HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 09/14/2015 - City CouncilREGULAR MEETING September 14, 2015 Mayor Low called the regularly scheduled September 14, 2015 meeting of the McHenry City Council to order at 7:00 PM in the McHenry City Council Chambers, 333 S Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 with the following Aldermen in attendance: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Peterson and Condon. Absent: None. Also in attendance were City Administrator Morefield, Director of Economic Development Martin, Director of Finance Lynch, Director of Public Works Schmitt, Chief of Police Jones, City Attorney McArdle, Superintendent of Wastewater Ruzicka, Superintendent of Water Division Palmer and City Clerk Jones. CITY OF MCHENRY MISSION STATEMENT Mayor Low read aloud the Mission Statement of the City of McHenry. PRESENTATION: PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING MARYA DI)(ON. MCHENRY LANDMARK COMMISSION Mayor Low read aloud a Proclamation recognizing the accomplishments to the Landmark Commission of Marya Dixon and proclaiming Sunday, September 20, 2015, at Marya Dixon Day. Landmark Commission Chairman Pat Wirtz accepted the plaque on behalf of Ms. Dixon. PROCLAMATION IN SUPPORT OF NATIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT APPRECIATION DAY. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 19. 2015 Mayor Low read aloud a Proclamation proclaiming Saturday, September 19, 2015, as National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day in the City of McHenry, and urged all citizens to show their support of law enforcement throughout the month of September by participating in the "Blue Ribbon Campaign." Mayor Low thanked the members of the McHenry Police Department for their service each day to our community and presented the Proclamation to Chief of Police John Jones. PROCLAMATION IN SUPPORT OF NATIONAL MANUFACTURING DAY. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 2. 2015 Mayor Low read aloud a Proclamation designating October 2, 2015 as National Manufacturing Day in the City of McHenry. PRESENTATION BY THE MCHENRY AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mike Mrachek of the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce provided the Council with an outline of the 2015 Fiesta Days event. Mr. Mrachek thanked the City of McHenry and members of the Police Department for their assistance with event. LeeAnn Atwood provided Council with information regarding the success of the River Road Rally and the Craft Show. Ms. Atwood also provided Council with an outline of future events on the calendar sponsored by the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce. Regular Meeting Page 2 September 14, 2015 Mayor Low thanked Mr. Mrachek and Ms. Atwood for their presentation to Council and expressed appreciation to the members of the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce for their continued mutual participation in community events with the City of McHenry. PUBLIC INPUT SESSION Mr. Tony Pintozzi, 3510 Larkin Lane, McHenry, stated he is aware of sprinkler systems that have after-meters installed on them, which goes on, but does not use the sewer system; the water goes back into the sprinkler system. He also opined it is unfair for individuals not utilizing the sewer system to have to pay the increase. Mr. Pintozzi also suggested that proceeds from the sale of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant property, be utilized to pay down the loan, decreasing the burden to the property owners. Mr. Bill Enberg, 712 Kresswood Drive, McHenry, stated he is retired and finds the 56% increase to be excessive adding the increase amount needs to be reduced. Mr. Alan Kay, 710 Kresswood Drive, McHenry, asked why when the City has been aware of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant decommissioning for a long time, the rates were not increased over an extended period of time rather than taxpayers being hit with a large rate increase all at one time. Ms. Liz Kinney, 6504 Waterford, McHenry, expressed concern regarding the types of businesses that appear to be opening in the City of McHenry and asked the Council to consider opening more family appropriate businesses in McHenry. Ms. Molly Plautz, 2616 Arbor Drive, McHenry, expressed concern that a gun shop and shooting range was opening in such close proximity to Landmark School. Mr. Michael Hassinger, 6007 Homestead, McHenry, informed Council that he has a son in the first grade in the City of McHenry and he is disappointment that a gun range was permitted so close to a grammar school. Mr. Carl Hurtig, 5411 Chasefield, McHenry, stated the situation with the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant is shameful. The increase in the bill is excessive and a hardship for people on a fixed income. Mr. Hurtig inquired about who designed the new invoice and why the rate and usage amounts are no longer indicated on the bill? Mr. Mike Harding, 6809 Galway, McHenry, stated that having a gun range in such close proximity to Landmark School is not a good idea and added it js unfortunate McHenry is not attracting more sustainable businesses. Mr. Mike Thielsen, 4707 Overland Trail, McHenry, addressed Council. Mr. Thielsen expressed concerns about the Second Amendment Gunshop opehing close to Landmark School. Mr. Thielsen stated that