HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 04/02/2018 - Finance and Personnel CommitteeLos ¢aRT OF T < RIvsR✓ Finance and Personnel Committee AIr 9 20189 5:30 PM McHenry Municipal Center 333 S Green Street McHenry, IL, 60050 AGENDA 1. Call to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Public Comment: Persons wishing to address the Committee will be asked to identify themselves for the record and will be asked but are not required to provide their address. Public comment may be restricted to three -minutes for each individual speaker. Order and decorum shall be maintained at public meetings. 4. Motion to approve the March 12, 2018 Finance and Personnel Committee meeting report. 5. Motion to approve the March 26, 2018 Finance and Personnel Committee meeting report. 6. Reconsideration of the City of McHenry Vehicle Sticker Program. 7. Review of Classification and Compensation Study conducted by GovHR. 8. Discussion on Staff Recommended Positions 9. Staff Reports. 10. Any Other Business. 11. Motion to adjourn the meeting. Next regularly scheduled meeting is May 7, 2018. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer -oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Monday, March 12, 2018 Municipal Center Classroom, 5:30 PM 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm. 2. Roll Call: Chairman Alderman Curry, Alderman Schaefer, and Alderman Mihevc. Also in attendance Alderman Santi, City Administrator Morefield, Director of Finance Lynch, Human Resources Manager Campanella, Director of Community Development Polerecky, Director of Public Works Schmitt, Chief of Police Birk, Director of Parks and Recreation Hobson, Deputy Chief Walsh, Street Division Superintendent Schweda, Wastewater Division Superintendent Ruzicka, Water Division Superintendent Palmer, and Utility Division Superintendent Wirch, and Deputy Clerk Geraghty. 3. Public Comment: None. 4. Motion to approve the February 5, 2018 Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting Report, Alderman Schaefer made a motion, second by Alderman Mihevc, to approve the February 5, 2018 Finance and Personnel Committee meeting report. Voting Aye: Schaefer, Mihevc, Curry Motion carried. 5. Motion to approve the February 19, 2018 Special Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting Report. Alderman Schaefer made a motion, second by Alderman Mihevc to approve the February 19, 2018 Special Finance and Personnel Committee meeting report. Voting Aye: Schaefer, Mihevc, Curry Motion carried. 6. Discussion on Proposed FY 18/19 Budget for Operating Departments, Recreation Center Sewer Fund (510.32) and Utility Fund (510.35), Discussion highlights: General Fund (100) General Fund Fund (400), Water Fund (510.31), City Administrator Morefield presented the proposed FY 18/19 Budget and announced Department Directors were present to answer questions regarding their proposed budget requests. The discussion did not include a review of every fund that comprises the annual budget however, the funds include operational and personnel costs and serve as a basis for determining how the remaining municipal fund budget are developed. Finance and Personnel Committee Page 2 March 12, 2018 FY 18/19 proposed General Fund Revenues and Expenditures reflect total revenues of $22,309,740, which is an increase of $749,423 or 2.2% from FY 17/18. FY 18/19 total proposed operating expenditures of $22,188.850 represents an increase of $374,206 or 1.72% less capital from the FY 17/18 budget amount for a net difference of revenues over expenditures of $101,240. City Administrator Morefield announced the proposed General Fund Operating Budget was presented is balanced. Chairman Curry asked if we know why we are receiving less state income tax. Director Lynch answered the decrease was due to the reduction in LGDF. Chairman Curry inquired if Townships assesses the Road and Bridge Levy every year. Director Lynch stated Townships could reduce the amount to $0. The city is covered by two townships and only one has reduced its levy every year. City Administrator Morefield added there is nothing the city can do to stop Townships from decreasing the levy. Revenues: City Administrator Morefield reported the total estimated revenue proposed for FY 18/19 increased by $479,423, or 2.20% from the actual amount budgeted in FY 17/18. The most significant increases include $523,001 or 7.29% in sales tax receipts and $55,000 increase in video gaming receipts. Noteworthy reasons for decreases in revenue were due to State Income Tax reduction of $140,000 or 5.51%, and $29,000 or 7.37% reduction in fines and forfeiture receipts. Property, Sales, and State Income Tax totals are 77.1% of General Fund Revenues. In FY 17/18, the budget amount was $76.7 and this year the budget is proposed at $77.1. The main contributor to the increase is proposed increases in sales tax amounts. Chairman Curry asked why each year it seems we show $4.9M but always come in at $S.1M. Director Lynch said the city does not levy the road and bridge. The levy presented to the Council is the city's levy; we add approximately $250,000 for the two road districts including the total we will receive in property taxes. This year, Nunda Township took away approximately $40,000 and the city's levy was reduced by 3%. Expenditures: General Fund expenditures include all personnel, contractual, supply, capital outlay Internal Fund Transfers and Other expenses related to the functions of the city with the exception of Water/Sewer, Recreation Center, and Capital Improvement Projects funds. Total FY 17/18 expenditures were estimated at $10,000 higher than what was budgeted and covered by budget amendments approved throughout the year. Alderman Schaefer asked about the variance between Column H and I in Personnel and City Administrator Morefield answered it was due to the Dispatch Center. Row 22 Reimbursements reflects the amounts received for personnel. Chief Birk noted the city went from nine full time dispatchers to 21. The new employees were phased in with the first five hired in December 2016 and the remainder hired after May 2017. Finance and Personnel Committee Page 3 March 12, 2018 Proposed expenditures for FY 18/19 are $374,206, an increase of 1.7W/o from FY 17/18 budget amount. The reasons for the increase were personnel costs related to salaries for employees covered by collective bargaining units, and Police Pension costs, which are proposed to increase by $145,4840 Overall costs for employee health insurance decreased by $152,100 due to changes in Local 150 Union insurance plan and the new employee health insurance consortium. Chairman Curry stated the presentation of the budget has improved over the years however, we still tend to look at budget to budget instead of budget to actual. General Fund Balance: The budgeted beginning FY 17/18 Fund Balance was $7,303,780. The ending fund balance was estimated to be $7,305,053. There was not much revenue over expenditures last year. The estimated beginning FY 18/19 Fund Balance is proposed at $7,283,317, with an assigned for capital amount of $21,736. We are estimated to end the year at $7,557,987, with an assigned for capital amount of $274,670. City Administrator Morefield stated staff continues to be conservative when estimating revenues and approving expenditures. Director Lynch added this amount is what would be utilized for FY 18/19 capital projects. FY 18/19 Proposed Fund Balance is $7,659,2271ess unassigned 120 days $7,450,000 and $209,22 7 for assigned capital. Personnel Summary of Wages- All Funds: Spreadsheets were distributed to the Committee depicting a summary of wages for each department that identified non -bargaining and bargaining employees separately, including the FY 17/18 budgeted wages, estimated wages, proposed wages, and monetary variance from FY 17/18 and FY 18/19. Significant increases and decreases in dollar amounts and percentages as identified are the result of employee reassignments, reclassifications, or increases and decreases. Separate budget accounts for Human Resources and Economic Development were created for FY 18/19 and salaries for these positions were moved into corresponding budgets. Alderman Schaefer asked if this was the first time, the Economic Development Department was a separate budget and City Administrator Morefield answered yes. Chairman Curry noted the Finance and Park Departments exchanged an employee and one budget shows an increase of $56,000 and the other shows less. Director Lynch noted one employee was moved from parks and a part time employee became a full time employee. Director Hobson noted that his salary was moved from Administration to half Parks and Recreation and half Recreation Fund. Finance and Personnel Committee Page 4 March 12, 2018 Chairman Curry inquired about the variances in wages for police non -bargaining and City Administrator Morefield noted adjustments were made for the new Chief, Deputy Chief, and Commander. General Fund Operating Departments: General Fund Operating Departments include personnel, contractual, supplies and other operating expenses for Administration, Elected Officials, Community Development, Finance, Human Resources, Economic Development, Police Commission, Police, Police Dispatch, Public Works Administration, Public Works streets, and parks and Recreation. Chairman Curry noted that many budget line items reflect $0 for expenditures yet we continue to re -budget an expense for this line item each year and asked if staff reviews the actual expenditures. For example, the training budget for Elected Officials and questioned if the repeated line items are necessary. Alderman Schaefer stated he is aware that in the past, the city decreased Elected Officials training and he is not certain that all Elected Officials are aware that they could attend government training functions such as the annual IML Conference in Chicago. At some point, if three or more Alderman decided to attend the IML Conference, this budget would be spent. City Administrator Morefield stated staff reviews each line item carefully. Director Schmitt noted Public Works has had success in attaining scholarships for training conferences, however at the time the budget is approved, it is not known if scholarships would be awarded. He also stated that he is concerned about lowering the training budget because Water/Sewer and Wastewater training is open to employees to achieve certifications. Director Polerecky noted inspectors are required to achieve a certain amount of CEU's each year. If free training courses are not available, we need to have those funds available in the budget to maintain required certifications and the amount can vary from each to year. Alderman Schaefer noted. in his opinion there is not a lot of fluff in the budget when you consider that 80% is dedicated to salary and benefits. Alderman Schaefer asked what the city's required contribution to IMRF was and Director Lynch answered 12.5%, and employees pay 4.5%. Alderman Santi joined the meeting at 6:25 PM. Chairman Curry asked why health insurance costs decreased in all departments except Police. Chief Birk stated the number of fulltime employees in the department fluctuates from time to time due to retirements, resignations, and changes in coverages for marriages, births, etc. Finance and Personnel Committee Page 5 March 12, 2018 In Public Works Streets, line 21 Contractual, Chairman Curry noted the write up indicates an increase for mowing however, versus what we are actually spending this year it is actually a significant decrease. Director Schmitt said in contractual, we had about $14,000 charged for the Green Street Bridge design, which should have been charged to Capital not Contractual. Also for the Lakeland Park Drainage project, we had about $10,000 out of Contractual. City Administrator Morefield reported the FY 17/18 budgeted revenues and expenses were developed for the McHenry Recreation Center based on FY 16/17 actuals and on the business plan and best estimates available at that time. With more than 800 memberships sold prior to the opening date in February 2016, and more than 2,600 active memberships to date, the McHenry Recreation Center has exceeded all expectations through its second full year of operation. It is estimated that the Recreation Center will continue to generate sufficient revenues to pay all operational costs, provide for the $135,756 transfer to the Debt Service Fund for the construction loan payment, and finish the year with a $13,891 surplus. Chairman Curry asked when the debt service would end and Director Lynch stated in 2035. Chairman Curry asked if the parking lot expansion was included in the FY 18/19 budget and Director Hobson answered yes, with a portion charged to the Water/Sewer Fund for extension of the city water main. Capital Improvement/Capital Equipment Projects: As identified in past discussions, the capital projects were identified for implementation and funding through the FY 18/19 General Fund budget for a total of $2,754,500, which includes $773,000 from the Capital Improvements Fund with the remainder coming from various other funding sources such as Township, State and Federal funding. Compensation Study and New Position Requests: City Administrator Morefield reported that the Finance and Personnel Committee is currently reviewing the results of the Compensation Study and at this time, new adjustments have been included in this budget request. However should the City Council concur with the results of the study, the net General Fund Revenue over Expenditure amount of $101,240 is sufficient to implement the recommended wage adjustments of $64,460. New Positon Requests include: City Planner with salary and benefits = $100,166. Human Resources and Finance Assistant with salary and benefits = $74,694. Parks Maintenance Worker with salary and benefits = $789623 a Chairman Curry announced this study would be discussed at the April 2nd Finance and Personnel Committee and suggested the committee ask questions or provide comments to staff prior to the meeting. Finance and Personnel Committee Page 6 March 12, 2018 City Administrator Morefield concluded that based on input from the Finance and Personnel Committee, this information would be updated and the results used to complete the remaining municipal funds. All of this information will be transmitted to the Council on March 19 with a discussion of the remaining funds at the March 26 Finance and Personnel Committee meeting. From that point, the financial information will be combined with all budget narrative information into a final proposed FY 18/19 Annual Budget document. This document will be transmitted to the Council on April 2 followed by a Committee of the Whole meeting rescheduled to April 11 at 6:30 PM. Alderman Schaefer confirmed that the proposed salary ranges would not affect the FY 18/19 budget. Chairman Curry stated that at the last Finance and Personnel Committee meeting, the Vehicle Sticker program was discussed noting that the $131,000 in estimated revenue from the program is included in the proposed FY 18/19. If we were to proceed and eliminate the program, the proposed budget would be less $131,000 and suggested that the Committee revisit the program on April 2 again and possibly reconsider the program prior to proceeding to the full Council 7. Motion to Adjourn: Alderman Mihevc made a motion, second by Alderman Schaefer, to adjourn the meeting. Voting Aye: Mihevc, Schaefer, Curry Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:03 pm. Respectfully submitted, Marci Geraghty, Executive Assistant/Deputy City Clerk Reviewed and approved this day of 2018. Alderman Scott Curry, Chairman FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Monday, March 26, 2018 Municipal Center Classroom, 5:30 PM 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm. 2. Roll Call: Chairman Alderman Curry, Alderman Schaefer. Absent: Alderman Mihevc. Also in attendance Director of Finance Lynch and Deputy Clerk Geraghty. 3. Public Comment: None. 4. Review of Fiscal Year 2018/19 Budget and recommendation to approve funding to the full city Council at the April 11, 2018 Committee of the Whole meeting. Chairman Curry asked Director Lynch to present the agenda item to the Committee. Discussion highlights: Director Lynch provided a brief summary of funds previously reviewed by the Committee and a review of the remaining funds. She announced that staff is seeking a motion to forward the proposed FY 18/19 Annual Budget to the full City Council for consideration on April 11. Director Lynch summarized the following revisions made to the General Fund proposed budget for FY 18/19 made since the March 12 meeting. • The city's insurance company proposed rate for one of our coverages was incorrect, resulting in a decrease of $40,000 in General Fund operating expenses. Revenues over expenditures are now $119,000. • All Capital Improvements Projects were added to the budget summary sheet on line 335 that are paid from the General Fund Balance; Timothy/Clover Water Main Replacement - $345,000; Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation - $451,500; and Lakeland Park Drainage Improvements - $610,000; for a total of just over $1 AM. • $14,000 for the Green Street Bridge Rehab project was moved out of the FY 17/18 estimated actuals for Street Division. • Estimated actuals for Gasoline were revised, as the projected decrease in fuel did not occur due to the amount of snow events this past season. The FY 18/19 budget amount was increased to the amount originally budgeted in FY 17/18. • A total of $1,500 was added to the Street Division for safety equipment. This amount had been inadvertently omitted from the proposed budget. Finance and Personnel Committee Page 2 March 26, 2018 Discussion on Other Funds: Director Lynch reported the Capital projects recommended by Council were added to the funds presented this evening. As stated earlier, due to changes in the Local 150 Union Insurance, personnel costs savings of $5,717 were included in the Water/Sewer Fund. Alderman Schaefer noted that capital projects such as the water main replacement on Timothy and Clover show $830,000 from the Utility Fund but the total project from General Fund is $345,000. Director Lynch answered the General Fund amount is to pay for the road only. Chairman Curry noted that a small portion of the Green Street Bridge project is also paid from the Water/Sewer Fund Fund as well as the Recreation Center parking lot expansion. Director Lynch reported no personnel considerations were included in the budget. requests or Compensation Study wage Alderman Schaefer asked if a recommendation on the study was ever brought before the Council and Chairman Curry stated the Finance and Personnel Committee would discuss the study further at the April 2nd meeting. Director Lynch said if any recommendations from the study were approved, changes would be made to the FY 18/19 budget. Chairman Curry said he recalled the amount to be just under $65,000 if the study recommendations were approved. Director Lynch reiterated that amount was not included in the budget as presented and most likely would not be included in the April 11 presentation. Alderman Schaefer suggested that this information be relayed to the Council. Alderman Schaefer asked if three new job positions were added to the budget. Chairman Curry said the new positions have not been approved and suggested this topic also be presented at the April 2 Finance and Personnel agenda. Director Lynch and the Committee reviewed the remaining funds. Noteworthy was an increase to the Tourism Fund Transfer to the General Fund whereby $25,000 was added for miscellaneous Economic Development expenses. Chairman Curry noted many of the smaller fund amounts never seem to change. Director Lynch stated some fund are required to be kept separately from the General Fund and some funds such as the Pageant and Band Funds were not however they are monitored closely by staff. Director Lynch reported FY 18/19 is the last year of the contract with the city's current Auditor. Chairman Curry inquired about the amount of revenue included in the Annexation Fund budget for the Gravel/Mining Annexation Agreement. Director Lynch stated the $65,000 in the summary is the per ton amount. Chairman Curry stated he had been told the Finance and Personnel Committee Page 3 March 26, 2018 amount was approximately $700,000. Alderman Schaefer asked if the Motor Fuel Tax is based on population and Director Lynch answered yes, the IML established a formula based on per capita not how many gallons of gasoline were sold in the city however, the more fuel that is sold, the more revenue would be generated but the city's share is still based on per capita. Director Lynch reported the TIF Fund is expected to increase again. A discussion ensued on the merits of charging TIF projects through the General Fund until the TIF fund balance is healthy versus carrying a negative balance in the TIF Fund. Regarding the Debt Service Fund, Chairman Curry suggested adding a notation to reflect the amount owed. As there was no further discussion, Chairman Curry called for a motion to forward the proposed FY 18/19 Annual Budget to the full Council on April 11. Alderman Schaefer made a motion, second by Chairman Curry to forward the proposed FY 18/19 Annual Budget to the full Council on April 11. Voting Aye: Schaefer, Curry Absent: Mihevc Motion carried. 