subdivided, the arrangements of streets ire new subdivisions shall be extended to the boundary line of the traatp make provision for the future projection of streets into adjacent areas: , 5.4 Block and Lot Layout. A. The lengths, widths, and shapes of blocks shall be appropriate for the locality and the type of development contemplated, but block length in residential areas shall not exceed 1,500 feet, nor have less than sufficient width to provide for two tiers of lots of appropriate depth between streets. - - B. Pedestrian easements, not less than 10 feet wide, may be required by the City Council through the center of blocks more than 900 feet in length where deemed necessary to provide circulation or access to schools, playgrounds, shopping centers, transportation or other community facilities. C. Lot areas and dimensions shall conform to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Lots lying outside the corporate limits of the City shall conform to the requirements of the Zoning District most closely related to the current or proposed use of the property, as provided in the Comprehensive Plan and Official Map. -'-'IUhdl\ IS1011 C'011tn01 and Nvk lul,ment Oidimmk: • City ot'McFlenry �Uhdl1 i',iun 1 LIVO ( and I>c',i�kln 22 D. Depth and width of lots reserved or laid out for commercial and industrial purposes shall be adequate to provide for off-street loading and parking facilities, as required by the Zoning Ordinance. E. Double frontage and reversed frontage lots shall be avoided except where necessary to provide separation of residential development from arterial streets or conflicting land uses, or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography and orientation. F. Residential lots abutting arterial and collector streets shall be platted with extra depth to provide greater setback distances between the buildings and such traffic, T ways. Vehicular access to arterial and collector streets from such lots shall be prohibited. G. Excessive depth in relation to width shall be avoided. A proportion of two and one-half to one shall normally be considered as a desirable maximum for lot widths of 100 feet or more. H. In determining the minimum lot area under these regulations and to meet the Zoning Ordinance requirements, both of the following conditions must be met: 1. Ninety percent (90%) of the minimum lot area shall be at least two feet above the approximate high water elevation of any lake or stream affecting the area; and 2. Eighty percent (80%) of the minimum lot area shall be at least three feet,, --- above the highest ground water level as estimated by the subdivider or his agent from soil boring test data, and as verified by the Plat Officer. Corner lots for residential use shall have extra width to permit full front building setbacks on both streets as provided by the Zoning Ordinance. 4* * Lots at right angles to each other should be avoided. K. Side lot lines shall be substantially at right angles or radial to the street lines. L. Lots shall follow municipal boundary lines whenever possible. M. Reserve strips controlling access to public utilities, streets or other properties shall be prohibited. 5.5 Monuments. Permanent monuments shall be placed in the subdivision as required by these regulations and as approved by an Illinois Registered Land Surveyor. A. Monuments shall be located on street right-of-way lines, at street intersections, angle points of curve and block corners. tiubdiv ]"loll Crnurol <uid Doclol-)mcnt ( 1-Jmancc City otl•Mcl leery Subdi%i.ion Layout .u�J I)c�ibn 23 B. The external boundaries of a subdivision shall be monumented in the field by concrete, not less than 30 inches length, not less than six inches square or five inches in diameter, marked on top with an iron rod or other durable material securely embedded; or by iron rods not less than 30 inches length and two inches in diameter. C. All U.S., State, County, or other official benchmarks, monuments, or triangulation stations in or adjacent to the subdivision shall be preserved in precise location. SUhdl IS1011 ('onu-ol and I )V� rloJ)nicnI (>r1-linan:L• ('its of, M(.Henry SUhdl � ivon I U%'ou1 LIMI I )o',) n 24 6 Public Improvements. 6.1 Improvements Required. Every subdivision or development shall be improved with public improvements as set forth in these regulations and with all such other improvements as may be necessary to serve the subdivision or development, as determined by the City. All such improvements shall be designed and constructed by the subdivider or developer in accordance with the these regulations, the Technical Specifications Manual, and other Requirements of Law, as approved by the Plat Officer. 6.2 Permit Required. No construction work of any kind, including grading, shall be performed on any proposed street, sewer, water main, or other public improvement without all applicable permits and approvals having first been obtained from the City. 6.3 Engineering Plans Required. The subdivider or developer shall submit six copies of complete engineering plans, prepared by and bearing the seal of a Professional Engineer registered in Illinois, for the construction of all public or private improvements. The engineering plans shall be prepared in accordance with the Requirements of Law, including without limitation the City Technical Specifications Manual, these regulations, and all applicable standards of other agencies with jurisdiction. 6.4 Engineering Plan Review. A. Submission of Preliminaa Engineering Plans and Studies. Preliminary engineering plans and studies shall be submitted with the application for approval of a preliminary plat requiring or proposing public improvements. These plans shall be accompanied by payment of all fees and deposits required by these regulations. No preliminary plat shall be approved unless the City determines that public facilities will be adequate to support and service the area of the proposed subdivision. The applicant shall submit sufficient information and data to demonstrate the expected impact on and use of public facilities by possible uses of said subdivision. Public facilities and services to be examined for adequacy will include stormwater management, including accommodations for off -site drainage, roads, sanitary sewerage, and water service. B. Preliminary Engineering Plan Review. The City shall review all preliminary engineering plans and studies to determine if they are in conformance with the Requirements of Law. Such review shall be completed within 45 days after submission of complete plans and payment of all required fees and deposits. The City may approve the plans, may approve the plans subject to modifications or conditions, or may disapprove the plans in writing delivered to the subdivider stating the reasons for such disapproval. The failure of the City to act within the time period specified, or such further time to which the subdivider may agree, shall be deemed to be a decision to disapprove the plans. The City shall not approve a preliminary plat until after the approval of the preliminary engineering plans and studies. SUbchvision Control and Dtnk2lolmlcnt City of McHenry I'ubli�ln-ihiu��•mvnts 25 C. Submission of Final Engineering Plans. In the case of a subdivision, final engineering plans may be submitted only after approval of a preliminary plat, and not later than the time of filing of an application for approval of the final plat. In the case of a development, final engineering plans must be submitted not later than the time of filing of an application for approval of a building permit. These plans shall be accompanied by payment of all fees and deposits required by these regulations. D. Final Engineering Plan Review. The City shall review all final engineering plans to determine if they are in conformance with the Requirements of Law, and in the case of a subdivision, in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat. Such review shall be completed within 45 days after submission of complete plans and payment of all required fees and deposits. The City may approve the plans, may approve the plans subject to modifications or conditions, or may disapprove the plans in writing delivered to the subdivider or developer stating the reasons for such disapproval. The failure of the City to act within the time period specified, or such further time to which the subdivider or developer may agree, shall be deemed to be a decision to disapprove the plans. Ul- E. Record ("As Built") Drawings. After completion of all public improvements and prior to final acceptance of said improvements, the subdivider or developer shall provide to the City record ("as built") drawings of the engineering plans revised to reflect all improvements as constructed. All elements of the approved plans that have been revised from the approved final engineering plans shall be noted as revisions on the final engineering plans and signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer registered in Illinois. The presentation of these plans shall be a condition - of final acceptance of the improvements and release of the construction guaranteez-*­ rvl- assuring their completion. ` Electronic format of the As -Built drawings of the development and all public improvements shall also be submitted to the City. These plans shall be delivered in Auto Cad 2000 (or latest version) format and shall be tied into Illinois State Plane Coordinate System (NAD 83, 1997 Revision) through established IDOT monumentation. The City of McHenry will supply the developer with the nearest location of this monumentation for tie-in. For all projects involving extensions to sanitary sewer mains, there shall be submitted two (2) copies of reproducible mylar drawings — maximum size two (2) feet by three (3) feet of the "as built" plans showing the actual locations and grades of sewers and manholes and the locations of the service connection to the main and terminus of the service. One copy shall be submitted to the City Engineer and one copy shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works. tiuhdn i,iun <'cxu[.ul and D):\cluhnicnl Oid]MInL�: C ity of NicI tell IY Public ]IIIJ)RINcTllk:ntS 26 6.5 Streets A. Street Classifications and Definitions. Major Arterial. Major Arterial routes serve the primary centers of activity within the City, the highest traffic volume corridors and the longest trip desires. They are roadways that display inter -city continuity, regional importance, and that provide reasonably continuous routes through the City. Major Arterials are facilities that carry traffic volumes greater than 12,000 vehicles per day (vpd), and are usually under the jurisdiction of the State or County governments. 2. Secondary Arterial. Secondary Arterial routes interconnect and augment the Major Arterials. They accommodate trips of moderate length, provide slightly less mobility then the Major Arterials but provide more emphasis on land access. Secondary Arterials can also be those facilities that serve major traffic flows between various districts within the City. Secondary Arterials _ are facilities that carry between 5,000 and 12,000 vpd, and are typically under the jurisdiction of the County, Township or the City. 3. Collector Street. Collector Streets provide both land access service and traffic circulation within residential neighborhoods and commercial and industrial areas. Collectors differ from arterials in that these roadways may penetrate residential neighborhoods, distributing trips from the arterials through the area to their ultimate destination. Collector Streets are facilities that which carry between 1,000 and 5,000 vpd, and are typically under the - jurisdiction of the City. Facilities within the Collector Street classification are further classified by the primary land use area that they serve (Industrial Collector, Commercial Collector or Residential Collector). 4. Local Street. Local Streets are all those facilities not in one of the higher classifications. They primarily permit direct access to abutting lands and provide connections to the higher order facilities. Service to through traffic movements should be deliberately discouraged on these roads. Local Streets are facilities that carry less than 1,000 vpd and are under the jurisdiction of the City. Facilities within the Local Street classification are further classified by the primary land use area that they serve (Local Industrial, Local Commercial, Local Residential, or Cul-de-sac). B. Geometric Standards for Streets and Rights -of -Way. All streets shall be designed in accordance with Table 6-1 and Table 6-2. SUbdI�I;W11 ControI and I)cveIohnuntOrdlnanre City u1 Mcllenry Puhli� Imhru��mcnts 27 Table 6-1 RnAnWAV nVRIGN gTANDARM Arterials[ Collector[ Local Major Secondary Residential Industrial Commercial Residential Industrial Right-of-way width 120' - 150' 80'- 100' 66' 80' 80' 60' 60' Roadway Width 69' 37' - 61' 34' 34' 34' 28' 34' back to back:curb Design Speed ° 40 mph 35 mph (55 mph in open (55 mph in open 30 mph 30 mph 30 mph 30 mph 30 mph areas) areas Sidewalk width 5' 5' 4' 5' 5' 4' 5' Number of Traffic 4 2-4 2 2 2 2 2 Lanes Median Continuous 16' Continuous 4' Barrier Painted widen to 12' 12' @ major intersections only None -.. intersections Access Location Full Access Points 20 per mile Only when Local Street access Criteria @ 1/4 mile spacing (max. 15 per is not available As Needed All others rt. In/rt. out mile) Parking Not Allowed Not Allowed one side I none none one side none Bikeway Facilities 10 Off Roadway t 10 Off Roadway 10' Off Roadway Not Separately where indicated 4' On-Streee Designated Curb Type B-6.24 (or 4' B-6.12 (or 4' M-6.12 B-6.12 B-6.12 M-6.12 B-6.12 Shoulders) Shoulders Signal S acin Z 1/2 mile 1/4 mile At Arterial Only None Comments: l . State & County jurisdictions may have other requirements. 2. Under the [DOT jurisdiction. 3. All italicizing is the current subdivision control ordinance information. 4. Speed limits shown are AASHTO design standards final speed limit will be determined by speed studies. Street Arterials Collector and Industrial Minor and Cul-de-Sac Table 6-2 Minimum Standards for Street Design Right Street Radius Clear Of Width of Min. Way to Back Horiz. Max. Min. Sight Width of Curb Curves Gradient Gradient Distance * * 400' 5% 0.6% 300' 80' * 300' 5% 0.6% 200' * 30' 150' 7% 0.6% 200' Sllhd1\I11011 COnti0l and I)C\Cluhment ()rdinan�.e City orMCHenry PLINIC In1pr(1\Cmenl.,, 28 C. Intersections and Offsets. Streets shall intersect at 90 degrees whenever possible. No two streets shall intersect at an angle of less than 75 degrees. An oblique street should be curved approaching an intersection and should be at right angles for a minimum of 100 feet there from. 2. No more than two streets shall intersect at any one point. 3. Proposed intersections along one side of an existing street shall, whenever practicable, coincide with any existing intersections on the opposite side of such street. Street or driveway jogs with centerline offsets of less than 150 feet shall not be permitted and jogs with centerline offsets of less than 225 feet between minor and collector or arterial streets shall be discouraged, except where the intersected street or driveway has separate dual drives without median breaks at either intersection. 4. Provisions shall be made for vehicular and pedestrian access to residential property abutting an arterial street either by providing: (1) a marginal access street, or (2) by backing lots to the thoroughfare and providing access by a collector, minor, or cul-de-sac street one lot depth removed and with a no access strip easement not less than 10 feet wide along the rear lot line. These standards are established for the purpose of providing protection for the residential properties and to provide for traffic safety and the efficient use of the major street for its intended function of accommodating through traffic. 5. Deceleration and left turn lanes shall be provided for access from all arterial or collector streets onto all streets, including without limitation Federal, , - State, County or Township highways. When an existing lot's only access is from an arterial street, the intersection of a proposed driveway with the arterial street shall require the installation of acceleration/deceleration lanes along the arterial street to provide for vehicular safety. 6. A clear minimum sight distance shall be provided for all intersections in accordance with Table 6-2. D. Cul-de-sacs. Cul-de-sacs may be permitted in subdivisions where land availability, site planning, or traffic control purposes determine a through street is not practicable. A maintenance fee, in accordance with Section 3.4.1 of this ordinance, shall be required for each cul-de-sac in a subdivision. 1. The maximum length of a cul-de-sac shall be 600 feet, as measured along its centerline from the center of the cul-de-sac circle to the nearest right-of- way of the intersecting street. 2. Cul-de-sacs shall have a concentric teardrop shape with a minimum right of way of 120 feet in diameter. SUbdi%i,ion Control and Dt:\ Vluhmrnt 01Llma11cc City oI'McIIenry T'uhlic Int1)it,%emcnts 29 3. The center of the cul-de-sac shall have a minimum pavement diameter of 90 feet. E. Pavement and Desizn Specifications. All pavements shall be designed in accordance with the City's Technical Specifications Manual. The Plat Officer may, as a result of traffic analysis, soil analysis, or State or County requirements, require standards for a street that are more strict than those established in the City Technical Specifications Manual. F. Curbs and Gutters. PCC curbs and gutters shall be provided on all new streets, and on existing streets within or adjacent to the subdivision in accordance with the City Technical Specifications Manual. G. Street Names. New street names shall not duplicate or be deceptively similar to the names of existing streets, but streets that are continuations of others already in existence shall bear the name of the existing streets. Streets shall have one - word names to avoid confusion. H. Signs, Street Name and Traffic Control. Street name and traffic control signs shall be installed by the City, at the sole cost of the Subdivider, at each intersection in accordance with the City Technical Specifications Manual. 1. State or County Approvals. Any construction within or changes to rights of way under the jurisdiction of the State of Illinois, county or township shall require the approval of that jurisdiction in addition to City Council approval before any construction is allowed to begin. 6.6 Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be provided on both sides of all streets within all new subdivisions or developments. Sidewalks may also be required in other locations when the City Council, in its sole discretion, determines that such sidewalks are necessary for public safety or convenience. All sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the City Technical Specifications Manual. The Plat Office may, in his sole discretion, require payment of a fee in lieu of sidewalk construction, when it is determined that the construction of sidewalks within a subdivision or development is impractical or unnecessary. Said fee shall be based on the linear footage of the sidewalk that would normally be required times the construction cost to install such sidewalk, as established from time to time by the City. 6.7 Bikeways. All subdivisions and developments shall provide for bikeways as indicated in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Official Map, or as otherwise determined by the City Council when considered appropriate for public safety or convenience. Bikeways may be substituted for sidewalks in locations approved by the Plat Officer. All bikeways shall be constructed in accordance with the City Technical Specifications Manual. 6.8 Street Lighting. Street lighting shall be provided in every subdivision and development, and shall be constructed in accordance with the City Technical Specifications Manual. SUhdIv i>R)n ('011tR)I and I )t2vcIoI)mrni OikIin incc ('its, of, MCI Icnry PLI IC In-II)Ft mcnIS 30 6.9 Water Service. A. Service Required. A complete water supply and distribution system, including all piping, valves, fire hydrants and other appurtenances, shall be provided for all new subdivisions or developments. In the case of any buildings, residential, commercial or industrial, constructed prior to the adoption of this Ordinance and served by a private well, the following shall apply: Any building located within the City limits, the property line of which building is located within two hundred (200) feet of a water distribution line, shall have its water piping system connected to the said water distribution line. Any parcel and/or building located outside the City shall be required to annex into the City prior to connecting onto the City water distribution system, and any and all expenses incurred to extend said water distribution system would be totally at the property owner's expense. B. System Standards. Before commencing the water distribution system layout, the developer shall confer with the City Engineer to determine the required size for any water distribution lines traversing the subdivision or lot to fit the City's available capacities of off site downstream existing facilities with the estimated increment of flow caused by the subdivision, proposed development and any future off site development. 