he has children that attend Landmark School. He opined that a Regular Meeting Page3 September 14, 2015 gunshop should not have been permitted at that location. Also, |\|lr. Thielsen opined that there is an overabundance of tattoo parlors in the City of McHenry. InputResponding to the individuals speaking at Public Amendment Gunshop, City Attorney McArdle stated that the o\Wner satisfied all requirements to open the business including a publ| and Zoning Commission. At this point the City of McHenry is un^iple process. CONSENT AGENDA A. Mayor's authorization to execute the renewal of Intergovernmental Agreement for Dispatch Services with the Village regarding the Second of the business has done hearing before the Planning to do anything to halt the of Johnsburg, Village of McCullom Lake, McHenry Township Fire Protection District, Union Fire Protection District, B. Marengo Fire Protection District, and Marengo Rescue Squad; Ordinance authorizing the City of McHenry to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement for police services pertaining to the formation of a multi-jurisdictional accident investigation lleam with the Village of Spring Grove, Village of Johnsburg and City of Woodstock; C. Ordinance changing the address of the South Wastewater Treatment Plant (2|; Facility (400 S. McHenry Avenue) to 3200 W. Charles Miller Road, McHenry, I D. E. F. G. H. I. Request to advertise for bids for installation of holiday lighting in Veterans M^ Tiorial Park; Ordinance amending Municipal Code Chapter 4, Sec. 4-6(6), reducing the nufr 2 S. McHenry Avenue) and Salt Storage 60050; ber of Class Gl liquor licenses in effect from nine (9) to eight(8); Resolution establishing Nationwide as a 457 Plan Advisor Special Event Liquor License for Church of the Holy Apostles, for October 17, ?pl5 from 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm; Special Use/Park Picnic Permits; and Approval of List of Bills, in the amount of $887,870.43. Alderman Peterson requested that Item D on the Consent Agenda be voted on as a separate item. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Peterson, Depiji stated there have been no extenuating circumstances therefore being bid on as it has been in the past. Alderman Peterson opined be appreciated if they were more widespread throughout the concentrated in Veterans Memorial Park. Alderman Condon broken into separate components in the future. ty City Administrator Hobson the holiday lighting project is that the decorations would City of McHenry, rather than ggested the package could be Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Condon, to apprqye the Consent Agenda, as amended, with Item D being voted on separately. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Motion carried. Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peteif: None. None. on, Condon. Motion by Santi, seconded by Schaefer, approving the ret uest to advertise for bids for installation of holiday lighting in Veterans Memorial Park. Regular Meeting Page 4 September 14, 2015 Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Motion carried. Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Condqp Peterson. None. MOTION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING VARI iNCES FORM ARTICLE IV (RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS). TABLE 4 (RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS) FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 807 OAKWOOD DRIVE. AND AN ORDINANCE AUTHROZING THE MAYOR'S EXECUTION OF A REVOCABLE DRIVEWAY LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MCHENRY AND JEFFREY JENSEN City Administrator Morefield informed Council that the front; 5-foot corner side and 16-foot rear yard setback variances f allow a home addition and expansion to an existing attached gara§ is seeking to relocate his driveway from Oakwood Drive to the un north due to prevalent drainage issues. Oakwood Drive, a Applicant is seeking 30-foot om the Zoning Ordinance to fe. Additionally, the applicant mproved right-of-way to the the subject property, is approximately 780' in elevation and the property slopes to the west toward Boone Creek. At the rear of the applicant's property the elevation is 774'; whereas of Oakwood Drive has a driveway elevation of 790'. Staff has prepared a Revocable License Agreement to fac private driveway on public property. City Administrator Mor agreement was approved approximately one year ago for Lakewood Avenue. Applicants live adjacent to an unimproved City right-of-wa 30-foot setbacks were established along the front and corner side adjacent to Oakwood Drive. By zoning definition, the applican northern property line adjacent to the unimproved City right-of-wny along Oakwood Drive. Staff believes the proposed home and garage additions impact neighboring properties. The Planning and Zoning recommended approval (7-0) of variances from Article IV. R Residential District Requirements, to allow a 30-foot reduction building setback; 5-foot reduction in the required corner s requirement and a 16-foot reduction in the required rear yard expansion of an existing home, including a 30' x 30' attached garag with the site plan submitted as part of the Public Hearing applic conditions: • A formal wetland delineation be completed and further soil necessary, prior to the issuance of a building permit; • Wetland and soil analyses