5. Adjourn. Motion by Alderman Schaefer, second by Chairman Curry to adjourn the meeting. Voting Aye: Schaefer, Curry Absent: Mihevc Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:10 pm. Respectfully submitted, Marci Geraghty, Executive Assistant/Deputy City Clerk Reviewed and approved this day of 2018. Alderman Scott Curry, Chairman 40f Ann Campanella, Human Resources Manager % City of McHenry 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 MCHenr Fax: (815) 363-6889 AMMIacampanella(ab-ci.mchenry.il.us Finance & Personnel Committee Agenda Supplement Date: April 2, 2018 To: Finance & Personnel Committee City Council From: Ann Campanella, Human Resources Manager Re: Classification & Compensation Study The draft of the Classification & Compensation Study from GovHR USA is attached. Staff is asking for the committee's recommendation of the study. Financial impacts of the study can be discussed as part of the April 11, 2018 Committee of the Whole meeting. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer -oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. crry or McHeym,, it S A R I G f ! 4 E F a x R I 4 E H CITY OF McHENRY EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY DRAFT FINAL REPORT February 2018 Goi-HRUSA GovTempsU5A TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION — Pages 1 to 2 • Scope of Work — Page 1 II. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY— Pages 3 to 5 • Internal Equity — Classification Plan Development — Page 3 • Job Title Changes — Page 4 • External Equity — Market Competitiveness — Page 4 • Salary Survey — Page 4 • Proposed Classification and Compensation Plans — Page 5 • Future Administration of the Classification and Compensation System — Page 5 III. THE POSITION CLASSIFICATION PLAN and JOB EVALUATION — Pages 6 to 7 • The Position Classification Plan — Page 6 IV. JOB EVALUATION — Pages 8 to 9 • Job Evaluation — Page 8 V. SALARY SURVEY — Pages 10 to 13 • Selection of Comparable Jurisdictions for Survey Purposes — Page 10 • The Salary Survey —Page 11 • Appraisal and Use of the Salary Survey Data — Page 12 VI. COMPENSATION PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS — Pages 14 to 22 • Development of the Compensation Plan — Page 14 • Pay Plan Options for the City's Consideration — Page 14 • Pay Plan Design — Defined Increment, Open -Range, and Blended Pay Plans - Page 14 • Recommendation: Open -Range Merit Plan — Page 17 • Pay Philosophy— Page 17 • Proposed Compensation Plan and Structure — Page 17 • Implementation and Administration of the Pay Plan for Current Employees — page 18 • Employee Advancement through the Ranges — Page 19 • Future Administration of the Compensation Plan — Page 21 • Future Administration of the Classification Plan — Page 21 • Appreciation — Page 22 Tables Table 1— Classification Plan Table 2 — Comprehensive Table Table 3 — Proposed Compensation Ranges APPENDICES Appendix A — Job Analysis Questionnaire Appendix B — Comparable Community Analysis Appendix C — Detailed Salary Survey Data I. INTRODUCTION GovHR USA, LLC is pleased to have had the opportunity to work with the City of McHenry on this Classification and Compensation Study. Human resource management is a significant concern as governmental services continue to increase in cost and complexity, and the resources to fund local governments are constrained. Day-to-day operations present challenging administrative problems in planning, organizing, and directing human resource functions in order to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of municipal services. A properly developed and administered classification and compensation plan forms the foundation for meeting these challenges. It helps to ensure that the City can not only recruit the best and brightest employees — even in a competitive marketplace — to complete its mission, but retain those employees as well. By retaining qualified, experienced employees the City avoids the costs of re -recruitments, retraining and lost productivity, while maximizing the benefits of the investments it has made in training employees and the institutional and community knowledge acquired by those employees over their tenures. GovHR USA (GovHR) understands the high expectations that have been established in McHenry for service delivery and competitiveness in recruiting and retaining excellent employees. These factors have been taken into consideration in the analysis and reflected in the Study results. Scope of Work The scope of work called for GovHR to carry out the following: I. Job Evaluation Analysis and Job Classification System Below is a list of tasks included in this component of the Study (listed in the order that the work was performed): • Study preparation and project meetings. Met with the Human Resources Director (Project Team) to discuss Study methods and expectations, and the current classification and compensation plans and organizational structure. Determined problem areas, answered questions, and reviewed the scope and schedule of work. • Material distribution. Prepared a memorandum of explanation, which was distributed to employees. Held meetings with employees to discuss the Job Analysis Questionnaire (JAQ) and to explain the scope and purpose of the Study. Employees were allowed about ten days to complete the questionnaire. The completed questionnaires were then reviewed by each employee's Supervisor and/or Department Head and City Administration for approval as to The City of McHenry, Illinois 1 content. The JAQ forms were returned to GovHR within approximately four (4) weeks of distribution. • Determined comparable communities and prepared and sent out the compensation survey. Working with the Project Team, determined a logical survey sample of "like" communities that impact the compensation market of McHenry. Designed and sent out the compensation survey for the classifications covered in the Study. • Job evaluation analysis and establishment of job classification system. Upon return of the JAQs by the City, GovHR performed the following: ■ Read each JAQ and corresponding Job Description in its entirety. ■ Conducted in person interviews with employees in classifications covered by the Study, as well as the Department Heads with regard to jobs under their jurisdiction, to further understand the scope of duties and responsibilities of each position. ■ Applied a measurement system of job evaluation factors to all classifications, which formed the basis for internal rankings (equity) of classifications. ■ Upon completion of the job evaluation measurements, a new Classification Plan was developed. II. Salary Survey The following tasks were included in this component of the Study: • Tabulated, summarized, and analyzed comparative compensation information obtained through the salary survey. Prepared pay tabulations that compared the salary ranges of the City of McHenry to the salary ranges of its "like" communities. Prepared comparison calculations at the 50t" 60tn 65tn 75tn and 80t" percentiles. Displayed data for each responding jurisdiction for each classification and summarized the data in table form. Based on discussions with the City and the gathered data developed salary ranges that would establish McHenry as a payer at the 50t" percentile of the municipalities surveyed (see the Section VI on pay philosophy). • Based on the above data, developed and recommended new salary schedules and titles for the City. IV. Draft and Final Report Preparation • A preliminary analysis of the data and recommended classification and compensation plan was shared with the Project Team. Over several telephone calls and emails, feedback from the team was reviewed and incorporated into the recommendations. • This draft report has been prepared by the Consultant and sent electronically to the City. • A presentation of these draft findings will be conducted for the Department Directors and the Finance & Personnel Committee on February 19t", 2018. • Once the presentations are made and review comments are returned, a final report will be prepared and transmitted electronically to the City. The City of McHenry, Illinois 2 II. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A Classification and Compensation Study encompasses a significant amount of information that can be time consuming to condense and organize into an abbreviated format. Therefore, GovHR USA has compiled this Executive Summary in order to provide a quick synopsis regarding the major components, findings and recommendations of this Study. The purpose of a well -designed Pay and Classification Study is twofold. First, it establishes internal equity (ranking) among employees across Departments in the City. Second, it assures external equity/competitiveness by comparing the compensation of McHenry employees against market data. Internal Equity - Classification Plan Development The Study developed a new Classification Plan for 40 non -represented full-time classifications of the City of McHenry. To complete this task, the Consultant completed a Job Evaluation. The Job Evaluation involved all of the employees in McHenry covered by the Study. As a result of the Job Evaluation, which included the completion of a questionnaire and interviews of at least one employee working in each classification covered by the Study, the Consultants assigned a numerical value to each position so like positions within the organization would be grouped together to produce an internal equity hierarchy. Nine factors were used for the evaluation of McHenry's job classifications. They were as follows: 1. Education — Required Preparation and Training 2. Work Experience — Years of Experience Needed to Perform Job 3. Decision Making and Independent Judgment 4. Responsibility for Policy Development 5. Planning 6. Contact with Others 7. Work of Others (Supervision Exercised) 8. Working Conditions 9. Use of Technology/Specialized Equipment The product of this internal ranking is shown in Table 1, which lists the City's job classifications with their numerical job evaluation score, also known as a Classification Plan. The higher the job factor evaluation score, the higher the job classification within the Classification Plan. The City of McHenry, Illinois 3 Job Title Changes After conducting the job evaluation noted above, the Consultants observed some inconsistencies with the market and the actual duties assigned to some classifications. Therefore, the following job title changes have been recommended based on clarification of duties and market trends. r,irrnnt Title Administrative Assistant (Police and Public Works) Finance Specialist (Accounts Payable) Finance Specialist (Payroll) External Equity — Market Competitiveness Proposed New Title Administrative Coordinator Accounts Payable Clerk Finance and Payroll Coordinator The second component of the Classification and Compensation Study involved establishing external competitiveness. A group of communities comparable to the City was established. The Consultants started with all Illinois communities within 60 miles and with populations between 13,000 and 54,000 and then applied a specific set of comparison criteria (e.g., population, equalized assessed value, general fund property tax levy, etc.) to each community. (See Appendix B.) Based on the results of this analysis, the following group of communities was deemed to be the most comparable to the City. Algonquin Batavia Bensenville Bloomingdale Bridgeview Crystal Lake* Geneva Glendale Heights Lake in the Hills Mundelein South Elgin Villa Park West Chicago Westmont Woodstock* *Crystal Lake and Woodstock did not meet the cutoff of 90 or more "comparability points" that was established to select most comparable communities; Crystal Lake received a score of 88 comparability points and Woodstock a score of 74. However, the two communities were added as comparable communities at the request of the City. Salary Survey GovHR then prepared and distributed a salary survey to the fifteen communities listed above. Twelve of the communities responded to the survey. The salary survey summary results can be found in Table 2 and the detailed data for the salary survey can be found in Appendix C. To provide external The City of McHenry, Illinois 4 competitiveness for the City's salaries, the salary ranges derived from this survey were used to help establish the proposed pay plan. The recommended pay ranges are contained within Table 3 of the report. Proposed Classification and Compensation Plans The goal of this study was to recommend a classification and compensation plan that is internally equitable and externally competitive. To accomplish this, a compensation plan was developed using the 50th percentile comparison of the salary ranges that were acquired through the salary survey data. The resulting classification and compensation plans consist of 12 pay grades (1 being lowest, 12 being highest), and is broken down into the following three (3) bands. The position of City Administrator is not assigned to a pay grade. • Grades 1-4—Administrative and Technical Staff • Grades 5 — 9 — Supervisors and Advanced Technical Staff • Grades 10 — 12 — Directors and Senior Managers All proposed pay ranges are open ranges. There is a 15% gradation between grades 1 — 4, a 10% gradation between grades 5 — 9 and a 10% gradation between grades 10 —12. The ranges for grades 1 — 9 have a 37.5% spread from minimum to maximum, and grades 10 — 12 have a 45% spread from minimum to maximum. Future Administration of the Classification and Compensation System Within the body of this report, GovHIR has outlined how the City can maintain the classification and compensation system. GovHR will supply the City with a User's Manual and all associated documents to maintain the classification plan and the steps to ensure the City remains competitive with the market in the years to come. The City of McHenry, Illinois 5 III. THE POSITION CLASSIFICATION PLAN A position classification plan provides for a systematic arrangement of positions into classes. A position, often referred to as a job (e.g., Administrative Assistant), contains a specific set of duties and responsibilities that is the objective of the classification process. A class is a grouping of positions which are "similar" in nature of work, principal duties and responsibilities, relative level of work difficulty, and level of knowledge, skill and ability (KSAs) required to perform the job. Positions allocated to the same class are "sufficiently similar" with respect to the types of factors enumerated above to permit them to be compensated at the same general level of pay. The positions do not have to be identical, however, and can be in different departments or even in the same department dealing with different subject matter or performing different specific duties. It is this arrangement of positions and resulting classification structure that forms the basis for the compensation plan. A classification study is not intended to assess individual performance. To that end, a position that belongs in a certain class is not entitled to be placed in a higher class simply because the individual performs the work with a high degree of success and efficiency, nor is it placed in a lower class simply because the incumbent performs the work with low competence or productivity. Variations in individual performance are not recognized by differences in classification, but are management issues. Similarly, there is a tendency in some work forces to use the classification plan to reward longevity, even though the duties and responsibilities of individual positions may not have changed over time. However, just because an individual has been with an organization for a long time and is at the top of their pay range, this does not mean they should be moved to the next higher pay grade. Longevity is not a classification factor and the classification plan should not be used in this manner. As an assessment of duties performed and of responsibilities exercised, a position classification plan is an exceedingly useful managerial tool. It provides the fundamental rationale for the compensation plan and helps management identify positions which have taken on (or in some cases eliminated) duties and responsibilities, thereby sustaining the principle of equal pay for equal work. Through proper maintenance of the classification plan, employees are assured of management's continuing concern about the nature of work that they carry out and its reward in the form of appropriate pay levels and relationships. The City of McHenry, Illinois 6 The classification plan provides the basis for recruitment, screening, and selection of employees in direct relationship to job content. Promotional ladders as well as opportunities for lateral career development are also evidenced by the logical grouping of allied occupational classes and hierarchies. The City of McHenry, Illinois IV. JOB EVALUATION GovHR's approach to job evaluation involves a quantitative "point and factor" comparison method, which "cross -compares" all jobs in the organization against numerous factors such as educational requirements, experience, work conditions, and the like (see below). Therefore, all jobs in each organizational unit (e.g., Community Development, Finance, Police, Public Works, etc.) may be compared against each other, based upon the same factors. In conducting the job evaluation exercise, it must be again emphasized that the position, and not the incumbent's qualifications, performance, or years of service in the position, is evaluated. An incumbent employee may feel s/he should be placed in a higher level (i.e., receive more points) because the individual performs well, has a long tenure with the organization, and/or has additional education or skills not required to perform that job, or may feel s/he does more tasks than a similar employee in another Department, but these are not valid determinants for job classification. Before reviewing the results of the evaluation of the job classes, it is important to note that the purpose of job evaluation is to identify whether a job is more or less advanced than, or equal to, other jobs in the organization, based on nine (9) objective factors. While these factor definitions are guidelines, they are constructed to allow limited flexibility of interpretation while at the same time providing a strict framework and structure for comparison. The nine (9) factors used for the evaluation of McHenry's job classes are as follows: 1. Preparation and Training 2. Experience Required 3. Decision Making and Independent Judgment 4. Responsibility for Policy Development 5. Planning of Work 6. Contact with Others 7. Work of Others (Supervision Exercised) 8. Working Conditions 9. Use of Technology/Specialized Equipment As part of the job evaluation process, the duties, responsibilities, and qualification requirements for each job classification were reviewed via a thorough reading of the incumbent's current job description The City of McHenry, Illinois 8 and a Job Analysis Questionnaire (JAQs) completed by each employee (Appendix A). In addition, GovHR conducted interviews with at least one employee in each of the classifications covered by the Study and with the Department Heads. Points were then assigned to each factor by selecting the description that best fit the appropriate level of compliance. In other words, a position that requires a Master's Degree would receive more points under the "Preparation and Training" factor than positions that did not require this advanced degree. Points for each factor were then totaled for each position. Using this method, the positions were found to fall into distinguishable job factor analysis (JFA) scores. Table 1 contains the Classification Plan, including the job classification title, the proposed Grade, JFA score and proposed new title for the evaluated classifications. As part of the service provided in the pay study, we make recommendations of title changes/additions to reflect either a better description of the job being performed or to be consistent with trends in the organization or the marketplace. Based on this, we recommend the following changes to the current plan: r,irrcnt Titia Administrative Assistant (Police and Public Works) Finance Specialist (Accounts Payable) Finance Specialist (Payroll) Proposed New Title Administrative Coordinator Accounts Payable Clerk Finance and Payroll Coordinator The City of McHenry, Illinois 9 V. SALARY SURVEY The City of McHenry initiated this Study with the objective of assuring that its compensation plan is both internally equitable and externally competitive. The Job Evaluation System (outlined in Part IV) is performed to address the issue of internal equity. To achieve external competitiveness, a market survey of comparable jurisdictions was conducted. The following presents and explains the labor market review and salary survey data. Selection of Comparable Jurisdictions for Survey Purposes Selecting jurisdictions for the comparison group is an important element in a classification and compensation study. When selecting jurisdictions to serve as survey comparables, it is important to use particular criteria to evaluate the other jurisdictions to assure that those chosen as comparables will be the most similar to McHenry. To determine which municipalities should be used for survey purposes, the Consultants first considered all communities in the State of Illinois within 60 miles with populations between 13,000 and 54,000. Subsequently, the following criteria was then applied to each of these communities: Criterion Total Possible