1. In no case shall the size of any water main be less than eight (8) inches in diameter for residential or twelve (12) inches in diameter for non-residential developments. 2. Water mains shall extend to the extremities of streets, easements, or property lines that are served by the mains and shall be arranged to avoid dead -ends. All water distribution system piping shall be constructed within public rights of way or within approved easements dedicated for public utilities. Whenever feasible, the developer is required to design looped water mains. 3. Shut-off valves shall be provided at each branch main connection and elsewhere, as determined by the Plat Officer, to permit adequate sectionalizing for maintenance and repair purposes. 4. A building service connection shall be provided for each lot and principal building and shall extend to a point within one foot of the property line of the property being served. Such building service connection shall be installed prior to installation of any pavement over the area of such connection. 5. All attached and detached single-family dwelling units shall be served directly by separate water piping connected to the City's water distribution system and not to be of common service as specified in the Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois, Latest Edition. C. Design and Construction. Every water supply and distribution system shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Requirements of Law, including without limitation the City Technical Specifications Manual and Master Plan for SLIbdI Vision Control anti Development ( )rdurmcc City of McHenry 1'uhlic IIII hiu%cn1cnt. 31 Public Utilities, and in such a manner as to provide each lot and principal building with a separate service connection. D. Fire Hydrants. 1. Fire hydrants shall be installed throughout all additions to the water system in accordance with the City Technical Specifications Manual. In no case shall the spacing of required fire hydrants be greater than 300 feet. 2. The removal of water from any fire hydrant shall not be permitted unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works. E. Unauthorized Use. No part of the water distribution system shall be used or disturbed by any unauthorized person unless the Director of Public Works grants permission. This includes the operation of fire hydrants and valve connections, or disconnections to any part of the water distribution system. Any unauthorized person tampering with the water distribution system will be prosecuted. 6.10 Sanitary Sewer Service A. Service Required. A complete sanitary sewerage system, including a service connection for each lot and sewerage treatment plant capacity or disposal facilities, shall be provided for all new subdivisions or developments. In the case of any buildings, residential, commercial or industrial, constructed prior to the adoption of the Development Standards and served by a septic system, the following shall apply: Any building located within the City, the property line of which building is located within two hundred (200) feet of a sanitary sewer main line, shall have its sanitary sewer facilities connected to the said sanitary sewer main line. Any parcel and/or building located outside the City shall be required to annex into the City prior to connecting onto the City sewerage system, and any and all expenses incurred to extend said sewer system would be totally at the property owner's expense. The City Engineer and Director of Public Works have the authority to require the installation of inspection manholes for new and existing facilities. B. System Standards. Before commencing the sewer layout, the developer shall confer with the City Engineer to determine the required size and grades for any trunk sewers traversing the subdivision or lot to fit the City's available capacities of offsite downstream existing facilities with the estimated increment of flow caused by the subdivision, proposed development, and any future offsite development. Sewer mains shall be sized in accordance with the City Technical Specifications Manual and in accordance with the capacity requirements of the City's sanitary sewerage transmission system as determined by the Plat Officer, but shall not be less than eight (8) inches in diameter. SUhdi\ i,ion Coil troI anal I_h%'dohmrnt ( )r1lin!If ILe ( ity ol, fvld ICnry I'LI IC IIIII-)I'( 32 2. Sanitary sewers shall be extended to the far edge of the development and at other locations indicated by the City Engineer. All sanitary sewers shall be constructed within public rights of way or within approved easements dedicated for public utilities. Sewer mains, with separate building service stubs for each lot and principal building, shall be installed prior to construction of street improvements. 4. Building service stubs shall be sized according to the requirements of the use being served, as determined by the Plat Officer; provided, however, that service stubs shall not be less than four (4) inches in diameter. Building service stubs shall extend to a point within one foot of the property line of the property being served. All attached and detached single-family dwelling units shall be served by separate sanitary sewers to be directly connected to the City sewerage system and not to be of common service. Multi -family dwellings will be permitted to be served by one common service. C. Design and Construction. Every sanitary sewer system shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Requirements of Law, including without limitation the City Technical Specifications Manual and Master Plan for Public Utilities. 6.11 Stormwater Drainage. A. Service Required. A stormwater runoff control and detention system, designed and constructed in accordance with the Requirements of Law, including without limitation the City Technical Specifications Manual, the Master Plan for Public Utilities, and the McHenry County Stormwater Ordinance, shall be provided in all new subdivisions or developments to serve adequately the area being platted or developed. B. System Standards. 1. All subdivisions and development shall include provisions for the construction of storm sewers and appurtenances. The storm sewer system shall be separate and independent of the sanitary sewer system. Existing drainage channels shall be used whenever possible. 3. The design of the drainage system shall consider and show: a. Storm Drainage area of which the subdivision is a part. b. Calculations as to volume and frequency of water to be handled. C. Grades that may result in erosion or ponding and therefore require storm sewers. d. Existing watercourses. Suhdi\i,,ion Control and I)c�k•lolimcnt OIJimm,"C City- ofMcl-Ienry PLIhlik: In1,x(1" 33 e. A plan of subdivision grading to prevent the ponding of storm water. 4. If it is contemplated that the elevation of the land or the flow of surface water from such land will be changed as a result of any portion of a subdivision or development, then a study or studies that show topographically and by profile such proposed changes in elevation and the flow of surface water from such land shall be required. 5. Detention facilities shall be required for all subdivisions and developments, and shall be designed for a 100 year rain fall occurrence with a release rate as determined by the Plat Officer based on the City Technical Specifications Manual, Master Plan for Public Utilities, and on down -stream conditions. Stormwater inlets shall be placed in street gutters at all street intersections and elsewhere as determined by the Plat Officer based on an analysis of the terrain. 7. Building service stubs shall be installed to receive sub -soil drain pump discharge from each building and shall connect to a storm sewer within the drainage system of the subdivision or development. 6.12 Landscaping A. Ordinance Compliance. All property within a development or subdivision shall be landscaped in accordance with the requirements of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance, and shall comply with all other Requirements of Law regarding tree protection and preservation. B. Parkways and Open Space. All parkways within public rights -of -way, and all public open spaces shall be graded and seeded or sodded in a manner approved by the Plat Officer prior to conveyance to the City. Topsoil in parkways shall be graded to meet the back of curb height. Grass shall be at least 95% established, as determined by the Plat Officer, prior to final approval or acceptance. C. Street Trees. Trees shall be planted in the right-of-way along both sides of all streets in and adjacent to all subdivisions. The selection, placement, and installation of trees shall be in accordance the City Technical Specifications Manual. 6.13 Public Utilities, Underground. All new subdivisions shall be provided with a complete system of underground public utilities including without limitation telephone, gas, electric, and cable television. Existing or relocated above ground utility structures located within or along the perimeter of a new subdivision shall be buried. Suhdivi1i()11 C'011t1-01 anti 1)r\el0hnu•nt City of' MCI leery I'LINIC lmhru%cmrntS 34 6.14 Easements. Utility easements and cable television easements shall be provided at the rear of all residential lots and along the side lot line where required by the Plat Officer. Such utility easement shall be at least 10 feet wide and normally centered upon the rear or side lot line. Evidence shall be furnished that the individual utility companies or the organization responsible for furnishing the service involved has reviewed such easements and any easement provisions to be incorporated on the plat or in deeds. 6.15 Oversize Design. The City Council, at their sole discretion, may require any subdivision improvements to be larger than necessary to serve the immediate subdivision adequately, where required in the planning for utilities, as evidenced by the Master Plan for Public Utilities. The City Council may enter into an agreement to repay the subdivider the construction cost resulting from the increased size. 6.16 Model Homes. Following the City's acceptance of the required construction guarantee and recordation of a final plat, the subdivider may be permitted, at the subdivider's sole risk, to construct, maintain, and occupy model units in one or more product lines being offered in said subdivision. The models may contain a sales office, however, only sales of homes in the particular subdivision shall be permitted. Model construction shall comply with all Requirements of Law, including the City's Zoning Ordinance and building codes, and in no instance shall a building permit be issued where a gravel road base does not exist across the frontage for which the building permit is requested. All required public improvements except the final lift of bituminous asphalt surface on roads and landscaping shall be completed and approved by the City before an occupancy permit may be issued. SUhdIN P11011 Cunirul and D \clOpnirnl OrduIa11 C City ��1 Nlcl Irnry Public Improwillenls 35 7 Construction and Maintenance Guarantees. 7.1 Statement of Estimated Costs of Improvements. The subdivider or developer shall submit to the City a detailed statement prepared by a Professional Engineer registered in Illinois giving an estimate of the total cost of the construction or installation of all required and proposed public improvements. Such estimate shall be submitted at least 30 days prior to the submittal of the required construction guarantee, and be accompanied by photocopies of all contracts relating to the required improvements that have been entered into by the subdivider or developer. Such estimate shall. be based on the prevailing construction costs and shall be subject to approval by the Plat Officer. 7.2 Construction Guarantees and Reductions. A. The construction and installation of public improvements shall not be permitted or initiated until the subdivider or developer has filed with the City a construction guarantee secured by one of the following, all on forms approved by the City Attorney: An irrevocable letter of credit issued by a federally insured bank or savings and loan association; or 2. A surety bond issued by a good and sufficient surety company having a rating of "Superior", as assigned by A.M. Best Company; or A letter of commitment issued by a good and sufficient surety company having a rating of "Superior", as assigned by A.M. Best Company, or other such guarantee as allowed by 65 ILCS 5/11-39-3, as amended. B. The construction guarantee shall be in the amount of 125% of the cost of the required improvements as estimated by the subdivider or developer's engineer, and as approved by the Plat Officer. C. The construction guarantee shall assure the City of the satisfactory installation of the required improvements in accordance with the approved engineering plans and good engineering and construction practices. D. Where the required improvements have not been installed either within the time required or in accordance with the approved engineering plans, the City may demand and draw the guarantee amount for use in matters relating to insuring the satisfactory construction of said improvements, including attorney's fees, engineering and consulting fees, and court costs, if any, incurred in connection with the enforcement of the provisions of these regulations. SUhdlA I'll MI Control and Der clupnicnL ( )rdmancc City ul McHenry Con,IvLicUvn and N'hmIcn�incc( ;uaIantccs 36 E. In accordance with the provisions of these regulations, the amount of the construction guarantee may be reduced only once, after satisfactory completion of at least 50% of the public improvements, as determined by the Plat Officer. The City may reduce the amount of the required construction guarantee at its sole and absolute discretion. F. The total amount of a construction guarantee may be released only after the subdivider or developer has installed all of the required improvements, and the City has accepted them in accordance with these regulations. 7.3 Acceptance. The approval of the final plat by the City shall constitute acceptance of the dedication of any public street, open space, or other public area. Public improvements shall be accepted only by formal resolution of the Mayor and City Council, upon the recommendation of the Plat Officer. No construction guarantee shall be reduced or released until all public improvements shall have been constructed and installed in accordance with the approved engineering plans and good engineering and construction practices, and the subdivider or developer has provided the following: A. A written application for reduction supported by the project engineer's certificate that he has regularly inspected the improvements made during the progress of the construction and that the improvements have been constructed and installed in accordance with the approved engineering plans and good engineering and construction practices. B. A swom contractor's statement from each prime contractor and final lien waivers to assure the City's protection against mechanic's lien claims. C. A Bill of Sale transferring title to the public improvement to the City. D. "As -Built" or record plans as required by these regulations. E. A guarantee of performance as required by these regulations. 7.4 Guarantee of Performance. The subdivider or developer shall guarantee the prompt and satisfactory correction of all defects and deficiencies in any public improvement, including without limitation landscaping installed on public property or within a public right-of-way or easement, that occur or become evident within two years after acceptance of the public improvements by the City. A guarantee running to the City in the amount of 20% of the cost of the improvements for a period of two years after the acceptance of the improvements by the Mayor and City Council, as required by these regulations, shall be provided in the form of a cash deposit, or in an approved form as provided by these regulations for the construction guarantee. If any such defect or deficiency occurs or becomes evident during such period, the subdivider or developer shall complete or cause to be completed any required correction, repair, or replacement within 10 days after written demand from the City, weather permitting. If any public improvement is corrected, repaired, or replaced pursuant to Subdivision C'untrol and Develupmrnt Ordumance City 0f N/lc1-leery C MnstrueUon and Mamtenanee Guarantees 37 such a demand, then the guarantee provided in this Section shall be extended as to such correction, repair, or replacement, for one year after the date of the convection, repair, or replacement. 7.5 Interest and Costs. No interest shall be paid to the subdivider or developer on any construction security held by the City. The subdivider or developer shall bear the full cost of securing and maintaining all construction securities required by these regulations. 7.6 City Lien Rights. If any money, property, or other consideration due from the subdivider or developer to the City is not either recovered from the guarantees required by these regulations or paid or conveyed to the City pursuant to the City's demand therefore, then such money, or the City's reasonable estimate of the value of such property or other consideration, together with interest and costs of collection including attorney's fees and administrative expenses, shall become a lien upon all portions of the subdivision or development in which the subdivider or developer retains any legal, equitable, or contractual interest, and the City shall have the right to collect such amount or value, and the right to enforce such lien in the same manner as in statutory mortgage foreclosure proceedings. Such lien shall be subordinate to any first mortgage place upon the subdivision or development; provided, however, that such subordination shall apply only to charges that have become due and payable prior to a sale or transfer of the subdivision or development pursuant to a decree of foreclosure or any other proceeding in lieu of foreclosure. Such sale or transfer shall not relieve the subdivision or development from liability for any charges thereafter becoming due, nor from the lien of any subsequent charge. 7.7 Insurance. The construction and installation of required subdivision improvements shall not be permitted or initiated until certificates of insurance showing the following coverage, as required by these regulations and other Requirements of Law, have been filed with the City. Each certificate shall provide that coverage shall not be terminated or reduced without 30 days advance written notice to the City. The required insurance shall include the City and the City Engineer as an additional named insured, and include coverage for their respective officers and employees. A. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance. The subdivider or developer's contractor shall provide and maintain Comprehensive General Liability Insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate for bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death of any person, which will protect the City and each of its officers, employees, agents and consultants from claims which may arise out of or result from the performance of work by anyone directly or indirectly employed by the contractor or subcontractor, or by anyone for whose acts the contractor may be liable. B. Worker's Compensation. The subdivider or developer's contractor shall provide and maintain Worker's Compensation coverage in accordance with the Requirements of Law, and in an amount not less than $500,000. Suhdn ision Control and Dcrclohnxnt Ordmancc City of MCI ferry ( �,n�tru�tion and Nkiintcnancc (jua antcc:. 38 C. Automobile Liability. The subdivider or developer's contractor shall provide and maintain Bodily Injury and Property Damage coverage (Combined Single Limit) in accordance with the Requirements of Law, and in an amount not less than $1,000,000. This coverage shall include hired and non -owned automobiles. D. Umbrella Liability. The subdivider or developer's contractor shall provide and maintain Umbrella Liability coverage in an amount not less than $3,000,000. This coverage shall include without limitation excess coverage for the General Liability, Worker's Compensation, and Automobile Liability policies. E. Property Insurance. Coverage shall be provided and maintained in the amount of the estimated cost of improvements on a replacement cost basis. Suhd1\1"1011 C OMI-01 anal thvelolmicni Ordmu wcc Oty oI'MCI fenry C��nsUuctir>n ,in�l Mamtenancc Guaiantcc, 39 8 Developer Donations 8.1 Purpose. This Section is intended to assure the provision of public facilities needed to serve new development by requiring each new development to pay its fair share of the costs of such improvements as a condition of approval, and to mitigate the adverse impacts from inadequate community facilities by providing a means of allocating the costs of needed services and facilities among new developments in proportion to the demand for such facilities created by each new development. 