should also include the adjacen driveway relocation is proposed; ie property on the east side litate the construction of a field noted that a similar property located at 1711 . When the lot was platted, yards to the north and east t's front yard is along the and the corner side yard is will not detract or adversely Commission unanimously iidential Districts, Table 4: in the required front yard de yard building setback building setback to allow the in substantial conformance tion and with the following analyses if determined to be City right-of-way where the Regular Meeting PageS September 14, 2015 • Applicant shall fully remove and restore existing drivewa constructed to the north, including curb and/or sidewalk the City right-of-way on Oakwood Drive, as well as any sidewalk and curb, and restoration along Oakwood Drivi of a new driveway to the north. Alderman Glab suggested that at some point in the futun the right-of-way. Motion by Wimmer, second by Curry, approving the Ordinan Article IV (Resident Districts), Table 4 (Resident District Require at 807 Oakwood Drive, and an Ordinance authorizing the Ma Driveway License Agreement between the City of McHenry an variances, with the conditions recommended by the Planning nd Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Motion carried. ami Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Pete None. None. ;e authorizing variances from ents) for the property located rpr's execution of a Revocable cj Jeffrey Jensen, including the 1 Zoning Commission. MOTION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE WAIVING SECTIONS 4.3 (A if and when a new driveway is eplacement and restoration in repair and/or replacement of resulting from the installation Staff should look into vacating son, Condon. AND (B) OF THE SUBDIVISION CONTROL ORDINANCE PERMITTING SIMULTANEOUS APPROW OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF SUBDIVISION FOR THE FIRST AMENDED PLAT TO PARK MEW PLAZA AND APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF SUBDIVISION FIRST AMENDED PLAT TO PAR : VIEW PLAZA City Administrator Morefield reiterated to Council that granting a Zoning Map Amendment to C-5 Highway Commer Permit to allow a drive-thru banking facility and a variance to t spaces for the McHenry Savings Bank (Lot 17) was approved. S Park View Plaza Subdivision was approved by Council on May 30 n April 4, 2001, an Ordinance al District, a Conditional Use e required number of parking jbsequently, the Final Plat for 2001. The Park View Plaza Subdivision encompasses approxi includes the McHenry Savings Bank; McDonald's; and Park View rjnately 14-acres and currently laza Retail Center. When the Plat was approved in 2001, the Plat included some r the land included on the Plat. The applicant is requesting an arm approved in 2001 to remove Restriction No. 2 to permit a righ | Illinois Route 31 between Lots 17-19. ptrictions that encumbered on ndment to the Subdivision Plat -in/right-out access only from Staff has been working with the applicant to facilitat in/right-out ingress and egress immediately north of McHeijily aforementioned restrictions the only way to do this is to amen|d remove the restriction, which requires approval by all current p the subdivision. Currently there are four: McHenry Savings Bank the construction of a right- Savings Bank. Due to the the approved Final Plat and operty and lien holders within MEI Properties (developer and Regular Meeting Page 6 September 14, 2015 owner/manager of Parkview Plaza Retail Center); Lien holder fo and McDonald's Corporation. Additionally, since the right-in/right-out will be constn. Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has to approve the plans for a right turn deceleration lane, as well as the prop McHenry County Highway Division would need to sign-ofl improvement. The Final Plat of Subdivision First Amended Plat to Park V changed from the original Park View Plaza Final Plat, with the exc • All four owners and lien holders have been adde< respectively, and will need to sign and approve th recorded; • All the notes and restrictions previously listed recommending only the following restriction be Lots 17-36 to Illinois Route 31 will be permitted." and restrictions listed on the Original Plat of included on the Amended Plat; • The right-of-way for the proposed deceleration depicted but needs to state "hereby dedicated;" a • The McHenry Plan Commission Certificate on p needs to be amended to state the City of IV Commission. Staff supports the proposed removal of the aforementio in/right-out, in conjunction with a deceleration lane, immediate! Bank. City Administrator Morefield noted that the engineer! proposed roadway improvement are currently being reviewed Division and IDOT. The Planning and Zoning Commission unanirr (7-0) of the Final Plat of Subdivision First Amended Plat to P provisions (A and B) required for simultaneous approval of a pre following conditions: • Applicant complies with any comments by the City Amended Plat of Subdivision; • No additional access points to/from Illinois Rout Park Place, other than the proposed right-in/rigftt McHenry Savings Bank, be permitted; • Plat is recorded within six months of City Council a • Any existing private covenants and/or agreements agreed to by the applicant and other property an recorded remain in place unless they impact the out and accompanying deceleration