HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - MC-00-756 - 05/31/2000 - Chapter 7 Bldg CodeORDINANCE NO. MC-00-756 An Ordinance Amending City of McHenry Municipal Code Chapter 7, Buildings and Building Regulations BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, as follows: SECTION 1: That Chapter 7 of the City of McHenry Municipal Code, shall be amended as follows: 1. Page 350 Section 7-34 delete "1987" replace with "1996"; Section 7-34 line 4, insert "NfiPA 70" between "Edition" and "promulgated"; 2. Page 353 Article IV, replace heading `BOCA BASIC BULDING CODE ADOPTED" with `BOCA NATIONAL BUILDING CODE/1996"; in Section 7-58: revise the second and sixth lines of text by deleting "Tenth Edition, 1987, replacing with "Thirteenth Edition/1996"; 3. Page 354 Paragraph (1) replace "Section 100.1" with "Section 101.1 Paragraph (2) replace "Section 109.1" with "Section 104.1";replace "Section 109.7" with "Section 104.7"; Paragraph (3) replace "Section 110.8" with "Section 105.8"; Paragraph (4) replace "a site plan" with "(4) site plans and/or surveys"; replace "Section 111.6" with "Section 107.6"; Paragraph (5) replace "Section 112.2" with "'Section 108.2"; Paragraph (6) replace "Section 117.4" with "Section 116.4"; Paragraph (7) replace "Section 118.2" with "Section 117.2"; Paragraph (8) delete in its entirety; Paragraph (9) replace "Section 124.1" with "'Section 12 1. 1 replace "Section 124.7" with "Section 121.1 "; replace "Inspector" with "Officer"; Paragraph (10) replace "Section 309.3" with "Section 310.4"; Paragraph (11) replace "Section 309.4" with "Section 310.5"; Paragraph (12) delete in its entirety; Paragraph (13) replace "Article 29" with "Section 3102.0"; Add Paragraph (14) "Section 107.5 of the BOCA National Building Code (BOCA NBC) — delete `Two Sets' in line 2 and replace with `three sets"'; Add Paragraph (15) "Section 110.4 of BOCA NBC — Landmark Commission approval required prior to demolition"; Add Paragraph (16) "Section 118.2 of BOCA NBC `Temporary Occupancy' — delete line 6 starting with `any occupancy' to the end of Section 118.2"; Add Paragraph (17) "Section 118.4 of BOCA NBC `Contents of Certificate' — delete line 6 starting with `The certificate shall' to the end of Section 118.4' ; Ordinance — Amend Building Code Page 2 Add Paragraph (18) "Page 334 of BOCA NBC, Chapter 35, Referenced Standards, Codes, delete `IPC-95' and replace with `Illinois State Plumbing Code"'; Add Paragraph (19) "Page 334 of BOCA NBC, Chapter 35, Referenced Standards, Codes, delete `IPSDC-95"'; Add Paragraph (20) "Delete BOCA NBC Section 421.0, Swimming Pools and replace with `See Chapter 22 (Swimming Pools) of the City of McHenry Municipal Code"'; Add Paragraph (21) "Page 334 of BOCA NBC, Chapter 35, Referenced Standards, Codes, delete `MEC-95 CABO Model Energy Codes"'; 4. Page 360 Section 7-132 CABO One and Two Family Dwelling Code Delete all references to "1986" replace with "1995"; Paragraph (1) delete "R-104" replace with "104"; Paragraph (2) delete "R-107" replace with "107.1 5. Page 361 Section 7-132 Paragraph (3) delete "R-109" replace with "11III ; delete "Tenth" replace with "Thirteenth"; Paragraph (4) delete "R-110" replace with "112"; Paragraph (6) delete "Section R-202-Table" replace with "Table 301.2a"; Table 301.2a Winter Design Temp. for Heating Facilities" insert '68 degrees at —4 degrees F'; Table 301.2a Radon Resistant Construction Required insert "No" Paragraph (7) delete "R-210.4" replace with "309.4' ; insert "concrete" between "4" and "curb"; lines 3 and 4 should read: "or construct the garage floor a minimum of four inches below the adjoining foundation"; 6. Page 362 Section 7-132 Paragraph (8) delete "R-211" replace with "310.1 Paragraph (9) delete in its entirety; Paragraph (10) delete "R-302.2, R-304.6, R-305.3, R-306.2" replace with "402.1, 402.1.1, 402.1.2"; Paragraph (11) delete "R-303" replace with "403"; Paragraph (12) delete in its entirety; Paragraph (13) delete "R304.1" replace with "404. 