8.2 Applicability. Unless otherwise provided for in an annexation agreement with the City, as a condition of approval of a final plat of subdivision, planned unit development, or building permit, each subdivider shall dedicated land and/or make cash donations in lieu of land for park and school sites and cash donations for library and fire protection services to serve the immediate and future needs of the residents of the development, in accordance with the criteria and formulas as hereinafter set forth. 8.3 Imposition of Donations. Developer donations shall be imposed as a condition of i_ approval for all new subdivisions. A. Within the corporate boundaries of the City, developer donations shall be imposed at the time of final plat approval in the case of a land donation, or issuance of a building permit in the case of a cash donation. If not sooner paid, however, one- half of said cash donations shall be due and payable 18 months after approval of the final plat, and the remaining amount of said cash donations shall be due and payable 36 months after approval of the final plat. -' B. For a subdivision within the corporate boundaries of the City that has received final plat approval prior to the effective date of these regulations, and for which no replatting or approval is necessary prior to issuance of a building permit, developer _ donations shall be imposed at the time of issuance of a building permit. C. For a subdivision outside the corporate boundaries of the City that is subject to subdivision approval by the City, the governing body of any governmental entity t ` which would be entitled to land and/or cash donations pursuant to this Section may request that the City vary the terms of this Section by allowing such governmental entity to make its own agreement and/or waiver as to any or all of the donations required in this Section with the subdivider of such land. The request shall be made in writing by a resolution adopted by the governing board of such governmental entity. In such event, the City may, by motion, condition subdivision approval upon compliance with the provisions of this Section as modified by the variation or waiver. Suhdik ision Control and Deg elohment Oi-djminee Oty of McHenry, De c1opei 1)(mrrIlion" 40 8.4 Donations Based on Projected Population. A. The ultimate density of a proposed subdivision shall bear directly upon the amount of land required for donation for park and school purposes. The projected population shall be computed in accordance with Table 8-1, which is generally indicative of current and short range projected trends in family size by age groups. Table 8-1 is based on the "Table of Estimated Ultimate School Population Per Dwelling Unit" published for 1996 by Illinois School Consulting Service/Associated Municipal Consultants, Inc. Naperville, Illinois. B. Table 8-1 shall be used for all population estimates unless a subdivider files a written objection to the City's data, together with their own demographic study showing the estimated population to be generated by the subdivision. In such event, the final determination of the density formula to be used in such calculations shall be made by the City on the basis of the foregoing data, data submitted by the subdivider, and from other relevant sources. It is recognized that the population density, age distribution and local conditions change over time and that Table 8-1 is subject to periodic review and amendment, if necessary. Table 8-1 1996 TABLE OF ESTIMATED ULTIMATE SCHOOL POPULATION PER DEWLLING UNIT Elementary Jr. High Total High School Preschool Grades Kb Grades 6$ Grades K-8 Grades 9-12 Adults Total Type of Unit 0-4 Years 6-10 Years 11-13 Years 5-13 Years 14-17 Years 18+ Years Per Unit Detached Single -Family 2 Bedroom 0 113 0 136 0 048 0184 0 020 1.700 2017 3 Bedroom 1 0 292 0 369 0 173 0 542 0 184 1 881 2.899 4 Bedroom 0 418 0 530 0 298 0 828 0 360 2 158 3 764 5 Bedroom 0 283 0 345 0 248 0 593 0 300 2 594 3 770 Attached Single -Family 1 Bedroom 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 1 193 1 193 2 Bedroom 0.064 0 088 0 048 0 136 0 038 1 752 1990 3 Bedroom 0 212 0 234 0 058 0 292 0.059 1 829 2 392 4 Bedroom 0 323 0 322 0 154 0 476 0 173 2 173 3 145 Apartments Efficiency 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 1 294 1.294 1 Bedroom 0 000 0 002 0 001 0 003 0 001 1 754 1 758 2 Bedroom 0.047 0 086 0 042 0.128 0 046 1 693 1914 3 Bedroom 0 052 0.234 0 123 0 357 0 118 2 526 3 053 8.5 Criteria for Park Land Donation. A. Required Land Donation. The amount of land to be donated for park sites for a particular subdivision shall be a direct function of the ultimate population to be generated by the subdivision. The City has determined that the land donation requirement shall be 1.5 acres of parkland per 100 ultimate population. B. Credit for Private Park Areas. When a subdivision includes private open space for park and recreation areas and facilities, it may have the effect of reducing the SUbdIVIS1011 C'011tI0I an(1 I)C�CIohmcnr 0IdInanCC City of McHenry ))uCl lhm�tlion', 41 8.6 demand for local public recreational services. Depending on the size of the subdivision, a portion of the park land donation may, at the sole option of the City, be provided as private, in lieu of dedicated public park land. The extent of the required public park land shall be determined by the City, and based on the needs of the current and future residents in the general area. In general, a substitution of private park land in lieu of public park land requires a higher degree of improvement and the installation of recreational equipment or improvements by the subdivider. The City must approve detailed plans of such areas, including specifications of facilities to be installed, and the subdivider must guarantee that these areas will be permanently maintained for such use before any credit is given for private park land. C. Improvements. Prior to conveyance, all sites shall be final graded and seeded in accordance with the City Technical Specifications Manual. The slope, topography, and geology of the dedicated site must be suitable for active park and recreation purposes. D. Location of Land to be Donated. The City shall determine the location of park land to be donated for a particular subdivision. This determination shall be based on the availability of land, the suitability of the land for park and recreation purposes, the location of the land relative to population concentrations, the proximity of the land to other park sites, and park and open space locations identified in the Comprehensive Plan. E. Minimum Size and Quality of Donated Land. The minimum size of any land to be dedicated for park and recreation purposes shall be 10,000 square feet, with no exterior boundary dimension less than 100 feet, except as may be approved by the City because of special circumstances. Stormwater detention or retention areas shall not qualify as land suitable for donation for park and recreation purposes, except as may be approved by the City after the suitability of such land for park and recreation purposes as a secondary use is clearly demonstrated. Criteria for School Land Donation. A. Required Land Donation. The amount of land required to be donated for school sites for a particular subdivision shall be a direct function of the ultimate number of students to be generated by the subdivision. The land donation requirement shall be determined in accordance with the following equation: • Estimated number of children to be served in each school classification. (Calculated in accordance with Table 8-1) Divided By Maximum number of students that can be served in each school classification. (Calculated in accordance with Section 8.6.B) Multiplied By Suhclnr�ron C'unu-ol anal [k%clohmcnl Ork-lrnanc� (rty c�I Mcl lcnry I )c\'clohcr Donation,, 42 Minimum Acreage for each school site in each school classification. (Calculated in accordance with Section 8.63) B. School Classifications and Size of School Sites. School classifications and the required minimum size of new school sites shall be determined in accordance with the following standards: School Classification Maximum Minimum By Grade Level Students Acreage Elementary (K-5) 450 20 Junior High (6-8) 600 35 High School (9-12) 1500 90 C. Location of Land to be Donated. The location of each school site shall be determined by the City, as guided by the Comprehensive Plan and standards adopted by the affected school district. D. Minimum Quality of Donated Land. Stormwater detention or retention areas shall not qualify as land suitable for donation for a school site, except as may be approved by the City after the suitability of such land for a school site as a secondary use is clearly demonstrated. 8.7 Cash in Lieu of Land; Combination of Land and Cash. A._ Criteria for Requiring Cash Donation. When a subdivision is small and the resulting land donation is too small to be practical or when the available land is otherwise inappropriate for a park or school site, the City shall require the subdivider to pay a cash donation in lieu of the required land donation, or a combination of a land donation and cash donation. B. Calculation of Cash Donation. The cash donation shall be based on the "fair market value" of the required land donation, as specified herein. C. Fair Market Value. Based on a study of real estate transactions in the planning jurisdiction of the City, the City has determined that the fair market value of improved land within the planning jurisdiction of the City is $107,586 per acre. The fair market value is for vacant land that is zoned residential, subdivided, fully improved with public sanitary and water service, and is otherwise capable of being used for residential development. This fair market value shall be regularly reviewed, and amended if necessary, to ensure its accuracy, and shall be used in making any calculation of the cash donation in lieu of land donation as specified herein, unless a timely objection is provided. D. Method of Calculating_ Number of Bedrooms, Supplementary Payments. 1. In those situations where a cash donation is due upon issuance of a building permit, such donation shall be calculated pursuant to the Table 8-1 on the S,uhdIN 1�iun C'��ntr�,l and 1)�«I��hm�nt (�i�linan�� ('ity of Mil-1enr�� 43 basis of the type of residential unit to be constructed and the number of bedrooms specified. 2. In those situations where a cash donation is due prior to issuance of a building permit, such cash donation shall be calculated pursuant to Table 8-1 on the basis that detached single family dwellings will contain a minimum of three bedrooms, and that apartments, townhouses, row houses and quadriplexes will contain a minimum of two bedrooms, provided, however, that if later an application for building permit is made showing more than the aforesaid number of bedrooms per dwelling unit, the applicant for such building permit shall then pay a supplementary cash donation to the City to make up the difference between the amount previously paid and the amount required for the actual number of bedrooms to be constructed in such residential dwelling unit. E. Objections to Fair Market Value. In the event of any written objection to the fair market value, the applicant shall submit an appraisal showing the fair market value f of .improved land in the area of the subdivision or development, or other evidence -=Jthereof.- The final determination of such fair market value--shall-be madbythe--= City Council, based upon information submitted by the applicant and from other relevant sources. F. Disposition of Cash Donations. Cash donations in lieu of parkland dedications shall be held in trust by the City, in a special segregated fund, solely for the acquisition or development park and recreational land and facilities to serve the immediate or future ;of needs of the residents. µ= 2. Cash donations in lieu of school site donations shall be held in trust solely for the acquisition of land for a school site to serve the immediate or future " needs of the residents of that subdivision or development. 4m a. Sixty-five percent (65%) of the cash donations shall be ,remitted to the grade school district affected by said subdivision or development, and 35% shall be remitted to the affected high school district. b. The City shall remit the cash donations to the affected school district not less frequently than annually, who shall hold such contributions in a special segregated fund. G. Refund of Cash Donations. If any portion of a cash donation is not expended for the purposes set forth herein within 20 years after the date of receipt of such donation by the City, then that donation shall be refunded, upon written application, to the subdivider who made such donation, or its successor or assign. SUbdI\IS1011 ( MIt101 .Ind DC\cluhnlcnt Unluuui�_t: Cite ofmcl-lerlry Dev clol%:i Don,01011s 44 8.8 Reservation of Additional Land. When the Comprehensive Plan or other applicable standard or policy of the City requires a park or school site in a particular subdivision that is larger that the subdivider is required to donate, then the land needed in excess of the required donation shall be reserved by the subdivider for subsequent purchase by the City or other public body designated by the City, provided that such acquisition is initiated within one year after the date of approval of the final plat. 8.9 Fire Protection District Donation. In order to help defray the cost of providing fire pro- tection for residents of new subdivisions during the construction process, and before tax revenues are generated by such subdivisions, a cash donation in the amount of $269 per residential unit shall be due and payable to the City upon issuance of a building permit. Cash donations for fire protection services shall be held in trust to serve the immediate or future needs of the residents of that subdivision or development. The City shall remit the cash donations to the affected district not less frequently than annually, who shall hold such contributions in a special segregated fund. 8.10 Public Library District Donation. In order to help defray the cost of providing library services for residents of new subdivisions during the construction process, and before tax revenues are generated by such subdivisions, a cash donation in the amount of $269 per residential unit shall be due and payable to the City upon issuance of a building permit. Cash donations for library services shall be held in trust to serve the immediate or future needs of the residents of that subdivision or development. The City shall remit the cash :. donations to the affected district not less frequently than annually, who shall hold such contributions in a special segregated fund. : S jI Updating of Fair Market Value and Required Donations. It is recognized that the population density, age distribution, land values, the cost of providing park, school, library and fire protection services, construction costs and other local conditions change over time. Therefore, the specific formula for the dedication of land, or cash donations in lieu of thereof shall be regularly reviewed, and amended if necessary, and the required contribution for library and fire protection services and the fair market value of land in the planning jurisdiction of the City shall be regularly updated. The "fair market value" and cash contribution amounts to the fire protection and public library districts as required in these regulations shall be amended on May I` of each year d�`i r4 by the percentage change in the Chicago Area Consumer Price Index for the previous year. For the purposes of this paragraph, the price index to be used for comparative purposes shall be that index published for the Annual Average Chicago Area CPI-U, as published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Subdivi,ion Control and Lkv�:Iohmrnt Ordinan-�c City ul, Niel lent'), l),:veJopCr i)onLitiom, 45 city Of McHenry TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS MANUAL CA 6 STANDARD DETAILS 2004 Edition Table of Contents T-1 Street and Right -of -Way Improvements................................................................1 T-1.1 Streets..............................................................................................................1 A. Design Specifications................................................................................I B. Pavement Specifications...........................................................................3 C. Pavement Markings.................................................................................. 5 D. Curb and Gutter.........................................................................................5 E. Driveway Aprons...................................................................................... 6 F. Sidewalks..................................................................................................6 G. Bike Paths.................................................................................................6 H. Street Lighting..........................................................................................7 I. Parkway Trees...........................................................................................7 T-2 Water Distribution System.......................................................................................9 T-2.1 General............................................................................................................9 T-2.2 Design .............................................................................................................9 A Design Flows, Domestic and Fire Protection...........................................9 B. Water Main .............................. ,................................................................. 9 C. Water Main Fittings.................................................................................11 D. Fire Hydrants...........................................................................................I I E. Valves and Vaults....................,...............................................................13 F. Tapping Sleeves and Tapping Valves.....................................................15 G. Service Connections.................................................................................16 T-2.3 Construction..................................................................................................16 A. Backfill....................................................................................................16 B. Pipe Bedding and Pipe Covering............................................................16 C. Connections to System.............................................................................16 T-2.4 Testing.............................................................,,.............................................17 T-2.5 Disinfection....................................................................................................17 T-3 Sanitary Sewer System.............................................................................................19 T-3.1 General............................................................,,.............................................19 T-3.2 Design ...........................................................................................................19 A. Sewer Design Flows...............................................................................19 B. Sewer Pipe..............................................................................................20 C. Force Main..............................................................................................20 D. Pipe Joints...............................................................................................20 E. Fittings....................................................................................................20 F. Manholes.................................................................................................21 G. Sewer Size Changes................................................................................23 H. Sanitary Sewer Services..........................................................................23 I. Pipe Sleeves for Auger or Tunnel Installations ......................................24 J. Lift Stations.............................................................................................24 T-3.3 Construction..................................................................................................25 A. Approval and Permits.............................................................................25 B. Excavation and Foundation.....................................................................25 1CchIIIk:aI ")'l)c�-Ihc,ilinn, (\9a11u,,I City ofNIclIenrY ? 