lane north of Illinois Route 31. Parkview Plaza Retail Center; :ted along a state route, the Amended Plat, as well as the sed ingress/egress. Also, the on the proposed roadway 2W Plaza has not substantively ;ption of the following: as owners and mortgagee(s); ; Amended Plat, which will be nave been removed; Staff is relmoved: "No direct access from However, the other five notes Subdivision should remain and be lane and right-in/right-out is d e two of the proposed Plat Henry Planning and Zoning 2d restriction to allow a right- north of the McHenry Savings construction plans for the by McHenry County Highway Dusly recommended approval rk View Plaza and waiver of minary and final plat with the Engineer, as they relate to the 31 between Bank Drive and -out immediately north of proval by Ordinance; and developed and previously ien holders and are currently instruction of right-in/right- IcHenry Savings Bank to/from Regular Meeting Page? September 14, 2015 Motion by Santi, second by Curry, approving the Provisions for Simultaneous Approval of a Preliminary and Approval of the Final Plat of Subdivision for the First Amended City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois with the following the Planning and Zoning Commission and the recommendations • Applicant complies with any comments by the City Amended Plat of Subdivision; • No additional access points to/from Illinois Rout Park Place, other than the proposed right-in/ri McHenry Savings Bank, be permitted; • Plat is recorded within six months of City Council a • Any existing private covenants and/or agreeme agreed to by the applicant and other property anc recorded remain in place unless they impact the out and accompanying deceleration lane north of Illinois Route 31. And, • All notes and restrictions previously listed on th removed be included on the Amended Plat, with 1 "No direct access from Lots 17-36 to Illinois Route • A memorandum for recording be recorded simu of the Final Plat of Subdivision First Amended Plat changes between the originally approved Final Pk Plaza and the aforementioned Amended Plat. Ordinance Waiving Enforcement of inal Plat of Subdivision and 3lat to Park View Plaza in the coditions, as recommended by Staff: ngineer, as they relate to the Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Abstain: Absent: Motion carried. Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Pete None. Condon None. MOTION TO APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT 31 between Bank Drive and it-out immediately north of proval by Ordinance; and ts developed and previously lien holders and are currently instruction of right-in/right- cHenry Savings Bank to/from Original Plat but have been e exception of the following: 1 will be permitted." It^neously with the recordation o Park View Plaza to state the of Subdivision for Park View on. /ITH HR GREEN. INC. IN THE LUMP SUM AMOUNT OF $169.200 FOR PHASE I AND II ENGINEERING FOR THE PEARL STREET/LINCOLN ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND TH ADOPTION OF AN IDOT RESOLUTION FOR IMPROVEMENT BY MUNICIPALITY UNDER THE ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE City Administrator Morefield reiterated to Council tha Council meeting, the Council authorized Staff to submi Improvements between Route 31 and Chapel Hill Road for feder Transportation Program (STP), as distributed by the McHenry Cou The improvements would include: • intersection capacity improvements, if warranted • an off-street bicycle path between the Fox River and Chap at the August 4, 2014 City Pearl Street/Lincoln Road |l funding through the Surface ty Council of Mayors. I Hill Road on Lincoln Road; Regular Meeting Page 8 September 14, 2015 • sidewalk improvements to conform to the latest accessib • curb and gutter replacement; • bridge deck rehabilitation; and • HMA pavement removal and replacement with binder an The McHenry County Council of Mayors placed tr Improvements project on their Multi-Year B (MYB) list for $1,50( is next on the list of MYB projects for construction funding as 2017, 2018 or 2019. STP funding will pay for up to 80% of the Phase III engineering with a local match requirement of 20%. The the cost of Phase I and II Engineering. City Administrator Morefield informed Council that the includes $175,000 for Phase I and II Engineering for th Improvements funded by Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) revenues. Engineering Services Agreement using IDOT's required standard of $169,200. Professional services provided in the Agreement includ plans, specifications, cost estimates and all other related wor letting in Springfield, Illinois. HR Green would also include in th approximately thirty-five sanitary sewer stubs from the sanitary Road pavement to the homeowner's property line. City Sta investigating options to recapture the cost of the sanitary se future annexation agreements, adoption of requiring payment u Special Service Area (SSA) assessment. Responding to Alderman Curry's inquiry as to whether consulted regarding how much they would charge for a simi Morefield stated that no other firms were consulted. Motion by Schaefer, second by Wimmer, approving the P Agreement for Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Funds with HR Green, I $169,200 for the Pearl Street/Lincoln Road Improvement Phas IDOT Resolution for Improvement by Municipality under I Street/Lincoln Road Improvement Phase I & II Engineering. