HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 07/20/2015 - Finance and Personnel CommitteeFINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE
Monday, July 20, 2015
Council Chambers, 5:30 PM
In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Richard Wimmer, Alderman Condon, and
Alderman Curry. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Mayor Low, City Administrator
Morefield, Deputy City Administrator Hobson, Finance Director Lynch; and Executive
Assistant/Deputy Clerk Geraghty.
Chairman Alderman Wimmer called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM.
Chairman Alderman Wimmer asked City Administrator Morefield to address the committee.
City Administrator Morefield stated Article II, Section 2-43 of the Municipal Code establishes
the Finance and Personnel Committee as a Standing Committee of the municipality however the
code does not identify the committee's responsibilities or specify what issues should be
presented for consideration by the committee defined.
Historically, city staff is responsible for the interpretation and implementation of the day-to-day
City Council approved policies, procedures and codes. The schedule of meetings for all
Standing Committees has evolved to occur on an as-needed basis.
With the recent establishment of a regular schedule of meetings for Standing Committees to
satisfy the Open Meetings Act, staff is taking the opportunity to present the committee with
recommendations for topics that fall within the scope of the committee and asked the committee
to identify other topics that may be considered.
Items listed for possible consideration by the committee included:
1. Comprehensive review of municipal fees and fines for the purpose of recommending
• Community & Economic Development
Residential & Commercial Permit Fees
Stormwater Management Permit Fees
Public Hearing Requirement Fees
Secondhand Dealer/Pawnbroker License Fee
Tobacco/Vending/Amusement License Fees
Taxi License Fee
Massage Establishment License Fee
Business License Fee
Misc. Nuisance Fees
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July 20, 2015
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• Police
Tow Impound Fee
Warrant Processing Fee
Arrest Processing Fee
Taxi Cab Background Check Fee
Adjudication Court Citation Fees/Fines
• Administration
Establishment of a Liquor License Application Fee
Liquor License Annual Fee
Garage Sale Permit Fee
• Finance
Vehicle Sticker Fee
Misc. License Fees
2. Review/amend city's existing financial, capital improvement program and investment
policies to ensure they accurately reflect the goals and objectives of the municipality.
This would include but not limited to:
• Operating Budget and Expense Policies
• Revenue Policies
• Fund Reserve Polices
• Debt Management Policies
3. Spending Authority Policies:
• Establish a policy regarding administrative approval spending authority for capital
projects (i.e. over $10,000).
• Review/establish a policy regarding spending authority for city administrator and
department directors for amounts under $10,000.
Chairman Alderman Wimmer stated he would like a comprehensive review of building permit
and impact fees for possible reduction to spark development, which would include discussions
with other taxing districts. The committee agreed the city must be sure to maintain fees that
cover staff and administration costs.
Alderman Curry noted some fees may not be necessary and therefore should be eliminated.
Alderman Condon stated adjudication fees would be worth reviewing specifically, court costs
should be added as many cases are continued. She also stated Garage Sale permit fees were
previously reviewed by the Community Development Committee.
City Administrator More field asked the committee if they would consider a review of the vehicle
sticker fee or possible elimination of the requirement. Responding to an inquiry, Finance
Director Lynch reported approximately $160,000 is collected each year through the vehicle
sticker program. Chairman Alderman Wimmer asked how the city would offset the lost revenue
if the program was eliminated. Alderman Condon stated the city should keep the vehicle sticker
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requirement. Mayor Low noted vehicle stickers are used as an identifier for the city resident
yard waste drop off service.
Alderman Condon expressed police fees should be reviewed with input from Police staff. She
further stated taxi cab fees were recently reviewed by the Community Development Committee.
City Administrator Morefield asked the committee if they had a preference or priority on which
of the topics they want to review first.
Chairman Alderman Wimmer said permit fees are a priority and should be reviewed prior to the
start of the next building season.
Alderman Curry added a review of investment and budget policies should also be a priority.
Mayor Low said she would like the committee to consider replacing the Community
Development Director position and noted City Administrator Morefield has been performing
those duties for one year. A community the size of McHenry should have a dedicated director
for this department and this should be considered. City Administrator added the need for a
specialized director would be beneficial to the city. Alderman Condon concurred and said she
supports filling this position.
Alderman Curry asked what the current spending levels are for city staff. City Administrator
Morefield answered $2,500 for City Administrator and $500 for Department Directors.
Alderman Curry said he supports higher spending approval authority for staff. The committee
concurred that a firm policy should be established.
Alderman Curry stated the city should establish the level of unassigned general fund balance.
City Administrator Morefield recommended Topic #2, review of policies become part of the
CIP/Budget policy review and the committee unanimously concurred.
Motion by Condon, seconded by Curry to adjourn the meeting at 6:15 PM.
Aye: Condon, Curry, Wimmer
Nay: None.
Not Voting: None
Abstaining: None
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Alderman Richard Wimmer, Chairman