004 I'Ji l l ur r I II)I-' ;,I (_ i,I1tCi,t, C. Pipe Installation......................................................................................26 D. Connections.............................................................................................26 E. Sewer Depth............................................................................................27 F. Backfilling...............................................................................................27 T-3.4 Inspection and Testing..................................................................................28 A. Infiltration...............................................................................................28 B. T.V. Testing............................................................................................28 C. Infiltration/Exfiltration Testing................................................................28 D. ABS, PVC and All Other Thermoplastic Pipe Testing ...........................28 T-3.5 Ownership of Sanitary Sewer System...........................................................29 T-4 Storm Sewers and Drainage....................................................................................30 T-4.1 General..........................................................................................................30 T-4.2 Design ...........................................................................................................30 A. Design Runoff Rates...............................................................................30 B. Drainage Area.........................................................................................30 C. Rainfall Intensity.....................................................................................30 D. Runoff Coefficients.................................................................................31 E. Streams and Channel Hydralics..............................................................31 F. Storm Sewers..........................................................................................32 G. Drainageways..........................................................................................32 H. Floodplains..............................................................................................32 T-4.3 Material Requirements..................................................................................33 T-4.4 Construction..................................................................................................34 T-4.5 Inspection and Testing..................................................................................35 T-4.6 Stormwater Management Requirements.......................................................35 T-4.7 Stormwater Runoff Storage (Detention) Basin Design ................................35 A. General....................................................................................................35 B. Design .....................................................................................................35 Index Standard Details its, ol,MCI Ien>> 'Ulu ! I ahl� nl�C t>ilt�'t11S ii T-1 Street and Riellit-of-Way Improvements T1.1 Streets. A. Design Specifications,. 1. Roadway Standards. All public streets shall be designed in accordance with the standards set forth in Table T-1.1 and Table T-1.2 below. Table T-1.1 ROADWAY DF.RIGN RTANDARDR Arterials' Collector' Local Major Secondary esidential ndustrial Commercial Residential Industrial Right-of-way width 120' - 150' 80'- 100' 66' 80' 80' 60' 60' Roadway Width 69' 37' - 61' 34' 34' 34' 28' 34' back to back: curb Design Speed ° 40 mph 35 mph (55 mph in open (55 mph in open 30 mph 30 mph 30 mph 30 mph 30 mph areas) areas Sidewalk width 5' 5' 4' 5' 5' 4' 5' Number of Traffic 4 2-4 2 2 2 2 2 Lanes Median Continuous 16' Continuous 4' Barrier Painted widen to 12' 12' @ major intersections only None intersections Access Location Full Access Points per mile (max. 15 Only when Local Street access Criteria @ 1/4 mile spacing per mile) is not available As Needed All others rt. In/rt. ou Parkin Not Allowed Not Allowed One side none none one side none Bikeway Facilities 10 Off Roadway i 10 Off Roadway 10' Off Roadway Not Separately where indicated 4, On -Street Desi Hated Curb Type B-6.24 (or 4' B-6.12 (or 4' M-6.12 t B-6.12 B-6.12 M-6.12 B-6.12 Shoulders) Shoulders Signal S acin Z 1/2 mile 1/4 mile At Arterial OnlyNone Comments: 1. State & County jurisdictions may have other requirements. 2. Under the IDOT jurisdiction. 3. All italicizing is the current subdivision control ordinance information. 4. Speed limits shown are AASHTO design standards final speed limit will be determined by speed studies. Table T-1.2 Minimum Standards for Street Design Right Street Radius Clear Of Width of Min. Way to Back Horiz. Max. Min. Sight Street of Curb Curves Gradicn,t Qradien Distance Arterials ' • 400' 5% 0.6% 300' Collector and Industrial 80' • 300' 5% 0.6% 200' Minor and Cul-de-Sac • 30' 150' 7% 0.6% 200' Technical Specifications Manual City uC McHenry 12/15/0 i Street and emcnls 1 2. Design References. All pavements shall be designed in accordance with one or more of the following references as they apply: a. Manual for Structural Design of Portland Portland Cement Concrete Pavement, Illinois Department of Transportation, latest edition. b. Manual of Instruction for the Structural Design of Bituminous Pavements on Projects Involving MFI� FA US and FAS Funds, Illinois Department of Transportation, latest edition. c. Design Manual, Illinois Department of Transportation, latest edition. d. Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Illinois Department of Transportation, Latest Edition. 3. Pavement Design. All pavements shall be designed in accordance with the previously referenced specifications and manuals. The design thickness shall be dependent on the soil support value — Illinois Bearing Ratio (IBR) — and the projected traffic factor; however, in no case, shall the structural numbers or total section thickness be less than those shown in Table T1-3. A copy of all design assumptions and computations shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works for review and approval and a duplicate copy shall be submitted to the Community Development Department. 4. Grades. Minimum centerline gradient on streets shall be six -tenths (0.6) percent. Maximum gradients on streets measured from the centerline and minimum and maximum gradient on driveways shall be: Minor Streets All Other Streets Residential Driveways All Other Driveways When intersection an IDOT street allow Roadway Cross Slope 7% maximum 5% maximum 1 % minimum — 8% maximum 2% minimum — 6% maximum 5% maximum 2% maximum 5. Vertical Curves. Vertical curves shall be constructed at all changes in street gradient except at summits and low points where the algebraic difference in gradients is less than one and 1 %%. At the summits or low points with gradient differences 1 %s% and at all other locations of gradient changes up to 1 %Z%, a 100- foot vertical curve shall be constructed. Shorter vertical curves at low points may be considered when approved by the Director of Public Works. For each additional one percent difference in gradient over 1 %%, a 50-foot increment shall be added to the length of the vertical curve. 6. Horizontal Curves. The minimum radius for horizontal curves shall be 200 feet for minor streets and 400 feet for all other streets. Minimum 100- foot tangents shall be introduced between reverse curves on all streets. Technical Specifications Nlanuul City of' McHenry Street and Right-t�l-�i"ay liripro�emrnts 2 Table Tl-3 Structural Requirements Structural Bituminous Number Surfac Binder BX Base Arterials Major Secondary 5 Collector Residential 3 Industrial 5 Commercial 5 Local Residential Industrial Commercial Cul-de-sacs Residential Industrial Commercial 1.5" 4" 7" 6" 1.5" 2.5" 6" 5" 1.5" 2.5" 8" 7" 1.5" 2.5" 8" 7" 3 I 1.5" 2.5" 12" 5 1.5" 2.5" 8" 7" 5 1.5" 2.5" 8" 7" 3.5 I 1.5" 2.5" 12" 5 Concrete Only 5 Concrete Only Concrete ECC Base 8" 8" CA-6 6" 8" CA-6 8" 8" CA-6 8" 8" CA-6 6" 4" CA-6 8" 8" CA-6 8" 8" CA-6 6" 4" CA-6 8" 8" CA-6 8" 8" CA-6 (1) All subgrade material shall have a minimum IBR of 3.0. The soil support IBR valves selected for use by the design engineer shall represent a minimum value for the soil to be used. Copies of the test for IBR values for each material used shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works. (2) The sub grade shall be graded and railed in accordance with the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction," State of Illinois Department of Transportation. (3) The stone base shall be 100°/a crushed gravel or crushed stone, CA 6, IDOT Gradation, Grade 8 or Grade 9. (4) Unless specified herein, all reference to aggregate shall mean CA 6, 100% crushed, IDOT Gradation, Grade 8 or Grade 9. B. Pavement Construction 1. All pavements shall be constructed in accordance with Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Illinois Department of Transportation, latest edition, except as provided herein. 2. Not less than one modified proctor density test performed in accordance with AASHTO T99, shall be taken on each type of material used for embankment or encountered in the subgrade. 3. Density tests on embankment and subgrade materials shall be performed by a qualified and approved soils engineer in accordance with AASHTO T191 or by other methods approved by the Director of Public Works. The density tests shall be taken at maximum 50-foot spacings. Embankments and subgrade shall be compacted to no less than 95% of the standard laboratory density. Copies of all density tests results shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works. 4. Upon completion of the compaction of the embankment and subgrade a roll test with a fully loaded single rear axle six wheel truck shall be done at the Technical ShCC1hCat1011s Marlual City ot'Nlcl-lenry 12- l 5-'03 SU-cct and Ri,,lit-ol-Way 1mp-o\cmcntb 3 direction of the City Engineering Inspector or his representative prior to placing any type of curb and gutter or base material. 5. Density Tests on base course and surface course materials shall be performed by a qualified and approved soils and materials engineer by methods approved by the Director of Public Works. The density test shall be taken at maximum 100-foot spacings. Copies of all density test results shall be submitted to the City. Upon completion of the compaction of the base course a roll test with a full loaded single rear axle six -wheel truck shall be done at the direction of the Director of Public Works. 6. Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Superpave shall be constructed upon approval of the binder course by the Director of Public Works or his representative. Construction of the Superpave Surface Course shall be delayed for one winter season after construction of the Binder Course unless otherwise directed by the Director of Public Works. The Binder Course shall be patched/repaired prior to the placement of the Bituminous Surface Course. 7. Bituminous Concrete Binder Course, Superpave shall be constructed upon approval of the aggregate sub -base by the Director of Public Works or his representative. 8. Bituminous Concrete Level Binder Course, Superpave shall be constructed upon approval of the Director of Public Works oi- his representative. 9. Pavements constructed with bituminous concrete must be paved full width in one pass or full width two passes. Paving full width in three passes will not be permitted. 10. The aggregate base course or granular sub -base for any street shall be 100% crushed stone or 100% crushed gravel and shall be extended 1-foot beyond each side of the concrete or bituminous pavement material placed over it. 11. Fly ash will not be allowed in any concrete mixture. 12. Borrow pits shall be in accordance with the applicable section of the Illinois Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction in Illinois, Latest Edition. No borrow pit excavation will be allowed unless the proposed borrow pit has been shown on the plans that have been approved for final engineering. The location of the proposed borrow pit must be shown to include size and depth and appropriate quality of material expected to be removed and proposed length of time the borrow pit will be in its excavated condition. The area shall be made safe and secure from trespass at all times. Technical SpcclhCaholls Ma11Uu1 0ty oCMc1-1enry 1115,03 Strcct and Right-ol'AVa%, Imhro%'cntunts 4 13. A specific Superpave type designation shall be determined at the time of the plan review for final engineering. 14. RAP material will not be allowed in bituminous final surface mixes unless approved by the Director of Public Works. 15. All materials shall meet the requirements of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Illinois Department of Transportation latest edition. Concurrent with the construction of any pavement at the developer shall furnish the Director of Public Works, as applicable, with copies of the certificates of testing from the Illinois Department Bureau of Materials or an approved testing laboratory. C. Pavement Marking. All pavement marking will be thermoplastic in accordance with the Illinois Department of Transportation "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" latest edition. Paint is not permitted within the City Limits. In cases where Thermoplastic Pavement Markings cannot be placed due to pavement temperatures below 55 degrees, temporary paint pavement markings are required. D. Curb and Gutter. Combination curb and gutter type M6: 12 shall be constructed on both sides of all streets. Depressed curbs shall be provided at all driveways. Intersection sidewalk crossings shall be ramped for the handicapped and meet all ADA requirements. 2. Expansion joints shall be doweled and spaced at no more than 60 feet on center and at tangent points of all radii. Expansion joints are also required 5-feet either side of curb inlet structures. Control joints shall be provided and spaced at no more than 15 feet on center and shall consist of a saw cut minimum of 1-1/2" deep. Two (2) bars will be required at each joint. 3. A minimum of four inches of sub -base granular 100% crushed gravel or 100% crushed stone shall be used under the curb and gutter and extend a minimum of 12" beyond the back of curb. 4. Flyash is not allowed in any concrete mixture. 5. At normal residential intersection the entire comer radius will be depressed for the sidewalk ramp. 6. A concrete Mix design must be submitted to the City for review at least 30 days prior to its use. '1'CChnlCa1 Shcriticationa IV1anU,11 City ol, McHenry 1 ? 115/03 Street anti Ri��ht-o1=�1�ti}Imhro� �ments 5 E. Driveway Aprons. See Chapter 21 of the McHenry :Municipal Code, Ordinance number MC-99-748. The aggregate used shall be further specified herein to be 100% crushed ca6 grade 8 stone or grade 9 gravel. F. Sidewalks. 1. Width. Sidewalks shall be four feet in width for residential areas and five feet in width for all other areas. Sidewalks shall be located within the public right of way one foot from the right of way line. 2. Construction. a. Sidewalks shall conform to the requirements of Article 624, Portland Cement Concrete Sidewalk, Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Illinois Department of Transportation, latest edition, except as provided herein, and the City's Development Standards. b. Sidewalks shall be a minimum of 4" thick for residential subdivisions and 5" thick for all other areas, except at driveways where the thickness shall be a minimum of 6", and such sidewalk shall run through all driveways. c. Control joints shall be placed at four -foot spacing for residential developments and at five-foot spacing for commercial development and 1/2 inch expansion joints shall be provided at 50-foot spacings. d. Sidewalks shall be placed on a minimum four inch well -compacted 100% crushed stone CA Grade 8 base or 100% crushed gravel CA6 grade 9 base course as approved on the plans and specifications. G. Bike Paths. Whenever constructed within the City„ bike paths shall conform to the following standards: 1. Width. Bike paths shall be a minimum eight (8) feet in width to provide for two-way traffic. 2. Construction. Construction of any bike path shall conform to the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Illinois Department of Transportation, latest edition, except as provided herein, and the Development Standards. a. Minimum construction of any bike path shall consist of a 6-inch type B aggregate base course with a 2-inch bituminous surface course. b. Bike paths in parkway areas that terminate at the back of the curb or edge of pavement shall be 6" thick Portland cement concrete over 4" of compacted 100% crushed stone CA 6 grade or 100% crushed gravel CA6 grade 9 aggregate base. The curb shall be depressed at that location. "1 echnical Specifications N1,111ual City of Mclfcnry 12/1 i,U? SUrcct min [ Rioht-of'_WLiy (mpru� cments 6 c. Bike paths shall have removable posts placed at all locations necessary to prevent vehicular traffic from entering the paths. 3. Pavement Marking. Bicycle lanes shall be appropriately marked and striped with thermoplastic pavement markings. Paint will not be permitted. H. Street Lighting. The street lighting system shall consist of the poles, arms, luminaires, wire, and other material and work necessary to complete the street light installation. The subdivider shall pay arrange for and pay any installation costs required by the Public Service Company for the installation of the required street lights. 1. Spacing/Location. Street lights shall be located at all intersections, and along blocks at 300' spacing for residential, and 150' spacing for non- residential. Street lights shall be located on alternate sides of the street, unless, at the judgment of the City Engineer, it is impractical to do so. 2. Type. The type of light shall be as recommended by the City Engineer and Lighting Engineer of the Public Service Company, in accordance with accepted lighting practices and consistent with the Standard Details herein. 3. Installation. Street lighting shall be installed in accordance with the National Electric Code, current edition, and the American National Standard Practice for Roadway Lighting, current edition. I. Parkway Trees. Parkway trees shall be planted on both sides of all streets, in accordance with the following requirements. 1. Si)acingJLocation. Trees shall be spaced at approximate 40-foot intervals, except that no tree shall be planted closer than 35-feet from any street corner, measured from the point of the nearest intersecting curbs, curb lines, or pavement edges. All trees shall be planted in locations so as to avoid conflicts with existing utility lines, b-boxes and any other similar appurtenances, but no less than 10 feet from and fire hydrant. 