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Motion carried. Santi, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Condo Glab, Curry. None. MOTION TO APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT ty guidelines; surface courses. Pearl Street/Lincoln Road 000 of STP funds. This project P funds become available in otal cost of construction and City is responsible for 100% of apital Improvement Program Pearl Street/Lincoln Road R Green has submitted an rm for the lump sum amount preparation of contract bid necessary for an IDOT state contract bid plans extending ewer main under the Lincoln and the City Attorney are er stub installations through connection or creation of a ther engineering firms were r project, City Administrator ;liminary Engineering Services ., in a lump sum amount of I and II Engineering and the ois Highway Code for Pearl WITH HR GREEN. INC.. IN THE LUM SUM AMOUNT OF $65.278.75 FOR PHASE II ENGINEE ING FOR THE BULL VALLEY Regular Meeting Page 9 September 14, 2015 ROAD/CURRAN ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECN" AND THE ADOPTION OF AN IDOT RESOLUTION FOR IMPROVEMENT BY MUNICIPALITY Uf DER THE ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE City Administrator Morefield reiterated to Council that a the Council authorized a Professional Services Agreement Engineering of the Bull Valley Road Improvements. IDOT requi Road and Bull Valley Road be evaluated for a possible rounda Engineering. The McHenry County Council of Mayors awarded u Bull Valley Road Improvements. STP funding will pay for up construction and Phase III Engineering, with a local match re responsible for 100% of the cost of Phase I and II Engineer ijig Program (CIP) includes $6,000 for Phase II Engineering for B funded by MFT revenues. the January 6, 2014 meeting, vith HR Green for Phase I 2d the intersection of Curran out design as part of Phase I to $749,346 of STP funds for to 80% of the total cost of jirement of 20%. The City is The Capital Improvement I Valley Road Improvements City Administrator Morefield explained that there discussed during the development of improvements at the inters future developments. Due to the cost for additional right-o development of constructing a roundabout at the interse Curran Road, Staff and the City Engineer recommend intersection. The CIP includes $66,000 for Phase I Engineering for the funded by MFT revenues. HR Green has submitted an Engineerin IDOT required standard form for the lump sum amount of $6 provided in the Agreement include preparation of contract estimates and all other related work necessary for an IDOT state is estimated that the contract documents will be prepared to me Motion by Condon, second by Wimmer, approving the P Agreement for Motor Fuel Tax Funds with HR Green, Inc., in a lu for Phase II Engineering and the IDOT Resolution for Improveme Highway Code for Bull Valley Road Improvement Phase II Enginei re three main alternatives ction; cost, right-of-way, and way and the effects on future tion of Bull Valley Road and roceeding with a signalized nil Valley Road Improvements Services Agreement using the 278.75. Professional services id plans, specifications, cost ptting in Springfield, Illinois. It t a Marcy 2016 IDOT letting. eliminary Engineering Services p sum amount of $65,278.75, by Municipality under Illinois ing. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Motion carried. Santi, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Condo Glab, Curry. None. MOTION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING VARIOUS SEC1 ONS OF CHAPTER 26 OF THE MCHENRY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO WATER AND SEWE RATES AND DEBT SERVICES CHARGES City Administrator Morefield reiterated to Council that a Council continued a discussion from the May 11, 2015 G adjustment of water and sewer rates to fund existing operating ;he June 1, 2015 meeting, the uncil meeting regarding the and maintenance costs and to Regular Meeting Page 10 September 14, 2015 fund future capital improvements to the system. The adjustme appropriate revenues are derived to operate, maintain and improve sewer systems but, in terms of the sewer rate adjustments, as IEPA Water Pollution Control Loan, to be used to fund the Wastewater Treatment Plant (CWWTP) and its consolidation Treatment Plant (SWWTP). ts are required to ensure that the existing water and condition of eligibility for an decommissioning of the Central with the South Wastewater At this time, prior to the completion of the IEPA review o and Williams Brothers Constriction, Inc. documents (estimated a is required to adopt water and sewer rates and a debt service me Staff is proposing, for Council's consideration, is an Sections of Chapter 26 of the McHenry Municipal Code relating Debt Service Charges. The proposed Ordinance seeks to updat Chapter 26 of the Municipal Code and to identify water and sew and other fees, to be paid by users of the City's water and s outside of the City limits, and for metered and non-meterec Morefield noted that the rates included in the proposed Ord previously presented to Council, however, the debt service fee Control Loan have been adjusted lower to account for a loan am from the $35,000,OQO loan request approved on June 1, 2015 summarized the proposed Ordinance. the Notice of Intent to