HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 08/20/2018 - City CouncilCity Council
Meeting Minutes
August 20, 2018
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Regular Meeting
August 20, 2018
Call to Order
Mayor Jett called the regularly scheduled August 20, 2018 meeting of the McHenry City Council
to order at 7:00 pm in the McHenry City Council Chambers, 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, IL.
Roll call
Deputy Clerk Meadows called the roll. Roll call. Members present: Alderwoman Condon,
Alderman Devine, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Curry, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Glab,
Alderman Santi and Mayor Jett. Others present: Administrator Morefield, Chief of Police Birk,
Engineer Strange, Director of Community Development Polerecky, Finance Director Lynch,
Director of Parks and Recreations Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin.
Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Jett proceeded to lead those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Hearing:
Public Hearing on D.R. Horton"s Request to Amend the Annexation Agreement Relative to the
Oaks at Irish Prairie.
Mayor Jett opened the Public Hearing at 7:02 p.m. He asked if anyone in attendance wished to
comment on the matter currently under discussion. Those in attendance offered no comments
at this time.
Avanti Group representative Dean Edmeier addressed the Council Members. He reported that
Avanti Group is the petitioner and the sole owner of the subject property. Mr. Edmeier reported
that D.R. Horton which is a national homebuilder currently has 86 lots within the Oaks at Irish
Prairie Subdivision under contract to purchase. He proceeded to introduce Mr. Derik Hoffman,
Land Acquisitions Director for D.R. Horton.
Mr. Hoffman provided the Council Members with a brief overview of D.R. Horton's history as
national homebuilders. He noted that D. R. Horton has been in business for over sixteen years in
over twenty-six states. They build a variety of home products, including age -targeted, age
restricted and single family neighborhoods.
Mr. Hoffman discussed the request to amend the annexation agreement with respect to a minor
change in the architectural standards, the elimination of the clubhouse and a 50% reduction in
the impact fees.
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August 20, 2018
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Mr. Hoffman continued on to report that on August 13th he and staff met with many of the
current residents of the subdivision to discuss the request to amend the annexation agreement.
The residents in attendance were in favor of eliminating the clubhouse due to additional cost it
would place on their HOA association fees. In addition, they would prefer park space instead of
a splash pad or other amenities that would have an impact on their association fees. They also
suggested that the parking lot space be reduced to allow for the possibility of a basketball court
or some other similar use. Mr. Hoffman reported that they would like to move quickly with
constructing the park improvements and have the asphalt work completed prior to the seasonal
closure of the asphalt plants.
Mr. Hoffman commented on the home product elevations. He noted that the only change to the
architectural standards is to increase the projection of an attached garage in front of the house
from eight feet to fifteen feet. In addition, they will offer both ranch and two story models with
vinyl and brick siding.
Mr. Hoffman discussed the reasoning behind asking for a 50% reduction in the impact fees. He
reported that the recent tariffs on lumber, steel and copper have driven up the construction cost
for single family homes. In addition, a slow in wage growth and an increase in property taxes has
placed a burden on the potential home buyers' mortgage financing abilities. He noted that many
communities have recognized the economic climate and have been pro -active in reducing the
impacts fees in order to simulate residential and commercial development. Mr. Hoffman noted
that McHenry is unique due to the fact that the public improvements have been completed and
the vacant lots are immediately buildable. D. R. Horton is prepared and anxious to develop an
attractive neighborhood and invest $20 million dollars in the site. He asked if the Council
Members had any questions.
Alderman Glab asked if they notified every resident in the subdivision regarding the open house
meeting. Mr. Hoffman replied yes. Alderman Glab asked if Mr. Hoffman could estimate the
number of residents that attended the open housing meeting. Mr. Hoffman replied 45-50
residents were in attendance. Alderman Glab asked if anyone in attendance expressed strong
opposition to their park plan and the elimination of the clubhouse. He replied no, they were very
Alderman Glab asked if the park space is privately owned. Mr. Hoffman replied yes, the park
space will eventually be deeded to the HOA.
Alderman Glab reported that he had no issue with the change in the projection of the attached
garage from eight feet to fifteen feet. In fact, in his opinion the variation enhances the
streetscape. Alderman Glab also complimented D.R. Horton on their craftsmanship.
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Alderman Glab went on to comment on the request for a 50% reduction in impact fees. He
reported in the past that Council Members and Staff calculated the developers' impact on the
community and the cost associated with those impacts.