2. Species. Specified varieties shall be specimen type trees and shall be first class representatives of their normal species and varieties. The City shall have the right to reject any tree not meeting this requirement. a. Permitted Species. Only the species of trees listed in Table T-1.4 shall be used to meet the requirements of this section. b. Species Diversification. No fewer than four (4) species of approved trees shall be planted with no more than 25% of any one species allowed on any one block. c. Overhead Utility Lines. Only Small Species, as specified herein, may be planted under existing overhead utility lines. No trees shall be planted within 5 lateral feet of any underground water line, sewer line, transmission line, or other utility. J'CC{7nICa1 SJ)"IIICZiti0n5 Nlanu.11 City of' McHenry 12/15M3 SU-ect and Imhrovemenis 7 3. Size. All new trees shall be balled and bagged and shall have a minimum caliper of not less than 2 ", measured six (6) inches above the soil line. 4. Planting Requirements. Parkway trees shall be planted in accordance with the requirements of the American Standards for Nursery Stock, current edition. A minimum two -foot diameter mulched area shall be provided around the base of all parkway trees.. Trees shall be watered for a minimum of two (2) weeks or until sufficiently established. Table T-1.4 Trees Permitted Species Small Trees(less than 25) Mature Intermediate Trees (25-40') Mature Large Trees (over 40') Mature Flelght I I Height I I Height Cersis canadeusis (Eastern Redbud) 15-20' Cercidiphyllum japonicum Katsuratree 40' Acer rubrum (Red Maple) 40-50' Comus mas Comelian Cherry Dogwood) 20-25' Corylus coloma Turkish Hazlenut 40-50' Acer rubrum cv. Crataegus crus-galli, var. inermis) (Cockspur Hawthorn 20-30' Ostrya virginiana (Hophombeam) 25-40' Bowhall 40-50' Crataegus viridis (Winter King Hawthorn) 20-25' Phellodendron amurense 'Macho' Amur Corktree 30-45' Franks red 40-50' Malus species: Prunus maackii Amur Cherry) 20-30' October Glory 40-50' Donald Wyman (white) 20-25' Prunus sar entii (Sargent Cherry) 30-40' Acer saccharum cv. Adams rose 20-25' Tilia x euchlora Redmond Linden 35-50' Green Mountain 40.60' Prairiefire (magenta) 15-20' Tilia cordata Littleleaf Linden 35-60' Sugar Maple 40-60' Sugar T white 18-20' Tilia cordata cv. Celtis occidentalis Hack 40-60' S in ekinensis Pekin Lilac 20-30' Greens ire 40-50' Fraxinus Americana cv. Syringa reticulata cv. (Ivory Silk Japanese Tree Lilac 20-25' Chancellor 35-40' Autumn Purple 45-50' Glenleven 35-40' Windy City 40-50' Tures 40-50' Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash 50-80' Fraxinus pennsylvanica cv. Marshall Seedless 50-60' Summit 45-50' Fraxinus quadrangulata Blue Ash 50-70' Ginko biloba Ginko 50-80' Gleditsia triacanthos var, inermis Thornless Honey Locust 40-70' Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis cv. Moraine 40-60' Skyline 45-60' Gymnoeladus dioicus (Kentucky Coffeetree 50-60' Ulmus "Morton" Accolade Elm 40-60' Ulmus cv. Homestead Elm 40-50' New Horizon Elm 40-50' Pioneer Elm 50-60' ReRal Elm 50-60' 5. Prohibited Species. The following species of trees shall not be planted in any parkway: American Elm Chinese Elm Silver Maple Black Locust Mulberry Tree of Heaven Box Elder Pin Oak Any fruit tree, except the Catalpa Poplar listed Flowering Crabapple Technical SpQcihcations N/Imwal City ol,MC[-[enrY 111 S,03 street and Riuht-of-"'Liy Improvements 8 T-2 Water Distribution System T-2.1. General. Every water supply and distribution system shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Requirements of Law, including without limitation these Specifications, the Master Plan for Public Utilities, and the grading schedule for Municipal Fire Protection, Insurance Services Office recommended fire flows, Illinois E.P.A. All parts of the water distribution system shall be stamped manufactured in the United States of America T-2.2. Design. A. Design Flows, Domestic and Fire Protection. The design engineer shall submit calculations showing flows in the system at various locations are adequate for domestic consumption and fire flow demand with .a required minimum twenty (20) psi residual pressure. For purposes of water main design, maximum daily flows shall be based on the following: Location or Tyne Fire Flow Residential 1. Single Family — Detached 1000 gpm 2. Singly Family — Attached 1500 gpm (Townhome) with approved fire wall 3. Multi -Family 1500 gpm Office 2500 gpm Commercial 3000 gpm Industrial 3000 gpm Flow shall be calculated using "C" factor of one hundred (100), depending on the type of pipe being used ignoring fittings, and with a minimum residual pressure of twenty (20) psi. B. Water Main. 1. Pipe Size. The minimum water main pipe size shall be eight (8) inches diameter for residential developments. In commercial, industrial and business park developments, the minimum. public water main shall be twelve (12) inches. Larger size water main may be required based on the City's adopted Master Plan, at the direction of the City Engineer or Director of Public Works. technical SI)MI)caliuns ManUt11 City ol'iMcHcnry 1 2/ 1 5'0 water Distribution SVstl111 9 2. Depth of Water Mains. All water mains shall be constructed at a depth of six (6) feet from final grade to the top of the water main unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works. 3. Location. Water mains shall be placed in the parkway on the North or West side of the street within the right-of-way. 4. Separation of Water Mains and Sewers. Separation and protection of water mains from sewers shall comply with the Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois, Latest Edition. 5. Material Requirements. a. Ductile Iron pipe complying with AWWA C151. (i) Polyethylene wrapping of Ductile Iron pipe and Appurtenance complying with requirements of AWWA C105. Wrap all water mains, fittings, valves, fire hydrant leaders, fire hydrants, and service lines. Wrap copper service lines to a point 3 feet firom center of water main. Do not block fire hydrant weep hole. (ii) Pipe shall have a minimum thickness Class 52 conforming to AWWA C150. (iii) All pipes shall have a minimum laying length of eighteen (18) feet. (iv) Pipe joints shall be push -on joints or mechanical joints conforming to AWWA C 111. (v) All pipes shall be cement -mortar lined in accordance with AWWA C104. b. PVC plastic pipe complying with ASTM D1784. (i) Class 12454 A or B polyvinyl chloride. (ii) Twelve (12) inch pipe and smaller must comply with AWWA C-900 for Class 150--pressure pipe with a standard dimension ratio of 18. The City Engineer shall provide specifications for water main pipe 14-inches and larger. (iii) Watermain Locator. Secure; an insulated No. 6 AWG, single strand, single conductor, locator wire to the top of 12 1� 10 the PVC plastic water mains acid fittings. The locator wire shall be brought up inside the valve so no person shall have to enter the valve vault to attach the pipe locator. The locator wire shall continued through the valve vaults and it shall be brought up along side the auxiliary valve box to finish grade at each of the fire hydrants. Locator wire connections must be connected by wire connectors approved by the City Engineer or Director of Public Works. C. Directionally Drilled High Density Polyethylene Extruded (HDPE) pipe may be used only upon review and approval of the City Engineer and Director of Public Works C. Water Main Fittings. 1. Ductile iron fittings with mechanical oint complying with AWWA C110 or AWWA C153 and must be American made. 2. Use cement lining complying with AWWA C104, standard thickness. 3. Bolts, nuts and threaded rods: Use Corten bolts, nuts and threaded rods 4. Povide restrained joint type fittings that are compatible with system utilized, as specified by the pipe manufacturer. 5. Povide protection of movement of water main piping, plugs, caps, tees, valves, hydrants and bends of 11 1/4degrees or greater using thrust blocks, retainer glands and threaded rod. 6. Alternate -fitting materials may be allowed upon review and approval of the City Engineer and Director of Public Works. D. Fire Hydrants. 1. General. a. Hydrants shall be installed at all street intersections and at maximum three hundred (300) foot spacing along the lengths of streets. b. When a building to be occupied will be set back two hundred fifty (250) feet or more from a street or is located more than three hundred (300) feet from a hydrant, additional hydrants shall be installed. One (1) hydrant shall be located at the entrance to the building and additional hydrants shall be provided around the perimeter of the building at a maximum of two hundred fifty (250) i�•�•I��ii�alti�����ili�;�i�,���i,11�.�n�.i,,; ( ilvul�fi1��11�•niy 11 feet spacing measured along access roads. Such hydrants shall be installed not more than one hundred twenty (120) feet nor less than forty (40) feet from the building. C. Fire hydrant spacing plans shall be submitted to the City Engineer and the Building Commissioner for review and approval and the fire protection district for their review and comment. d. Fire hydrants shall have a minimum of one (1) cubic yard of one - quarter ('/4) to three quarters (3/4) inch of washed river stone placed at the base of the hydrant to provide drainage at the barrel. The top of the stone shall be covered with eight- (8) mil thick polyethylene plastic prior to backfilling around the hydrant. e. The breakaway flange, which is critical, shall be set at ground elevation. Hydrants in street rights of way shall be placed three (3) feet from back of curb. Hydrants shall be a minimum of forty- eight (48) inches from any tree, pole or other obstruction. 2. Material Requirements. a. Hydrants shall be dry barrel type and shall conform to AWWA C- 502. b. All fire hydrants shall be Mueller Super Centurion #250 with traffic flange A423 or Clow Medallion. Hydrants shall be compression type with a 5 '/4 inch minimum size main valve assembly, O-ring seals, two 2'/z inch hose nozzles, and a 4%z inch pumper nozzle with National Standards threads, a National Standard operating nut, and an above ground break flange. C. Hydrants shall be provided with fire hydrant auxiliary valves that are 6 inch resilient wedge type gate valve and bituminous coated metal threaded tie rods between the hydrant, valve and the tee fitting with a Tyler valve box No. 664S and the cover marked with the word "Water". The minimum distance between valve and hydrant shall be thirty (30) inches. d. Provide valve box stabilizers on all fire hydrant auxiliary valves. Acceptable manufacturers include Alberico, Adaptor, Inc., American Flow Control, or equal. e. Hydrants shall be "factory" painted red or as otherwise directed by the Director of Public Works. The developer is responsible for touch-up painting of hydrants, prior to acceptance by the City, with factory approved touch-up paint. 1�_11III Ic-II ��I'l��'II1L:I1il+I1, V,!. w'I� ( IfV oI ` ]CIICnI. 12 f. All fire hydrants shall be marked with and "x" on the Northwestern most flange bolt and the elevation recorded on the record drawing for the project. E. Valves and Vaults. 1. General. a. Valves shall be located on water mains so as to be able to isolate sections of main from the entire system with minimum disruption of service. Two (2) valves will be required for each tee branch fitting and three (3) valves for each cross branch fitting, excluding fire hydrant auxiliary valves. b. Valves shall be installed so that not over eight hundred (800) feet of water main, with services, will be shut off at any time. Transmission lines with no service connections shall have valves located so that not over twelve hundred (1200) feet of main will be shut off at any time. Valves on water mains servicing single family residential areas shall be installed so that no more than eight hundred (800) feet of water main and,1or no more than twenty (20) units shall be affected when shutting off a section of main. Valves shall be installed within City right of way at either end of a water main that is constructed inside rear yard easements. C. Valves shall be located so that it will require no more than three (3) valves to be closed to isolate a section of water main. d. Valve vaults are required on all valves two and one half- (2%) inches or larger. Valve vaults shall be minimum of sixty (60) inches inside diameter. e. No thrust blocking allowed inside of manholes. f. Vaults shall not be located in sidewalks, driveways or any paved areas. g. Installation of water mains will not be: permitted under sidewalks. 2. Material Requirements. a. Valves twelve (12) inches and smaller shall be iron or ductile iron body, non -rising stem gate valves modified wedge disc, resilient wedge type conforming to AWWA. C-509. Valves shall open counter clockwise. Valves shall be Mueller A-2360-20 or 13 approved equal. All valves shall have stainless steel bolts on valve bonnet and packing nuts. b. Valves larger than twelve (12) inches shall be ductile -iron body, rubber sealed, tight closure butterfly valves conforming to AWWA C-504. Valves shall be Class 150 B and shall open counter clockwise and be operated by a two (2) inch square nut. Valves shall be Pratt -Groundhog Butterfly, Mueller Lineseal III, or approved equal. C. Valve vaults shall consist of precast reinforced concrete sections meeting ASTM C-478 and ASTM C-443 standards. d. Adjusting rings shall be precast concrete rings maximum of eight (8) inches. e. Vault steps shall have a minimum width of 12 inches and a minimum projection of 5 inches. f. Joints for precast sections: Provide joints of either flexible watertight rubber gaskets or preformed bituminous plastic gaskets consisting of a homogeneous blend of refined hydro -carbon resins and plasticizing compound reinforced with inert mineral filler. Acceptable preformed gasket products are : • K.T. Snyder Co., RAM-NEK • Concrete Sealants, Type CS-208. • Or equal. g. Flexible pipe connectors: Provide flexible rubber gasket collar for connecting pipe to the manhole. For pipe 24-inch and smaller, use PSX gasket system by Press -Seal Gasket Corporation, or equal. For pipe 27-inch and larger, use resilient gasket by A-LOK Products, Inc., or equal. h. Frame and grates for valve vaults shall be East Jordan Heavy Duty 1050 Frame with an EJ 1020 cover or approved equal, embossed "City of McHenry Water" with the "Fox Logo" and have two (2) recessed closed pick -holes. 12 I 3 14 F. Tapping Sleeves and Tappin Valves. alves. 1. Tapping Sleeves. a. Use two-piece bolted sleeve ductile iron or stainless steel type with mechanical joints. b. Provide joint accessories. C. Measure existing water main outside diameter to determine proper tapping sleeve size. d. Acceptable manufacturers: • Ductile iron: Clow F-5205, or equal. • Stainless steel: Smith Blair 662, or equal. 2. Tappin Vg alves. a. Use fully ported gate valves complying with AWWA C500. b. Use mechanical joint type, Clow F-50'93, or equal. G. Service Connections. 1. General. a. All water service lines shall be designed with a diameter necessary to provide adequate domestic and fire flow use capacity. b. Water service lines servicing single family residences shall be a minimum of one (1) inch diameter. C. Water service lines shall have a minimum cover of six (6) feet and a maximum cover of eight (8) feet. d. Curb stops and curb boxes shall be located in public right of way between the right of way line and either the back of the curb, or the top of the roadway ditch closest to the right of way line which ever applies. They shall be a minimum of two (2) feet in front of the sidewalk. Such curb stops and boxes shall not be located in any paved areas. 2. Pipe Materials. All water service lines two (2) inches in diameter or smaller shall be constructed of Type K copper with flared or compression fittings. Service lines larger than two (2) inches shall be ductile iron conforming to allowable water main material specifications. \I.liiu;,l ('i(�� �,I �I�:lIcltn 15 3. Service Saddles. Service connection to the water main for services two (2) inches in diameter or smaller shall be with a Smith -Blair #317 Epoxy Coated Double Stainless Steel Straps and a corporation stop Mueller H- 15000, H-15008, H-15013 or approved equal, Service connections to the water main for service of four (4) inches or larger shall be made with a ductile iron fitting conforming to water main fitting specifications. 4. Curb Stop & Boxes. Each service less than two (2) inches in diameter shall have a curb stop Mueller H-15154 or H-15013 and a curb box Mueller H-10300 or approved equals. Services four (4) inches and larger shall have gate valves conforming to water main gate valve specifications. T-2.3. Construction. Water mains and all appurtenances shall be installed in conformance with AWWA C-600, the material manufacturer's recommendations, and the standard specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois and these Specifications. A. Backfill. Granular backfill shall be required in all locations where the water main trench is under or within two (2) feet of existing or proposed pavements including but not limited to streets, sidewalks or driveways. The trench backfill shall be placed in lifts not exceeding eight (8) inches and shall be mechanically compacted to not less than ninety-five (95) percent of the standard laboratory density. Granular backfill in water main trenches under existing or proposed streets shall consist of granular backfill as noted above. B. Pipe Bedding & Pipe Covering. 1. Provide CA-11 washed stone for pipe bedding with a minimum thickness of 4 inches under pipe barrels and 2 inches under bells. 2. Wherever the trench is over excavated refill the trench bottom to the required pipeline grade with granular material conforming to the IDOT "Standard Specifications" gradation No. CA- l 1 washed stone or as directed by the City representative. 3. Following placement of pipe and inspection of joints, provide CA-11 washed stone and covering material for the full width of the trench to twelve (12) inches above the top of the pipe or as directed by the City representative. C. Connections to System. All connections to the existing water system shall be made under full water service pressure unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works. ul'f�l�llCnry 16 T-2.4. Testing. All water mains and service lines up to the b-boxes shall be tested as described in this section which is superceded by any I.E.P.A. permit conditions. The Public Works Department shall be notified of the time of the test a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours prior to the test. All tests shall be performed in the presence of the City Representative. A. All pipes shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure of not less than one hundred fifty (150) pounds per square inch. Duration of each pressure test shall be for a period of not less than one (1) hour. If at any time during the test, the pressure drops/decreases the test is considered failed. Before applying the specified test pressure, all air shall be expelled from the pipe. All leaks shall be repaired until tight. Any cracked or defective pipes, fittings, valves, or hydrants discovered in consequence of this pressure test shall be removed and replaced and the test repeated until satisfactory results are obtained. B. A metered leakage test shall be conducted after the pressure test has been satisfactorily completed. Duration of each leakage test shall be at least 24 hours. During the test, water lines shall be subjected to the normal water pressure of the City water system. Maximum allowable leakage shall be four gallons per inch of pipe diameter per 1,000 feet of pipe per 24 hours as recorded by a meter approved by the Public Works Department. Should any test of pipe disclose leakage grater than the maximum allowable amount, the defective joint or joints shall be located and repaired and the 24-hour metered leakage test repeated until the leakage is within the specified allowance. T-2.5 Disinfection. A. Prior to chlorination, the main shall be flushed as thoroughly as possible with the water pressure and outlets available. Flushing shall be done after the pressure test is made. It shall be understood that such flushing removes only the lighter solids and cannot be relied upon to remove heavy material allowed to get into the main during installation. Hydrants shall be installed at the end of the main and shall be flowed at 1150 gpm for at least 5 minutes per 500 linear feet or longer until the water runs clear. B. The preferred point of application of the chlorinating agent shall be at the beginning of the pipe line extension of any valved section of it and through a corporation stop in the top of the newly laid pipe. C. After all mains have been satisfactorily tested, the contractor shall disinfect the main in accordance with AWWA Standard C-65 L A chlorine concentration during disinfection shall be maintained at minimum fifty (50) mg/1 available chlorine. The chlorinated water shall be retained in the main for a period of at least twenty-four (24) hours. At the end of the twenty four (24) hour period, the treated water shall contain no less than twenty five (25) mg/1 chlorine throughout the main. iI Al,II!LI 17 D. After the disinfection period, the water shall be flushed from the main until the chlorine concentration in the water leaving the main is no higher than that generally prevailing in the system or less than one (1) mg/l. After flushing, the contractor shall take a minimum of two (2) samples to be bacteriologically tested to show the absence of coliform organisms. The number of samples may be increased as determined by the City representative. A second series of samples shall be collected no less than twenty four (24) hours after the first set of samples has been collected. The individual sets of samples will be bacteriologically tested by an independent laboratory approved by the State. If either or both sets of samples do not pass the bacteriological examination, the contractor shall re -disinfect the main in accordance with the procedures until such time that satisfactory samples are collected. E. Piping, valves, pressure connection valves, tapping sleeves and fittings that must be placed in service immediately and cannot be disinfected by the above specified methods shall be flushed and swabbed with a five (5) percent solution of calcium hypochlorite prior to assembly. II1�LI1HLIaI Ull\ ul',"VIC11CnrY �? 3 18 T-3 Sanitary Sewer System T-3.1 General. Every sanitary sewerage system and related appurtenances shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Requirements of Law, including without limitation these Specifications, the Master Plan for Public Utilities, and the Illinois Recommended Standards for Sewage Works, except as amplified below. T-3.2 Design. A. Sewer Desian Flows. 