Accept September 20, 2015), the City :hanism for the IEPA Loan. Drdinance Amending Various |o Water and Sewer Rates and and align various sections of r rates, as well as debt service wer system, both inside and accounts. City Administrator itiance are the same as those for the IEPA Water Pollution unt of $33,600,000, as distinct City Administrator Morefield City Administration would analyze water and sewer rat appropriate to continue to fund operating, maintenance and c Administration will develop an informational letter to be mai sewer system identifying and explaining the need for the wate the new fixed debt service charge. The letter will be mailed out providing users with a four month notice prior to the implement; City Administrator Morefield informed Council that upon fixed debt service fee per the proposed Ordinance, and upon Accept bid and bid documents by the IEPA, the construction c Construction and the IEPA Loan Documents will decommissioning/consolidation project can begin. Mayor Low acknowledged the difficulty of rate increases that she recognizes that Staff and members of the Council have a Motion by Wimmer, second by Condon, adopting an Sections of Chapter 26 of the McHenry Municipal Code relating Debt Service Charges, as presented. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Petej^on, Condon. annually to ensure they are alpital improvement costs. City ad to users of the water and and sewer rate increases and rior to the end of September, ion of the new rates. iidoption of the new rates and app!i oval of the Notice of Intent to itract with Williams Brothers be executed and the n a poor economy and stated onized over the decision. rdinance Amending Various b Water and Sewer Rates and Regular Meeting Page 11 September 14, 2015 Voting Nay: Absent: Motion carried. None. None. MAYOR'S STATEMENT AND REPORT Mayor Low announced with sadness the sudden passing Deputy Dwight Maness. Mayor Low noted she had spoken with looking forward to coming back to work. Mayor Low reque^ remembrance. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Alderman Condon, of the Community Devel Council that a Community Development Committee meeting future. Chairman Alderman Schaefer, of the Public Works Comnji Public Works Committee meeting was held this evening, prior to be forthcoming. STAFF REPORTS There were no Staff Reports. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Alderman Glab requested Staff to look into an after-m Pintozzi's suggestion during Public Input. Alderman Curry opined he is in favor of Mr. Pintozzi's s sale of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant property be ut the decommissioning/consolidation. ttee, informed Council that a tbnight's meeting. Minutes will Responding to Alderman Curry's inquiry regarding the usage on the Water/Sewer bills provided to users, City Admlihistrator Council that the lack of detail is an oversight that occurred when vendor. Staff is working with the company that issues the bills tc on the bills moving forward. EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, to adjourn to Exe Annual Review of Executive Session Minutes and to approve an Minutes and the destruction of Executive Session audio tapes th minutes have been approved and at least eighteen months hav meeting, pursuant to the Illinois Open Meeting Act at 8:42 pm. : County Sheriff's Department im recently and he had been ted a moment of silence in pment Committee, informed be scheduled in the near 2ter reader, pursuant to Mr. ggestion that funds from the zed to pay down the debt of absence of details regarding Morefield informed bills were printed by a new get the rate information back utive Session to discuss Semi- /or release Executive Session t exist for meetings for which elapsed since the date of the Regular Meeting Page 12 September 14, 2015 Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Motion carried. Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Petejifson, Condon. None. None. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Curry, to return to Opei Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Motion carried. Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Pete None. None. Council returned to Open Session at 8:49 pm. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL AND/OR RELE Session at 8:49 pm. son, Condon. ,SE OF EXECUTIVE SESSION MINUTES AND THE DESTRUCTION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION A DIO TAPES THAT EXIST FOR WHICH MINUTES HAVE BEEN APPROVED AND AT LEAST 18 IV )NTHS HAVE ELAPSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE MEETING. PURSUANT TO THE ILLINOIS OPEN IEETING ACT Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Peterson, approving release of Executive Session Minutes and the destruction of Exe exist for meetings for which minutes have been approved and elapsed since the date of the meeting, pursuant to the Illinois Op Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Pete None. None. he Resolution regarding the jtive Session audio tapes that at least eighteen months have n Meeting Act. rson, Condon. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Curry, to adjourn the m Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Motion carried. Wimmer, Curry, Condon, Peterson, Schaef None. None. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm. Maycor ;tingat8:50 pm. , Glad, Santi City Clerk