Points Factor Weight 1. Equalized Assessed Value 20 20% 2. Per Capita Income 20 20% 3. Population 15 15% 4. Number of Employees (Full & Part Time) 10 10% 5. General Fund (GF) Expenditures 10 10% 6. General Fund (GF) Property Taxes 10 10% 7. Total Indebtedness 10 10% 8. Proximity 5 5% 100 100 The eight (8) categories listed above were selected to mirror important criteria that reflected the following: • Similar financial conditions: 70% of the criteria involve financial criteria and equalized valuation (property value/worth of community). • Population: 15% of the criteria involve population comparison. • Number of Employees (Full & Part Time): 10% of the criteria reflect staff size. • Proximity: 5% of the criteria reflect proximity. The City of McHenry, Illinois 10 Within each of the eight (8) categories, ranges of compatibility were established. For example, the closer a community was to matching the City of McHenry's estimated population, the closer the community would be to receiving the maximum of fifteen (15) points. A community whose population was significantly larger or smaller than McHenry's population would receive fewer or even zero points. Thus, a municipality achieving a total of 100 points would be considered most comparable to the City of McHenry. A community with zero points was therefore determined to be the least comparable to the City. A more detailed explanation of the methodology used to determine the comparable communities is included in Appendix B. A cutoff of 90 points was established to select the communities most strongly similar to McHenry across the eight (8) categories. After applying the eight (8) criteria, thirteen (13) communities achieved 90 or more compatibility points on the comparison scale with McHenry. Two additional communities, Crystal Lake and Woodstock, did not meet the cutoff of 90 or more "comparability points"; Crystal Lake received a score of 88 and Woodstock a score of 74. However, these two communities were added as comparable communities at the request of the City. The fifteen communities selected as comparables for the Study are as follows, in alphabetical order: Algonquin Batavia Bensenville Bloomingdale Bridgeview Crystal Lake Geneva Glendale Heights Lake in the Hills Mundelein South Elgin Villa Park West Chicago Westmont Woodstock The Salary Survey After selecting the municipalities for the source of survey data, the Consultants then prepared and distributed a salary survey to the fifteen comparable communities listed above. Twelve of the communities responded to the survey. Table 2 is a summary of the benchmark salary survey data. The detailed salary survey data for each position is contained in Appendix C. It is important to make a few of observations regarding Table 2 and Appendix C. The City of McHenry, Illinois 11 1. The salary data is information that was available as of September — November 2017. The new recommended salary ranges for the City were developed using this salary data from the comparable communities 2. Some of the comparable municipalities provided salary range minimums and maximums for comparison purposes, while others (those that don't utilize salary ranges as part of their pay plans) provided actual salaries for surveyed positions. The salary range minimums and maximums were analyzed to determine the 50t" 60tn 65cn 75tn and 80t" percentiles to identify wage ranges for "average" and "above average" payers. Any actual salaries provided by the comparable municipalities were not analyzed simply because there was abundant salary range information. Salary ranges are a better gauge of market salaries than an actual salary and are thus preferred to conduct analysis. 3. Salary ranges associated with positions that have been reclassified may not be consistent with other salary ranges in a particular Grade. 4. Data contained within Appendix C has been thoroughly reviewed. If the Consultants determined the data was not relevant, it was removed. Thus, if a specific position within the salary survey has two worksheets associated with it in Appendix C, then data were removed. The second data sheet will have the word "Edited" after the title of the position surveyed. If a specific data point was removed, it is highlighted on the first worksheet and then removed on the second worksheet associated with the position. Appraisal and Use of Salary Survey Data While comparing McHenry's current salaries to those paid by other employers in the survey group, it must be noted that variations in compensation may be due to several factors, including: 1. Organizational size and economic conditions that can have an impact on classifications. In smaller organizations, employees are often asked to "wear many hats" and therefore take on more duties and responsibilities than would normally be required of a certain position. In addition, the economic downturn forced organizations to "do more with less", compelling staff to take on more duties and responsibilities than they have in the past. Therefore, it becomes increasingly harder to compare "like" classifications within organizations. To try to avoid inaccurate comparisons, a short job description of the classifications was included in the survey in order to ascertain if "like" positions were being compared. The City of McHenry, Illinois 12 2. Some employers place a different "relative worth" on certain groups of employees. For example, some employers are forced to place a higher value on certain employees or groups of employees because of the market, and therefore, pay them more. Overall, the policies and value judgments of different employers in compensating the same kind of work can vary widely. There is rarely a single prevailing rate for any particular kind of work, even within the same labor market. 3. Exact comparisons among different employers of ostensibly similar jobs duties and responsibilities and related employment factors are sometimes difficult to make. Nevertheless, comparative salary data widely recognized as a good measure of the appropriate compensation rates with respect to the prevailing market. This data is also useful as an indication of generally prevailing opinions concerning the pay relationships that should exist among different classes of work. Of equal importance, however, are the internal relationships arrived at by comparing the relative levels of difficulty, responsibility, experience, education and training for the various classes, as was accomplished in the job evaluation portion of this Study. The City of McHenry, Illinois 13 VI. COMPENSATION PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Development of the Compensation Plan A basic element in any human resources management program is adequate and equitable employee compensation. A compensation plan of this nature is essential if qualified employees are to be recruited and retained. To achieve these ends, there must also be a reasonable, uniform, and widely accepted model of the factors of job content upon which the compensation system rests. Application of the model and definition of job content were the purpose of the job evaluation aspects of this Study. The plan presented in this report is designed to accomplish the Study goals by: (1) providing for equal compensation for work of equivalent job content and responsibility; (2) facilitating adjustments to compensation levels based on changing economic and employment conditions that impacted these interrelationships; and (3) establishing compensation rates that compare favorably with those of other equivalent jurisdictions within the appropriate labor market. In preparing this plan, the Study only looked at base compensation. The compensation associated with longevity or other fringe benefits was not analyzed or factored into the compensation plan. Pay Plan Options for the City's Consideration One of the purposes of this Study was to provide an updated pay plan that both relates to the external market and is internally equitable. The consulting team held several discussions with the Project Team to examine the many facets of salary administration, at both the technical and philosophical level. During these discussions, the concepts — and potential advantages and disadvantages — of defined increment and open range pay plans were reviewed. Pay Plan Design: Defined Increment, Open -Range, and Blended Pay Plans Defined increment merit plans are pay plans that have salary ranges with a minimum and a maximum with defined percentage increments (e.g., 3%) in between. If an employee has a satisfactory performance evaluation, he/she systematically advances through the pay range. This performance evaluation, and resulting salary increment increase, occurs annually. The City of McHenry, Illinois 14 Open -range merit plans also have salary ranges with minimums and maximums, but without defined percentage increments in between. Employees are advanced through the pay range based on annual satisfactory performance evaluation, with the "percentage" of their increase determined by their supervisor. In considering either the defined increment or open range merit plans, it is important to understand that employees at various levels of responsibility may react differently toward, and be motivated differently by, the salary plan they work under. Management personnel may have a higher acceptance of open -range, goal -oriented merit salary plans, and thus tend to be more comfortable with and motivated by this method of compensation. Mid to lower level positions may want the assurance of a defined salary increase based on satisfactory performance. Possible advantages and disadvantages of each plan are summarized below: A. Defined Increment Plan Advantages Cam: A defined increment merit plan has the advantage of creating financial predictability because it is easier for management to predict and plan for salary increases on an annual basis. Employees: Employees like a defined increment merit plan because it offers security and predictability for advancement through the range. Another plus of this plan is that it offers a high degree of internal equity and fairness — the expectation that fellow workers in this plan are all being treated the same. Disadvantages Cam: The City may feel that increment plans simply reward pay increases on a routine basis. However, by tying the increase to a satisfactory performance evaluation, the City can be assured that only acceptably -performing employees will receive a salary increase. Employees: Employees may feel unmotivated to perform at an above average or at a superior level, knowing their salary increase amount is pre -determined. One way to remove this negative is to allow an employee with a superior performance evaluation to get a two (2) increment increase. This, however, would be the exception and not the rule to this system. Most employees would be considered "average" performers and receive a one (1) increment increase. The City of McHenry, Illinois 15 B. Open Range Merit Plan Advantages City: The open range plan tends to motivate employees to perform at a higher level, thereby achieving greater production/benefit for the City. This plan also enables the supervising authority to reward high -performing employees with a salary increase greater than a defined increment. Employees: Employees who are high performers like working under this plan as they can "earn" a higher percentage salary increase. Disadvantages City: Anticipating the cost of merit increases has less financial predictability, as it is not always possible to know how many employees will be high performers in any given year. However, the City can fund a "merit increase pool" for all open -range employees to receive an average percentage (i.e., a 2-3% increase), knowing that some employees will receive less (or no) increase and some employees will earn more. Employees: Open -range merit plans can create a perceived inequity regarding how individuals are granted salary increases. It is incumbent upon management to use an equitable performance evaluation system when implementing this salary plan. It is also incumbent on management to ensure that the performance evaluation system is applied fairly and that supervisors receive appropriate training on conducting the evaluation and using the evaluation tool properly. C. Blended Merit Plan There are positives and negatives for both defined increment merit plans and open -range merit plans. However, it is also possible to design a pragmatic salary system that uses elements of both defined increment and open -range plans. It is becoming increasingly common for organizations to have a blended pay plan for various levels of positions that reflects the particular circumstances and culture of the organization. A plan of this type is customizable to the needs of the organization. It is also a preferable plan for organizations that are transitioning from defined increment to open range merit plans. The following is one example of a blended plan: Exempt: All exempt employees are in an open -range merit plan. Non-exempt: Non-exempt employees are in defined-increment/open-range blended merit plan. In this plan, salary ranges begin at the minimum with, for example, three defined increments and then The City of McHenry, Illinois 16 transition into an open range. The initial increment of the assigned range is intended as the normal hiring/promoting rate. Increments 2 and 3 would be awarded upon successful completion of the employee's initial evaluation period and/or after another period that is set by the City (e.g., Increment 2 after the initial evaluation and Increment 3 after an additional year of employment.) After that, Increment 3 employees may advance through the open range as a result of a successful performance appraisal. Recommendation: Open -Range Merit Plan Based on the discussions with the City, GovHR is recommending an open -range merit plan. Open -range merit plans have salary ranges with minimums and maximums, but without defined percentage increments in between. Employees are advanced through the compensation range based on annual satisfactory performance evaluation, with the "percentage" of their increase determined by their supervisor and City Administration. The open range plan also allows maximum flexibility for the City relative to recruitment and funding as employees can be hired within the range and the increases provided annually for meritorious performance can fluctuate based on available funding. Given McHenry's goal to recruit, reward and retain motivated, high -performing employees, the open -range merit plan has been selected for recommendation. Pay Philosophy An important component in the process of developing a pay plan is understanding and applying the pay philosophy that has been adopted by the City. The City of McHenry subscribes to a pay philosophy of compensating employees at an "at market" rate at the 50t" percentile. Proposed Compensation Plan and Structure The next step in this process is to combine the JFA scores included in Table 1 and 2 with the proposed salary ranges in Table 3. The JFA scores were categorized into twelve (12) skill level/compensation grades, which recognize significant and definable differences in the level of duties and responsibilities and group classifications according to these factors. Table 2 combines all of the information at the 50th percentile. The City of McHenry, Illinois 17 Table 1 includes the Proposed Classification Plan. The plan's 12 compensation grades (1 being lowest, 12 being highest) are grouped into three categories or pay bands, as shown in Table 3: • Grades 1— 4 — Administrative and Technical Staff • Grades 5 — 9 — Supervisors and Advanced Technical Staff • Grades 10 — 12 — Directors and Senior Managers There is a 15% gradation between grades 1 — 4, a 10% gradation between grades 5 — 9 and a 10% gradation between grades 10 — 12. The ranges for grades 1— 9 have a 37.5% spread from minimum to maximum, and grades 10 — 12 have a 45% spread from minimum to maximum. Note 1: Different pay grades may have different ranges from minimum to maximum pay. It is appropriate for the lower grades in a pay plan to have a smaller spread from minimum to maximum as it is likely that new employees would start at the minimum pay of the range. Conversely, it is more likely that more experienced employees or Department Head level employees may be hired at a rate above the minimum pay of a range, thus it is necessary to have a greater spread from minimum to maximum pay. Note 2: Gradation refers to the relationship between the minimum pay of one grade to the minimum pay of the next grade. In this case, the starting pay for Grade 2 is 15% higher than Grade 1 and so on. The gradation will vary depending upon the relationship between the salary survey data for the grade, the number of grades in the pay band and the established pay range. Implementation and Administration of the Compensation Plan for Current Employees Implementation of the Compensation Plan, as it affects individual employees, should be under the following pattern of adjustments: 1. Employees whose present compensation is below the minimum compensation of the range for their classification should be raised to the minimum of the range. These employees have salaries bolded in Green on Table 2. The City of McHenry, Illinois 18 2. The compensation of employees whose present compensation is within the range for their class should be slotted into the new compensation plan at the current rate. 3. The compensation of the employee whose present compensation is above the maximum pay of the range should be held at his or her present rate, without a reduction in compensation, until such time that further market analysis indicates commensurate alignment with the market place. However, the City can consider lump sum increases for these employees, which does not impact base pay levels, until the ranges adjust to include the individual employee pay rates. These employees have salaries bolded in Red on Table 2. In other studies, GovHR has been asked for ideas on how to address the situation of long-term employees whose current compensation falls near the bottom (within 5 - 10%) of the proposed pay range. If this occurs, it illustrates that the position has been compensated at less than the market rate for someone with similar tenure. Thus, some communities elect to make additional adjustments for those employees at implementation. This program is discretionary for the community to adopt and only occurs one time, at the implementation of the new classification and compensation plan. If the City wishes to consider such a program, an example is illustrated below: Service Adjustment 1-3Years 0% Over 3 and up to 8 Years 1% Over 8 and up to 15 Years 2% Over 15 Years 3% Employee Advancement through the Ranges To implement the new compensation plan, we recommend that the City use the following procedure. The starting salary of the range (Minimum) is the normal hiring/promoting rate. Exceptions to this starting point should be limited to hiring situations involving: 1) applicants with exceptional background and qualifications; 2) a promotion in which the employee's current compensation is higher than the minimum of the new range; or 3) in the case of a labor market situation where it is impossible to recruit qualified candidates at the minimum. In these cases, employees may be appointed to their positions The City of McHenry, Illinois 19 anywhere within the defined range (generally up to the midpoint), depending on their experience and qualifications, and based on the provisions of the City's Personnel policies. Employees should not be hired below the minimum of their compensation range. Salary advancement between the hiring rate and the top of the range (Maximum) is done throughout the employee's tenure with the organization. Advancement through the range would be done on an annual basis and be dependent on a satisfactory performance evaluation. Incumbents progressing through the range should understand that standards of performance would become more exacting or controlling as compensation levels advance. Typical movement through the range could be in increments of 1% to 3%, depending on the employee's performance evaluation and goal attainment, as well as the financial resources of the City. The City may also wish to provide a merit bonus for exemplary performance after an employee reaches the maximum pay for the range. If this option is exercised, then an employee would be eligible to receive a payment after a successful performance appraisal each year. This payment should not be worked into the base salary. It can be in the form of a lump sum payment that is a set amount calculated each year and the same for all employees, such as $500 for meeting expectations and $1,000 for exceeding expectations. Another option is to calculate a percentage of the employee's pay and provide a lump sum payment equivalent to that amount, such as 1% for meeting expectations and 2% for exceeding expectations. It is recommended that the City set aside a "merit pool" every year, to fund increases for employees in this plan. This money would then serve as the "pool" for merit payments, knowing that some employees will be high performers, getting a higher percentage, and some employees will be lower performers, getting a lower percentage. Again, it should also be noted that the implementation and use of a formal performance evaluation process for all staff members is a key component to the success of this merit system. Equally, if