HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/10/2016 - Community Development Committee (2)COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT October 10, 2016 McHenry Municipal Center In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon and Alderman Santi. Absent: Alderman Peterson. Also in Attendance: Director of Community Development Polerecky, City Clerk Jones. Public in Attendance: Mr. Chris Bennett. 1. Call to Order: Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm. 2. Public Input: None. 3. Discussion on Residential Teardown and Infill Ordinance Director of Community Development addressed the Committee stating in August 2005, the City of McHenry adopted a Residential Teardown and Infill Lot Ordinance. The purpose and intent of the Ordinance was to regulate the height and building coverage of single-family detached dwelling units in existing neighborhoods and to foster and preserve the nature, character and quality of existing neighborhoods. Since the adoption of the Ordinance, it has only been used one time, in 2014. During the approval process in 2014, there were many items identified in the current Ordinance that required simplification or clarification, including lot coverage and setback requirements. Director Polerecky noted that with the collapse of the housing market and new home sales faltering in the mi&2000's, a few subdivisions in the City of McHenry were left partially completed with a number of empty lots. The current Ordinance defines "infill" lot as any lot that has been vacant for a minimum of ten years. All of the approved, but unfinished subdivisions in McHenry have now reached the ten year mark. Under the existing Ordinance every buildable lot in those subdivisions would have to go before the Teardown and Infill Committee for review and approval prior to a Building Permit being issued. Director Polerecky noted that recently the Community Development Department had interest expressed in other infill lots within the City of McHenry. In each case, after giving the building the information on the procedures that must be followed pursuant to the Teardown and Infill Ordinance, the builder chose not to buy a lot in the City of McHenry. Potentially, the teardown and infill approval process could take as long as three months, requiring plans and elevations that the Committee must review and approve. Upfront costs of supplying plans and time of the approval process both played a role in the decision of the developers not to pursue the purchase of property in the City of McHenry. Director Polerecky stated Staff is looking for recommendations from the Committee to pursue revisions to the Teardown and Infill Lot Ordinance. Staff would then present the changes, revisions and updates to the Committee for review at a future meeting. Community Development Committee Meeting Report October 10, 2016 Page 2 Responding to an inquiry from the Committee, Director Polerecky answered the City does not have a Historic Preservation Plan. Chairman Alderman Condon noted that there is an extensive amount of verbiage that requires revising and updating the Ordinance. She inquired about the possibility of the Community Development Committee being utilized in place of the Teardown Committee. Director Polerecicy suggested if the regulations are presented properly, the Teardown Ordinance Guidelines criteria could fit comfortably within the Zoning Ordinance, encouraging building in the community. The Ordinance requires a complete review. He stated that he would like to do it properly and consequently, will take some time. Responding to Chairman Alderman Condon's inquiry regarding whether it would be the specific Ordinance, but with a simplified process, Director Polerecky responded affirmatively. Director Polerecky noted that every teardown must go before the Landmark Commission and he. is supportive of their input. He suggested making some immediate text amendments that would exempt some pre4995 property. Chairman Alderman Condon was supportive of the suggestion so as to not inhibit any prospective building. Alderman Santi opined that the current Ordinance definitely requires simplification. He noted a lot of redundancy. Alderman Santi suggested addressing the issue of multiple lots and he would like the opportunity to re -read the document thoroughly. Director Polerecky said the only issue could be Architectural Standards that apply to subdivisions, but opined that Staff feels the Ordinance could be simplified while still serving the public interest. He does not believe the Ordinance is likely to be used frequently. Chairman Alderman Condon opined that she would like the visuals and graphics to remain as part of any revisions to the Ordinance. Director Polerecicy inquired if the Committee would like to recommend text amendments at this time. He does not believe immediate text amendments are necessary, as no building is taking place during the winter and suggested Staff could work on revisions to the Ordinance and bring them back to Committee for review at the next meeting. 4. Department Updates Director of Community Development Polerecicy informed the Committee: • The Heritage Oaks project is moving forward; • Ricky Rockets is anticipated to be before Council in early 2017; • Plans for the Dunkin' Donuts project are currently being reviewed; • Uprooted is moving forward rapidly with the restaurant portion of the renovation and the signage is now in compliance with the City Ordinances; Community Development Committee Meeting Report October 10, 2016 Page 3 • The Community Development Department files are being updated and scanned. It is expected Department files will be 100% digital in 2017, allowing for more rapid access to information; and • Staff has been busy addressing campaigns signs that have been posted unlawfully. Director Polerecky provided the Committee with a summary of Occupancy Permits and Code Enforcement Totals to date and by category. A brief discussion ensued regarding the schedule of meetings for the Community Development Committee in 2017. It was determined that the meetings would remain on Monday, when there is no Council meeting, until April 2017. Director Polerecky will provide the Committee with a calendar of potential meetings in 2017 for review. 5. Adiournment There being no further business to discuss. Motion by Santi, second by Condon to adjourn the meeting at 8:04 pm. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Motion carried. Condon, Santi. None. Peterson. Reviewed and Approved: Geri Condon, Chairman