HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 07/30/2018 - Parks and Recreation CommitteePark and Recreation Committee Special Meeting Report Monday, July 30, 2018 Recreational Center Conference Room 3636 S. Municipal Drive McHenry, IL 60050 Call to Order: Chairperson Schaefer called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m. in the Recreational Center's Conference Room. Roll Call: Deputy Clerk Meadows called the roll: Members present: Chairman Schaefer, Alderman Devine and Alderwoman Condon. Others in attendance: Director of Parks & Recreation Hobson and Supervisor Gorniak. Public Comment: None Walsh Park Proposal Director Hobson reported that an anonymous donor has come forward with a proposal to redesign Walsh Park. The concept plan included a paver path that would match the Riverwalk design. The path would traverse the park, significantly widening the middle and create the unique setting of an "art park", which would feature sculptures to be introduced later as well as improved seating prior to the narrowing of the path that connects the parking area located behind the movie theater. The anonymous donor has partnered with a reputable landscape design firm and would like to construct the improvements utilizing a design/build concept. There are two elements that the City would be responsible for; the difference in standard wage costs and prevailing wage costs and the costs in reconstructing the seawall portion of the project. The estimated exposure for the City with respect to the prevailing wage cost is $12,500. The reconstruction of the seawall is estimated to cost in a range of $35,000-$45,000. There was some discussion with respect to if a portion of the project area was located within a floodplain and if the Army Corp of Engineers would need to be involved. Director Hobson discussed the original Riverwalk's concept plan designed by the Hitchcock Design Group which depicted the 100 year floodplain's location and it did not appear to be located in the immediate proposed project area. The Committee Members discussed the various options with respect to the proposed park improvements. The discussion included the following considerations: • Possible amending DC Cobbs' License agreement • Donating the park land to the anonymous donor if the donor agreed to allow public access • Funding the City's portion of the improvements with park impact fees The Committee discussed the appropriate ways in which Developer Donations could be used. Director Hobson noted that park impact fees are not to be used for park maintenance. The intention of the use of park impact fees is for park improvements. Director Hobson recapped the Committee's conversation regarding the Walsh Park Resign. He was directed first to ask the donor if he or she would be interested in the City donating the park space. If the donor responds no, then the Committee agreed to bring the proposed Walsh Park redesign concept plan including the City's portion of the prevailing wage cost and the reconstruction of the seawall not to exceed $60,000 to the full City Council. A Motion was made by Alderwoman Condon and seconded by Alderman Devine to bring the proposed Walsh Park redesign concept plan including the City's portion of the prevailing wage cost and the reconstruction of the seawall not to exceed $60,000 contingent upon the donor's response to the land donation question. Roll call: Vote: 3-ayes by unanimous voice vote. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Department Updates Director Hobson asked if the Committee Members would be available to meet on August 20th at 5:30 pm to discuss the Peterson Farm Study. The Committee Members agreed to meet on August 20th at 5:30 pm. Director Hobson reported that the Boat Launch had 200 paid uses and 40 season passes sold. Director Hobson commented on Fiesta Days and the Food Truck events. He noted that both events were very successful. Future Meeting Topics Peterson Farm Study Adjournment There being no further public business to discuss, a Motion was made by Alderman Devine and seconded by Alderwoman Condon to adjourn from the public meeting at 6:40 p.m. Roll call: Vote: 3-ayes by unanimous voice vote. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Debra Meadows �r Reviewed and approved this,day of � Il - 2018. L(dermari effery A. Schaefer, Chairperson