not more important, is to have supervisors be adequately trained to perform the formal performance evaluation process. The City of McHenry, Illinois 20 Future Administration of the Compensation Plan To maintain competitive salary levels and salary ranges, there should be an annual review of the City's salary ranges. The fifteen communities used in the survey group for this Study have been determined to be comparable jurisdictions to the City. Therefore, McHenry can continue to use these jurisdictions as a comparable salary survey group for annual salary comparison purposes, until it is determined that they are no longer valid comparables. As mentioned earlier, the salary levels for these comparables are current as of September — November 2017. It is GovHR USA's recommendation that an annual "survey" of these jurisdictions be conducted to determine the percentage increase each organization in the comparable group is granting either as an annual "across-the-board increase" to their employees or as a general adjustment to their pay ranges. The City may wish to provide an "across-the-board increase" to all employees based on the information received from the comparable communities. If this is the case, then the increases would be granted separately from any merit increase that would be awarded as a result of a successful performance appraisal. It is the further recommendation of the Consulting team that the salary ranges for each grade be increased by the average percentage increase of the comparable group, even if an "across-the-board increase" is not given to all employees. Employees would continue to "advance" through the compensation ranges (provided that the employee is not at the maximum of the compensation range) by virtue of a merit increase granted for satisfactory or above satisfactory performance of their job duties. Finally, it is recommended that the City review the comparability of the 15 municipalities after five years. Future Administration of the Classification Plan The administration of a classification plan is an ongoing process. It must be recognized that it is not static and is not intended to affix positions permanently into job classes. Instead, the plan must be administered continually to adapt it to changing conditions. Three specific types of changes in the plan itself are possible: abolition of a class, creation of a class, or adjustment/revision of a class. When all positions in a class are abolished or when positions are significantly changed work duties and responsibilities to the extent that the class becomes inappropriate or inaccurate, the class should be abolished. Similarly, new classes should be created when new work situations arise that are not covered by the established classes. However, caution should be exercised in The City of McHenry, Illinois 21 this respect, particularly to assure that new classes are justified, are not merely duplicating established classes, cannot be accommodated through changes in existing classes, and reflect substantially permanent rather than temporary situations. The adjustment or revision of a class should be done when there are substantial changes to the requirements of the position or to the nature and complexities of the duties being performed. All changes should be thoroughly evaluated for their effect on employee morale and the integrity of the class relationships established in the classification and compensation plans. The City Administration has been provided with the Job Analysis Questionnaire as well as the Job Factor Scoring Sheet, enabling the City to grade a newly created or revised class. GovHR provides scoring assistance in such cases free of charge for one year after the delivery of this report. Appreciation GovHR USA, LLC has appreciated the opportunity to work with the City of McHenry in this most important Classification and Compensation Study. Special thanks are given to the employees of McHenry for all of the information provided to allow for the analysis and to the Project Team for the significant amount of work and support dedicated to the project. The City of McHenry, Illinois 22 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL CLASSIFICATION PLAN Table 1 Current Position Title Proposed Title Total Grade Skill Level Directors and Senior Managers Chief of Police 795 12 770 to 800 Finance Director 775 Director of Public Works 770 Deputy Chief 750 11 735 to 765 Director of Community Development 745 Director of Parks & Recreation 735 Human Resources Director 735 Economic Development Director 735 Commander 690 10 690 to 730 Supervisors and Advanced Technical Staff Parks Superintendent 685 9 655 to 685 Streets Superintendent 685 Utility Superintendent 685 Wastewater Superintendent 685 Information Technology Manager 675 Sergeant 665 Water Superintendent 660 Communications Supervisor 620 8 605 to 650 Asst. Wastewater Superintendent 620 Parks Assistant Superintendent 615 Project Engineer 610 Streets Crew Leaders 590 7 555 to 600 Forestry Crew Leader 560 Planner 560 Supt. of Commercial Inspections 545 6 505 to 550 Building Inspector 545 Plumbing Inspector 535 Information Technology Specialist 495 5 455 to 500 Information Technology Specialist - Police 495 Athletics and Aquatics Supervisor 470 Recreation Supervisor 470 Administrative and Technical Staff Code Compliance Inspector 435 4 405 to 450 Executive Assistant 430 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 23 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL CLASSIFICATION PLAN Table 1 Current Position Title Proposed Title Total Grade Skill Level Plans Examiner 440 Economic Development Coordinator 435 Finance Specialist (Payroll) Finance andPayroll Coordinator 430 Deputy Clerk 405 Administrative Assistant (Police) Administrative Coordinator 375 3 355 to 400 Administrative Assistant (PW) Administrative Coordinator 375 Recreation Center Coordinator 375 Finance Specialist (Utility Billing) 370 Finance Specialist (A/P) Accounts Payable Clerk 345 2 305 to 350 Administrative Assistant (CD) 315 Administrative Assistant (ED) 315 Administrative Assistant (Admin) 305 No Positions in Grade 1 To 300 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 24 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL COMPREHENSIVE TABLE Position Title Total Skill Level Grade Salary Survey Data 50th Percentile McHenry - FY2018 Salary Range FY2018 Actual Salary Proposed FY2018 Salary Range (50th) Directors and Senior Managers Chief of Police 795 770to800 12 $110,423 $151,923 $98,821 $133,626 $133,660 $105,270 $152,642 Finance Director 775 $106,885 $151,347 $90,290 $131,512 $92,447 Director of Public Works 770 $111,725 $152,821 $90,2901 $131,512 $113,365 $109,678 $152,030 $93,134 $132,217 Deputy Chief 750 735 to765 11 $98,164 $136,053 $82,284M$120,131 $121,447 $95,700 $138,765 Director of Community Development 735 $100,265 $136,719 $82,284 $87,168 Director of Parks & Recreation 735 $93,350 Human Resources Director 745 $95,098 $133,149 $70,571 $90,072 Economic Development Director 735 $92,703 $133,815 $82,284 $120,131 $103,562 $96,557 $134,934 $79,356 $114,772 Commander 690 690to730 1 10 1 $90,7561 $125,3241 $77,8011 $107,3661 $110,4121 $87,0001 $126,150 Supervisors and Advanced Technical Staff Parks Superintendent 685 655to685 9 $71,977 $105,175 $70,571 $98,695 $96,053 $81,990 $112,736 Streets Superintendent 685 $84,937 $114,745 $70,571 $98,695 $92,770 Utility Superintendent 685 $84,937 $114,745 $70,571 $98,695 $89,441 Wastewater Superintendent 685 $84,937 $114,745 $70,571 $98,695 $95,123 Information Technology Manager 675 $80,037 $108,185 $70,571 $98,695 $74,940 Sergeant 665 $87,354 $112,457 $70,571 $98,695 $101,510 Water Superintendent 660 $84,937 $114,745 $70,571 $98,695 $95,820 $82,731 $112,114 $70,571 $98,695 Communications Supervisor 620 605to650 8 $70,571 $98,695 $77,325 $74,536 $102,487 Asst. Wastewater Superintendent 620 $73,483 $101,314 $56,785 $88,177 $72,481 Parks Assistant Superintendent 615 $56,785 $88,177 $69,296 Project Engineer 610 $68,500 $104,104 $70,571 $98,695 $87,443 $70,992 $102,709 $63,678 $93,436 Streets Crew Leaders 590 555to600 7 1 $60,8151 $83,230 $56,785 $88,177 $82,019 $67,760 $93,170 Forestry Crew Leader 560 1 $60,8151 $83,230 $56,785 $88,177 $65,189 Planner 560 1 $63,5621 $88,233 vacant Table 2 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 25 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL COMPREHENSIVE TABLE Position Title Total Skill Level Grade Salary Survey Data 50th Percentile McHenry - FY2018 Salary Range FY2018 Actual Salary Proposed FY2018 Salary Range (50th) $61,731 $84,898 $56,785 $88,177 Supt. of Commercial Inspections 545 505to550 1 6 1 1 $89,511 $61,600 $841700 Building Inspector 545 1 1 $60,1711 $84,241 $54,756 $76,229 $60,000 Plumbing Inspector 535 1 $65,3081 $90,453 $51,989 $75,383 $71,408 $62,739 $87,347 $50,044 $71,266 Information Technology Specialist 495 455to500 5 $56,176 $77,747 $54,756 $76,229 $56,590 $56,000 $77,000 Information Technology Specialist - P 495 $54,756 $76,229 $69,691 Athletics and Aquatics Supervisor 470 $50,028 $72,406 $52,997 Recreation Supervisor 470 $49,002 $66,178 $50,028 $72,406 $75,527 Administrative and Technical Staff Code Compliance Inspector 440 405to450 4 $52,957 $73,570 $40,687 $56,779 $49,899 $53,231 $73,192 Executive Assistant 435 $54,059 $74,630 $50,028 $72,406 $70,434 Plans Examiner 435 $50,028 $72,406 $51,453 Economic Development Coordinator 430 $44,333 Finance Specialist (Payroll) 430 $51,532 $69,3681 $40,687 $56,7791 $55,333 Deputy Clerk 1 405 1 1 $50,0281 $72,406 $52,849 $72,523 $46,292 $66,155 Administrative Assistant (Police) 375 355to400 3 $46,752 $67,131 $34,212 $50,786 $53,465 $46,288 $63,645 Administrative Assistant (PW) 375 $34,212 $50,786 $53,335 Recreation Center Coordinator 375 $33,280 Finance Specialist (Utility Billing) 370 $45,531 $64,584 $40,687 $56,779 $45,088 $46,249 $64,963 $37,450 $53,783 Finance Specialist (A/P) 345 305to350 2 $46,463 $63,175 $40,687M$56,779 $40,687 $40,250 $55,344 Administrative Assistant (CD) 315 $47,175 Administrative Assistant (ED) 315 $34,212 $40,992 Administrative Assistant (Admin) 305 $46,385 No Positions in Grade I I To300 11 1 $34,5001 $48,125 Table 2 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 26 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL PROPOSED PAY RANGES Table 3 50th Percentile Administrative and Technical 15% between Ranges 37.5% Range Spread 1 $35,000.00 $48,125.00 2 $40,250.00 $55,343.75 3 $46,287.50 $63,645.31 4 $53,230.63 $73,192.11 Supervisors and Advanced Technical 10% between Ranges 37.5% Range Spread 5 $56,000.00 $77,000.00 6 $61,600.00 $84,700.00 7 $67,760.00 $93,170.00 8 $74,536.00 $102,487.00 9 $81,989.60 $112,735.70 Directors and Senior Managers 10% between Ranges 45% Range Spread 10 $87,000.00 $126,150.00 11 $95,700.00 $138,765.00 12 $105,270.00 $152,641.50 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 27 APPENDIX A The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 28 EMPLOYEE JOB ANALYSIS QUESTIONNAIRE (JAQ) McHENRY NAME: DATE: YEARS OF EXPERIENCE WITH EMPLOYER: JOB TITLE: YEARS OF EXPERIENCE ON THIS JOB: YOUR JOB IS: FULL TIME ❑ PART TIME ❑ YOUR YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN THIS FIELD: YOUR EDUCATION: ❑High Sch. ❑Assoc. Deg. ❑Bach. Deg. ❑Mas. Deg. NAME OF IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR: HIS/HER TITLE: INSTRUCTIONS The purpose of this questionnaire is to obtain additional information about your job that may not be included in your current job description. Please answer each question thoughtfully and frankly. After you have finished your portion of the questionnaire, give it to your immediate supervisor, who will complete his/her section. General Summary: In three or four sentences, please summarize the major purpose or primary function of your job. Please indicate if you have reviewed your current job description. If you have any changes to your current job description, please mark them on the JD and attach it to this JAQ, or indicate changes here: If you do not have a job description available to review, please list your job duties. Try to place your duties in their order of importance, and group "like" tasks together (e.g., "clerical duties including word processing, opening mail, filing, etc." or e.g., "front desk responsibilities including greeting visitors, answering telephones and routing calls, etc."). Job Duty 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 29 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Feel free to add more numbers/duties if necessary. . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . FACTOR 1: Education and Training: In your opinion, what kind of education and training is necessary to perform your job? ❑ LEVEL 1: Level of knowledge that is below what is normally attained through high school graduation. ❑ LEVEL 2: High school diploma (GED) or equivalent. ❑ LEVEL 3: High school, plus elementary technical training, acquired on the job or through one year or less of technical or business school. ❑ LEVEL 4: Extensive technical or specialized training such as would be acquired by an Associate's Degree or two years of technical or business school. ❑ LEVEL 5: Completion of four-year college degree program. ❑ LEVEL 6: Additional professional level of education beyond a four-year college program, such as a CPA or Professional Engineer (P.E.) training. ❑ LEVEL 7: Completion of graduate coursework equal to a Master's Degree or higher. What specific degree/coursework is NECESSARY? What specific degree/coursework is PREFERRED? If a specific certificate or license is mandated by an outside agency to perform your duties, name the certificate or license: What special skills, knowledge, and abilities are required to perform your job? Please list: . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . FACTOR 2: Years of Experience: How much previous work experience do you feel is necessary to perform your job? LEVEL 1: LEVEL 2: LEVEL 3: LEVEL 4: LEVEL 5: ❑ LESS THAN 1 YEAR ❑1 TO 3 YEARS ❑4 TO 6 YEARS ❑7 TO 10 YEARS ❑MORE THAN 10 YEARS What is the minimum number years required? What specific experience is necessary? The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 30 . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . FACTOR 3: Independent Judgment and Decision Making: Part 1: How much discretion do you have in making decisions with or without the input or direction of your supervisor? ❑ LITTLE: Little discretion or independent judgment exercised. ❑ SOME: Some discretion or judgment exercised, but supervisor is normally available. ❑ OFTEN: Job often requires making decisions in absence of specific policies and/or guidance from supervisors, but some direct guidance is received from supervisors. ❑ HIGH: High level of discretion with decisions restricted only by Departmental policies and little direct guidance from supervisors. ❑ VERY HIGH: Very high level of discretion with decisions only restricted by the broadest policies of the Organization. Part 2: If you make an erroneous decision, what impact would this decision have on your work unit, department, and/or the Organization? ❑ MINOR: Some inconvenience and delays but minor costs in terms of time, money, or public/employee good will. ❑ MODERATE: Moderate costs in time, money, or public/employee good will would be incurred. Delays in important projects/schedules likely. ❑ SERIOUS: Important goals would not be achieved and the financial, employee, or public relations posture of the Organization would be seriously affected. ❑ CRITICAL: Critical goals and objectives of the Organization would be adversely and very seriously affected. Error could likely result in critical financial loss, property damage, or bodily harm/loss of life. . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . FACTOR 4. Responsibility for Policy Development: Does your job require you to participate in the development of policies for your unit/division/department/the Organization? ❑ LEVEL 1: Position involves only the execution of policies or use of existing procedures. ❑ LEVEL 2: May provide some input to supervisor when policies and procedures are updated. ❑ LEVEL 3: Position involves some development of policies/procedures for the Department and/or the interpretation or explanation of departmental policies for others in the organization or residents. ❑ LEVEL 4: Position involves significant or primary responsibility for the development of policies and procedures for a division or organizational component of a department, as well as the interpretation, execution and recommendation of changes to department policies. ❑ LEVEL 5: Position involves significant or primary responsibility for the development of policies and procedures for an entire department, plus occasional participation in the development of policies which affect other departments in the organization. ❑ LEVEL 6: Position involves the primary responsibility for the development of departmental policies and procedures and regular participation in the development of policies that affect other departments and occasionally involves participation in the development of organization -wide policies. Give some examples of the types of policies you've written or been a part of creating: . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . FACTOR 5. Planning: How much latitude do you have to set your own daily work schedule and priorities for a given workday? ❑ LEVEL 1: Position requires that my daily work load and activities are assigned to me by my supervisor. ❑ LEVEL 2: Position requires that I plan my own daily work load and work independently according to established procedures or standards. The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 31 ❑ LEVEL 3: Position requires that I plan my own daily work load and those of others in the department (first -level supervision). ❑ LEVEL 4: Position requires an above average ability to analyze data and develop departmental plans, including plans where a number of difficult, technical and/or administrative problems must be addressed (Manager/Division level planning). ❑ LEVEL 5: Position requires a high level of analytical ability to develop plans for a department or complex situation, including plans that involve integrating/involving/impacting other departments (Department Head level planning). . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . FACTOR 6. Contacts with Others: In the course of performing your job, what contacts with people in your department, other departments within the organization, and/or people from outside the organization are you required to make? ❑ LEVEL 1: Position involves interaction with fellow workers on routine matters with relatively little public contact. ❑ LEVEL 2: Position involves frequent internal and external contact, but generally on routine matters such as furnishing or obtaining information. ❑ LEVEL 3: Position involves frequent internal contact and regular contact with outsiders generally on routine matters, including contacts with irate outsiders which require some public relations skill for taking complaints for others to follow up upon. ❑ LEVEL 4: Position involves frequent internal and external contacts which require public relations skills in handling complaints. Contacts involve non -routine problems and require in-depth discussion and/or persuasion in order to resolve the problem. Handles more difficult contacts that are referred by front line employees. ❑ LEVEL 5: Position involves frequent internal and external contacts which require skill in dealing with, and influencing others, and initiating changes in policy/procedures to address the issue so as to avoid having to deal with the issue again in the future. ❑ LEVEL 6: Position involves frequent internal and external contacts in which I act as the spokesperson for the department and am authorized to make commitments of significant resources on behalf of the department. ❑ LEVEL 7: Position involves frequent internal and external contacts where I represent the entire organization and am authorized to make commitments in matters of broad or critical interest to the entire organization. With which internal individuals or groups do you have the most contact? With which external individuals or groups do you have the most contact? . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . FACTOR 7. Supervision Given: Do you supervise or assign work to other employees? ❑Yes ❑ No If yes: ❑ LEVEL 1: Position is regularly responsible for assigning work to an employee or employees, without acting in a supervisory role. To whom does this position assign work? ❑ LEVEL 2: Position is responsible for the supervision of one full time or several part time employees. ❑ LEVEL 3: Position is responsible for the supervision of two to five full time (or full time equivalent) employees. ❑ LEVEL 4: Position is responsible for the supervision of six to 15 full time (or full time equivalent) employees. ❑ LEVEL 5: Position is responsible for direct and/or indirect supervision of 16 to 29 full time (or full time equivalent) employees. ❑ LEVEL 6: Position is responsible for direct and/or indirect supervision of 30 to 50 full time (or full time equivalent) employees. The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 32 ❑ LEVEL 7: Position is responsible for direct and/or indirect supervision of more than 51 full time (or full time equivalent) employees. Actual number of full-time (or full-time equivalent) employees supervised: . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . FACTOR 8. Physical Demands: Please describe any physical demands required to perform your job Demand No Yes How often? (rarely, occasionally or daily) Lifting to 20 pounds ❑ ❑ Lifting 20-50 pounds ❑ ❑ Lifting 50+ pounds ❑ ❑ Climbing ❑ ❑ Walking ❑ ❑ Kneeling ❑ ❑ Crouching ❑ ❑ Crawling ❑ ❑ Bending ❑ ❑ Sitting ❑ ❑ Prolonged Standing ❑ ❑ Prolonged Visual Concentration ❑ ❑ Unpleasant or Hazardous Conditions: Please describe any unpleasant or hazardous conditions you are exposed to in performing your job and how often you are exposed to those conditions. Include only those conditions which are directly related to your work rather than specific work area conditions. Condition No Yes How Often? Lighting -dimness or brightness ❑ ❑ Dust ❑ ❑ Heat ❑ ❑ Cold ❑ ❑ Odors ❑ ❑ Noise ❑ ❑ Vibration ❑ ❑ Wetness/Humidity ❑ ❑ Toxic Agents ❑ ❑ Electrical Currents ❑ ❑ Heavy Machinery ❑ ❑ Violence ❑ ❑ Disease ❑ ❑ Smoke ❑ ❑ Other ❑ ❑ . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . FACTOR 9. Use of Technology/Specialized Equipment: Please check the level of technology or specialized equipment use needed for you to perform your job: ❑ LEVEL 1: Position has no responsibility for, or use of, technology. ❑ LEVEL 2: Position has some basic use of computers for data entry and some use of the telephone, copier, etc. ❑ LEVEL 3: Position has daily use of computers for data entry and use of the telephone, fax machine, copier, etc. ❑ LEVEL 4: Position has daily use of computers, the Internet, Smartphones, etc. to create databases, spreadsheets, or reports. Position designs and creates customized reports, presentations, and/or documents using advanced software skills. The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 33 ❑ LEVEL 5A: Position provides routine consultation and technology support for everyday computer programming and/or software requests/questions to others in the organization; is an applications super user; or uses specialized software such as GIS, SCADA or telecommunications software. ❑ LEVEL 513: Position uses, troubleshoots, and/or repairs various pieces of specialized equipment such as HVAC, lighting, gas flares, blowers, engines, heavy equipment, diagnostic equipment, large vehicles (vacuum trucks, street sweepers, fire apparatus) and/or medical or public safety equipment. ❑ LEVEL 6: Position is responsible for advanced computer programming, system security, maintenance, training, and purchasing of items such as computers, printers, scanners, etc., for the computer system for the organization (IT personnel). ❑ LEVEL 7: Position is responsible for the overall direction and supervision of the staff that are responsible for the computer and technology needs of the organization, including responsibility for developing technology policies for the organization (IT personnel). . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . 10. Comments/Additional Information: Feel free to add additional information below. If using a printed copy of this form, use the back of the form to add your comments. Type your name and the date below, then save this form as a Word document with your last name in the file name and email it to your supervisor. If using a printed copy of this form, sign and date it and then deliver to your supervisor. EMPLOYEE'S SIGNATURE OR TYPED NAME DATE THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR AND/OR DEPARTMENT HEAD Please provide your comments below. If using a printed copy of the form and additional space is needed, please use the back of this form or attach an additional sheet. Please do not mark in employee's portion of the questionnaire. 1. Do you agree with the employee's answers to all of the above questions? If not, please explain. 2. List any job duties or assignments which the employee performs which are in addition to those listed on the job description or this form. 3. How long has this employee worked for you? 4. Additional comments from the employee's immediate supervisor: Type your name and the date below, then email this form to your Department Head (if applicable) or to the Human Resources Manager. If using a printed copy of this form, sign and date it before forwarding. SUPERVISOR'S SIGNATURE OR TYPED NAME DATE If Supervisor isn't Department Head, Department Head should review this form as well. ❑I have read the above and substantially concur. The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 34 ❑I have read the above and have the following comments: Type your name and the date below, and then email this form to the Human Resources Manager. If using a printed copy of this form, sign and date it before forwarding. DEPARTMENT HEAD SIGNATURE OR TYPED NAME DATE IMPORTANT DATES: October 6th: Employees complete and submit the JAQs to their Supervisors. Please save file as follows: Last Name —Job Title. October 131h: Supervisors and Department Heads review and then submit the JAQs to Human Resources. October 20th: City Administration reviews and then submits the JAQs to the GovHR. Week of October 30th: GovHR USA conducts on -site interviews with employees. The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 35 APPENDIX B The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 36 CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Criteria Used to Determine Survey Comparables 1. Equalized Assessed Value: Maximum 20 Points $545 Million Factor Minimum Range 1.50 363 545 2.00 273 362 2.50 218 272 3.00 182 217 All Others 2. Per Capita Income: Maximum 20 Points $30,162 Factor Minimum Range 1.50 $20,108 $30,162 2.00 $15,081 $20,107 2.50 $12,065 $15,080 3.00 $10,054 $12,064 All Others 3. Population: Maximum 15 Points 26,992 Factor Minimum Range 1.50 17,995 26,992 2.00 13,496 17,994 2.50 10,797 13,495 3.00 8,997 10,796 All Others 4. Number of Employees (Full & Part Time) 140 Factor Minimum Range 1.50 93 140 2.00 70 92 2.50 56 69 3.00 47 55 All Others Maximum Range Points 545 818 20 819 1,090 15 1,091 1,363 10 1,364 1,635 5 0 Maximum Range Points $30,162 $45,243 20 $45,244 $60,324 15 $60,325 $75,405 10 $75,406 $90,486 5 0 Maximum Range Points 26,992 40,488 15 40,489 53,984 11 53,985 67,480 7 67,481 80,976 3 0 Maximum 10 Points Maximum Range Points 140 210 10 211 280 7 281 350 4 351 420 2 0 5. General Fund (GF) Expenditures: Maximum 10 Points $18.2 Million Factor Minimum Range Maximum Range Points 1.50 $12.1 $18.2 $18.2 $27.3 10 2.00 $9.1 $12.0 $27.4 $36.4 7 2.50 $7.3 $9.0 $36.5 $45.5 4 3.00 $6.1 $7.2 $45.6 $54.6 2 All Others 0 GovHR USA The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 37 CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Criteria Used to Determine Survey Comparables 6. General Fund (GF) Property Taxes: Maximum 10 Points $5.1 Million Factor Minimum Range Maximum Range Points 1.50 $3.4 $5.1 $5.1 $7.7 10 2.00 $2.6 $3.3 $7.8 $10.2 7 2.50 $2.0 $2.5 $10.3 $12.8 4 3.00 $1.7 $1.9 $12.9 $15.3 2 All Others 0 7. State Sales Tax (General Fund): Maximum 10 Points $9.0 Million Factor Minimum Range Maximum Range Points 1.50 $6.0 $9.0 $9.0 $13.5 10 2.00 $4.5 $5.9 $13.6 $18.0 7 2.50 $3.6 $4.4 $18.1 $22.5 4 3.00 $3.0 $3.5 $22.6 $27.0 2 All Others 0 8. Proximity: Maximum 5 Points Miles Points 0 to 15 5 16 to 30 4 31 to 45 3 46 to 60 2 More than 60 0 Initial screen: Illinois cities population: 13,000 to 54,000 within 60 miles Sources: -Illinois Comptroller's Office (Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports) for 2016 as reported by each community for: Population; EAV; General Fund Expenditures; General Fund Property Tax; State Sales Tax; Total Employees (Full and Part Time) -United States Census Bureau American Community Survey 2011-2015 5-year Estimates: Per Capita Income figures -Google Maps: Proximity Note: Each of the eight criterion contain ranges to assess comparability with the City's data. For example, each of the four factor ranges for City population is developed using a factor of .5 percent (+/-). To determine the population range that will receive a score of 15 (most similar to the City), the City's population is multiplied by 1.5 (maximum range) and divided by 1.5 (minimum range). The City's population is then multiplied and divided by 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 to determine ranges of decreasing similarity (and subsequently decreasing "comparability points"). GovHR USA The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 38 CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Criteria Comparisons (All Municipalities Surveyed) Municipality EA Value Max. Per Capita Max. Pop. I Max. Full-time Max. G.F. Exp. Max. G.F. Prop. Max. State Sales Max. Proximity Max. Total (millions) Points Income Points Points Emps. Points (millions) PointETax (millions PointETax (thousands) Points (miles) Points Points McHenry $545 20 $30,162 20 26,992 15 140 10 $18.2 10 $5.1 10 $9.0 10 0 5 100 Algonquin $801 20 $39,325 20 30,046 15 136 10 $18.3 10 $5.9 10 $7.6 10 13 5 100 Villa Park $509 20 $29,538 20 21,904 15 141 10 $18.3 10 $3.5 10 $6.1 10 43 3 98 Westmont $752 20 $33,454 20 24,685 15 99 10 $20.3 10 $5.0 10 $8.0 10 51 2 97 Bensenville $502 20 $24,937 20 18,352 15 115 10 $17.1 10 $4.7 10 $5.9 7 40 3 95 Glendale Heights $546 20 $23,642 20 34,435 15 197 10 $21.2 10 $3.2 7 $7.3 10 38 3 95 Mundelein $755 20 $33,411 20 31,064 15 178 10 $25.4 10 $8.0 7 $4.9 7 17 4 93 Bloomingdale $756 20 $37,512 20 22,254 15 118 10 $16.4 10 $2.1 4 $8.0 10 34 3 92 South Elgin $551 20 $32,967 20 22,224 15 81 7 $17.1 10 $4.3 10 $4.0 4 26 4 90 West Chicago $614 20 $25,146 20 27,086 15 107 10 $16.8 10 $3.5 10 $3.3 2 36 3 90 Bridgeview $372 20 $20,865 20 16,446 11 113 10 $21.7 10 $2.8 7 $9.5 10 60 2 90 Lake in the Hills $574 20 $32,957 20 28,965 15 120 10 $16.0 10 $5.7 10 $2.6 0 13 5 90 Geneva $901 15 $44,516 20 21,495 15 142 10 $15.3 10 $4.6 10 $5.0 7 34 3 90 Batavia $956 15 $42,335 20 26,045 15 155 10 $24.1 10 $6.2 10 $5.1 7 37 3 90 Morton Grove $696 20 $31,472 20 23,497 15 158 10 $26.4 10 $9.4 7 $4.4 4 38 3 89 Streamwood $661 20 $28,570 20 44,528 11 186 10 $26.4 10 $9.8 7 $4.9 7 26 4 89 Crystal Lake $979 15 $34,673 20 40,743 11 258 7 $26.3 10 $4.0 10 $12.1 10 14 5 88 Gurnee $1,039 15 $39,309 20 31,284 15 217 7 $34.9 7 $4.7 10 $12.8 10 22 4 88 Oswego $783 20 $33,208 20 32,901 15 107 10 $16.2 10 $1.3 0 $7.6 10 50 2 87 Carpentersville $508 20 $21,657 20 38,291 15 173 10 $27.8 7 $11.1 4 $4.8 7 27 4 87 Hanover Park $533 20 $23,792 20 38,476 15 198 10 $30.0 7 $11.8 4 $5.9 7 29 4 87 Roselle $627 20 $33,791 20 22,763 15 86 7 $14.9 10 $5.4 10 $0.6 0 32 3 85 Belvidere $294 15 $20,604 20 25,585 15 115 10 $14.8 10 $4.9 10 $3.2 2 35 3 85 Lisle $954 15 $44,073 20 22,390 15 96 10 $13.1 10 $3.9 10 $3.2 2 51 2 84 Elmwood Park $391 20 $26,608 20 24,883 15 135 10 $17.8 10 $8.9 7 $1.3 0 47 2 84 Rolling Meadows $704 20 $32,102 20 24,099 15 158 10 $29.4 7 $10.4 4 $3.7 4 28 4 1 84 Lake Zurich $794 20 $42,397 20 19,993 15 159 10 $46.4 2 $14.6 2 $11.5 10 15 5 84 Westchester $435 20 $34,550 20 16,729 11 97 10 $16.6 10 $6.1 10 $1.7 0 49 2 83 Carol Stream $1,069 15 $30,522 20 39,711 15 138 10 $22.1 10 $0.2 0 $8.3 10 37 3 83 Dekalb $468 20 $19,039 15 44,054 11 201 10 $30.7 7 $4.2 10 $5.3 7 40 3 83 Wheeling $836 15 $28,031 20 37,648 15 232 7 $35.7 7 $12.7 4 $6.3 10 26 4 82 Vernon Hills $1,079 15 $44,161 20 26,314 15 111 10 $23.0 10 $0.0 0 $14.0 7 20 4 81 Woodridge $1,113 10 $39,850 20 32,971 15 113 10 $20.2 10 $3.3 7 $5.3 7 54 2 81 Franklin Park $594 20 $24,841 20 18,333 15 150 10 $27.6 7 $11.7 4 $3.5 2 44 3 81 Libertyville $1,101 10 $56,498 15 20,315 15 161 10 $27.7 7 $6.4 10 $7.4 10 20 4 81 Loves Park $345 15 $27,433 20 23,996 15 73 7 $19.4 10 $0.2 0 $7.4 10 45 3 80 Wood Dale $491 20 $29,204 20 13,770 11 96 10 $11.9 7 $2.9 7 $3.3 2 38 3 80 Sycamore 1 358 15 $30,735 20 17,519 11 107 10 1 $14.9 10 $2.7 7 $4.0 4 41 3 80 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 39 CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Criteria Comparisons (All Municipalities Surveyed) Municipality EA Value Max. Per Capita Max. Pop. I Max. Full-time Max. G.F. Exp. Max. G.F. Prop. Max. State Sales Max. Proximity Max. Total (millions) PointE Income Points PointE Emps. PointE (millions) PointETax (millions PointETax (thousands)Point (miles) PointE Points McHenry $545 20 $30,162 20 26,992 15 140 10 $18.2 10 $5.1 10 $9.0 10 0 5 100 Plainfield $1,209 10 $37,482 20 42,138 11 129 10 $21.2 10 $5.2 10 $5.3 7 54 2 80 Brookfield $331 15 $33,287 20 19,022 15 95 10 $16.2 10 $7.9 7 $1.5 0 51 2 79 Norridge $401 20 $26,834 20 14,572 11 81 7 $14.7 10 $1.1 0 $4.8 7 43 3 78 Huntley $821 15 $37,590 20 26,005 15 91 7 $10.5 7 $3.5 10 $2.1 0 19 4 78 La Grange $568 20 $46,271 15 15,500 11 97 10 $12.3 10 $6.6 10 $2.9 0 53 2 78 Forest Park $289 15 $36,140 20 14,123 11 106 10 $18.4 10 $4.6 10 $2.9 0 51 2 78 Niles $1,065 15 $27,531 20 29,803 15 227 7 $44.0 4 $3.1 7 $15.2 7 42 3 78 Darien $783 20 $42,216 20 22,086 15 65 4 $11.0 7 $1.7 2 $5.4 7 56 2 77 Bartlett $958 15 $36,900 20 41,208 11 161 10 $21.9 10 $7.9 7 $2.2 0 29 4 77 Addison $981 15 $24,275 20 36,942 15 211 7 $30.1 7 $7.2 10 $2.9 0 40 3 77 Deerfield $1,319 10 $65,757 10 18,476 15 109 10 $20.1 10 $3.5 10 $5.4 7 29 4 76 Cary $405 20 $35,712 20 18,114 15 58 4 $8.2 4 $2.7 7 $1.3 0 9 5 75 Glen Ellyn $1,274 10 $52,564 15 28,201 15 107 10 $15.8 10 $7.4 10 $3.5 2 43 3 75 Yorkville $421 20 $33,014 20 16,921 11 74 7 $11.2 7 $3.0 7 $2.8 0 54 2 74 Antioch $304 15 $32,034 20 14,430 11 78 7 $11.7 7 $3.4 10 $2.9 0 17 4 74 Woodstock $414 20 $28,755 20 24,918 15 152 10 $5.2 0 $1.3 0 $4.1 4 11 5 74 Melrose Park $569 20 $18,866 15 25,518 15 256 7 $42.2 4 $11.5 4 $14.7 7 47 2 74 Montgomery $368 20 $27,813 20 18,438 15 59 4 $9.0 4 $2.2 4 $3.9 4 47 2 73 Wauconda $340 15 $35,501 20 13,814 11 67 4 $9.5 7 $3.6 10 $2.2 0 10 5 72 Warrenville $392 20 $35,570 20 13,140 7 71 7 $10.8 7 $3.3 7 $2.2 0 42 3 71 Zion $227 10 $19,388 15 24,413 15 126 10 $18.2 10 $2.9 7 $2.6 0 30 4 71 St. Charles $1,323 10 $45,256 15 33,460 15 233 7 $33.4 7 $12.4 4 $11.1 10 32 3 71 Grayslake $479 20 $36,535 20 20,915 15 50 2 $8.6 4 $2.4 4 $1.1 0 14 5 70 Round Lake Beach $290 15 $19,978 15 27,852 15 74 7 $11.2 7 $2.5 4 $3.5 2 12 5 70 North Aurora $460 20 $36,498 20 16,760 11 55 2 $9.0 4 $2.1 4 $4.4 4 40 3 68 Park Ridge $1,289 10 $47,247 15 37,480 15 220 7 $28.9 7 $9.2 7 $3.8 4 42 3 68 Lombard $1,390 5 $34,524 20 43,395 11 259 7 $40.6 4 $8.4 7 $11.4 10 43 3 67 Bellwood $201 5 $20,144 20 19,071 15 103 10 $20.6 10 $10.6 4 $0.6 0 48 2 66 Round Lake $259 10 $26,410 20 18,289 15 47 2 $7.1 2 $3.6 10 $2.0 0 11 5 64 North Chicago $148 0 1 $17,511 15 32,574 15 1 194 10 $22.5 10 $6.4 10 $2.9 1 0 25 4 64 Northbrook $2,075 0 $60,239 15 33,170 15 265 7 $42.0 4 $7.6 10 $9.5 10 33 3 64 La Grange Park $308 15 $39,969 20 13,579 11 46 0 $7.8 4 $3.4 10 $0.5 0 51 2 62 Western Springs $585 20 $64,974 10 12,975 7 67 4 $10.4 7 $4.5 10 $1.0 0 51 2 60 Wheaton $1,883 0 $42,468 20 52,894 11 232 7 $38.1 4 $12.7 4 $7.3 10 41 3 59 Buffalo Grove $1,476 5 $46,983 15 41,503 11 207 10 $38.5 4 $14.4 2 $5.6 7 22 4 58 Elk Grove Village $1,695 0 $33,826 20 33,238 15 1 314 4 $49.2 2 $12.5 4 $10.2 1 10 35 3 58 Highland Park $2,179 0 $73,056 10 29,743 15 1 238 1 7 $35.0 7 $2.4 4 $9.2 1 10 30 1 4 57 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 40 CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Criteria Comparisons (All Municipalities Surveyed) Municipality EA Value Max. Per Capita Max. Pop. I Max. Full-time Max. G.F. Exp. Max. G.F. Prop. Max. State Sales Max. Proximity Max. Total (millions) PointE Income Points PointE Emps. PointE (millions) PointETax (millions PointETax (thousands)Point (miles) PointE Points McHenry $545 20 $30,162 20 26,992 15 140 10 $18.2 10 $5.1 10 $9.0 10 0 5 100 Wilmette $1,541 5 $68,953 10 27,087 15 206 10 $35.1 7 $13.1 2 $3.7 4 40 3 56 Hinsdale $1,626 5 $79,370 5 16,816 11 93 10 $17.8 10 $6.5 10 $3.1 2 52 2 55 Machesney Park $303 15 $24,213 20 23,499 15 14 0 $5.8 0 $0.1 0 $3.2 2 46 2 54 Prospect Heights $334 15 $32,258 20 16,367 11 42 0 $8.7 4 $0.3 0 $0.8 0 27 4 54 Maywood $180 0 $17,623 15 24,090 15 149 10 $24.9 10 $14.7 2 $1.5 0 50 2 54 Hoffman Estates $1,519 5 $36,581 20 51,895 11 354 2 $53.2 2 $22.6 0 $7.9 10 25 4 54 Downers Grove $2,313 0 $43,191 20 49,732 11 290 4 $45.7 2 $12.2 4 $13.5 10 49 2 53 Lindenhurst $307 15 $35,957 20 14,462 11 29 0 $3.6 0 $1.0 0 $0.9 0 17 4 50 Elmhurst $2,128 0 $47,877 15 44,454 11 284 4 $52.5 2 $10.8 4 $13.1 10 43 3 49 Oak Park $1,334 10 $48,628 15 51,878 11 369 2 $51.1 2 $23.0 0 $5.1 7 53 2 49 Glenview $2,013 0 $52,167 15 45,969 11 294 4 $59.4 0 $11.6 4 $16.2 7 41 3 44 Beach Park $175 0 $28,336 20 13,638 11 16 0 $2.7 0 $0.0 0 $0.5 0 29 4 35 Lake Forest $2,308 0 $91,188 0 19,375 15 214 7 $30.9 7 $17.4 0 $2.9 0 27 4 33 Justice $143 0 $21,785 20 13,022 7 40 0 $7.2 2 $1.5 0 $0.4 0 57 2 31 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 41 CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Criteria Comparisons (All Municipalities Surveyed) Municipality EA Value Max. Per Capita Max. Pop. I Max. Full-time Max. G.F. Exp. Max. G.F. Prop. Max. State Sales Max. Proximity Max. Total (millions) Points Income Points Points Emps. Points (millions) PointETax (millions PointETax (thousands] Points (miles) Points Points McHenry $545 20 $30,162 20 26,992 15 140 10 $18.2 10 $5.1 10 $9.0 10 0 5 100 Addison $981 15 $24,275 20 36,942 15 211 7 $30.1 7 $7.2 10 $2.9 0 40 3 77 Algonquin $801 20 $39,325 20 30,046 15 136 10 $18.3 10 $5.9 10 $7.6 10 13 5 100 Antioch $304 15 $32,034 20 14,430 11 78 7 $11.7 7 $3.4 10 $2.9 0 17 4 74 Bartlett $958 15 $36,900 20 41,208 11 161 10 $21.9 10 $7.9 7 $2.2 0 29 4 77 Batavia $956 15 $42,335 20 26,045 15 155 10 $24.1 10 $6.2 10 $5.1 7 37 3 90 Beach Park $175 0 $28,336 20 13,638 11 16 0 $2.7 0 $0.0 0 $0.5 0 29 4 35 Bellwood $201 5 $20,144 20 19,071 15 103 10 $20.6 10 $10.6 4 $0.6 0 48 2 66 Belvidere $294 15 $20,604 20 25,585 15 115 10 $14.8 10 1 $4.9 10 $3.2 2 35 3 85 Bensenville $502 20 $24,937 20 18,352 15 115 10 $17.1 10 $4.7 10 $5.9 7 40 3 95 Bloomingdale $756 20 $37,512 20 22,254 15 118 10 $16.4 10 $2.1 4 $8.0 10 34 3 92 Bridgeview $372 20 $20,865 20 16,446 11 113 10 $21.7 10 $2.8 7 $9.5 10 60 2 90 Brookfield $331 15 $33,287 20 19,022 15 95 10 $16.2 10 $7.9 7 $1.5 0 51 2 79 Buffalo Grove $1,476 5 $46,983 15 41,503 11 207 10 $38.5 4 $14.4 2 $5.6 7 22 4 58 Carol Stream $1,069 15 $30,522 20 39,711 15 138 10 $22.1 10 $0.2 0 $8.3 10 37 3 83 Carpentersville $508 20 $21,657 20 38,291 15 173 10 $27.8 7 $11.1 4 $4.8 7 27 4 87 Cary $405 20 $35,712 20 18,114 15 58 4 $8.2 4 $2.7 7 $1.3 0 9 5 75 Crystal Lake $979 15 $34,673 20 40,743 11 258 7 $26.3 10 $4.0 10 $12.1 10 14 5 88 Darien $783 20 $42,216 20 22,086 15 65 4 $11.0 7 $1.7 2 $5.4 7 56 2 77 Deerfield $1,319 10 $65,757 10 18,476 15 109 10 $20.1 10 $3.5 10 $5.4 7 29 4 76 Dekalb $468 20 $19,039 15 44,054 11 201 10 $30.7 7 $4.2 10 1 $5.3 7 40 3 83 Downers Grove $2,313 0 $43,191 20 49,732 11 290 4 $45.7 2 $12.2 4 $13.5 10 49 2 53 Elk Grove Village $1,695 0 $33,826 20 33,238 15 314 4 $49.2 2 $12.5 4 $10.2 10 35 3 58 Elmhurst $2,128 0 $47,877 15 44,454 11 284 4 $52.5 2 $10.8 4 $13.1 10 43 3 49 Elmwood Park $391 20 $26,608 20 24,883 15 135 10 $17.8 10 $8.9 7 $1.3 0 47 2 84 Forest Park $289 15 $36,140 20 14,123 11 106 10 $18.4 10 $4.6 10 $2.9 0 51 2 78 Franklin Park $594 20 $24,841 20 18,333 15 150 10 $27.6 7 $11.7 4 $3.5 2 44 3 81 Geneva $901 15 $44,516 20 21,495 15 142 10 $15.3 10 $4.6 10 $5.0 7 34 3 90 Glen Ellyn $1,274 10 $52,564 15 28,201 15 107 10 $15.8 10 $7.4 10 $3.5 2 43 3 75 Glendale Heights $546 20 $23,642 20 34,435 15 197 10 $21.2 10 $3.2 7 $7.3 10 38 3 95 Glenview $2,013 0 $52,167 15 45,969 11 294 4 $59.4 0 $11.6 4 $16.2 7 41 3 44 Grayslake $479 20 $36,535 20 20,915 15 50 2 $8.6 4 $2.4 4 $1.1 0 14 5 70 Gurnee $1,039 15 $39,309 20 31,284 15 217 7 $34.9 7 $4.7 10 $12.8 10 22 4 88 Hanover Park $533 20 $23,792 20 38,476 15 198 10 $30.0 7 $11.8 4 $5.9 7 29 4 87 Highland Park $2,179 0 $73,056 10 29,743 15 238 7 $35.0 7 $2.4 4 $9.2 10 30 4 57 Hinsdale $1,626 5 $79,370 5 16,816 11 93 10 $17.8 10 $6.5 10 $3.1 2 52 2 55 Hoffman Estates $1,519 5 $36,581 20 51,895 11 354 2 $53.2 2 $22.6 0 $7.9 10 25 4 54 Huntley $821 15 $37,590 20 26,005 15 91 7 $10.5 7 $3.5 10 $2.1 0 19 4 78 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 42 CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Criteria Comparisons (All Municipalities Surveyed) Municipality EA Value Max. Per Capita Max. Pop. I Max. Full-time Max. G.F. Exp. Max. G.F. Prop. Max. State Sales Max. Proximity Max. Total (millions) PointE Income Points PointE Emps. PointE (millions) PointETax (millions PointETax (thousands)Point (miles) PointE Points McHenry $545 20 $30,162 20 26,992 15 140 10 $18.2 10 $5.1 10 $9.0 10 0 5 100 Justice $143 0 $21,785 20 13,022 7 40 0 $7.2 2 $1.5 0 $0.4 0 57 2 31 La Grange $568 20 $46,271 15 15,500 11 97 10 $12.3 10 $6.6 10 $2.9 0 53 2 78 La Grange Park $308 15 $39,969 20 13,579 11 46 0 $7.8 4 $3.4 10 $0.5 0 51 2 62 Lake Forest $2,308 0 $91,188 0 19,375 15 214 7 $30.9 7 $17.4 0 $2.9 0 27 4 33 Lake in the Hills $574 20 $32,957 20 28,965 15 120 10 $16.0 10 $5.7 10 $2.6 0 13 5 90 Lake Zurich $794 20 $42,397 20 19,993 15 159 10 $46.4 2 $14.6 2 $11.5 10 15 5 84 Libertyville $1,101 10 $56,498 15 20,315 15 161 10 $27.7 7 $6.4 10 $7.4 10 20 4 81 Lindenhurst $307 15 $35,957 20 14,462 11 29 0 $3.6 0 $1.0 0 $0.9 0 17 4 50 Lisle $954 15 $44,073 20 22,390 15 96 10 $13.1 10 $3.9 10 $3.2 2 51 2 84 Lombard $1,390 5 $34,524 20 43,395 11 259 7 $40.6 4 $8.4 7 $11.4 10 43 3 67 Loves Park $345 15 $27,433 20 23,996 15 73 7 $19.4 10 $0.2 0 $7.4 10 45 3 80 Machesney Park $303 15 $24,213 20 23,499 15 14 0 $5.8 0 $0.1 0 $3.2 2 46 2 54 Maywood $180 0 $17,623 15 24,090 15 149 10 $24.9 10 $14.7 2 $1.5 0 50 2 54 Melrose Park $569 20 $18,866 15 25,518 15 