1 ";delete entire first paragraph and replace with "All interior foundation walls of habitable living areas shall be insulated with a material having an R-factor of not less than R-11' ; Paragraph (14) delete "Part V, Plumbing, is hereby deleted" replace with "Chapters 29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38 are hereby deleted. See the Illinois State Plumbing Code"; Paragraph (16) delete "R-309.3" replace with "409.3' ; Paragraph (17) delete "Section R-401.2" replace with "Add Section 601.2"; Paragraph (18) delete "R-502.3" replace with "702.1 Paragraph (19) delete "R-701.2 " replace with "801.2"; Ordinance — Amend Building Code Page 3 7. Page 363 Paragraph (20) delete "M-1303.1" replace with "1401.4"; Paragraph (21) delete in its entirety; Paragraph (22) delete "R-212" replace with "31 I . l "; Add Paragraph (23) "In Section 309.2 delete "1/2" replace with "5/8-Type X"• Add Paragraph (24) "In Section 401.1 delete exception number I"; Add Paragraph (25) "In Section 402.1 delete the following: 402.1 Wood Foundations, 402.1.1 Fasteners, 402.1.2 Wood Treatment"; Add Paragraph (26) "Section 403.2 delete in its entirety"; Add Paragraph (27) "Figure 403.1 b delete in its entirety"; Add Paragraph (28) "Figure 403.1 c delete in its entirety"; Add Paragraph (29) "Section 403.3 delete in its entirety"; Add Paragraph (30) "Table 403.3 delete in its entirety"; Add Paragraph (31) "Figure 403.3a delete in its entirety"; Add Paragraph (32) "Delete Section 404.3 in its entirety"; Add Paragraph (33) "Delete Section 405.2 in its entirety"; Add Paragraph (34) "Delete Section 406.3 in its entirety"; Add Paragraph (35) "Add Section 407.2 Foundation Insulation. All interior foundation walls of habitable living spaces shall be insulated with material having an R-factor of R-I I"; Add Paragraph (36) "Delete Chapters 29, 30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38, Appendix B, Appendix C and replace with `See Illinois State Plumbing Code"'; Add Paragraph (37) "Delete Section 504 in its entirety"; Add Paragraph (38) "In Section 702.3.4 add `702.3.4.1 Interior Wall finish. All interior walls and ceiling surfaces in habitable areas shall be covered with a minimum of '/2 inch gypsum wall board or equal. An exception to the foregoing Section 702.3.4 is the use of three -eighths (3/8) inch gypsum wall board as backup for plywood paneling. No sheet rock is required for nominal one (1) inch solid paneling"'; Add Paragraph (39) "Delete Section 702.5 in its entirety"; Add Paragraph (40) "Delete Section 115 General replace with `See Chapter 22 of the McHenry Municipal Code, Swimming Pools"; Add Paragraph (41) "Delete Appendix D Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs"; Add Paragraph (42) "Delete Section 119 Energy Conservation"; Add Paragraph (43) "Delete Appendix E Energy Conservation". Ordinance — Amend Building Code Page 4 8. Page 372 Section 7-200: delete all references to "The BOCA Basic Mechanical Code Sixth Edition, 1987" replace with "International Mechanical Code 1996"; delete all references to `BOCA Basic Code 1987 Edition; Paragraph (1) delete "M-100.1" replace with "101.1 Paragraph (2) delete "M-114" replace with "106.5"; Paragraph (3) delete "M-117.4, Penalties" replace with "108.4 Violation Penalties"; Paragraph (4) delete in its entirety; 9. Page 373: Section 7-211: delete Seventh Edition 1987" replace with "Tenth Edition 1996"; Paragraph (1) delete "F-100.1 " replace with "F 101.1 "; Paragraph (1) delete "1" replace with "3" Paragraph (2) delete "Appendix B" replace with "Appendix A"; Paragraph (3) delete "Appendix B" replace with "Appendix A"; Paragraph (4) delete "F-102.1" replace with "F-105.1 10. Page 373 Section 7-200: Paragraph (5) delete "M-122.1" replace with "109.1 Paragraph (5) delete "M-122.8" replace with "109.7"; Paragraph (6) delete in its entirety; Paragraph (7) delete in its entirety; Add Paragraph (8) "Section 108.5 Stop Work. Orders, insert `$50.00' in amount box in line 13, and $500.00 in the amount box in line 14"; Add Paragraph (9) "Referenced Standards (Page 126) Codes, delete `IPC- 95 ICC International Plumbing Code' replace with `Illinois State Plumbing Code"'; Add Paragraph (10) "Delete the Provisions of Code Section 109 Means of Appeal. Insert Section 109 Appeals which shall read as follows: `Any person aggrieved by any decision of the Building Officer may appeal there from to the City Council which may affirm, modify, or reverse the decisions of the Building Officer. Thereupon„ the Building Officer shall take action in accordance with the decisions of the City Council"'; 11. Page 374 Paragraph (5) delete "F-104" replace with "F-113.0"; Add Paragraph (6) "Chapter 44, Codes, delete `ICC-95 International Plumbing Code' and replace with `Illinois State Plumbing Code"'; Ordinance — Amend Building Code Page 5 SECTION 2: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this ordinance shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof, which remainder shall remain and continue in full force and effect. Section 3: All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict are hereby repealed to the extend of such conflict. Section 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: None. Passed and Approved this 3 1 " day of May, 2000. i SIG• --- - --------- ----cll::�----------- Mayor ATTEST:-�X�_�z�-- - - -------------- City Jerk