Alderman Curry questioned who currently oversees the Homeowners Association. Mr. Edmeier
reported that currently they control the HOA and it is overseen by a management firm until a
percentage of the homes are occupied, then the HOA is turned over to the residents at which
time a governing HOA Board is formed.
Alderman Curry inquired who would be the responsible party to construct the park amenities.
Mr. Hoffman replied that it would be D.R. Horton. The Avanti Group (developer) is responsible
for the infrastructure and public improvements.
Alderman Curry questioned why D.R. Horton is considering reducing the size of the park's parking
area. Mr. Hoffman reported that many of the residents that attended the open house
commented on the fact that this was a private park and a large parking lot might encourage non-
residents to utilize the park space. Mr. Hoffman stated that they have considered adding
additional parallel parking spaces.
Alderman Schaefer reported that he had no problem with the change in elevation with respect
to some of the garages. However, he questioned if two cars can fit on the driveway without
blocking the sidewalk. Director Polerecky replied yes, they still comply with the setbacks.
Alderwoman Condon reported that she took no issue with the extended garage elevations. In
addition, she was pleased that the park space was private. She noted that the City has a sufficient
amount of park space and maintenance of that park space does place a burden on the Staff.
Alderwoman Condon did express concern with reducing or eliminating the parking lot. She noted
reducing or eliminating the parking lot may become an issue in the future.
Alderwoman Condon commented on the impact fee reduction request. She did understand that
the developer is in business to make a profit. However, the City and the other taxing districts
would still have to absorb the cost associate with the impact of a new development. She
suggested that maybe a 30% reduction was fair.
Alderman Santi asked Mr. Hoffman if they had a timeline in which the 86 lots will be built -out.
Mr. Hoffman stated in 2-3 years depending on the market.
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Mr. Hoffman reported that D. R. Horton likes to have an inventory of 10-15 move in ready
models, and their biggest competitor is existing homes that are move in ready.
There was some discussion with respect to a letter of credit. Director Polerecky reported that the
City does have a performance bond on file and the performance bond would not be released
until final acceptance.
Alderman Santi expressed concerns with impact fees being reduced by 50%. He was uncertain if
the fees collected after being reduced by 50% would coverthe City's and the othertaxing districts
Alderwoman Condon asked Director Polerecky if he was comfortable with reducing the impact
fees by 50%. Director Polerecky replied yes. In his opinion having a viable community with new
residential development better serves the community at large and encourages other types of
development. Director Martin concurred with Director Polerecky's statement, he too believed
residential development drives the local economy.
Alderman Glab commented on the fact that he might consider a reduction in impact fees.
However, he was against any reduction in the water and sewer tap on fees. Due to the fact that
the City not long ago raised the water and sewer rates to cover the cost associated with
maintenance, water treatment and the capital equipment replacement program.
Administrator Morefield commented on impact fees in general. He reported that Staff and the
Community Development Committee were in the process of reviewing the fees and he noted
that the impact fee schedules for the various subdivisions within the City are all different as the
fees were negotiated during the annexation agreement discussions. However, D.R. Horton had
stepped forward with this project and staff wanted to be responsive to their request. Staff
recommends tablingthis matter until September 10th to allow staff time to research other similar
communities' impact fee structures and other comparable factors.
There was some discussion on the fact that for the last four years McHenry Fire Protection
District's Board has waived their impact fees. Alderman Glab asked Staff if they were still
collecting the Fire District impact fees. Staff replied no not at this time. Alderman Glab expressed
concern with the fact that the fees were not being collected as it states in the Code that only the
City Council has the authority to waive impact fees. Alderman Glab noted that many years ago
the Council would annually distribute the impact fee contributions to the various taxing bodies.
In his opinion this action demonstrated to the community that the taxing bodies were working
together and supporting each other.
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Administrator Morefield asked Mr. Hoffman what his thoughts were if the City were to limit the
impact fee reduction to 18 months or a year to determine what effect the loss in revenue was.
Mr. Hoffman thought it was worth a conversation. However, what he would not want to see
happen is after 12 to 18 months, of impact fee reductions, home prices increase, the level of
interest decreases, and home sales deteriorates.
Administrator Morefield asked Mr. Hoffman what his thoughts were if the City asked D.R. Horton
to pay all the impact fees upfront. Mr. Hoffman thought that this matter was also worth a
Alderman Glab noted that Administrator Morefield brought up some good ideas. He suggested
maybe consider annually reviewing the impact fee structure while comparing the number of
houses sold and then adjust the impact fees as necessary.
Alderwoman Condon noted that the Community Development Committee has always been the
committee to review the impact fees schedule and recommend changes as needed. She noted
that the Community Development Committee has a meeting scheduled for August 28th to discuss
this very topic.