256 7 $42.2 4 $11.5 4 $14.7 7 47 2 74 Montgomery $368 20 $27,813 20 18,438 15 59 4 $9.0 4 $2.2 4 $3.9 4 47 2 73 Morton Grove $696 20 $31,472 20 23,497 15 158 10 $26.4 10 $9.4 7 $4.4 4 38 3 89 Mundelein $755 20 $33,411 20 31,064 15 178 10 $25.4 10 $8.0 7 $4.9 7 17 4 93 Niles $1,065 15 $27,531 20 29,803 15 227 7 $44.0 4 $3.1 7 $15.2 7 42 3 78 Norridge $401 20 $26,834 20 14,572 11 81 7 $14.7 10 $1.1 0 $4.8 7 43 3 78 North Aurora $460 20 $36,498 20 16,760 11 55 2 $9.0 4 $2.1 4 $4.4 4 40 3 68 North Chicago $148 0 $17,511 15 32,574 15 194 10 $22.5 10 $6.4 10 $2.9 0 25 4 64 Northbrook $2,075 0 $60,239 15 33,170 15 265 7 $42.0 4 $7.6 10 $9.5 10 33 3 64 Oak Park $1,334 10 $48,628 15 51,878 11 369 2 $51.1 2 $23.0 0 $5.1 7 53 2 49 Oswego $783 20 $33,208 20 32,901 15 107 10 $16.2 10 $1.3 0 $7.6 10 50 2 87 Park Ridge $1,289 10 $47,247 15 37,480 15 220 7 $28.9 7 $9.2 7 $3.8 4 42 3 68 Plainfield $1,209 10 $37,482 20 42,138 11 129 10 $21.2 10 $5.2 10 $5.3 7 54 2 80 Prospect Heights $334 15 $32,258 20 16,367 11 42 0 $8.7 4 $0.3 0 $0.8 0 27 4 54 Rolling Meadows $704 20 $32,102 20 24,099 15 158 10 $29.4 7 $10.4 4 $3.7 4 28 4 84 Roselle $627 20 $33,791 20 22,763 15 86 7 $14.9 10 $5.4 10 $0.6 0 32 3 85 Round Lake $259 10 $26,410 20 18,289 15 47 2 $7.1 2 $3.6 10 $2.0 0 11 5 64 Round Lake Beach $290 15 $19,978 15 27,852 15 74 7 $11.2 7 $2.5 4 $3.5 2 12 5 70 South Elgin $551 20 $32,967 20 22,224 15 81 7 $17.1 10 $4.3 10 1 $4.0 4 26 4 90 St. Charles $1,323 10 $45,256 15 33,460 15 233 7 $33.4 7 $12.4 4 $11.1 10 32 3 71 Streamwood $661 20 $28,570 20 44,528 11 186 10 $26.4 10 $9.8 7 $4.9 7 26 4 89 Sycamore $358 15 $30,735 20 17,519 11 107 10 $14.9 10 $2.7 7 $4.0 4 41 3 80 Vernon Hills $1,079 15 $44,161 20 26,314 15 111 10 $23.0 10 $0.0 0 $14.0 7 20 4 81 Villa Park $509 20 $29,538 20 21,904 15 141 10 $18.3 10 $3.5 10 $6.1 10 43 3 98 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 43 CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Criteria Comparisons (All Municipalities Surveyed) Municipality EA Value Max. Per Capita Max. Pop. I Max. Full-time Max. G.F. Exp. Max. G.F. Prop. Max. State Sales Max. Proximity Max. Total (millions) PointE Income Points PointE Emps. PointE (millions) PointETax (millions PointETax (thousands)Point (miles) PointE Points McHenry $545 20 $30,162 20 26,992 15 140 10 $18.2 10 $5.1 10 $9.0 10 0 5 100 Warrenville $392 20 $35,570 20 13,140 7 71 7 $10.8 7 $3.3 7 $2.2 0 42 3 71 Wauconda $340 15 $35,501 20 13,814 11 67 4 $9.5 7 $3.6 10 $2.2 0 10 5 72 West Chicago $614 20 $25,146 20 27,086 15 107 10 $16.8 10 $3.5 10 $3.3 2 36 3 90 Westchester $435 20 $34,550 20 16,729 11 97 10 $16.6 10 $6.1 10 $1.7 0 49 2 83 Western Springs $585 20 $64,974 10 12,975 7 67 4 $10.4 7 $4.5 10 $1.0 0 51 2 60 Westmont $752 20 $33,454 20 24,685 15 99 10 $20.3 10 $5.0 10 $8.0 10 51 2 97 Wheaton $1,883 0 $42,468 20 52,894 11 232 7 $38.1 4 $12.7 4 $7.3 10 41 3 59 Wheeling $836 15 $28,031 20 37,648 15 232 7 $35.7 7 $12.7 4 $6.3 10 26 4 82 Wilmette $1,541 5 $68,953 10 27,087 15 206 10 $35.1 7 $13.1 2 $3.7 4 40 3 56 Wood Dale $491 20 $29,204 20 13,770 11 96 10 $11.9 7 $2.9 7 $3.3 2 38 3 80 Woodridge $1,113 10 $39,850 20 32,971 15 113 10 $20.2 10 $3.3 7 $5.3 7 54 2 81 Woodstock $414 20 $28,755 20 24,918 15 152 10 $5.2 0 $1.3 0 $4.1 4 11 5 74 Yorkville $421 20 $33,014 20 16,921 11 74 7 $11.2 7 $3.0 7 $2.8 0 54 2 74 Zion $227 10 $19,388 15 24,413 15 126 10 $18.2 10 $2.9 7 $2.6 0 30 4 71 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 44 CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Top Comparables (Score of 90 or Higher) Municipality EA Value Max. Per Capita Max.1 Pop. Max. Full-time Max. G.F. Exp. Max. G.F. Prop. Max. State Sales Max.1 Proximity Max. Total (millions) PointE Income Points ointEl Emps. PointE (millions) PointETax (millions ointETax (thousands)Point (miles) PointE Points McHenry $545 20 $30,162 20 26,992 15 140 10 $18.2 10 $5.1 10 $9.0 10 0 5 100 Algonquin $801 20 $39,325 20 30,046 15 136 10 $18.3 10 $5.9 10 $7.6 10 13 5 100 Villa Park $509 20 $29,538 20 21,904 15 141 10 $18.3 10 $3.5 10 $6.1 10 43 3 98 Westmont $752 20 $33,454 20 24,685 15 99 10 $20.3 10 $5.0 10 $8.0 10 51 2 97 Bensenville $502 20 $24,937 20 18,352 15 115 10 $17.1 10 $4.7 10 $5.9 7 40 3 95 Glendale Heights $546 20 $23,642 20 34,435 15 197 10 $21.2 10 $3.2 7 $7.3 10 38 3 95 Mundelein $755 20 $33,411 20 31,064 15 178 10 $25.4 10 $8.0 7 $4.9 7 17 4 93 Bloomingdale $756 20 $37,512 20 22,254 15 118 10 $16.4 10 $2.1 4 $8.0 10 34 3 92 South Elgin $551 20 $32,967 20 22,224 15 81 7 $17.1 10 $4.3 10 $4.0 4 26 4 90 West Chicago $614 20 $25,146 20 27,086 15 107 10 $16.8 10 $3.5 10 $3.3 2 36 3 90 Bridgeview $372 20 $20,865 20 16,446 11 113 10 $21.7 10 $2.8 7 $9.5 10 60 2 90 Lake in the Hills $574 20 $32,957 20 28,965 15 120 10 $16.0 10 $5.7 10 $2.6 0 13 5 90 Geneva $901 15 $44,516 20 21,495 15 142 10 $15.3 10 $4.6 10 $5.0 7 34 3 90 Batavia $956 15 $42,335 20 26,045 15 155 10 $24.1 10 $6.2 10 $5.1 7 37 3 90 Crystal Lake* $979 15 $34,673 20 40,743 11 258 7 $26.3 10 $4.0 10 $12.1 10 14 5 88 Woodstock* $414 20 $28,755 20 24,918 15 152 10 $5.2 0 $1.3 0 $4.1 4 11 5 74 *Crystal Lake and Woodstock were added to the "Top Comparables" at the request of the City. The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 45 APPENDIX C The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 46 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA City Administrator Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $181,170.93 Village Manager 40 hrs/wk Batavia $165,000.00 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crysal Lake N/R Geneva $129,575.06 $187,999.97 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $154,980.80 $174,969.60 Village Administrator 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $120,351.00 $166,198.00 Village Administrator 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $184,833.00 Village Administrator 40 hrs/wk South Elgin $148,888.00 $208,444.00 Villa Park $165,766.00 40 hrs/wk West Chicago $187,680.00 40 hrs/wk Westmont $133,307.20 $194,084.80 Village Manager 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $165,520.00 By contract 40+ McHenry $118,059.00 $156,493.00 $160,578.00 Average $137,420.41 $186,339.27 $174,994.99 40th Percentile $131,814.34 $182,787.82 $165,766.00 50th Percentile $133,307.20 $187,999.97 $173,468.47 60th Percentile $139,539.52 $190,433.90 $181,170.93 65th Percentile $142,655.68 $191,650.87 $182,086.45 75th Percentile $148,888.00 $194,084.80 $183,917.48 80th Percentile $150,106.56 $196,956.64 $184,833.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 47 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Deputy City Administrator Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $97,278.12 $130,245.26 Assistant Village Mgr.; oversees Finance, too 40 hrs/wk Batavia N/A Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crysal Lake $106,184.00 $158,162.00 Deputy City Manager 40 hrs/wk Geneva N/A Glendale Heights $107,952.00 $133,473.60 Assistant Village Manager 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $90,479.00 $124,945.00 This is a dual position & is currently filled by th 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $104,322.00 $142,772.00 Assistant Village Administrator 40 hrs/wk South Elgin Position is part of Director of Administrative Services Villa Park N/A West Chicago N/A Westmont N/A Woodstock Asst. City Mgr, performed by a DH w. $10K add 40+ McHenry $82,284.00 $120,131.00 Average $101,243.02 $137,919.57 #DIV/0! 40th Percentile $101,504.45 $132,182.26 #NUM! 50th Percentile $104,322.00 $133,473.60 #NUM! 60th Percentile $105,066.80 $137,192.96 #NUM! 65th Percentile $105,439.20 $139,052.64 #NUM! 75th Percentile $106,184.00 $142,772.00 #NUM! 80th Percentile $106,537.60 $145,850.00 #NUM! The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 48 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Executive Assistant/Deputy Clerk Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $56,601.48 $74,032.89 40 hrs/wk Batavia N/A Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crysal Lake $55,660.00 $83,012.00 Executive Assistant 40 hrs/wk Geneva $48,700.08 $70,214.98 Executive Assistant 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $54,059.20 $74,630.40 Executive Secretary - Board 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $47,184.00 $65,114.00 Administrative Assistant 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $61,443.00 $80,896.00 40 hrs/wk South Elgin $72,511.00 $97,491.00 Assistant to the Village Administrator 40 hrs/wk Villa Park $54,233.00 40 hrs/wk West Chicago $56,670.00 $79,338.00 Does not act as recording sec'y for boards & commissions Westmont $67,454.40 $94,432.00 Management Analyst 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $50,918.40 $79,164.80 Exec. Asst./Chief Deputy Clerk; scheduled for 37.5, paid for 40 McHenry $50,028.00 $72,406.00 $70,434.21 Average $57,120.16 $79,832.61 $54,233.00 40th Percentile $55,019.68 $77,351.04 $54,233.00 50th Percentile $56,130.74 $79,251.40 $54,233.00 60th Percentile $56,628.89 $79,961.20 $54,233.00 65th Percentile $56,659.72 $80,662.30 $54,233.00 75th Percentile $60,249.75 $82,483.00 $54,233.00 80th Percentile $62,645.28 $85,296.00 $54,233.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 49 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Executive Assistant/Deputy Clerk (Edited) Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $56,601.48 $74,032.89 40 hrs/wk Batavia N/A Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crysal Lake $55,660.00 $83,012.00 Executive Assistant 40 hrs/wk Geneva $48,700.08 $70,214.98 Executive Assistant 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $54,059.20 $74,630.40 Executive Secretary - Board 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $47,184.00 $65,114.00 Administrative Assistant 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $61,443.00 $80,896.00 40 hrs/wk South Elgin Assistant to the Village Administrator 40 hrs/wk Villa Park $54,233.00 40 hrs/wk West Chicago Does not act as recording sec'y for boards & commissions Westmont Management Analyst 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $50,918.40 $79,164.80 Exec. Asst./Chief Deputy Clerk; scheduled for 37.5, paid for 40 McHenry $50,028.00 $72,406.00 $70,434.21 Average $53,509.45 $75,295.01 $54,233.00 40th Percentile $52,174.72 $74,271.89 $54,233.00 50th Percentile $54,059.20 $74,630.40 $54,233.00 60th Percentile $55,019.68 $77,351.04 $54,233.00 65th Percentile $55,499.92 $78,711.36 $54,233.00 75th Percentile $56,130.74 $80,030.40 $54,233.00 80th Percentile $56,413.18 $80,549.76 $54,233.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 50 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA IT Manager Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $104,713.85 $138,040.67 Chief Innovation Officer 40 hrs/wk Batavia $87,754.00 $120,998.00 Information Systems Director 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crysal Lake $102,097.00 $146,447.00 Information Technology Director 40 hrs/wk Geneva $75,500.05 $108,885.09 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $96,636.80 $105,809.60 Information Systems Administrator 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $76,936.00 $106,246.00 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $96,930.00 $127,638.00 IT Supervisor 40 hrs/wk South Elgin $79,943.00 $107,484.00 Information Systems Coordinator 40 hrs/wk Villa Park $84,867.00 40 hrs/wk West Chicago $80,130.00 $112,181.00 40 hrs/wk Westmont $85,300.80 $119,454.40 IT Director 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $74,506.00 $115,710.00 IT Director; also resp. for phones & Police comm w. NERCOM McHenry $70,571.00 $98,695.00 $74,940.84 Average $87,313.41 $118,990.34 $84,867.00 40th Percentile $80,130.00 $112,181.00 $84,867.00 50th Percentile $85,300.80 $115,710.00 $84,867.00 60th Percentile $87,754.00 $119,454.40 $84,867.00 65th Percentile $92,195.40 $120,226.20 $84,867.00 75th Percentile $96,783.40 $124,318.00 $84,867.00 80th Percentile $96,930.00 $127,638.00 $84,867.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 51 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA IT Manager (Edited) Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin Chief Innovation Officer 40 hrs/wk Batavia Information Systems Director 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crysal Lake Information Technology Director 40 hrs/wk Geneva $75,500.05 $108,885.09 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $96,636.80 $105,809.60 Information Systems Administrator 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $76,936.00 $106,246.00 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $96,930.00 $127,638.00 IT Supervisor 40 hrs/wk South Elgin $79,943.00 $107,484.00 Information Systems Coordinator 40 hrs/wk Villa Park $84,867.00 40 hrs/wk West Chicago $80,130.00 $112,181.00 40 hrs/wk Westmont IT Director 40 hrs/wk Woodstock IT Director; also resp. for phones & Police comm w. NERCOIN McHenry $70,571.00 $98,695.00 $74,940.84 Average $84,345.97 $111,373.95 $84,867.00 40th Percentile $79,943.00 $107,484.00 $84,867.00 50th Percentile $80,036.50 $108,184.54 $84,867.00 60th Percentile $80,130.00 $108,885.09 $84,867.00 65th Percentile $84,256.70 $109,709.07 $84,867.00 75th Percentile $92,510.10 $111,357.02 $84,867.00 80th Percentile $96,636.80 $112,181.00 $84,867.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 52 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA IT Specialist Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $56,601.48 $74,032.89 Innovation & Technology Officer 1 40 hrs/wk Batavia $135,166.00 $164,300.00 Systems Manager 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crysal Lake N/A Geneva $55,750.03 $80,884.96 IT Technician 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $53,206.40 $74,609.60 IS Associate 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills N/A Mundelein $69,353.00 $90,131.00 Software Application Specialist 40 hrs/wk South Elgin N/A Villa Park N/A West Chicago N/A Westmont $67,454.40 $94,432.00 IT Network Administrator N/A Woodstock $37,232.00 $57,824.00 IT Tech/Desktop Supp. Spec.; sched. for 37.5 but paid for 40 McHenry $54,756.00 $76,229.00 $63,140.50 Average of 2 incumbents. Low: 56590/High:69691 Average $67,823.33 $90,887.78 #DIV/0! 40th Percentile $56,090.61 $77,119.74 #NUM! 50th Percentile $56,601.48 $80,884.96 #NUM! 60th Percentile $63,113.23 $86,432.58 #NUM! 65th Percentile $66,369.11 $89,206.40 #NUM! 75th Percentile $68,403.70 $92,281.50 #NUM! 80th Percentile $68,973.28 $93,571.80 #NUM! The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 53 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA IT Specialist (Edited) Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $56,601.48 $74,032.89 Innovation & Technology Officer 1 40 hrs/wk Batavia ########## ########## Systems Manager 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crysal Lake N/A Geneva $55,750.03 $80,884.96 IT Technician 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $53,206.40 $74,609.60 IS Associate 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills N/A Mundelein $69,353.00 $90,131.00 Software Application Specialist 40 hrs/wk South Elgin N/A Villa Park N/A West Chicago N/A Westmont IT Network Administrator N/A Woodstock $37,232.00 $57,824.00 IT Tech/Desktop Supp. Spec.; sched. for 37.5 but paid for 41 McHenry $54,756.00 $76,229.00 ######### Average of 2 incumbents. Low: 56590/High:69691 Average $67,884.82 $90,297.08 #DIV/0! 40th Percentile $55,750.03 $74,609.60 #NUM! 50th Percentile $56,175.76 $77,747.28 #NUM! 60th Percentile $56,601.48 $80,884.96 #NUM! 65th Percentile $59,789.36 $83,196.47 #NUM! 75th Percentile $66,165.12 $87,819.49 #NUM! 80th Percentile $69,353.00 $90,131.00 #NUM! The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 54 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Director of Community Development Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $97,278.12 $130,245.26 Oversees Econ. Dev., too 40 hrs/wk Batavia $95,829.00 $132,133.00 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $106,184.00 $158,162.00 40 hrs/wk Geneva $94,649.98 $137,385.04 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $103,251.20 $134,118.40 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $90,479.00 $124,945.00 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $104,322.00 $142,772.00 40 hrs/wk South Elgin $105,812.00 $148,137.00 40 hrs/wk Villa Park $108,976.00 40 hrs/wk West Chicago $107,232.00 $150,125.00 40 hrs/wk Westmont $93,828.80 $136,052.80 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $74,506.00 $115,710.00 Building & Zoning Director 40+ McHenry $82,284.00 $120,131.00 $87,167.76 Average $97,579.28 $137,253.23 $108,976.00 40th Percentile $95,829.00 $134,118.40 $108,976.00 50th Percentile $97,278.12 $136,052.80 $108,976.00 60th Percentile $103,251.20 $137,385.04 $108,976.00 65th Percentile $103,786.60 $140,078.52 $108,976.00 75th Percentile $105,067.00 $145,454.50 $108,976.00 80th Percentile $105,812.00 $148,137.00 $108,976.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 55 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Director of Community Development (Edited) Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $97,278.12 $130,245.26 Oversees Econ. Dev., too 40 hrs/wk Batavia $95,829.00 $132,133.00 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $106,184.00 $158,162.00 40 hrs/wk Geneva $94,649.98 $137,385.04 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $103,251.20 $134,118.40 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $90,479.00 $124,945.00 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $104,322.00 $142,772.00 40 hrs/wk South Elgin $105,812.00 $148,137.00 40 hrs/wk Villa Park $108,976.00 40 hrs/wk West Chicago $107,232.00 $150,125.00 40 hrs/wk Westmont $93,828.80 $136,052.80 40 hrs/wk Woodstock Building & Zoning Director 40+ McHenry $82,284.00 $120,131.00 $87,167.76 Average $99,886.61 $139,407.55 $108,976.00 40th Percentile $96,698.47 $135,279.04 $108,976.00 50th Percentile $100,264.66 $136,718.92 $108,976.00 60th Percentile $103,679.52 $139,539.82 $108,976.00 65th Percentile $104,161.38 $141,963.96 $108,976.00 75th Percentile $105,439.50 $146,795.75 $108,976.00 80th Percentile $105,886.40 $148,534.601 $108,976.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 56 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Plans Examiner Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $90,615.60 $120,065.50 Building Commissioner 40 hrs/wk Batavia N/A Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $64,313.00 $95,914.00 40 hrs/wk Geneva $79,074.94 $114,745.07 Building Commissioner 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $67,433.60 $85,280.00 Assistant Planning & Zoning Administrator 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $76,936.00 $106,246.00 Building Commissioner 40 hrs/wk Mundelein Plan reviews are done by inspectors N/A South Elgin N/A Villa Park N/A West Chicago $75,594.00 $105,832.00 Sr. Civil Engineer; position is assisted by a Civil Engineer Westmont $74,193.60 $103,875.20 Building Commissioner 40 hrs/wk Woodstock Perofrmed by Building Inspectors McHenry $50,028.00 $72,406.00 $51,453.80 Average $75,451.53 $104,565.40 #DIV/0! 40th Percentile $74,753.76 $104,657.92 #NUM! 50th Percentile $75,594.00 $105,832.00 #NUM! 60th Percentile $76,399.20 $106,080.40 #NUM! 65th Percentile $76,801.80 $106,204.60 #NUM! 75th Percentile $78,005.47 $110,495.54 #NUM! 80th Percentile $78,647.16 $113,045.26 #NUM! The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 57 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Plans Examiner (Edited) Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin Building Commissioner 40 hrs/wk Batavia N/A Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $64,313.00 $95,914.00 40 hrs/wk Geneva Building Commissioner 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $67,433.60 $85,280.00 Assistant Planning & Zoning Administrator 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills Building Commissioner 40 hrs/wk Mundelein Plan reviews are done by inspectors N/A South Elgin N/A Villa Park N/A West Chicago Sr. Civil Engineer; position is assisted by a Civil Engineer Westmont Building Commissioner 40 hrs/wk Woodstock Perofrmed by Building Inspectors McHenry $50,028.00 $72,406.00 $51,453.80 Average $65,873.30 $90,597.00 #DIV/0! 40th Percentile $65,561.24 $89,533.60 #NUM! 50th Percentile $65,873.30 $90,597.00 #NUM! 60th Percentile $66,185.36 $91,660.40 #NUM! 65th Percentile $66,341.39 $92,192.10 #NUM! 75th Percentile $66,653.45 $93,255.50 #NUM! 80th Percentile $66,809.48 $93,787.20 #NUM! The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 58 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Building Inspector Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $61,487.11 $82,915.71 40 hrs/wk Batavia $61,707.00 $85,085.00 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $59,003.00 $87,985.00 Engineering & Building Inspector 40 hrs/wk Geneva $57,749.95 $83,825.04 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $62,233.60 $84,656.00 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $57,516.00 $79,427.00 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $71,525.00 $94,184.00 40 hrs/wk South Elgin $56,659.20 $77,896.00 Local 150 40 hrs/wk Villa Park $55,496.00 Building and Plan Examiner 40 hrs/wk West Chicago N/A Westmont $61,339.20 $85,841.60 Building Inspector/Code Official; 2 FT, 1 PT 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $50,918.40 $79,164.80 40 hrs/wk McHenry $54,756.00 $76,229.00 $60,000.00 Average $60,013.85 $84,098.02 $55,496.00 40th Percentile $58,501.78 $83,461.31 $55,496.00 50th Percentile $60,171.10 $84,240.52 $55,496.00 60th Percentile $61,398.36 $84,827.60 $55,496.00 65th Percentile $61,464.92 $85,020.65 $55,496.00 75th Percentile $61,652.03 $85,652.45 $55,496.00 80th Percentile $61,812.32 $86,270.28 $55,496.