1. Design flows for all residential developments shall be based upon full development of the service area within the population served, estimated as follows: Type of Dwelling Unit Number of Persons Studio 1 1 Bedroom 2 2 Bedroom 3 3 Bedroom 4 4 Bedroom 5 For undeveloped residential areas where the details of future developments are not known, design population per acre may be estimated, based on generally accepted engineering principles and standards approved by the City Engineer. 2. Design flows for nonresidential developments shall be based on full development of service area including any process water requirements with the maximum daily per capita design flow estimated based on generally accepted engineering principles and standards approved by the City Engineer. Such flow estimate shall not relieve the owner or developer of the responsibility of providing adequate sanitary sewer capacity to meet any and all future requirements within the development. 3. The design maximum sewage flow and capacity shall be based on the estimated populations for all proposed developments and the ratio of peak flow to daily average flow equation as found in the "Illinois Recommended Standards for Sewage Works." 121 1 .i ' t, 19 B. Sewer Pine. 1. Pine Size. Minimum sanitary sewer size shall be eight (8) inch diameter. 2. Alignment. ent. Sewer shall be laid straight in both horizontal and vertical planes between manholes, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 3. Material Requirements. a. Extra Strength Concrete Sewer Pipe (ESCSP) — conforming to the requirements of A.S.T.M. C-76. b. Ductile Iron Main — conforming to the requirements of ANSI A21.15 thickness class 53. C. Thick Walled PVC Pipe — shall conform to the requirements of A.S.T.M. D2241 SDR (26) as a minimum. C. Force Main. 1. Ductile Iron Pipe — conforming to A.W.W.A. Specification C-151 — Class 52. 2. P.V.C. Pipe — Conforming to A.W.W.A. Specification C-900 SDR-18. 3. Directionally drilled High Density Polyethylene Extruded (HDPE) pipe may be used upon review and approval of the City Engineer and Director of Public Works D. Pipe Joints. 1. Reinforced concrete pipe — A.S.T.M. C-443. 2. Ductile iron pipe — A.N.S.I. A-21.11 (A.W.W.A. C-111) 3. P.V.C. thick walled pipe — A.S.T.M. D-3212 and F-477 E. Fittings. 1. Ductile Iron. Flanged joint pipes ANSI Class 25 comply with ANSI 21.10 or ANSI B16-1. Mechanical joints comply with ANSI A121.10 and ANSI A121.11 or ANSI A21.53. I��hnl�.11 IV 1111 A ;IIILU� 20 2. Thick Wall PVC Pipe. a. Size thru eight (8) inch: molded in one piece with elastomeric joints and minimum socket depths as specified section 6.2 and 7.32 9f ASTM D3034. b. Size ten (10) inch or larger: molded or fabricated in accordance with Section 7.11 with manufacturers standard pipe bills and gaskets. F. Manholes. 1. Locations. Manholes shall be provided at the following locations: • Termination of existing and future lines • Changes in direction, horizontal or vertical • Changes in shape or pipe size • Junctions with other sewers • For inspection an sampling where required by the Director of Public Works and/or City Engineer. • Manholes are not allowed in driveways or sidewalks Access spacing shall be: Sewer Pipe Size (in inches) 811 - 1 5" 18" & Larger Maximum Interval (in feet) 350 350 2. Drop Manholes. A drop manhole shall be provided for any manhole with a pipe having a difference in invert elevation of more than twenty-four (24) inches above the invert of the sewer leaving the manhole. The drop manhole shall be of the type outside the manhole. 3. Manhole Diameters. a. Manholes for sanitary sewers twenty-four (24) inches or less in diameter shall have a minimum inside diameter of forty-eight (48) inches. b. Manholes for sanitary sewers twenty-seven (27) inches or larger in diameter shall have a minimum inside diameter of sixty (60) inches. �t'VA '_ ,i `,\ "[: HI 21 4. Castings. a. Manhole Frame and Cover. East Jordan Heavy Duty 1050 or 1022 frame with and East Jordan 1020 cover with self-sealing lid, embossed "City of McHenry", "Sanitary" and have a recessed pick -hole or Neenah R1772 with same cover requirements as mentioned above. b. Recessed pickholes shall be required. 5. Frames and covers for manholes located within floodplain areas and having a rim elevation below the flood protection elevations shall be watertight, lock -type covers Neenah Number R-1916-C.The frames shall be connected through grade rings to the top of' the manhole cone or flat top with a minimum of four '/Z inch stainless steel anchors. 6. Sanitary Sewer lids shall be embossed with "City of McHenry Sanitary." 7. Precast reinforced concrete — A.S.T.M. C-478, A.S.T.M. C-443 or C-76. 8. Adjustment — No more than three (3) precast concrete adjusting rings with an eight (8) inch maximum height adjustment. 9. Pipe and Frame Seals — All pipe connection openings shall be precast with resilient rubber, water tight, and pipe to manhole sleeves. 10. Bottom Sections — All bottom sections shall be monolithically precast including bases and invert flowlines. 11. Design flat slab top for AASHTO SH20-44 Wheel Loading. 12. Manhole cone sections shall be the eccentric type. 13. For manholes larger than forty-eight (48) inch diameter provide reducer flat top or cone to reduce manhole barrel to forty-eight (48) inch diameter monolithic base. 14. Provide exterior manhole joint protection. 15. Provide tongue and groove joints for precast sections with either flexible watertight rubber gaskets or preformed bituminous gaskets consisting of a homogeneous blend of refined hydrocarbon resivs and plastic zing compound reinforced with inert mineral filter. Acceptable preformed gasket products include • K.T. Snyder Co., RAM-NEK 22 • Concrete Sealants, Type CS-102 • Or Equal 16. Provide steps with a minimum width of twelve: (12) inches and a minimum projection of five (5) inches. Use steps consisting of copolymer polypropylene plastic with a continuous one-half (1/2) steel reinforcement as manufactured by M.A. Industries Inc., cast iron steps, Neenah R-1981- 1, or equal. 17. All manhole sections shall be watertight. 18. Manhole Exterior Joint Protection shall be one of the following options: a. A two-piece wrap around heat shrinkable sleeve system with a minimum width of nine (9) inches. b. Woven polypropylene fabric with rubberized mastic coating and steel strapping with a minimum width of nine (9) inches. C. EDPM (Ethylene Propylene Drine Monamer) external rubber sleeve with two (2) inch wide mastic strip on top and bottom edge of sleeve. Mastic shall be non -hardening butyl rubber sealant with a minimum thickness of one -quarter (1/4) inch. Internal and External Chimney seals shall be used at each manhole located within flood Plain areas where the rim location is below the flood protection elevation and in other wet areas as determined by the Director of Public Works. In all other areas the External chimney seal only will be required. Acceptable manufacturers and types of seals will be determined at the time of the plan review. G. Sewer Size Changes. Sanitary sewer of different diameter shall join only at manholes, except that a 4" x 6" increaser may be used for a single family detached dwelling if a sweep bend tee wye cleanout is provided five (5) feet outside the house foundation when approved by the Director of Public Works. The invert elevations shall be adjusted to maintain a. uniform energy gradient by matching the 0.8 depth points of different diameters. H. Sanitary Sewer Services. A sanitary sewer service line, for the purposes of these Specifications, is defined as a sewer pipe designed to receive flow from a single building, extending from the sewer main or within five (5) feet of the building. 1. Minimum Diameter/Material. Minimum diameter of sanitary sewer service lines is six (6) inches. If the service line is larger than six (6) inch 23 diameter, a manhole shall be constructed at the point of its connection with the sewer main or lateral. 2. Design Standards. Capacity requirements and design details for sanitary sewers shall apply to sanitary sewer service lines, except the minimum slope shall be one -eight (1/8) inch per foot. 3. Sanitary Sewer Service Line Connections. a. When sanitary sewer service lines are constructed as part of the same project as the sewer main or lateral, they shall be connected to the sewer main or lateral using a wye. b. Where a sanitary sewer service line is to connect to an existing sewer main or lateral, the connection shall be made by the method detailed below: Circular saw cut of sewer main by proper tools, and proper installation of a solid hub wye saddle or a solid hub tee saddle, in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Rubber saddles shall not be permitted. I. Pipe Sleeves for Auger or Tunnel Installation. Steel Sleeves shall be three eighths (3/8) inches thick, of a diameter specified, with a continuous, circular one-half (1/2) inch bead weld and shall meet the requirements of A.S.T.M. 139 Grade A. Provide coal tar enamel coating on exterior surface of the casing pipe complying with AWWA C210. Stainless steel casing spacers will be required with plastic or fiberglass runners as manufactured by PSI, Advance or Cascade. Lift Stations. Whenever possible, sanitary sewerage facilities shall be designed so as to avoid the necessity of providing lift stations. The capacity of proposed pumping station shall be per the City's adopted Master Plan or as directed by the City Engineer. If a lift station is part of the engineering design, it shall be shown in plan elevation. Specifications for said lift station shall be submitted with engineering plans. Lift stations shall be of the submersible wet well type with precast concrete wet well, and shall conform in all respects to the standards established by the City Engineer and the State of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. 2. A separate source of power shall be furnished to each lift station. This shall be from another electrical source or provided by a separately powered engine generator. The engine generator, enclosure and mounting shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer. A remote alarm shall be installed and maintained to the City master alarm panel to indicate failure I [Mk:Ilcnn� 12 24 at the lift station. The lift station alarm required shall be from Norshore Alarm Systems Incorporated or equal as approved by the Director of Public Works. T-3.3 Construction. All sanitary sewers shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois latest edition and these Specifications. A. Approval and Permits. Construction of sanitary sewers and/or sewer service shall not commence until engineering plans and specifications have been approved by the City Engineer and permits for construction of the; sewers have been received by the City from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. B. Excavation and Foundation. The trench shall be excavated so that the flow line of the finished sewer shall be at the depth and grade shown on the approved plans. The trench for the pipe shall be excavated at least eighteen (18) inches wider than the external diameter of the pipe. The trench shall not be excavated more than fifty (50) feet ahead of completed pipe. If the excavation has been made deeper than necessary, the foundation shall be brought to proper grade by the addition of well -compacted bedding material. Where a firm foundation is not encountered at the grade established, due to soft, spongy or other unsuitable soil, all such unsuitable soil under the pipe and for the width of the trench shall be removed and replaced with well -compacted bedding material. 2. Bedding, shall consist of gravel, crushed gravel, or crushed stone one- fourth (1/4) inch to three -fourths (3/4) inch in size. The pipe shall be laid so that it will be uniformly supported and the entire length of the pipe barrel will have full bearing. No blocking of any kind shall be used to adjust the pipe to grade. Bedding shall be required for all sewer and forcemain construction, and shall be a minimum thickness equal to one fourth (1/4) of the outside diameter of the sewer pipe but shall not be less than four (4) inches. Note that when Flexible Thermoplastic or PVC pipe is used, the bedding material shall extend to twelve (12) inches over the top of the pipe and shall be compacted to the satisfaction of the City Inspector. Pipe embedment materials and installation shall be according to ANSI/ASTM D2321. 25 C. Pipe Installation 1. Pipe shall be laid straight both horizontally and vertically between manholes. Sewer pipe shall meet the minimium slopes specified by the IEPA in Title 35, and the design velocity be a minimum 2 feet per second, maximum 10 feet per second. Sanitary sewer shall be located in the center of the road. 2. Sanitary sewers shall be constructed sufficiently deep so as to prevent freezing. For the purposes of this specification, a depth of not less than five (5) feet to the sewer invert shall be required unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer or Director of Public Works. In addition, they shall be sufficiently deep to provide an outfall for all sanitary sewage within the ultimate service area, both existing and future, assuming all present and future basement floor drains and sanitary fixtures below finished grade to be connected to sump pumps discharging to the sanitary sewers. 3. Pipe laying and joining shall be done in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Pipe shall not be dropped from delivery vehicles. All pipes shall be lowered into the trench with a suitable apparatus; in no case shall the pipe be dropped or thrown. 5. Installation of pipes will not be prohibited under sidewalks. D. Connections. 1. Connections to the sewer main shall be done by means of a wye fitting installed in the main. 2. In no instance shall a service line be connected at a manhole. 3. When the sewer mains are deeper than ten (10) feet, risers shall be installed at connections such that service pipe shall be no more than ten (10) feet deep. 4. Unused wye fitting shall have socket ends sealed by watertight rubber or plastic stoppers suitably fastened or braced to prevent dislodging by back pressure from the main line. G e1 5. Connections to existing sewer mains shall be made by installing a new wye fitting or by use of a circular saw cut by proper tools ("sewer tap" machine or similar) and installation of a wye saddle in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. All such connections shall be done in the presence of the City Inspector. 6. Sanitary sewer tap connections to existing PVC sanitary sewer mains shall be either fabricated type with attached main line coupling or solvent welded saddle type attached to the pipe with cement and held in place with steel bands. If a circular saw cut is required it shall be made with proper tools ("sewer tap" machine or similar). All such connections shall be done in the presence of the City Inspector. The work shall be left visible and not backfilled until it has been inspected and approved by the City Inspector. 7. The contractor shall keep a record of the location of all sewer services by measurement to the nearest downstream manhole. Two copies of such records shall be provided at the completion of the work and shall be noted on record drawings. One copy shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works and one copy shall be submitted to the City Engineer. E. Sewer Depth. Sanitary sewers shall be constructed sufficiently deep so as to prevent freezing. For the purposes of this specification, a depth of not less than five (5) feet to the sewer invert shall be required unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer or Director of Public Works. In addition, they shall be sufficiently deep to provide an outfall for all sanitary sewage within the ultimate service area, both existing and future, assuming all present and future basement floor drains and sanitary fixtures below finished grade to be connected to sump pumps discharging to the sanitary sewers. F. BackfillinQ. 1. Backfilling shall not be done until installation of the sewer has been inspected and approved by the City Inspector. 2. Backfill to one (1) foot above the top of the pipe shall be done with material conforming to bedding material or CA-6 specifications placed in six (6) inch lifts compacted to ninety-five (95) percent maximum density. 3. Excavations for sewers which are beneath any existing or proposed pavements, driveways and sidewalks and any trenches where the inner edge is within two (2) feet of such areas shall be backfilled with CA-6 material in nine (9) inch lifts compacted to ninety-five (95) percent maximum density. I �+.hni�ul tinLk, II!C ihiIn" I,t Mk:Iltni� 27 T-3.4 Inspection and Testing A. Infiltration. Maximum allowable infiltration allowed shall be two hundred (200) gallons per inch of diameter of the sewer per mile per twenty-four (24) day at any time for any section of the system. The joints shall be; tight and visible leakage in the joints, or leakage in excess of that specified above., shall be repaired at the contractor's expense by means approved by the City Engineer. B. T.V. Testing. Upon completion of construction and prior to acceptance of the sewer system and again prior to expiration of the maintenance guarantee, the sewers systems shall be inspected through use of standard closed circuit T.V. equipment with audio. The T.V. inspections shall be: done by the contractor and witnessed by the City Inspector. The contractor at his expense shall repair all deficiencies noted during the T.V. inspection by means approved by the City Engineer/Inspector. C. Infiltration/Exfiltration Testing. 1. Prior to City approval of the sanitary sewer system and before any connections are made, the system shall have passed infiltration or exfiltration tests conducted by the contractor and witnessed by the City Inspector. 2. Immediately after backfilling, the entire length of the sewer trench, including stubs, shall be inundated to normal ground water level or eighteen (18) inches above the top of sewer pipe, whichever is higher. At that time infiltration tests shall be made to determine compliance with allowable infiltration criteria. To measure the amount of infiltration, the contractor shall furnish, install, and maintain a V-notch shape crested weir in a metal frame tightly secured at the lower end of each sewer test section as directed by the City Inspector. The City Inspector will check the infiltration by measuring the flow over such weirs. When infiltration is demonstrated to be within the allowable limits, the contractors shall remove such weirs. C. ABS, PVC and All other Thermoplastic Pipe Testing. No sooner than thirty (30) days after backfilling of the sanitary sewer a legibly stamped certified approved mandrel shall be pulled through all flexible thermoplastic pipe without the aid of mechanical pulling devices. Deflection will be limited to five (5) percent of the base inside diameter of the pipe of it is PVC pipe or five (5) percent of the average inside diameter if it is ABS pipe. At the location of any failure the embedment and backfill shall be carefully replaced and compacted. A retest shall be conducted no sooner than thirty (30) days after the 28 area is backfilled. Prior to any testing the test sections shall be flushed and cleaned with water. ABS, PVC and all other Thermoplastic pipe shall also be low pressure air tested a 4.0 p.s.i. greater than ground water hydrostatic pressure. The total rate of air loss shall not exceed 0.0030 cubic feet of air per minute: per square foot of internal pipe area. Failed sections shall be removed and replaced or repaired in a manner approved by the City. T-3.5 Ownership of Sanitary Sewer System. All right, title and interest in and to the sanitary sewers to be accepted by the City shall vest in the City. I ("ch lll.d I(\ o CI IC III-,, ;Illii.11 �� - .LI .`)" ,k M 29 T-4 Storm Sewers and Drainage T-4.1. General. Every storm water runoff control and detention system shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Requirements of Law, including without limitation these Specifications, the Master Plan for Public Utilities, and the McHenry County Stormwater Ordinance, except as amplified below. T-4.2. Design A. Design Runoff Rates. Minor drainage systems, (storm sewers, swales and ditches) shall convey flows from storm runoff based on calculations using the rational method using the formula Q = c x i x A, where: Q = runoff flow in cubic feet per second c = runoff coefficient, characteristic of the tributary area in dimensionless units i = average rainfall intensity in inches per hour A = tributary drainage area in acres B. Drainage Area. The drainage area, in acres, used for design shall be the entire water tributary to the point in the storm sewer system under consideration. It shall include any tributary area that may be outside the development. Developer shall provide storm sewer tributary area map with time of concentration and sub - basin acreage shown. C. Rainfall Intensity. 