Mayor Jett thanked Mr. Hoffman and Mr. Edmeier for their time.
Mayor Jett stated that at this time he would entertain a motion to close the public hearing
portion of the meeting. A Motion was made by Alderwoman Condon and seconded by
Alderman Devine to close the public hearing. Roll call: Vote: Tayes: Alderwoman Condon,
Alderman Devine, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Curry, Alderman Glab and
Alderman Santi. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried.
A Motion was made by Alderman Glab and seconded by Alderman Devine to table this matter
until September 10' to allow time for the Community Development Committee to review the
impact fee schedule. Roll call: Vote: Tayes: Alderman Devine, Alderman Glab, Alderwoman
Condon, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Curry, Alderman Glab and Alderman Santi. 0-nays, 0-
abstained. Motion carried.
Administrator Morefield reported that staff also provided information regarding the possible
impact fee reduction to the other taxing bodies.
Public Comment
Mayor Jett asked if there was anyone in attendance that wished to address the Council Members.
Resident Mr. Carl Hurtig approached the podium. He strongly expressed his concerns and
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August 20, 2018
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frustration with the City placing a referendum question on the November 6th General Election
Ballot asking the voters if they would support expanding the Recreation Center that will include
an indoor pool, a gymnasium and an outdoor family aquatic park and issue bonds, in an amount
not to exceed $30,000,000, to construct these improvements. He thanked the Council Members
for their time.
Mayor Jett asked if anyone else in attendance wished to address the Council Members at this
time. The audience offered no additional comments.
Consent Agenda
Motion to Approve the Following Consent Agenda Items:
A. Block Party Request - Temporary Closure from 1906 Hemlock Street to 1914 Hemlock
Street on September 1st from 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.;
B. August 6, 2018 Council meeting minutes;
C. Issuance of Checks in the amount of $110,342.78.
D. Payment of Bills in the amount of $341,736.75.
Mayor Jett asked if any of the Council Members wished to remove any items from the consent
agenda. Alderman Schaefer noted that on page 8 of the minutes a resident's name was incorrect.
Deputy Clerk Meadows will amend the minutes to reflect the correct name. A Motion was made
by Alderman Glab and seconded by Alderman Santi to approve the consent agenda items A-D
as presented. Roll call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Glab, Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer,
Alderman Curry, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Condon. 0-nays, 0-abstained.
Motion carried.
Individual Action Item Agenda.
No individual action items were listed on the agenda.
Discussion Only Items.
No discussion items were listed on the agenda.
Staff Reports.
Director Hobson thanked the Rotary Club for hosting the Blues, Brews and BBQ three day event.
He thought the event was a great representation of the community coming together and the
event was well received.
Mayor and City Council Comments.
Alderman Schaefer asked for an update on the Pearl Street and Lincoln Road improvements.
Engineer Strange reported that all the underground work has been completed and the sanitary
sewer work will begin this week along with the concrete curb and sidewalk reconstruction. The
Lincoln Bridge reconstruction should begin in September. Alderman Glab commended the Public
Works Department for taking on bigger projects and doing a great job completing them.
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August 20, 2018
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Executive Session
Motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss probable or imminent litigation as permitted
by 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (11).
Mayor Jett stated at this time he would entertain a motion to enter into executive session to
discuss probable or imminent litigation as permitted by 5 ILCS 120/2 (C) (11) with a possibility of
action to follow.
A Motion was made by Alderman Mihevc and seconded by Alderman Schaefer to enter into
executive session to discuss probable or imminent litigation as permitted by 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)
(11) with possible action to follow. Roll call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Curry, Alderman Santi,
Alderman Glab, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine and Alderwoman
Condon. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried.
The Council Members along with Administrator Morefield, Attorney Smoron and Deputy Clerk
Meadows entered into executive session 8:25 p.m.
Reconvene/Roll Call
The Council Members along with Administrator Morefield, Attorney Smoron and Deputy Clerk
Meadows returned to the public meeting at 9:27. A Motion was made by Alderman Devine and
seconded by Alderman Mihevc to reopen the public meeting. Roll call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman
Schaefer, Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Curry, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine
and Alderwoman Condon. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried.
There being no further public business to discuss, a Motion was made by Alderwoman Condon
and seconded by Alderman Devine to adjourn from the public meeting at 9:30 p.m. Roll call:
Vote: 7 ayes by unanimous voice vote. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Debra Meadows
\ Mayor
puty City Clerk