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 59 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Plumbing Inspector Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $66,302.74 $86,722.00 40 hrs/wk Batavia N/A Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $64,313.00 $95,914.00 40 hrs/wk Geneva N/A Glendale Heights $53,372.80 $73,694.40 Plumbing Inspector/Plumber Technician; not currently filled Lake in the Hills N/A Mundelein $71,525.00 $94,184.00 Same as Building Inspector 40 hrs/wk South Elgin Outsourced Villa Park $72,571.20 PT only; hourly rate converted to 40 hrs hours vary West Chicago N/A Westmont Outsourced Woodstock See Building Inspector McHenry $51,989.00 $75,383.00 $71,408.76 Average $63,878.39 $87,628.60 $72,571.20 40th Percentile $64,710.95 $88,214.40 $72,571.20 50th Percentile $65,307.87 $90,453.00 $72,571.20 60th Percentile $65,904.79 $92,691.60 $72,571.20 65th Percentile $66,203.25 $93,810.90 $72,571.20 75th Percentile $67,608.31 $94,616.50 $72,571.20 80th Percentile $68,391.64 $94,876.00 $72,571.20 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 60 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Code Compliance Inspector Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $49,582.83 $64,843.67 Property Maintenance Inspector 40 hrs/wk Batavia $59,049.00 $81,420.00 Code Compliance Officer 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake N/A Geneva $55,750.03 $80,884.96 Code Compliance Officer 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $52,956.80 $73,569.60 Code Enforcement Officer 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills N/A Mundelein $71,525.00 $94,184.00 Same as Building Inspector 40 hrs/wk South Elgin N/A Villa Park Negotiated; union scale West Chicago N/A Westmont Combined with Building Inspector Woodstock $44,699.20 $69,368.00 This is a a junior position to our Code Enf. Officer McHenry $40,687.00 $56,779.00 $49,899.46 Average $55,593.81 $77,378.37 #DIV/0! 40th Percentile $52,956.80 $73,569.60 #NUM! 50th Percentile $54,353.42 $77,227.28 #NUM! 60th Percentile $55,750.03 $80,884.96 #NUM! 65th Percentile $56,574.77 $81,018.72 #NUM! 75th Percentile $58,224.26 $81,286.24 #NUM! 80th Percentile $59,049.00 $81,420.00 #NUM! The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 61 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Code Compliance Inspector (Edited) Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $49,582.83 $64,843.67 Property Maintenance Inspector 40 hrs/wk Batavia $59,049.00 $81,420.00 Code Compliance Officer 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake N/A Geneva $55,750.03 $80,884.96 Code Compliance Officer 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $52,956.80 $73,569.60 Code Enforcement Officer 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills N/A Mundelein Same as Building Inspector 40 hrs/wk South Elgin N/A Villa Park Negotiated; union scale West Chicago N/A Westmont Combined with Building Inspector Woodstock $44,699.20 $69,368.00 This is a a junior position to our Code Enf. Officer McHenry $40,687.00 $56,779.00 $49,899.46 Average $52,407.57 $74,017.25 #DIV/0! 40th Percentile $51,607.21 $71,888.96 #NUM! 50th Percentile $52,956.80 $73,569.60 #NUM! 60th Percentile $54,074.09 $76,495.74 #NUM! 65th Percentile $54,632.74 $77,958.82 #NUM! 75th Percentile $55,750.03 $80,884.96 #NUM! 80th Percentile $56,409.83 $80,991.97 #NUM! The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 62 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Director of Economic Development Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $97,278.12 $130,245.26 Community Development Director 40 hrs/wk Batavia N/A Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $90,756.00 $125,324.00 Economic Development Manager 40 hrs/wk Geneva $94,650.19 $137,385.04 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights N/A Lake in the Hills N/A Mundelein Econ. Dev. is shared bet. Asst. Administrator & the CDD South Elgin N/A Villa Park $107,907.00 40 hrs/wk West Chicago N/A Westmont Outsourced Woodstock $89,440.00 $138,840.00 40+ McHenry $82,284.00 $120,131.00 $106,772.54 Average $93,031.08 $132,948.58 $107,907.00 40th Percentile $91,534.84 $131,673.22 $107,907.00 50th Percentile $92,703.10 $133,815.15 $107,907.00 60th Percentile $93,871.35 $135,957.08 $107,907.00 65th Percentile $94,455.48 $137,028.05 $107,907.00 75th Percentile $95,307.17 $137,748.78 $107,907.00 80th Percentile $95,701.361 $137,967.02 $107,907.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 63 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Planner Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $66,302.74 $86,722.00 Senior Planner 40 hrs/wk Batavia $56,507.00 $77,914.00 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $64,313.00 $95,914.00 40 hrs/wk Geneva $63,449.98 $92,020.03 City Planner 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights N/A Lake in the Hills $57,512.00 $68,473.60 Economic Development Coordinator 20 hrs/wk Mundelein $66,312.00 $87,321.00 40 hrs/wk South Elgin $51,532.00 $69,285.00 Entry Level Villa Park N/A West Chicago $63,674.00 $89,144.00 40 hrs/wk Westmont $67,454.40 $94,432.00 Village Planner 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $62,088.00 $96,408.00 City Planner 40 hrs/wk McHenry City Planner II; vacant Average $61,914.51 $85,763.36 #DIV/0! 40th Percentile $62,905.19 $87,081.40 #NUM! 50th Percentile $63,561.99 $88,232.50 #NUM! 60th Percentile $63,929.60 $90,294.41 #NUM! 65th Percentile $64,217.15 $91,588.63 #NUM! 75th Percentile $65,805.31 $93,829.01 #NUM! 80th Percentile $66,304.59 $94,728.40 #NUM! The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 64 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Director of Finance Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $97,278.12 $130,245.26 Assistant Village Manager 40 hrs/wk Batavia $114,280.00 $157,572.00 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $106,184.00 $158,162.00 40 hrs/wk Geneva $85,500.06 $123,514.98 Finance Manager 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $112,694.40 $138,112.00 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $102,864.00 $142,050.00 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $107,585.00 $152,997.00 40 hrs/wk South Elgin $111,103.00 $155,544.00 Director of Administrative Services; includes HR/IT supv. Villa Park $117,592.00 37.5 hrs/wk West Chicago $112,057.00 $156,880.00 Director of Administrative Services; over HR, IT, GIS & Acct'ing Westmont $103,230.40 $149,697.60 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $89,440.00 $138,840.00 40+ McHenry $90,290.00 $131,512.00 $92,447.00 Average $103,837.82 $145,783.17 $117,592.00 40th Percentile $103,230.40 $142,050.00 $117,592.00 50th Percentile $106,184.00 $149,697.60 $117,592.00 60th Percentile $107,585.00 $152,997.00 $117,592.00 65th Percentile $109,344.00 $154,270.50 $117,592.00 75th Percentile $111,580.00 $156,212.00 $117,592.00 80th Percentile $112,057.00 $156,880.00 $117,592.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 65 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Director of Finance (Edited) Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $97,278.12 $130,245.26 Assistant Village Manager 40 hrs/wk Batavia $114,280.00 $157,572.00 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $106,184.00 $158,162.00 40 hrs/wk Geneva Finance Manager 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $112,694.40 $138,112.00 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $102,864.00 $142,050.00 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $107,585.00 $152,997.00 40 hrs/wk South Elgin $111,103.00 $155,544.00 Director of Administrative Services; includes HR/IT supv. Villa Park $117,592.00 37.5 hrs/wk West Chicago $112,057.00 $156,880.00 Director of Administrative Services; over HR, IT, GIS & Acct'ing Westmont $103,230.40 $149,697.60 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $89,440.00 $138,840.00 40+ McHenry $90,290.00 $131,512.00 $92,447.00 Average $105,671.59 $148,009.99 $117,592.00 40th Percentile $105,002.56 $146,638.56 $117,592.00 50th Percentile $106,884.50 $151,347.30 $117,592.00 60th Percentile $108,992.20 $154,015.80 $117,592.00 65th Percentile $110,575.30 $155,161.95 $117,592.00 75th Percentile $111,818.50 $156,546.00 $117,592.00 80th Percentile $112,184.48 $157,018.40 $117,592.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 66 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Accountant Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $61,487.11 $82,915.71 Senior Accountant 40 hrs/wk Batavia N/A Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $59,003.00 $87,985.00 40 hrs/wk Geneva $68,500.02 $99,320.00 Accounting Supervisor 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $58,094.40 $81,307.20 Accountant I 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $62,439.00 $86,167.00 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $63,522.00 $86,975.00 40 hrs/wk South Elgin $65,770.00 $88,428.00 40 hrs/wk Villa Park $62,883.00 37.5 hrs/wk West Chicago N/A Westmont $85,300.80 $119,454.40 Assistant Finance Director 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $50,918.00 $76,165.00 Senior Accountant 40+ McHenry $42,769.00 $58,562.00 vacant Average $63,892.70 $89,857.48 $62,883.00 40th Percentile $61,677.49 $86,328.60 $62,883.00 50th Percentile $62,439.00 $86,975.00 $62,883.00 60th Percentile $63,305.40 $87,783.00 $62,883.00 65th Percentile $63,971.60 $88,073.60 $62,883.00 75th Percentile $65,770.00 $88,428.00 $62,883.00 80th Percentile $66,862.01 $92,784.80 $62,883.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 67 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Accountant (Edited) Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $61,487.11 $82,915.71 Senior Accountant 40 hrs/wk Batavia N/A Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $59,003.00 $87,985.00 40 hrs/wk Geneva Accounting Supervisor 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $58,094.40 $81,307.20 Accountant I 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $62,439.00 $86,167.00 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $63,522.00 $86,975.00 40 hrs/wk South Elgin $65,770.00 $88,428.00 40 hrs/wk Villa Park $62,883.00 37.5 hrs/wk West Chicago N/A Westmont Assistant Finance Director 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $50,918.00 $76,165.00 Senior Accountant 40+ McHenry $42,769.00 $58,562.00 vacant Average $60,176.22 $84,277.56 $62,883.00 40th Percentile $59,996.64 $84,216.23 $62,883.00 50th Percentile $61,487.11 $86,167.00 $62,883.00 60th Percentile $62,058.24 $86,651.80 $62,883.00 65th Percentile $62,343.81 $86,894.20 $62,883.00 75th Percentile $62,980.50 $87,480.00 $62,883.00 80th Percentile $63,305.40 $87,783.00 $62,883.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 68 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Finance Specialist - Payroll Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $61,487.11 $82,915.71 Senior Accountant 40 hrs/wk Batavia $45,345.00 $62,523.00 Finance Assistant 30 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $44,995.00 $67,131.00 Payroll Clerk 40 hrs/wk Geneva N/A Glendale Heights $56,430.40 $78,977.60 Accountant II 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $47,184.00 $65,114.00 Administrative Assistant 40 hrs/wk Mundelein Payroll is performed by the Accountants N/A South Elgin $51,532.00 $69,285.00 Accounting Assistant (A/P and payroll) 40 hrs/wk Villa Park $56,595.00 Personnel Analyst 37.5 hrs/wk West Chicago $53,462.00 $74,847.00 Administrative Assistant; handles payroll & A/P but no audit Westmont $61,339.20 $94,432.00 Accountant 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $44,699.20 $69,368.00 Staff Accountant; scheduled for 37.5, paid for 40 McHenry $40,687.00 $56,779.00 $55,333.25 Average $51,830.43 $73,843.70 $56,595.00 40th Percentile $48,053.60 $69,301.60 $56,595.00 50th Percentile $51,532.00 $69,368.00 $56,595.00 60th Percentile $53,076.00 $73,751.20 $56,595.00 65th Percentile $54,055.68 $75,673.12 $56,595.00 75th Percentile $56,430.40 $78,977.60 $56,595.00 80th Percentile $58,393.92 $80,552.84 $56,595.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 69 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Finance Specialist - Accounts Payable Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $49,582.83 $64,843.67 Principal Assistant -- Finance 40 hrs/wk Batavia $45,345.00 $62,523.00 Finance Assistant 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $42,067.00 $62,763.00 Accounts Payable Clerk 40 hrs/wk Geneva $42,850.08 $62,174.94 Accounts Payable Specialist 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $42,889.60 $59,113.60 Accounting Tech 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $43,924.00 $60,657.00 Accounts Payable Clerk 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $50,195.00 $63,586.00 Account Clerk 40 hrs/wk South Elgin $51,532.00 $69,285.00 Accounting Assistant (A/P and payroll) 40 hrs/wk Villa Park Union; negotiated West Chicago $47,581.00 $66,613.00 Account Clerk 40 hrs/wk Westmont $49,691.20 $68,307.20 Accounting Specialist 40 hrs/wk Woodstock See Staff Accountant McHenry $40,687.00 $56,779.00 $40,687.00 Average $46,565.77 $63,986.64 #DIV/0! 40th Percentile $44,776.60 $62,667.00 #NUM! 50th Percentile $46,463.00 $63,174.50 #NUM! 60th Percentile $48,381.73 $64,089.07 #NUM! 65th Percentile $49,282.56 $64,655.02 #NUM! 75th Percentile $49,664.11 $66,170.67 #NUM! 80th Percentile $49,791.96j $66,951.84 #NUM! The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 70 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Finance Specialist - Utility Billing Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $49,582.83 $64,843.67 Utility Billing Coordinator 40 hrs/wk Batavia $43,392.00 $59,831.00 Customer Service Representative 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $44,995.00 $67,131.00 Utility Customer Service Representative 40 hrs/wk Geneva $42,850.08 $62,174.94 Utility Billing Specialist 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $45,531.20 $64,584.00 Utility Billing Supervisor 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $43,924.00 $60,657.00 Water Billing Clerk 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $50,195.00 $63,586.00 Account Clerk 40 hrs/wk South Elgin $46,741.00 $62,844.00 Utility Billing Clerk 40 hrs/wk Villa Park Union; negotiated West Chicago $90,034.00 $126,047.00 Asst. Dtr. Admin. Svcs.; not exact match but does some duties Westmont $49,691.20 $68,307.20 Utility Billing Clerk 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $44,699.20 $69,368.00 Utility Billing Coordinator McHenry $40,687.00 $56,779.00 $45,088.36 Average $50,148.68 $69,943.07 #DIV/0! 40th Percentile $44,995.00 $63,586.00 #NUM! 50th Percentile $45,531.20 $64,584.00 #NUM! 60th Percentile $46,741.00 $64,843.67 #NUM! 65th Percentile $48,161.92 $65,987.34 #NUM! 75th Percentile $49,637.02 $67,719.10 #NUM! 80th Percentile $49,691.20 $68,307.20 #NUM! The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 71 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Director of Human Resources Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $97,278.12 $130,245.26 40 hrs/wk Batavia $91,703.00 $126,443.00 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $102,097.00 $146,447.00 40 hrs/wk Geneva $79,074.94 $114,745.07 Human Resources Manager 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $75,608.00 $105,788.80 Human Resources Manager 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $69,733.00 $96,297.00 Human Resources Coordinator 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $96,367.00 $126,897.00 40 hrs/wk South Elgin N/A Villa Park $103,930.00 Manager, Human Resources (and Risk) 37.5 hrs/wk West Chicago $75,494.00 $105,832.00 HR Coordinator; HR is division under Admin. Svcs. Westmont $93,828.80 $136,052.80 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $89,440.00 $138,840.00 40+ McHenry $70,571.00 $98,695.00 $90,071.84 Average $87,062.39 $122,758.79 $103,930.00 40th Percentile $85,293.98 $121,763.83 $103,930.00 50th Percentile $90,571.50 $126,670.00 $103,930.00 60th Percentile $92,553.32 $128,236.30 $103,930.00 65th Percentile $93,509.93 $129,743.02 $103,930.00 75th Percentile $95,732.45 $134,600.92 $103,930.00 80th Percentile $96,549.22 $136,610.24 $103,930.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 72 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Director of Human Resources (Edited) Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $97,278.12 $130,245.26 40 hrs/wk Batavia $91,703.00 $126,443.00 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $102,097.00 $146,447.00 40 hrs/wk Geneva Human Resources Manager 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights Human Resources Manager 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills Human Resources Coordinator 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $96,367.00 $126,897.00 40 hrs/wk South Elgin N/A Villa Park $103,930.00 Manager, Human Resources (and Risk) 37.5 hrs/wk West Chicago HR Coordinator; HR is division under Admin. Svcs. Westmont $93,828.80 $136,052.80 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $89,440.00 $138,840.00 40+ McHenry $70,571.00 $98,695.00 $90,071.84 Average $95,118.99 $134,154.18 $103,930.00 40th Percentile $93,828.80 $130,245.26 $103,930.00 50th Percentile $95,097.90 $133,149.03 $103,930.00 60th Percentile $96,367.00 $136,052.80 $103,930.00 65th Percentile $96,594.78 $136,749.60 $103,930.00 75th Percentile $97,050.34 $138,143.20 $103,930.00 80th Percentile $97,278.12 $138,840.00 $103,930.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 73 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Park Superintendent Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $85,526.46 $115,975.51 General Services Supt.; oversees Streets, Parks & For, Int. Sv Batavia N/A Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake N/A Geneva No park district Glendale Heights $117,353.60 $138,112.00 Director of Parks, Recreation & Facilities 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $76,936.00 $106,246.00 Public Properties Supt.; is under Public Works Dept. Mundelein I N/A South Elgin $65,770.00 $88,428.00 Parks & Recreation Superintendent (reports to Dtr. P & R) Villa Park $114,176.00 Director of Parks and Recreation 40 hrs/wk West Chicago N/A Westmont N/A Woodstock $67,018.00 $104,104.00 Parks and Facilities Superintendent 40 hrs/wk McHenry $70,571.00 $98,695.00 $96,053.54 Average $82,520.81 $110,573.10 $114,176.00 40th Percentile $72,968.80 $105,389.20 $114,176.00 50th Percentile $76,936.00 $106,246.00 $114,176.00 60th Percentile $80,372.18 $110,137.80 $114,176.00 65th Percentile $82,090.28 $112,083.71 $114,176.00 75th Percentile $85,526.46 $115,975.51 $114,176.00 80th Percentile $91,891.89 $120,402.81 $114,176.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 74 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Park Superintendent (Edited) Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $85,526.46 $115,975.51 General Services Supt.; oversees Streets, Parks & For, Int. Batavia N/A Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake N/A Geneva No park district Glendale Heights Director of Parks, Recreation & Facilities 1 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $76,936.00 $106,246.00 Public Properties Supt.; is under Public Works Dept. Mundelein I N/A South Elgin $65,770.00 $88,428.00 Parks & Recreation Superintendent (reports to Dtr. P & R Villa Park $114,176.00 Director of Parks and Recreation 40 hrs/wk West Chicago N/A Westmont N/A Woodstock $67,018.00 $104,104.00 Parks and Facilities Superintendent 40 hrs/wk McHenry $70,571.00 $98,695.00 $96,053.54 Average $73,812.62 $103,688.38 $114,176.00 40th Percentile $69,001.60 $104,532.40 $114,176.00 50th Percentile $71,977.00 $105,175.00 $114,176.00 60th Percentile $74,952.40 $105,817.60 $114,176.00 65th Percentile $76,440.10 $106,138.90 $114,176.00 75th Percentile $79,083.62 $108,678.38 $114,176.00 80th Percentile $80,372.18 $110,137.80 $114,176.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 75 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Assistant Parks Superintendent Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $74,145.47 $96,211.37 Parks & Forestry Supervisor 40 hrs/wk Batavia N/A Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake N/A Geneva N/A Glendale Heights $88,774.40 $124,280.00 Deputy Director of Parks, Rec & Facilities Lake in the Hills N/A Mundelein N/A South Elgin N/A Villa Park N/A West Chicago N/A Westmont N/A Woodstock $56,284.80 $74,193.60 Parks & Facilities Foreman; union w. 10 step wage scale McHenry $56,785.00 $88,177.00 $69,296.27 Average $73,068.22 $98,228.32 #DIV/0! 