1. The average rainfall intensity used for design shall be selected from rainfall intensity curves based on the Illinois, State Water Survey Bulletin 70. 2. The rainfall intensity for design of storm sewers or minor swales and ditches shall be based on a 24-hour duration storm with a 10 year recurrence interval. 3. The rainfall intensity for design of storm sewers in combination with streams and channels shall be based on a 24 hour duration storm with a 100 year recurrence interval. 4. The elapsed duration time used to select the rainfall intensity shall be equal to the time of concentration defined as: the time (in minutes) for the flow from the most remote point of the drainage area to reach the point under consideration. -11% id, LIlCni 30 5. For storm sewer design the maximum time of concentration to a storm sewer inlet shall be twenty (20) minutes. 6. Weir flow calculations for 100-year bypass flow and overland flood routes from the sub -basins to the detention area or downstream receiving water are required. If required by the City Engineer, calculations showing that the downstream receiving water or sewer has the capacity to handle the storm sewer flow from the proposed subdivision. D. Runoff Coefficients. The runoff coefficient is the ration of runoff to rainfall and shall assume saturated conditions. Runoff coefficient, "C" shall be a minimum of Impervious areas = 0.95 Pervious areas = 0.50 Runoff coefficients for undeveloped areas outside of the limits of the proposed development shall be a minimum C = 0.60. E. Streams and Channel Hydraulics. Streams and channels shall be designed to provide design flow capacity based on Manning's formula: Q= A x 1.486 x (R)1/3 x (S) 1/1 n Where Q = Quantity of flow in cubic feet per second A = Area of the conduit in square feet n = Roughness coefficient of the conduit dimensionless R = Hydraulic radius = area divided by wetted perimeter S = Slope in feet per foot 1. Roughness Coefficients. • Concrete pipe n = 0.0113 • Channel -sodded n = 0.020 • Streams -clean n = 0.030 • Stream -obstructed n = O.150 2. Velocities. Design velocities shall be: • Storm sewers minimum 3 f.p.s.; maximum 10 fp.s. • Channels and streams lined - minimum 2 fp.s., maximum 10 fp.s. unlined - minimum 2 fp.s., maximum 5 fp.s. 3. Storm sewer calculations shall be provided in tabular format similar to figure 8-008a of the IDOT Drainage Manual. l �tl�nicai �����cili�•:rli�.,i�� �\1�;iiu,�l �'�l)- �,I �icll�nr� I2'15 31 F. Storm Sewers. 1. Storm sewers shall be designed such that the hydraulic gradient shall not be greater than the gutter flow line and storm sewer shall be laid out in an Inlet -to -Catch Basin -to Manhole configuration. Trunk storm sewers shall not pass through Inlets or Catch Basins 2. Minimum storm sewer size shall be twelve (12) inches in diameter. 3. Storm sewers shall be laid straight in both horizontal and vertical planes between structures unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works. 4. Storm sewers of differing diameters shall join at structures only. The invert elevations shall be adjusted to maintain a uniform energy gradient by matching the 0.8 depth points of the differing diameters. 5. Catch basins shall be provided so that surface water is not carried across or around street intersections. Inlets shall be spaced such that overland flow shall not build up a flow exceeding two (2) cubic feet per second except that inlets shall not exceed three hundred (300) foot spacing or as otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works. Catch basins shall be provided at all low points. 6. Manholes shall be provided at: a. Changes in direction -horizontal or vertical b. Changes in shape or size of pipe C. Junction of pipes d. Maximum spacing four hundred (400) feet for sewers forty-two (42) inches in diameter and smaller; five hundred (500) feet for sewers forty-eight (48) inches in diameter and larger. G. Drainageways. Existing stream and channels may be realigned and improved subject to approval of the City Engineer. New open channels may be provided, if approved by the City Engineer, for locations servicing eighty (80) acres or larger. All construction on streams and channels is subject to review and approval by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Water Resources, the Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, as required. 12 l� 32 2. Where stream and channels are realigned or improved, the bottom shall be stabilized full width with a minimum four (4) inch diameter river rock "choked" with limestone screenings or grass paving block as approved by the City Engineer. The banks shall be protected from erosion by a method approved by the City Engineer and shall be in compliance with the Illinois Soil Erosion Control Act and other applicable regulations. 3. Natural water courses or ditches and sodded swales are classified as surface drainage ways provided they lie or are: constructed in an easement of such a width and configuration as to insure that the horizontal projection of the water surface for the one hundred (100) year storm will lie within the limits of the easement, and also that the easement itself will be of sufficient width to provide adequate room, in the opinion of the City Engineer for proper maintenance and operation. The easement shall be kept free and clear of any and all structures, shrubbery, etc. 4. If new channels area approved by the City Engineer, they shall be improved as follows: a. Side slopes — six (6) horizontal to one vertical maximum b. Minimum width of bottom six (6) feet C. Bottom of channel shall be stabilized full width with a minimum four (4) inch river rock diameter "choked" with limestone screenings or grass paving blocks as approved by the City Engineer. The banks shall be protected from erosion by a method approved by the City Engineer. H. Flood Plains. All construction in flood plains shall conform to the McHenry County Stormwater and Flood Plain Ordinance, Article 10, Sections 15-131 through 15-133. 2. Streets in flood plain areas shall be designed such that the lowest elevation of minor streets and cul-de-sacs shall be two (2) feet above the base flood elevation and the lowest elevation of all building openings shall be three (3) feet above the base flood elevation. T-4.3. Material Requirements. A. Storm sewers shall be reinforced concrete pipe conforming to A.S.T.M. C-76 standards for round pipe or A.S.T.M. C-507 for elliptical pipe. Class of pipe shall conform to the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" 33 Illinois Department of Transportation, latest edition. Alternate storm sewer materials may be allowed upon review and approval of the City Engineer. B. Pipe joints shall be "O" ring joints conforming to A.S.T.M. C-443. C. Manholes, catch basins and inlets shall be precast reinforced concrete conforming to A.S.T.M. C-478. D. Joints between manhole, catch basin, and inlet sections shall be filled with preformed bitumastic joint filler of sufficient size to completely seal. E. Adjusting rings shall be precast concrete rings. F. Castings. 1. Inlet and catch basin frames and grates in paved areas shall be Neenah R- 2504, or approved equal. 2. Inlet and catch basin frames and grates in grassed areas shall be Neenah R-4340-B, or approved equal. 3. Manhole frames and grates shall be Neenah R-1712 or approved equal, embossed "City of McHenry Storm Sewer". 4. Steps shall be Neenah R-1981-I or approved equal. 5. Restrictor shall be cast iron shear gate type with handles and shall be Neenah Series R-5005, or approved equal. G. Bedding and select granular backfill for storm sewers shall conform to the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction", Illinois Department of Transportation, latest edition, and shall conform to gradation CA-6 washed stone. In no case shall tunnel rock be allowed. T-4.4. Construction. Storm sewers shall be constructed in accordance with the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" Illinois Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois, the pipe manufacturer's recommendations, and these Development Standards. If storm sewer spacing is greater than 300-feet, inlet spacing calculations, per the IDOT Drainage Manual shall be provided. A. Trenches for storm sewers located under or within two (2) feet of a paved area shall be backfilled with select granular conforming to gradation FA-6 or sand and compacted by mechanical means to ninety-five (95) percent standard laboratory density. 34 B. Adjusting rings for manholes, catch basins, and inlets shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) rings and maximum height of eight (8) inches. C. When adjusting rings are required on structures a cement mortar or bituminous material coating shall be applied to the outside of the rings. D. Lifting holes in structure sections and sewer pipe shall be plugged with appropriate sized concrete lift plugs and coated with bituminous material. T-4.5. Inspection and Testing. All sewers and appurtenances shall be cleaned prior to inspection and testing. Upon completion of construction and prior to acceptance of the storm sewer and again prior to expiration of the maintenance guarantee, the storm sewers shall be inspected through the use of standard T.V. equipment for final approval. T-4.6. Stormwater Management Requirements. A properly designed stormwater management system is required for all developments and shall conform to the McHenry County Countywide Stormwater Management Plan and the provisions of the McHenry County Stormwater and Flood Plain Ordinance and as provided herein. The provisions of the McHenry County Stormwater and Flood Plain Ordinance as amended herein shall be deemed as additional requirements to the minimum Development Standards, the Subdivision Ordinance and all ordinances of the City. T-4.7 Stormwater Runoff Storage (Detention) Basin Design A. General. All commercial, industrial and multi4amily zoned development, regardless of size and all single-family residential developments two (2) acres or larger shall include provisions for stormwater runoff storage facilities. All stormwater detention facilities other than rooftop, parking lots and/or underground storage shall be located not less than seventy-five (75) feet from any building or structure to be occupied unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works. B. Design. All detention basins shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of the McHenry County Stormwater and Flood Plain Ordinance, Article 9, Sections 15-113 and 15-114. 2. All commercial, industrial and multi -family zoned development less than one (1) acre and single family and two family residential developments less than two (2) acres may use the modified rational formula for calculation of runoff volume and storage requirements based on a 24 hour duration storm with a three (3) year recurrence interval and rainfall intensity data based on Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin 70. The ;ti](]]CI>>.\ 35 runoff coefficients used to determine the runoff from the one hundred (100) year storm shall be not less than C = 0.95 for impervious areas and C = 0.50 for pervious areas. 3. Dry detention basins shall be designed with side slopes not steeper than five (5) horizontal to one (1) vertical. The basin floor shall have a slope of not less than two (2) percent. In order to prevent soil erosion and weed problems the detention basin shall be landscaped including sodding and/or hydro -seeding of the basin as required. The basin shall also have a low flow underdrain consisting of a minimum ten (10) inch storm sewer or perforated drain tile. 4. Detention basins with permanent ponds shall be graded such that the area one (1) foot above the normal water level to two (2) feet below normal water level has a slope of five (5) horizontal to one (1) vertical. The area from one (1) foot above normal water level to two (2) feet below normal water shall have a shoreline protection consisting the installation of a woven erosion control fabric with native wetland and prairie plantings. At the point two (2) feet below normal water level a ledge eight (8) feet wide shall be constructed. From the edge of this eight (8) foot ledge the ground shall slope at two (2) horizontal to one (1) vertical for an additional three (3) foot depth. If fish life is to be sustained in the basin an area equal to twenty-five (25) percent of the normal water surface area shall be a minimum of twelve (12) feet deep. The ground above one (1) foot above the normal water elevation shall have a slope not steeper than ten (6) horizontal to one (1) vertical for a minimum horizontal distance of twenty (20) feet. Above this elevation the slopes within the basin shall not be steeper than six (6) horizontal to one (1) vertical for shallower than two (2) percent. lt�!',ni��dl ��,t•�ili���i���ii�,'.I.iii��.ii ('ii`,�rI�R1�lI�n+} 36 CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS STANDARD DETAILS INDEX SHEET NO. SECTION A - GENERAL NOTES & PROCEDURES RECORD DRAWING DETAILS NONE SECTION B - STREET CROSS SECTIONS MAJOR ARTERIAL B-1 SECONDARY ARTERIAL B-2 LOCAL - COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL AND CUL-DE-SAC - COMMERCIAL /INDUSTRIAL B-3 COLLECTOR - COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL 8-4 LOCAL / RESIDENTIAL - CUL-DE-SAC B-5 COLLECTOR / RESIDENTIAL B-6 SECTION C - CURBS M-6.12 CURB & GUTTER DETAIL C-1 REVERSE PITCH GUTTER SECTION D - DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT CONCRETE - RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL /INDUSTRIAL D-1 BITUMINOUS - RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL D-2 BITUMINOUS - RESIDENTIAL D-3 DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT DETAIL - COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL D-4 SECTION E - TRENCH DETAILS TYPICAL TRENCH DETAIL - AGGREGATE BASE E-1 TYPICAL TRENCH DETAIL - BITUMINOUS BASE E-2 SECTION F - WATER MAIN STANDARD WATER VALVE VAULT F-1 TYPICAL PRESSURE CONNECTION F-2 FIRE HYDRANT INSTALLATION DETAIL F-3 FIRE HYDRANT - 99 CONNECTION - SIZES 6" THRU 12" IN DIAMETER F-4 FIRE HYDRANT - 90' CONNECTION - SIZES 6" AND GREATER F-5 FIRE HYDRANT - 90' PRESSURE TAP F-6 FIRE HYDRANT - PRESSURE TAP F-7 WATER SERVICE INSTALLATION F-8 WATER MAIN THRUST BLOCKING DETAILS F-9 WATER MANHOLE COVER DETAIL F-10 SECTION G - SANITARY SEWERS SANITARY MANHOLE DETAIL G-1 BUILDING SERVICE RISER G-2 SANITARY MANHOLE COVER DETAIL G-3 REVISIONS DATE INDEX CITY OF FINAL 6-20-03 1 OF 2 McHENRY, ILLINOIS REVISED STREETS 11-18-03 INDEX SECTION H - STORM SEWERS STORM MANHOLE DETAIL CATCH BASIN - TYPE A CATCH BASIN - TYPE C INLET DETAIL STORM MANHOLE COVER DETAIL PIPE DRAINS, 6-INCH & SUMP PUMP LINE CONNECTION SECTION I - EROSION CONTROL DITCH CHECK - STRAW BAIL BARRIER SILT FILTER FENCE DITCH CHECK - REINFORCED SILT FENCE STREET LIGHTING REVISIONS INDEX CITY OF FINAL 2 OF 2 McHENRY, ILLINOIS SHEET NO. H-1 H-2 H-3 H-4 H-5 H-6 DATE 6-20-03 w �k RESIDENTIAL 1 % MIN. — 8% MAX. ALL OTHERS 2% MIN. - 6% MAX. 120' - 150' 3� O o C.L. R.O.W. 34.5' 34.5' 1' S' (TYP)� J PR1E5 2.0% 2.07. SEE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT DETAIL 12" MIN. 4" MIN. Ile AGGREGATE BASE 100% CRUSHED CA-6 COMBINATION CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AS BELOW B-6.24 GUTTER FLAG DEPTH TO MATCH PAVEMENT THICKNESS OR 9" MINIMUM P.C.C. SIDEWALK - 5" (6" THRU DRIVEWAYS) BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 1 1/2" BIT. SURF. CRSE., IDOT SUPERPAVE 2 1/2" BIT. BIND. CRSE., IDOT SUPERPAVE 8" BIT, BASE CRSE., IDOT SUPERPAVE 6" SUB BASE GRANULAR MATERIAL TY-B 100% CRUSHED NO. CA-6 IDOT GRADATION, STONE OR GRAVEL CONCRETE PAVEMENT 8" PORTL AND CEMENT CONCRETE 8" AGGREGATE BASE CRSE., TY-B GRAVEL OR STONE, 100% CRUSHED NO. CA-6 IDOT GRADATION NOTE: SEE DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT FOR MEDIAN & BIKEWAY FACILITIES REQUIREMENTS. SEE TABLES M, Z-2, AND Z-3 REVISIONS DATE STREET CROSS SECTION CITY OF FINAL 6-20-03 MAJOR ARTERIAL McHENRY, ILLINOIS b'ISC. 11-18-03 �k RESIDENTIAL 1 % MIN. - 8% MAX. ALL OTHERS 2% MIN. - 6% MAX. 80' - 100, 3 0 C.L. R.O.W. 18.5' - 30.5' 18.5' - 30.5' 1' 5' (TYP) 2.0% 2.0% �A 4" MINj l'e AGGREGATE BASE 100% CRUSHED CA-6 AS BELOW P.C.C. SIDEWALK - 5" (6" THRU DRIVEWAYS) w 3 0 SEE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT DETAIL -�I 12" MIN. COMBINATION CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER B-6.12 GUTTER FLAG DEPTH TO MATCH PAVEMENT THICKNESS OR 9" MINIMUM BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 1 1/2" BIT. SURF. CRSE., IDOT SUPERPAVE 2 1/2" BIT. BIND. CRSE., IDOT SUPERPAVE 8" BIT. BASE CRSE., IDOT SUPERPAVE 6" SUB BASE GRANULAR MATERIAL TY-8 100% CRUSHED NO. CA-6 IDOT GRADATION, STONE OR GRAVEL CONCRETE: PAVEMENT 8" PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE 8" AGGREGATE BASE CRSE., TY-B GRAVEL OR STONE, 100% CRUSHED NO. CA-6 IDOT GRADATION NOTE: SEE DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT FOR MEDIAN & BIKEWAY FACILITIES REQUIREMENTS. SEE TABLES Z, Z-2, AND M-3 REVISIONS DATE STREET CROSS SECTION CITY OF FINAL 6-20-03 SECONDARY ARTERIAL McHENRY, ILLINOIS MISC. 11-18-03 1' (TYP) 3 0 Il4" MINJ e AGGREGATE BASE 100% CRUSHED CA-6 AS BELOW P.C.C. SIDEWALK - 5" (6" THRU DRIVEWAYS) 60' COMBINATION CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER B-6.12 GUTTER FLAG DEPTH - 9" MINIMUM CONCRETE PAVEMENT 8" PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE 8" AGGREGATE BASE CRSE., TY-B GRAVEL OR STONE, 100% CRUSHED NO. CA-6 IDOT GRADATION lim 3 O SEE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT DETAIL 12" MIN. STRUCTURAL NO. = 5 SEE TABLES 71, Z-2, AND M-3 STREET CROSS SECTION REVISIONS DATE LOCAL CITY OF FINAL 6-20-03 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL McHENRY, IL.LINOIS DIMENSIONS 11-18-03 CUL-DE-SAC COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL 0 40' 1' S' (TYP) Vq�i 1 -A 4" MIN. 6" AGGREGATE BASE 100% CRUSHED CA-6 AS BELOW P.C.C. SIDEWALK - 5" (8" THRU DRIVEWAYS) 80, 40' 17' 1 17' I 6 0. MPX 2.0% 2.07. � :•'•. 17-IN 3 0 SEE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT DETAIL 1-+-12" MIN. COMBINATION CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER B-6.12 GUTTER FLAG DEPTH - 9" MINIMUM CONCRETE PAVEMENT 8" PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE 8" AGGREGATE BASE CRSE., TY-B GRAVEL OR STONE, 1DO% CRUSHED NO. CA-6 IDOT GRADATION NOTE: SEE DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT FOR MEDIAN & BIKEWAY FACILITIES REQUIREMENTS. SEE TABLES M, M-2, AND M-3 STREET CROSS SECTION COLLECTOR COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS REVISIONS DATE FINAL 6-20-03 kllsc. 11-18-03 3 0 30' 1, 4 (TYP) Vq�� �A 4" MINj le AGGREGATE BASE 100% CRUSHED CA-6 AS BELOW P.C.C. SIDEWALK - 4' (8" THRU DRIVEWAYS) 60' 30' 14' 1 14' ofl- 0. ao� 2.0% 2.07. COMBINATION CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER M-6.12 GUTTER FLAG DEPTH TO MATCH PAVEMENT THICKNESS OR 9" MINIMUM BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 1 1 /2" BIT. SURF. CRSE., IDOT SUPERPAVE 2 1/2" BIT. BIND. CRSE., IDOT SUPERPAVE 12" AGG. BASE CRSE. TY-B, GRAVEL OR STONE 100% CRUSHED NO. CA-6 IDOT GRADATION, STONE OR GRAVEL STREET CROSS SECTION LOCAL / RESIDENTIAL / CUL-DE-SAC M IIW 3 0 SEE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT DETAIL 12" MIN. CONCRETE PAVEMENT 6" PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE 4" AGGREGATE BASE CRSE., TY-B GRAVEL OR STONE, 100% CRUSHED NO. CA-6 IDOT GRADATION SEE TABLES M, M-2, AND M-3 REVISIONS DATE CITY OF FINAL 6-20-03 M c H E N RY, I LLI N O I S DIMENSIONS 1 i -18-03 DEPRESS CURB 19„ AT DRIVEWAYS VARIES TO MATCH 4' 3 12" PAVEMENT THICKNESS 1 1 /2" (9" MIN.) PROPOSED PAVEMENT 4„ 3„ R 3/4" /FT io R SEE NOTE 1 12' CA-6 CRUSHED STONE OR CRUSHED GRAVEL, EACH 100% CRUSHED CURB 8c GUTTER TYPE M-6.12 NO SCALE GREASED ENI IN SLEEVE 9" SLEEK NOTES: SLEEVE DETAIL NO SCALE C-1 1. EXPANSION JOINTS W/ 3/; PREFORMED EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL & TWO (2) #5 SMOOTH DOWEL BARS WITH GREASE CAPS SHALL BE PLACED: a. AT ENDS OF INTERSECTION RADII, P.C.'S, RADIUS POINTS, & BACK OF CUL—DE—SACS b. 5 FT. ON EACH SIDE OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES c. MAX. OF 60 FT. INTERVALS d. WHERE NEW CURB MEETS EXISTING CURB, THE EXISTING CURB SHALL BE DRILLED AND TWO (2) #4 BARS, 12" LONG SHALL BE PLACED INTO THE SIDE OF THE NEW CURB & GUTTER TO A DEPTH OF 6". 2. TOOL OR SAWCUT CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 15 FT. INTERVALS 2" DEEP. 3. SAWCUTS SHALL BE MADE WITHIN TWENTY—FOUR (24) HRS. AND SEALED W/ JOINT SEALANT, JOINTS SHALL BE CLEAN AND DRY PRIOR TO APPLICATION OF SEALANT. REVISIONS DATE CURB AND GUTTER CITY OF FINAL 6-20-03 TYPE M-6.1 2 McHENRY, ILLINOIS 2' -0" D-1 RESIDENTIAL 20'-0" FOR 2 CAR GARAGE 25'-0" FOR 3 CAR GARAGE 30'-0" FOR 4 CAR GARAGE ROW OR FACE OF WALK EDGE OF PVMT. OR BACK OF CURB 2' -0" C11 rinnrl Akin ^r*MENT CONCRETE TE BASE COURSE 100% CRUSHED NO. CA-6 IDOT GRADATION SECTION — B P.C.C. NOTES: 1. REINFORCEMENT IS NOT ALLOWED IN RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY APPROACHES. 