40th Percentile $70,573.34 $91,807.82 #NUM! 50th Percentile $74,145.47 $96,211.37 #NUM! 60th Percentile $77,071.26 $101,825.10 #NUM! 65th Percentile $78,534.15 $104,631.96 #NUM! 75th Percentile $81,459.94 $110,245.69 #NUM! 80th Percentile $82,922.83 $113,052.55 #NUM! The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 76 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Assistant Parks Superintendent (Edited) Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $74,145.47 $96,211.37 Parks & Forestry Supervisor 40 hrs/wk Batavia N/A Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake N/A Geneva N/A Glendale Heights $88,774.40 $124,280.00 Deputy Director of Parks, Rec & Facilities Lake in the Hills N/A Mundelein N/A South Elgin N/A Villa Park N/A West Chicago N/A Westmont N/A Woodstock $56,284.80 $74,193.60 Parks & Facilities Foreman; union w. 10 step wage scale McHenry $56,785.00 $88,177.00 $69,296.27 Average $73,068.22 $98,228.32 #DIV/0! 40th Percentile $70,573.34 $91,807.82 #NUM! 50th Percentile $74,145.47 $96,211.37 #NUM! 60th Percentile $77,071.26 $101,825.10 #NUM! 65th Percentile $78,534.15 $104,631.96 #NUM! 75th Percentile $81,459.94 $110,245.69 #NUM! 80th Percentile $82,922.83 $113,052.55 #NUM! The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 77 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Recreation Superintendent Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $61,487.11 $82,915.71 40 hrs/wk Batavia N/A Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake N/A Geneva N/A Glendale Heights $55,806.40 $78,208.00 Recreation Division Manager 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $62,439.00 $86,167.00 Superintendent of Recreation 40 hrs/wk Mundelein N/A South Elgin N/A Villa Park $65,424.00 37.5 hrs/wk West Chicago N/A Westmont N/A Woodstock $74,506.00 $115,710.00 Recreation Director 40 hrs/wk McHenry $56,785.00 $88,177.00 vacant Average $63,559.63 $90,750.18 $65,424.00 40th Percentile $61,677.49 $83,565.97 $65,424.00 50th Percentile $61,963.06 $84,541.36 $65,424.00 60th Percentile $62,248.62 $85,516.74 $65,424.00 65th Percentile $62,391.41 $86,004.44 $65,424.00 75th Percentile $65,455.75 $93,552.75 $65,424.00 80th Percentile $67,265.80 $97,984.20 $65,424.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 78 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Recreation Superintendent (Edited) Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $61,487.11 $82,915.71 40 hrs/wk Batavia N/A Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake N/A Geneva N/A Glendale Heights $55,806.40 $78,208.00 Recreation Division Manager 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $62,439.00 $86,167.00 Superintendent of Recreation 40 hrs/wk Mundelein N/A South Elgin N/A Villa Park $65,424.00 37.5 hrs/wk West Chicago N/A Westmont N/A Woodstock Recreation Director 40 hrs/wk McHenry $56,785.00 $88,177.00 vacant Average $59,910.84 $82,430.24 $65,424.00 40th Percentile $60,350.97 $81,974.17 $65,424.00 50th Percentile $61,487.11 $82,915.71 $65,424.00 60th Percentile $61,677.49 $83,565.97 $65,424.00 65th Percentile $61,772.68 $83,891.10 $65,424.00 75th Percentile $61,963.06 $84,541.36 $65,424.00 80th Percentile $62,058.24 $84,866.48 $65,424.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 79 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Recreation Center Coordinator Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin N/A Batavia N/A Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake N/A Geneva N/A Glendale Heights $49,337.60 $64,792.00 Recreation Supervisor 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills Mundelein N/A South Elgin N/A Villa Park N/A West Chicago N/A Westmont N/A Woodstock $50,918.00 $79,165.00 Recreation Center Manager 40 hrs/wk McHenry Position not in Compensation Plan Average $50,127.80 $71,978.50 #DIV/0! 40th Percentile $49,969.76 $70,541.20 #NUM! 50th Percentile $50,127.80 $71,978.50 #NUM! 60th Percentile $50,285.84 $73,415.80 #NUM! 65th Percentile $50,364.86 $74,134.45 #NUM! 75th Percentile $50,522.90 $75,571.75 #NUM! 80th Percentile $50,601.92 $76,290.40 #NUM! The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 80 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Athletics & Aquatics Supervisor Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $34,944.00 Pool Manager Hours vary Batavia N/A Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake N/A Geneva N/A Glendale Heights $49,337.60 $64,792.00 Recreation Supervisor 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills N/A Mundelein N/A South Elgin N/A Villa Park N/A West Chicago N/A Westmont N/A Woodstock $50,918.00 $79,165.00 Recreation Program Coord. (3 incumbents) 40 hrs/wk McHenry $50,028.00 $72,406.00 $52,997.29 Average $50,127.80 $71,978.50 $34,944.00 40th Percentile $49,969.76 $70,541.20 $34,944.00 50th Percentile $50,127.80 $71,978.50 $34,944.00 60th Percentile $50,285.84 $73,415.80 $34,944.00 65th Percentile $50,364.86 $74,134.45 $34,944.00 75th Percentile $50,522.90 $75,571.75 $34,944.00 80th Percentile $50,601.92 $76,290.40 $34,944.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 81 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Recreation Supervisor Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $31,200.00 $35,360.00 Hours vary Batavia N/A Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake N/A Geneva N/A Glendale Heights $49,337.60 $64,792.00 Recreation Supervisor 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $48,925.00 $67,563.00 40 hrs/wk Mundelein N/A South Elgin $49,078.00 $68,986.00 Works under Parks & Recreation Director 40 hrs/wk Villa Park $48,544.00 $49,068.00 Recreation Supervisor I and II 37.5 hrs/wk West Chicago N/A Westmont N/A Woodstock $50,918.00 $79,165.00 Recreation Program Coord. (3 incumbents) 40 hrs/wk McHenry $50,028.00 $72,406.00 $75,527.53 Average $46,333.77 $60,822.33 #DIV/0! 40th Percentile $48,925.00 $64,792.00 #NUM! 50th Percentile $49,001.50 $66,177.50 #NUM! 60th Percentile $49,078.00 $67,563.00 #NUM! 65th Percentile $49,142.90 $67,918.75 #NUM! 75th Percentile $49,272.70 $68,630.25 #NUM! 80th Percentile $49,337.60 $68,986.00 #NUM! The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 82 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Police Chief Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $111,759.22 $152,820.62 40 hrs/wk Batavia $109,359.00 $150,787.00 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $110,423.00 $164,501.00 40 hrs/wk Geneva $100,360.00 $145,675.09 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $132,683.20 $151,923.20 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $102,864.00 $142,050.00 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $113,561.00 $161,496.00 40 hrs/wk South Elgin $122,491.00 $171,487.00 40 hrs/wk Villa Park $124,745.00 40 hrs/wk West Chicago $112,057.00 $156,880.00 40 hrs/wk Westmont $103,230.40 $149,697.60 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $89,440.00 $138,840.00 40+ McHenry $98,821.00 $133,626.00 $128,055.00 Average $109,838.89 $153,287.05 $124,745.00 40th Percentile $109,359.00 $150,787.00 $124,745.00 50th Percentile $110,423.00 $151,923.20 $124,745.00 60th Percentile $111,759.22 $152,820.62 $124,745.00 65th Percentile $111,908.11 $154,850.31 $124,745.00 75th Percentile $112,809.00 $159,188.00 $124,745.00 80th Percentile $113,561.00 $161,496.00 $124,745.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 83 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Deputy Chief Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $97,278.12 $130,245.26 40 hrs/wk Batavia $100,143.00 $138,080.00 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $98,164.00 $142,975.00 40 hrs/wk Geneva N/A Glendale Heights $125,632.00 $132,683.20 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $90,479.00 $124,945.00 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $127,935.00 $138,374.00 40 hrs/wk South Elgin $100,773.00 $141,803.00 40 hrs/wk Villa Park $113,882.00 40 hrs/wk West Chicago N/A Westmont $93,828.80 $136,052.80 N/A Woodstock $74,506.00 $115,710.00 2 Deputy Chiefs 40+ McHenry $82,284.00 $120,131.00 $115,478.44 Average $100,970.99 $133,429.81 $113,882.00 40th Percentile $97,455.30 $133,357.12 $113,882.00 50th Percentile $98,164.00 $136,052.80 $113,882.00 60th Percentile $99,747.20 $137,674.56 $113,882.00 65th Percentile $100,269.00 $138,138.80 $113,882.00 75th Percentile $100,773.00 $138,374.00 $113,882.00 80th Percentile $110,716.60 $139,745.60 $113,882.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 84 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Commander Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin N/A Batavia N/A Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $90,756.00 $125,324.00 40 hrs/wk Geneva $87,264.94 $126,629.98 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $117,332.80 $123,156.80 Currently unfilled Lake in the Hills N/A Mundelein $115,285.00 $124,692.00 40 hrs/wk South Elgin N/A Villa Park N/A West Chicago $90,034.00 $126,047.00 40 hrs/wk Westmont N/A Woodstock N/A McHenry $77,801.00 $107,366.00 $110,411.77 Average $100,134.55 $125,169.96 #DIV/0! 40th Percentile $90,467.20 $125,071.20 #NUM! 50th Percentile $90,756.00 $125,324.00 #NUM! 60th Percentile $100,567.60 $125,613.20 #NUM! 65th Percentile $105,473.40 $125,757.80 #NUM! 75th Percentile $115,285.00 $126,047.00 #NUM! 80th Percentile $115,694.56 $126,163.60 #NUM! The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 85 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Sergeant Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $85,526.46 $115,975.51 40 hrs/wk Batavia $105,896.00 $117,866.00 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $98,836.00 $109,341.00 40 hrs/wk Geneva $86,570.02 $106,879.97 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $98,675.20 $115,606.40 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $76,936.00 $106,246.00 Patrol Sergeant 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $100,219.00 $112,733.00 40 hrs/wk South Elgin $88,138.00 $118,501.00 40 hrs/wk Villa Park $91,558.00 $105,607.00 West Chicago $80,130.00 $112,181.00 40 hrs/wk Westmont $85,300.80 $119,454.40 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $67,017.60 $104,104.00 City's Sergeants are not in the union 40 hrs/wk McHenry $70,571.00 $98,695.00 $101,509.99 Average $88,733.59 $112,041.27 #DIV/0! 40th Percentile $85,943.88 $110,477.00 #NUM! 50th Percentile $87,354.01 $112,457.00 #NUM! 60th Percentile $90,190.00 $114,457.04 #NUM! 65th Percentile $92,625.58 $115,661.77 #NUM! 75th Percentile $98,715.40 $116,448.13 #NUM! 80th Percentile $98,803.84 $117,487.90 #NUM! The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 86 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Emergency Communications Center Supervisor Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin N/A Batavia N/A Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake N/A Geneva N/A Glendale Heights N/A Lake in the Hills N/A Mundelein $81,297.00 $105,409.00 Communication Coordinator 40 hrs/wk South Elgin N/A Villa Park N/A West Chicago N/A Westmont N/A Woodstock N/A McHenry $70,571.00 $98,695.00 $77,325.00 Average $81,297.00 $105,409.00 #DIV/0! 40th Percentile $81,297.00 $105,409.00 #NUM! 50th Percentile $81,297.00 $105,409.00 #NUM! 60th Percentile $81,297.00 $105,409.00 #NUM! 65th Percentile $81,297.00 $105,409.00 #NUM! 75th Percentile $81,297.00 $105,409.00 #NUM! 80th Percentile $81,297.00 $105,409.00 #NUM! The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 87 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Director of Public Works Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $111,759.22 $152,820.62 40 hrs/wk Batavia $114,280.00 $157,572.00 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $110,423.00 $164,501.00 40 hrs/wk Geneva $100,360.00 $145,675.09 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $125,621.60 $142,729.60 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $102,864.00 $142,050.00 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $111,725.00 $158,884.00 Director of Public Works & Engineering 40 hrs/wk South Elgin $116,658.00 $163,321.00 40 hrs/wk Villa Park $130,535.00 40 hrs/wk West Chicago $112,057.00 $156,880.00 40 hrs/wk Westmont $103,230.40 $149,697.60 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $89,440.00 $138,840.00 40+ McHenry $90,290.00 $131,512.00 $113,365.00 Average $108,947.11 $152,088.26 $130,535.00 40th Percentile $110,423.00 $149,697.60 $130,535.00 50th Percentile $111,725.00 $152,820.62 $130,535.00 60th Percentile $111,759.22 $156,880.00 $130,535.00 65th Percentile $111,908.11 $157,226.00 $130,535.00 75th Percentile $113,168.50 $158,228.00 $130,535.00 80th Percentile $114,280.00 $158,884.00 $130,535.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 88 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Project Engineer Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $79,312.24 $105,454.72 Project Manager 40 hrs/wk Batavia $67,386.00 $92,915.00 Civil Engineer 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $80,703.00 $111,907.00 Civil Engineer 40 hrs/wk Geneva $68,500.02 $99,320.00 Civil Engineer 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $89,128.00 $105,809.60 Assistant Village Engineer 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills N/A Mundelein $96,635.00 $127,425.00 Village Engineer 40 hrs/wk South Elgin N/A Villa Park $97,600.00 Assistant Village Engineer 40 hrs/wk West Chicago N/A Westmont $85,300.80 $119,454.40 Asst. Public Works Director/Village Engineer 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $67,018.00 $104,104.00 City Engineer 40 hrs/wk McHenry $70,571.00 $98,695.00 $87,422.50 Average $79,247.88 $108,298.72 $97,600.00 40th Percentile $77,149.80 $105,184.58 $97,600.00 50th Percentile $80,007.62 $105,632.16 $97,600.00 60th Percentile $81,622.56 $107,029.08 $97,600.00 65th Percentile $83,231.79 $109,163.17 $97,600.00 75th Percentile $86,257.60 $113,793.85 $97,600.00 80th Percentile $87,597.12 $116,435.44 $97,600.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 89 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Project Engineer (Edited) Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $79,312.24 $105,454.72 Project Manager 40 hrs/wk Batavia $67,386.00 $92,915.00 Civil Engineer 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $80,703.00 $111,907.00 Civil Engineer 40 hrs/wk Geneva $68,500.02 $99,320.00 Civil Engineer 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights Assistant Village Engineer 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills N/A Mundelein Village Engineer 40 hrs/wk South Elgin N/A Villa Park $97,600.00 Assistant Village Engineer 40 hrs/wk West Chicago N/A Westmont Asst. Public Works Director/Village Enginee 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $67,018.00 $104,104.00 City Engineer 40 hrs/wk McHenry $70,571.00 $98,695.00 $87,422.50 Average $72,583.85 $102,740.14 $97,600.00 40th Percentile $68,054.41 $102,190.40 $97,600.00 50th Percentile $68,500.02 $104,104.00 $97,600.00 60th Percentile $72,824.91 $104,644.29 $97,600.00 65th Percentile $74,987.35 $104,914.43 $97,600.00 75th Percentile $79,312.24 $105,454.72 $97,600.00 80th Percentile $79,590.39 $106,745.18 $97,600.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 90 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Superintendent (Streets, Water, Wastewater, Utility) Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $85,526.46 $115,975.51 General Services and Utility Supts. 40 hrs/wk Batavia $87,754.00 $120,998.00 Street & Water/Sewer Supts. Also WW Supt:83977/115789 Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $87,281.00 $121,046.00 Public Works Superintendent 40 hrs/wk Geneva $79,074.94 $114,745.07 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $89,128.00 $105,809.60 Public Works Division Manager 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $76,936.00 $106,246.00 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $90,960.00 $118,211.00 40 hrs/wk South Elgin $83,941.00 $112,858.00 40 hrs/wk Villa Park $113,882.00 Deputy Director of Public Works 40 hrs/wk West Chicago $84,937.00 $118,912.00 Public Works Superintendents 40 hrs/wk Westmont $74,193.60 $103,875.20 Public Works Supervisor 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $67,018.00 $104,104.00 Water & WW Supts. Also Streets & Sewer/Water Supts. at 62088/9640! McHenry $70,571.00 $98,695.00 $93,289.50 Average of 4 incumbents. Low: 89442/High: 95821 Average $82,431.82 $112,980.03 $113,882.00 40th Percentile $83,941.00 $112,858.00 $113,882.00 50th Percentile $84,937.00 $114,745.07 $113,882.00 60th Percentile $85,526.46 $115,975.51 $113,882.00 65th Percentile $86,403.73 $117,093.26 $113,882.00 75th Percentile $87,517.50 $118,561.50 $113,882.00 80th Percentile $87,754.00 $118,912.00 $113,882.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 91 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Assistant Wastewater Superintendent Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $79,312.24 $105,454.72 Chief Wastewater Operator 40 hrs/wk Batavia N/A Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake N/A Geneva $68,350.05 $98,704.94 Wastewater Treatment Supervisor 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $57,595.20 $74,963.20 Lead Maintenance Worker WPCF 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills N/A Mundelein $78,616.00 $103,924.00 40 hrs/wk South Elgin N/A Villa Park N/A --Foreman; union West Chicago N/A Westmont N/A Woodstock N/A McHenry $56,785.00 $88,177.00 Average $70,968.37 $95,761.72 #DIV/0! 40th Percentile $70,403.24 $99,748.76 #NUM! 50th Percentile $73,483.02 $101,314.47 #NUM! 60th Percentile $76,562.81 $102,880.19 #NUM! 65th Percentile $78,102.70 $103,663.05 #NUM! 75th Percentile $78,790.06 $104,306.68 #NUM! 80th Percentile $78,894.50 $104,536.29 #NUM! The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 92 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Crew Leader (Streets or Forestry) Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $74,145.47 $96,211.37 Streets Supervisor; Parks & Forestry Supervisor 40 hrs/wk Batavia $68,681.00 $85,085.00 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $74,606.00 $103,485.00 Public Works Supervisor 40 hrs/wk Geneva $64,950.08 $94,250.00 Street Maintenance Supervisor 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $76,044.80 $96,616.00 Lead Foreman Streets Lake in the Hills $56,201.00 $72,945.00 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $60,815.00 $83,230.00 40 hrs/wk South Elgin $79,943.00 $107,484.00 Asst. Supt. (Streets) Villa Park Union; negotiated West Chicago $58,112.00 $78,097.00 Westmont $61,339.20 $85,841.60 Public Works Foreman 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $47,528.00 $62,628.80 McHenry $56,785.00 $88,177.00 $77,762.67 Average of 3 incumbents; low: $65189/high:84152 Average $65,669.60 $87,806.71 #DIV/0! 40th Percentile $61,339.20 $85,085.00 #NUM! 50th Percentile $64,950.08 $85,841.60 #NUM! 60th Percentile $68,681.00 $94,250.00 #NUM! 65th Percentile $71,413.24 $95,230.69 #NUM! 75th Percentile $74,375.74 $96,413.69 #NUM! 80th Percentile $74,606.00 $96,616.00 #NUM! The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 93 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Crew Leader (Streets or Forestry) (Edited) Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin Streets Supervisor; Parks & Forestry Supervisor 40 hrs/wk Batavia $68,681.00 $85,085.00 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake Public Works Supervisor 40 hrs/wk Geneva Street Maintenance Supervisor 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $76,044.80 $96,616.00 Lead Foreman Streets Lake in the Hills $56,201.00 $72,945.00 40 hrs/wk Mundelein $60,815.00 $83,230.00 40 hrs/wk South Elgin Asst. Supt. (Streets) Villa Park Union; negotiated West Chicago $58,112.00 $78,097.00 Westmont $61,339.20 $85,841.60 Public Works Foreman 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $47,528.00 $62,628.80 McHenry $56,785.00 $88,177.00 $77,762.67 Average of 3 incumbents; low: $65189/high:84152 Average $61,245.86 $80,634.77 #DIV/0! 40th Percentile $59,193.20 $80,150.20 #NUM! 50th Percentile $60,815.00 $83,230.00 #NUM! 60th Percentile $61,129.52 $84,343.00 #NUM! 65th Percentile $61,286.78 $84,899.50 #NUM! 75th Percentile $65,010.10 $85,463.30 #NUM! 80th Percentile $67,212.64 $85,690.28 #NUM! The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 94 CITY OF MCHENRY, IL DETAILED SALARY DATA Adminstrative Assistant Comparable Community Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Actual Salary Title (If Different) Comment Algonquin $46,752.04 $61,157.46 Principal Secretary 40 hrs/wk Batavia $47,385.00 $65,337.00 40 hrs/wk Bensenville N/R Bloomingdale N/R Bridgeview N/R Crystal Lake $44,995.00 $67,131.00 40 hrs/wk Geneva $42,850.08 $62,174.94 40 hrs/wk Glendale Heights $49,046.40 $67,683.20 Administrative Secretary 40 hrs/wk Lake in the Hills $43,924.00 $60,657.00 Secretary; some depts. have both Sec'y & Admin. Asst. Mundelein $53,983.00 $67,486.00 40 hrs/wk South Elgin $40,377.00 $54,287.00 Administrative Assistant 1 40 hrs/wk Villa Park $43,955.00 West Chicago $53,462.00 $74,847.00 Executive Secretary 40 hrs/wk Westmont $49,691.20 $68,307.20 Administrative Assistant III 40 hrs/wk Woodstock $44,699.20 $69,368.00 Office Manager; scheduled for 37.5, paid for 40 McHenry $34,212.00 $50,786.00 $48,228.17 Average of 6 incumbents. Low: 40993/High: 53465 Average $47,014.99 $65,312.35 $43,955.00 40th Percentile $44,995.00 $65,337.00 $43,955.00 50th Percentile $46,752.04 $67,131.00 $43,955.00 60th Percentile $47,385.00 $67,486.00 $43,955.00 65th Percentile $48,215.70 $67,584.60 $43,955.00 75th Percentile $49,368.80 $67,995.20 $43,955.00 80th Percentile $49,691.20 $68,307.20 $43,955.00 The City of McHenry, Illinois GovHR USA, LLC 95