2. IF REINFORCEMENT IS DESIRED, FIBER MESH CONCRETE MAY BE USED UPON APPROVAL. STEEL REINFORCEMENT WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. 3. FLY ASH IS NOT PERMITTED * PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE SHALL BE IDOT CLASS "SI" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY REVISIONS DATE PAVEMENT DETAIL CITY OF FINAL 6-20-03 RESIDENTIAL McHENRY, ILLINOIS D-3 RESIDENTIAL. 20'-0" FOR; 2 CAR GARAGE 25'-0" FOR. 3 CAR GARAGE 30'-0" FOR, 4 CAR GARAGE ROW OR FACE OF WALK EDGE OF PVMT. OR BACK OF CURB 2'-0" --►1 1-- ---► { 1-- 2' -0" BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT DETAIL RESIDENTIAL 4" BIT. SURF. CRSE., IDOT SUPERPAVE OR CLASS I, MIX D, TYPE 2 (2 LIFTS) 6" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE, TYPE-B GRAVEL OR STONE, 100 % CRUSHED NO. CA-6, IDOT GRADATION SECTION - B BITUMINOUS CITY OF FINAL McHENRY, ILLINOIS — 6-20-03 AS APPROVED BY CITY ROW OR FACE OF WALK A I A RADIUS 10' MIN. 25' MAX. EDGE OF PVMT. OR BACK OF CURB 6" REINFORCED PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE 8" AGGREGATE OR 2" BIT. SURFACE CRSE. AND 2" BIT. BINDER CRSE. W/10" AGGREGATE OR 6" BIT. BASE COURSE SECTION - A * PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE SHALL BE IDOT CLASS "SI" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY REVISIONS DATE PAVEMENT DETAIL CITY OF FINAL 6-20-03 McHENRY, ILLINOIS COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL BITUMINOUS CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE - 1 111 (MIN) EX. AGGREGATE TOTAL TH[CKNESS TO MATCH EXISTING OR 4!' (MIN.) "0"0"0"0"0"0"0ro;0;0;0;00"0" 0 0 o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 o e 0000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000o0 0 0000000000000000000000000 0 00. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 00 O O O O O O O O O J 000000000000000000000 COMPACTED SPECIAL GRANULAR BACKFILL MATERIAL. SAND - IDOT NO, FA 6 OR 100% CRUSHED STONE OR GRAVEL - IDOT CA-6 GRANULAR PIPE BEDDING AND COVER MATERIAL CA-11 WASHED PROPOSED PIPELINE E-1 BIT. C'ONC. BIND. CRSE., 2 1 /2" MINIMUM, [DOT SUPERPAVE 12" () FULL DEPTH SAW CUT (TYP.) �k --- —AGGREGATE BASE COURSE - 16' (TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MATERIAL) GRAVEL OR STONE, 100% CRUSHED CA-6 IDOT GRADATION �.:; '•mil :?;.�`'1•: `:.ii.. i.X�' z Lli w LLJ CL SEE f SPECIFICATION �c FULL DEPTH SAWCUT PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. FULL DEPTH SAWCUT REQUIRED AGAIN PRIOR TO RESTORATION AT THE DIRECTION OF THE CITY REPRESENTATIVE. REVISIONS DATE TYPICAL TRENCH DETAIL CITY OF FINAL 6-20-03 AGGREGATE BASE McHENRY, ILLINOIS BIT. CONC. SURF. CRSE., 1 1 /2" MINIMUM, IDOT SUPERPAVE -\ (PRIMEEX. SIT. SURFACE BITUMINOUS MATERIALS O. COMPACTED SPECIAL GRANULAR BACKFILL MATERIAL. SAND - IDOT NO. FA 6 OR 100% CRUSHED STONE OR GRAVEL - IDOT CA-6 GRADATION GRANULAR PIPE BEDDING AND COVER MATERIAL CA-11 WASHED PROPOSED PIPELINE ..................... _ E-2 TOTAL THICKNESS TO MATCH EXISTING OR 4' (MIN.) BIT. CONC. BIND. CRSE., 2 11f MINIMUM, IDOT SUPERPAVE SEE f SPECIFICATION * FULL DEPTH SAWCUT PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. FULL DEPTH SAWCUT REQUIRED AGAIN PRIOR TO RESTORATION AT THE DIRECTION OF THE CITY REPRESENTATIVE. 12" (TYP) • FULL DEPTH SAW CUT (TYP.) f -J- N z E31TUMINOUS BASE COURSE THICKNESS TO MATCH EXISTING OR 6" MINIMUM, IDOT SUPERPAVE o `- 5" - 100% CRUSHED STONE OR GRAVEL. IDOT GRADATION 0-A-6 (TEMPORARY PAVEMENT t-- MATERIAL U w CL V) REVISIONS DATE TYPICAL TRENCH DETAIL CITY OF F].NAL 6-20-03 BITUMINOUS BASE McHENRY, ILLINOIS FINISHED GRADE WATER TIGHT JOINTS WITH EXTERNAL SEALING BAND (MAP RAP) OR EQUAL SQUARE WRENCH NUT PER MUELLER A-2360 VALVE 1" CORPORATION STOP - WHERE REQUIRED BY THE CITY WATER DEPARTMENT PROPOSED WATER MAIN- T (MIN) UNDISTURBED EARTH CONCRETE SUPPORTS F-1 RIM ELEVATION ON PLANS NEENAH R-•1772 HEAVY DUTY, TYPE 8, SOLID COVER LID OR i EJIW 1022 HEAVY DUTY, TYPE A SOLID COVER LID AND IMPRINTED PER WATER MANHOLE COVER DETAIL i EXTERIOR "CHIMNEY SEAL" I IN WET AREAS CONCRI7E ADJUSTING RINGS AND MORTAR IF NEEDED, 12" MAX. 2' 0" PRECAST REINFORCED i CONCRETE SECTION I z v STEPS AT 16" C-C a 5 0, NEENAH R-1981-J OR MA INDUSTRIES �O PS1 OR PS1-PF OR EQUAL. i PRECAST FLEXIBLE WATER TIGHT PIPE CONNECTOR 6" (TYP) CONCRETE BASE — 6" CA-6 AGGREGATE rT BASE 1. BACKFILL SHALL BE GRANULAR MATERIAL 2. FLAT TOPS SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR AASHTO HS 20-44 WHEEL LOADING. REVISIONS DATE STANDARD CITY OF FINAL 6-20-03 WATER McHENRY, ILLINOIS E300T & STEPS 11-18-03 VALVE VAULT PLUMB LINE TO OPERATE NUT--�� MUST NOT BE CLOSER THAN 6" FROM EDGE OF FRAME i FINISHED GRADE L/1 WATER TIGHT JOINTS WITH EXTERNAL SEALING BAND (MAP RAP) OR EQUAL SQUARE WRENCH NUT PER - MUELLER A- 2360 VALVE 1" CORPORATION STOP WHERE REQUIRED BY THE CITY WATER DEPARTMENT PRECAST FLEXIBLE WATER TIGHT PIPE CONNECTOR 8" (MIN) PROPOSED WATER MAIN' UNDISTURBED EARTH - CONCRETE SUPPORTS 5'-0" i rTAPPING VALVE F-2 RIM ELEVATION ON PLANS NEENAH R--1772 HEAVY DUTY, TYPE B, SOLID COVER LID OR EJIW 1022 HEAVY DUTY, TYPE A SOLID COVER LID AND IMPRINTED PER WATER MANHOLE COVER DETAIL FEXTERIOR "CHIMNEY SEAL" IN WET AREAS CONCRETE ADJUSTING RINGS AND MORTAR IF NEEDED, 12" MAX. PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE SECTION z v sO STEPS AT 16" C-C .� NEENAH R-1981-J `D OR MA INDUSTRIES PS1 OR PSI-PF OR EQUAL. EXISTING WATER MAIN TAPPING SLEEVE 61 (TYP) CONCRETE BASE - 6" CA-6 AGGREGATE rr BASE MASONRY THRUST BLOCK FOR FULL WIDTH OF SLEEVE 1. BACKFILL SHALL BE GRANULAR MATERIAL 2. FLAT TOPS SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR AASHTO HS 20-44 WHEEL LOADING. REVISIONS DATE TYPICAL CITY OF FINAL 6-20-03 PRESSURE McHENRY, ILLINOIS j100T & STEPS 11-18-03 CONNECTION F-3 NOTE: FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE MARKED WITH AN "X" ON THE NORTHWESTERN MOST FLANGE BOLT AND THE ELEVATION OF THE BOLT RECORDED ON THE RECORD DRAWING FOR THE PROJECT. MUELLER CENTURION A423 OR CLOW MEDALLION -\ BREAK FLANGE BURY LINE PER HYDRANT MANUFACTU COVER W/PLASTIC MIN. 1 C.Y. OF 3/4" WASHED RIVER STONE CONCRETE BLOCKS 7' MIN.) 6" MAX.) 18" (MIN.) 26" (MAX.) VALVE BOX W/COVER MARKED "WATER" DRILL 1 /4"0 HOLE FOR LOCATOR WIRE JUST BELOW COVER MECHANICAL JOINT ANCHOR FITTINGS OR TIE RODS LOCATOR WIRE FOR PVC & HOPE PIPE 6" AUXILIARY RESILIENT SEAT GATE VALVE •MECHANICAL JOINT TEE CONCRETE BLOCK UNDISTURBED GROUND 1. THREADED RODS AND NUTS SHALL BE "CORTEN STEEL" 2. BLOCKING AGAINST UNDISTURBED EARTH 3. RETAINING GLANDS ACCEPTABLE FORMS OF BLOCKING SHALL BE ANY TWO COMBINATIONS OF THE METHODS 1, 2, OR 3 SHOWN ABOVE. AUXILIARY VALVES MUST USE METHODS 1 AND 3 TO CONNECT TO THE WATER MAIN. REVISIONS DATE FIRE HYDRANT CITY OF FINAL 6-20-03 INSTALLATION McHENRY, ILLINOIS LOCATOR WIRE 11-18-03 DETAIL M.J. HYDRANT TEE WATER MAIN (SIZE AS SHOWN ON PLANS) X CONNECTING PIECE W/2 - 3/4" TIE RODS STAINLESS STEEL THREADED RODS, BOLTS AND NUTS 5'-0" F-4 - UNDISTURBED EARTH CONCRETE BLOCKS HYDRANT 1. ANY CHANGE OF DIRECTION REQUIRES RETAINER GLANDS AND BLOCKING 2. RETAINER GLANDS SHALLED BE INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. REVISIONS FIRE HYDRANT CITY OF FINAL 904 CONNECTION WATER MAIN SIZES McHENRY, ILLINOIS 6" THRU 12" IN DIAMETER DATE 6-20-03 CONNECTING PIECE W/2 - 3/4" TIE RODS CORTEN RODS AND AND NUTS I 0 I M I 6" ELBOW WATER MAIN TEE (SIZE AS SHOWN ON PLANS) SEE STANDARD FIRE HYDRANT INSTALLATION CONNECTING PIECE---' W/2 - 3/4" TIE RODS STAINLESS STEEL THREADED RODS AND BOLTS 5-0" F-5 - UNDISTURBED EARTH CONCRETE BLOCKS HYDRANT 1. ANY CHANGE OF DIRECTION REQUIRES RETAINER GLANDS AND BLOCKING 2. RETAINER GLANDS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. FIRE HYDRANT 90° CONNECTION WATER MAIN SIZES 6" AND GREATER REVISIONS CITY OF r NAL McHENRY, ILLINOIS DATE 6-20-03 I WATER MAIN 45' TAPS IN UPPER Z 1 /2 OF MAIN REQUIRED UNLESS OTHERWISE b APPROVED BY VILLAGE 1 �73 HORIZONTAL OFFSET TO CENTER OF LOT 6„ — 10" z + , 0„ "N N CAP SHALL SAY "WATER" FIN. GRADE SIDEWALK VARIABLE (ONE PIECE OF PIPE) + SERVICE PIPE-/ CORPORATION STOP MUELLER H15000 WATER MAIN PVC WATER MAIN TAPS REQUIRE EPDXY COATED DOUBLE STAINLESS STEEL STRAPS, SMITH BLAIR #317 SECTION SERVICE PIPE CORP. STOP CURB STOP SERVICE BOX 1/ „ 11/ " 3„ X 1 1/ „ 1 1/ „ 3„ X 2" 2'-0" i Iz ZI v oI � J PEENED ENDS CURB STOP MUELLER H15150 ON CONCRETE SUPPORT BLOCK NOTE: CONTACT THE CITY OF McHENRY WATER DEPARTMENT FOR VERIFICATION THAT THE MATERIALS INTENDED FOR USE ARE ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY OF McHENRY. WATER SERVICE REVISIONS DATE CITY O F F[NAL 6-20-03 INSTALLATION McHENRY, ILLINOIS SUPPORT BLOCK 11-18-03 UNDISTURBED EARTH TRENCH WALL (TYP.) UNDISTURBED EARTH TRENCH WALL (TYP.) UNDISTURBED EARTH TRENCH WALL (TYP.) PLANS NOTES 1. PROVIDE PRECAST OR CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS OF ADEQUATE SIZE AND THRUST BEARING SURFACE TO PREVENT MOVEMENT OF PIPELINE UNDER PRESSURE. 2. PLACE THE BASE AND THRUST BEARING SIDES OF THRUST BLOCK DIRECTLY AGAINST UNDISTURBED EARTH. 3. PLACE THRUST BLOCKING SO THE FITTING JOINTS WILL BE ACCESSIBLE FOR REPAIR. WATER MAIN THRUST BLOCKING DETAILS wllwl.� I V -\ w L. ... . . _SECTIONS CITY OF r- .NAL McHENRY, ILLINOIS F-9 6-20-03 I rhh V.J O o U o WWF V)m Ir p QQ LJ - m CC 3�ZLLI LLI CCNJJ0 z X LLI �03 O ~ No z vi O J oZ �g� I- gN 0.-.tr wz� W w oJo w z Iwo r W 2 wig a04 a >• g W U-)-) W Z W L) O � � mLJ W r OZx-' 00= = U wow mVN m z aW17 z O NwM LLJ 0 WWW C Jx MLJJ zU Z -p 0NZ0UpOUJO vow ON w0En �0 3 am WW =zo F-�jW� � 3 bawo I NW " zZ J 3!L' �Nw9 UQ¢ UW= 0Nod JW ?CLV ,w=0J WCLo DInwO QO m CV I"-1 4 In t0 mCY ULLJ > W0 0 On. � ..I wC)N 0WZ W ti- WUU H z W m w a U Z W tTi LLJ z 0 U zd U z I CO = 3: V) CD Zd W Z 0 Z J 1 ~ I ( .ICVJ Nm �V) VO z2 _0p �o=wr Qz 0ZF� �-m ww OO _ L) WOUWQ WW Zm�2Z�r') N ¢� '103,aIw�°�o a�d • J. ■ ¢ I I Z ZLaI z LLJ W F- H V)t7i Z 1- cy- 2 0 03 O 0=� Z� LLI OQU OZ Q 3 LLJcn� �ZO OHO Z W J� 00 J3 mp X wWst Z= J W crtn I Q wZ F-JU UZp H� �O Q QOM wzv wQ ww CL m0 �� w n w w W C7 = a z IL Z ULga w w0Q��� ,I -I zO�0LuLL OW 0InO w > _ Ocx Z Z N x W W 0= Q ZxJPU Zmm3Q>>Qz = Ld N w= W W 0 3rrC'n O L-- Iz' r, l O ccZ 0 > —�>H W I-- -0 W 0WM; x0�o >CItLUOw Ozw 0 W Zi{V{-) 41 w 3 0 W N H w 3 M LT, W OfnEOaO xN Z O (n I U —In to z 0 (n 0 m D 0 z w x U w � Oz W W U0� W x U' �w tr OU LLJ " W WN J W w �O O � to O x Q ~o w41 OJ tr Vo Dw WM x0 Q 0 �o ow W U p Z Zz W 00 U W J (Y-O tr �z Z �O ij O Z J Lj W (n Q Q� m0 Z �O OQ wzo o0� Q N U 0 I O N A J a Z G-2 PROVIDE PLUG OR END CAP WITH THRUST BLOCK 115' PER FOOT WHEN SERVICE CONNECTION 45' BEND MIN. SLOPE IS NOT INCLUDED BRANCH FITTING — — — — — — CONNECT TO EXISTING SERVICE PIPE OR PROVIDE PLUG OR END DRY MIX CAP WITH THRUST BLOCK CONCRETE FOR SEWER INVERT DEPTHS TO 12 FEET_ 10 FOOT MIN. WHEN SERVICE CONNECTION NOT INCLUDED PROVIDE PLUG OR END CAP WITH THRUST BLOCK WHEN SERVICE CONNECTION IS NOT INCLUDED TOP SECTION OF RISER SHALL BE 2'-0" LENGTH — 22 1/2' BEND 1/6' PER FOOT MIN. SLOPE CONNECT TO EXISTING 'SERVICE PIPE OR PROVIDE PLUG OR END CAP WITH THRUST BLOCK —SUPPORT RISER AGAINST SIDE OF TRENCH BRANCH FITTING DRY MIX CONCRETE FOR SEWER INVERT DEPTHS OVER 12 FEET NOTE: IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE USER OF THIS DETAIL REFER TO THE CITY OF McHENRY SUBDIVISION CONTROL ORDINANCE FOR MORE DETAILED AND MORE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS. BUILDING SERVICE I CITY OF FINAL 6-20-03 RISER McHENRY, ILLINOIS MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER EAST JORDAN 1022 HEAVY DUTY TYPE A OR NEENAH R-1772, IMPRINTED PER STORM MANHOLE COVER DETAIL. LIDS WILL BE SOLID COVER WITH CONCEALED PICK HOLES ,� WATERTIGHT PRECAST CONCRETE JOINTS ADJUSTING RINGS (3 RINGS 8" MAX.) 24" H-1 MANHOLE STEPS 16" O.C. M.A. INDUSTRIES COPOLYMER PLASTIC WITH CONTINUOUS 1 /'2" STEEL REINFORCEMENT OF; NEENAH R-1981-1 CAST IRON PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE MANHOLE SECTIONS PER ASTM CONCRETE C-478 INVERT CHANNEL TO CONFORM BENCH - SLOPE 2" PER FT. TO ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS AGGREGATE BASE — 6" J NOTE: 109� CRUSHED STONE OR GRAVEL, 1. USE ECCENTRIC CONES UNLESS OTHERWISE STONE IDOT GRADATION INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS. IF DEPTH OF MANHOLE IS 7'-0" OR LESS USE REINFORCED CONCRETE FLAT TOP DESIGNED FOR AASHTO HS20-44 WHEEL LOADING. 2. USE 4'-0" DIAMETER FOR SEWER SIZES 12" THRU 24", 5'-0" DIAMETER FOR SEWER SIZES 27" AND LARGER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. FILL LUG HOLE WITH BITUMINOUS COMPOUND 4. BACKFILL WITH GRANULAR MATERIAL. NOTE: IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE USER OF THIS DETAIL REFER TO THE CITY OF McHENRY SUBDIVISION CONTROL ORDINANCE FOR MORE DETAILED AND MORE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS. REVISIONS DATE STORM MANHOLE CITY OF F[NAL 6-20-03 DETAIL McHENRY, ILLINOIS USE FRAME & COVER INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS PRECAST CONC. ADJUSTING RING MANHOLE STEPS 16" O.C. M.A. INDUSTRIES COPOLYMER PLASTIC WITH CONTINUOUS 1 /2" STEEL REINFORCEMENT OR NEENAH R-1981-1 CAST IRON — — H- INLET AGGREGATE BASE — 6" CA-6 100% CRUSHED STONE OR GRAVEL, IDOT GRADATION WATERTIGHT JOINTS OUTLET H-2 34' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE SECTIONS NOTE: 1. USE ECCENTRIC CONES UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS. FLAT SLAB TOPS PERMITTED ONLY FOR MANHOLES TOO SHALLOW FOR CONES. 2. USE THE TYPE OF FRAME AND COVER INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS. NOTE: IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE USER OF THIS DETAIL REFER TO THE: CITY OF McHENRY SUBDIVISION CONTROL ORDINANCE FOR MORE DETAILED AND MORE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS. REVISIONS DATE CATCH BASIN CITY OF FINAL 6-20-03 TYPE A McHENRY, ILLINOIS t PLAN USE FRAME & COVER INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS CONCRETE FILLET PRECAST CONCRETE BOTTOM AGGREGATE BASE --/ CA-6 100% CRUSHED STONE OR GRAVEL, IDOT GRADATION SECTION A -A H-4 J PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE SECTION SEE DRAWINGS FOR PIPE SIZE AND ELEVATIONS NOTE: IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE USER OF THIS DETAIL REFER TO THE CITY OF McHENRY SUBDIVISION CONTROL ORDINANCE FOR MORE DETAILED AND MORE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS. REVISIONS DATE INLET CITY OF FINAL 6-20-03 DETAIL McHENRY, ILLINOIS x Qo p N U o co W W Z Z = OV Lo m z p W� Ln m z O Q. aUj . V rUWOa Z� j LiJ¢ D= WI- Of z Z to O W 2: a: zZ _ Q<o�z w O Q cr = O Z Z Ld Cn LLJ J J aU0 aO a U) Ewa ui w - z�0?caiJZz F— ao U Z �� W co J�_ 1 Oa WL LLI --J LLJ O-J�a = W W� WZ U o ZOO- U Z .J Z D— EL c�� o ate. a Zama LLJ J H 0o z UN LL. ornOw I w CO CL cl za / �¢ U � HUiN �N a I Wax �aa (nZ Z O_ O \ N w W ~ w < C U Ln Z W cn :2 W \ 0 zEF- W (n Z L)0o V)o O CL -1 O U C) a LLJ — "Zl o0 \ \ 0aWW z�oaL wZ(DM oozW Lno-=a OOf tzdj � U Ir- v) Q 2' TYP. BOTTOM OF DRAINAGE WAY PLAN nnt IKIM MAI Cc of AACA AAI AAAfTAI ID COMPACTED BACKFILL DITCH CHECK STRAW BAIL BARRIER ELEVATION SECTION I-1 POINT (A) SHOULD BE HIGHER THAN POINT (B) A B PACKED STRAW BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE EXCAVATED SOIL AS SHOWN ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE BARRIER TO PREVENT PIPING CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS ONS IFZNAL 1 6-20-03 1 SUPPORT POST FABRIC HNICAL OFEF` W z i- � z COMPACTED CLAYEY MATERIAL M N •� Z 6" MIN.1 EXCAVATE TRENCH ON UPSTREAM SIDE OF POSTS AND EMBED lZ' OF FABRIC SECTION I5'—C" MAX. _ 1 — rnnnn'r nncr SILT FILTER FENCE ELEVATION CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS I-2 kREVISIONS I DATE FINAL 1 6-20-03 A BOTTOM OF DRAINAGE WAY 1- 3o LLLVA I IUN GEOTECHNICAL FABRIC k a COMPACTED BACKFILL SECTION A 8 BE I (B) FASTENER -MIN, 10 GA. WIRE 4 PER POST (MIN.) 4" DIA. POSTS ® 8' MAX. (LENGTH 6' IMIN.) WOVEN WIRE FENCE (12 GA.) 6" SQUARE (MAX.) 42" HEIGHT MAX. DITCH CHECK CITY OF REINFORCED SILT FENCE McHENRY, ILLINOIS FLOW I-3 REVISIONS I DATE FINAL 1 6-20-03 T H ED C Hand Hole Grade )W A Drawing not to scale Printed on recycled paper. E E A C 0 R N SINGLE CONFIGURATION DOUBLE CONFIGURATION From drawing on left D I M E N S I O N S Single Configuration Double Configuration Regular Tall Regular Tall A 4.0' 4.0' 4.0' 4.0' --8-- C 9.5' — 14.5` 10.5' Y15.5' 0 2.9' _-- — 2.9' � 2.9' — ---2.9' - E 12.4' 17.4' 13.4' 18W All dimensions are approximate and are subject to change without notice. L A M P D A T A Watts Source Initial Lumens apprownare 100 HPS 9500 P R O D U C T S E L E C T I O N (choose one ftm each column) Luminaire Configuration Pole Height Single Cor11guration Regular Double Configuration Tall C=Ed A Unicom Company Typical Photometric Distribution Pattern For Single Configuration Type V'i Product specifications are subject to change without nonce. 880906 11— MO E A R L Y Printed on recycled paper. A M E 'R I C A N From drawing on left D I M E N S I O N S Fiberglass Pole Concrete Pole A 5.0' 5.0' — B 1.5' ---- ----1.5' -- C 15.0' 15.0' 2.0' —_- — 2.0' - All dimensions are approximate and are subject to change without notice. L A M P D A T A Watts Source Initial Lumens aaww.rere 100 HPS 9500 _ 100 MV —MV� —4400 — 175 8500 P R O D U C T S E L E C T I O N (Choose one 6Om each column) Watts/Source Pole type 100w HPS Concrete 100w MV Fiberglass 175w MV C=Ed A Unicom Company Typical Photometric Distribution Pattern M Product specifications are subject to change without nonce. 680904 Rate 23 C Bracket Spread E Shown with Davit Arm Drawing not to scale DIMENSIONS -CONCRETE POLES WITH DAVIT ARMS From drawing on left Bracket Spread for Davit Arms 6.0' * 8.0" 10.0' Pole Height Setting Depth Mounting Height Mounting Height Mounting Height 5.0' 26.5' 26._8' 27.2' 35.0' _ 5.5` _ _ 31._0' 31.3' 317- _ _ _ 38.0' _- 5.5' _ 34.0' 1 34.4' 34.7' 'Indicates availability with one or two luminaires per pole. Ali other brackets accommodate one luminaire per pole. DIMENSIONS -CONCRETE POLES WITH PIPE ARMS From drawing on left Bracket Spread for Pipe Arms 4.0' 6.0' 8.0' Pole Height Setting Depth Mounting Height Mounting Height Mounting Height --___-_35.0' 26.5' 27.5' _ -_-_--_32._0'�__ _5.0' 5.5' -- - 31.0' _27.0' 31.5' 38.0' - 5.5' _ 34.0' _ 34.5' - - 35.0 To determine Mounting Height 1. Choose "Pole Height" (shaded) 2, Choose "Bracket Spread" (shaded) 3. "Mounting Height" will be found at the intersection of the row of the "Pole Height" and the column of the "Bracket Spread", DIMENSIONS -WOOD POLES WITH METAL ARMS From drawing on left Bracket Spread for Metal Arms 2.5' 4.0' 8.0' 14.0' Pole Height Setting Depth Mounting Height Mounting Height Mounting Height Mounting Height 30.0' - _ 35.0' _- 5.0' - - - 5.5' 25.2' -_- 29.7' 25,7' 26,7' 28.2' _ _ -- 30.2' _ - -__ 31.2' 32.2' Above numbers valid for dedicated light pole only. All dimensions are approximate and are subject to change without notice. LAMP DATA & OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS Watts Source Initial Lumens (Approximate) Cut-off Designation IES Dist Type Optic Description Optic Description MV 8,500 Non -cutoff__ _II Prismatic Refractor Polycarbonate_ _ - 250 400 400 _ -_ MV- MV_ --_ 13,000 23,000 _Non-cutoff_ -_Non-cutoff -- II Prismatic Refractor _ Prismatic Refractor Polycarbonate - _ Polycarbonate _ - 70 HPS_ _ 6,30_0 _ Non -cutoff _III _ II_ _ _Prismatic Refractor _ _ Polycarbonate_ _ - 100 _ _^ 9,500 __ _- Non -cutoff_ __-II Prismatic Refractor Polycarbonate--- __-HPS_ _ HPS _ 16,000_T _-_ -cutoff If _ Prismatic Refractor- Polycarbonate - 250 HPS 28,500 _Non Non -cutoff III Prismatic Refractor Glass_-_ _ _ 400 T HPS_ - 50,000 _ _ Non -cutoff_ - _ - Prismatic Refractor Glass _ _ 1000 'HPS_ _ -140,000 - Non -cutoff _ _ _III IV --III -- Prismatic Refractor _Glass 100_- - H_PS -- - i 9,500 Cutoff - '_ Flat Lens - Glass---- _ 150 _ HPS 16,000 - Cutoff III _ __ Rat Lens - Glass - - __- 250 _ HPS 28,500 _ _ III -III Flat Lens _ Glass -Glass _ 400 _ _ HPS 50,000 _ _Cutoff Cutoff Rat Lens P R O D U C T S E L E C T 1 0 IN (choose one Aom each column) No. of Luminaires/pole Watts/Source Designation Pole Type Pole Heig]__DaviL(21umin�re�)_ i30.0'-_Davit Bracket Type Bracket Spread 1 175w MV Cut-off - (1 luminaire)--- 2.5' --- _ 2' 250w MV Non -cutoff` -concrete Wood __ 35.0' 4.0' _ _ -400w _ MV --_ 38.0'Pipe - - _ _ 6.0' ------- 70w HPS - ---- Metal - - 8.0' -- - --- - _ 100w HPS - -------- - --- - - _ -- 10.0' -- _ HPS ------- ---- ---- -- 14.0' --- - -150w - 250w HPS 400w HPS 1000w HPS -- ---- --- `Two luminaires per pole available with concrete pole and 6' or 8' davit arm. Al other brackets accommodate one luminaire per pole. Specific combinations are limited by details shown herein. Product specifications are subject